Abstract-The Present Energy Scarcity Is

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Abstract—The present energy scarcity is showed a consistent growth rate of 13%

one of the foremost problems in South yearly. In 2020, The energy requirement
Sudan. The youngest country is in will reach 8.95 million TOEs with this
immense need of sustainable and reliable growth rate. According to United Nations
electrical power in order to boost Department of Economic and Social
economic development. The inhabitants Affairs Population Division The total
depend mainly on bio carbon products population of the country in the year 2019
and only 5.1 percent of the total is 14,730,548 out of this only 5.1% has
population have access to electrical electricity access. The supply is limited to
power. The purpose of this paper is to a few towns, mainly the citizens who are
investigate the available potential of hydel in capital Juba, Wau and Malakal are
power in South Sudan. South Sudan has connected to national grid. These cities
potential of 2927MW of hydropower to the experience prolonged load shedding and
total estimated demand of 631MW in infrequent service and rest of the country
2019. The current installed capacity have no electricity access at all.
according to SSEC is 131.4MW. Out of
The generation is lagging the demand by
this, 42MW is being used in the oil field at
Paloch and 21MW is installed in Juba by a 500MW [3]. Populace of 14.7 million need
private company for their own needs. The to be connected with an electric power
current production is completely based on grid that needs 500MW of electric power.
fossil fuel. Although according to South Thus, the demand is at peak and
Sudan Electricity Corporation 161MW of increasing with growth rate of population
hydro power will be generated by the end at 4.08%. In 2032, the estimated shortfall
of 2026. However, the development is will reach to 700MW [4]. The lack of
facing hurdles i.e. Lack of infrastructure, electricity generation is also affecting the
legislation, civil riot, Funds, Proper industrial sector eventually the country
planning and monitoring, Lack of hydro depends on imports due to
data. The hydropower causes less underproduction [1]. South Sudan is
pollution and need to be considered as spending 20% of its entire budget on
primary source of energy due to its thermal energy to produce electricity [5].
environment friendly nature. According to the report of the International
Energy Agency, the demand for electric
Index Terms—Electricity Crisis, power in South Sudan will be 1400MW by
Hydroelectric power Generation, Green 2040 [6]. It shows a three-time increase in
House Gases demand for electric power. However,
keeping in view previous added power
generation to the grid the hydel electricity
1. INTRODUCTION generation is not growing as the electricity
demand does.
Energy play a vital role in the
development and growth of a country. At The proportion of electric power
present, South Sudan has many generated from conventional energy
challenges in the development of the resource in 2019 are shown in Figure 1.
energy sector. In 2016, South Sudan The figure shows that almost all the
energy requirement was 2.89 million Tons energy is generated from fossil fuel and
of Oil Equivalent (TOEs) in 2012. It still very far to meet the energy demand of
the country. In order to meet the demand,
the exploration and adoption of new
State own company South Sudan
reliable and affordable energy sources is
Electricity Corporation (SSEC) is
a need of the day. South Sudan has
responsible for power generation and
enormous potential of renewable energy
distribution is working in collaboration with
resources. The current power shortfall can
many companies to shrink the power gap
be mitigated by exploration of these
of 500MW. Sino Hydro is a Chinese company
investing in Hydel Power. East Africa Power
Pool (EAPP) and Northern Corridor Integration
Projects (NCIP), are power exchange programs
that are established for regional power trade.
South Sudan should avail every opportunity to
strengthen the promotion and development of
93% hydropower policy while the country develops
its present hydro resources.
. The rest of paper has been organized as
follows: Section 2 describes the Electrical
7% Power Generation in Pakistan, Section 3 is
about small hydropower in Pakistan,
Renewable resources Fossil Fuel Section 4 is about barrier to Small Hydro
Power Plant while section 5 shows the
impact of hydropower on the environment.
Renewable energy is necessary for
Finally, the paper is concluded in section 6.
boosting economical growth as well as
sustainable environmental need. The total population of South Sudan in 2013
was 11.3 million people (Table 1). Total
Hydro energy is being used since early production of electricity in 2015 was 28
ages for electricity generation. its ktoe, with 92.8 per cent from fossil fuels
contribution to generate electric power is and 7.1 per cent from hydro sources. Final
19% in world. Many countries have electricity consumption in 2015 was 16 ktoe
potential of large scale and small-scale (Table 2) (AFREC, 2015). Figures 2 and 3
hydro power plant. China is leading by show the energy production and
generating 19GW of electric power. consumption statistics
Different sites are suitable for both large
and small hydro power plants in South
Sudan. The country has potential to
generate 3GW of electric power from
hydro resources.
. [12]. Until now, Pakistan is being able to
produce only 74078MW of hydroelectric
power. The generation of hydroelectric
power in the different region of Pakistan is
shown in Figure 2. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(KPK) has been able to produce a large
proportion of hydroelectric power.

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