The Case Study of Olivia

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Brouwer, Mark
April 27, 2015

Olivia was a healthy 35-year old woman. Until one spring day, when she got into a bad
bike accident, and suffered serious head trauma. The doctors patched her up, but after a couple of
days in the hospital, she noticed something strange was happening. Or, rather, something was not
happening – she could no longer smell.

Not the flowers in her room; not the nurse’s rubber gloves, not even the horrible hospital
food. In the weeks that followed, she blackened a batch of cookies because she could not smell
them burning. She could not smell the lilacs blooming, or her husband’s aftershave, or her car
overheating. She drank expired milk because she could not taste that it had gone sour. The world
got a lot less interesting: eating was not very exciting, and Olivia started getting depressed. Life
felt sterile and unfamiliar. Olivia had anosmia – a partial or complete loss of the sense of smell
(and with it, most of her ability to taste).
Brouwer, Mark
April 27, 2015

Olivia had a bad bicycle accident and she had serious head trauma. She was rushed to the
hospital to treat her injury and she was confined in the hospital; until one day she noticed that
something strange is happening or something that is not happening to her - she could not smell
and taste anything. Not the food, the smell of hospital the bitter taste of the medicine she is
taking, the flowers beside her, and even her husband’s scent.

The possible parts of the brain that were affected in her accident are orbitofrontal cortex
that is located above and behind our eyes, the insula, and the piriform cortex that is located just
between the two other brain areas. These parts of the brain are the regions where the olfactory
bulb is connected. Another possible thing that could happen to Olivia is she can have also
difficulty in remembering memories because the olfactory regions of the brain do not only serve
for smelling because odor can evoke very strong associations and memories of situations and
place from a long time ago.

Her daily living was affected by the serious accident she had. And even her family
members were affected, too. When Olivia is cooking, she could not smell if her dish is
overcooked and she could not taste if it is too salty or too sour. When she is driving her car she
does not mind the engine is overheating because she could not smell it. Her family needs to
double and increase their efforts to assist Olivia in her daily living. The job of his husband is
affected because he needs to focus to his wife and give her the support she need.

There is no treatment that was mentioned in the case of Olivia. But, possibly, she was
undergone a therapy about her depression because her life changed when this happened to her.
And according to her, she lost her interest in the world due to the damage on her brain which
affects her sense of smell and taste. She started to get depressed because she could not do and eat
the things she usually doing and eating. She is not enjoying the food she is eating, everything
tastes like nothing.

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