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Term and Year: Term 2 2019

Qualification : BSB50215 Diploma of Business

Unit Code: BSBHRM501

Unit Title: Manage human resource services

Task 1 Case demonstration/ observation

Assessment :
Task 2 Case demonstration/ observation

Student Name:

Student ID No:

Assessor’s Name:

Student Declaration: I declare that this work has been completed by me honestly and with integrity. I understand that the Elite
Education Vocation Institute’s Student Assessment, Reassessment and Repeating Units of Competency Guidelines apply to these
assessment tasks.
Student Name:

Student Signature: Date:

Assessment submission (new) requirements

Please save this file as PDF format (include your name to the filename) before uploading onto Moodle.

Assessment deadlines penalty

It is expected that unless a simple extension, special consideration or disability services adjustment has been granted, candidates
will submit all assessments for a unit of study on the specified due date. If the assessment is completed or submitted within the
period of extension, no academic penalty will be applied to that piece of assessment.
If an extension is either not sought, not granted or is granted but work is submitted after the extended due date, the late submission
of assessment will result in a late penalty fee. For further information, please refer to the Assessment Policy.

Assessment/evidence gathering conditions

Each assessment component is recorded as either Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS). A student can only achieve
competence when all assessment components listed under procedures and specifications of the assessment section are
Satisfactory. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each assessment. A student who is assessed as NYS is
eligible for re-assessment. Should the student fail to submit the assessment, a result outcome of Did Not Submit (DNS) will be

Principles of Assessment

Based on Clauses 1.8 – 1.12 from the Australian Standards Quality Assurance’s (ASQA) Standards for Registered Training
Organizations (RTO) 2015, the learner would be assessed based on the following principles:

Fairness - (1) the individual learner’s needs are considered in the assessment process, (2) where appropriate, reasonable
adjustments are applied by the RTO to take into account the individual leaner’s needs and, (3) the RTO informs the
leaner about the assessment process, and provides the learner with the opportunity to challenge the result of the
assessment and be reassessed if necessary.

Flexibility – assessment is flexible to the individual learner by; (1) reflecting the learner’s needs, (2) assessing competencies held
by the learner no matter how or where they have been acquired and, (3) the unit of competency and associated
assessment requirements, and the individual.

Validity – (1) requires that assessment against the unit/s of competency and the associated assessment requirements covers the
broad range of skills and knowledge, (2) assessment of knowledge and skills is integrated with their practical
application, (3) assessment to be based on evidence that demonstrates that a leaner could demonstrate these skills
and knowledge in other similar situations and, (4) judgement of competence is based on evidence of learner
performance that is aligned to the unit/s of competency and associated assessment requirements.

Reliability – evidence presented for assessment is consistently interpreted and assessment results are comparable irrespective of
the assessor conducting the assessment

Rules of Evidence

Validity – the assessor is assured that the learner has the skills, knowledge and attributes, as described in the module of unit of
competency and associated assessment requirements.

Sufficiency – the assessor is assured that the quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment evidence enables a judgement to
be made of a learner’s competency.

Authenticity – the assessor is assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s own work. This would mean that
any form of plagiarism or copying of other’s work may not be permitted and would be deemed strictly as a ‘Not Yet
Competent’ grading.

Currency – the assessor is assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current competency. This requires the
assessment evidence to be from the present or the very recent past.

Resources required for this Assessment

 All documents must be created using Microsoft Office suites i.e., MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint
 Upon completion, ensure that you have completed your coversheet details, i.e. your name, student ID and signature. If these
details are not present, the assessment would need to be resubmitted again.
 The document is then required to be converted to PDF and uploaded to the student learning management system for
 Refer the notes on eLearning to answer the tasks or any additional material will be provided by Trainer.
Instructions for Students

Please read the following instructions carefully

 This assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor.
 Students are allowed to take this assessment home.
 Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved. You will be provided
with feedback on your work within 2 weeks of the assessment due date.
 Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps in knowledge. You will
be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit of competency.
 If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
 Please refer to the College re-assessment and re-enrolment policy for more information.
Procedures and Specifications of the Assessment

Task 1

You will be required to demonstrate skills and knowledge required to define how does the organization determine its strategies and
manage for the delivery of human resources services. Read the prescribed short case study and provide a demonstration on
conducting a meeting with its CEO (trainer would undertake this role) to discuss the following:
 PEST analysis on the industry

 Brief discussion on the evaluation of the impact of the business environment on the organization

 Provide a stakeholder communications and engagement plan

 Discuss briefly expected performance in the delivery of human resource services agreement
You would be evaluated by your trainer in terms of how well you have presented our human resource services agreement.

Task 2

You will be required to demonstrate skills and knowledge required to define how does the organization determine its strategies and
manage for the delivery of human resources services. Read the prescribed short case study and provide a demonstration on a
PowerPoint presentation session with its CEO (trainer would undertake this role) to discuss the following:
Slide 1 - Cover page which should include company’s name, title of the presentation
Slide 2 - Introduction of this presentation and objectives to be achieved
Slide 3 - Ethical behaviour expectations
Slide 4 - Measures for dealing with unethical behaviour
Slide 5 - Code of conduct for the organization
Slide 6 - The importance of adhering the code of conduct
Slide 7 - Privacy legislation in practice
Slide 8 - Observing confidentiality when dealing with all human resource information
Slide 9 – Any questions?
Slide 10 – Thank you
In addition, you would need to provide a brief discussion on the following:

 The various Human Resource metrics and how can you obtained this information

 The importance of keeping the following information to support human resources services
Assessment Task 1

1. You are the new HR manager of a national transport company. The transport company has recently updated its five
year strategic plan. After reviewing the strategic plan, you obtain this information:
 The organization owns a fleet of trucks, cars, ships and planes which it uses to transport goods including food,
grocery items and mail throughout Australia.
 The organization plans to move into the Pacific and Asia region with three years; once this occurs, it will be
expected that goods will be transported within and between all countries.
 Currently, most customers telephone the organization to request its services.

 If customers want an update on where their goods are, employees in the administration department review
paperwork and make telephone calls to those responsible for transporting the goods.
 Customers of the organization are becoming more reliant on technology; within three years, the organization
plans to offer an online service for booking and tracking goods to be transported.
 The community is becoming more concerned with safety, and the organization is hoping to use its safety record
as a competitive advantage.
 The lease on the organization’s main business premises used for administration in the center of Sydney is soon
to expire, and the organization will be moving its headquarters to Adelaide, where rent is cheaper.
 Findings from a recent survey indicate that those customers who deal with long-term employees are more
satisfied; the organization plans to reduce employee turnover by 10% each year of the strategic plan’s operation.
Analyze the information from the strategic plan to determine what, if any, impact it will have on HR requirements.
Conduct a meeting with the Chief Executive (CEO) and senior managers of the transport company in which you set out
your findings and/ or request further information.

Demonstration/ observation checklist

Candidate’s name

Assessor’s name Michal Tomcik /Andrey Loburets

Work activity Conducting a meeting determining and managing the delivery of human resource services

Meeting minutes template

Venue Christ hall room 16

CEO Sunny

Marketing Japinder

Finance Navdeep
Attendance General Managers
Human Resources Your name

Strategic Management Shivani

External Management Consultant Tarun

Absence with apologies N/A

I would like to welcome all the attends to meeting where our prime aim is to determine and manage
Welcome note delivery of human resource services

Meeting objectives Determining and managing the delivery of human resource services

a. Analysis of the transportation Industry outlook

The political aspects are-

- Stability of government

- Potential changes to the legislation affecting the industry of

Political massage due to the change of rates and the expenses for it.
- Global influences
The economic factors are-

 Employment rates

 Economic growth

Economics  Inflation

 Supply and demand

- Huge perception in the society of the necessity to be healthy not

only physically but also mentally so more people decides to receive
more treatments.
- There are many people still, due to world influences, that are
getting obese and so they have health problems that they think they
are nice for the lifestyle they want to live in.
- International influences to be aware of and to try to implement in
the business if they succeed in another and people here also wants
to try them.
- Changes in information technology; nowadays everyone can have
access to any sort of information, making business feel need to be
ready to have an accurate knowledge of the field.
- The business needs to be connected with the technology as it is the

way people do their life right now.

b. Evaluation of the organization’s strategic plan impact on HR and agree on strategies and action plans for delivery of human resource services

Action plan for delivery of human resource

Strategic plans Impact on HR HR strategies to recommend Follow-up by

 Organize events from different

Requirement  to appreciate the  Your name –
Business expansion to Pacific and Asia

training and development

for diversity in  cultures for employees from different
contribution of each organize cultural events with HR Manager
the workforce
organization cultures
 Ensure that all staff is  Training programs for people of
 to ensure respect treated according to legal different cultures
and dignity for all requirements.  Modifications in recruitment
employees  Train different employees techniques
based upon their cultural beliefs.  Development of opportunities for
 develop relationships
between managers and .
 has impact of
functions such as record
keeping, training and
Compliance of  Because legal  Update HR policies with  Conduct training program for External consultants
requirement differ from respect to host country new legal requirements in the
requirements of
country to country, it host country
the host  Look for different aspects
countries becomes difficult for HR
such as tax law, anti-  Apply HR policies with new legal
to unite HR policies and
discrimination updates of host nation
 In order to avoid legal  Share information regarding
 Maintaining
cases follow legislation issues relating to Equality and
legislative requirements requirements diversity
is important factor for
organization and
becomes difficult for
 Research for legal
requirements of host
 Organize training session on
new changes regarding business
. plans
 Conduct meetings to elaborate
 Difficult to adopt new  Plan training for the changes
Adaptation of policies organisational policies  Prepare documents to guide
organizational Your name, HR
policies and  Adaptation may  Plan new training staff about changes. Manager
business goals cause confusion and programs for business  Analyse potential impact on
poor productivity goals changes on staff
 Implement compensation
system to motivate staff
Action plan for delivery of human resource
Strategic plans (cont.) Impact on HR HR strategies to recommend Follow-up by

 Online training to
 Need to hire new
enhancement knowledge on
employees  Employee new extra staff with
customer service.
 Training to teach dealing experience and good education
 On job training with the
Managing customer with customers  Analyses training progress and
observation and evaluated HR Manager
service via telephone  Employee new staff with performance. training results
experience and good .

 Implement software for

 Hiring new labor could be updating information.
costly and time  keep software updated to
 Automate processes for
consuming ensure its effectiveness
saving time, cost and
Manual update on  It will impact service increase productivity and  Conduct training on working of
quality product quality HR Manager
information software
 It will affect productivity  Conduct training for automated
 Staff could be  Bring in software’s so that it processes
demotivated can handle the recording task
more easily and efficiently.
HR should consult managers to
have awareness of new planning  analyze interview and make
 Cost effective for organization
Employee people who have
Switching of customer  Saving in time  Provide training regarding new HR Manager,
education and experience
service processes which technologies External
 Increase
focuses on technology- Provide training for customers consultants,
productivity  Employee people with
centric handing to staff CEO.
experience and knowledge of
 Increase product
new training
 organize brainstorming
session to improve OHS
 Update policies and
procedures to ensure
maintenance of the OHS
 Create plan to ensure safety
 Review of the OHS standards are implemented
standards and followed  ensure safety policies are
 monitor OHS  hazards identification implemented
Maintaining OHS  Implementation of safety  implementation of safety signs
standards as a  Conduct audits, signs. HR Manager
 staff twining to ensure safe
competitive advantage
 Create healthy environment
environment to
 promote workplace safety among
satisfaction level
among employees
Action plan for delivery of human resource
Strategic plans (cont.) Impact on HR HR strategies to recommend Follow-up by

 Make plans to relocate

employees from Sydney to
Adelaide.  Implement relocation policies and
 Paid accommodation for
staff relocation  Plan strategies to retain and
 Loss of the staff relocate staff
 Recruiting local employees
Relocation of  Recruit skilled  Paid accommodation for CEO, HR
headquarters from people in the area.  Train local employees on
Sydney to Adelaide  Train and recruit local employees manager
 Current staff
 Identify different legal  Cooperation with local agencies to
requirements of the state recruit local employees
 Offer competitive pay
 Retention of skilled and benefits  Hiring right people
staff  Give praise and  organize praise and
 More productivity recognition to the recognition program
Reducing turnover of
 Saving in cost  employee of the month
staffing by 10%
HR Manager
 Encourage and award
 Saving in time support employees
 promote junior staff to senior
 Flexible working level by providing training

Prepared by

General Manager – Human General Manager – Human Resources

1. Date
Resources (student’s) Name (student’s) Signature

Management approval (Trainer please  over boxes) Approved Not approved

Management (trainer) Name Michal Tomcik /Andrey Loburets Management (trainer) Initials Date
c. Stakeholder communication and engagement plan
Level of engagement Timeline for
Communication message Performance expectations and responsibilities
Stakeholder name (inform, involve, consult,
(which strategy is allocated to be follow-up) (briefly describe what they have to do) completion
Senior Management

 Meeting
CEO Inform and consult  Email Approval of budget, HR plan, Strategic plan. 29 June 2019

29 June 2019
 Meeting
Marketing Consult Analysis marketing plan – implement marketing activities
 Discussions of marketing
Plan budget and monitor budget within action plan and strategic plan – 29 June 2019
 Meeting
arrange additional funds if it is needed.
 Emails
Finance Involve
 Conversation of phone
 Consult budget and monitor
budget within action plan.
Human Involve 29 June 2019
Resources  Meeting  Assisting with relocation
 emails  Review and update HR policies and procedures
 training programs  Implement training for staff
 Recruit staff
Plan, implement and review strategic 29 June 2019
 Meeting
Management Involve  Emails
 conversations
29 June 2019
 Meetings

External Management  Emails Consult legal requirements in host country, maintain OHS standards,
Consultant Consult
 Conversations – OHS and discuss improvements HR plan.
standards and legal

d. Develop human resource service agreement and obtain approval from senior management

Human Resource Service Level Agreement Template

The purpose of this Human Resource Service Level Agreement is to describe the key services the External Management Consultant provides and the quality
standards agreed with the organization’s employees in terms of service delivery. This Agreement sets out:
Objective of the
agreement  the services that the External Management Consultant provides to the employees
 a mechanism for feedback relating to the delivery of the service

Service user National Transport Company

Objective of the service Provide quality standards

What Who When Approval

Review on
Identification of training services Intended for which Service to be
Areas of concern training Yes No
(types of programs) group of employees provided
 Training to improve communication.
Managing customer service
via telephone
New recruited staff May 2019 June 2019 X
 Training to provide quick service

 HR managers
 Training for use of new technology
Adopting technology-based
processes at the workplace  Managers of April 2019 Mayl 2019 X
 Sharing experience how to handle technology
What Who When Approval

Review on
Identification of training services Intended for which Service to be
Areas of concern training Yes No
(types of programs) group of employees provided

OHS standards training

HR managers, Safety
Maintaining OHS standards OHS aids training April 2019 May 2019 X
OHS policies, procedures and manuals

Reducing turnover of staffing Training program to reduce turnover staffing

by 10%
HR managers April 2019 May 2019 X
Training program to create good learning environment in the workplace.

Feedback mechanism relating to the delivery of the service

 Experience of staff about training

Feedback by employees
 To find gaps
relating to the delivery of
the service  Provide training for gaps
 To evaluate improved performance
It helps-
Evaluation by senior  Performance improvement
management of learning
and development must be  Learning skills
conducted  Development of employees
 Increase in knowledge of employees
Provision of additional Identify gaps and provide training
training support if required

The relevance of training

must be able to align with All additional training programs and additional training support must be aligned with business strategic plans and strategic objectives.
organizational strategies

Prepared by

External Management External Management Consultant (student’s)

Consultant (student’s) Name Signature

Management approval (Trainer please  over boxes) Approved Not approved

Management (trainer) Name Michal Tomcik /Andrey Loburets Management (trainer) Initials Date
e. Evaluation of the Human Resources Service Plan Survey ( for trainer use and please  )
Develop human resource service agreement Satisfied Neither

 Managing customer service via telephone

 Adopting technology-based processes at the workplace
 Maintaining OHS standards
 Reducing turnover of staffing by 10%

Management (trainer) Initials Date

Support agreed to change processes after feedback analysis

External Management Consultant

(student’s) Name

External Management Consultant

(student’s) Signature
Assessment Task 2

1. You are the new HR manager of a national transport company. The transport company has recently requested you to
prepare and conduct a presentation to HR employees that describes the following:
 Identify five things that they should be aware of the ethical expectations of their behaviors and discuss what are
the measures for dealing with unethical behavior
 Define a code of conduct for the organization and explain to them the importance of adhering organization’s code
of conduct
 Describe how privacy legislation in terms of observing confidentiality requirements can have an impact on the
collection, retention, use and disclosure of HR information

Demonstration/ observation checklist

Candidate’s name

Assessor’s name Michal Tomcik /Andrey Loburets

Work activity


Slide 1 – Cover page

which should include
company’s name, title
of the presentation
Slide 2 – Introduction
of this presentation and
objectives to be

Slide 3 – Ethical
behaviour expectations

Slide 4 - Measures for

dealing with unethical
Slide 5 - Code of
conduct for the

Slide 6 – The
importance of adhering
the code of conduct

Slide 7 – Privacy https://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy-law/privacy-archive/privacy-resources-

legislation in practice archive/national-privacy-principles
Slide 8 – Observing
confidentiality when
dealing with all human
resource information

Slide 9 – Questions

Slide 10 – Thank you.

Presentation Observation/ Demonstration Marking Rubric

4 3 2 1 Mark

There are no errors in spelling, There are some errors in spelling, There are many errors in spelling, There are many errors in spelling,
grammar and punctuation. grammar and punctuation. Too grammar and punctuation. Too grammar and punctuation. The
Information is clear and concise much information on two or more much information was contained slides were difficult to read and
Visual Appeal on each slide. slides. on many slides. too much information had been
Visually appealing/engaging. Significant visual appeal. Minimal effort made to make copied onto them.
slides appealing or too much
going on. No visual appeal.

Extensive knowledge of topic. Most showed a good Few members showed good Presenters didn’t understand
Members showed complete understanding of topic. understanding of some parts of topic.
understanding of assignment. All members able to answer most topic.
Accurately answered all of audience questions. Only some members accurately Majority of questions answered
Comprehension questions posed. by only one member or majority
answered questions.
of information incorrect.

Regular/constant eye contact, Most members spoke to majority Members focused on only part of Minimal eye contact by more than
The audience was engaged, and of audience; steady eye contact. audience. one member focusing on small
presenters held the audience’s The audience was engaged by Sporadic eye contact by more part of audience. The audience
attention. the presentation. than one presenter. was not engaged.
Presentation The audience was distracted.
Appropriate speaking volume & Majority of presenters spoke at a Majority of presenters spoke too
body language. suitable volume. Speakers could be heard by only quickly or quietly making it difficult
Some fidgeting by member(s). half of the audience. Body to understand.
language was distracting. Inappropriate/disinterested body

The presentation was a concise The presentation was a good The presentation was informative The presentation was a brief look
summary of the topic with all summary of the topic. but several elements went at the topic but many questions
Content questions answered. Most important information unanswered. were left unanswered.
Comprehensive and complete covered; little irrelevant info. Much of the information Majority of information irrelevant
coverage of information. irrelevant; coverage of some of and significant points left out.
major points.



Assessor’s name Michal Tomcik /Andrey Loburets

Assessor’s initials Date

2. Discuss the various Human Resource metrics and how can you obtained this information

HR Metrics How does it work? How can you obtain this information?
It helps the organization to find the future Information can be obtained from various
human resource needs. It’s best describe source like employee record. Selection
Employee retention rate that company keep 80% retention rate on records, employee turnover employee is and
employees. out rate. From this we calculate the retention
In HR, we can separate the costs associated
with turnover into indirect costs and direct
costs. Direct turnover costs include the cost
of leaving, replacement costs, and transition
costs, while indirect turnover costs include
the loss of production and reduced
performance. The following are some
Every construction business owner and examples of turnover costs (Maertz &
manager understands the high cost of Campion, 1998):
keeping people who can’t do the job on
board, and then having to pay out to replace Recruitment of replacements
them. But have you ever wondered what Administrative hiring costs
Cost of employee employee turnover costs you when you lose Lost productivity associated with the time
turnover people who can do the job? between the loss of the employee and hiring
of replacement
It turns out there are more costs than you Lost productivity due to a new employee
might have realized, and many of them are learning the job
hard to track because they are indirect or Lost productivity associated with coworkers
intangible. helping the new employee
Costs of training
Costs associated with the employee’s lack
of motivation prior to leaving
Sometimes, the costs of trade secrets and
proprietary information shared by the
employee who leaves
Public relations costs
After spending time and money searching
for top talent, you might not want to hear
that the work isn’t over. But, training new
employees is a necessary part of From various training intuition we can get
onboarding. info ration about training an on boarding cost
Training and onboarding off the employees. According the tiring cost
expenses You must pour time and money into making will be like this. We can also get information
sure a new hire understands their job from previous training records and also by
responsibilities. Improper training can lead keeping proper records of trainings and all
to sloppy work or eventual employee
turnover, which means repeating the whole
Revenue per employee It is one of the important matrix of human We can get information from the finance
resource. Selecting employee in a such a department of the company and also from
way that is fruit full for the can and in every the revenue department. from those we can
possible way. We can calculate the this information we can have revenue per
getting feedback of the work and the employee by calculating in various ways.
revenue per department. It work a an
important tool ion he intuition./
3. Discuss the importance of keeping the following information to support human resources services
Employee performance appraisals helps to
 To give and receive feeedback
Employee performance  Setting goals
 Improving communications
 Measuring recruitment efforts

Importance of employee par records

 For any future discrepancy
 To keep record of the financial transaction o the company
Employee pay records
 For preventing from any future occurrence
 To measure work of the employee with their payment

Every organization stresses training and it is a legal requirement in many industries. Training
managers and human resource personnel spend countless hours identifying, preparing, and
delivering training. After training, we test to assess competency and mastery of information
and skills.

With any training program, there are the associated training records. Records document who
was trained, when they were trained, and what skills they have mastered. Training records
provide documentation for regulatory agencies, information for personnel evaluations, and
Employee training support for promotion or salary increases.
Training records can be used as a basis for goal setting or aid in selecting staff assignments
by matching competencies with required skills. They also are useful for charting and
reviewing personal progress toward annual goals.

Records are objective. They provide the data needed to make decisions based on actual
performance after specific training. Records provide an easy method to identify training gaps
that direct future subject matter. As a reminder, this gap analysis assesses the needs of the
organization and the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and abilities
It’s important because
 It helps the company to give promotion to their staff
Customer feedback/
 It helps to manage staff in the company
satisfaction records on
employees  It helps to increase the employee performance
 Helps to recruit and mange perfect staffs
Assessment Submission Checklist to be completed by the Trainer/Assessor

Unit name: BSBHRM501 Manage human resource services

Assessment: Task 1
Did the student complete and provide evidence for the following (please  ): Yes No

1. Did the student conducted a meeting?

2. Submit a completed analysis and management of strategies for the delivery of human resource
3. Submit documents within the agreed timeframe?
Has the learner proven they can (please  ): Yes No
1.1 Analyse business strategy and operational plans to determine human resource requirements
1.2 Review external business environment and likely impact on organisation's human resource
1.3 Consult line and senior managers to identify human resource needs in their areas
1.4 Review organisation's requirements for diversity in the workforce
1.5 Develop options for delivery of human resource services that comply with legislative requirements,
organisational policies and business goals
1.6 Develop and agree on strategies and action plans for delivery of human resource services
1.7 Agree and document roles and responsibilities of human resource team, line managers, and
external contractors
2.1 Develop and communicate information about human resource strategies and services to internal
and external stakeholders
2.2 Develop and negotiate service agreements between the human resource team, service providers
and client groups
2.3 Document and communicate service specifications, performance standards and timeframes
2.4 Identify and arrange training support if required
2.5 Agree on, and arrange monitoring of quality assurance processes
2.6 Ensure that services are delivered by appropriate providers, according to service agreements and
operational plans
2.7 Identify and rectify underperformance of human resource team or service providers
3.2 Survey clients to determine level of satisfaction
3.3 Capture ongoing client feedback for the review processes

3.4 Analyse feedback and surveys and recommend changes to service delivery

3.5 Obtain approvals to variations in service delivery from appropriate managers

3.6 Support agreed change processes across the organisation

Feedback and result outcome for Task 1: Yes

Not Yet Satisfactory

Re-assessment required

Unit name: BSBHRM501 Manage human resource services

Assessment: Task 2
Did the student complete and provide evidence for the following (please  ): Yes No

4. Did the student conducted a presentation?

5. Submit and explain a code of conduct?

6. Submit documents within the agreed timeframe?

Has the learner proven they can (please  ): Yes No
2.8 Identify appropriate return on investment of providing human resource services
3.1 Establish systems for gathering and storing information needed to provide human resource
4.1 Ensure personal behaviour is consistently ethical and reflects values of the organisation
4.2 Ensure code of conduct is observed across the organisation, and its expectations are incorporated
in human resource policies and practices
4.3 Observe confidentiality requirements in dealing with all human resource information
4.4 Deal promptly with unethical behaviour
4.5 Ensure all persons responsible for human resource functions understand requirements regarding
their ethical behaviour
Feedback and result outcome for Task 2: Yes


Not Yet Satisfactory

Re-assessment required

Assessment Summary Result (please  )

Task 1 Case demonstration/ checklist S NYS

Case demonstration/ checklist and short DN

Task 2 S NYS
questions S
Final Assessment Result for this unit C

Feedback is given to the student on each Assessment task YES NO

Feedback is given to the student on final outcome of the unit YES NO

Trainer/ Assessor’s declaration: I hereby certify that the above student has been assessed by myself and all assessments are carried
out as required by the Principles of Assessments (Clause 1.8 of the Standards for RTO 2015).

Trainer/ Assessor’s Initials Date

Appeal Process (only for mitigating circumstances)

I would like to appeal the outcome of this assessment as per the appeals procedure in the Student Handbook

Student Signature Date

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