Planetary Indicators For Tradestation, Multicharts and Tradesignal Platforms
Planetary Indicators For Tradestation, Multicharts and Tradesignal Platforms
Planetary Indicators For Tradestation, Multicharts and Tradesignal Platforms
Application of planetary indicators allows a trader to see preset speeds and locations of future
market activity. Many successful traders and institutions apply financial astronomy every day,
every hour, every minute. Now you can too. We offer you a try before you buy. The price of our
indicator package is nominal to the benefit of seeing the different market structures exposed.
Price discovery and astronomic timing given by our precision indicators made specifically for
Tradestation and Tradesignal are available tor the trader or researcher. Our Planetary indicator
package is comprehensive and includes the following:
Ephemeris Charting package giving you the options of which planets to display, a multiplier
which determines the vertical scaling - and has an additional setting 0 (default) that is an auto-
scale with additional options for sidereal geocentric computation (relative to vernal point).select
Geocentric (Earth Base) or Heliocentric (Sun Base) with or without sidereal coordinates. This
indicator automatically adjusts for the price of a stock, commodity, or Foreign Exchange, or you
can program a particular ratio (multiplier). Option available to show planets changing signs
(ingress lines)
Bradley Indicator: plotted on any chart which adjusts automatically to chart price with option of
Heliocentric or Geocentric
Planet Filter: Gives a plot where you want a given location in the 360 degree orbit for
example..0,90,120,180 in a 360 degree orbit. You can change the size of the orbit as well. All
planets individually selected.
Aspect Cluster: Identify when a cluster of planets have aspects or a pair of planets show an
aspect available in Helio or Geo.
Planet Distance:
Planet Speed:Indicates velocity which can be seen around the 360 orbit.
Planet Filter: Allows input to detect when a planets longitude is at a given point, for example 180
degrees or 144 degrees (whatever number between 0-360.
Eclipse Display: Showing when a total or partial eclipse of the moon (lunar) or Sun (Solar) is
A nice feature is the analysis commentary allows you to see the actual longitudes of planets on
the screen and aspects. We offer many indicators in this package that can be displayed at the
same time in real time so that you have a comprehensive grasp of "so as above, is below"...
The 2 week trial comes with a planetary instruction book that is simple to understand and
explains the defaults and options. We have a blog on site and invite you to use it. Any questions
can be emailed and answered timely. Click here to order trial download
The Planetary Indicator package was written by a talented computer scientist/trader/astronomically empowered
The screen below shows the Dow Jones with ephemeris plots (geocentric and default multiplier)
Eclipses are made available so that you can input time before and after to see market effects.
I became curious if Lunar and Sun Eclipses can be used as timing tool in the markets. We know some who use them
and we urge you to blog about eclipses or other planetary indicator results or just to discuss. The results are not as
clear as I hoped - but let's study it a bit closer.
This chart shows you how invaluable our indicators are...The Mars-Uranus aspect cycle is particularly interesting and
a proven tool.
D_LATITUDE: latitude of the selected planet degrees as seen from Sun (heliocentric) or Earth (geocentric)
D_DISTANCE: distance of the selected planet in AUs (astronomic unit) to Sun (heliocentric) or Earth (geocentric)
Plot geocentric longitude of Mars:
Plot1 ($pi_ephem(P_MARS, d, t, D_LONGITUDE, false, false, “autoâ€));
Plot Distance of Jupiter to the Sun:
Plot2 ($pi_ephem(P_JUPITER, d, t, D_DISTANCE, true, false, “autoâ€));
Please check the Indicator [PI] Sample (also part of the PI package) for a practical example.
Categories: PlanetaryIndicators, TradeStation
S&P500 in March 2010: Bradley vs. Planetary Aspects