CRIM 2 Caballes Vs CA

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G.R. No.

136292 January 15, 2002



Sgt. Victorino Noceja and Pat. Alex de Castro, while on a routine patrol in Barangay
Sampalucan, Pagsanjan, spotted a passenger jeep unusually covered with “kakawati”
leaves. Suspecting that the jeep was loaded with smuggled goods, the two police
officers flagged down the vehicle. The jeep was driven by appellant. When asked what
was loaded on the jeep, he did not answer, and appeared nervous. With appellant’s
consent, the police officers checked the cargo and they discovered bundles of 3.08 mm
aluminum/galvanized conductor wires exclusively owned by National Power
Corporation (NPC). When asked where the wires came from, appellant answered that
they came from Cavinti, a town approximately 8 kilometers away from Sampalucan.

The court a quo rendered judgment finding the accused guilty beyond reasonable doubt
of the crime of Theft.

The CA affirmed the judgment of conviction.

WON the evidence taken from the warrantless search is admissible against the

It is not controverted that the search and seizure conducted by the police officers in the
case at bar was not authorized by a search warrant. A warrantless search of a moving
vehicle is justified on the ground that it is not practicable to secure a warrant because
the vehicle can be quickly moved out of the locality or jurisdiction in which the warrant
must be sought. Searches without warrant of automobiles is also allowed for the
purpose of preventing violations of smuggling or immigration laws, provided such
searches are made at borders or ‘constructive borders’ like checkpoints near the
boundary lines of the State. The mere mobility of these vehicles, however, does not give
the police officers unlimited discretion to conduct indiscriminate searches without
warrants if made within the interior of the territory and in the absence of probable
cause. Still and all, the important thing is that there was probable cause to conduct the
warrantless search, which must still be present in such a case.

The search which is normally permissible in this instance is limited to the following
(1) where the officer merely draws aside the curtain of a vacant vehicle which is parked
on the public fair grounds; (2) simply looks into a vehicle; (3) flashes a light therein
without opening the car’s doors; (4) where the occupants are not subjected to a physical
or body search; (5) where the inspection of the vehicles is limited to a visual search or
visual inspection; and (6) where the routine check is conducted in a fixed area.

The cases in which warrantless searches are normally permissible are not attendant in
the case at bar. They had to reach inside the vehicle, lift the kakawati leaves and look
inside the sacks before they were able to see the cable wires. It cannot be considered a
simple routine check. The vehicle of the petitioner was flagged down because the police
officers patrol became suspicious when they saw that the back of the vehicle was
covered with kakawati leaves which, according to them, was unusual and uncommon.
We hold that the fact that the vehicle looked suspicious simply because it is not
common does not constitute “probable cause” as would justify the conduct of a search
without a warrant. Neither can petitioner’s passive submission be construed as an
implied acquiescence to the warrantless search.

The remaining evidence on record are insufficient to sustain petitioner’s conviction. His
guilt can only be established without violating the constitutional right of the accused
against unreasonable search and seizure.

The impugned decision was REVERSED and SET ASIDE, and accused Rudy Caballes
was ACQUITTED of the crime charged.

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