Acs Osce
Acs Osce
Acs Osce
*Note: Patients come with main sign and symptom of Chest pain, therefore must differentiate cardiac
or non-cardiac chest pain*
1. Onset: Acute
2. Location: ACS- dada kiri, substernal, sakit diffuse ke dinding dada (use palm, cannot pinpoint)
3. Characteristic (descripsikan sakit):
• Kayak dicengkam, tercekik, diremas, tertindih (overlap), tusuk terbakar, nyeri ulu hati;
Deep visceral, heavy, squeezing, crushing, stabbing, burning (STEMI pain)
• Nyeri bertahap (crescendo), henti bertahap (decrescendo)
4. Referred Pain: menjalar ke leher, rahang, dan tangan kiri
(DD: GERD- tidak menyalar ke tangan.)
5. Duration (onset of pain):
Pain < 20 minute = unstable angina pectoris
Pain > 20 minute = infarct
6. Accompanying sign and symptom: Sweating, cold, cold sweat, nausea, vomiting (sympathetic
activation), cold extremities, weakness
7. Aggravating factor: Vigorous physical activities, emotional stress
8. Relieving factor:
Rest, then no pain = stable angina (not ACS)
Rest, then still pain = unstable angine pectoris
9. Risk factor: Age, DM, Hypertension, Obesity, dyslipidemia, smoking
10. Other sign and symptom: Unexplained indigestion, belching, epigastric pain
RPD: Belum pernah nyeri seperti ini
ACS pain is more severe, longer lasting, radiate more widely
Orang tua mempunyai riwayat penyakit jantung.
Total occlusion Partial occlusion Partial occlusion
Necrosis Necrosis No necrosis
deep and visceral, heavy, Symptom like STEMI but new onset of severe pain
squeezy, crushing, stabing, less between 4-6 weeks.
burning Frequency of pain increase
after 10 weeks.
begin during exertion but Symptom like STEMI but
does not subside with less
Pain sustained > 20 Pain sustained > 20 Angina at rest < 20 minutes.
minutes. minutes.
1. do ABC if patient in an emergency situation.
2. General Observation: Patient cemas, gelisah, berkeringat, cool, clammy, pale
3. Vital Sign:
o Tarchycardia, pulse increase
o Tarchypnea or dypnea
o Hypertension
o Mild fever
4. Patognomonis Test: Jugular Vein Distension [due to acute Heart Failure] normal is usually <3cm.
Sit 45 degree, turn head to opposite side.
1. Smoking cesation
2. BP control- lifestyle modification or B blocker / RAA inhibitor
3. Physical activity-30 minutes 3-4 days per week
4. Lipid management- Statin
5. Weight control
6. Diabetis
7. Everyday Aspirin