Introduction To Sociology Assignment: Conflict Theory

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Date - 20/05/2020

Introduction to Sociology Assignment

Question​ : Draw a comparison between conflict and interactionist perspective.

Following is the comparison between 2 perspectives of sociology i.e; CONFLICT & INTERACTIONIST perspectives.

Conflict theory:​ A social science perspective that holds that stratification is dysfunctional and harmful in society, with inequality perpetuated
because it benefits the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor.Conflict theory derives from the ideas of ​Karl Marx.​According to the conflict
perspective, society is made up of individuals competing for limited resources (e.g., money, leisure). ​The relationship between individual and
society, in this perspective is cast as a contradiction​. Karl Marx was an important figure for this perspective. He asserted that all the history
until now is based upon the struggle between classes which he refers to as Bourgeois and Proletarians. The perspective is concerned with
optimistic assumptions about human nature and the way current social arrangements alienate and marginalize some groups of population.
Socialists who work from the ​conflict perspective study the distribution of resources power and inequality.

Interactionism i​ s a methodological approach and a set of philosophical tenets (beliefs and principles). It views social phenomena as human
agents creating and recreating society.
Scholars of this prospective study how individuals act within the society and believe that meaning is produced through interactions of

Hence we can say, ​Conflict theory​ emphasizes social inequality and suggests that far-reaching social change is needed to achieve a just
society. Symbolic ​interactionism​ emphasizes the social meanings and understandings that individuals derive from their social interaction.

Conflict perspective focuses on ​macro level ​activities whereas interactionist perspective focuses on ​micro level​ social phenomena. Conflict
perspective makes an ​objective assumption​ wherein society is
seen as corrupting influence as it creates conditions where individuals become greedy exploitative and uncooperative. Here the society has an
independent existence. Whereas interactionist perspective make ​subjective assumption​ that there is no absolute reality but that people
purposefully construct their social reality in order to attain the goal they seek. Here individuals have free will to actively construct meaning
based on their motivation. Conflict theory make ​materialist and determinist approach​ can assume the shape and feature of society is the
result of capitalist society whereas interactionist perspective is idealist. It accords importance to ideas and values of individuals. It stresses
social life as subjective rather than objective reality.

Pooja Yadav

First year (2nd semester)

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