Family Worship Resource: Bible Story: Bible Passage: Story Main Point: Key Passage: Big Picture Question

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August 23rd 

Family Lesson (33.3) 

Family Worship Resource 

Bible Story:​ The Fruit of the Spirit 
Bible Passage: ​Galatians 5:16-26 
Story Main Point: ​The Holy Spirit helps us be more like Jesus. 
Key Passage: ​"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed 
away; behold, the new has come." 2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV) 

Big Picture Question: ​Who changes us? The Holy Spirit changes us to be like Jesus for 
God’s glory. 


Hey Parents! 
Use the following links and tools to have your own Family Worship time at home. Keep it simple, don’t aim for 
perfection, and remember that any time spent in God’s Word as a family is a win.  

Here is an overview of how your time can look, and below you can find links for everything you need for 
different age groups (if you have kids in different age groups, choose the one you think fits best).  

1. Sing Together 
2. Coloring/Activity Pages 
3. Listen to or Watch the Bible Story Video 
4. Family Discussion Questions 
5. Pray to close 
6. BONUS!​ - Looking for more to do? Check on the last page for extra activities to do at home! 

We pray your time together with family is special and fruitful, and maybe even unexpectedly refreshing. 

- The NN Loop Kids Team 


Sing Together: 
Click on the links below to find the Toddler/PK and Elementary Worship Song Playlists*. Encourage kids to stand up, 
sing out loud, move and dance as they sing praises to God and worship Him with their whole bodies (and don’t forget to 
sing with them too, parents)!  

*​Note that these are youtube playlists, so parental guidance is advised. 

Toddler/PreK Songs 
Elementary Song

Coloring/Activity Pages: 
Click on the links below for the Coloring/Activity Pages. Print them off if you’re able and work on them as a family.  
This Weekend’s​ ​Coloring Page​. 
Activity Page 
Invite preschoolers to use the key to find and circle the hidden items in the picture.  
SAY​: Today’s Bible story is about the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit does not grow on a fruit tree. You 
cannot touch or eat the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is attitudes and actions that grow and show in 
someone who follows Jesus. The Holy Spirit makes the fruit of the Spirit grow in us. 
Younger Elementary: 
Activity Page 
Invite kids to complete the “Fruit Salad” on the activity page. Kids will unscramble each word to reveal the fruit of 
the Spirit. 
SAY​:  Each of those words represents an attribute that the Holy Spirit will begin to grow in your life when you 
believe in Jesus. The Bible calls these attributes the “fruit of the Spirit.” We will learn more about them today. 
Older Elementary: 
Activity Page 
Invite kids to complete the “Decision Tree” on the activity page. Kids should look at the fruit and then move 
through the decision tree to identify what type of tree it came from. (plum) 
SAY​: If a tree produces a fruit that is smooth, has one seed, and is purple, it is likely a plum tree! 
In the Bible, Paul wrote about something called the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit isn’t smooth or fuzzy or 
seedy or colored! We will find out more about what it is.  


Today’s Bible Story: ​Either watch the Bible Story video together or read the story below aloud. 
Watch the Bible Story​: ​*To be able to access the videos at this link,​ u​ se this password:​ loopkids  
Choose the PK or Elementary Bible Story Video. Note that these videos will only be available to view for one week. 
Tell the Bible Story: ​For the shorter version, read only the bolded portion below. 
The Fruit of the Spirit 
Galatians 5:16-26 
Paul wrote a letter to the Christians in Galatia.​ Galatia was a province in Rome, and many of the Christians there were 
Gentiles, or non-Jews. ​Paul explained that God changes people who trust in Jesus. God gives them the Holy Spirit, 
who guides them and gives them power to become more like Jesus. 
Paul wrote that the Holy Spirit changes the way we think and act. He wanted believers to know that if you let the 
Holy Spirit guide you, you will do what God wants instead of what you want. 
When sin is in control, we do wrong things. We show hatred, jealousy, anger, selfishness, and greed. We fight and 
get into trouble. People who live like this will not enter God’s kingdom. 
But Jesus frees us from the power of sin. His Holy Spirit lives in us and gives us power to do what is right. When the 
Holy Spirit is in control, people choose love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and 
self-control. These actions are the fruit of the Spirit​—proof that the Spirit is in someone—like how a healthy tree 
produces fruit​. This fruit pleases God. 
Paul wrote that when we trust in Jesus, we no longer want to do whatever pleases ourselves. The Holy Spirit gives us 
power to say no to things like hatred, jealousy, anger, selfishness, and greed. ​The more we know Jesus, the more ​we 
will choose actions like joy, kindness, and self-control. ​We will want to live to please God. Since the Holy Spirit lives in 
us, we must let the Holy Spirit guide us. 
Christ Connection: When we trust in Jesus, the Holy Spirit begins to change us. Paul told the believers in the Galatian 
church how to recognize that God is working in someone’s life. People who are saved by Jesus become more like Him, 
and the Holy Spirit gives them power to say no to sin and to live in a way that pleases God. 
Have a Toddler? 
​Here are the “gospel gems” to take away from today’s story.  
God gives the Holy Spirit to people who love Jesus. 
The Holy Spirit helps us love God. 
The Holy Spirit helps us grow to be more like Jesus. 


Family Discussion Starters 

Use the following starters questions to begin a discussion around today’s lesson. 

● How can we know someone loves God? 
● Name a characteristic of the fruit of the Spirit. What does each characteristic mean? 
● How does the Holy Spirit help us? 

● What are some ways we need to be more like Jesus? 
● Do you think the Holy Spirit produces all the fruit in everyone? 
● Which attribute from the fruit of the Spirit is easiest for you? Which is hardest? 
Family Discussion: 
● Do you see any fruit of the Spirit in your family members? If so, what fruit? 
● Talk about how you changed after becoming a believer. 
● As unbelievers, sin controlled us. As believers, who is in control now? 
Application Questions: 
Elementary Journal Page:​ ​Older kids can use this page to journal about the questions below. 
● What does this story teach me about God or the gospel? 
● What does the story teach me about myself? 
● Are there any commands in this story to obey? How are they for God’s glory and my good? 
● Are there any promises in this story to remember? How do they help me trust and love God? 
● How does this story help me to live on mission better? 

Pray to Close: 
Pray together as a family to wrap up your time. Take requests, take turns, or use the prompt below.  
Pray:​  Lord God, help us to live Your way. Our sinful desire is to live for ourselves, but You alone deserve our love, 
worship, and attention. Thank You for the Holy Spirit, who changes us so we can live out Your mission. Amen. 

Bonus Activities! 
Use one of the following activities straight from our regular weekend curriculum to take it one step further! 
Play out a Picnic 

Provide toy food and dishes for toddlers to play out a meal. Highlight any fruits in your toy picnic. Talk about how fruit 
trees grow from seeds. 
SAY • ​ A seed grows into a tree with fruit. The Holy Spirit helps us grow to be more like Jesus. God helps us love 

Look At Trees 

Lead your preschooler outside to look at trees. Point out trees that look healthier than others. Allow them to gather 
nature items to examine when you return to your home. 
SAY • ​A healthy tree grows fruit, and a healthy believer shows the fruit of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps us be more 
like Jesus and show the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. The Holy Spirit changes our hearts to help us love God and 
want to obey Him. 

Good Fruit, Bad Fruit 

On a dry erase board or piece of paper, make a T-chart. Label one column Good Fruit and the other column Bad 
Fruit. Lead your kids to discuss the thoughts and behaviors that would fall under each category. List their ideas in the 
appropriate columns. Each time a kid suggests a general trait, ask her for a specific example of what that might look 
SAY •​  When we believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit begins working in our lives. As we grow in our faith, our hearts will 
want what God wants. Over time our sinful habits will fall away and our lives will be marked by godliness. The Holy 
Spirit will produce love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in our 

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