Hi-Performance Transmissions: Super T10

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Hi-Performance Transmissions



Chicago, IL USA
Tech Line: 864-843-9275
Fax: 864-843-1276
Email: [email protected]

Proudly assembled and individually tested

in the USA. Manufactured using top grade
materials, statistically controlled CNC
machinery, state-of-the-art heat treating.

Super T10 Features and General Specifications 2

Bellhousing Alignment 3-4
Lubricants and Sealants 6
Installation 3-5
General 6
Disassemble 6-7
Clean and Inspect 7
Assemble 7-8

Torque Values and Specifications 9

Exploded View 11
Replacement Parts 12
Tooth Counts by Gear Number 13-14
Troubleshooting 15
Speedometer Information 16
Notes 10, 17-18

TM Chicago, IL USA
Tech Line: 864-843-9275
Fax: 864-843-1276
Email: [email protected]

Born in the “Muscle Car Era” of the 1960’s, the Richmond Super T10 has been redesigned
and improved for the 21st century. NASCAR proven, the current Super T10 is 10 pounds lighter and
50% more durable than the original.

The Super T10 is deigned to provide improved acceleration potential while best utilizing the
advantages of a four speed transmission.

A four speed ccountershaft helical gear transmission, the Super T10 is synchronized in all
forward gears. First and reverse are “constant mesh” to prevent gear “clash”, while strut-type syn-
chronizers provide longer life and easier shifting.

Four models are available to fit specific applications. All four ratio sets provide a low first
gear while retaining a relatively close spacing between 2nd to 3rd and 3rd to 4th shifts.

The Richmond Super T10 should be your choice gor performance type automobiles, light
trucks and selected models of intermediate and full-sized cars. Our engineering expertise and a
“PRO-QUALITY” approach to drivers demanding winning performance are built into every transmis-
sion that wears the Richmond name.

Super T10 Plus Super T10

Part # Part #

As with any high performance product, proper installation An article specific to proper bellhousing alignment is includ-
and set-up is critical for optimum performance. The follow- ed for your understanding of the importance of this matter.
ing are a few helpful hints to help you get the maximum See following article for further instructions.
performance from your new Richmond Transmission.
** Shifter Set-Up Bellhousing alignment is absolutely essential to smooth and
Mount and adjust the shifter linkage before you reliable clutch and transmission operation. Of major im-
install the transmission. Make sure that all rods are mount- portance is the position of the bellhousing on the rear of
ed and working freely without binding at the shifter hang- the engine; the centerline of the transmission input shaft
ers or the transmission itself. (Be sure rod adjustment is must line up exactly with the centerline of the crankshaft.
made with the rail alignment pin in place.) Once rods are In addition, the transmission mounting surface (rear of the
set, set the shifter stops to prevent overshift. bellhousing) must be parallel to the clutch engagement sur-
face of the flywheel.
** Lubrication
Many technological improvements in gear lubri- All too frequently, the bellhousing or scattershield, is mere-
cants are available in the market today. It is hard to recom- ly bolted up by using the factory installed dowel pins as a
mend one particular product for all applications. Thus far guide. But the placement of the dowel pins and the po-
in our testing we found that a standard 85-90 wt. Petroleum sitioning of the dowel pin holes in the bellhousing can be
oil will suit most applications. Synthetic gear lube, however, affected by the manufacturing tolerances of mass-produc-
may be used to improve shiftability or cold weather start- tion. Frequently, these tolerances multiply to produce a
up. This transmission is a significant investment, and you considerable alignment error.
certainly don’t want to ruin your transmission with a cheap
lube. We recommend Richmond GL6 synthetic manual A variety of problems can result from the bellhousing being
transmission fluid. out of alignment: pilot bearing failure, transmission bearing
failures, clutch chatter, sloppy shifts, sluggish clutch move-
** The Clutch ment, rapid synchronizer wear, or popping out of gear. And
The clutch can truly be THE difference in the of course, the transmission and/or clutch takes the blame
smoothness and shiftability of any transmission. In general, for what is really a bellhousing alignment problem.
the more mass in the clutch, the more difficult shifting be-
comes. And, of course, shifting at high rpm makes proper of A dial indicator (with a magnetic base) is needed to veri-
clutch adjustment essential. In our testing thus far we have fy bellhousing alignment. Using stock dowel pins, install
found a good starting point is .070” clearance. the bellhousing and tighten securely. The trueness of the
flywheel should be the first checkpoint, because all sub-
** Bellhousing Alignment sequent alignment checks will use the flywheel face as a
Proper alignment of bellhousing to the motor is measuring point. The flywheel face must be perpendicu-
critical! The most common problems associated with a lar to the centerline of the crankshaft if consistent, smooth
misaligned bellhousing are: jumping out of gear, vibration, clutch action is to occur. This can be determined by mount-
excessive pilot bushing wear, difficult shifting, or excessive ing the dial indicator on the bellhousing. Rotate the crank-
wear of the tailhousing bushing. shaft slowly recording any variations on the dial indicator,
by measuring from the flywheel to the bellhousing face (a
OEM and high performance drive train components have runout of .005” is acceptable). If the flywheel runout is
manufacturing tolerances which can shift the bellhousing more than .005”, check for dirt or burrs on the faces of the
into an unacceptable position. flywheel or crankshaft. If there are none, flywheel warpage
may be the problem and the flywheel may be in need of
From the engine block viewpoint, all machining for the main resurfacing.
bearings is done at a right angle to the surface where the
bellhousing bolts to the block. Anytime an engine is lined- Next, affix the dial indicator to the flywheel (prior to clutch
honed or bored, it could move the crankshaft centerline to installation) and attached the indicator so that it contacts
the dowel pins at the rear of the block. the bellhousing’s transmission mating surface about one
inch outside the rear opening. (Be sure to avoid the trans-
Whenever a new bellhousing or a rebuilt motor is involved, mission mounting bolt holes and clutch pivot ball hole.) Ro-
we strongly recommend indicating the bellhousing to as- tate the crankshaft by hand slowly and note any variations
sure proper alignment.

in the indicator reading to determine if the surface is par- ones. A diameter of 1/4 - 5/16” is sufficient. Once the
allel with the flywheel. Maximum variation between the new pins are in place, the bellhousing can be removed and
highest and lowest readings is .005”. If a greater variation reinstalled without the need to check alignment.
is found, place shim stock in like with the low point be-
tween the bellhousing and the block. Adjust shim thick- The second method utilizes offset dowel pins. These spe-
ness until variation of .005” or less are obtained. Again, cial pins are offered in three offsets, .007”, .014” and .021”,
carefully check the mating surfaces for dirt and burrs to in both 5/8” and 1/2” diameters. Before installing the off-
make sure these are not causing the problem. set pins, drill and tap a small hole in the side of each dowel
pin hole (in the block) so that a small Allen-head set screw
Remount the dial indicator so that it measures the inside can be used to lock the offset pins in place after alignment
diameter of the rear opening in the bellhousing. Once in completed.
again, be sure there is no paint buildup, nicks or burrs on
the edges of the opening. Slowly, rotate the crankshaft When installed, the offset dowel pins can be adjusted with
and check the dial indicator readings. The maximum vari- a screwdriver to obtain proper alignment. In some cas-
ation is 0.10” because the actual error is the total variation es the dowel pins must be polished with a strip of emery
divided by two, or .005” misalignment. If the variation ex- cloth to permit them to be rotated in the dowel pin holes
ceeds .010” realignment is required. Make several revolu- with a screwdriver. Adjustment with these offset pins can
tions of the crankshaft to verify the readings. be tedious and time consuming, so be patient. After this
is completed, tighten all bellhousing bolts and recheck the
If the bellhousing must be realigned, one of several ap- alignment one more time. If everything is okay, the bell-
proaches can be used, in any case, the stock dowel pins housing portion of the job is done.
must be removed from the block and discarded. The stock
pins must be removed carefully to avoid distorting or oth- But there’s one more part to check; the front bearing re-
erwise damaging the pin holes. tainer on the transmission. The outer diameter of this re-
tainer, not the transmission bolts, determines placement
The first method consists of simply loosening the bellhous- of the transmission on the bellhousing. Therefore, it is im-
ing bolts to permit repositioning of the bellhousing until portant that the bearing retainer be matched to the bell-
dial indicator reading variation of .010” or less is obtained. housing being used. The retainer should fit snugly in the
It may be necessary to enlarge the bellhousing bolt holes opening into the bellhousing. If it doesn’t another retainer
slightly to obtain sufficient movement. Then tighten the of the proper diameter must be used.
bolts and recheck it to ensure the housing hasn’t shifted. “Bellhousing Alignment” article compliments of G-Force Products.

With the bolts securely tightened and the housing proper-

ly aligned, choose two points, approximately 180 degrees
apart. It will be necessary to drill through the bellhousing
flange and into the block for installation of the new dow-
el pins. The new pins need not be as large as the stock

Step 5 Install Crossmember
Items recommended or required to complete the in- Bolt the crossmember to the mounting pad. Bolt cross-
stallation of the Super T10 and Super T10 Plus: member into position.
1. Transmission Mount: There were two types of transmission
mounts used in early GM automatic and manual transmissions, a
single stud mount, GM part number 17982949, and a double stud Step 6 Install Spedometer
mount, GM part number 3913498 (discontinued from GM). Rich- Install proper speedometer gear and housing in tail-
mond makes a universal polyurethane mount that will fit both ap- hosuing. (These components can sometimes be used
plications, Richmond part number 86-0010-1, and we highly recom- from your old GM transmission.) Connect speedometer
mend that you use this mount when installing your new Super T10 cable.
or Super T10 Plus transmission.
Step 7 Drive Shaft Installation
2. Shifter Assembly: We recommend a LONG shifter part number Install Drive Shaft. Again, be sure that you have adequate
HB1000S. This shifter and rail assembly will put the centerline of clearance from the end of the transmission to the face of
your shifter 19” from the front face of the transmission. Some of the yoke.
the earlier GM’s had a shifter centerline at 17.5”, which we do not
make a shifter for. Step 8 Recheck Installation
Go over entire installation, being sure bolts are tight and
3. Speedometer Drive and Driven Gear: If you are replacing a 4 shifter rods are working freely.
speed or a Turbo 350 with a Super T10 or Super T10 Plus, you will
be able to use your original speedo driven gear holder. If not, or Step 9 Lubrication
you would like to replace your original, you can purchase Richmond Fill the transmission with Richmond TLUBE gear lube,
part number 345215. Your Super T10- transmission comes with an filling to the bottom of the pipe plug.
8 tooth drive gear, and multiple driven gear options are available,
please see page 15 for a list of options, as well as a speedometer Your transmission should now be ready for many miles of great ser-
gear ratio formula. vice. You will find the shifter and synchronizers will have a tendency
to “break in” and actually perform better after a few miles.
4. Yokes: All Super T10 and Super T10 plus transmissions use a 32
spline, turbo 400 slip yoke. Richmond makes these in 1310, part If you have any technical questions on the transmission, call the
number SY-1310, 1330, part number SY-1330, and 1350, part num- Tech Line at Richmond Gear at 864-843-9275.
ber SY-1350.
WARNING: All mounting bolts used to install the transmission in
5. Bellhousing: Your Richmond T10 transmission will bolt up to your car should be grade 5 or higher. All mounting
your factory 4-speed bellhousing, or aftermarket bellhousing. bolts should be checked periodically to make certain
they maintain proper torque.
Step 1 Remove the Current Transmission
Remove the current transmission from the car. WARNING: Never operate the transmission without proper
amounts of correct lubricant. Never allow vehicle to
Step 2 Mounting the Shifter idle in neutral without applying parking brake. Check
Attach the shifter plate to the transmission. With the oil level between scheduled oil changes to insure
shifter rail alignment pin installed, mount and adjust all proper oil changes to insure proper oil level is main-
shift rods so there is no binding of the rods. Remove the tained.
alignment pin. Shift transmission through all gears.
Interference will cause hard shifting. Once the rods are The manufacturer makes no warranty or representations, expressed
in place, set the shifter stops to prevent overshift. Once or implied, by operation of law or otherwise, as to the merchantabi-
the shifter is set, remove all rods and the shifter plate lity or fitness for a particular purpose of the goods sold hereunder.
from the transmission. The transmission is now ready to Buyer acknowledges that it alone has determined that the goods
install. purchased hereunder will suitably meet the requirements of their
intended use. In no event will the manufacturer be liable for conse-
Step 3 Installing the Transmission quential, incidental or other damages.
Install the transmission. Once transmission is aligned,
slide forward to set flush with bellhousing. Tighten all This instruction manual should be read together with all other print-
bolts to approximately 40 ft. lbs. Next lift the shift ed information, such as catalogs, supplied by Richmond Gear.
assembly into position, pushing shifter handle through
the shifter boot. Now bolt the shifter assembly into These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations
place. Mount all rods (make sure alignment pin is in in equipment, nor to provide for every possible contingency to be
place for installation). Remove pin and shift through the met in connection with selection, installation, operation, lubrica-
gears. Make sure rods are still moving freely. tion, and maintenance. Should further information be desired or
should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently
Step 4 Install Mounting Pad for the purchaser’s purpose, the matter should be referred to Rich-
Align the mounting pad to the transmission. Install (2) mond Gear.
bolts and torque to approximately 40 ft. lbs.

Richmond Super T10 Service Procedures

Richmond Super T10 Service Procedures

Richmond Super T10 Service Procedures

Richmond Super T10 Service Procedures


21 42
50 32
32 4
9 58
46 25
51 60 36
8 28

27 51

33 35
33 39
56 53 19
57 51 2
38 3
47 40
6 30 23 26
41 11
18 7
49 24
15 38

Tooth Counts By Gear Number

Tooth Counts By Gear Number

Richmond Super T10 Troubleshoting

Richmond T10, 5 Speed & 6 Speed
Transmission Speedo Parts List






Chicago, IL USA
Tech Line: 864-843-9275
Fax: 864-843-1276
Email: [email protected]

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