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An overview of noodles and cheese balls production in Biggest food industry

in Nepal and Internship report on quality control of food products of
Chaudhary Group Nepal (FUDCO).

Research · February 2016

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1694.5048


0 7,040

1 author:

Hriush Adhikari
Sann International College


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Objectives of Training:

 Practical implementation of knowledge and to expose ourselves in industrial

 To learn the problems encountered in the industry and the ways of solving them.
 To boost up the technical skill as well as managerial knowledge with practical
 To observe and study details about the plant.
 To get the opportunity to develop attitudes conductive to effective interpersonal
 To gain skills and training directly applicable to career.

1. Introduction

The Chaudhary Group is regarded as the third-generation Nepali Marwari family business
that has become Nepal's first multinational with over $500million in assets and revenue that
Forbes Asia recently called 'among Nepal's richest non-royals'.

Chaudhary Group (CG) is one of the largest corporate houses in Nepal having diversified
interests across various sectors. It is privately-held conglomerate company with over 40
Companies under its umbrella and is an organization touching the life of million Nepalese
everyday and has its presence in more than 18 countries.

Chaudhary group have world class manufacturing facilities of noodles, snacks and
beverages& Cigarettes. Chaudhary group is the biggest manufacturer of the instant
noodle in Nepal. Today their brands like WAI-WAI noodles are the market leader
in its segment and a household name not only in Nepal, India and Bhutan but also
in the fast growing markets across the world.

CG Foods (Nepal) Pvt. Ltd. (CGFN) has two manufacturing locations in Nepal for launching its products
which have been named as Chaudhary Udyog Gram (CUG) at Nawalparasi, 160 Kms south west
of Kathmandu and FUDCO at Kathmandu.

1.1 Industry Profile

Name : CG Foods (Nepal) Pvt. Ltd.

Location : Sainbu ,Bhaisepati, Latipur Nepal

Year of Establishment : 1985

Nature of Ownership : Private

Total area : 23 ropani

Total no. of employees : 226

No. of Direct labor : 116

No. of Indirect labor : 10

CG Foods (FUDCO) is an integrated food production complex of Chaudhary Group on the

southern fringe of Lalitpur district, Nepal that offers a wide range of products of true
international quality using the latest food technology. It is ISO 9001:2008 and Food Safety
Management System ISO 22000:2005 certified manufacturing unit. It has two
manufacturing units for Instant noodles and extruded snacks for CG Foods (Nepal) Pvt. Ltd.,
equipped with a complete Total Quality Management (TQM) Center and Research and
Development Center.

 Nepal Thai Foods (NTF) complex was established in the year 1985 for producing
variety of noodles under the Wai Wai brand in various flavors and package. Quick is a
variant that comes in various flavors like Schezwan chicken, Manchurian veg, Chicken curry, Veg
curry, Chicken pizza and Kimchi. It is the first Instant Noodles plant of Nepal to use the state-of-
the art technology for producing brown noodles with technical collaboration with Thai
Preserved Factory, Thailand. It has an installed capacity of 100,000 cartons or 225 tones of
noodles per month. About 82 packets of noodles are packed in one minute. The working
hour of the plant is 16 hours divided into two shifts, 8 hours each.

 Kwiks Food Nepal (KFN) was established in the year 1987. KFN produces Extruded
products like Cheese Balls, Cheese Rings and Cheese Stars. KFN alone manufactures 4,500
cartoon of cheese ball each day. The working hour of the plant is 24 hours divided into three
shifts, 8 hours each.

1.2 Benefits and Facilities for employees

CG Foods is private and unionized company with about 236 total number of employees.
Employees are well motive as they are provided with many facilities. Benefits and facilities
given to them are:

 They are facilitated with transportation.

 Boot, hair cap, mask, apron and gloves are provided for the employees working on the
processing plant.
 Two pairs of dresses (sarees for female and pant-shirt for male) are provided per
 Employees are given with recreational facilities.
 Facility of canteen within the factory premises.
 Medicare facility is provided within the factory and if needed ambulance facility is
also provided.
 Facility of communication, bonus, over time allowance and convenience.
 Good security system inside the industry for safety of the employers and industry.

1.3 Measures against Fire, Infestation and other Hazards

 Fire extinguishers are placed at different accessible place within the factory and its

 Baiting technique is used in warehouse and even around processing areas to trap

 Insect trapping electrical equipment is kept in the processing area.

 The plant is always kept clean so no other hazards can occur.

 Pesticide/insecticide is sprayed in drains and other identified areas.

2.1 Nepal Thai Food
The factory was established with a technology of Thailand so called as Nepal Thai food. It is
designed for production of noodles, mainly Quick variant under the brand name of Wai Wai.
About 45000 cartoons are produced daily with the annual production of about 1350000

S.N Name of Seas/Oil Chilli Cake Net Gross

Product (twin pack) Pack Weight Weight Weight

1. YY CH (70g) 6.00 0.59 64.10 70 72

2. YY Veg(70g) 6.89 0.59 63.18 70 72
3. Q. Pizza ( 70g) 7.90 - 62.72 70 72
4. Q. CH Curry (70g) 6.68 0.40 63.65 70 72
5. Q. Veg Curry ( 70g) 7.12 0.59 63.00 70 72
6. Q. CH Szechuan( 70g) 7.52 - 63.10 70 72
7. Q.Veg. Manchurian (70g) 7.34 - 63.28 70 72
8. Q. Pizza(75g) 8.65 - 67 75 77
9. Q .CH.Curry(75g) 7.32 0.42 68 75 77
10. Q.Veg.Curry(75g) 7.82 0.62 67.30 75 77

Seas Pack Oil/Paste

11. Tomyum (60g) 6.30 4.33 50 60 61.50
12. Q.Kimchi (70g) 4.55 3.09 62.90 70 72

The production process differ according to the variant being produced. However common
procedure of noodle production in NTF is as described.

2.1.1 Production of packet oil

Heating of Palmolein (125°C)

Addition of onion

Heating till browning (150°C)

Filtration Fried onions Soup preparation

Onion flavored oil



2.1.2 Preparation of seasonings

Dried ginger, Cloves ,MSG ,Salt, Dried onion leaves ,Black pepper, Garlic
powder, Sugar

Mixing (1-2 hours)


Seasoning packet

2.1.3 Production Process of Instant Noodle

Wheat flour Gluten Chemical tank

Water + CMC guargum, salt, Calcium

carbonate, Potassium bicarbonate,
Sodium tripolyphosphate.

Mixing (25 minutes)

Dough Resting
N Black pepper
powder, Sheeting (compound roller and EP roller)
water, rebotide,
Salt, dry shrimp,
Noodle cutting and weaving
chicken extract,
citric acid, fried Steaming (T1 : 94 T2: 91 T3 :87) ( 2kg/cm2; ~2.11mins)
onion, tomato
sauce Cutting and folding (~55 cuts/min)

Souping (18-22°Bx)

Blowing (To penetrate soup and remove the unwanted Soup)


Palm oil Frying (T1=160○C, T2=180○C) (-CCP)

(A.V<1, P.V<3)
Cooling (ambient temperature; fans are used) (-OPRP)

Distributing underweight cut cake

Topping (Seasoning and oil and chill packets)

Primary packaging( unit pack) leak packets

Secondary packaging (Cartooning and tapping)


Fig: Flow chart of instant noodle preparation

 Mixing Ingredients
Mixing formula ingredients (flour, water, CMC guargum, salt, Calcium carbonate,
Potassium bicarbonate, Sodium tripolyphosphate) are carried out in a horizontal mixer for
20-25 minutes. Mixing results in the formation of a crumbly dough with small and uniform
particle sizes. Since the water addition level is relatively low (vs. bread dough), gluten
development in noodle dough during mixing is minimized. This improves the dough
sheetability, sheeted dough smoothness and uniformity.

 Dough Resting

After mixing, the dough pieces are rested for minutes before compounding. Dough resting
helps water to penetrate into dough particles evenly, resulting in a smoother and less streaky
dough after sheeting. The dough is rested in a receiving container while being stirred slowly.

 Sheeting

Crumbly dough pieces are divided into two portions, each passing through a pair of sheeting
rolls to form a noodle dough sheet. The two sheets are then combined (compounded) and
passed through a second set of sheeting rolls to form a single sheet. Further dough sheeting
is done on a series of 6 pairs of rolls with decreasing roll gaps.

 Cutting and weaving

Noodle slitting is done by a cutting machine, which is equipped with a pair of calibration
rolls, a slitter, and a waver. The sheet is cut into noodle strands of desired width with a slitter
and noodle strands are waved before steaming and cutting.

 Steaming and Cutting

The wavy noodle-strands are conveyed to a steamer for 2.11 min with 90˚C temperature
approx to cook the noodles. The purpose of steaming is to gelatinize the starch and fix the
noodle waves. After steaming noodles are allowed to cool down for few seconds.

The raw noodles are cut to a final slice and it folds the slice into 2 folds. The raw noodle
is fold according to the predefined size. It is controlled by quality department.

 Souping

Souping causes development of colour in outer and inner surface of noodles. Ingredients
consists of green chilli, black pepper powder, soya sauce, fried onion, tomato sauce, salt,
MSG, citric acid, water, chicken flavour etc. depending on the variety of noodles. These
ingredients are firstly pressure cooked and then mixed along with chichen extract. About
10g of soup is absorbed by single cut cake. Immediately blowing is carried out so that soup
can penetrate and unwanted soup can be removed out from surface.

 Frying

Frying of noodles is carried out by dipping them in hot palm oil (160-170˚C) for about 2min
15sec. The noodles are made crispy during this process. Process vaporizes water quickly
from the surface and the dehydration of the exterior surface drives water to migrate from the
interior to the exterior of the noodle strands. Eventually, some of the water in the noodles is
replaced by oil. Many tiny holes are created during the frying process due to the mass
transfer, and serve as channels for water to get in upon rehydration in hot water.

 Cooling process

The hot noodles are cooled for 1.4 minutes with the help of six electro cooler fans.cooling to
ambient temperature ensures product shelf life. This process makes instant noodle to touch
with hand so further, it is possible to remove out irregular shaped and underweight cake.

 Topping with seasoning

The seasoning packet is placed on the noodle which contain chilly powder (pure dry chilly),
taste enhancer and palmolein (with onion flavor).

 Packaging and Cartooning

Along with seasoning it is packed in a metallic plastic with the help of roller packaging
machine with long and end sealer.

Length of the wrapper: 159mm

Temperature of middle seal: 148⁰c

Temperature of upper seal: 158⁰c

Temperature of lower seal: 158⁰c

Each carton contains 30 packets of final noodle. It is sealed and delivered to store. The
above all process is completed within 15-17 mins. Process control Parameter

S.N... Process Control parameters

1 Mixing Recipe
Moisture content (Raw/dough)

2 Sheeting Sheet thickness

Cutter size

3 Cutting Cut/min
Cut cake weight

4 Souping TSS of running soup

TSS of new soup
Souped cake weight
Soup absorption

5 Steaming Time

6 Frying Time
AV/PV of frying oil

7 Cooling Time
Weight of cake after cooling

8 Topping Weight of seasoning and oil

9 Packaging Print
Gross weight

10 Cartooning, tapping, Visual analysis

warehousing Either ok or not.

2.2 Kwiks food Nepal (KFN)

KFN was established in 1987 with the aim to produce extruded products like cheese balls,
cheese ring, cheese star etc. and recently its products are gaining popularity among all age
group people due to its taste and cheaper rate. The Kwiks food products are fast food items.
The raw materials like corn and rice are mainly used in production.

2.2.1 Production process of cheese ball

Rice grits Water Corn grit

Mixing (Time: 20-25 mins)

Conditioning (Time: 1.5 hour)

Extruder (Temp: 75-80○C)

(Time: 5 min, Temperature: 165○C-175○C)

↓ Se seasoning + oil
Seasoning Coating (Time: 4 min)


Fig: Flow chart for cheese balls production

Cheese balls are an extruded snack, meaning they are cooked, pressurized, and pushed out of
a die that forms the particular snack shape. They are then baked or fried, and flavored with
oil and seasonings.

 Mixing

The cheese extrusion is generally made from three primary ingredients: corn grit, rice grits
and water. About 150kg and 17kg of corn and rice grit are mixed properly to form mixed
grit with some amount of water (6-7litres). Cornmeal with a low moisture content of 6-10%
is used in this process. Too much moisture in the meal will render the product soggy. Grits
inspected for moisture content is placed into a mixing bin and sprayed with a fine mist of
water as it is stirred. Pouring water directly into the grits will result in gluten formation,
uneven distribution of moisture, and clumping of wet grain.

 Extrusion

The mixture is loaded into the top of the extruding machine. The mixture is then propelled
through the extruder using an auger or tapered screw. This screw forces the mixture against
the inside of the extrusion chamber, creating a shearing effect when pressure is increased.
When the mixture reaches the die it should be hot, elastic, and viscous. The dough expands
and puffs up as it moves through the extrusion dies.
The shape of the die is a critical aspect of its product because it gives the product its
distinctive shape. As the dough is pushed through the dies, it looks like puffy snakes. These
extruded snakes called collettes are cut to the desired length by a rotating knife.

 Drying

Cheese ball (flips) still contains moisture at this point and must be dried out. So, they are
conveyored to rotating drum drier. They move continuously through the dryer until they
emerge at the end of drum. Temperature of dyer is generally about 165-175°C -hot enough
to get the moisture out but not to darken the flips. The flips require about five minutes to dry
out and are reduced to between 1-2%moisture.

 Coating/ flavoring.

The flips that move through the dryer are sent to the flavor coating station. They are still
bland crisps and must receive a coating in order to be palatable. Coating is done firstly by
spraying palmolein oil (20%) and then a variety of dry flavors, seasonings, and color is
dusted over them and this makes them to stick to the snack. Flip receives about 34-35 % of

final coating. The flavored snacks move along the rotating drum and are dried before they
are packaged. Rotating drum moves the snacks along until they fall into the weigher.

 Packaging

Cheese balls are then finally packed into bags made of polypropylene which are resistant to
moisture and keep the product crisp. Huge rolls of flattened bags are loaded into the
weighing machine, formed, and prepared to receive the balls that drop into the bags. The
bags are then heat sealed. Cartons of bags are packed and shipped to a warehouse.


S.N Name of the product Net Weight(g) Gross Weight(g)

1. Kwiks Cheese ball 44 50

27 30.85
17 19.85
8 9.95
2. kwiks Cheese Ring 8 10.42
16 19.50
3. Tic-Tac 8 9.95
4. Gol-Mol 8 9.95

3 Plant Layout

G security Gate
room Garden
Store (Husk) Water Tank

Husk Boiler
Seasoning Room
Raw Material Storage Onion
Bhhjhssdhsdhsdbsndbh Storage Waste
Soup Scrap
O/W Store
Kwiks Food Nepal FO DG Eng.
(KF) Boiler Department
O/W Packing

Nepal Thai Food Diesel Water

Seasoning Tank Tank
Chilly Packing (NTF)
Packing Section

Bhujiya Guest
Goods Storage
Packaging House

Store Garden

Quality Production
Control Department
Department R
Garden TQM

Parking Garden

Room Clinic Canteen Rest Room
Administration Hall
Main Gate 13
4 Organization structure












Quality control department is one of the most important department of food industry as
regular tests are carried to ensure the safety and quality and to implement procedure that
ensure quality. As various tests are performed here it is well equipped. QCD receives the
sample before raw material enters to the store. Required analysis are carried out properly in
lab to ensure whether it meets the standard or not. On analysis if it is found that the sample
does not meet the standard then lab incharge decides whether to reject it or deduce the price.
Similarly finished product are also sent to QCD to measure the quality to ensure the product
meets the required standard.

Thus QCD has great role from the reception of raw material up to dispatch of
finished goods. The major objectives are:

 Analysis of raw materials

 Selection of raw materials
 Overviews on online process
 Analysis of finished products

5.1.1 Analysis Carried in QC Department Physico-Chemical Analysis


Raw materials

1. Wheat Flour Moisture content, gluten content, extraneous

2. Seasoning base

Spices Moisture content, foreign matters, flavor

Dry shrimp

3. Diesel and furnance oil Specific gravity


4. Wheat gluten Gluten content

5. Husk Moisture content, foreign matters

6. Water Hardness, pH, total dissolved solids(


7. Oil Moisture content, AV, PV, IV

8. Salt NaCl content, moisture content

9. Dry onion leaves Moisture content

10. Corn grit and rice grit Moisture content

11. Cartoon Length, breadth, height, brusting

strength(BST),moisture content, staple,

print, corrugation, grammage (TGSM)

12. Wrapper Thickness, length, width, TGSM, per

piece weight

Finished Goods

13. Noodles Moisture content, fat content, ash

content, protein content, acid insoluble ash

- packet oil

- Running oil Acid value and peroxide valve

14. Cheese ball Moisture content, fat content

16 Microbilogical analysis

S. N sample Analysis media used

1. Flour and finished goods Total plate count(TPC) PCA

E. coli VRBA
Yeast/mold PDA
Staphylococcus auerus MSA

2. Gloves and machinary Swab test

5.1.2 Inline QC at NTF:

 Thickness of the noodles strand is measured during weaving and should be

approximately 0.92 mm.
 Steaming temperature (approximately 90), pressure( 2kg/cm2) and time(2.11mins)
are taken.
 Average cut per minute is noted. It is about 55 cuts per minute.
 Amount of soup absorbed per cake is taken. Single cake absorbs about 10g of soup.
TSS of soup is measured. It is about 20-22⁰Bx.
 Noodle frying temperature (160°-180°C) is noted down.
 Weight of the noodle cake is taken in every 30 minutes to make sure whether the
weight is under standard or not.
 Gross weight of final product is taken.

 Problems observed at NTF:

 Breakage of sheets.
 Altered diameter of thread.
 Inconsistency of noodle cutter
 Problem in folding of noodle
 Noodles leave case during frying

 Inconsistency in cake weight.
 Uncooked noodles at the end of processing though the frying temperature is

 Wastages at NTF:
 Dough waste
 Wet waste
 Fry waste
 Overwrapping damage
 Rejected overwrapping
 Normal bhujiya

5.1.3 Inline QC at KF unit:

 Temperature of extruder and drum dryer is noted at 30 minutes interval of time.

 Dosing percentage is measured.
 Weight of the final product is measured.

 Problem observed
 Inconsistency of packaging machine
 Plant is stopped for an hour incase of sudden break.

5.2 Production department:

Department of food production in a food industry is concerned with the formulation and
implementation of the policies and plans for food processing industries priorities and
objectives. It is responsible for developing a strong and vibrant food processing sector with
emphasis on the following:
 Stimulating demand for appropriate processed foods.
 Achieving maximum value addition and byproduct utilization.
 Minimizing the wastages at all stages.
 Encouraging R&D in food processing for product and process development and
improved packaging.

5.3 Engineering department:

Engineering department deals with technical aspects of every machineries and hence is one
of the most important department of every food industries.

5.3.1 Boiler

The major source of heat energy is supplied from the boilers. It has two types of boilers :

1) Husk boiler
Husk on arrival to industry it is first analysed for its moisture content and other foreign
matters and then on their approval, husk is used as the major source of fuel for boiler. The
water used for the boiler is also checked for its hardness and pH. To reduce the hardness,
softener is used.

Husk boiler is horizontal water tube boiler that contains a large number of small
tubes through which water circulates and fire is on the outer side of the tube. Feed-water
supplies the water to the boiler and a float valve maintains the level of water to be pumped
inside the boiler while husk is fed with the help of feeding pump. It consumes 200-230kg
husk per hour and produce 4 tons steam per hour. This steam is used in processing plant.

The smoke generated is first filtered and then passed through the chimney. Filtering is done
to reduce the ash to be discharged in the environment

It has following parts:

 Feeding pump
 Air blower
 ID induced draft fan fan(internal air draft with 11 kw of energy)
 FD forced draft fanfan(external air draft with 7kw of energy)
 Husk conveyor(10 HP)
 Water pre heater
 Safety valves
2) FO boiler:

Furnance oil is anaysed for density in quality control department before using it as source of
fuel. The oil is then heated to 80-120⁰c on the basis of density with the help of preheater.
Heated oil is pumped to nozzle at full pressure (max 10kg\cm2 for 450litre oil per hour). The
oil is sprayed by nozzle to the chamber and then ignited by the transformer which passes

through the tubes fitted with water tank. According to steam required nozzle size is
changed. Boiler consumes 120-130kg of oil per hour and is of capacity of 3 tons.

 Problems observed:
 Blockage of nozzles.
 Problems in spraying oil.
 Scaling occurs in boiler due to hardness of water.
 Problem in husk feeding due to presence of dust and stones and thus reduces
 Discharge of ash in the environment.

5.3.2 Diesel generator

Generators are useful appliances that supply electrical power during a power outage
and prevent discontinuity of daily activities or disruption of business operations
A diesel generator is the combination of a diesel engine with an electric generator to
generate electrical energy. Though a diesel generator is a single device two
components work together that functionally converts diesel fuel into electricity. A
diesel engine burns diesel. An electric generator is a device that converts mechanical
energy obtained from an external source into electrical energy as the output. Size of it
is 400KV.

5.4 Commercial department:

It deals with all the commercial activities.

Marketing chain:

Head office Delivery order dispatch dealer

consumer retailer wholesaler

5.5 Research and development (R&D):
Research and development is generally carried out for the better development and
improvement of the product understanding the market needs. R&D is based on product and
process development. Formulation of new recipes with minimization of cost is done. It also
implements, evaluate and manages the quality management system.

6 Standards followed by industry

 ISO 9001:2008
 ISO 22000(food safety management system)
 Nepal standard

 ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management System)

It provides a number of requirements which an organisation needs to fulfill to achieve

customer satisfaction through consistent products and services which meet the customer

 ISO 22000(food safety management system)

It is the standard developed by the International organization for standardization dealing

with food safety. It is a general derivative of ISO 9000.

Food safety is linked to the presence of food borne hazards in food at the point of
consumption. ISO 22000 international standard specifies the requirements for a food safety
management system that involves the following elements:

 Interactive communication
 System management
 Prerequisite programs
 HACCP principles

 Nepal standard
The Nepal Quality Certification mark (NS), is being used in domestic market for
certification of quality. The department has made NS mark mandatory.

7 Storage

7.1 Raw material storage

Raw materials are mainly received from international market like India, Singapore and many
more. And even Nepal is contributing largely. Some of the suppliers within country are:
 Jay hanuman foods, pvt.ltd
 Jaya mata dee trade link pvt ltd
 Gunjeswori trade link
 Salt trading corporation
 Global packaging pvt.ltd
 CG packaging pvt. Ltd
 Nepal oil corporation

 Raw materials are kept at ambient storage temperature with no direct facing to sunlight.
 The store room is well ventilated with cemented floor and is clean and well sanitized.
 Separate rooms are used for different raw materials.
 Pallets are used depending on their type. Hence no direct contact of materials with floor.
 First in first out (FIFO) System is practiced.
 Raw materials are not stored for longer period( maximum 2-7 days).
 Mouse trap are placed at different position to trap rodents.

7.2 Finished goods storage:

After the completion of production process, the products are send to finished goods storage
house. FIFO system is applied to dispatch goods. Goods are distributed within country
covering all parts of Nepal by the means of trucks, minitrucks and tatamobile. Along with
it, industry also supplies its products to about 45 countries. The products produced from this
company has gain the international popularity.

8 Plant Cleaning and Sanitation:

The plant is regularly cleaned and procedure involves using hot water and detergent. Clean
in place is usually carried out at the evening time after production is over.


After the completion of 45 days inplant training. I found industry as one of the best industry
of Nepal but still have some ideas that can be incorporated in industry to improve its
standard/effectiveness in less investment.
a. Training and awareness programs on food hygiene and implementation of GMP
should be given to entire workers.
b. Waste disposal system should be environment friendly.
c. Management should highly focus on preventive maintainance and should provide
training regarding maintainance.
d. Temperature inside the plant should be maintained to facilitate good working
environment for worker.
e. Hopper is kept open sometimes so to prevent entrance for physical hazards it
should be closed regularly.
f. Slope could be reduced at the end of cooling section to minimize breakage of
noodle cake.
g. The sheeting, cutting and waving, souping, moulding & packaging section of
noodle plant should be well chambered to prevent hazard especially biological
h. Trolleys should be used for carrying goods from plant to store inorder to
minimized manual handling.
i. Manual placing of seasoning packs should be replaced with automatic system.
j. Absence of one worker should be replaced by other so that the work runs
k. Rest rooms should be kept clean.


As a trainee, 45-days inplant training has been very fruitful and knowledgeable for me. This
training made me be familiar with the industrial working environment and also built up
confidence to tackle problems regarding quality and production issues arising in industry.
Along with this, it provides practical knowledge of noodle and extruded product processing
beyond my theoretical knowledge. This training reflected my theoretical studies and made
me clear about processing, quality control, managerial structure and mass handling. Even
got chance to understand that behind every successful organization everyone related to that

organization whether they are from low level or from high post are equally important and
working in team do matter for industry upliftment.

During my stay in CG Foods (FUDCO) I found very helpful and cooperative working
environment. So at the end I am thankful to CG Foods (FUDCO) and its entire team for
making me capable to work in any industry.


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