ExerciseOutput1 Instructions
ExerciseOutput1 Instructions
<variable name 1>
<variable name 2>
<variable name n>
The first two lines are the default output file .ESO and the default .CSV filename. This is
followed by a list of report variables, with the last line containing a 0.
1. Run the ExerciseOutput1.IDF file.
2. Open ExerciseOutput1.RDD and select at least 10 loads-related variables.
Note in ExerciseOutput1.IDF, the object “Output:VariableDictionary, idf;” writes the
RDD output file as complete objects which can be pasted directly into the IDF file
and then edit the reporting frequency.
Edit ExerciseOutput1.IDF using the text editor, and save as ExerciseOutput1A.IDF.
Paste output:variable objects for each of your loads-related variables requesting
hourly data. Then copy each object and paste in 4 copies for a total of 5. Then
edit the frequency parameter on each, changing “hourly” to timestep, daily,
monthly, and annual, retaining hourly for one of them. There are already system
related output variables with multiple reporting frequencies in the .idf file that you
can use as a model. For example, Zone Window Heat Gain and Zone Window Heat
Loss, insert these objects in your IDF to get data at each of these time steps:
Zone Window Heat Gain
Zone Window Heat Loss
5. Rename file “ExerciseOutput1-CustomCSV.b~t” to “ExerciseOutput1-CustomCSV.bat”
and edit this file in a text editor to make sure the path at the top of the file matches
where your version of EnergyPlus is installed. The current path in the file is:
set post_proc=C:\EnergyPlusV6-0-0\PostProcess\
6. Open a Command Window (Start, Run, Command)
7. Change to the directory containing your ExerciseOutput1A.IDF, results files, and
your new ExerciseOutput1A-LOADS.RVI. For example:
9. ExerciseOutput1-CustomCSV reads the ESO output and creates a .CSV for the .RVI
for only the variables listed in the .RVI. A .CSV is created for each of the time steps in
the output file--timestep, hourly, daily, monthly, or runperiod:
inputfilename_timestep.csv, or for this exercise, ExerciseOutput1A.idf:
If there is no data at the requested time step, that .CSV file will be empty, although
that should not occur here.
10. Add report variables to the IDF for energy end-uses. Review .RDD, .MDD and
.MTR file for variables to include. Open and save ExerciseOutput1A.idf as
ExerciseOutput1B.idf. Create an energy end-use .MVI using the same structure as
above but replace eplusout.eso with eplusout.mtr in the first line. Rerun the new IDF
and run ExerciseOutput1-CustomCSV again:
Material prepared by GARD Analytics, Inc. and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign under contract to
the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the National Energy Technology Laboratory.
All material Copyright 2002-2009 U.S. Department of Energy - All rights reserved.