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Training Manual For National E-Government Procurement System of Nepal

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Banking Module


Organized By:

Government of Nepal
Public Procurement Monitoring Office,
Tahachal, Kathmandu
Table of Contents

Section I: Bank Registration ............................................................................................... 3

Section II: Bank Admin Registration .................................................................................. 6

Section III: Branch Registration ....................................................................................... 14

Section IV: Branch User Registration ................................................................................17

Section V: Instrument Type (Transaction) Verification ................................................... 28

Section I: Bank Registration

Business Flow Diagram

BANKING MODULE: Bank Registration

Super User fills the bank Super User Register the bank
Super User logs into the e- in the system.
GP system.

Super user logs into the e-GP system and fills in the bank detail including Name of the Bank, address,

contact details and register the bank in the system.


Step 1

Super User logs into the e-GP system.

Fig. Banking Module: Bank Registration - Step 1

Step 2

The User clicks on Admin -> Create -> New Bank.

Fig. Banking Module: Bank Registration - Step 2

Step 3

The User fills in the bank details and clicks on the submit button.

Fig. Banking Module: Bank Registration - Step 3

In this way, particular bank is successfully registered in the e-GP system.

Section II: Bank Admin Registration

Business Flow Diagram

BANKING MODULE: Bank Admin Registration

Super User logs Super User Selects the The appointed bank admin The bank admin
newly created bank in Bank admin fills the account
into the e-GP receives an email through gets registered in
the system and enters detail
system. which the user registers the system
the admin’s email into the e-GP system.

Super user login into the system. Then after invites a bank admin to the newly added bank. The bank admin
receives an invitation in his/her email with the link to activate bolpatra account. Upon clicking the link, the
user is directed to registration page in the e-GP system. The bank admin then fill in his account details and
successfully registers into the e-GP system.


Bank Admin User Registration

Super User logs into the e-GP system.

The user clicks on Admin -> Bank -> Create -> Configure Exiting Bank.

The User selects the added Bank from “Select Bank” button.

The User enters the details of Bank Admin and clicks on submit button.

The Bank Admin receives a system generated mail and clicks on “Activate Bolpatra Account”.

The Bank Admin is directed to registration page where the user fills in the Account details and
clicks on register.

Step 1

Super User logs into the e-GP system.

Fig. Banking Module: Bank Admin Registration - Step 1

Step 2

The Super user clicks on Admin -> Create -> Configure Exiting Bank.

Fig. Banking Module: Bank Admin Registration - Step 2

Step 3

The User selects the added bank from the “Select Bank” button.

Fig. Banking Module: Bank Admin Registration - Step 3

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Step 4

The User enters the details of bank admin and clicks on submit button.

Fig. Banking Module: Bank Admin Registration - Step 4

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Step 5

The bank admin receives a system generated mail and clicks on “Activate Bolpatra Account” link.

Fig. Banking Module: Bank Admin Registration - Step 5

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Step 6

The bank admin is redirected to registration page where the user fills in the account details and clicks on

Fig. Banking Module: Bank Admin Registration - Step 6

In this way, admin user for a particular bank is successfully registered in the e-GP system.

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Section III: Branch Registration

Business Flow Diagram

BANKING MODULE: Branch Registration

Bank admin logs into the Bank admin fill its branch Branch get registered in the
e-GP system. details system

Bank Admin logs into the e-GP system and creates a branch.


14 | P a g e
Step 1

Bank admin logs into the e-GP system.

Fig. Banking Module: Bank Branch Registration - Step 1

Step 2

User clicks on Admin -> Bank -> Create -> New Branch

Fig. Banking Module: Bank Branch Registration - Step 2

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Step 3

The User fills in bank details and clicks ‘Submit’ button.

Fig. Banking Module: Bank Branch Registration - Step 3

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Section IV: Branch User Registration

BANKING MODULE: Branch User Registration

Bank admin Bank admin configure a The bank users User fills their The users register
logs into the existing bank branch and receives an email. details into the system.
e-GP system. invites a bank users.

Bank user login into the system. Thereafter, User invites bank users to the newly added bank branch. The
bank users receive an invitation in his/her email with the link to activate bolpatra account. Upon clicking the
link, the user is directed to registration page in the e-GP system. The bank users then fill in their account
details and successfully register into the e-GP system.

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Bank Branch User Registration

Bank Admin logs into the e-GP system.

The user clicks on Admin -> Bank -> Create -> Configure Exiting Branch.

The User selects the added Bank from “Select Branch” button.

The User enters the details of Bank Branch and clicks on save Branch button.

The User is redirected to Bank User tab.

The User clicks on Invite Makers and clicks Add New User after filling user details.

The User clicks on Invite Checkers and clicks Add New User after filling user details.

The Makers/Checker receives and email and clicks “Activate Bolpatra Account”.

The User fills in Account details and clicks on register button.

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Step 1

Bank admin logs into the e-GP system.

Fig. Banking Module: Bank Branch User Registration - Step 1

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Step 2

User clicks on Admin -> Bank -> Create -> Lookup Existing Bank

Fig. Banking Module: Bank Branch User Registration - Step 2

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Step 3

The User selects the added bank by clicking ‘Select Branch’ button.

Fig. Banking Module: Bank Branch User Registration - Step 3

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Step 4

The User enters the detail of bank branch and clicks ‘Save Branch’.

Fig. Banking Module: Bank Branch User Registration – Step 4

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Step 5

The User is redirected to the Bank User tab.

Fig. Banking Module: Bank Branch User Registration - Step 5

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Step 6

The user clicks ‘Add Makers’ and clicks ‘Add New User’ after filling user details.

Fig. Banking Module: Bank Branch User Registration – Step 6

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Step 7

The user clicks ‘Add Checkers’ and clicks ‘Add New User’ after filling in the user details.

Fig. Banking Module: Bank Branch User Registration - Step 7

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Step 8

The Maker/Checker receives an email notification and clicks ‘Activate Bolpatra Account’.

Fig. Banking Module: Bank Branch User Registration - Step 8

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Step 9

The maker/checker fills in the Account Details section and clicks on Register.

Fig. Banking Module: Bank Branch User Registration - Step 9

In this way, a bank branch user is registered by bank admin followed by the invitation of respective bank
makers and checkers.

Note: While creating the branch user there is a provision to assign the user as a central user. User when
assigned as a central user can access the transaction from all the branch of the particular bank and verify it

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Section V: Instrument Type (Transaction) Verification

(Bid Document Fee Payment/Bid Security/Performance Security/

Advance Payment Security)
Business Flow Diagram

BANKING MODULE: Transaction Verification

Bank Maker logs into the User verifies Bid Fee/Bid Security/ Bank Checker approves/ Transaction is verified
E-GP system. Advance Payment Security/Performance rejects. successfully

Request Modification

During the process of Transaction verification, bank maker logs into the e-GP system and verifies or rejects
instrument type (bid fee/bid security/advance payment security/performance security). Thereafter, bank
checker logs into the system and approves/rejects/requests modification to the verified banking transaction.

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Transaction Verification

Bank Maker logs into the e-GP system and clicks “Search” after filling desired

From the list of search result, User claims desired task.

User clicks on Action button icon of the claimed task.

User selects a status, adds a comment and clicks on submit button.

Bank Checker logs into the e-GP system and clicks “Search” after filling desired criteria.

From the list of search result, User claims desired task.

User clicks on Action button icon of the claimed task.

User selects a status, adds a comment and clicks on submit button.

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Step 1

Bank maker logs into the e-GP system and clicks ‘Search’ after filling desired criteria.

Fig. Banking Module: Transaction Verification - Step 1

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Step 2

From the list of search result, user claims desired task.

Fig. Banking Module: Transaction Verification - Step 2

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Step 3

The user clicks on Action button icon of the claimed task.

Fig. Banking Module: Transaction Verification - Step 3

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Step 4

The User selects a status, adds a comment and clicks on submit button.

Fig. Banking Module: Transaction Verification - Step 4

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Step 5

Bank checker logs into the system and clicks ‘Search’ button after filling in the desired criteria.

Fig. Banking Module: Transaction Verification - Step 5

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Step 6

From the list of search result, the user claims desired task.

Fig. Banking Module: Transaction Verification - Step 6

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Step 7

The user then clicks on Action button of the claimed task.

Fig. Banking Module: Transaction Verification - Step 7

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Step 8

The user selects a status, adds a comment and clicks on ‘Submit’ button.

Fig. Banking Module: Transaction Verification - Step 8

In this way, bid fee/bid security/advance payment security/performance security related transactions
verification is performed by the bank.

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