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NATICKrrR-92/046- 'Ari___

Comparison of Sweating - uarded. Ui Pite

and Upright Cup Methods ,of Meowng
Water Vapo-rY-ermeabilit77

Phillip W Gibsoni

Agust 192

Final -R
p r
June 1991- etnbr 1991






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IAugust 1992
June 1991/September 1991
Comparison of Sweating Guarded Hot Plate and Upright Cup
Methods of Measuring Water Vapor Permeability Proj. LD. :62723 AH98
Gibson, Phillip


U.S. Army Natick RD&E Center NATICK/TR-9 2/046
Kansas Stwet, A'TrN: SATNC-ITR
Natick, MA 017605019



Approved for public release: distribution is unlimited.

Military uniform materials vary widely in their heat transfer and water vapor transport characteristics. In hot
environments the water vapor permeability of clothing should be high to maximize evaporative cooling. Hfigh
watervapor permeability is also important in cold environments to prevent or minimize waterbuildup in clothing.
Several techniques exist to evaluate the water vapor transport characteristics of clothing materials. 'The most
common techniques include guarded hot plate sweating skin simulants and cup-type moisture vapor transmission
rate (MVTR) tests. Theoretically all such tests measure an identical property. water vapor resistance, but the results
between different types of tests rarely agree. The reasons for the discrepancies are due to the the different conditions
present in each test; in some cases the intrinsic properties of the materials are altered by the test conditions. MV
and sweating skin simulant water vapor resistances correlate quite well for permeable woven and nonwoven textile
materials. Semipermeable membranes divide neatly into two types of behavior. Hydrophobic membranes show
good correlation between MVTR and sweating skin simulant tests, but hydrophilic membranes show poor
agreement between the two types of tests. The scatter is accounted for by noting the different vapor pressure
gradient present in the two types of tests, which, when combined with the different levels of water present in the
hydrophilic membranes, drastically alters the intrinsic transport characteristics of these hydrophilic membranes&
The implications for materials screening testing ame discussed.
14. SUBJECT TERMS atrVprPrebeaeilsThermnal Insulation IS.NUMBER OF PAGES
HeaB Transfer Evaporative Cooling Water Vapor 51
Heat Suem (Physiology) Vapor Permeation Diffusion 16. PRICE CODE
Mmas Transfer Guarded Hot Plate________
NSN 7540-01 -280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev 2-89)
Prescribed by A.N', Stid 139-16

LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................. iv

LIST O F TA BLES ................................................................................... v
PR EFAC E ........................................................................................... .. vi

1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 1

2. BACKGROUND .......................................................................................... 2

3. METHODS AND MATERIALS ..................................................................... 6

Methods ............................................................................................... . .6
ASTM E96-80, Procedure B, Upright Cup .................................... 6
Limiting Moisture Vapor Transmission Rate
Due to Still Air Layer in Cup .................................................... 7
Conversion of MVTR Values to Resistance Units ................... 9
Sweating Guarded Hot Plate Method .......................................... 11
Dry Thermal Resistance ...................................................... 12
Water Vapor Permeability .................................................... 13
Materials ........................................................................................... .. 17
Permeable Materials .................................................................. 17
Hydrophobic Membrane Laminates ............................................ 18
Hydrophilic Membrane Laminates ............................................... 19
Impermeable Material .................................................................. 20

4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .................................................................. 21

Correlation of Upright Cup and Sweating Guarded Hot Plate ............. 21
Effect of High Air Permeability on ASTM E96-80,
Procedure B Measurements ................................................................ 24
ASTM E96-80, Procedure BW, Inverted Water Method ..................... 25
Evaluation and Ranking Techniques for
Hydrophilic Membrane Laminates ...................................................... 26
Comments on Multilayer Clothing Systems
Incorporating Hydrophilic Membrane Laminates ................................. 28

5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................... 30

6. REFER EN CES .......................................................................................... 31

APPENDIX A - Intrinsic Water Vapor Resistance Units ................... 35

APPENDIX B - ASTM E96-80, Procedure B Measurements ............ 39

APPENDIX C - Sweating Guarded Hot Plate Measurements ........... 43


Figure page
1. Diffusion Through Most Permeable Materials is a Result of Mass
Transfer Through Air Spaces ..................................................................... 2
2. Diffusion Behavior Dominated by Air Spaces in Fabric ............................ 3

3. Diffusion Behavior Influenced by Hydrophilic Membranes ........................ 4

4. Variation in Water Vapor Resistance as a Function of Distance

From Sample to W ater Surface ............................................................... 4
5. Sample Arrangement for ASTM Method E96-80, Procedure B, Upright
Cup Method for Determining Water Vapor Transmission of Materials ....... 6
6. Diffusion of Water Vapor Through a Stagnant Air Layer .......................... 7

7. Three Resistances to Moisture Vapor Transfer in

ASTM E96-80, Procedure B .................................................................... 9
8. Sweating Guarded Hot Plate .................................................................. 11

9. Experimental Correlation Between ASTM Method E96-80, Procedure B,

and Guarded Sweating Hot Plate ........................................................... 21
10. Correlation of Intrinsic Water Vapor Resistance Values for
ASTM Method E96-80, Procedure B, and Guarded Sweating Hot Plate ..... 22

11. Correlation of Equivalent Still Air Layer Resistance Values for

ASTM Method E96-80, Procedure B, and Guarded Sweating Hot Plate ..... 23

12. Factors Influencing Anomalous MVTR Values for Two Materials

w ith Identical Air Perm eability .................................................................. 24

13. ASTM E96-80, Procedure BW, Inverted Water Method .......................... 25

14. Water Vapor Resistances Derived from ASTM E96-80,
Procedures B and BW Moisture Vapor Transmission Rates .................. 25
15. Variation of Water Vapor Resistance with Average Water
Concentration in Membrane .................................................................... 27
16. Water Vapor Resistance of Hydrophilic Membrane Laminates
Depends on Ambient Humidity and Human Sweating Rate .................... 28
17. Placement of Hydrophilic Membrane Laminate Affects Water Vapor
Resistance of Multilayer Clothing Systems .............................................. 29

Table page

1. Perm eable Materials .................................................................... 17

2. Hydrophobic Membrane Laminates ............................................ 18

3. Hydrophilic Membrane Laminates .............................................. 19

4. Im perm eable Material .................................................................. 20

B-1 Permeable Materials (Upright Cup Data) ..................................... 40

B-2 Hydrophobic Membrane Laminates (Upright Cup Data) .............. 41

B-3 Hydrophilic Membrane Laminates (Upright Cup Data) ................ 42

B-4 Impermeable Material (Upright Cup Data) ................................... 42

C-1 Permeable Materials (Sweating Hot Plate Data) ........................ 44

C-2 Hydrophobic Membrane Laminates (Sweating Hot Plate Data) ...... 45

C-3 Hydrophilic Membrane Laminates (Sweating Hot Plate Data) ....... 46

C-4 Impermeable Material (Sweating Hot Plate Data) ....................... 46

Aooesslon For
Uxnr r',,d 5]

DnlC QUALToI8Y'CTD ,V.t,.i1t, Codes



This study was conducted to compare water vapor permeability measurements obtained by two different
methods. The two methods were: 1) sweating guarded hot plate, 2) American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM) Method E96-80, Procedure B. Both methods are in routine use at the U.S. Army
Natick Research, Development, and Engineering Center.

John Truong and Marie Jean-Pierre of the Research Section, Materials Research and Engineering
Division provided most of the permeable and semipermeable materials used in this study. The moisture
vapor transport rate (MVTR) measurements, using ASTM Method E96-80, Procedures B and BW, were
performed by Chris Pentheny and Terri Gouveia of the Special Products Section, Materials Research and
Engineering Division. Phil Gibson, Research Section, Materials Research and Engineering Division,
conducted the sweating guarded hot plate tests.

Several reviewers provided invaluable comments and suggestions during the preparation of this report.
They include Ron Segars, Nathan Schneider, Steve Fossey, and Heidi Schreuder-Gibson, all from
Natick's Soldier Science Directorate; Don Rivin, Beth Klemperer, Peggy Auerbach, and Gary Olejniczak
of the Individual Protection Directorate; and John Breckenridge from the U.S. Army Research Institute
of Environmental Medicine.

Comparison of Sweating Guarded Hot Plate and Upright Cup
Methods of Measuring Water Vapor Permeability

1. Introduction

The water vapor permeability of clothing materials is a critical property for clothing systems
which must mainLtin thermal equilibrium for the wearer. Clothing materials with high water
vapor permeability allow the human body to take advantage of its ability to provide cooling
due to sweat production and evaporation. High water vapor permeability is also important
in cold environments to prevent or minimize water buildup in clothing.

The water vaporpermeability of clothing materials can be measured in a variety of ways. Two
common methods are cup/dish tests and sweating hot plate devices.

In general, the cup/dish methods are easy to perform, and use simple and inexpensive
equipment. Sweating hot plate methods require much more elaborate equipment and need
much larger sample sizes. Sweating guarded hot plate measurements of moisture vapor
permeability are often preferred over cup/dish methods since it is thought that the sweating
guarded hot plate simulates the heat and mass transfer conditions of the human body fairly

The objective of the work presented here is to obtain an experimental correlation of these two
methods using a wide variety of clothing materials. The materials include a variety of single
layer woven and nonwoven fabrics, layered woven and nonwoven fabrics, and semipermeable
membrane laminates from different manufacturers.
2. Background

The basic equation for diffusion of one substance through another is given by Fick's Law':

S=D(Ac) (1)

h = mass flux
A= area
D = diffusion coefficient
Ac = concentration difference
R = resistance to diffusion

Formost woven ornonwoven permeable clothing materials, the diffusion constantD in Fick's
Law is simply that of water vapor through air. The pathway of moisture vapor diffusion is
through the air spaces in the fabric, and the measured resistance to water vapor transfer R is
independent of the average water vapor concentration in the sample. The water vapor
concentration in the sample is proportional to the average of the relative humidities on both
sides of the sample. In most cases, the uptake of water by the textile fibers themselves can
be ignored 2. Exceptions to this would be if excessive swelling of fibers and yarns significantly
reduces the free air volume within the fabric or, if one is interested in nonequilibrium water
vapor transport, where the initial transport behavior is influenced by fiber water vapor
absorption and desorption.1 4

Figure 1. Diffusion Through Most PermeableMaterialsis a Result of

Mass Transfer Through Air Spaces.

There should be good agreement between the relative rankings of all water vaporpermeability
test methods for permeable clothing materials. There should also be good correlations
between the resistances measured by any water vapor permeability test method for these types
of permeable clothing materials.

Many so-called "semipermeable" membrane laminates also depend on moisture vapordiffusion
through tiny interconnected pores in a membrane 7 . The polymers in these membranes are
usually hydrophobic to prevent liquid water from wetting the surface and entering the pores.
The measured resistances are again independent of the water vapor concentration in the
membrane, and there is good correlation between the measurements done by different methods.
Porous membrane laminates and woven and nonwoven permeable fabrics exhibit similar
behavior, as shown in Figure 2.

Good Correlation Between Measured Water Vapor Resistance is

Different Test Methods Independent of Concentration in Membrane

Water Vapor
Method 2 Resistance

Method 1 Water Concentration in Membrane
(Proportional to Average of Relative Humidity
on Both Sides of Sample)

Figure 2. Diffusion Behavior Dominated by Air Spaces in Fabric.

There is a whole class of materials which cannot be assumed to have measured resistances which
are independent of the water vapor concentration. These materials incorporate hydrophilic
polymers to continuously coat fabrics or semipermeable membrane laminates"'1 .The resulting
materials include a monolithic layer, yet still have high moisture vapor transport rates.

The concentration dependence of the diffusion constant in high molecular weight polymers can
be very pronounced 2 . Fick's Law must be modified so that the expression for the diffusion
constant becomes a function of the diffusant concentration:

D = D { l+f(c)), where c is average concentration of water in the membrane. (2)

In most moisture vapor permeability tests the concentration in the membrane is related to the
relative humidity on both sides of the membrane.

Fick's 1st Law thus becomes:

,h- Do{l +f(c)}(Ac) (3)


Materials which inco- irate hydrophilic membranes behave much differently than materials
which depend on transport through air spaces, as shown in Figure 3. There is poor agreement
between various test methods, and the measured water vapor resistance is a function of the
average relative humidity in the test.

Poor Correlation Between Measured Water Vapor Resistance Varies

Different Test Methods With Concentration in Membrane

Water Vapor
Method 2 Resistance

Method 1 0
Water Concentration in Membrane
(Proportional to Average of Relative Humidity
on Both Sides of Sample)

Figure 3. Diffusion Behavior Influenced by Hydrophilic Membranes.

This concentration-dependent diffusion behavior has been noticed in several studies, most
notably by Oczevski and Dolhan"3 , and Farnworth, Lotens, and Wittgen 4 . The Farnworth,
Lotens, and Wittgen study, in particular, nicely illustrates the differences between hydrophobic
microporous films and monolithic hydrophilic films.

Figure 4 is adapted from the Farnworth, Lotens and Wittgen study. It illustrates that indeed
there is a marked concentration dependence of the measured value of water vapor resistance
for materials which incorporate hydrophilic polymers.

1200. Microporous Film + Hydrophilic Film + Fabric

800 ,

Microporous Film + Hydrophilic Film

C 400 (not same hydrophilic film as above)

0 Microporous Film (no hydrophilic component)

0 2 4 6
Distance From Water Surface (mm)
(Equivalent to Decreasing Equilibrium Water
Concentration in the Hydrophilic Polymer Film)

Figure 4. Variation in Water Vapor Resistance as a Function of

Distance From Sample to Water Surface. (Adapted from Reference 14)

Most textile materials should thus fall into two distinct classes. Materials that depend on
diffusion of water vapor through air spaces should shc. good correlations between all
moisture vapor transmission test methods. The measured water vapor resistance values
should also be independent of the conditions used in the test. Materials that incorporate
hydrophilic polymer films should show a poor correlation between different water vapor
transmission test methods, and the measured water vapor resistance will be dependent upon
test conditions, such as relative humidity.

3. Methods and Materials

Descriptions of the two types of water vapor permeability tests (cup/dish and sweating
guarded hot plate) follow. These test methods are in routine use at the U.S. Army Natick
Research, Development and Engineering Center (Natick). Descriptions of the various
materials used for this study are also included in this section.
ASTM E96-80, Procedure B, Upright Cup
The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) publishes standard test methods
for water vapor transmission properties of materials' 5 . The standard condition used most
extensively at Natick is Procedure B - Water Method at 23°C (73.4°F). A schematic of this
test method is shown below.

SAir Velocity -- 2.8 mls (550ftlmin)

Fabric Sample . . . .
.019 m (.75 in) Air Temperature -- 23 *C (73 *F)

Humidity -- 50% r.h.

Figure5. Sample Arrangementfor ASTM Method E96-80, ProcedureB,

UprightCup Method for Determining Water Vapor Transmission of Materials.

The reported quantity from this test is the Moisture Vapor Transmission Rate (MVTR), in
g.m'2/24 h, which is determined from periodic weighings of the sample dish. Although the
ASTM Method E96-80 calls tor reporting units of g.m-2 /h, it is standard practice at Natick
to use the longer time period of 24 hours.

This particular ASTM Method E96-80, Procedure B, although widely used, has some
inherent problems. Most importantly, the still air layer between the fabric sample and the
water surface has a high resistance to moisture vapor transmission. This still air layer often
has a higher water vapor resistance than the fabric itself. There are a variety of other methods,
well documented in the literature, which are perhaps more appropriate for determining the
water vapor resistance of textile materials. These methods may be found in references 16-
23. The ASTM Method E96-80 is most suitable for materials which have high water vapor
resistances. The ASTM Method E96-80 continues to be used, however, because of its
widespread acceptability, convenience, and large existing database of previous results.

The MVTR values generated with ASTM E96-80 Procedure B include the effect of the
resistances of the air layers both above and below the sample. However, these resistances
are not subtracted out in the reported data. It is desirable to determine the intrinsic properties
of the textile material alone, by accounting for the existence of the air layers in some way.
In order to accomplish this, it is possible to convert the MVTR values obtained from the
ASTM E96-80 test to water vapor resistance values, which are independent of test conditions
for nonhydrophilic porous materials. Resistance values are convenient since they may be
added in series to determine the overall properties of layers of materials.

The next two sections deal with establishing an upper limit for the MVTR values in the ASTM
E96-80 Procedure B test, and with developing a simple way to convert MVTR values zo
resistance units.

Limiting Moisture Vapor TransmissionRate Due to Still Air Layer in Cup

The ASTM E96-80 Procedure B test includes a layer of still air under the fabric sample. This
still air layer of 1.9 cm (0.75 inch) imposes an upper limit on the measurable moisture vapor
transport rate. As long as the fabric prevents significant air penetration into the cup, the air
layers remain stagnant, and the limiting moisture vapor transmission rate as determined by
this still air layer may be calculated.

The air layer between the surface of the water and the fabric is thin enough so that convective
mass transfer is suppressed. Convection at this temperature would not occur until the
thickness of the still air layer is appreciably greater than two centimeters24 . Mass transfer
through this still air layer is assumed to proceed by pure diffusion.

Diffusion through a stagnant air layer is well understood. The isothermal evaporation of
water and diffusion through a stagnant air layer can be described by Stefan's Law' (equation
4), and is illustrated in Figure 6.
........... .. ....- m2'


.01905 M
- - - - - - -


.we r .Lp -

Figure6. Diffusion of Water Vapor Through a Stagnant Air Layer (adaptedfrom Reference 25).

. m,,D W
[.ROT p-p,.
p dx
(dp4) (4

?h,,,d = total mass flow of water vapor through air layer of thickness 8x
D = diffusion coefficient of water in air (0.256 cm 2/sec)
p = absolute air pressure (1.01326 x 101 N/m 2)
MW = molecular weight of water (18 g/mole)
A = area (i 2)
Ro= universal gas constant (8315 N-m/kg-mole-K)
T = temperature in degrees K
p== partial pressure of the water vapor
PA = partial air pressure
dx = air layer thickness

Stefan's Law may be integrated to obtain the total mass flux of water between the water
surface and the top of the cup:

i,,,,,,, yP.-
(DMA p )( dp) (5)

- DpM.A In - P, DpM,,A InP

RT(x2_x,) p-p., RoT(x 2 -x,) P, (6)

=x2-x = distance from water surface to top of cup (0.01905 m)

p., = saturated water vapor pressure at water surface (0.0028366x 106 N/m 2)
P.2 = partial water vapor pressure at the top of the cup 6= op,.2 , where 0 is
relative humidity (0.50), so P, 2 = 0.0014183x10 N/m
PAI =P-'Pl (9.848x10 N/m)
PA =P-P. 2 (9.991x 10'N/m2)

4 2
(0.256x10 -4 m2 /s)( 1. 013x10 5 N/m )(18 g/mole) n 9.99x10 N/rM
m2 (296 K)(8315 N m/kg mole K)(. 0.1905 m) ln9.84x104 N/r 2 (7)

mWi'al =1.425x10 - kg/s =1231 g/24 h (8)


MVTR = 1230 g.m 2 /24 h (9)

This is the highest moisture vapor transport rate possible (assuming still air conditions
underneath the fabric) in the ASTM E96-80 Procedure B test. As will be shown later, the
assumption of still air conditions is a good one for fabrics with low to moderate air
permeability values. The still air assumption is not valid for fabrics with very high air
permeability since the external air flow begins to penetrate through the fabric into the cup.

Conversion of MVTR Values to Resistance Units

The moisture vapor transmission rate measured in the ASTM E96-80 Procedure B Method
is a result of the sum of three resistances, as shown in Figure 7.

dbl1 Boundary Air Layer Resistance

__ - deq Intrinsic FabricResistance

dsa Still Air Layer Resistance

Water Surface

Figure 7. Three Resistances to Moisture Vapor Transfer in ASTM E96-80 Procedure B.

One can define the intrinsic resistance of the material in terms of the equivalent thickness of
still air. This works well as long as the transport properties are dependent on diffusion of water
vapor through air spaces in the material.

Fick's Law may be written as:

d.&W =(I-D(Ac)A (0

d,=,. = total resistance of the system (da + dq + dN) in cm of still air

rh = mass flux of water vapor, g / s
D = diffusion coefficient of water vapor in air, cm 2 / s
Ac = concentration difference, g / cm
A = Area, cm

As noted by Fourt and Harris 7 , the concentration difference Ac can be obtained from the


Ac = ApMJRT = (2.89 x 10-)(Ap/T) (11)

Ac = concentration difference (g/cm3 )

Ap = vapor pressure difference (mmHg)
M = molecular weight of water (18 g/mole)
R = gas constant
T = absolute temperature (K)

The equation for the intrinsic fabric resistance becomes:

dq = ()D(2. 89 x lO-4 )( )A - d, - db, (12)

The resistance of the still air layer underneath the fabric is found simply from its thickness
in cm, so for the ASTM E96-80, Procedure B:

d =1.905 cm (13)

Finding the resistance of the outer boundary air layerpresents a more difficultproblem. Work
conducted by Tur 16 determined the equivalent resistance as a function of air flow velocity,
but the boundary layer thickness d, is greatly affected by the flow conditions, which are not
the same as in Turl's study. Because the ASTM E96-80 Procedure B method uses an air flow
of 2.8 m/s (550 ft/mn), the equivalent thickness of the outer boundary air layer should be quite
small (less than 0.3 cm). It will not be accounted for explicitly and is therefore included in
the value for d . This outer boundary air layer resistance, which is highly sensitive to air
velocity and direction, is an obvious source of data scatter.

For the ASTM E96-80 Procedure B test, the appropriate values for the variables in the
equation for intrinsic fabric resistance are:

D = 0.256 cm 2/s
Ap = 10.65 mmHg
T = 296 K
dSa = 1.905 cm

The equation for the equivalent air resistance of the fabric alone can be expressed in terms
of the measured MVTR and the air layer resistances as:
dq(2300 =(2300
d, ( _2 3 d,. or equivalently, d,, = 30 1.9 (14)

d = intrinsic fabric resistance, in cm of still air (includes boundary layer, db)

MVTR = moisture vapor transmission rate, g.m'2/24 h, ASTM E96-80, Procedure B

The intrinsic fabric resistance Rf may also be expressed in resistance units of s/cm through
the relation:

=, (15)

Sweating Guarded Hot Plate Method

The general principles of a guarded hot plate apparatus may be found in Reference 26. The
guarded hot plate measures the power required to maintain a flat isothermal area at a constant
temperature. When the plate is covered with a test material, the amount of power required
to maintain the plate at a given temperature can be related back to the dry thermal resistance
of the test material. If the plate is saturated with water, then the amount of power required
to maintain the plate at a given temperature is related to the rate at which water evaporates
from the surface of the plate and diffuses through the material.

Since this method must account for both heat and mass transfer effects, it is necessary to
determine the dry thermal resistance of the material first. Then the plate is saturated with
water and the material is tested again to determine its moisture vapor transmission properties.
Figure 8 shows a schematic of the sweating guarded hot plate apparatus.

Air Velocity -. 2 mls

Air Temperature -- 322 oC
Measurement 2Area Guard Area Air Humidity -- 75% -80% r.h.
0.0645 m 0.1935 m2 ------- Fabric Sample

M -- Saturated Cellophane Film
(prevents liquid water from
< : wicking iatofabric)

Saturated Porous Plate

(Plate Temperatre -- 35 'C)

Figure 8. Sweating Guarded Hot Plate.

A general description of each of the two types of tests follows.

Dry Thermal Resistance

Dry thermal resistance is calculated by measuring the temperature difference between the
surface of the heated measurement area of the guarded hot plate and the temperature of the
"ambient air away from the plate. It is this temperature difference which drives heat transfer
through the fabric. The equation used for calculating the thermal resistance is:

PSI., = A(TE - Ta) (16)

R,,,,a = Thermal resistivity of material plus the boundary air layer
A = Surface area of guarded plate measurement area
Tpat, = Temperature of the plate surface
T, = Temperature of the ambient air
Q = Power required to maintain a constant plate surface temperature

The units used in this report are :

Rt,,,1 given in clo (clo is a unit of thermal resistance and is equal to 0.155 °C-m 2/watt)
A given in m2
-at, and Tai given in °C
Q given in watts
The total thermal resistance Rta includes the apparent thermal resistance of the boundary air
layer above the fabric material surface. The thermal resistance of this boundary air layer can
be measured by performing a test on the bare plate without a fabric sample. The value of R
thus obtained for the bare plate is designated Ro.

RO decreases as the air speed sweeping over the surface of the guarded hot plate increases.
Increased air movement reduces the thickness of the boundary air layer over the plate and
enhances heat transfer. It is assumed that the boundary air layer over the bare plate is identical
to the boundary air layer over the fabric. This assumption may introduce errors if the surface
characteristics of the fabric are extremely different from those of the bare plate. The intrinsic
thermal resistance R i of the fabric may be obtained by subtracting out the thermal resistance
of the overlying boundary air layer:

R i =Rtoa - R0 (17)

R, is very sensitive to the effect of air speed, while Ri should be much less sensitive and is
more of an intrinsic material property. R, may also be affected by wind penetration into or
through the fabric, particularly for materials with high air permeability. This effect can
become very important if the wind direction is perpendicular to the plate, or if there is an air
space between the fabric and the plate.

Water Vapor Permeability

Water vapor permeability of materials can be measured with a guarded hot plate by saturating
the plate surface with water. The power required to maintain the surface at a given
temperature is related to the rate at which water evaporates from the surface of the plate and
diffuses through the material. The thermal resistance of the material to convective heat
transfer must be known before it is possible to extract the vapor permeability coefficient.
Woodcock 2" developed a moisture vapor permeability index, known as i,, which serves as
a very convenient relative measure of the moisture vapor permeability of materials.

{Q ( A I)} (T PI. - T a r )

S(p,-4p) (18)

i. = Moisture vapor permeability index

Root = Thermal resistivity of the fabric plus the boundary air layer
A = Surface area of guarded plate measurement area
Tple = Temperature of the saturated plate surface
Tar = Temperature of the ambient air
Q = Power required to maintain a constant saturated plate surface temperature
S = Lewis relation between evaporative mass transfer coefficient and convective
heat transfer coefficient
P$ = Saturated water vapor pressure at the plate surface
pa = Saturated water vapor pressure of the ambient air
= Relative humidity of ambient air

The units used in this report are:

Rtoa given in clo

A given in m2
and Tr given in 'C

Q given in watts

S given as 2.2 °C/mmHg

Pa and p, given in mmHg

given in fractional relative humidity (not %)

The i value is a relative measure of the permeability of the material to the passage of water
vapor. The / index should vary between 0 (for completely impermeable materials), and 1
(for completely permeable materials). In practice, the value of 1 as an upper limit is not
approached until the wind speed over the plate becomes great enough to minimize the
contribution of radiative heat transfer.

The moisture vapor permeability index, in, may be combined with the total dry thermal
resistance, total, to yield a quantity which takes into account both convective and evaporative
heat transfer. In this report Rt,, is given in clo units, so the term becomes i,/clo. The term
i/clo provides a good ranking measure between materials if one is interested in materials
which minimize the potential for heat stress.

The importance of the term im/clo is illustrated if the equations for dry heat transfer (E,4), and
evaporative heat transfer (E vap), are written:

Ed, (watts/m 2 ) ='-

C 6.45 ",7'

o(A) (19)

Eeaporative(watts / m 2 ) =im(J o5 )S( Ap) (20)

Total Heat Transfer (watts/rM2 ) 6.45 (AT)+ 14.2(cno)(Ap) (21)

AT = temperature difference, 'C

S = Lewis Relation (2.2 °C/mmlHg)
4- vapor pressure difference, mmHg
clo - Rt, in clo units

The higher the value for i/clo, the easier it is for heat to be dissipated through the materials
via both evaporative cooling and convective heat transfer. However, when the ambient
humidity is high and wind speed is low, evaporative cooling becomes less important, and the
dry thermal resistance (clo) is the most important property.

Note that these values include the effects of the boundary air layer over the sample. It is
desirable to obtain intrinsic properties of the materials, such as intrinsic thermal resistance
and intrinsic water vapor resistance. Such a system of intrinsic units is available in the draft
standard German Deutsches Institut f'r Normung (DIN) Standard 54-10128, and is also
described in a NATO publication29 .

Details concerning the derivation of the intrinsic units R., and Re, may be found in Appendix
A. The intrinsic unit Re, for water vapor resistance can be found from the values of R,,,, (CIo)
and i. as shown below:

R,,= 0.0929{(i. clo) (im0 /R 0 ) (22)

Re = intrinsic water vapor resistance, m2.mbar/watt

i o = bare plate i. value
Ro = bare plate thermal resistance, cIo units

This intrinsic resistance, R,, is analogous to the intrinsic resistance obtained in the previous
section on the ASTM E96-80, Procedure B, Upright Cup Method.

A moisture vapor transmission rate may also be defined for the sweating guarded hot plate3".

WT- 1(23)
(Re, + 23A

R,, = intrinsic water vapor resistance, watt-m 2/mbar

R, o0 = water vapor resistance of boundary layer on bare plate, watt-m2/mbar
AHap = latent heat of vaporization at sweating guarded plate temperature (35°C)
=0.672 watt.h/g
WYT = water vapor transmission, g/m2 .h-mbar

Fur a water vapor pressure difference Ap between the plate surface and the ambient
atmosphere, the MVTR as measured with the plate is given by:

MVTRplat = (WVT)(24 h)(Ap) , in units of g.m 2/24 h (24)

The test conditions used in this tidy resulted in a Ap of 17.7 mbar:

MVTRP,,, = 424.8(WVT) (25)

In terms of i,,Iclo, the moisture vapor transmission rate may be written as:

MVTR,,,,e =6806(c'-o ) in units of g.m 2/24 h (26)

It is desirable to obtain resistance values from the sweating guarded hot plate test which are
in the same units as the resistance values for the upright cup test. This can be done by
combining equation 26 (for the value of MVTRP,,a) with equation 12 to come up with the

1.27x10 5 (~'
q (i / clo) T
) (27)

d = intrinsic fabric resistance, in cm of still air (includes boundary air layer resistance)
i*clo = measured im/Clo value in the sweating guarded hot plate test

For the test conditions used in this study, where the plate temperature was 35'C, and the air
temperature was 32.2°C at 75% to 80% relative humidity,

T = 307 K (average of plate and air temperatures)

D = 0.271 cm 2/s (at T=307K)
Ap = 13.3 mmHg (17.7 mbar)

Equation 14 for the upright cup, and equation 27 for the sweating guarded hot plate, allow
the resistance values to be expressed in an identical system of units, which should make
determining the correlation between the two methods more straightforward.


The materials chosen for this study can be divided into four classes: 1) Permeable, 2) Hydrophilic
membrane laminates, 3) Hydrophobic membrane laminates, and 4) Impermeable. Many of these
materials are under development for military applications and are not commercially available.
Measured properties for these materials are listed in Appendices B and C. Applicable military
specification identifications for several standard fabrics are included in the references. Further
information on many of the semipermeable membranes, such as manufacturer and physical
property data, may be found in reference 7.

Permeable Materials

The permeable materials include both woven and nonwoven materials. Some of the materials are
multilayer laminates, which have been either adhesively bonded or are laid over the top of each

Table 1. Permeable Materials

Sample Configuration Materials

1 Single Layer Water-Repellent Treated Nylon/Cotton Woven Fabric9

2 Single Layer Water-Repellent Treated Nylon/Cotton Twill Woven Fabric" 2
3 Single Layer Nonwoven Fabric Coated with Activated Carbon, Scrim Backing
4 2 Layer Laminate Carbon-Loaded Polyurethane Foam Laminate (90 mil thick)l
5 2 Layer Laminate Carbon-Loaded Polyurethane Foam Laminate(50 mil thick)
6 3 Layer Laminate Kevlar" Shell, Activated Carbon Cloth, Nomex®Liner Fabric
7 2 Layers Sample #1 and Sample #5 Combined
8 2 Layers Sample #2 and Sample #5 Combined
9 2 Layers Sample #1 and Sample #4 Combined
10 2 Layers Sample #2 and Sample #4 Combined

Hydrophobic Membrane Laminates

These materials, often termed "semipermeable" membranes, are made of a hydrophobic polymer
containing tiny interconnected pores, which allow water vapor to diffuse through the membrane.
Most of these membranes have been laminated to a shell fabric and are often also laminated to an inner
liner fabric.

Table 2. Hydrophobic Membrane Laminates

Sample Configuration Materials

11 2 Layer Laminate Nylon/Cotton Shell

Plastolon"Membrane (Polytetrafluoroethylene--PTFE)

12 2 Layer Laminate Nylon Taffeta Shell

Tetratec'Membrane (PTFE)

13 2 Layer Laminate Nomex"Shell

Empore"Membrane (Carbon-Loaded PTFE)

14 3 Layer Laminate Nylon Taslan*Shell

Plastolon'Membrane (PTFE)
Nylon Tricot Knit Liner

15 3 Layer Laminate Nylon Taslan'Liner

Celgard02500 Membrane (isotactic polypropylene)
Nylon Tricot Knit Liner

16 3 Layer Laminate Nylon Taslan'Shell

Repel*Membrane (acrylic fluoropolymer)
Nylon Tricot Knit Liner

17 3 Layer Laminate Nomex'Shell

Repel*Membrane (acrylic fluoropolyrner)
Nylon Tricot Knit Liner

18 3 Layer Laminate Nylon/Cotton Shell

Repel*Membrane (acrylic fluoropolymer)
Nylon Tricot Knit Liner

19 3 Layer Laminate Nylon Taslan'Shell

Empore®Membrane (Carbon-Loaded PTFE)
Nylon Tricot Knit Liner

Hydrophilic Membrane Laminates

These membranes contain a monolithic hydrophilic polymer coating or layer. TIhey may also contain
a porous hydrophobic membrane as a support for the hydrophilic layer.

Table 3. Hydrophilic Membrane Laminates

Sample Configuration I Materials

#_ _ ___ I ___ ____

20 2 Layer Laminate Nomex'Shell

Hyperm'Membrane (coextruded polyether/polyester)

21 3 Layer Laminate Taslan'Nylon Shell

Thintech'Membrane (polyethylene/polyurethane)
Nylon Tricot Knit Liner

22 3 Layer Laminate Nomex"Shell

Sympatex'Membrane (co-polyether-polyester)
Nomex'Jersey Knit Liner

23 3 Layer Laminate Taslan'Nylon Shell

Sympatex'Membrane (co-polyether-polyester)
Nylon Tricot Knit Liner

24 3 Layer Laminate Nomex'Shell

Gore-TexOH Membrane
(PTFE,/polyurethane/polyatkylene oxide)
Nomex'Jersey Knit

25 3 Layer Laminate Nomnex"III Shell

Gore-TexIIl Membrane
(PTFE/polyurethane/polyalkylene oxide)
Nomex'Jersey Knit

26 3 Layer Laminate Taslan'Nylon Shell

Gore-TexIIl Membrane
(PTFE/polyurethane/polyalkylene oxide)
Nylon Tricot Knit Liner

27 3 Layer Laminate Taslan'Nylon Shell

Gore-TexIlI Membrane
(PTFE/polyurethane/polyalkylene oxide)
Nylon Tricot Knit Liner

Impermeable Material

One impermeable material is included to illustrate the full range of material behavior.

Table 4. Impermeable Material

Sample Configuration Materials

28 Single Layer Butyl-Coated Nylon Cloth3 4

4. Results and Discussion

Correlation of Upright Cup and Sweating Guarded Hot Plate

A general correlation between the upright cup and the guarded sweating hot plate is shown
in Figure 9. The two measurements shown are the Moisture Vapor Transmission Rate (for
the upright cup method) and the ilclo values (for the sweating guarded hot plate). The
additional upper horizontal axis shows the corresponding moisture vapor transmission rate
calculated for the guarded sweating hot plate.
MVTRlate (g-m' 2 /24 hr)
0 0.5xlO4 1.0x10 4 1.5x10 4

41 d GBare Plate and
No Sample in Cup

> 500 //0 Permeable

o Hydrophobic
* Hydrophilic
0 Impermeable

0 . .3 1

Figure 9. Experimental Correlation Between ASTM Method E96-80, Procedure B,

and Guarded Sweating Hot Plate. Data in Appendices B and C.

It is clear that there is a fairly good correlation between the two test methods for materials
whose properties depend on water vapor diffusion through air passages in the structure.
Nearly all the permeable and hydrophobic membrane laminates lie within the 95% confidence
limits shown in Figure 9. The exceptions are Sample #3 and Sample #5, which have
anomalously high MVTR values. It will be shown later that the very high air permeability
of these particular materials allows the 550 ft/min air flow over the cup to begin penetrating
through the fabric into the cup, disturbing the still air diffusion conditions and enhancing the
moisture vapor transfer rate.

Figure 9 also shows that all the hydrophilic membrane laminates show no correlation between
the two test methods. The hydrophilic materials exhibit much better water vapor transmission
properties in the sweating guarded hot plate test than they do in the upright cup test. As
discussed in the Methods section of this report, the test conditions in the 6uarded sweating
hot plate test result in a much higher equilibrium water content in the hydrophilic polymer
layer, which changes the polymer's permeability, thereby greatly increasing the water vapor
transport rate through the membrane.

The quantities shown in Figure 9 are both essentially measurements of the mass flux of water
vapor which passes through the material. Both the MVTR values and the i/clo values include
the various air layer resistances present in the two tests.

The Methods and Materials section of this report derived relations which allow the intrinsic
water vaporresistance to be calculated from MVTR and i,/clo measurements. Intrinsic fabric
water vapor resistances are convenient since they may be added in series to determine the
overall resistance of combined layers of fabrics, using only the measured resistances of the
individual layers. The intrinsic water vapor resistance of a material is also closer to being
afundamental material property than quantities such as MVTR or i/co,which are both highly
dependent on the test conditions.

There should also be a direct linear correlation between the intrinsic fabric resistances as
measured by the two methods, except for materials with concentration-dependent water
vapor resistances. Intrinsic fabric water vapor resistances determined by the two test methods
are shown in Figure 10.

20 . . . . . . . . . ..

[0 Permeable
0 Hydrophobic
0 Hydrophilic

10 0*


Cup C 5

0. .i-Sample
#5 Guarded
0 .1 .2 .3 Hot
R, Intrinsic Water Vapor Resistance (m2-mbar/watt)

Figure 10. Correlation of Intrinsic Water Vapor Resistance Values for ASTM Method E96-80,
Procedure B, and Guarded Sweating Hot Plate. Data in Appendices B and C.

The measured intrinsic water vapor resistances correlate in a linear fashion for the permeable
and hydrophobic membrane laminates. The important point of Figure 10 is that in the upright
cup test, all of the hydrophilic membrane laminates appear to have a much higher water vapor
resistance than any of the permeable materials. In the sweating guarded hot plate apparatus,
the hydrophilic membrane laminates show water vaporresistance values which are comparable
to the values obtained for the permeable materials. This is due to the much greater water
concentration in the hydrophilic polymer layer, which is a consequence of the sweating
guarded hot plate test conditions.

Figure 10 shows the correlation between the two types of tests, but the intrinsic resistance
units are different, which makes the comparison rather confusing. Equation 27 presented a
way to convert im/clo values for the sweating guarded hot plate to an equivalent still air
resistance, as presented in Figure 11. In Figure 11, the boundary air layer resistances are
included in the equivalent still air layerresistance values for both the uprightcup and sweating
guarded hot plate.

'4[o 0 Permeable
3 0 0 Hydrophobic
0 Hydrophilic

Upright et

oo-Sample #5 Guarded
g0 .-
0 .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Plate

deq Equivalent Air Resistance (cm of still air)

Figure 11. Correlationof EquivalentStill Air Layer Resistance Values for ASTM Method E96-80,
Procedure B, and GuardedSweating Hot Plate. Datafrom Appendices B and C.

There are two reasons that the linear correlation for the permeable and hydrophobic
membrane materials does not have a slope of one. First, the boundary air layer resistances,
which are included in Figure 11, are different for each test due to the differing wind speeds
over the sample (although the difference is only 0.8 m/s). Second, mass transport in the
upright cup test occurs due to diffusion driven only by a concentration gradient. Mass
transport in the sweating guarded hot plate test proceeds via both diffusion and convection,
since there is a temperature difference between the plate surface and the ambient air. If the
plate surface were to be maintained at the ambient air temperature, and if the boundary air
layer resistances were subtracted out from the data, the linear correlation between the data
in Figure 11 would presumably have a slope of one.

Figures 9, 10, and 11 indicate that the ASTM E96-80, Procedure B upright cup method is
adequate for screening most materials dependent upon water vapor diffusing through the air
spaces in their structure. However, the upright cup method gives anomalous results for
materials which incorporate monolithic hydrophilic polymer layers, and for materials with
high air permeabilities. Both cases are discussed in the next two sections.

Effect of High Air Permeability on
ASTM E96-80, Procedure B Measurements

Materials with high air permeabilities may allow the external air flow to penetrate through
the sample and disturb the still air layer between the water surface and the sample. Whether
penetration occurs is not just a function of air permeability, but also depends on factors such
as average diameter of the pores, the material's thickness, and the tortuosity of the passages
through the material. Some of these effects are shown schematically in Figure 12.

Air Flow

Air Flow

Thick Material Thin Material

Tortuous Straight
Small Diameter Large Diameter
Passages Smal DiaeterPassages P

No Disturbance Disturbance of Still Air

of Still Air Layer Layer Underneath Fabric

Figure 12. Factors Influencing Anomalous MVTR Values for

Two Materials with Identical Air Permeability.

The disturbance of the still air layer means that the nature of the test has changed. Since the
upper limit of MVTR allowed by the still air layer is approximately 1200 g-m-2 / 24 h in the
ASTM E96-80, Procedure B test, it's clear that the resistance of the air layer within the cup
is changing in some undefined way. In fact, if one calculates the intrinsic fabric resistance
(dq or R) of sample #3, it turns out to be a negative number, which is clearly unreasonable.

Sample #5, which also exhibited this type of behavior, was tested in combination with two
different cover fabrics (samples #7 and #8). The cover fabrics eliminated the air penetration
into the still air layer, and the results for samples #7 and #8 fall onto the expected curves in
Figures 9,10, and 11. If sample #5 really did have some fundamentally different water vapor
transport mechanism, it would also be evident in the results for samples #7 and #8

Materials with MVTR values greater than 1200 g-m'2/24 h should be regarded with skepticism.
Such high values indicate air flow penetration into the still air layer under the fabric, making
itdifficult to compare results between different materials, since intrinsic fabric properties are
no longer being measured.

ASTM E96-80, Procedure BW, Inverted Water Method

The deficiencies of the upright cup method for hydrophilic membranes have been recognized
for some time. An alternate procedure BW in ASTM E96-80 inverts the cup so that the water
is in direct contact with the sample. A schematic of Procedure BW is given in Figure 13.

Air Temperature -- 23 *C(73 *F)

.-..e.r .-.
: Humidity ..50% r.h.
Fabric Sample
Air Velocity - 2.5 m/s (500 ftlmn)

Figure13. ASTM E96.80, ProcedureBW, Inverted Water Method.

Procedure BW results in a much higher equilibrium water content in the hydrophilic polymer
layer. The diffusion constant increases, dramatically lowering the measured water vapor
resistance. In addition, the still air layer resistance underneath the fabric is eliminated.

The intrinsic fabric water vapor resistance deq can be calculated for both Procedure B and BW
and plotted as a function of distance from the water surface.
Procedure B
(Upright Cup) 10.0

2 Gore-Tex Laminate .. 7 7.5

ProcedureBW ..
A: (Inverted Cup) 5.0
/. " Thintech Laminate
Z / . (Hydrophilic)

I l ~~~~~-----------------------
................... m- Meme.branen
Empore - 2.5 .5re-i;
0 .5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Distance From Water Surface (cm)
(Equivalent to Decreasing Water Concentration in Membrane)
Figure14. Water Vapor Resistances Derivedfrom ASTM E96-80,
ProceduresB and BW Moisture Vapor Transmission Rates.

This figure is essentially identical to Figure 4, which shows results from the Farnworth,
Lotens, and Wittgen study 4 . The hydrophobic membrane's properties change very little
between Procedure B and BW. The resistance of the two hydrophilic membrane laminates,
which are approximately the same as the hydrophobic membrane in Procedure BW, become
four times larger when measured under the conditions present in Procedure B. Note that
neither Procedure B or BW is representative of actual use conditions. Procedure B tests
hydrophilic membranes in fairly dry conditions, which makes them look disproportionately
poor compared to other materials. Procedure BW tests the membrane in contact with liquid
water and under a pressure head due to the weight of water in the cup. Procedure BW tends
to make the hydrophilic membranes look a little better than they really are, since actual use
conditions do not allow liquid water under pressure to come in contact with the inner surface
of clothing.
Evaluation and Ranking Techniques for
Hydrophilic Membrane Laminates

Minimum moisture vapor transmission rates (ASTM E96-80, Procedures B and BW) are
incorporated into the military specifications for components of several U.S. Army uniforms
and equipment systems35"39 which include semipermeable membranes. These measurements
are used for quality control purposes. The two measurements give a good indication if a
particular lot of material will provide equivalent water vapor permeability as compared to
another lot of material.

For many materials, ASTM E96-80, Procedure B and BW, will also be sufficient to rank the
water vapor permeability of new candidate materials with respect to standard materials used
in present uniform and equipment items. Procedures B and BW represent the two
environmental extremes for semipermeable membrane laminates, particularly for monolithic
hydrophilic membranes. Procedure BW, the inverted cup method, represents the condition
of having a high average water concentration in the membrane. Procedure B, the upright cup
method, represents the condition of a low average water concentration in the membrane.

As long as one semipermeable membrane laminate exhibits a higher MVTR in boh the
inverted and upright cup tests, it is safe to say that the material will have a higher moisture
vapor permeability over the range of actual use conditions present in a clothing system.

Unfortunately, when materials are compared to each other using both Procedure B and BW,
the ranking of materials can flip-flop. That is, a material with the higher MVTR in the
inverted cup can have the lowest MVTR in the upright cup test. One must then decide which
test is more representative of actual field use conditions, or whether another test condition
would be more represer' ive of actual field use conditions.

Figure 15 illustrates how the degree of dependence of the apparent diffusion constant of a
semipermeable membrane can complicate the evaluation or ranking of one material
compared to another. Figure 15 shows the intrinsic water vapor resistance as a function of
distance from the water suface for three different semipermeable membranes.

Hi h Moderate Low Field
Membrane Membrane Membrane Use
Water Water Water
J Conditions
Concentration Concentration
(B>C>A) (B>A>C) (A>B>C)

-- I
i II - J
I Hydrophilic Material A

80 - I[ I ,,S S I -" Hydrophilic Material B

i I
*~~~ 80.,,"- - Hyroh..c.atrilI
.... ... I
I ..... i40

Hydrophobic Material C

0 2 4 6
Distance From Water Surface (mm)
High Low
Water Water
Concentration Concentration

Figure 15. Variation of Water Vapor Resistance with Average Water Concentration in Membrane.

It's clear that the choice of test conditions can greatly influence the rankings of candidate
materials. At the extreme of high membrane water concentration, hydrophilic membrane A
has the lowest water vapor resistance, and would appear to have the best water vapor transport
properties. At the other extreme of low membrane water concentration, hydrophobic
membrane C appears to be much better than the other materials, and hydrophilic membrane
A is clearly the worst performing material. At moderate membrane water concentration
levels, which are more representative of conditions which might be found in a clothing
system, one could pick test conditions such that either membrane A or 2 is rated superior,
and the relative ranking of membranes A and B can reverse depending on which test
conditions are used.

In the case illustrated by Figure 15, it would be prudent to evaluate and rank the water vapor
permeability of candidate membrane laminates on a device such as a guarded sweating hot
plate, which more accurately simulates the heat and mass transfer conditions present for the
skin/clothing system. The use of ASTM E96-80, Procedures B and BW, to evaluate and rank
semipermeable membrane laminates against each other would be justified 01.Y if one
material consistently exhibits higher water vapor permeability in both Procedure B and
Procedure BW.

Comments on Multilayer Clothing Systems
Incorporating Hydrophilic Membranes

The water vapor transport behavior of hydrophilic membrane laminates is highly dependent
on the water concentration in the membrane. This means the effectiveness of the membrane
is influenced by both the microclimate underneath clothing, and the environment outside the
clothing system. The extremes in microclimate underneath the clothing are: 1) a low human
work rate where little sweat is being produced and the humidity is about the same as the
outside environment, and 2) a high human work rate, where a large amount of sweat is being
produced and the water vapor pressure underneath the clothing approaches saturation vapor
pressure. The extremes of the outside environment are simply low or high ambient humidity.
The temperature differences between the skin and the outside air, and condensation/
accumulation of sweat in clothing layers are complicating factors that will not be addressed

The intrinsic water vapor resistance of permeable materials and hydrophobic membrane
laminates would not be affected much by the ambient humidity or human sweating rate. In
contrast, the intrinsic water vapor resistance of monolithic hydrophilic membrane laminates
would be affected by both ambient humidity and the human sweating rate. This difference
between the two classes of materials is illustrated schematically in Figure 16.

Hydrophobic Membrane Laminate Hydrophilie Membrane Laminate

!2 Low Sweating Rate

Water Vapor Resistance ' 'a (Low Humidity Under Clothing)
Equivalentfor Both
High and Low Sweating Rates High Sweating Rate
(High Humidity Under Clothing)
Of 0 _ _ __ _

0 100 0 100
Ambient Humidity Ambient Humidity

Figure 16. Water Vapor Resistance of Hydrophilic Membrane Laminates

Depends on Ambient Humidity and Human Sweating Rate

The main point of Figure 16 is that the water vapor transport behavior of hydrophilic
semipermeable membranes is greatly influenced by the amount of water dissolved in them.
The moisture vapor transmission rate of hydrophilic membranes "adapts" to use conditions.
That is, the intrinsic water vapor resistance of these materials decreases under precisely those
conditions where increased water vapor transport is desired: high human sweating rates and/
or high ambient humidity.

The water vapor resistance of a multilayer clothing system may also be altered by changing
the configuration of the layers of clothing. If a hydrophilic membrane laminate is
incorporated in the inner layer as opposed to the outer layer of a clothing system, the
equilibrium water concentration of the hydrophilic layer will again be dependent on the
relative humidity it is exposed to. This is illustrated in Figure 17, where it is assumed that
the microclimate next to the skin is saturated due to sweat production at high human work

Hydrophobic Membrane Laminate Hydrophilic Membrane Laminate

Water Vapor Resistance Unaffected by Water Vapor Resistance Changed by

Placing Membrane in Outer or Inner Placing Membrane in Outer or Inner
Layer of Clothing System Layer of Clothing System

___-________ -Membrane Outer Layer

Membrane Outer Layer Fabric Layers

t.!:Fabrii c Layers
F ab ri
Fabric Layers [ F cLayers
Membrane Inner Layer "'Membrane Inner Layer
0 0
0 100 0 100
Ambient Humidity Ambient Humidity

Figure 17. Placement of Hydrophilic Membrane Laminate Affects Water Vapor Resistance
of Multilayer Clothing Systems (High Human Sweating Rate Assumed).

If the hydrophilic polymer layer is next to the skin, water vapor is concentrated within the
clothing, and the membrane has a higher equilibrium water content than if it was the
outermost layer and exposed to a low ambient humidity. At conditions of high humidity, the
relative difference between the performance of the hydrophilic membranes incorporated into
the outermost layer versus the innermost layer becomes much less important.

The above discussion ignores many important factors, such as the role of temperature
differences withing the clothing system, and the condensation/accumulation of sweat in
various clothing layers. A numerical model developed by Farnworth' ° was successful in
modeling both heat and water vapor transfer through multilayer clothing systems while
taking into account all the complicating factors just mentioned. Although the model did not
incorporate concentration-dependent water vapor resistances, the system of equations is
amenable to incorporating such a modification. The importance of factors such as
configuration to the performance of a multilayer clothing system incorporating hydrophilic
membrane laminates could be assessed with Farnworth's modified model.

5. Conclusions and Recommendations


Guarded sweating hot plate and ASTM E96-80, Procedure B, water vapor permeability
test methods correlate quite well for a wide variety of woven and nonwoven
permeable fabrics, and hydrophobic microporous semipermeable membrane laminates.

Hydrophilic monolithic semipermeable membrane laminates show no correlation

between the sweating guarded hot plate and the ASTM E96-80, Procedure B, upright
cup test. This is due to the concentration-dependent water vapor resistance of the
hydrophilic polymer layer, and the fact that the two types of tests result in different
equilibrium water concentrations in test samples.


Water vapor permeability screening tests on hydrophilic membranes and laminates

should be done under conditions which approximate the actual use conditions. The
ranking of various materials will change dramatically according to the water
concentration in the hydrophilic polymer layer.

ASTM E96-80, Procedure B and Procedure BW, may be used together to rank the
water vapor permeability of candidate materials only if one material shows better
water vapor transport properties in both test methods. If the rankings change between
Procedure B and BW, then some other method, such as the sweating guarded hotplate,
should be used to rank the materials.

Materials with ASTM E96-80, Procedure B, MVTR values greater than 1200 g-m' 2/
24 hours are influenced by air penetration through the fabric. Unless the fabric will
actually be used as a single layer, it is better practice to perform comparison tests with
other materials using a cover fabric with low water vapor resistance.

Farnworth's numerical model' of heat and moisture transfer through multilayer

clothing systems should be adapted to incorporate concentration-dependent water
vapor resistances of monolithic hydrophilic polymer layers. The optimum placement
of the hydrophilic membrane could be determined for a variety of human work rates
and external environmental conditions.

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20. Dolhan, P., "A Comparison of Apparatus Used to Measure Water Vapor Resistance," JournalofCoated
Fabrics, 10, (October, 1987) p. 96.

21. Miller, B., Design Criteria for Effective Chemical Protective Clothing with Asymmetric Transport
Properties," Natick Research, Development and Engineering Center Technical Report,NATICKTR-871
036L, August, 1987, pp. 37-42.

22. Van Best, C.A., Wittgen, P.P.M.M., "A Simple Apparatus to Measure Water Vapor Resistance of
Textiles," Textile Research Journal,56, (1986), p. 566.

23. Farnworth, B., Dolhan, P., "Apparatus to Measure the Water Vapour Resistance of Textiles," Journal
of the Textile Institute, 75, 1985, pp. 142-145.

24. Langmuir, I., Schaeffer, J.J., "Rates of Evaporation of Water Through Compressed Monolayers on
Water," Journalof the Franklin Institute, Vol. 235, 1943, p. 126-128.

25. Holman, J.P., Heat Transfer, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1981, pp. 486-491.

26. ASTM D1518-77, Standard Test Method for Thermal Transmittance of Textile Materials Between
Guarded Hot-Plate and Cool Atmosphere (1977).

27. Woodcock, A.H., "Moisture Transfer in Textile Systems," Textile Research Journal,32, 1962,
pp. 622-633.

28. DeutschesInstitut fur Normung (DIN) Standard 54-101 (Draft), Measurementof Stationary Thermal and
Water Vapour Resistance by Means of a Thermoregulatory Model of Human Skin (1984).

29. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) ACCP- 1, "Heat Transfer and Physiological Evaluation of
Clothing," NATO Unclassified Document AC/301-D/277, April 1984.

30. Mecheels, J.H., Demeler, R.M., Kachel, E., "Moisture Transfer Through Chemically Treated Cotton
Fabrics," Textile Research Journal,April, 1966, pp. 375-384.

31. Military Specification, MIL-C-44031D, Cloth, Camouflage Pattern: Woodland, Cotton and Nylon,
Class 2 - Camouflage Printed and Quarpel Treated, 22 Aug 1989.

32. Military Specification, MIL-C-43892A, Cloth, Twill: Cotton and Nylon, Water Repellent Treated, 21
Dec 1984.
33. Military Specification, MIL-C-43858B(GL) Cloth, Laminated, Nylon Tricot Knit. Polyurethane Foam
Laminate, Chemical Protective and Flame Resistant, Type III, 16 Jan 1986.

34. Military Specification, MIL-S-12189, Cloth, Coated: Butyl Coated, Toxicological Agents Protective.

35. Military Specification, MIL-C-44187B, Cloth, Laminate, Waterproof and Moisture Vapor Permeable.

36. Military Specification, MIL-P-44189, Parka, Extended Cold Weather Camouflage.

37. Military Specification, MIL-C-44356, Coat and Trousers, Chemical Protective, Aircrew, Flame

Resistant (i.e. Aircrew Uniform, Integrated Battlefield, AUIB)

38. Military Specification, MIL-C-44307, Bivy Cover, Sleeping Bag System, Extreme Cold Weather

39. Military Specification, MIL-G-44419, Glove Shell, Intermediate Cold/Wet Glove System

40. Farnworth, B., "A Numerical Model of the Combined Diffusion of Heat and Water Vapor Through
Clothing," Textile Research Journal, 56, vol 11, November 1986, pp. 653-663.

This document reports research undertaken at the

US Army Natick Resebrch, Development and Enirelrng
Center and has been assigned No. NATICKiTR - 1 -- /146
in the series of reports approved for publication.


Intrinsic Water Vapor Resistance Units

A system of intrinsic thermal resistance and intrinsic water vapor resistance units is used by
the Hohenstein Institute in Boennigheim, Germany. These units are incorporated into the
draft DIN Standard 54-10128, and also in NATO guidelines 29 for determining the heat transfer
properties of clothing. This system of units can be easily converted back to imand clo units
as shown at the end of this section.

Thermal Resistance, RC, = (TR, TQ )(A) _ o (A. 1)

Rclo = bare plate thermal resistance of boundary air layer (m2-°K/watt)

A = Surface area of guarded plate measurement area (M 2 )
Tplat = Temperature of the plate surface ('K)
T. = Temperature of the ambient air ('K)
Q = Power required to maintain a constant plate surface temperature (watts)

Water Vapor Resistance, Re, = (p , -Opa)(A) _Reo (A.2)

Reo = bare plate water vapor resistance of boundary air layer (m2 -mbar/watt)
A = Surface area of guarded plate measurement area (M 2 )
Tpatg = Temperature of the plate surface (OK)
T., = Temperature of the ambient air ('K)
Q = Power required to maintain constant plate surface temperature (watts)
p, = saturated water vapor pressure at the plate surface (mbar)
Pa = saturated water vapor pressure of the ambient air (mbar)
= relative humidity (fractional)

Intrinsic water vapor permeability index i.a, is given by:

S,, (A.3)

where S, is 0.6 mbar/°K (or 0.45 mmHg/0 C), and is equal to 1/S (S defined previously
as 2.2 °C/mmiHg).

The conversion factor used to convert DIN 54-101 units to clo and imunits is shown below:

Bare plate thermal resistance R o = (6.46)Rct '

Total thermal resistance R, ,t- (6.46)(R I+R ,)
Intrinsic thermal resistance R,= (6.46)R,

where R o,R ,toa,and R. are in clo units; Rcand R, are in m2 -*K/watt.

The water vapor permeability index i. is found from:

i.= (R., +R,)A.4)

The evaporative resistance Rt may be obtained from imand R tora(clo) values from:

R,t= sR,+ R,ol R,,0.. S, I{ 1 (A5

-R 6.46 (im/Ro)(mo/Ro) (A.5)

where im
o is bare plate i. value.


ASTM E96-80, Procedure B Measurements

Table B-I. Permeable Materials
(Upright Cup Data)

Sample # MVTR Equivalent Air Resistance Intrinsic Fabric Resistance

d Rf
(g-m2/24 h) (cm of still air) (s/cm)

1 987 0.430 1.68

2 988 0.428 1.67

3 1216 -0.008 -0.03

4 958 0.501 1.96

5 1101 0.189 0.74

6 980 0.447 1.75

7 683 1.467 5.73

8 745 1.187 4.64

9 701 1.381 5.39

10 761 1.122 4.38

Values in table are averaged over four samples.

Table B-2. Hydrophobic Membrane Laminates
(Upright Cup Data)

Sample # MVTR Equivalent Air Resistance Intrinsic Fabric Resistance

dq R
(g.m'2/24 h) (cm of still air) (s/cm)

11 1035 0.322 1.26

12 824 0.891 3.48

13 879 0.717 2.80

14 790 1.01 3.95

15 740 1.21 4.72

16 789 1.02 3.97

17 872 0.738 2.88

18 895 0.670 2.62

19 809 0.943 3.68

Values in table are averaged over four samples.

Table B-3. Hydrophilic Membrane Laminates
(Upright Cup Data)

Sample # MVTR Equivalent Air Resistance Intrinsic Fabric Resistance

dq R
(g.m 2/z4 h) (cm of still air) (s/cm)

20 675 1.51 5.88

21 623 1.79 7.00

22 461 3.09 12.07

23 517 2.55 9.96

24 531 2.43 9.50

25 567 2.16 8.42

26 602 1.92 7.50

27 673 1.52 5.93

Values in table are averaged over four samples.

Table B-4. Impermeable Material

(Upright Cup Data)

Sample # MVTR Equivalent Air Resistance Intrinsic Fabric Resistance

dq Rf
(g-m 21/24 h) (cm of still air) (s/cm)

28 1 2298 8976


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