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Chapter 1

Industrial Profile

1.1 Introduction
Showcasing basically envelops having the option to convey. While a lion's share susceptible populace utilizes
the web, the hop to advanced media was the undeniable push that the showcasing division required. Presently,
the world has started to speak with one another more than ever all gratitude to the degree, entrance and reach
of Digital advertising.

Slanting abilities for drifting showcasing are:

• Digital Producers
• Content Producers
• Paid Search Executives
• Digital Campaign Managers
• Digital Marketing Coordinators
• Digital Marketing Managers
• Marketing Managers with explicit industry experience
• Marketing Coordinators and Executives
The center of an incredible showcasing effort is constantly a decent concise and extraordinary research to back
that up. Paid hunt administrators are exceptionally looked for after in any respectable computerized advertising
office. Advanced battle directors and Digital Marketing chiefs are an unquestionable requirement have
resource. Complete centered consideration regarding each crusade that objectives different channel battling is
the key job of these director.
Inventiveness is the way in to any advertising pitch, advanced showcasing experts just as businesses
comprehend that imaginative opportunity is both expected and requested. No measure of information is
sufficient, there's continually learning and developing. Up-skilling is an absolute necessity have essential
trademark that future computerized advertisers know about. Inferable from the always overhauling innovation
and patterns, being modern is principal.
All encompassing development is an impetus for each up-and-comer. Advanced promoting up-and-comers are
currently searching for a conductive domain to work in. This incorporates adaptability both imaginatively and
physically for example as far as working conditions. With expanding digitalization, the requirement for
accommodation has likewise climbed. Applicants know and effectively look for preparing and improvement, a
moral work culture and a sound compensation structure.

The worldwide advanced advertising situation has seen a climb of over an astounding 1000% between 2000-
2018. All gratitude to the accessibility and reach of the web. This interest is met with the development in
quantities of advanced media experts who convey brilliant nature of work constantly.

1.2Factors forcing the development of Digital-marketing in recent years.

1.2.1 Technology
Bots are as of now helping organizations to offer better client administrations. Nonetheless, some time back
everybody was into relational systems administration. In time, they will see what's to come is ruled by
Chatbots. You can benefit from these 3 major advantages that chatbots bring to the table: Chatbots are portable
first thus their buyer experience is now conservative as indicated by some watcher They are snappy and simple
to designIt's conceivable to get continuous bits of knowledge – and that implies that you have a great deal of
data to run battles that are customized
1.2.2 Big Data and Predictive Analytics
As of late, American Express planned modern examination units to think about chronicled client exchanges
made on 115 factors. This rendition enables them to foresee the agitate rate. Consequently, for example, in the
Indian market, the firm may really anticipate the exact level of parities that should close inside a time of 4
months. Such examination is useful in planning efforts that will reduce the stir rate for their organization.
Travel and E-Commerce associations are utilizing prescient examination to distinguish item suggestions to all
site visits. Recommender plans are being utilized to perceive inclinations and the conduct of the site guests and
afterward produce a suggestion that is reasonable for them.
1.2.3 Marketing Automation
Mechanization together with prescient investigation makes their advanced promoting efforts which are
extremely gainful. This tech encourages you to group their crowd dependent on their conduct, socioeconomics,
and inclinations. You will know Teleperformance about these and configuration tweaked battles. The
additional advantages are that these battles can be modified dependent on pre-set triggers and client exercises.
1.2.4. The Very First Mover Advantage
Computerized promoting is lively and you should hack on the most recent patterns in the event that you need
to pick up Teleperformance out of it. As a representation, before a couple of years prior, firms used to get an
objective number of natural arrive at their post on Facebook. By having an inflow of new business pages, the
natural hit blur into termination. As of late, in the occasion that you're not running a battle that is paid for, you
would for all intents and purposes have no hit without anyone else posts.
1.2.5. Mobile Focused Digital Marketing
From the year 2016, Google has reported the versatile record, this guarantees as thought about for their work
area variants Google will rank destinations on the temperance of their renditions on cell phones by 2019. This
move came to be on the grounds that most online clients are getting to the web on their telephones.

Here are a few rules you may require:

Guarantee that theirwebsite is easy to understand and stacks pages quicker than three seconds (particularly on
cell phones). their crowd seeing from portable is a lot of Teleperformance liable to watch video content.
Making recordings can assist you with enduring longer in this advertising world make paid battles that will in
general be fairly far Teleperformance tilted to portable clients (You'll wind up getting improved outcomes out
of the cell phone making a course for improving theircampaign) It's conceivable to use client area to
configuration progressed and proper crusades for the organization.

1.3Micro scenario
Computerized Marketing industry in India is spread to practically all the business areas. A portion of the
utilizations of E-Marketing are shopping and request following, web based banking, installment frameworks
and substance the board. The intensity of computerized promoting enables geophysical boundaries to vanish
making all buyers and organizations on earth potential clients and providers. It is known for its capacity to
enable business to impart and shape an exchange anyplace and whenever
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Advanced Marketing industry in India is a blasting vocation today. In a nation with a fast development
economy, it is relied upon to have an extremely high noteworthy development in Digital promoting vocation.
The development in the computerized showcasing patterns is having an extremely considerable effect on
promoting and commercial. The 10,000 foot view of Digital Marketing industry in India can't be finished if
short see of the past computerized advertising insights isn't made.
Returning to history, International Journal of Advanced Research Foundation uncovers the accompanying
details in the computerized promoting in India report in 2016.Between 1971 and 1972, The ARPANET is
utilized to mastermind a deal between understudies at the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the most punctual case of hardware or computerized trade
1979: Michael Aldrich shows the primary internet shopping framework.
1981: Thomson Holidays UK is first business-to-business web based shopping framework to be introduced.
1996: India MART B2B commercial center built up in India.
2007: Flipkart was built up in India. Each E-advertising or business endeavors utilizes significantly
computerized means for their showcasing purposes.
In 2011, the computerized showcasing in India report insights uncovered that promoting by means of the cell
phone and tablets was 200% lower than that of the next years. During this year, the total assets was $2 billion.
The development was in a geometric movement as it rose to $6 billion of every 2012. The focused
development requests for Teleperformance improvement in the vocation works and experts are being added to
the field.
From 2013 to March 2015, the speculation complete increment was 1.5 billion dollars over the previous years.
There has been a great development up till this present minute. The computerized promoting in India report by
the International Journal of Advanced Research Foundation uncovered that abridged that India is getting the

chance to see the brilliant time of the Internet area between 2013 to 2018 with staggering development
openings and common development selection for E-Commerce, Internet Advertising, Social Media, Search,
Online Content, and Services relating computerized showcasing.
Today, advanced showcasing industry in India is developing at its pinnacle, is as yet constant. Numerous
components are answerable for this development. The utilization of specialized apparatuses has extraordinarily
changed in the year past. Nobody at any point thought to have a trustworthy arrangement on the web. The
beneath advanced promoting in India report shows the computerized advertising measurements.
The conviction was that online data is virtual data loaded with lies. Nobody could tune in to any online ad not
to discuss buying food supplies, furniture or garments. The story has truly changed. Everything from
promoting to deals should be possible on the web. This is because of the trust that has been reestablished back
to online correspondence in India. This has truly helped the showcasing activities. The insurgency is from the
correspondence businesses. Ease of handset is presently accessible making it feasible for India to have around
600 million web clients which at last makes a captivating business chance to offer to a developing populace.
Teleperformance over, the advancement in the computerized promoting industry in India obvious in the
showcasing shift from obscurity to character. Collaboration on the Internet currently looks Teleperformance
physical rather than the secrecy of personality previously. Likewise, advertising data's is moving along in a
similar line with stimulation. Individuals of India required an energizing soul consistently. This objectives
their enthusiasm into the advertising data.
A few components have been found to add to the development of computerized showcasing in India. Prior to
now, web utilization was intended for the well off. There is currently an extraordinary change in the way of
life of the working class. The Very larger part presently approach the web in India and are anticipating web
based publicizing India. Web and 3G infiltration altered the advertising situation for the two purchasers and
the advertisers. It was found that adjustments in way of life and way of life had expanded the degree of
utilization, quality and furthermore the example of utilization. The nature of utilization in the urban focuses of
India is on a high side. This is on the grounds that greater part doesn't possess energy for shopping. Aside from
battles to acquire cash, individuals need some different things to be done at their very own comfort.
The accompanying study from individuals shows the size of Digital Marketing industry in India:

34% of the organizations previously had a coordinated computerized showcasing methodology in 2016 72%
advertisers accept that customary model of promoting is never again adequate and this will make the
organization income to be expanded by 30% before the finish of 2017In 2017, 80% organizations will build
their advanced showcasing spending which may outperform the IT spending plan. Just the ignorant people
couldn't get to the possibilities of the advanced promoting in view of the availability to figuring gadgets and
PC training. A significant number of the individuals in this class still don't believe the technique for an online
installment and they need preparing in English Language and other unknown dialects to advertise online in
worldwide markets
Coming up next are the channels that are assuming a functioning job in the advancement of computerized
promoting industry in Indian Digital advertising review uncovers that Social media has been assuming a

supporting job to showcasing. Throughout the years, it has been seen that 92% of internet based life clients are
from the cell phones. This empowers the size of advanced showcasing enterprises and extends the skyline of
web based promoting India.

1.3.1 Mobile Phone Subscribers in India

As indicated by the exploration made by the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI, 2008),
correspondence has become a genuine mass specialized instruments having around 286 million records in
2008. The Indian media communications advertise has colossal development openings and as per IAMAI is
anticipated to surpass 500 million by 2010. As per TRAI, the quantities of portable endorser situated in India
developed to 980.81 million clients in the second quarter of 2015.
Selection for the cell phone is getting higher step by step. SMS showcasing is one of the genuine mass market
media channels crosswise over numerous socioeconomics before the intermingling of versatile web and cell

1.3.2 Video Marketing

Growing need for the visual content has turned video marketing be one of the most appealing trends of
digital marketing in 2017.

1.3.4online marketing
Email advertisers of the absolute best showcasing offices guarantee an arrival of $40 for each dollar they
contributed. From the computerized advertising diagram, it was found that well-focused on email promoting
will be one of the best methods for guaranteeing changes in 2017. As appeared from the figure beneath, email
is one of the best techniques for computerized advertising as there is an office to dispense messages to a huge
number of individuals one after another.

1.4 Macro scenario of digital marketing

It is significant for entrepreneurs to comprehend. The strategies utilized in this promoting structure so as to
receive the most extreme rewards of computerized advertising. It is important to have information with respect
to how computerized advertising functions. With the goal that representatives can settle on more intelligent
choices about their computerized promoting efforts.
The way to understanding the job of Digital Marketing in present day world. is getting the chance to get
familiar with each computerized promoting component. Skill every one accomplishes advertising targets.

1.4.1 Website Marketing

The thought here is exceptionally direct and straightforward. Their products can be advancing and sold simply
after individuals get comfortable and intrigue with their shop, from where you would sell. Thus, in web based
advertising of products/administrations doing site showcasing first is similarly basic. Their focused on clients
will visit theirwebsite to make a buy or access essential data.

1.4.2 Social Media Marketing

Web-based social networking locales are visited by a huge number of individuals over the world. In this
manner making it a rearing ground of chances to drive leads, deals, and manufacture submitted brand
advocates.Social media marketinginvolves content advancement and interfaces with target crowds via web-
based networking media stages like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and so forth.
Aside from these couple of key strategies, content showcasing, coordinated numerous channel advertising, web
crawler promoting, email advertising and so on are other huge strategies utilized in gathering computerized
promoting benefits.
In computerized content promoting, video showcasing is getting a charge out of vital significance and it is
accepted to proceed for a long while to come. According to a dependable source, Facebook account holders
watch more than 8 billion recordings every day. Recordings are watched utilizing cell phones for the most part
nowadays. Social influencer showcasing is increasing conspicuous consideration and master advertisers are
thinking about to set up natural associations with big name influencers that better work with their image.
Chatbot advertising system is a profoundly rewarding advanced showcasing pattern.
This type of advertising permits drawing in focused crowds, changing over the web guests, producing leads
and shutting the leads, and furthermore pleasing the clients enough to transform them in the end into brand
 Economical alternative – It is practical and contributing an attractive sum for brand advancement isn't
fundamental for computerized showcasing. Other conventional advertising alternatives require contributing
 Mobile-prepared Maximum individuals get to data and shop for merchandise through their cell phones.
The advanced advertisers can without much of a stretch convey their showcasing message to their focused on
 Accessibility whenever and anyplace Better and quicker association is accomplishing with the clients
carefully from anyplace nonstop contrast with some other type of showcasing.
 Quicker brand acknowledgment Just like association, advancement and spreading of brand mindfulness
is likewise quicker with computerized promoting. It is anything but difficult to advance business utilizing a
computerized stage. Than any others if the players realize how to play the game!
 Share data and show signs of improvement business-related data, blog compositions, SEO articles can
be imparted to target crowds. Additionally advanced promoting stage frequently goes about as a profoundly
intelligent showcasing structure where clients also can give their criticism. This shows signs of improvement
experiences into business-driven information for taking choices as needs be.
 Social media consideration Digital advertising offers the best chance to get client care on their online
networking stages like Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. It shows signs of improvement associations and adds to
the business web traffic.
 Offers an aggressive edge-This type of promoting offers one with huge information and devices. To help
remain focused and all-prepared to win the race if strategies are utilized deliberately.

 All these are the primary purposes for the regularly developing notoriety and more extensive
acknowledgment of Digital Marketing in present day business world.

1.4.3Opportunities on Offer in Digital Marketing

In this segment, the genuine advantages of advanced advertising have been notice in an obvious way to
comprehend its incentive in easier language. You can arrive at their focused on clients or customers better and
quicker by means of advanced advertising channels. Less interest in showcasing implies you will get the
opportunity to put the staying in other significant business territories
Lead creating capacities of computerized advertising mediums are better. The opportunity to get famous and
advance the business is very prompt. You can generally keep in contact with clients, react to their
inquiries/remarks. In this way glad clients will pull in new clients.



For more than 40 years, Teleperformance, the worldwide pioneer in client experience the board, has been
associating clients with the world's best organizations.
Teleperformance's Digital Integrated Business Services joins human touch and high innovation to convey
remarkable client encounters. While innovation makes new and spry methods for working, their association
specialists stay focused on making one of a kind associations through sympathy, versatile relational abilities,
and Teleperformance critically, an enthusiasm for getting it going.

Daniel Julien made Teleperformance in Paris in June 1978. In 1986, Teleperformance built up its first
universal auxiliaries in Belgium and Italy. After two years, Teleperformance propelled backups in other
European markets: Spain, Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom. In 1989, Daniel Julien and Jacques
Berrebi united at the head of Rochefortaise Communication, the parent organization of Teleperformance
International recorded on the Paris Stock Exchange. After ten years, Rochefortaise Communication and
Teleperformance International converged to shape SR. Teleperformance. This organization became
Teleperformance in 2006.

In 1993, Teleperformance USA was built up, starting its contact focuses tasks in the United States. In 1996,
Asia-Pacific contact centreswere created, with tasks set up in the Philippines and Singapore. The Group was
altogether extended in Europe through various acquisitions and friends new businesses in Switzerland,
Norway, Denmark, Greece, Spain, the Netherlands and Finland.
From 1998 through 2002, the Teleperformance organize extended all through the Americas, into Argentina,
Brazil and Mexico.

In 2003, Teleperformance turned into the world's second biggest contact focus outsourcer as far as income. The
organization offered seaward focuses and computerized administrations to organizations looked with cost
pressures. Teleperformance propelled business change arrangements focused on in-house contact focuses.
In 2004, the Group kept on extending by moving into Eastern Europe: Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia,
and after two years, Russia.

In 2005, Teleperformance's incomes surpassed 1 billion EUR just because. In 2006, they obtained
Teleperformance Russia.
In 2006 Teleperformance USA acquired AOL's 400-worker call focus in Ogden, Utah. This buy was the 23rd
consider focus which the organization acquired until this time.

In 2007, Teleperformance obtained 100% enthusiasm for the European specialized help pioneer; Alliance One,
a main US debt claims the executives organization; and Hispanic Teleservices, a contact focus specialist co-op
with activities situated in Mexico. In parallel, Teleperformance gained the organization TPH Services
Telecoms, and a few SFR locales.
In 2008, the gathering's activities and system were brought together for the executives under the obligation of
Daniel Julien and Jacques Berrebi. Teleperformance gained The Answer Group.
Jacques Berrebi declared his arrangements to resign in January, 2008. He finished all his operational
obligations as of January 5, 2009.
In 2010, Teleperformance gained Scottish re-appropriating call focus 'beCogent' for £35 million.
In 2012, Jacques Berrebi, Co-author with Daniel Julien of Teleperformance Group, resigned at 70 years old.
That year, Teleperformance opened 5 multilinguals, multi-social center points to serve Europe and different
markets. By 2013 Teleperformance had six contact focuses in Tunisia. In 2013, Teleperformance procured full
control of TLS Contact. Paulo César Salles Vasques was reported as the new Chief Executive Officer of the
Group and Daniel Julien stayed as the Chairman of the Board.

In 2014, Teleperformance obtained Aegis USA Inc., a significant redistributing and innovation organization in
the United States, the Philippines and Costa Rica. The exchange was affirmed by administrative specialists.
From 2014 to 2016, Teleperformance made and additionally opened fifteen new focuses around the world.
These remembered places for the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Indonesia, China, the
Philippines, Guyana, Portugal, Colombia, Surinam, Dubai, Albania, Egypt, Australia and Lithuania.
In March 2015 the organization reported the opening of another seaward office in Paramaribo, Surinam. The
multichannel contact focus offers backing to Benelux customers in Dutch.
In May 2016 Teleperformance declared the opening of a contact focus in Australia. The inside has 300
workstations and is situated in Burwood, Victoria, around 16 kilometers outside of Melbourne.
The organization reported in July 2016 its arrangements to grow to Bristol, Tennessee in the United States,
making 500 employments inside the coming five years.
In August 2016 Teleperformance acquired California-based LanguageLine Solutions LLC for $1.52 billion
from a US-based private value firm, Abry Partners.
In October 2017, after Paulo César Salles Vasques abdication, Daniel Julien, who stays official Chairman of
the Board, has likewise been named by the Board of Directors as Group Chief Executive Officer.
In 2018, Teleperformance got Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs) endorsement for both Controller and Processor
from the French Data Protection Authority, CNIL, making Teleperformance the primary organization in the
business to achieve this basic information insurance consistence status in the European Union.

2018 – onwards
In June 2018, Teleperformance declared it would secure Intelenet for $1 billion. The securing was closed on 5
October 2018.

The Expansion
Teleperformance pvt. Ltd is all encompassing Digital Marketing Company represented considerable authority
in conveying market based online limited time administrations
Teleperformance pvt. Ltd - the climax of Teleperformance than 40 years of commitment, continued exertion
and a spot of inventiveness in each try! A group – strengthened with desire, energy and a dream!
Teleperformance pvt. Ltd is all encompassing IT Solutions Company had practical experience in conveying IT
Outsourcing Services, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services,

2.2 Vision of Teleperformance pvt. Ltd

They have confidence in a basic answer for accomplish their objectives: upbeat workers fulfill clients, which,
thus satisfies customers and glad investors.

2.3Mission of Teleperformance pvt. Ltd

At Teleperformance, they convey a remarkable client experience, at each and every chance, because of their
responsibility, enthusiasm and commitment to greatness. In this manner, they make openings and incentive for
representatives, customers, clients, networks and investors.

2.4 Corporate Objectives

Advanced advertising is ascending in India with quick pace. Numerous Indian organizations are utilizing
advanced advertising for upper hand. Accomplishment of showcasing effort can't be exclusively accomplished
by advanced advertising onlyRather for achievement of any promoting effort it ought to completely outfit the
abilities of different advertising procedures accessible inside both the customary and present day advertising.
New companies who utilize computerized advertising ordinarily got fizzled. This investigation demonstrates
precautionary measures to be taken for successful execution of advanced promoting to harvest enormous
potential to increment in deals.
Watchwords: Digital promoting, informal community, web based business, online assistance, fire up and rules.

• To improve profitability and keep up elevated requirements of value and receive viable measures for
controlling expense and limiting reliance on imports.
• To guarantee for its clients the accessibility of its administrations on sensible terms, for its investors a
reasonable profit for capital speculation, for itself, advancement of satisfactory inward assets for persistent
development and extension.
• To create, prepare and keep up a group of propelled and trained work force with required aptitudes and
capacities, and to support advancement
• To make a condition for their working and vocation advancement in order to improve their general
personal satisfaction

• To venture a great picture of the organization and its activities, in the general public where it works,
among its clients and providers and among people in general as a rule.
• To persistently plan its future activities for supported development and steadiness for addressing the
requirements of the States.

2.5 Legal Frame Work ofthe Company

Teleperformance pvt. Ltd is a Private limited association enrolled under the Companies' show 2004. As a
critical mechanical Organization, Teleperformance pvt. Ltd consents to all laws and rules which administer
undertakings all around.

2.6 performance of the company

Capital insinuates the money or money's worth displayed or put by the owner into business. The affirmed
capital of the association is 600000 worth parts of Rs.100 each. The starting capital endeavor of
Teleperformance pvt. Ltdwas 2.5 crores. The present capital endeavor is 594 crores. This is raised by giving
594000 bits of Rs.100 each.

1 2015 63670571 (-)17100000

2 2016 67253459 (-)9267268

3 2017 79532217 (-) 23519720

4 2018 74528657 15523681

5 2019 98402628 3547606

Performance table of Teleperformance.

The chart show the organization has in net loss from the year 2015 to 2017. And in year 2019 the company
has in profit at RS 3547606.

2.7 The Product and Services

Tele execution pvt. Ltd was built up with the point of augmenting benefits in the Digital Marketing
Agencies industry. They need to contend well with the main computerized showcasing organizations in
the Bangalore and the world which is the reason They have yet set up a skillful group that will guarantee
that They meet and even outperform their clients' desires.
They will make a solid effort to guarantee that Teleperformance pvt. Ltd don't simply work for customers in
the Bangalore, yet in addition for customers in different pieces of the world. Their administrations are recorded

• Solutions
• Customer Care
• Technical Support
• Sales
• Social Media
• Back-Office
• Content Moderation
• Analytics
• Intelligent Automation
• CX Consulting
• Smart-Shoring
• Work-at-Home
• Multilingual Hubs
• Chat
• Industries
• Automotive
• Banking and Financial Services
• Healthcare
• Service E-trade
• Technology
• Telecom and Media
• Travel, Logistics, and Hospitality
• Utilities

Products in detail
2.8.1 Customer Care


Their 40 years of experience enable us to profoundly comprehend the client adventure and make it more
straightforward, quicker, more secure and Teleperformance savvy. They are their most spry accomplice
structuring item and administration requests, objection goals, client reviews and crisis reaction, coordinating
channels consistently and continually conveying consistency.At Teleperformance you will find technology
leveraging human actions, perfectly combining security and privacy, to help you show their customers that you
really care. Their customers will be contacting an environment perfectly tuned to ensure the right services at
the right time to increase business results, loyalty, and repurchasing

2.8 .2 Technical Support

Specialized help may speak to the open door you were sitting tight for, to redesign their clients' reliability from
self-administration mode to connecting with the item specialists, they will manage you through the few levels
of technical support to assist you with demonstrating their clients that you are all set that additional mile to
stun them.
Are their specialized issues standard or Teleperformance complex, requiring Teleperformance advanced
investigating methodology? Do you need elevated level help for enormous scale, huge effect cases? Possibly
you are searching for designing administrations including testing, item level goals the executives or lab
Their profoundly gifted and experienced group is the appropriate response. Theycan help you with the
privilege to the following level. Multilingual exceptionally complex help conveyed over a wide assortment of
channels, supported via mechanization and inventive innovations (B2C, B2B, SMB, B2E, and Engineering
Specialized arrangements over the total client lifecycle from establishment and initiation to RMA the board
and parts/field supportExperience in wide scope of enterprises: Consumer Electronics, broadcast
communications, E-trade, Service, Automotive, and New Economy companiesOfferings for ISPs, MSPs,
Wireless Carriers, and other teleco benefits notwithstanding Service, Automotive, and New Economy
organizations Rapid and profoundly compelling help, record and case the board arrangements that guide in
growth and maintenance, decline working costs, and enhance the CX

Level 1 – Standard specialized issues through demonstrated procedures;

Level 2 - Complex and raised issues requiring Teleperformance refined investigating methodology;
Level 3 - High-level help for enormous scale, huge effect undertaking issues and cases;

Level 4 - Engineering administrations, including testing, item level goals the executives, and lab


Augmenting deals results begins with organizations guaranteeing an outstanding encounter for their
At Teleperformance, they have created and actualized solid deals programs everywhere throughout the
world dependent on their uncommon procedures and devices. They realize that building solid
connections is fundamental for deals. Their undertaking business and direct-to-shopper deals
arrangements cemented by their total deals system can assist organizations with guaranteeing that they
have an edge in these undeniably focused occasions.
Teleperformance likewise offers examination and vital answers for guarantee their client obtaining
programs meet their business objectives. This incorporates purchaser venture mapping, arrangement of
answers for client profile types, social focusing on, prescient or showcasing examination, dynamic
specialist scripting, and call directing.
Drive their business forward with Teleperformance's finished deals system. Their cutting edge, high-
contact approach mixes enthusiastic insight with innovation for higher change proportions,
accelerations, and higher incomes per call, bringing about a predominant purchaser experience for
their clients.

The Teleperformance Sales Framework:

Prominent Sales Specialists:

• Highly talented salesmen with client relationship experience
• Process and Management Methodology for Sales
• Process and the board strategy for tweaked deals
• Sales Culture
• Sales culture concentrated on client closeness
• Best Tools
• Best-in-class devices to help contextualized deals
• Strategic Solutions
• Strategic answers for better comprehend client needs
2.8.4 Social Media

They offer answers for draw in and associate with their clients and to interface their image with them over
every single social medium channels. They convey a customized client involvement in the brand, increment
client esteem, and can possibly manufacture a long haul relationship through omnichannel mix joined with the
relational abilities of their web based life examiners.

What do They offer?

• Social Media Sales
• Drive intrigue and convert through online life
• Engagement
• Interact with their clients
• Involve
• Create content dependent on clients' inclinations
• Insights
• Define internet based life technique
• Selling through Social Media

They convey the correct message, at the opportune spot, at the privilege time.They consolidate their client
commitment skill with substantial information way to deal with structure procedures and assess the
achievement of their projects.They create battles dependent on crowd examination and dissect the lead after
association to outline conduct and decide the best indicators for ability to secure their item/administration.
2.8.5 Back-Office


They offer explicit back-office arrangements dependent on each progression of the client lifecycle.They can
plan an area system to convey their tasks, taking advantage of the best open doors that coastal, nearshore, and
seaward can offer. By dealing with representatives, they can influence consumer loyalty. Capable, inspired
individuals who need to prevail for you, it's everything associated with consumer loyalty.
A consistent procedure at back-office and front office tasks, prompting more prominent quality and
• Back-Office Fraud Prevention
• Back-Office Order Management
• Back-Office Case Management
• Back-Office Billing
• Back-Office Coding
• Back-Office Chargeback
• Back-Office Collection

2.8.6 Content Moderation

Their Social Media Gatekeepers, make the web a more secure spot for you and for their brand.At any given
minute, a large number of new posts, pictures and remarks flood the web. With this incredible measure of data
comes the test of screening, checking, and ensuring all these substance can stay accessible to everybody.
Secure Their Brand, Protect Their CommunityBesides building up a sharp eye, they are propelled to develop an
expository personality set.They have a profound comprehension of neighborhood culture, which empowers us
to work proficiently inside the equivalent context.No matter what industry you are in, they can assist drive with
marking respectability and client experience through substance balance.
They search out and employ individuals who share their motivation of making the computerized world
safer.Through Emotional Intelligence devices, which give nitty gritty social qualities, they evaluate their group's
prosperity likelihood. They give steady preparing, a remarkable workplace, and passionate advising to keep
their substance arbitrators roused and thought about.


Associations in the present consistently changing and dynamic economic situations depend on information to
separate being great and being extraordinary.
Information Services for Process re-designing and mechanization to help vital activities and strategic business
prerequisites with Lean, Six Sigma techniques and workforce enhancement
Creating change methodologies dependent on innovation, examination, and procedure greatness (T.A.P.). Force
by this system They always update their computerized abilities to help their customers changing their business
administrations to develop further association with their clients.
Utilizing advanced advances and a worldwide reach, they convey effectiveness and profitability to exceed
expectations in consumer loyalty and Intelligent Solutions
Their insight administrations offer unprejudiced exhortation on the most proper arrangements, custom fitted to
meet explicit necessities and concentrated on results. This community oriented model guarantees They stay an
accomplice in their customer's prosperity story.Sophisticated consultancy methods for distinguishing issues and
suggesting arrangements. More than 40 years of counseling experience, with 2.5 Mn+ ventures hours, and
15,000+ tasks conveyed. Advanced change as a key help, utilizing every single applicable innovation including

2.8.8 CX Consulting

Execute enormous scale change programs through Consulting and Knowledge Services for process re-designing
and mechanization. They can bolster key activities and strategic business necessities with Lean, Six Sigma
approachs and workforce streamlining creating change procedures dependent on innovation, investigation, and
procedure greatness (T.A.P.)
• Target Operating Model Design
• Process Optimization
• Lean Six Sigma
• Program Management
• Special Operational Audits and Assessments
• Business Intelligence
• Advanced Analytics

Investigation stage that suggests Next Best Alternative items and administrations by understanding client
purchasing behaviors and practices utilizing recorded data;Analytics apparatuses for dissecting voluminous,
unstructured content information and giving assessment examination, word cloud and Teleperformance
;Analytics stage that prescribes Next Best Alternative items and administrations by understanding client
purchasing behaviors and practices utilizing verifiable data;Analytics stage that prescribes Next Best
Alternative items and administrations by understanding client purchasing behaviors and practices utilizing
chronicled information;

2.8 .9 Intelligent Automation

Robotization at Teleperformance is a lot of Teleperformance than innovation. They use innovation to help their
representatives, empowering them to play out their errands in a speedier, more astute and Teleperformance
exact way. With computerized change of procedures through computerization, Teleperformance conveys:
Executive specialists: robots execute assignments in the interest of the operator or client, for example, putting
in a request or filling in data in various systems;Enhanced efficiency and precision in forms: decrease in AHT
and increment in exactness, prompting more joyful clients.

2.8 .10Smart-Shoring


Their tasks perform deliberately, unequivocally, and in a convenient way regardless of the area while keeping
up adaptability and the most elevated security gauges. They are set up to offer omnichannel collaborations,
regardless of what channel clients are on, They'll surpass their desires, on computerized channels to
conventional ones expediting everything together.Flexibility a Global Scale: Their customers can pick the
conveyance model that best accommodates their business.

What do They offer?

OnshoreYou can decide to redistribute their administrations to their destinations situated in their nearby nation
with the advantage of working, with neighborhood laborers. That implies there is no language boundary or
social contrasts to manage.
• Operations are close
• Same guidelines
• Same language and time zone
• Nearshore
Their groups in neighboring nations, instead of in their own nation, can serve you too. Geographic closeness
implies that movement and interchanges are simpler and more affordable.
 Geographic vicinity
 Easier correspondences
 Cultural vicinity

On the off chance that you need to execute savvy tasks outside their nation, re-appropriating their
administrations to one of their head seaward areas is a decent alternative.
 Low work cost
 Highly talented laborers that offer quality administrations
 Communication is encouraged with innovation


The work-at-home model offers worldwide access. Influence Teleperformance's worldwide impression, the
biggest in the business, to enlist multilingual, local talking ability.

Adaptable Working Solutions
The advantages of going to work-at-home specialists to satisfy enlisting needs are many. Bosses refer to the
accompanying as their top purposes behind choosing this model:
• Reduced physical space costs
• Increased efficiency
• Better ability pool
• Agent maintenance
• Customer fulfillment and faithfulness
• Positive natural and network sway

Work-at-home representatives have more elevated levels of fulfillment, profitability, and maintenance. These
advantages, combined with access to a bigger work power with specific ability, are some significant reasons
why many organization administrators are grasping the work-at-home-operator (WAHA) model.

2.8.12 Multilingual Hubs


Vital center points that enable their association to offer the most ideal administrations to their clients in
concentrated areas, in light of their needs and profiles.All their kin are local speakers and inhale the way of life
of the nations served, so every client will consistently feel comfortable. Their ability over an assortment of
enterprises empowers them to deal with each solicitation with greatness. They communicate in the correct
language to convey the correct arrangements.
Teleperformance is the pioneer on the improvement of multilingual center points conveying omnichannel
client experience the board answers for fruitful organizations. Such center points house staff from over the
world who cooperate on Pan-European and Pan-Asian programs.Teleperformance's multilingual contribution
is a certified distinctive consider covering 140 markets more than 40 unique dialects from six local center
points situated in Portugal, Netherlands, Greece, Malaysia, Egypt, and Romania.

What do They offer?

Completely incorporated system center point of multilingual locales, empowering solidification of various help
activities Highly prepared and propelled multicultural and multilingual peopleCentralized account the board
and announcing Best-in-class quality and operational processesUnified and adaptable multi-gifted workforce
managementSingle purpose of section for voice and information networksWorld-class FacilitiesCentralized
backing to upgrade expenses and execution

2.8.13 Chat

Teleperformance assists organizations with coordinating visit with existing client association stations to make
an exceptionally progressed computerized client experience.Chat is turning into the favored station of
communication all inclusive, alongside voice and email. Teleperformance and Teleperformance, mechanized
discussions with chatbots and constant connections with administration operators in talk windows have
become the standard. Today, a considerable lot of the world's biggest and most conspicuous brands are
offering talk as one of the essential channels for client commitment.

Visit Benefits

• Reduces Expenses
• Increases Sales

• Improves Customer Service and Loyalty
• Addresses Customer Pain Points

2.8 .14Automotive


Affirmed worldwide measures and unrivaled large information abilities, combined with top tier robotization
answers for the car area
In the present computerized age, it is significant formanufacturers in the car business to comprehend the
innovative wants of their clients, including the numerous requests that they place on administration.
Today, Teleperformance serves Teleperformance than 40 customers in more than 80 projects in the car
division. Teleperformance's solid information on the car division has brought about administrations given in a
few nations through local, nearshore, and seaward activities. Their administrations and arrangements
incorporate the accompanying:
• Driver Services and Assistance
• Financial Services
• Back-office
• Marketing
• IT Services
• Automation Solutions
• Digital Sales Expertise
• Big Data Analysis Strategy and Tools
• 360-degree Social Media Strategies

2.8.15 Banking and Financial Services


They offer an expansive scope of arrangements in a profoundly secure condition. They convey key
mechanization, institutionalization, and procedure change to a portion of the main money related organizations
and banks, supporting them towards expanded efficiency.
Teleperformance is pleased with their huge industry experience and comprehension of different markets all
pull in their enthusiasm for important associations. Their cutting edge instruments for constraining slip-ups,
robotization, and mechanical procedure mechanization approachs have brought about gigantic investment
funds and advantages for their customers.
Demonstrated Experience + Seasoned Leadership = Agile Partnership
Best apparatuses and best practices in conveying complex financial activities over different
geographiesExpertise in the banking administrative condition, center banking and emotionally supportive
networks, particular guaranteeing skillsDecades of involvement with account the board, settlements for
administration and corporate clients for a worldwide bank crosswise over 40 branches over the globe, Pioneer
in setting up tasks for key local and universal financial customers.
Concentrate on long haul esteem creation; adaptable and imaginative estimating models were Love Numbers
as Much as You Do9% expansion in efficiency because of executing a vendor investigation for a worldwide
bank~$300k+ 2016 to 2018 YTD extortion anticipation reserve funds for a global administrations organization

Conveying world-class results over the whole medicinal services business process range
Over 10 years in length nearness in the medicinal services space has given us profound bits of knowledge into
the business' extremely fascinating examples and developing patterns, which They use to assemble their reality
class arrangements.
Gaining from a great many associations consistently, Teleperformance has profound involvement with the
medicinal services division. Teleperformance has bolstered driving worldwide medicinal services associations,
helping them run profoundly deft and esteem empowered activities while continually making investor returns
and outstanding patient experience. Their answers consolidate all the best of investigation, innovation, and the
aptitudes their kin bring to the table. Teleperformance critically, they continually draw in with their
accomplices to assemble medicinal services forms with more prominent spotlight on non-contact and right
first-time approach.
They set forth ceaseless endeavors to reinforce their ability over the human services biological system. They
have made long haul key organizations and have helped customers transform difficulties into upper hands,
upgraded incomes, and cost decreases.

Putting the "Care" in Healthcare: Their Tech and Solutions
Result driven individuals and imaginative innovation arrangements crosswise over both payer and supplier
capacities enhancing costs continually
Many years of aggregate involvement with the medicinal services industry overseeing forms for worldwide
customers, including Fortune 500 associations conveying administrations and canny robotization items over
the whole range of Revenue Cycle ManagementIn-house Lean, Six Sigma, COPC, Analytics, and RPA groups
that offer refined answers for customers always
• Provider Value Proposition
• RCM Front End/Patient Access
• Intake the board
• New and existing enrolments
• Eligibility and inclusion
• Patient records the executives
• Payer changes and reverification
• RCM Mid-Office
• Diagnostics coding
• Procedural coding
• Charge catch
• RCM Back-Office
• Billing/suspended charging
• Denials goals and counteractive action
• Appeals the executives
• Payment posting

Their answers influence medicinal services bolster laborers, incorporating coders with qualifications from
CPC, CPC-H, CCS, and CCS-P from AAPC and AHIMA.

2.8.17 Service E-commerce

Current patterns depict the administration business' requirement for expanding incomes by sending an
omnichannel client experience. As the administration scene proceeds with its move in both block and concrete
and advanced modes, the desires for the present clients have developed.
The fast ascent of social and versatile advancements has changed the manner in which purchasers interface
with dealers in the present market. The change is presently occurring from the outside in, and anemployee,
associated client who is driving the administration plan. The cutting edge shopper is acquainted with moving
consistently through their administration experience, crosswise over whichever channels are generally
advantageous—and this is the place They work for customers to make a consistently great encounter for their

A Look at Their Solutions

Omni channel and multichannel arrangements, all with the client at the focal point of the exchange Use of
client relationship the board (CRM) advancements, online networking, and investigation, Six Sigma, and
change abilities bolstered by particular devices and RPA mediations over the client and merchant
lifecycleLeverage Customer Experience and Brand Loyalty Management authorities – with profound area

• Customer Management
• Customer securing
• Customer support and inquiry the executives
• Campaign the board
• Assisted deals and deal conclusion
• Credit control and assortments
• Delivery the executives
• Returns, discounts, and review Management

Their portfolio bolsters clients through their favored channels with devices and investigation enablement to
guarantee customized administration conveyance to every client.

2.8 .18 Technology

Teleperformance works with innovation organizations, from start up to Fortune 500, to improve their activities
and client experience.
There are various significant difficulties confronting organizations in the innovation part, including cost
control, market and wallet share extension, exploring inventory network and market elements, raised shopper
requests, and security dangers.
They have helped steer the client assistance venture, remembering best-for class route, through an environment
of quick client adjusting advancement and improvement. They have a strong suite of innovation area explicit
assistance contributions that are centered around adding to their customer's top and main concern execution by
improving help, deals, and backing.
Their redid multilingual arrangements, worldwide impression, and driving industry status enable us to help an
assortment of innovation association types, from new companies to Fortune 500

What They Offer

• Full-scale Integrated Customer Experience and Touchpoint Management
• Customer Lifecycle Management from Pre-deals to EOL
• Sales-to-Cash Order Management Solutions
• Simple to Complex Technical Service Solutions
• B2C, B2B, B2E, and Engineering Services
• Front and Back-office Solutions
• Warranty and RMA Support Solutions
• Robust Coverage of the B2C and Enterprise Technology Product Ecosystems
• Tailored Channel Servicing

• Technology and Process-based Innovation including Analytics and Automation

Teleperformance has unparalleled experience supporting the innovation area. Get in touch with us currently to
learn Teleperformance about how They can support you.

2.8 .19 Telecom and Media


welcome to the telecom, and media industry—where the challenge is high, and where advancement is an
unquestionable requirement. Teleperformance comprehends their customers' requirement for imaginative and
creative arrangements, were as methods to tempt, associate, and construct better associations with their clients.
As a worldwide innovator in omnichannel client experience the executives, they know the estimation of client
connections, and the significance of understanding individual customers and diverse market fragments in the
present huge telecom condition.
Impart Better through Their High-Tech, High-Touch ApproachDecades of greatness and administration in
offering help to the telecom business Managing a huge number of voice and non-voice exchanges a yearHigh-
administration skill for inbound deals and administrations, outbound deals, and telemarketingWorld-class
involvement with client securing, support, and maintenance
Supported by innovation and fuelled by their kin's energy for connections, they can bring their customers'
clients closer through their favored channels

2.8 .20 Travel, Logistics, and Hospitality


Helping the world's driving ventures accomplish operational effectiveness and top tier client
service.Provided by innovation and driven by an enthusiasm for associations, Teleperformance has been
adjusting coordinations, neighborliness, and transportation firms for more than two decades. They have the
information and experience to comprehend key subtleties of a customer's matter of fact and structure
community oriented answers for address one of a kind difficulties.
Conveying top notch benefits in a productive and exceptionally secure condition, Teleperformance has
involvement with taking care of B2B and B2C forms for customers. The objective is to guarantee customer
accomplishment through viable administration of assets, prevalent items, RPA, attachment and play innovation
arrangements, and strong procedure discipline
Go Places with Their High-Tech, High-Touch Approach
Many years of involvement with overseeing coordinations and transportation forms for load bearers,
3PLs, cargo forwarders, and transportation/truck/rail operatorsConsultative methodology with an attention on
planning a Target Operating Model for compelling assistance deliveryServices incorporate contact focus,
back-office activities, process counseling, mechanical procedure computerization, and fitting and play
innovation growth

2.8.20Airline Capability


Teleperformance's ability and top to bottom information on the carrier business are instrumental in carrying an
incentive to their customers.

• Customer Acquisition
• Key Capabilities
• Customer support
• Back-office
• Customer maintenance
• Finance and bookkeeping
• Enterprise change administrations
• Value Proposition
• Proven track record
• Professional and believable supervisory groups, with a decent blend of movement industry and
administration conveyance experience

2.8.21 Hospitality Capability


Their skill in the accommodation business originates from their capacity to use their profound space
understanding, process greatness, and innovation to help customers construct solid client unwaveringness and
commitment programs, improve operational efficiencies, and make actuality based, information driven
business choices.

• Key Capabilities
• Sales and promoting
• Reservations
• Loyalty the board
• Guest profiling and division
• Cross-selling and upselling
• Customer weakening and maintenance
• Financial investigation and announcing
• Value Proposition
• Improved visitor fulfillment
• Minimal turnover and call-offs
• Focus on consistence and hazard alleviation
• Quality ability and grassroots selecting
• Reliable and responsive field administration

Teleperformance has a solid reputation in giving top tier Business Process Management (BPM) answers for the
neighborliness business



Offering information keen arrangements and communications driven client support to hoist the client
experience. Tolerance can be rare in the utilities fragment, and with worldwide clients depending on utilities to
povide their day by day lives responsiveness is completely necessaryCount on Teleperformance to help their
business in the utilities segment diminish agitate while upgrading system effectiveness, and help you in
overseeing and foreseeing client requests

. Execution Solutions for Efficiency

A mixed contact focus condition and an omnichannel assortments way to deal with improve beginning
time assortments. Influence exclusive arrangements (TAP™) to improve conveyance model and
operational execution. Staffing streamlining to address all guage and impromptu circumstances.



Infosys (NYSE: INFY), a world chief in cutting edge computerized benefits and counseling, has been
granted the 'Mazda Excellent Partner Award by Mazda advanced development (MDI) and IT division
Mazda engine company.
Infosys has been working with Mazda to execute a worldwide store network the board answer for
administration part activities in reseller's exchange this arrangement uses a hazard free way to deal with
change business process like stock arranging, administration parts arranging, request satisfaction and so
forth.- trailed by rollout of a stockroom the executives arrangement at different Mazda part
appropriation focuses the inventory network changes empower Mazda to explore from a principle
outline based inheritance framework to a cutting edge coordinated stage, with ongoing exchange and
perceivability speeding up and exactness.
Infosys worldwide production network change strategy empowers organization to receive incorporated
business forms bringing about upgraded client experience and business perceivability. The procedure
influences investigation and inventory network process computerization and results in rearrangements of
the IT scene.

Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS)

It is an Indian worldwide data innovation (IT) administration and counseling organization headquartered
in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It is a backup of Tata Group and works in 149 areas crosswise over 46
TCS is the biggest Indian organization by showcase capitalization. Goodbye counseling administrations
is presently put among the most significant IT administrations brands around the world. In 2015, TCS
was positioned 64th by and large in the Forbes World's Most Innovative Companies positioning, making
it both the most elevated positioned IT administrations organization and the top Indian organization. It is
the world's biggest IT administrations supplier. Starting at 2018, it is positioned eleventh on the Fortune
India 500 list. In April 2018, TCS turned into the primary Indian IT organization to reach $100 billion
market capitalization, and second Indian organization ever (after Reliance Industries accomplished it in
2007) after its market capitalization remained at 6,79,332.81 crore ($102.6 billion) on the Bombay Stock

 WIPRO Group 
WIPRO Group is an Indian global enterprise that gives data innovation, counseling and business process
administrations. It is headquartered in Bangalore, Karnataka, India

 HCL Technologies Limited 

It is an Indian global data innovation (IT) administration and counseling organization headquartered in
Noida, Uttar Pradesh. It is an auxiliary of HCL Enterprise. Initially an innovative work division of HCL, it
rose as a free organization in 1991 when HCL went into the product administrations business.

The organization has workplaces in 42 nations including the United Kingdom, the United States, France,
and Germany with an overall system of R&D, "advancement labs" and "conveyance focuses", and 137,000+
representatives and its clients incorporate 250 of the Fortune 500 and 650 of the Global 2000 organizations.
It works crosswise over divisions including aviation and protection, car, banking, capital markets,
compound and procedure businesses, vitality and utilities, human services, hey tech, modern assembling,
buyer products, protection, life sciences, assembling, media and excitement, mining and regular assets, oil
and gas, retail, telecom, and travel, transportation, coordinations and friendliness.

Some of the measures taken by FACT as a part of its Corporate Social Responsibility are:

•Community Awareness
Network mindfulness programs on security, contamination control measure inserts, nearby crisis plan, etc are
being helped out through the advertising division.

•social welfare
Starting at 2018, the Citizen of the World activities of Teleperformance everywhere throughout the world
prompted US$40,101,087 in all out gifts to support oppressed individuals or casualties of catastrophic events.
In Lisbon, Portugal, in July 2016, Teleperformance held an occasion to advance and bolster youthful
Portuguese competitors.
Teleperformance Philippines, in organization with its CSR arm, the Citizen of the World Foundation,
(COTW), moved casualties of the 2009 Ondo tropical storm flood, building up the Teleperformance Gawad
Kalinga Village in 2010. By August 2013 the new neighborhood had 50 homes and a SIBOL Day Care
Centers, an IT Learning Center, and Teleperformance. The third Anniversary of the movement occurred on
August 17, and was driven by Teleperformance Asia Pacific President David Rizzo, and others. By December
2014 the organization finished the development of new homes for 100 dislodged families in the town in Tanay,
Toward the finish of 2015 Teleperformance USA joined forces with Delete Blood Cancer DKMS offering
bone marrow contributor enrollment to workers. Accordingly, near 1,400 workers joined the national bone
marrow library.
On November 24, 2014 Teleperformance, together with Feed the Children, appropriated enough nourishment
and different necessities to help 400 poor families in the Fairborn, Ohio region

There are two undeniable medical clinics, one each at Near their complex and Bangalore individually. These
clinics give both inpatient and outpatient treatment to the organization representatives who are individuals
from the contributory wellbeing plan. The medical clinics likewise stretch out their support of the individuals
who are not individuals.

2.10 Awards and Recognitions




Teleperformance in Colombia Gets Recognized as a Great Place to Work

Extraordinary Place to Work® Institute formally guaranteed Teleperformance in Colombia as a Great Place to
Work. A significant acknowledgment, this affirmation approves Teleperformance in Colombia's uncommon
representative experience and extraordinary working environment culture.



Teleperformance in Greece Received a ‘True Leader of the Greek Economy’

Award for 2018 at ICAP’s ‘True Leaders’ Awards Ceremony
The 'ICAP True Leaders Awards' perceives Companies and Groups as the Leaders of the Greek market
dependent on objective and distributed information. The criteria identify with solid gainfulness in blend with
an enormous and expanded volume of staff, top industry positioning and high ICAP Credit Rating.
This was the sixth consecutive year that Teleperformance Greece received the Award.



Teleperformance in Greece Won a Gold Award for 'Bringing the study of Well Being in
Teleperformance in Greece won a Gold Award for 'Bringing the study of Well Being in Teleperformance' at
the 2019 Human Resources Awards in the 'Wellbeing and Well-Being' Category. The honors are sorted out
yearly to feature activities, practices and approaches in HR Management in the Greek Market.


Teleperformance in Greece Won a Gold Award for ‘Embracing Employees & Community’
Teleperformance in Greece won a Gold Award for 'Grasping Employees and Community' at the 2019 Human
Resources Awards in the 'Corporate Social Responsibility' Category. The honors are sorted out every year to
feature activities, practices and arrangements in HR Management in the Greek Market.

Teleperformance in Greece Won a Silver Award for its ‘Cultural Diversity: Our DNA’ Program
Teleperformance in Greece won a Silver Award for its 'Social Diversity: Our DNA' program, at the 2019
Human Resources Awards in the 'Resourcing and Diversity' Category. The honors are sorted out yearly to
feature activities, practices and approaches in HR Management in the Greek Market.

Teleperformance Bags Top Spot in LinkedIn Best of Pages 2019
For the third time, Teleperformance has been perceived in the rundown of LinkedIn Best Pages. This year,
we're number one! Much obliged to you for perceiving our endeavors in making an enduring effect through
our substance on LinkedIn. Huge whoop to the entirety of our Followers who made ready for our prosperity.
We will keep on sharing enlightening bits of knowledge and enable everybody to take a look at what clients,
customers, and representatives can anticipate from Teleperformance.


Teleperformance Recognized as One of the “Best Workplaces™ in Greater China 2019” by the Great
Place to Work® Institute
Teleperformance has been named one of the "Best Workplaces™ in Greater China" for the second year
straight. Teleperformance was one of only 44 organizations to make the current year's rundown which
perceives organizations with societies that are amicable, comprehensive, profitable, and moral.



3.1 Organisation structure



3.2 Business Structure

Teleperformance, is a computerized advertising organization that expect beginning little in Cape May,
yet would like to become enormous so as to contend well with driving advanced promoting offices in the
business both in the United States and on a worldwide stage.
They know about the significance of building a strong business structure that can bolster the image of the sort
of world class business They need to possess. This is the reason They are focused on just contract the best
hands inside their territory of activities.
At Teleperformance, they will guarantee that They enlist individuals that are qualified, dedicated, innovative,
result driven, client driven and are prepared to work to assist us with building a prosperous business that will
profit all the partners (the proprietors, workforce, and clients).

In actuality, benefit sharing plan will be made accessible to all Their senior administration staff and it will be
founded on their presentation for a time of five years or Teleperformance as concurred by the leading group of
trustees of the organization.
• Chief Executive Officer/Chairman
• Human Resources and Admin Manager
• Planning office
• Operation office
• Marketing office
• Finance Department

3.2.1 Chief Executive Officer – CEO:

Builds the executives' adequacy by enlisting, choosing, situating, preparing, training, advising, and restraining
supervisors; imparting esteems, procedures, and goals; allotting accountabilities; arranging, observing, and
assessing work results; creating motivations; building up an atmosphere for offering data and feelings; giving
instructive chances. Liable for giving guidance for the business Creates, imparts, and actualizes the
association's vision, crucial, in general bearing – for example driving the improvement and execution of the
general association's system. Answerable for marking checks and reports in the interest of the organization
Evaluates the achievement of the association.
Imparting training
In Teleperformance, there are two methods of training for employees. The method of training is decided
on the basis of requirements.
1.On the job training
This is explicit to the activity and focuses on bestowing information and ability to the concerned
representative. Enlistment preparing incorporate acquaintance of a worker with the association and occupation
by giving him all the conceivable data about association's way of life, atmosphere, destinations, arrangements,
rehearses, items and so on. In work guidance preparing, fundamental guidelines about the activity are given by
the concerned bosses. Guidance manual is likewise provided for the equivalent and it causes the
representatives to manage work conditions. Occupation turn is another hands on preparing wherein a
representative made to move starting with one employment then onto the next at specific interims. Occupation
pivot in Teleperformance pvt. Ltd is intradepartmental, interdepartmental and between divisional. Intra-
departmental occupation revolution is done inside the divisions with the goal that all workers are presented to
various capacities did in their specialties. Laborers utilized to various plants are pivoted among the plants at
periodical interims. These revolutions give ability and information to the workers in various occupations.

2.Off the activity preparing

This technique is utilized to bestow information and aptitudes in the workers when all is said in done territories
which empower them to play out the activity better. The fundamental target of this program is character
improvement, for example, initiative quality, relational abilities, frame of mind change and so forth. These
techniques comprise of talks, gathering, bunch dialogs, contextual investigations, pretending and value-based
examination. Off the activity preparing is completed with the assistance of inward or outer staff based on their
accessibility and appropriateness. Instances of projects led by interior staff are firefighting preparing,
representative advancement program, fire and modern hygiene,safety and so on. A portion of the outer
associations which give preparing program in Teleperformance pvt. Ltd incorporate Confederation of Indian
Industries, a portion of the specialized projects directed are imaginative methodology in mechanical
contamination control, instrumentation and vitality protection of heater tasks and support of heading. Aside
from the preparation led at preparing place for the workers &students there are outside preparing directed for
the corporate unit chiefs for example for boss Managers or more. Outer preparing programs are for the most
part led outside Teleperformance.

3.2.2 Operation department

The essential elements of an activities office incorporate the structure and the board of items, administrations
and procedures. Also, the activities division assesses and dispenses assets to adequately convey items and

 Creative Director:

Fills in as undertaking supervisor of the association; works straightforwardly with employees.Responsible for
planning ideas and winning strategic plans for the organization.In charge of duplicate composition and
spreading out sequential ad designs. Creates key arrangement by contemplating innovative and money related
chances; exhibiting suppositions; suggesting destinations.
Achieves backup goals by setting up plans, spending plans, and results estimations; allotting assets; checking
on progress; making mid-course amendments. Directions endeavors by setting up obtainment, generation,
promoting, field, and specialized administrations approaches and works on; organizing activities with
corporate staff. Fabricates organization picture by teaming up with clients, government, network associations,
and representatives; authorizing moral business practices.Maintains quality assistance by setting up and
upholding association standards.Maintains expert and specialized information by going to instructive
workshops; inspecting proficient distributions; building up close to home systems; benchmarking best in class
works on; taking an interest in proficient social orders. Verifies that tasks and promoting office perform
effectively, arrange worker endeavors, and encourage correspondences the executives and representatives.
Guarantees that the association work in accordance with global prescribed procedures.

 Client Service Executive

The association invites customers and potential customers by welcome them face to face, on the web or on the
phone; noting or coordinating requests. Guarantees that all contacts with customers (email, stroll In focus,
SMS or telephone) gives the customer a customized client assistance experience of the most significant level
iii. Through cooperation with customers on the telephone, utilizes each chance to construct customer's
enthusiasm for the organization's items and administrations
Oversees authoritative obligations appointed by the inventive chief in a successful and convenient way.
Reliably remains side by side of any new data on the associations' items, limited time battles, and so forth.; to
guarantee exact and accommodating data is provided to customers when they make enquiries.

 Computer administration focus

The division upgrades between departmental and intra-departmental progression of data and fast information
handling. Information get to is controlled inside and between divisions. Consistent refreshing is done to get up
to speed with the advanced improvements.

 Web Designer cum Graphic Designer

Their customers to decide their necessity and spending plan.
Answerable for Optimizing Website Functionality for proprietors of existing sites.
Answerable for Search Engine Optimization Services and Code Writing Services.
Answerable for creating ideas, designs and formats for item delineations, organization logos, and sites
Answerable for overseeing customer recommendations from typesetting through to configuration, print and
generation Responsible for getting ready drafts or material dependent on an understanding brief.
Inquires about and advices the association on style, sort and other in vogue information as it identifies with
web based life advertising.

 Content Creator/Traffic Generator

Answerable for making content/trendy expressions that will help pull in deals Liable for drawing in web
clients to get help insights and leads Liaises and works viably with other staff individuals to create deals for
Their customers.

3.2.3 Finance Department
 Objectives
To Manage and record for the budgetary asset of the Organization, to gauge its prerequisite later on and
plan appropriately and to check for deviation.Report the money related execution of the organization to
Management, partners and to agree to the Govt. rules and guidelines

 Functions of Finance Department

A portion of the primary capacities are Payroll, charging, Preparation of diary, record and preliminary
parity, Banking, Financial assets and materials bookkeeping, Budget readiness, Cost bookkeeping,
Auditing, Preparation of fiscal reports and reports, Corporate Planning.

 Process of Finance Department

Finance department in Teleperformance pvt. Ltd is divided into five sections for carrying outfits
They are:
1.Bills & Materials
3.Costing, MIS, Budget
4.Cash, bank & Payroll
5.Tax & duties

 Objectives of the Department

 To record all financial transaction of the organization.
 To maintain all statutory financial record of the organization.
 To consolidate the accounts of all units of the organization and prepare the balance sheet statement.
 To get the accounts audited and certified by the statutory auditor.
 To liaise with tax authorities and banks.
 To prepare and send the annual report to the government authorities.
 To regularly scrutinize the accounts of other branches.
 To report the financial performance of the organization to the management, stakeholders and to comply
with the rules and regulations of the government.

 Accountant / Cashier
Liable for planning monetary reports, spending plans, and budget summaries for the association. Gives
administrations money related investigations, advancement spending plans, and bookkeeping reports;
examinations monetary possibility for the most unpredictable proposed ventures; conducts statistical surveying

to conjecture patterns and business conditions.Responsible for budgetary guaging and dangers investigation.
iv. Performs money the executives, general record bookkeeping, and monetary announcing for one or
Teleperformance properties.
Answerable for creating and overseeing money related frameworks and approaches Responsible for controlling
payrollsEnsures consistence with tax collection enactment viii. Handles every single money related exchange
for Zebra Plus Digital Marketing Consulting
Fills in as interior reviewer for Zebra Plus Digital Marketing Consulting™, LLC.
Bankers supporting Teleperformance:
Axis Bank
Bank of Baroda.
Canara Bank

 Finance and Production

Creation targets are made based on fund spending which checks the affordable plausibility of the arrangement
and account spending plan can't get ready without realizing the generation plan

Marketing, Materials and finance
Promoting division sells the merchandise and raises the reserve required by the money office. Materials office
move the products for the advertising office.
Marketing Department Structure

Sales and Marketing Manager

Oversees outside research and arrange all the inner wellsprings of data to hold the associations' best clients and
draw in new ones Models segment data and dissect the volumes of value-based information created by
customerIdentifies improvement openings; follows up on advancement leads and contacts; takes an interest in
the organizing and financing of ventures; guarantees the finish of improvement ventures.

Composes winning proposition reports, arrange charges and rates in accordance with associations' approach
Responsible for taking care of business explore, showcase overviews and practicality reads for customers
Responsible for administering usage, advocate for the client's needs, and speak with customers Develops,
executes and assesses new designs for growing increment deals Creates new markets cum organizations for the
association and inspires the business group to meet and outperform concurred targetsOversees outside research
and arrange all the inner wellsprings of data to hold the associations' best clients and draw in new ones Models
segment data and dissect the volumes of value-based information created by customerIdentifies improvement

openings; follows up on advancement leads and contacts; takes an interest in the organizing and financing of
ventures; guarantees the finish of improvement ventures.

Composes winning proposition reports, arrange charges and rates in accordance with associations' approach
Responsible for taking care of business explore, showcase overviews and practicality reads for customers
Responsible for administering usage, advocate for the client's needs, and speak with customers Develops,
executes and assesses new designs for growing increment deals Creates new markets cum organizations for the
association and inspires the business group to meet and outperform concurred targets

H.R department provides the improvement of human resource and its productive uses by directing it in the
correct channel.

Human Resource Department Structure

Human Resources and Admin Manager

Liable for directing the smooth running of HR and regulatory assignments for the association Updates work
information by partaking in instructive chances; perusing proficient productions; keeping up close to home
systems; taking an interest in proficient associations.

Improves office and association notoriety by tolerating possession for achieving new and various solicitations;
investigating chances to increase the value of occupation achievements. Characterizes work positions for
enrollment and overseeing talking with process Carries out staff acceptance for new group
membersResponsible for preparing, assessment and evaluation of representatives Oversees the smooth running
of the day by day office.Liable for directing the smooth running of HR and regulatory assignments for the
association Updates work information by partaking in instructive chances; perusing proficient productions;
keeping up close to home systems; taking an interest in proficient associations.

Improves office and association notoriety by tolerating possession for achieving new and various solicitations;
investigating chances to increase the value of occupation achievements. Characterizes work positions for
enrollment and overseeing talking with process Carries out staff acceptance for new group membersResponsible
for preparing, assessment and evaluation of representatives Oversees the smooth running of the day by day

3.2.6 Planning department

The Planning Department assumes a regulatory job. The division staffs the venture groups that build up the
ground breaking strategies, area plans, and other arranging endeavors that at last become the premise and
managing reports to help shape the Regulating Plan dialogs. In the sectional guide revision process, the office
is legitimately associated with working with the network to make the Regulating Plan, and makes suggestions
to the Planning Board and District Council
Digital Marketing Specialist
Answerable for dealing with center advanced administrations, for example, pennant publicizing, video
promoting, rich media promoting, sponsorship publicizing, classifieds/catalogs, lead age, versatile
informing/email, computerized show promoting, portable publicizing, web-based social networking the board
Handle other related advanced advertising warning and counseling administrations
Business Plan Executive
Teleperformance pvt. Ltd is a Bangalore based and First class advanced showcasing office. They have had the
option to verify a standard and their – situated office in a focal business region in Bangalore. They are an online
life showcasing organization that is set to contend in the exceptionally focused web based life advertising
industry in the Bangalore showcase, yet in addition in the worldwide market in light of the fact that their
customer base won't be confined to simply organizations and associations in the Bangalore. Teleperformance
pvt. Ltd Digital Marketing Consulting will offer hearty advanced showcasing administrations to both corporate
association and people.

They will offer administrations, for example, flag publicizing, video promoting, rich media promoting,
sponsorship publicizing, classifieds/catalogs, lead age, versatile informing/email, advanced showcase
promoting, portable publicizing, web based life the executives and other related counseling and warning

Teleperformance pvt. Ltd business objective is to get one of the main computerized advertising organizations in
the Bangalore with prominent corporate and singular customers spread all around the globe. They laborers will
be chosen from a pool of capable and exceptionally inventive advanced advertising specialists in and around
Bangalore and furthermore from any piece of the world as the business develops.

They will ensure that take every one of the individuals from Teleperformance pvt. Ltd workforce through the
necessary trainings that will situate them to meet the desire for the organization and to contend with driving
advanced promoting offices in the Bangalore and all through the globe.

At Teleperformance pvt. Ltd Digital Marketing Company customer's wellbeing will consistently start things out,
and all that They do will be guided by their qualities and expert morals. They will guarantee that the consider
ourselves responsible to the best expectations by addressing their customer's needs unequivocally and totally.

They will develop a workplace that gives a human, practical way to deal with gaining a living, and living in
their reality, for their accomplices, representatives and for Teleperformance pvt. Ltd customers. They have a
consolidate experience that rotates around showcase investigating, deals, Web structuring, realistic planning,
corporate marking and publicizing and business the board and so forth.



4.1 Objective of the Study
The organizational study was carried out at Teleperformance pvt. Ltd to achieve the following specific

 To analyse the Porter’s Five Force Model used.

 To understand the organizational framework & it’s functioning
 To gain knowledge about different departments of the organization and the functions.
 To study the interdependence of different departments.

4.2 Scope of the Study

The scope of the study confined only to Teleperformance Pvt. Ltd. Bengaluru, Karnataka. For a time period of
one month.This study helps to understand the Porter’s Five Force Model used and effective functioning of
various department. It gives a practical exposure to study and gain knowledge about functioning of the

4.3 Datacollection

4.3.1 Primary Data

Primary data will be collected through personal interview and observation. Personal interview will be
conducted with regional manager of Happiest Minds and the observation method will be used to study
organization structure.

4.3.2 Secondary Data

Secondary data will be collected from journals, annual reports, quality manual, websites and existing records
of the company.

4.4 Limitations of the study

 Time was a major limiting factor.

 Secondary data available from company manuals wereoutdated (the manuals are being updated).
 Lack of co-operation from certain departments due to their work load.

Chapter 5
Case context

General topic:
In deciding the level of focused contention in the administration business, a fundamental thought is
advertise immersion. The administration administrations advertise is exceptionally soaked. Thus,
Teleperformance faces intense challenge, which warrants systems and strategies that expand on the
organization's qualities. The SWOT investigation of Teleperformance. Specifies various qualities that
the business can use to keep up its industry position in spite of forceful contenders. In view of the outer
elements counted in this current Porter's Five Forces investigation, Teleperformance encounters the
accompanying powers of the five powers in the administration business condition:Competitive rivalry or
1. Bargaining power of buyers
2. Bargaining power of suppliers
3. Threat of substitutes or substitution
4. Threat of new entrants

Theoretical structure for industry investigation has been given by Porter. He built up a five-factor model for
industry examination, as appeared as pursues. The model recognizes five key basic highlights that decide the
quality of the aggressive powers inside an industry and subsequently industry gainfulness.
As appeared in this model, the level of contention among various firms is a component of the quantity of
contenders, industry development, resource power, item separation, and leave hindrances. Among these factors,
the quantity of contenders and industry development are the most compelling. Further, businesses with high

fixed costs will in general be increasingly focused in light of the fact that contending firms are compelled to
slice cost to empower them to work at limit. Separation, both genuine and saw, among contending
contributions, be that as it may, reduces competition. At long last, trouble of exit from an industry heightens
Danger of passage into the business by new firms is probably going to improve rivalry. A few boundaries,
notwithstanding, make it hard to enter an industry. Two cost-related passage obstructions are economies of
scale and total cost advantage. Economies of scale require potential participants either to build up significant
levels of creation or to acknowledge a cost burden. Outright cost preferred position is delighted in by firms with
restrictive innovation or great access to crude materials and by firms with creation experience.
Likewise, high capital prerequisites, high exchanging expenses (i.e., the expense to a purchaser of evolving
providers), item separation, restricted access to dissemination channels, and government approach can go about
as section obstructions.
A substitute item that serves basically a similar capacity as an industry item is another wellspring of rivalry.
Since a substitute places a roof on the value that organizations can charge, it influences industry potential. The
danger presented by a substitute additionally relies upon its long haul value/execution pattern comparative with
the business' item.

Haggling intensity of purchasers alludes to the capacity of the business' clients to compel the business to
decrease costs or increment highlights, in this manner offering endlessly benefits. Purchasers gain power when
they have options when their needs can be met by a substitute item or by a similar item offered by another
provider. What's more, high purchaser fixation, the risk of in reverse joining, and low exchanging costs add to
purchaser power.
Dealing intensity of providers is how much providers of the business' crude materials can compel the business
to acknowledge more significant expenses or decreased assistance, accordingly influencing benefits. The
variables affecting provider power are equivalent to those impacting purchaser power. For this situation,
nonetheless, industry individuals go about as purchasers.
These five powers of rivalry connect to decide the appeal of an industry. The most grounded powers become the
predominant factors in deciding industry benefit and the central purposes of procedure plan, as the
accompanying case of the system broadcast business outlines. Government guidelines, which restricted the
quantity of systems to three, have impacted the profile of the business. This invulnerable passage obstruction
made powerless purchasers (promoters), frail providers (essayists, entertainers, and so on.), and a truly
beneficial industry. In any case, a few exogenous occasions are currently affecting the intensity of purchasers
and providers. Providers have picked up power with the appearance of digital TV on the grounds that the
quantity of clients to whom craftsmen can offer their administrations has expanded quickly. What's more, as
digital TV firms lessen the size of the system showcase, publicists may discover substitute publicizing media
more financially savvy. Taking everything into account, while the business is still alluring and productive, the
adjustments in its structure infer that future benefit might be decreased.

5.2 Porter’s five force model used in Teleperformance

Intensity of Competitive Rivalry or Competition (Strong Force)
The power of aggressive competition is solid in the administration business. There are numerous organizations
of various sizes contending in this industry condition. The accompanying outside elements are the most critical
contemplations in Teleperformance 's key administration of the solid power of rivalry:
Enormous number of firms in the administration showcase (solid power)
Huge assortment of administration firms (solid power)
High forcefulness of administration firms (solid power)
Teleperformance encounters the solid power of these outside components that characterize the focused
competition in the administration business condition. In connection, the high assortment of firms forces
difficulties in creating. Teleperformance's upper hands, considering the assorted variety of approaches that
these contenders use. Additionally, higher firm forcefulness prompts more grounded aggressive contention. In
this way, the organization must stay forceful to stay focused. Teleperformance must continue developing to
stay in its situation as a significant worldwide servicer.
INFOSYS, Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS), WIPRO Group, HCL Technologies Limited these are
the significant contender of Teleperformance in India.
Bargaining Power of Buyers or Customers (Weak Force)
Teleperformance faces the frail force of the haggling intensity of purchasers in the administration business
condition. In view of Porter's Five Forces investigation model, the huge populace of purchasers makes it hard
for them to force huge weight on administration firms. Teleperformance is dependent upon the accompanying
outside variables concerning the feeble bartering intensity of purchasers or clients:
Enormous populace of shoppers (frail power)
High decent variety of shoppers (frail power)
Little size of individual buys (feeble power)
The huge populace of purchasers applies a frail power on Teleperformance and the administration business.
Singular purchasers have irrelevant effect on the organization's worldwide incomes. The frail power of
purchaser assorted variety and the feeble power of little individual buys further debilitate the bartering
intensity of clients. Higher purchaser assorted variety makes it increasingly hard for clients to by and large
force pressure on the organization. Basically, the haggling intensity of purchasers is powerless in impacting
Bargaining Power of Suppliers (Weak Force)

 The bartering intensity of providers has frail force in the administration business condition. There are
numerous providers in the business. Huge firms like Teleperformance can without much of a stretch
influence these providers. In view of this condition, Teleperformance encounters the feeble power of
the bartering intensity of providers, in view of the accompanying outer variables:
 Enormous populace of providers (feeble power)

 Intense challenge among providers (feeble power)
 High accessibility of supply (powerless power)

This present Porter's Five Forces examination of Teleperformance thinks about the huge populace of
providers as having the capacity to affect the organization. Singular providers have negligible impact on
enormous help association like Teleperformance. Likewise, there are numerous providers vieing for
constrained space. The high accessibility of supply makes it hard for providers to affect the key
development of Teleperformance. In this way, the organization faces the feeble force of the bartering
intensity of providers. Teleperformance corporate social obligation technique helps in dealing with
providers' impact on the business.


(Projectors in Bangalore/Office Equipment in Bangalore/Scanner Bangalore)
Office equipment supplier
No.4, Ground Floor, C, Premier Rabbi Appartments,
6th Cross street Behind Looking Good Furniture, 100 Feet Rd
·  contact: 099800 57674

 Maruthi Office Equipment Pvt Ltd

Furniture Manufacturer
Platform Rd, next to appollo hospital
Contact:  076766 10154
They are the main supplier of equipment to the Teleperformance. The organisation use following guideline to
select the suppliers:
  After a prospective supplier is awarded the business and has entered into a contract with
Teleperformance, orders for goods or services will be initiated through the issue of purchase orders or
other approved purchasing methods.
  Goods or services must not be provided to Teleperformance without first receiving a valid purchase
order or other approved purchasing method.
  Teleperformance reserves the right to refuse payment to suppliers unless a valid and complete invoice is
provided that includes a reference to the applicable purchase order or approved purchase method.
  Suppliers are expected to ensure that all goods and services are in accordance with the required
specifications and will be provided on-time and at the correct prices.

  Suppliers are expected to be able to conduct business in an electronic manner, including the automation
of the purchase-to-pay process and the transmission of purchase orders and invoices.

Threat of Substitutes or Substitution (Weak Force)

The risk of substitutes or substitution has frail power in influencing the administration business condition.
Teleperformance offers a wide assortment of merchandise and ventures that have a couple or no substitutes.
The accompanying outer elements force the feeble danger of substitution against Teleperformance:

Moderate accessibility of substitutes (moderate power)

Low assortment of substitutes (frail power)

Greater expense of substitutes (powerless power)

There are Some substitutescompanywhich are in same business line and in same product offering.
Nonetheless, the outer factor of the low assortment of substitutes makes it hard for shoppers to move away
from items accessible from servicers like Teleperformance. Likewise, a few substitutes are more costly than
the minimal effort merchandise and ventures accessible at the organization. Here are a few organizations
which make a danger of substitutes.

Threat of New Entrants or New Entry (Strong Force)
Teleperformance must address the solid force of the danger of new contestants. New passage of administration
firms is effectively accomplished even within the sight of monsters like Teleperformance. Little help firm can
enter the market and contend based on accommodation, area, claim to fame, and different variables. In light of
this current Porter's Five Forces investigation, the solid power of new section is separated into the
accompanying segment outside elements:
Moderate to significant expense of brand improvement (moderate power)
Minimal effort of working together (solid power)
Moderate capital costs (solid power)
Little assistance firmlike TEAM PHOENIX,Vadamalai Media Group/VMG BPO,ASD India Serviceshave low
expenses of working together comparative with Teleperformance. This condition makes it feasible for some,
littler help firm like them to contend with Teleperformance.All of these organizations are variesin introductory
capital expense, yet it is normally high as far as financing for business space, HR, and gear, among different
factors. All things considered, these littler new contestants can build up their activities with low to direct
capital cost. So these organizations can become potential dangers to firms like Teleperformance.



6.1 Findings
 Teleperformance pvt. Ltd Digital Marketing Company engaged the services of a core professional in
the area of business consulting and structuring to assist their organization in building a well – structured
digital marketing business that can favourable compete in the highly competitive digital marketing
agencies industry in the Bangalore.
 As a Part of the team of business consultant did was to work with the management of their organization
in conducting an of the Porter’s Five Force Model and itssummary from the resultthat was conducted
on behalf of Teleperformance pvt. Ltd Digital Marketing Company.
 Teleperformance core strength lies in the power of their team; their workforce. They have a team of
creative, result driven and highly proficient digital marketing expert, a team with excellent
qualifications and experience various niche areas in the digital marketing agencies industry and other

related industry. Aside from the synergy that exists in their carefully selected digital marketing experts,
their services will be measurable, result driven and guided by best practices in the industry.
 As a new digital marketing agency in pondy, it might take some time for their organization to break
into the market and gain acceptance especially from top profile clients in the already saturated and
highly competitive digital marketing agencies industry; that is perhaps Their major weakness.
 Another weakness is that They may not have the required cash to pump into promoting their business
especially via main stream media (TV, Radio and Newspapers et al) the way They would want to.
 No doubt, the opportunities available in the digital marketing agencies industry is massive considering
the number of individuals and corporate organizations with active presence on the internet and of
course the pretty large numbers of people who visit the internet / social media platforms on a daily
basis and own mobile phones / smart phones and other related gadgets.
 As a standard and world class digital marketing agency, they are ready to take advantage of any
opportunity that is available in the industry.
 Just like any other business, one of the major threats that They are likely going to face is economic
downturn. It is a fact that economic downturn affects purchasing / spending power. Another threat that
may likely confront us is the arrival of a digital marketing agency or even a social media marketing
company in same location where their target market exists and who may want to adopt same business

The competitive struggle for market share between firms in an industry. Extreme rivalry among
established firms poses a strong threat to profitability. To overcome such rivalry, Teleperformance use
the following factors:

 Extent of exit barriers

 Amount of fixed cost
 Competitive structure of industry
 Presence of global customers
 Absence of switching costs
 Growth Rate of industry
 Demand conditions

Teleperformance pvt. Ltd is the Digital Marketing production which paved the way for increased
productivity in Online Marketing service sector. It started with a vision to become a dependable Digital
Marketing Executives and provide self-reliance in engineering and technology especially in Digital
With this vision it navigated through all difficulties which came on its way in the initial stages of
growth. Setting up of R & D centre was an envisaged activity to keep abreast with the latest
Especially for Digital Marketing Productionwith commercialization of its production at Bangalore,
it began its expansion stage to Mangalore division but the reigning period of Teleperformance pvt. Ltd
came to an end with the scarcity and skyrocketing prices of services.
It could hardly do anything to save its declining trend as the product pricing is done. The
organization as of now is stagnating and is in a difficult stage of production. The immediate impact is
seen in its low funding to R & D department, reluctance in adopting new technologies, revising the
corporate plans to the bare minimum targets and reduction in welfare measures of the company.
The trend has badly affected its market share and has stepped behind in competing with its
contemporary organizations. However, even in this tragic situation, the company is operating above
90%capacity utilization. The management and its staff are putting their best to sustain the company.
Trade unions are cooperating with the management by understanding the company’s situation and
responding to its need. The future however looks bright when the opportunities and strengths of the
organization are considered. Teleperformance’s real strength is its experienced employees who have
tasted the different stages of its growth.

6.3 Suggestions
1. Create a Smooth On boarding Process
Everyone know that clients are the keys to every agency’s success. The most important step in
establishing an agency-client relationship is making sure the client on boarding process is as smooth
and straightforward as possible.
From the initial proposal to the kick-off meeting, an excellent on boarding process leaves a good first
impression. It helps you turn interested clients into long-term partners, proving that you have everything
they need to move forward with the contract. Send out satisfaction surveys to their clients to know
which parts of theirown boarding process convinced them to seal the deal as well as the areas on which
you can still improve.
2. Obtain the Right Tools and Data
Having everything they need helps to make better decisions. As a digital marketing agency,
technology is a crucial investment that enhances their access to useful tools and key data points. Every
agency should look for the perfect integrated system and technology that make it easier for them to
provide unparalleled service.
Some of the useful technologies for digital marketing agencies include:

 SEO Rank Checking: Google Search Console, SEMrush, MOZ

 SEO Keyword Analysis: Google Adwords, Google Trends, SEMrush, Spyfu
 Digital Analytics Tools: Google Analytics, Kissmetrics, Adobe Analytics
 Site Audience Comparison: Google Analytics, Alexa
 Create Engaging Marketing Videos in Minutes with
3. Integrate Conversational User Interface into Their System
Apple’s Siri, Google’s Assistant, Amazon’s Alexa and Microsoft Cortana are becoming
Teleperformance and Teleperformance present in a consumer’s daily life. These conversational user
interfaces are built to provide answers for customers when immediate assistance is unavailable.
Improving their digital marketing services should include enhancing the user experience of their
client’s website to fit their customer’s needs. For simple product questions or work hour schedule
inquiries, a chatbot is an excellent solution. There is a bot for that, and Chatbottle are famous bot search
engines that you can integrate into their client’s website.
4. Utilize Artificial Intelligence
Today, a personalized marketing strategy is critical in helping their clients stand out amongst their
competitors. Artificial intelligence (AI) is designed to give you just that.
AI is closely tied to machine learning and improving performance through data analysis with little
to no human intervention. In the digital marketing industry, AI predicts what the customer wants to buy,

interprets client behaviour and, as a result, becomes the secret to driving conversions. It can simplify
buying processes, automate reporting and analyse algorithms to learn which type of audiences respond
to various products and ads.
5. Provide Live Video Marketing Packages
Ever since marketing has gone digital, the line between the brand and consumer is becoming
Teleperformance and Teleperformance blurred – but for the better. According to a poll conducted by
Livestream and New York Magazine, 80% of those surveyed would rather watch a brand’s video than
read a blog post while 82% prefer videos over social media posts. Live videos, Teleperformance
specifically, are currently outpacing the growth of other types of online videos, giving brands a 113%
increase in ad views.
Almost every social media platform is jumping into live video and frequently adding new features
into their system. The beauty of live video, says Susan Piver, is the human component. It mimics face-
to face conversations and activates the senses, giving viewers an experience of real-time interaction.
Offering this service to their clients allows them to build stronger, closer relationships with their
6. Optimize theirOwn website
As per the Part of the job as an agency is to make sure theirclient’s website ranks on Google. However,
in improving the website of theirclients, you may have overlooked the importance of maintaining and
strengthening the own website. Quality website content is important in providing valuable information
to theircustomers, especially during their decision-making process.



 Fundamentals of digital marketing by pearson, puneet singh Bhatia

 Mastering digital marketing by Michael cohn
 Digital marketing cases from India by Rajendra Nargundkar and Romi Sainy

Reading materials

 Company brochure
 Notice of the company
 Annual reports
 Magazines



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