Redis Cluster Tutorial-3

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mkdir 7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005

Create a redis.conf file inside each of the directories, from 7000 to 7005. As a template
for your configuration file just use the small example above, but make sure to replace
the port number 7000 with the right port number according to the directory name.
Now copy your redis-server executable, compiled from the latest sources in the
unstable branch at GitHub, into the cluster-test directory, and finally open 6 terminal
tabs in your favorite terminal application.
Start every instance like that, one every tab:

cd 7000

../redis-server ./redis.conf

As you can see from the logs of every instance, since no nodes.conf file existed, every
node assigns itself a new ID.

[82462] 26 Nov 11:56:55.329 * No cluster configuration found, I'm


This ID will be used forever by this specific instance in order for the instance to have a
unique name in the context of the cluster. Every node remembers every other node
using this IDs, and not by IP or port. IP addresses and ports may change, but the
unique node identifier will never change for all the life of the node. We call this identifier
simply Node ID.

Creating the cluster

Now that we have a number of instances running, we need to create our cluster by
writing some meaningful configuration to the nodes.
If you are using Redis 5, this is very easy to accomplish as we are helped by the Redis
Cluster command line utility embedded into redis-cli, that can be used to create new
clusters, check or reshard an existing cluster, and so forth.
For Redis version 3 or 4, there is the older tool called redis-trib.rb which is very similar.
You can find it in the src directory of the Redis source code distribution. You need to
install redis gem to be able to run redis-trib.

gem install redis

The first example, that is, the cluster creation, will be shown using both redis-cli in Redis
5 and redis-trib in Redis 3 and 4. However all the next examples will only use redis-cli,
since as you can see the syntax is very similar, and you can trivially change one
command line into the other by using redis-trib.rb help to get info about the old
syntax. Important: note that you can use Redis 5 redis-cli against Redis 4 clusters
without issues if you wish.
To create your cluster for Redis 5 with redis-cli simply type:

redis-cli --cluster create \ \

--cluster-replicas 1

Using redis-trib.rb for Redis 4 or 3 type:

./redis-trib.rb create --replicas 1 \

The command used here is create, since we want to create a new cluster. The option --
cluster-replicas 1
means that we want a slave for every master created. The other
arguments are the list of addresses of the instances I want to use to create the new
Obviously the only setup with our requirements is to create a cluster with 3 masters and
3 slaves.
Redis-cli will propose you a configuration. Accept the proposed configuration by
typing yes. The cluster will be configured and joined, which means, instances will be
bootstrapped into talking with each other. Finally, if everything went well, you'll see a
message like that:

[OK] All 16384 slots covered

This means that there is at least a master instance serving each of the 16384 slots

Creating a Redis Cluster using the create-cluster script

If you don't want to create a Redis Cluster by configuring and executing individual
instances manually as explained above, there is a much simpler system (but you'll not
learn the same amount of operational details).
Just check utils/create-cluster directory in the Redis distribution. There is a script
called create-cluster inside (same name as the directory it is contained into), it's a simple
bash script. In order to start a 6 nodes cluster with 3 masters and 3 slaves just type the
following commands:
1. create-cluster start
2. create-cluster create
Reply to yes in step 2 when the redis-cli utility wants you to accept the cluster layout.
You can now interact with the cluster, the first node will start at port 30001 by default.
When you are done, stop the cluster with:
1. create-cluster stop.
Please read the README inside this directory for more information on how to run the

Playing with the cluster

At this stage one of the problems with Redis Cluster is the lack of client libraries
I'm aware of the following implementations:

• redis-rb-cluster is a Ruby implementation written by me (@antirez) as a reference for

other languages. It is a simple wrapper around the original redis-rb, implementing the
minimal semantics to talk with the cluster efficiently.

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