Titanium Dioxide As A Catalyst in Biodiesel

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Titanium Dioxide as a Catalyst
in Biodiesel Production
Claudia Carlucci *, Leonardo Degennaro and Renzo Luisi
Flow Chemistry and Microreactor Technology FLAME-Lab, Department of Pharmacy–Drug Sciences,
University of Bari “A. Moro” Via E. Orabona 4, 70125 Bari, Italy; [email protected] (L.D.);
[email protected] (R.L.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +39-080-544-2251

Received: 30 November 2018; Accepted: 20 December 2018; Published: 11 January 2019 

Abstract: The discovery of alternative fuels that can replace conventional fuels has become the goal
of many scientific researches. Biodiesel is produced from vegetable oils through a transesterification
reaction that converts triglycerides into fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), with the use of a low
molecular weight alcohol, in different reaction conditions and with different types of catalysts.
Titanium dioxide has shown a high potential as heterogeneous catalyst due to high surface area,
strong metal support interaction, chemical stability, and acid–base property. This review focused on
TiO2 as heterogeneous catalyst and its potential applications in the continuous flow production of
biodiesel. Furthermore, the use of micro reactors, able to make possible chemical transformations
not feasible with traditional techniques, will enable a reduction of production costs and a greater
environmental protection.

Keywords: titanium dioxide; heterogeneous catalyst; biodiesel; continuous flow

1. Introduction
Public attention to energy consumption and related emissions of pollutants is growing.
The constant increase in the cost of raw materials derived from petroleum and the growing concerns of
environmental impact have given considerable impetus to new products research from renewable raw
materials and to technological proposal solutions that reduce energy consumption, use of hazardous
substances and waste production, while promoting a model of sustainable development and social
acceptance [1–3].
In recent years, titanium complex catalytic systems consisting of several catalysts or containing
one catalyst with functional additives have found wide applications [4–6]. This application is very
promising, since it appreciably widens the possibility of controlling the activity and selectivity
of catalysts.
Titanium containing catalysts can be divided into organic, inorganic, mixed, and complex catalysts.
Both organic and inorganic titanium compounds represent the main components of the complex
catalysts for esterification and transesterification reactions [7].
Recently, titanium oxide (TiO2 ) was introduced as an alternative material for heterogeneous
catalysis due to the effect of its high surface area stabilizing the catalysts in its mesoporous structure [8].
Titania-based metal catalysts have attracted interest due to TiO2 nanoparticles high activity for
various reduction and oxidation reactions at low pressures and temperatures. Furthermore, TiO2 was
found to be a good metal oxide catalyst due to the strong metal support interaction, chemical stability,
and acid–base property [9].

Catalysts 2019, 9, 75; doi:10.3390/catal9010075 www.mdpi.com/journal/catalysts

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Catalysts 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 28

This review
This review focuses
focuses on
on TiO
TiO22 as an excellent
as an excellent material
material for heterogeneous catalysis,
for heterogeneous catalysis, with
with potential
applications in
applications in biodiesel
biodiesel production.
production. Applications
Applications of
of titanium
titanium dioxide
dioxide as
as heterogeneous
heterogeneous catalyst
catalyst for
continuous flow processes have been considered.
continuous flow processes have been considered.

2. Titania-Based Catalysts in Transesterification

Homogeneous basedcatalysts
Homogeneous basedcatalystsin in
thethe transesterification
transesterification reaction
reaction have disadvantages,
have some some disadvantages,
which which
highare highconsumption,
energy energy consumption,
separationseparation of the from
of the catalyst catalyst
thefrom the mixture,
reaction reaction
and and the purification
the purification of the rawof material.
the raw material. Therefore,
Therefore, to reducetothe
reduce thethe
cost of cost of the purification
purification process,
process, heterogeneous solid catalysts such as metal oxides were recently used, as they can be
heterogeneous solid catalysts such as metal oxides were recently used, as they can be easily separated easily
from from the
the reaction reaction
mixture andmixture
reused.and reused.
heterogeneous catalyst shows a wide availability and economical
Titanium dioxide used as a heterogeneous
synthesis modalities.

2.1. Sulfated TiO

2.1. Sulfated TiO2
A solid superacidic catalyst used in the petrochemical industry and petroleum refining process
was sulfated
doped TiO 2 [10,11].
TiO ThisThis
2 [10,11]. catalyst showed
catalyst betterbetter
showed performances compared
performances to other to
compared sulfated
metal oxides due to the acid strength of
sulfated metal oxides due to the acid strength of the TiO particles which further enhanced with
2 the TiO2 particles which further enhanced withloading of
SO 2− groups on the surface of TiO . The higher content of sulfate groups determined the formation
4 of SO4 groups on the surface
2− 2 of TiO2. The higher content of sulfate groups determined the
of Brönstedofacid
formation sites which
Brönsted caused
acid sites whichthe super
caused acidity of theacidity
the super catalystof[12].
the Some studies
catalyst reported
[12]. Some that
the enhancement of the acidic properties after the addition of sulfate ions to metal
reported that the enhancement of the acidic properties after the addition of sulfate ions to metal oxides, caused less
oxides, causedof less
the catalyst [13,14].
deactivation of the catalyst [13,14].

2.1.1. SO442−2−
2.1.1. SO /TiO
/TiO 2 2

Hassanpour et et al. described sulfated
al. described sulfated doped
doped TiOTiO22 as
as aa solid
solid super-acidic catalyst which
super-acidic catalyst which is
is also
used in the petrochemical industry and petroleum refining process and shows better
used in the petrochemical industry and petroleum refining process and shows better performances performances
compared to to other
other sulfated
sulfated metal
metal oxides
oxides [15,16].
[15,16]. This
This is
is due
due to to the
the acid
acid strength
strength ofof the
the TiO
TiO22 particles
which further enhanced
loadingofofSOSO 2 − groups on surface
the surface of2.TiO
which further 42−4groups on the of TiO The2 .synthesized
The synthesized
nano-catalyst Ti(SO )O
catalyst Ti(SO4)O (Figure
4 (Figure 1) is used for the production of biodiesel deriving from
1) is used for the production of biodiesel deriving from used cooking oilused cooking
oil (UCO).

Figure 1.
Figure 1. TEM
TEM images
images of (a) TiO
of (a) TiO22 and
and (b)
(b) Ti(SO
)O (Copyright
(Copyright of
of Elsevier,
Elsevier, see
see [15]).

The esterification of free fatty acids (FFAs) and and transesterification

transesterification of oils were conducted
simultaneously using the titanium catalyst (1.5 wt.%), wt.%), in
in methanol/UCO
methanol/UCO in in 9:1 ratio, a temperature
reaction of ◦
of7575°C, C,
a reaction time of
a reaction 3 h,ofyielding
time 97.1% of fatty
3 h, yielding 97.1%acid
of methyl esters.
fatty acid The authors
methyl esters.
The the catalytic
authors investigated the activity and re-usability
catalytic activity of the
and re-usability of theTi(SO 4)O4 )O for
Ti(SO for the
esterification/transesterification of of UCO.
optimized conditions
conditions thethe amount
amount of
SO 2 −
of 4SO4species
2− species in the
in the solidsolid acid nano-catalyst
acid nano-catalyst slowlyslowly decreased
decreased and thisand
datathis data higher
resulted resulted higher
to to other functionalized
other functionalized titania
titania reported reported
in the in the
literature. Theliterature.
formationThe formation of
of polydentate polydentate
sulfate species
sulfate the
inside species inside
structure the2 enhanced
of TiO structure the of TiO 2 enhanced
stability the stability
of synthesized Ti(SO4of)O synthesized
nanocatalyst Ti(SO 4)O
and also
nanocatalyst and also presented a higher tolerance to ≤6 wt.% percentage of free fatty acids in raw
material for biodiesel production (Table 1).
Catalysts 2019, 9, 75 3 of 25

presented a higher tolerance to ≤6 wt.% percentage of free fatty acids in raw material for biodiesel
Catalysts 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 28
production (Table 1).
Table 1. The effect of free fatty acid (FFA) in feedstock on the percentage of fatty acid methyl esters
Table 1. The effect of free fatty acid (FFA) in feedstock on the percentage of fatty acid methyl esters
(FAME) yield.
(FAME) yield.
Oleic acid to oil, wt.% 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
Oleic acid to oil, wt.% 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
FAMEFAMEyield% yield% 97.197.1 9797 97.1 97.01 96.14 95.69 93.42 91.37
97.1 97.01 96.14 95.69 93.42 91.37 75.39 64.5 75.39 64.5

Zhao and
Zhao and co-workers
co-workers havehave recently
recently studied
studied thethe catalytic
catalytic activity
activity of of sulfated
sulfated titanium oxide
titanium oxide
(TiO -SO 2− ). The authors reported that the high surface acidity of titanium dioxide increased the
(TiO2-SO4 ). The authors reported that the high surface acidity of titanium dioxide increased the
2 42−

yield of ofbutyl
about92.2% in esterification
92.2% reaction,
in esterification and the
reaction, andselectivity of the of
the selectivity catalyst mostly
the catalyst
mostly on the degree
depended on theofdegree
exposure of reactiveofcrystal
of exposure reactivefacets [17].facets
crystal In this[17].
In a high-surface-area
this paper, a high-
mesoporous sulfated nano-titania was prepared by a simple hydrothermal
surface-area mesoporous sulfated nano-titania was prepared by a simple hydrothermal method without any
without followed by surface
template followed sulfate modification
by surface sulfate(Figure 2). Acid(Figure
modification sites with
2). moderate- and superacidic
Acid sites with moderate-
strength formed in the sulfated titania catalyst. Also, the prepared sulfated sample
and superacidic strength formed in the sulfated titania catalyst. Also, the prepared sulfated sample possessed both
Lewis and Brønsted acid sites. The catalytic activity of sulfated nano-titania with
possessed both Lewis and Brønsted acid sites. The catalytic activity of sulfated nano-titania with exposed (101) facets
was evaluated
exposed (101) using
facets the
wasesterification reaction
evaluated using the between aceticreaction
esterification n-butanol.
acid andbetween Compared
acetic acid andwith
the exposed (001) facets, the exposed (101) facets showed better catalytic activity
butanol. Compared with the exposed (001) facets, the exposed (101) facets showed better catalytic2 of sulfated TiO
in esterification.
activity of sulfated Additionally, the as-prepared
TiO2 in esterification. sulfatedthe
Additionally, sample could be
as-prepared efficiently
sulfated recycled
sample couldand
regenerated by simple soaking in sulfuric acid followed by calcination.
efficiently recycled and regenerated by simple soaking in sulfuric acid followed by calcination.

Figure 2. (a) TEM and (b) HRTEM

HRTEM images
images of TiO22-SO
of TiO − (Reproduced
-SO4 242− (Reproduced by permission
permission of The Royal
Society of Chemistry, see [17]).
Chemistry, see [17]).

Furthermore, Ropero-Vega 2− on
Furthermore, Ropero-Vegaetet al.al.
investigated thethe
effect of TiO
effect -SO24-SO
of 2TiO 42− the
on esterification of oleic
the esterification of
acid with ethanol [18]. The maximum conversion of oleic acid was 82.2%,
oleic acid with ethanol [18]. The maximum conversion of oleic acid was 82.2%, whilst a 100% whilst a 100% selectivity
of the catalyst
selectivity oncatalyst
of the oleic acid
on to ester
oleic acidwas to reported 80 ◦ C after
ester wasatreported at 803 h.
°C Sulfated
after 3 h.titania was
Sulfated prepared
titania was
by using ammonium sulfate and sulfuric acid as sulfate precursors.
prepared by using ammonium sulfate and sulfuric acid as sulfate precursors. Depending on the Depending on the sulfation
method, important
sulfation effects on effects
method, important the acidity,
on thetextural properties
acidity, textural as well as onasactivity
properties well aswere found. After
on activity were
found. Aftersulfate was used,
ammonium a large
sulfate wasamount
used, aoflarge
S=O amount
linked toofthe S=Otitania surface
linked to thewas observed
titania andwas
surface the
acidity strength determined with Hammett indicators showed strong acidity
observed and the acidity strength determined with Hammett indicators showed strong acidity in in the sulfated samples.
The presencesamples.
the sulfated of Lewis Theand Brönsted
presence acid sites in
of Lewis theBrönsted
and sulfated titania withinsulfuric
acid sites acid catalyst,
the sulfated titania were
sulfuric (Figure 3). The
catalyst, sulfated
were titania
observed showed
(Figure 3). very high activity
The sulfated forshowed
titania the esterification
very highofactivity
fatty acids
with ethanol in a mixture of oleic acid (79%). Conversions up to 82.2% of the
the esterification of fatty acids with ethanol in a mixture of oleic acid (79%). Conversions up to oleic acid and selectivity
to esterofofthe
100% ◦ C.
82.2% oleicwere
acidreached after 3 htoofester
and selectivity reaction at 80were
of 100% reached after 3 h of reaction at 80 °C.

Figure 3. Schematic representation of the Brönsted and Lewis acid sites in the sulfated titania.
found. After ammonium sulfate was used, a large amount of S=O linked to the titania surface was
observed and the acidity strength determined with Hammett indicators showed strong acidity in
the sulfated samples. The presence of Lewis and Brönsted acid sites in the sulfated titania with
sulfuric acid catalyst, were observed (Figure 3). The sulfated titania showed very high activity for
the esterification
Catalysts 2019, 9, 75 of fatty acids with ethanol in a mixture of oleic acid (79%). Conversions up to
4 of 25
82.2% of the oleic acid and selectivity to ester of 100% were reached after 3 h of reaction at 80 °C.

Catalysts 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 28

The results showed that sulfated titania is a promising solid acid catalyst to be used in the
esterification of free fatty acids with 2-propanol (Table 2).
Figure 3. Schematic
Figure 3. Schematic representation
representation of
of the
the Brönsted
Brönsted and
and Lewis
Lewis acid
acid sites
sites in
in the
the sulfated
sulfated titania.
Table 2. Conversion of 2-propanol and oleic acid esterification on sulfated titania.
The results showed that sulfated titania is a promising solid acid catalyst to be used in the
Catalyst 2-Propanol Oleic Acid
esterification of free fatty acids with 2-propanol (Table 2).
[TiO2-HNO3] 0 3.1
Table 2. Conversion of 2-propanol and oleic acid esterification on sulfated titania.
[TiO2/SO42−-H2SO4-IS] 0.5 2.1
Catalyst 2-Propanol Oleic Acid
[TiO2/SO42−-(NH4)2SO4-IS] 10.54 47.0
[TiO2 -HNO3 ] 0 3.1
[TiO2 /SO4 2− -H 2 SO
[TiO 4 -IS]
2/SO 42−-(NH4)2SO4-I] 0.5
46.06 82.2 2.1
[TiO2 /SO4 2− -(NH4 )2 SO4 -IS] 10.54 47.0
[TiO2 /SO4 2− -(NH4 )2 SO4 -I] 46.06 82.2

Three sulfated
Three sulfatedtitania-based
superacid catalysts
superacid were prepared
catalysts were by sol-gel and
prepared by impregnation
sol-gel and
method by Huang
impregnation methodandby coworkers
Huang and [19]. Sulfated[19].
coworkers titania derived
Sulfated gel was
titania driedgel
derived at was
353 K for 24
dried at h and
353 K
then calcined in air at 773 K for 3 h and milled into powders (this sample was labeled
for 24 h and then calcined in air at 773 K for 3 h and milled into powders (this sample was labeled as ST). Another
as titania was
ST). Another prepared
sulfated withwas
titania HNO 3 insteadwith
prepared of HHNO
2 SO4 3solution
of Hsample was labeled
2SO4 solution (this as HST).
was titania-alumina
labeled was labeled
as HST). Sulfated as STA. Thewas
titania-alumina synthesis
labeled of as
STA. Thewassynthesis
performed offrom rap oil,
biodiesel wasat
353 K, after 6–12 h, under atmospheric pressure, with a 1:12 molar ratio of oil to methanol.
performed from rap oil, at 353 K, after 6–12 h, under atmospheric pressure, with a 1:12 molar ratio The highest
of oil was obtained The
to methanol. usinghighest
HST catalyst
yield wasprobably dueusing
obtained to its stronger surface
HST catalyst acidity.due
probably Thetoyields of HST
its stronger
and STAacidity.
surface increased
Thewith prolonged
yields of HST reaction
and STAtime, while the
increased withoptimum
prolonged reaction time
reaction of ST
time, was the
while 8h
(Figure 4).
optimum reaction time of ST was 8 h (Figure 4).

Yield of FAME (%)


10 ST

6 8 10 12
Time (h)

Figure 4.
4. Influence
Influence of
of reaction
reaction time
time on
on the
the yield of FAME.

Superacid sulfated
sulfated titania
catalyst,TiO 2 /SO
TiO 2/SO44 (TS-series),
Almeidaet et
al. thethe
sol-gel technique,
sol-gel technique, with
The relation
relation of
of structure and
catalytic activity
preparedmaterial have
material beenbeen
have evaluated. The catalyst
evaluated. that exhibited
The catalyst the highest
that exhibited the
activity activity
in the methanolysis of soybean and castor oils at oils ◦ C, for 1 h (40% and 25%,
120 at
highest in the methanolysis of soybean and castor 120 °C, for 1 h (40% and
25%, was that
respectively) waswhich
thatdisplayed the highest
which displayed thespecific surface
highest area,surface
specific averagearea,
diameter and
pore volume,
diameter and and
volume, percentage
and highestin sulfate groups
percentage TS-5 (Figure
in sulfate groups5).TS-5 (Figure 5).
Catalysts 2019, 9, 75 5 of 25
Catalysts 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 28


Yield of FAME (%)





TS-20 TS-10 TS-5

Figure 5. Percentage
5. Percentage of FAMEs
of FAMEs formed
formed in the
in the methanolysis
methanolysis reaction
reaction of soybean
of soybean andand castor
castor oils.

Chen, et al. reported the transesterification reaction of cottonseed oil at 230 ◦ C for 8 h, using a
Chen, et al. reported the transesterification reaction of cottonseed oil at 230 °C for 8 h, using a
molar ratio of 12:1 between methanol and oil and an amount of catalyst of 2 wt.%, with a biodiesel
molar ratio of 12:1 between methanol and oil and an amount of catalyst of 2 wt.%, with a biodiesel
conversion of 90% (Table 3) [21]. The solid acids as heterogeneous catalysts showed high activity
conversion of 90% (Table 3) [21]. The solid acids as heterogeneous catalysts showed high activity
for the transesterification and better adaptability compared to solid base catalysts in presence of a
for the transesterification and better adaptability compared to solid base catalysts in presence of a
high acidity of the oil. The solid acid catalysts were prepared by mounting H SO on TiO ·nH O and
high acidity of the◦ oil. The solid acid catalysts were prepared by mounting H22SO44 on TiO22·nH22O and
calcinated at 550 C.
calcinated at 550 °C.
Table 3. Effect of temperature on the transesterification with catalyst TiO2 /SO4 2− (%, w).
Table 3. Effect of temperature on the transesterification with catalyst TiO2/SO42− (%, w).
Temperature (◦ C) Triglycerides Diglycerides Monoglycerides Methyl Esters
Temperature (°C) Triglycerides Diglycerides Monoglycerides Methyl Esters
200 4.7 4.8 4 86.5
210 3.2 3.7 3.1 90
200 4.7 4.8 4 86.5
220 2.3 2.5 2 93.2
210 1 3.2 1.8 3.7 1.2 3.1 96 90

220 2.3 2.5 2 93.2

2.1.2. SO4 2− /TiO2 -ZrO2
230 1 1.8 1.2 96
Oprescu et al. reported an alternative source for biodiesel production, using microalgae as source
of oil and an amphiphilic SO4 2− /TiO2 -ZrO2 superacid catalyst and transesterification over KOH [22].
2.1.2. SO42−/TiOoil
The extracted 2-ZrO
2 high free fatty acids (FFA) and required pre-treatment, if homogeneous
catalysts were used due to saponification
Oprescu et al. reported an alternative phenomenon
source forand post-production
biodiesel production,processes. The biodiesel
using microalgae as
was obtained by transesterification over KOH and esterification of FFA with
source of oil and an amphiphilic SO42−/TiO2-ZrO2 superacid catalyst and transesterification methanol usingover
amphiphilic 2− /TiO -ZrO superacid catalyst. SO 2− /TiO -ZrO was prepared with an alkylsilane
KOH [22]. The 2 oil 2presented high free fatty 4 acids2 (FFA)2 and required pre-treatment, if
to modify the surface of the catalyst. The attachment of alkylsilane on the surfaceand
of SO 2−
homogeneous catalysts were used due to saponification phenomenon 4 /TiO2 -ZrO2
support was
processes. Theconfirmed
biodiesel by wasFT-IR and by
obtained thermo gravimetric analysis.
transesterification over KOHThe andauthors evaluated
esterification the
of FFA
catalytic performance varying reaction parameters such as amount of catalyst,
with methanol using the amphiphilic SO4 /TiO2-ZrO2 superacid catalyst. SO4 /TiO2-ZrO2 was
2− reaction
2− time and
algal oil/alcohol
prepared with anmolar ratio (Table
alkylsilane 4). Tothe
to modify reduce algae
surface ofoil
theacidity to less
catalyst. Thethan 1% the acid
attachment esterification
of alkylsilane on
was carried out and, after transesterification with KOH, the yield of biodiesel was
the surface of SO4 /TiO2-ZrO2 support was confirmed by FT-IR and thermo gravimetric analysis.
2− over 96%.
The authors evaluated the catalytic performance varying reaction parameters such as amount of
Table 4. Parameters optimization for esterification reaction over SO4 2− /TiO2 -ZrO2 .
catalyst, reaction time and algal oil/alcohol molar ratio (Table 4). To reduce algae oil acidity to less
than Time
1% the acid(h)
Reaction esterification
Catalyst was carried
Loading out and,
(wt.% Algae Oil) after transesterification
Molar with KOH,Acidity
Ratio Algae Oil:Methanol the yield of
biodiesel was5 over 96%. 6 1.3 4.98
5 6 1.6 2.23
5 6 1.9 1.57
5 Table 4. Parameters optimization
6 for esterification reaction1.12
over SO42−/TiO2-ZrO2. 1.60
5 2 1.9 5.40
Time Reaction (h) Catalyst Loading4 (wt.% Algae Oil) Molar Ratio 1.9Algae Oil:Methanol 3.34
5 6 1.9 1.57
5 8 1.9 1.61
5 6 1.3 4.98

5 6 1.6 2.23
Catalysts 2019, 9, 75 6 of 25

Table 4. Cont.

Time Reaction (h) Catalyst Loading (wt.% Algae Oil) Molar Ratio Algae Oil:Methanol Acidity
Catalysts 2019, 19, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 1.9 3.78 6 of 28
2 6 1.9 2.55
3 6 1.9 2.09
54 66 1.9 1.9 1.891.57
5 6 1.9 1.57
56 66 1.9 1.12 1.581.60

5 2 1.9 5.40
Boffito et al. described the preparation of different samples of sulfated mixed zirconia/titania,
5 4 1.9 3.34
with traditional- and ultrasound (US)-assisted sol-gel synthesis, and the corresponding properties in
the free fatty5 acids esterification [23]. The
6 acidity and the surface area of sulfated
1.9 zirconia was increased
through the addition of TiO2 and the same properties with the continuous or pulsed US were also
5 8 1.9 1.61
tuned (Table 5). Furthermore, specific values of acidity and surface area were combined to demonstrate
which kind 1of active sites were involved 6 to obtain better catalytic performances
1.9 in the free fatty
esterification. SZ and SZT, referred to SO4 2− /ZrO2 and SO4 2− /80%ZrO2 -20%TiO2 , were synthesized
2 6 1.9 2.55
using traditional sol-gel method and both traditional and US assisted sol–gel techniques, respectively,
while samples 3 named USZT referred to6 US obtained sulfated 80%ZrO2 -20%TiO 1.9 2 (Figure 6). 2.09

4 5. List of all samples and of 6employed synthesis parameters (maximum

Table 1.9 1.89
power = 450 W).
5 6 1.9 1.57
Acid Capacity Specific Surface
Sample Synthesis Time Sonication Time
(meq H+ /g) Area (m2 g−1 )
6 6 1.9 1.58
SZ 123 0 0 00 0 00 0.30 107
SZT 1230 000 000 0.79 152
Boffito et
SZT_773_6h al. described the
123 0 0 preparation
00 of different
000 samples of0.21sulfated mixed zirconia/titania,
withUSZT_20_1_30 430 000 (US)-assisted 43
traditional- and ultrasound 0 000
sol-gel synthesis, and 0.92the corresponding properties
USZT_40_0.1_30 43 0 000 4 0 1800 1.03 47.9
in the free fatty acids esterification [23]. The acidity and the surface area of sulfated zirconia was
USZT_40_0.3_30 430 000 120 5400 1.99 232
increased through
the addition
170 3000
of TiO 2 and the same
80 4500
properties with 1.70
the continuous or210
pulsed US
were also tuned (Table 5). Furthermore,
USZT_40_0.5_15 0
26 0 00 specific
0 0 00 of acidity and
2.02 surface area were220combined
to demonstrate
USZT_40_0.5_30which kind 43of0 0active
00 0 3000
sites were21involved to obtain 2.17
better catalytic performances
153 in
the USZT_40_0.5_60 770 000 SZ and SZT, 38
free fatty acids esterification.
0 3000
referred to SO 0.36 28.1
42−/ZrO2 and SO42−/80%ZrO2-20%TiO2,
USZT_40_0.7_30 430 000 300 600 1.86 151
synthesized using traditional
26 0 00 sol-gel method
260 000
and both traditional
and US assisted
techniques, respectively,
USZT_40_1_30 while0
43 0 00samples named 43 0USZT
0 00 referred to US
1.56 obtained sulfated
44.180%ZrO 2-

20%TiO2 (Figure 6).

FFA conversion (%)


Figure 6. Conversions obtained after 6 h of reaction, 336 ± 2 K, slurry reactor, initial acidity: 7.5 wt.%
Figure 6. Conversions obtained after 6 h of reaction, 336 ± 2 K, slurry reactor, initial acidity: 7.5 wt.%
(oleic acid), MeOH:oil = 16:100 wt, catalyst:oleic acid = 5:100 wt.
(oleic acid), MeOH:oil = 16:100 wt, catalyst:oleic acid = 5:100 wt.

Table 5. List of all samples and of employed synthesis parameters (maximum power = 450 W).

Synthesis Sonication Acid Capacity

Sample Specific Surface Area (m2 g−1)
Time Time (meq H+/g)

SZ 123′0′′ 0′′ 0.30 107

SZT 123′0′′ 0′′ 0.79 152

USZT_40_0.5_60 77′0′′ 38′30′′ 0.36 28.1

USZT_40_0.7_30 43′0′′ 30′6′′ 1.86 151

USZT_40_1_15 26′0′′ 26′0′′ 3.06 211

Catalysts 2019, 9, 75 7 of 25
USZT_40_1_30 43′0′′ 43′0′′ 1.56 44.1

2.1.3. SO4 2− /TiO2 -SiO2

2.1.3. SO42−/TiO2-SiO2
Wang et al. reported a study on the use of SO4 2− /TiO2 -SiO2 as a solid acid catalyst for
Wang et al. reported
the simultaneous a study
esterification and on the use of SO42−of
transesterification /TiO
low2-SiO2 as a solid acid catalyst for the
cost feedstocks with high FFA [24].
simultaneous esterification and transesterification of
The authors reported that with a mixed oil (50% refined cottonseedlow cost feedstocks witholeic
oil and 50% highacid),
FFA under
[24]. The
methanol to oil moral ratio, 6 h reaction time, 3% catalyst loading, and reaction temperature of 200 ◦9:1
authors reported that with a mixed oil (50% refined cottonseed oil and 50% oleic acid), under C,
amethanol to oil
yield of 92% canmoral ratio, 6 Ith was
be achieved. reaction time, 3%that
also reported catalyst
the SOloading,
2− /TiOand
2 -SiOreaction
catalyst can be of
up °C, a yield
4 times of 92%reducing
without can be achieved. It was
the catalytic also reported
activity (Figure 7).that the SO42−/TiO2-SiO2 catalyst can be
re-used up to 4 times without reducing the catalytic activity (Figure 7).


Yield of ME (%)





Catalysts 2019, 9, x FOR PEER 8 of 28
0 1 2 3 4
The catalytic activity of a series of as-prepared TSC,
Time (h) S-TSC calcined samples and pure H2SO4
were evaluated for esterification of oleic acid and transesterification of waste oil with methanol to
yield methyl esters (Table 6). It was observed that at these reaction conditions, S-TSC-450 and S-
Figure 7.
TSC-550 possessed high catalytic Stability
activity of the solid
comparable acid
to that catalyst.
of catalyst.
pure H2SO4 implying that surface
Figure 7. Stability of the solid acid
modification of the titania–silica composite improved its acidic properties.
Recently, an inexpensive precursor was used in the synthesis of SO 2− /TiO -SiO catalyst 4 2 2 by
Recently, an inexpensive
Table 6. Reaction precursor
of different was
catalyst88% used
in oleic in the synthesis
acid esterification and waste oftransesterification.
oil SO42−/TiO2-SiO2 catalyst by
Shao and co-workers [25]. They reported yield for biodiesel production under 20:1 methanol to
Shao and co-workers [25]. They reported 88% yield for biodiesel◦ production under 20:1 methanol to
UCO molar ratio, 10 wt.% catalyst and
Catalyst 10% 3 h Conversion
(wt) reaction % time
OA atConversion
120 C with % WOconstant stirring at 400 rpm.
UCO molar ratio, 10 wt.% catalyst and 3 h reaction time at 120 °C with constant stirring at 400 rpm.
A sulfated titania–silica composite (S-TSC) was obtained
through surface modification of mesoporous
A sulfated titania–silica composite (S-TSC) 91.6 was obtained 94.7 through surface modification of
titania–silica composite synthesized using less expensive precursors; titanium oxychloride and sodium
mesoporous titania–silica composite TSC-550 synthesized 29.6 using less2.6 expensive precursors; titanium
silicate as titania and silica sources respectively. A preformed titania sol facilitated the synthesis of a
oxychloride and sodium silicate as titania and 93.7
S-TSC-450 silica sources respectively.
77 A preformed titania sol
mesoporous composite, suitable for surface modification using sulfuric acid to improve its catalytic
facilitated the synthesis of a mesoporous composite, suitable for surface modification using sulfuric
performance. FT-IR analysis showed S-TSC-550 the vibration 93.8 band, not prominent,
70.4 of the TiAOASi bond at
acid to−1improve its catalytic performance. FT-IR analysis showed the vibration band, not
943 cm , suggesting the incorporation S-TSC-650 of titania37.3 into silica to form 12.2 a composite. This vibration band
prominent, of the TiAOASi bond at−1943 cm−1, suggesting the incorporation of titania into silica to
was substantially shifted to 952 cm
after the attachment
of the sulfate group (Figure 8a). In the
Not active
form a composite. This vibration band was substantially shifted to 952 cm−1 after the attachment of
FT-IR spectrum of sulphated titania, calcined at 450 ◦ C, new peaks were observed at 1043–1125 cm−1
the sulfate group (Figure 8a). In the FT-IR spectrum
S-TT-450 93.4 of sulphated 88.1 titania, calcined at 450 °C, new
attributable to the presence of the sulfate group (Figure 8b).
peaks were observed at 1043–1125 cm attributable
Reaction conditions: to the
120 °C, 3 h, molar ratiopresence
MeOH/reagent of 20/1.
the sulfate group (Figure 8b).

Figure 8. FT-IR spectra of the pure and sulfated titania–silica catalysts (a) titania–silica composite
Figure 8. FT-IR spectra of the pure and sulfated titania–silica catalysts (a) titania–silica composite (TSC)
(TSC) (i), sulfated titania–silica composite (S-TSC) (ii), S-TSC-450 (iii), S-TSC-550 (iv). (b) The FT-IR
(i), sulfated titania–silica
spectra ofcomposite (S-TSC)sulfated
pure and calcined (ii), S-TSC-450 (iii), S-TSC-550
titania (Copyright (iv).see
of Elsevier, (b)[25]).
The FT-IR spectra of
pure and calcined sulfated titania (Copyright of Elsevier, see [25]).
Maniam et al. have recently used SO4 /TiO2-SiO2 catalyst for the transesterification of decanter

cake produced from waste palm oil into biodiesel. It was found that 120 °C reaction temperature,
1:15 oil to methanol ratio, 5 h transesterification time, and 13 wt.% catalyst loading, yielded a 91%
of biodiesel [26]. Decanter cake (DC) was a solid waste produced after centrifugation of the crude
palm oil. The pure palm oil was the supernatant while the decanter cake was the sediment. A high
free fatty acids (FFA) content of DC-oil can be subjected to esterification, together with the
transesterification of triglycerides.
Catalysts 2019, 9, 75 8 of 25

The catalytic activity of a series of as-prepared TSC, S-TSC calcined samples and pure H2 SO4
were evaluated for esterification of oleic acid and transesterification of waste oil with methanol to yield
methyl esters (Table 6). It was observed that at these reaction conditions, S-TSC-450 and S-TSC-550
possessed high catalytic activity comparable to that of pure H2 SO4 implying that surface modification
of the titania–silica composite improved its acidic properties.

Table 6. Reaction of different catalyst in oleic acid esterification and waste oil transesterification.

Catalyst 10% (wt) Conversion % OA Conversion % WO

H2 SO4 91.6 94.7
TSC-550 29.6 2.6
S-TSC-450 93.7 77
S-TSC-550 93.8 70.4
S-TSC-650 37.3 12.2
S-TSC-800 9.8 Not active
S-TT-450 93.4 88.1
Reaction conditions: 120 ◦ C, 3 h, molar ratio MeOH/reagent 20/1.

Maniam et al. have recently used SO4 2− /TiO2 -SiO2 catalyst for the transesterification of decanter
cake produced from waste palm oil into biodiesel. It was found that 120 ◦ C reaction temperature,
1:15 oil to methanol ratio, 5 h transesterification time, and 13 wt.% catalyst loading, yielded a 91% of
biodiesel [26]. Decanter cake (DC) was a solid waste produced after centrifugation of the crude palm
oil. The pure palm oil was the supernatant while the decanter cake was the sediment. A high free fatty
acids (FFA) content of DC-oil can be subjected to esterification, together with the transesterification
of triglycerides.

2.1.4. SO4 2− /TiO2 /La3+

A solid acid catalyst SO4 2− /TiO2 /La3+ catalyzed both the esterification and transesterification of
2019, 9, xoil
FOR with
PEERhigh content of free fatty acids (Figure 9) [27].
REVIEW 9 of 28

The framework structure of of

SOSO2−2- /La3+3+catalyst.
Figure 9. 9.
Figure The framework structure 4 4 /TiO
/TiO22/La catalyst.

Under the
the optimized
amount5 5wt.%
wt.%of of
10:1 molar
10:1 ratio
molar methanol
ratio methanolto oil,
temperature 110 ◦ C and reaction time of 1 h) biodiesel was obtained with more than 90% of yield.
oil, temperature 110 °C and reaction time of 1 h) biodiesel was obtained with more than 90% of
The catalyst
yield. exhibited
The catalyst high activity
exhibited after five
high activity cycles
after fiveby activation
cycles and theand
by activation content of fatty of
the content acid methyl
fatty acid
esters was 96.16% (Table 7).
methyl esters was 96.16% (Table 7).
Table 7. FAMEs yield (%) with various catalyst reused times over catalysts.
Table 7. FAMEs yield (%) with various catalyst reused times over catalysts.
Catalyst RT1 a RT2 b RT3 c RT4 d RT5 e
Catalyst RT1 a RT2 b RT3 c RT4 d RT5 e
SO4 2− /TiO2 (ST) 73.3 57.1 39.5 Trace Trace
SO4 2− /TiO2 -SiO
2−/TiO2 (ST) 80.1 73.3
4 78.6
57.1 39.575.0 Trace Trace
70.8 61.6
SO4 2− /TiO2 /La3+ (STL) 92.3 92.1 91. 7 91.1 90.2
a SO4b2−/TiO2-SiO2 (STS)c 80.1 78.6 d 75.0 70.8 e61.6
reused one time; reused two times; reused three times; reused four times; reused five times.
SO42−/TiO2/La3+ (STL) 92.3 92.1 91. 7 91.1 90.2
a reused one time; b reused two times; c reused three times; d reused four times; e reused five times.

A new SO42−/TiO2-ZrO2 solid superacid catalyst loaded with lanthanum was prepared by Li
and coworkers [28]. They studied the catalytic performance for the synthesis of fatty acid methyl
ester from fatty acid and methanol. The optimized conditions for the preparation of the catalyst
Catalysts 2019, 9, 75 9 of 25

A new SO4 2− /TiO2 -ZrO2 solid superacid catalyst loaded with lanthanum was prepared by
Li and coworkers [28]. They studied the catalytic performance for the synthesis of fatty acid methyl
ester from fatty acid and methanol. The optimized conditions for the preparation of the catalyst were
0.1 wt.% amount of La(NO3 )3 , 0.5 mol−1 of the concentration of H2 SO4 and 550 ◦ C of calcination
temperature. A conversion yield of 95% was reached after 5 h at 60 ◦ C, with a catalyst amount of
5 wt.% and methanol amount of 1 mL/g fatty acid (FA). After five cycles the catalyst can be reused
without any treatments and the conversion efficiency remained still at 90% (Table 8).

Table 8. Stability of the catalyst.

Reaction Cycles
1 (%) 2 (%) 3 (%) 4 (%) 5 (%)
SO4 2− /TiO2 -ZrO2 /La3+ 97.8 95.9 95.8 95.1 93.6
SO4 2− /TiO2 -ZrO2 86.9 82.5 80.7 73.1 65.2

2.1.5. SO4 2− /TiO2 /Fe2 O3

Viswanathan and coworkers synthesized sulfated Fe2 O3 /TiO2 (SFT) calcinated over
300–900 ◦ C [29]. The authors studied the transesterification of soybean oil with methanol varying
sulfate contents over unsulfated and sulfated Fe2 O3 /TiO2 catalysts and evaluating the acidity
(Figure 10).
Catalysts 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 28

10. 10. Mechanismofoftransesterification
Mechanism transesterification over
Figure 2 O3 -TiO2 .
Catalysts 2019, 9, 75 10 of 25

The catalysts calcinated below 500 ◦ C showed higher conversion of vegetable oil and significant
yield of biodiesel probably due to the greater affinity of hydroxyl groups of methanol on Fe2 O3 /TiO2 .
The removal of sulfate groups during calcination over 500 ◦ C probably decreased the yield of biodiesel
(Table 9).

Table 9. Products and yields of reactions with unsulfated and sulfated Fe2 O3 /TiO2 catalyst.

Soybean Oil Monoglyceride

Sample Diglyceride (%) Triglyceride (%) Biodiesel (%)
Conv. (%) Fatty Acids (%)
FT-500 a 23.6 4.20 16.6 76.4 2.80
SFT-300 100 7.54 1.06 Traces 91.4
SFT-500 98.3 5.11 1.01 1.68 92.2
SFT-700 76.5 15.5 18.3 20.5 45.7
SFT-900 65.7 11.3 24.2 34.3 30.2
Reaction conditions: sample 1.5 g; methanol to oil ratio 1:20; temperature 373 K; time 2 h. a Time 5 h.

2.2. TiO2 -Supported-ZnO4

Afolabi and coworkers studied the catalytic properties of 10 wt.% of mixed metal oxide
TiO2 -supported-ZnO catalyst. The conversion of waste cooking oil into biodiesel was investigated at
100, 150, and 200 ◦ C, after 1 h, in the presence of methanol and hexane as co-solvent, with hexane to oil
ratio of 1:1 [30]. Reaction time and temperature increased the biodiesel conversion from 82% to 92%
while using hexane as co-solvent increased the rate of transesterification reaction producing higher
biodiesel yields in shorter time.
Piraman and coworkers used mixed oxides of TiO2 -ZnO and ZnO catalysts as active and stable
catalysts for the biodiesel production [31]. 200 mg of TiO2 -ZnO catalyst loading exhibited good
catalytic activities, a 98% conversion of fatty acid methyl esters was achieved with 6:1 methanol to oil
molar ratio, in 5 h, at 60 ◦ C. The catalytic performance of TiO2 -ZnO mixed oxide was better compared
to ZnO catalyst, and this catalyst can be used for the large-scale biodiesel production
Catalysts 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW
(Figure 11).
12 of 28

a) ZnO TiO2-ZnO b) ZnO TiO2-ZnO

100 100

80 80
Yield (%)

Yield (%)

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 40 50 60 70 80
Catalyst loading (mg) Reaction temperature (°C)

c) ZnO TiO2-ZnO d) ZnO TiO2-ZnO

100 100

80 80
Yield (%)

60 60
Yield (%)

40 40

20 20

0 0
3 4 5 6 3:1 4:1 5:1 6:1 7:1
Reaction time (h) Methanol : oil molar ratio

Figure Effect
Figure 11. ofof experimental
experimental parameters
parameters on FAME
on FAME conversion:
conversion: (a)loading,
(a) catalyst catalyst(b)loading, (b) temperature,
(c) time and(c)
temperature, (d)time
methanol/oil molar ratio.
and (d) methanol/oil molar ratio.

2.3. TiO2-MgO
Kalala and coworkers reported the preparation of titania supported MgO catalyst samples (10
and 20 wt.% MgO loading) tested as catalyst for the conversion of waste vegetable oil to biodiesel in
presence of methanol, with an alcohol to oil molar ratio of 18:1 [32]. The effects of reaction
temperature and reaction time increased the oil conversion while the effect of MgO loading on the
waste oil conversion depended on the operating temperature. After 1 h, at 60, 150, 175, and 200 °C
the resulting conversion yields were 42, 55, 86, and 89% respectively, using a 20 wt.% of MgO
Catalysts 2019, 9, 75 11 of 25

2.3. TiO2 -MgO

Kalala and coworkers reported the preparation of titania supported MgO catalyst samples (10 and
20 wt.% MgO loading) tested as catalyst for the conversion of waste vegetable oil to biodiesel in
presence of methanol, with an alcohol to oil molar ratio of 18:1 [32]. The effects of reaction temperature
and reaction time increased the oil conversion while the effect of MgO loading on the waste oil
conversion depended on the operating temperature. After 1 h, at 60, 150, 175, and 200 ◦ C the resulting
conversion yields were 42, 55, 86, and 89% respectively, using a 20 wt.% of MgO loading.
In another work, nano-MgO was deposited on titania using deposition-precipitation method and
its activity was tested on the transesterification reaction of soybean oil to biodiesel [33]. The catalyst
activity was improved increasing the reaction temperature from 150 and 225 ◦ C while increasing the
reaction time over 1 h significant conversion was not observed. The authors investigated the stability of
MgO on TiO2 and they observed a MgO loss during the reaction between 0.5 and 2.3 percent, without
correlation between the reaction temperature.
Wen et al. used mixed oxides of MgO-TiO2 (MT) produced by the sol-gel method to convert waste
cooking oil into biodiesel [34]. The best catalyst was MT-1-923 comprising a Mg/Ti molar ratio of 1 and
calcined at 650 ◦ C. The authors investigated the main reaction parameters such as methanol/oil molar
ratio, catalyst amount and temperature. The best yield of FAME 92.3% was obtained at a molar ratio of
methanol to oil of 50:1; catalyst amount of 10 wt.%; reaction time of 6 h and reaction temperature of
160 ◦ C. They observed that the catalytic activity of MT-1-923 decreased slowly in the recycle process.
To improve catalytic activity, MT-1-923 was regenerated by a two-step washing method (the catalyst
was washed with methanol four times and subsequently with n-hexane once before being dried at
120 ◦ C). The FAME yield slightly increased to 93.8% compared with 92.8% for the fresh catalyst due to
an increase in the specific surface area and average pore diameter. Titanium improved the stability of
the catalyst because of the defects induced by the substitution of Ti ions for Mg ions in the magnesia
lattice. The best catalyst was determined to be MT-1-923, which is comprised of an Mg/Ti molar ratio
of 1 and calcined at 923 K, based on an assessment of the activity and stability of the catalyst. The main
reaction parameters, including methanol/oil molar ratio, catalyst amount, and temperature, were
investigated (Table 10).

Table 10. Effects of reaction parameters on the performance of the MT-1-923.

Methanol/Oil (Molar Ratio) Catalyst Amount (wt.%) Temperature (K) Biodiesel Yield a (%)
20 5 423 52
30 5 423 79.9
40 5 423 83.5
50 5 423 85.6
60 5 423 85.3
50 6 423 86.9
50 8 423 86.9
50 10 423 91.2
50 12 423 91.2
50 15 423 89.3
50 10 403 22.3
50 10 413 67.6
50 10 433 92.3
50 10 443 91.6
a Reaction conditions: reaction time 6 h, stirring speed 1500 rpm.

2.4. CaTiO3
Kawashima and coworkers investigated the transesterification of rapeseed oil using heterogeneous
base catalysts [35]. They prepared different kinds of metal oxides containing calcium, barium or
magnesium and tested the catalytic activity at 60 ◦ C, a reaction time of 10 h and with a 6:1 molar
ratio of methanol to oil. The calcium-containing catalysts CaTiO3 , CaMnO3 , Ca2 Fe2 O5 , CaZrO3 , and
CaCeO3 showed high activities and yields of biodiesel conversion (Table 11).
Catalysts 2019, 9, 75 12 of 25

Table 11. Surface area and catalytic activities of metal oxides.

Sample Surface Area (m2 /g) Methyl Ester Yield (%)

CaTiO3 4.9 79
CaMnO3 1.5 92
Ca2 Fe2 O5 0.7 92
CaZrO3 1.8 88
CaCeO3 2.9 89
BaZrO3 3.3 0.4
BaCeO3 2.8 -
MgZrO3 7.4 0.5
MgCeO3 7.7 0.4

Catalysts 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 28

2.5. K-Loading/TiO2
2.5. K-Loading/TiO2
Guerrero and coworkers studied the transesterification reaction of canola oil on titania-supported
catalysts andvarying
coworkers studied
loadings the transesterification
of potassium reaction
[36]. In a previous of they
work canola oil on titania-
investigated 20% K-loading
supported catalysts with varying loadings of potassium [36]. In a previous
catalyst under air conditions and without any treatment before reaction, which work they investigated
achieved the total
K-loading to
catalyst under
methyl estersair(Figure
12). and without any treatment before reaction, which
achieved the total conversion to methyl esters (Figure 12).
100 100
a) K/TiNT b) K/TiO2
90 90
80 80
70 70
Conversion %

Conversion %

60 50% K 60 50% K

50 40% K 50 40% K
40 30% K 40 30% K
30 30
20% K 20% K
20 20
10 10% K 10 10% K

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (h) Time (h)

Figure 12. Conversion of canola oil to methyl esters with (a) K/TiNT and (b) K/TiO2 catalysts.
Figure 12. Conversion of canola oil to methyl esters with a) K/TiNT and b) K/TiO2 catalysts.

Afterwards they studied the transesterification reaction of canola oil for the biodiesel production
Afterwards they studied the transesterification reaction of canola oil for the biodiesel
using a hydrotreated TiO2 supported potassium catalyst, K/TiHT [37]. The calcination at different
production using a hydrotreated TiO2 supported potassium catalyst, K/TiHT [37]. The calcination at
temperatures led to the transformation of the supported potassium catalyst into a titanate form of
different temperatures led to the transformation of the supported potassium catalyst into a titanate
formoxide andand
of oxide thisthis
catalyst. The recoveryof
The recovery ofthe
catalystwaswas then used in
used in successive reactions leading to stable conversions and a maximum conversion was achieved with the
successive reactions leading to stable conversions and a maximum conversion was achieved
withoptimum reaction
the optimum conditions
reaction conditionsusing a catalyst
using loading
a catalyst of 6%
loading of 6%(w/w), a methanol
(w/w), a methanoltotooiloilratio
ratioof 54:1, and
a temperature
of 54:1, of reaction
and a temperature of 55 ◦of
of reaction C,55
°C, awith
catalyst calcined
a catalyst at 700
calcined ◦ C.
at 700 °C.
In aIn a work
work by Klimova
by Klimova et al., et al., sodium
sodium titanatetitanate
(TNT) doped(TNT)withdoped with potassium
potassium were were
synthesized by the
synthesized byKasuga method
the Kasuga and tested
method and as catalysts
tested for biodiesel
as catalysts production
for biodiesel [38]. To increase
production [38]. To increase
the the
basicity of the
basicity of catalyst, potassium
the catalyst, was added
potassium to the nanotubes
was added and the efficiency
to the nanotubes in the
and the efficiency in the
transesterification of soybean oil with methanol was improved. To increase potassium
transesterification of soybean oil with methanol was improved. To increase potassium loadings loadings in
the nanotubes the NaOH/KOH
in the nanotubes molar ratio was
the NaOH/KOH molarturned
to 7:3. Sodium
from 9:1 trititanate
to 7:3. nanotubes
Sodium trititanate
containing 1.5 wt.% of potassium were obtained using a NaOH/KOH molar ratio of 9:1, with a 10 M
nanotubes containing 1.5 wt.% of potassium were obtained using a NaOH/KOH molar ratio of
alkali solution. Titanate nanotubes with larger potassium loadings (3.2 and 3.3 wt.%) were obtained
9:1, with a 10 M alkali solution. Titanate nanotubes with larger potassium loadings (3.2 and 3.3 wt.%)
increasing the proportion of KOH to 20 and 30 mol.% in the NaOH/KOH solutions. Potassium-
were obtained increasing the proportion of KOH to 20 and 30 mol.% in the NaOH/KOH solutions.
containing nanotubes showed higher catalytic activity in the transesterification reaction compared
Potassium-containing nanotubes showed higher catalytic activity in the transesterification reaction
to the pure sodium used as a reference. The best results were obtained at 80 °C, after 1 h with the
compared to the3.2–3.3
pure sodium used as a reference. Theabest resultsconversion
were obtained ◦ C, after 1 h with
samples containing wt.% of potassium obtaining biodiesel yieldatof8094–96%
(Table samples containing 3.2–3.3 wt.% of potassium obtaining a biodiesel conversion yield of 94–96%
(Table 12).
Table 12. Catalytic activity of the NaK(X)TNT (X refers to the percentage of the potassium loaded)

Sample NaTNT NaK(10)TNT NaK(20)TNT NaK(30)TNT

Conversion to biodiesel (%) 58.4 74.3 96.2 94.3

Kinematic viscosity (mm2/s) 7.8 6.0 4.3 4.5

Catalysts 2019, 9, 75 13 of 25

Table 12. Catalytic activity of the NaK(X)TNT (X refers to the percentage of the potassium loaded) samples.

Sample NaTNT NaK(10)TNT NaK(20)TNT NaK(30)TNT

Conversion to biodiesel (%) 58.4 74.3 96.2 94.3
Kinematic viscosity (mm2 /s) 7.8 6.0 4.3 4.5

Table 13 summarized the data previously reported.

Table 13. Use of titanium dioxide as catalyst in batch production of biodiesel.

Oil Source Catalyst Reactor Conditions Yield % Ref.

75 ◦ C, 3 h,
Waste [Ti(SO4 )O] glass batch methanol/oil 9:1 97.1 [15]
catalyst 1.5 wt.%
120 ◦ C, 150 min
TiO2 -SO4 2− flask methanol/oil 1.2 92.2 [17]
catalyst 1.8 g
[TiO2 /SO4 2 -(NH4 )2 SO4 ] 80 ◦ C, 3 h
Oleic [TiO2 /SO4 2 -H2 SO4 ] methanol/oil 10:1 82.2 [18]
[TiO2 /SO4 2 -(NH4 )2 SO4 -IS] catalyst 2 wt.%
353 K, 6–12 h,
Rapeseed TiO2 -SO4 2− flask methanol/oil 12:1 51 [19]
catalyst 1.2 g
Soybean stainless steel 120 ◦ C, 1 h 40
TiO2 /SO4 2− [20]
Castor batch methanol/oil/catalyst 120:20:1 25
230 ◦ C, 8 h
Cottonseed TiO2 -SO4 2− autoclave methanol/oil 12:1 90 [21]
catalyst 2 wt.%
5 h,
Microalgae SO4 2− /TiO2 -ZrO2 flask methanol/oil 9:1 96 [22]
catalyst 6 wt.%
6 h at 336 ± 2 K,
Rapeseed SO4 2− /80%ZrO2 -20%TiO2 oil bath methanol/oil 4.5:1 42.4 [23]
catalyst 5 wt.%
200 ◦ C,
Waste SO4 2− /TiO2 -SiO2 autoclave methanol/oil 9:1 92 [24]
catalyst 3 wt.%
120 ◦ C, 3 h
Waste TiO2 -SiO2 94.7
autoclave methanol/oil 20:1 [25]
Oleic acid SO4 2− /TiO2 -SiO2 93.8
catalyst 10 wt.%
120 ◦ C, 5 h
Waste SO4 2− /TiO2 -SiO2 reaction flask methanol/oil 15:1 91 [26]
catalyst 13 wt.%
110 ◦ C, 1 h
Waste SO4 2− /TiO2 /La3+ autoclave 96.16 [27]
methanol/oil 10:1 catalyst 5 wt.%
60 ◦ C, 5 h
Rapeseed SO4 2− /ZrO2 -TiO2 /La3+ flask 5 wt.%, methanol 1 mL/g fatty acid 95 [28]
100 ◦ C, 2 h,
Soybean sulfated Fe2 O3 /TiO2 autoclave methanol/oil 20:1 92.2 [29]
catalyst 15 wt.%
200 ◦ C, 1 h,
Waste TiO2 -ZnO methanol/oil 18:1 82.1 [30]
catalyst 10 wt.%
60 ◦ C, 5 h
Palm TiO2 -ZnO flask methanol/oil 6:1 98 [31]
catalyst 200 mg
225 ◦ C, 1 h
stainless steel
Waste TiO2 -MgO methanol/oil 18:1 100 [32]
catalyst 20 wt.%
225 ◦ C, 1 h
stainless steel
Soybean Nano-MgO TiO2 methanol/oil 18:1 84 [33]
catalyst 5 wt.%
Catalysts 2019, 9, 75 14 of 25

Table 13. Cont.

Oil Source Catalyst Reactor Conditions Yield % Ref.

423 K, 6 h,
stainless steel
Waste TiO2 -MgO methanol/oil 30:1 92.3 [34]
catalyst 5 wt.%
60 ◦ C, 10 h
Rapeseed CaTiO3 flask 90 [35]
methanol/oil 6:1
70 ◦ C,
Canola glass batch methanol/oil 36:1 100 [36]
catalyst 20 wt.%
55 ◦ C, 3 h
Canola K/TiHT glass batch methanol/oil 54:1 >90 [37]
catalyst 20 wt.%
80 ◦ C, 1 h
stainless steel
Soybean NaK(20)TNT NaOH/KOH 7:3 96.2 [38]
catalyst 3.2 wt.%

3. Titania-Based Catalysts in Continuous Flow Microreactors

Flow chemistry is currently widely applied in the preparation of organic compounds, drugs,
natural products and materials in a sustainable manner. Microreactors and streaming technologies
have played an important role in both academic and industrial research in recent years, offering
a viable alternative to batch processes [39–42]. The use of continuous processes, within “micro or
meso-reactors”, allowed access to a wider profile of reaction conditions not accessible through the use
of traditional systems. The microfluidic systems allowed an optimization of the reaction parameters,
such as mixing, flow rate, and residence time. Furthermore, pressure and temperature can be easily
controlled, in parallel with other conditions such as solvent, stoichiometry and work-up operations.
Most efforts in this area focused on the selection of effective catalysts for biodiesel conversion
via transesterification. However, to scale up the biodiesel production, many researchers utilized
continuous-flow regime to continuously convert lipids to biodiesel with preferable process design to
solve the problems encountered during continuous operation [43,44].
The advantages and limitations of using catalyzed transesterification in conventional
continuous-flow reactors could minimize mass transfer resistance and improve biodiesel conversion.
Conventionally, due to the presence of multiple phases during the catalytic reaction, the mass transfer
between reactants and catalysts, as well as the type of catalyst used are the two major factors that
should be considered during the design of the reactor applied for the targeted conversion [45].
Joshi and coworkers outlined the catalytic thermolysis of Jatropha oil using a model fixed
bed reactor (Figure 13), in a range of temperature between 340 and 420 ◦ C and at liquid hourly
space velocity (LHSV) of 1.12, 1.87, and 2.25 h−1 (Table 14) [46]. They synthesized Amorphous
Alumino-Silicate heterogeneous catalysts, separately loaded with transition metal oxide such as titania
Catalysts 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 28
(SAT). The distillation over the temperature range of 60–200 ◦ C of the crude liquid mixture produced
four fractions.
fractions. TheThe boiling
specific gravity,
gravity, viscosity
viscosity andand calorific
calorific valuevalue
of theoffirst
the fraction
first fraction
resembled the properties
resembled of petrol
the properties while
of petrol whilethe
second and thethird
and the thirdfractions
fractions resembled
resembled diesel.

Figure 13. Schematic
Schematic diagram
diagram of
of lab
lab scale
scale fixed
fixed bed
bed reactor.

Table 14. Experimental results of Jatropha oil cracking over SAT

Temperature Liquid Crude Gaseous Product Distilled Condensed

LHSV (h−1)
(°C) (vol.%) (per L of Feed) Biofuel (vol.%) Water (vol.%)

340 1.12 1.87 2.25 77 80 84 85 88 76 57 55 58 1.5 0.9 1.3

380 1.12 1.87 2.25 79 85 87 90 78 95 55 59 51 2.1 1.6 1

Catalysts 2019, 9, 75 15 of 25

Table 14. Experimental results of Jatropha oil cracking over titania (SAT).

Temperature Liquid Crude Gaseous Product Distilled Biofuel Condensed

LHSV (h−1 )
(◦ C) (vol.%) (per L of Feed) (vol.%) Water (vol.%)
340 1.12 1.87 2.25 77 80 84 85 88 76 57 55 58 1.5 0.9 1.3
380 1.12 1.87 2.25 79 85 87 90 78 95 55 59 51 2.1 1.6 1
420 1.12 1.87 2.25 75 77 80 102 98 105 52 54 50 1.1 0.7 0.9

McNeff and coworkers developed a novel continuous fixed bed reactor process for the
biodiesel production using a metal oxide-based catalyst [47]. Porous zirconia, titania and alumina
micro-particulate heterogeneous catalysts were used in the esterification and transesterfication
reactions under continuous conditions, high pressure (2500 psi) and elevated temperature (300–450 ◦ C).
The authors described a simultaneous continuous transesterification of triglycerides and esterification
of free fatty acids, with residence times of 5.4 s (Table 15). Biodiesel was produced from soybean oil,
acidulated soapstock, tall oil, algae oil, and corn oil with different alcohols and the process can be
easily scaled up for more than 115 h without loss of conversion efficiency.

Table 15. Biodiesel production condition for base modified titania catalysts.

Catalyst BMT BMT BMT UMT None

Reactor volume (mL) 23.55 23.55 23.55 23.55 2.49
Preheater T (◦ C) 363 370 340 350 455
Column inlet T (◦ C) 348 359 343 353 445
Column outlet T (◦ C) 339 325 344 355 462
Initial T (◦ C) 209 184 247 247 203
Final T (◦ C) 94 63 76 76 57
Initial P (psi) 3.65 3.1 2.5 2.5 3.05
Final P (psi) 2.7 2.7 2.3 2.3 2.7
Molar ratio (alcohol/oil) 32.7 32.7 32.7 50.0 32.7
Total flow rate (mL/min) 15.904 15.904 15.904 15.904 17.808
Residence time (s) 56.9 56.9 56.9 56.9 5.4
BMT: Base Modified Titania, UMT: Unmodified Titania.

The biodiesel plant based on the Mcgyan process is reported in Figure 14. The use of two high
pressure HPLC pumps was shown. The oil feedstock was filtered under high pressure before entering
the heat exchanger and combining with methanol. Both the alcohol and lipid feedstock were pumped
into a stainless steel heat exchanger. Afterwards the reactant streams were combined using a “T” and
preheated before entering the thermostated fixed bed catalytic reactor. The temperature was controlled
and the backpressure of the system was maintained through the use of a backpressure regulator.
In another work of the same authors a highly efficient continuous catalytic process to produce
biodiesel from Dunaliella tertiolecta, Nannochloropsis oculata, wild freshwater microalgae, and
macroalgae lipids was developed [48]. Porous titania microspheres and supercritical methanol were
used as heterogeneous catalyst in a fixed bed reactor to catalyze the simultaneous transesterification
and esterification of triacylglycerides and free fatty acids, into biodiesel (Table 16). The authors used a
feedstock solution of algae, hexane-methanol (97:3 w/w) as carrier solvent. The solution was pumped
with high pressure HPLC through an empty stainless steel reactor and the reactant stream passed
through a heat exchanger. The reactants were pumped across the reactor with a 30 s residence time,
at 340 ◦ C, with 2250 psi front pressure and the backpressure of the system was maintained through the
use of a backpressure regulator.
Catalysts 2019, 9, 75 16 of 25
Catalysts 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 19 of 28

Figure 14. Process

Process flow
flow diagram
diagram of
of a biodiesel plant based on the Mcgyan process (Copyright of
Elsevier, see [47]). EFAR: EasyFatty
Fatty Acid
Acid Removal.

Table 16. A comparison of the supercritical fixed–bed continuous flow process (the Mcgyan
Table 16. A comparison of the supercritical fixed–bed continuous flow process (the Mcgyan process) to
process) to the conventional homogeneously base catalyzed batch system.
the conventional homogeneously base catalyzed batch system.
Mcgyan Process
Process Homogeneous Process Process
of the catalyst
of the catalyst No Yes Yes
Large amounts of H2 O No Yes
WasteLarge amounts of H2O
products No Yes Yes
Soap byproducts No Yes
Waste products
Glycerol as byproduct No
No Yes Yes
Large footprint No Yes
to H2byproducts
O No
No Yes Yes
Sensitive to FFA No Yes
Glycerol as byproduct No Yes
Large quantities of strong acid/base No Yes
Conversion ratefootprint
Large Sec
No Yes h/d
Variety of feedstocks Yes No
process to H2O Yes
No Yes No

Sensitive to FFA No Yes

Aroua and coworkers described the production of biodiesel in a TiO2 /Al2 O3 membrane reactor
(Figure 15) [49]. Thequantities
effects ofofreaction
strong acid/base No
temperature, catalyst concentration Yes
and cross flow circulation
velocity were investigated. Biodiesel
Conversion rate was obtained through
Sec alkali transesterification
h/d of palm oil
and separated in the ceramic membrane reactor at 70 ◦ C, with 1.12 wt.% catalyst concentration and
0.211 cm s−1 cross flow of feedstocks
circulation velocity. Palm oil Yes
and methanol were No pumped into the system
Continuous process Yes No
Aroua and coworkers described the production of biodiesel in a TiO2/Al2O3 membrane reactor
(Figure 15) [49]. The effects of reaction temperature, catalyst concentration and cross flow
Catalysts 2019, velocity
9, 75 were investigated. Biodiesel was obtained through alkali transesterification 17 of of
palm oil and separated in the ceramic membrane reactor at 70 °C, with 1.12 wt.% catalyst
concentration and 0.211 cm s−1 cross flow circulation velocity. Palm oil and methanol were pumped
into thetwosystem
separate ways,
using with
two a methanol
separate ways,towith
oil ratio of 1:1 andtovarious
a methanol catalyst
oil ratio of 1:1amounts werecatalyst
and various used in
the packed membrane reactor. Methanol was charged and heated
amounts were used in the packed membrane reactor. Methanol was charged and heated continuously into the reactor using
a circulating pump
continuously into theafterwards the reactor
reactor using was filled
a circulating pump with palm oil.the
afterwards Pressure
reactor inside the membrane
was filled with palm
was monitored and after 60 min the circulating pump and heat exchanger
oil. Pressure inside the membrane was monitored and after 60 min the circulating pump and were switched off andheat
products were collected into a separating funnel to separate biodiesel from
exchanger were switched off and the products were collected into a separating funnel to separateglycerol. The ceramic
biodiesel from has shown an excellent
glycerol. chemical
The ceramic and physical
membrane stabilityan
has shown even after one
excellent year of operation
chemical and
and physical
contact with methanol and solid alkali catalyst.
stability even after one year of operation and contact with methanol and solid alkali catalyst.

Figure 15. Combination of heterogeneous base transesterification and triglyceride separation in the
Figure 15. Combination of heterogeneous base transesterification and triglyceride separation in the
packed bed membrane reactor (Copyright of Elsevier, see [49]).
packed bed membrane reactor (Copyright of Elsevier, see [49]).
Wang and coworkers proposed also a continuous process for biodiesel production from cheap
Wang and with
raw feedstocks coworkers proposed
high FFAs alsoacid
by solid a continuous process16)
catalysis (Figure for[24].
biodiesel productionprocess
The production from cheap
carried out pretreating the raw feedstocks by filtration and dehydration to remove impurities was
raw feedstocks with high FFAs by solid acid catalysis (Figure 16) [24]. The production process and
carried out pretreating the raw feedstocks by filtration and dehydration to remove impurities and
water. In a series of three reaction boilers, part of the methanol reacted with oils as a reactant, and
water. In a series of three reaction boilers, part of the methanol reacted with oils as a reactant, and
excess methanol removed water from the system as a solvent, which increased the esterification
excess methanol removed water from the system as a solvent, which increased the esterification
conversion substantially and effectively decreased the acid value. Finally, excess methanol was
conversion substantially and effectively decreased the acid value. Finally, excess methanol was
purified in a methanol distillation tower for recycling, while the oil phase was refined at a biodiesel
purified in a methanol distillation tower for recycling, while the oil phase was refined at a biodiesel
vacuum distillation tower to give the biodiesel product. The proposed continuous process produced a
vacuum distillation tower to give the biodiesel product. The proposed continuous process
10,000-tonnes/year industrial biodiesel. The use of cheap feedstocks with high FFAs such as waste
produced a 10,000-tonnes/year industrial biodiesel. The use of cheap feedstocks with high FFAs
cooking oils, soapstocks, and non-edible oils, instead of refined vegetable oil, decreased the cost greatly.
such as waste cooking oils, soapstocks, and non-edible oils, instead of refined vegetable oil,
The solid catalyst SO4 2− /TiO2 -SiO2 had high catalytic activity, easy separation, and catalyzed biodiesel
decreased the cost greatly. The solid catalyst SO42−/TiO2-SiO2 had high catalytic activity, easy
production by simultaneous esterification and transesterification.
separation, and catalyzed biodiesel production by simultaneous esterification and
Catalysts 2019, 9,
Catalysts 2019, 9, 75
21 of 28
Catalysts 2019,
Catalysts 2019, 9,
9, xx FOR
REVIEW 21 of
21 of 28

Figure 16.
Figure 16.Process
flow diagram
diagram of biodiesel
of biodiesel production
production by acid
by solid solidcatalysis
acid catalysis (Copyright
(Copyright of
of Elsevier,
see [24]). see
16. [24]).
Process flow diagram of biodiesel production by solid acid catalysis (Copyright
Figure 16. Process flow diagram of biodiesel production by solid acid catalysis (Copyright of of
Elsevier, see
Elsevier, see [24]).
The most
most abundantly
thethe biodiesel
biodiesel industrial
industrial production
production waswas glycerol
glycerol and
and several
The most
The studies
studies of of
most abundantlythe continuous
abundantly producedflow flow
produced waste
waste oftransformation
of the of of glycerol
the biodiesel were
biodiesel industrial were reported
reported in
industrial production in literature
production was
was glycerol(Figure
glycerol and
17) [50].
several 17) [50].
studies of the continuous flow transformation of glycerol were reported in literature
several studies of the continuous flow transformation of glycerol were reported in literature (Figure(Figure
17) [50].
17) [50].

Figure 17. Roadmap of selected glycerol valorization reactions in continuous flow.

Figure 17. Roadmap of selected glycerol valorization reactions in continuous flow.
Chary and17.
Figure co-workers
17. Roadmapstudied
Roadmap of the glycerol
of selected
selected hydrogenation
glycerol of glycerol
valorization to 1-
reactions in and
in 2-biopropanols
continuous flow. under
Chary condition
and and continuous
and co-workers
co-workers studied
studied the
studied process
the over a platinum
hydrogenation of glycerolcatalyst
of glycerol
of to 1-
to 1- andsupported
and on titanium
2-biopropanols under
ambient (TiP) as
condition and supports
and continuous(Figure
continuous 18) over
process [51]. aover
process This
over heterogeneous
aa platinum
platinum platinum catalystsupported
catalyst supported
catalyst shown
supported excellent
on titanium on
on results
as a steady
phosphates 97%
(TiP) as supports
phosphates asselectivity
(TiP) as toward
18) [51].
supports (FigureThis propanol
18) [51]. (87:10
18)heterogeneous 1-/2-propanol).
catalyst shown
[51]. This heterogeneous Quantitative
catalyst shown
shown glycerol
results was
as a results
excellent steady
as a after
97%a selectivity
as 97%
steady 97% 15 h
toward of operation.
selectivity toward
selectivity towardThe influence
(87:10propanol of reaction
1-/2-propanol). temperature
1-/2-propanol). on glycerol
Quantitative glycerol
(87:10 1-/2-propanol). hydrogenolysis
was recovered
Quantitative was
glycerol after
15 h the
of 2Pt/TiP
The of was
influence shown
of The in Table
reaction 17.
temperature At 220
on °C reaction
glycerol temperature
on glycerol
recovered after 15 h of operation. The influence of reaction temperature on glycerol hydrogenolysis the maximum
over the 2Pt/TiP
over the conversion
2Pt/TiP and
in Table
catalyst selectivity
was shown
17. shown
was At was
220 Cobtained.
in Table 17.
Table 17. At 220
220 °C
At °Cthe
reaction temperature the maximum
glycerol conversion
temperature the and
glycerol conversion
glycerol conversion and selectivity
was obtained.
and selectivity was
was obtained.

Figure 18. Hydrogenolysis of glycerol to produce 1- and 2-propanols.

Figure 18.
Figure 18.
Figure Hydrogenolysis of
Hydrogenolysis of
18. Hydrogenolysis glycerol
of glycerol to produce
glycerol to produce 1-
1- and
and 2-propanols.
Table 17. Effect of reaction temperature on glycerol hydrogenolysis over 2Pt/TiP catalyst.
Table 17.
Table 17. Effect
Effect of
of reaction
reaction temperature
temperature on
on glycerol
glycerol hydrogenolysis
hydrogenolysis over
over 2Pt/TiP
2Pt/TiP catalyst.
Temperature (°C) Conversion (%) Total PO 1-PO
a 2-PO
b 1,2-PD 1,3-PD Acrolein Others c
Temperature (°C)
Temperature (°C) Conversion (%)
Conversion (%) Total PO
Total PO 1-PO aa
1-PO 2-PO bb
2-PO 1,2-PD
1,2-PD 1,3-PD
1,3-PD Acrolein
Acrolein Others cc
Catalysts 2019, 9, 75 19 of 25

Table 17. Effect of reaction temperature on glycerol hydrogenolysis over 2Pt/TiP catalyst.

Temperature Conversion
Total PO 1-PO a 2-PO b 1,2-PD 1,3-PD Acrolein Others c
(◦ C) (%)
180 70 74 59 15 9.0 3.2 9.3 4.5
200 82 80 67 13 5.4 2.2 8.7 3.7
220 100 97 87 10 – – 02 01
240 100 88 80 08 – – 4.2 7.8
260 100 84 76 08 – – 01 15
a 1-propanol, b 2-propanol, c ethanol, ethylene glycol, hydroxyl acetone, methanol and acetone.

Paul and co-workers reported the dehydration of glycerol into acrolein using an alternative
process using a flow sequence operating at high temperatures (280–400 ◦ C) and atmospheric pressure
(Table 18) [52]. The first step of dehydration of glycerol to acrolein was performed over WO3 /TiO2
catalyst and the injection of molecular oxygen avoided the catalyst deactivation. The optimized
conditions were a reaction temperature of 280 ◦ C, a catalyst amount of 5.0 g; 11.33 mL/min O2 ; contact
time: 0.36 s; gas phase composition at 280 ◦ C: 92.74% H2 O, 2.72% O2 , 4.54% glycerol.

Table 18. Catalytic performance of WO3 /TiO2 .

Hydroxyacetone Propionaldehyde
Time (h) Glycerol (%) Acrolein (%) Acetaldehyde (%)
(%) (%)
1 97 40 1.1 1.7 7.2
2 98 61 1.1 1.9 1.1
3 97 82 1.9 1.3 0.5
4 93 84 1.6 1.5 0.6
5 95 81 2.2 1.2 0.5
Average 96 70 1.6 1.5 2.0

The indirect ammoxidation of glycerol was schematized in Figure 19. The reactions were
performed under atmospheric pressure in continuous plug flow fixed-bed reactors, connected to
a stainless steel evaporator used to vaporize the liquid reactants before contacting the catalytic bed,
filled with granulated catalysts. In the ammoxidation of acrolein and glycerol, the products were
condensed in an acidic solution to neutralize unreacted ammonia and to suppress polymerization of
acrolein. The mass-flow controllers checked the flow rate of the gaseous reactants.
Catalysts 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 23 of 28

Figure 19. Reactor
19. Reactor setup
setup forforthe
tandem process
(Copyrightof Elsevier, see [52]).
of Elsevier, see [52]).

The results previously described are reported in Table 19.

The results previously described are reported in Table 19.
Table 19. Use of TiO2 as catalyst in continuous flow production of biodiesel and glycerol recovery.

Oil Sources Catalyst Reactor Condition Ref

Alumino-Silicate 340 and 420 °C

Jatropha fixed bed [46]
TiO2 LHSV (1.12, 1.87, 2.25 h−1)

Soybean, tall, algae, 2500 psi, 300–450 °C

TiO2 fixed bed [47]
acid soapstock,corn residence time 5.4 s
Catalysts 2019, 9, 75 20 of 25

Table 19. Use of TiO2 as catalyst in continuous flow production of biodiesel and glycerol recovery.

Oil Sources Catalyst Reactor Condition Ref

Alumino-Silicate 340 and 420 ◦ C
Jatropha fixed bed [46]
TiO2 LHSV (1.12, 1.87, 2.25 h−1 )
Soybean, tall, algae, 2500 psi, 300–450 ◦ C
TiO2 fixed bed [47]
acid soapstock,corn residence time 5.4 s
tertiolecta, 2500 psi, 340 ◦ C
TiO2 fixed bed [48]
Nannochloropsis residence time 30 s
70 ◦ C, 1.12 wt.%
Palm TiO2 /Al2 O3 packed membrane [49]
0.211 cm s−1
Source Catalyst Reactor Condition Ref
280 ◦ C, WO3 /TiO2 15 wt.%
Glycerol WO3 /TiO2 plug flow fixed-bed glycerol flow rate 23 g/h [52]
O2 flow 11.33 mL/min

4. Titania-Based Additives to Biodiesel

The introduction of titanium dioxide nanoparticles as additive in biodiesel production has been
less explored compared to the use of TiO2 as catalyst. Nevertheless, the performances of biodiesel
additivated with nano titania resulted increased and variations in properties such as kinematic viscosity,
heating value, cetane number, specific fuel consumption, break thermal efficiency, indirect injection,
smoke emissions, flash and fire point could be observed.
Jeryrajkumar investigated the effect of titanium dioxide nanoadditives on the performance
and emission characteristics of Calophyllum innophyllum biodiesel (B100) in a single cylinder, four
strokes, water cooled, compression injection diesel engine [53]. The nanoparticles were prepared by
hydrothermal process with a size range of 100 nm. These additives reduced the fuel consumption,
particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned hydrocarbons (UHC) emissions while
increased the nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission, the engine combustion, the thermal efficiency and
performance characteristics. The performance and emission characteristics of a single cylinder, water
cooled, compression ignition diesel engine with calophyllum inophyllum methyl ester using B100TiO2
additives were investigated and compared with diesel. The nano additives blended biodiesel increased
the brake thermal efficiency while the specific fuel consumption decreased. Titanium dioxide blended
biodiesel increased gradually NOx emission at all loads, increased CO emission of 25% at the full
load condition and reduced hydrocarbon (HC) emission of 70% at 75% of loading as compared with
pure biodiesel.
Venu and coworkers investigated the biodiesel-ethanol (BE) blends in a compression ignition
engine using a blend of BE with 25 ppm TiO2 nanoparticle additives (denoted as BE-Ti). The addition
of nanoparticles created large contact surface area with the base fuel, increased the combustion with
minimal emissions and the oxidation rate while reduced the light-off temperature. The addition of
titanium nanoparticles increased NOx, HC and smoke emissions while decreased Break Specific Fuel
Consumption (BSFC) and CO emissions. Diethyl ether addition to BE blends increased improved the
heat release rate, HC, CO emissions while decreased BSFC, NOx and smoke [54].
Binu and coworkers used titanium dioxide nanoparticles as fuel additive in a C.I. Engine.
The nanoparticles were dispersed in B20 methyl ester of pongamia pinnata oil using a probe sonicator.
The addition of titanium dioxide nanoparticles enhanced performance and emission characteristics of
the fuel samples tested in C.I. Engine test. The use of TiO2 nanoparticles in B20 blend increased brake
thermal efficiency of the engine of 2% and reduced the BSFC value of 6% and smoke emission of 16%
compared to plain B20 [55].
Prabhu and coworkers investigated the effect of titanium oxide (TiO2 ) nanoparticle as additive
for diesel-biodiesel blends on the performance and emission characteristics of a single cylinder diesel
Catalysts 2019, 9, 75 21 of 25

engine at different load conditions. Titanium oxide nanoparticles (250–500 ppm) were blended with
20% biodiesel–diesel (B20). Carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC) and smoke emissions were
decreased while the brake thermal efficiency and the NO emissions were increased marginally for
250 ppm nano particle added with B20 blends when compared with B20 and 500 ppm added with B20
fuel at full load conditions [56].
Fangsuwannarak conducted a comparative study of palm biodiesel properties and engine
performance efficiency with the addition of TiO2 nanoparticles. The various palm oil fractions of
2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 100% in the rest of ordinary diesel fuel were denoted as B2, B10, B20, B30,
B40, B50, and B100, respectively. The addition of nano-TiO2 additive of 0.1 and 0.2% by volume was
evaluated and it was found that the quality of the modified fuel with 0.1% TiO2 increased cetane
number, lower-heating value, and flash point while reduced kinematic viscosity. The performance
of an indirect injection (IDI) engine and the control of carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2 ),
and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions were enhanced. The nano-TiO2 additive of 0.1% by volume
had the most effective performance of the tested engine for biodiesel blended fuel between B20 and
B100 fuels. The additive 0.1% TiO2 biodiesel fuel revealed the higher level of brake power, wheel
power, and engine torque. Meanwhile, the level of specific fuel consumption significantly decreased.
The effect on CO, CO2 , and NOx was also investigated in this study and it was demonstrated that 0.1%
TiO2 reduced the exhaust emissions and it is the most effective in B30 fuel [57].
Umashankar presented the effect of titanium oxide coating on the performance characteristics
of the bio-diesel-fueled engine. The layer of thermal coating was characterized by alumina-titania
(Al2 O3 /TiO2 ) plasma coated on to the base of NiCrAl. The experiments were conducted with a
single cylinder, four stroke, and direct injected diesel engine and the results showed an increase in
brake thermal efficiency and a decrease in brake specific fuel consumption for titanium oxide coated
piston [58].
Ravikumar and Senthilkumar investigated radish (Raphanus sativus) oil Methyl Ester in a single
cylinder DI diesel engine with and without coating. The effect of biodiesel in a thermal barrier coating
engine was studied comparing diesel and radish oil methyl ester used as fuels. In this study the piston
crown surface, valves and cylinder head of a diesel engine were coated with a ceramic material-TiO2
Catalysts 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 25 of 28
(Figure 20). The application of TiO2 coating slightly increased Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC),
Consumption of CO, smoke
(SFC), density, HC
emissions andsmoke
of CO, NOx and decreased
density, brakeNOx
HC and thermal
and efficiency.
decreasedFrombrakethe above
experimental results, it was demonstrated that B25 with TiO
efficiency. From the above experimental results, it was demonstrated 2 -coated mode of engine operation
that B25 with TiO2-coated gave
mode performance and lower
of engine operation emission
gave better characteristics
performance and including
lower NOx, without
emission requiring any
characteristics major
modification of engine [59].
NOx, without requiring any major modification of engine [59].

Figure 20. Photographic view of 450 lm TiO

TiO22 coated piston, valves, and cylinder head (Reproduced
from [59], with the permission of AIP Publishing).

5. Conclusions
5. Conclusions
This work
work has
has been
been useful
useful in
in assessing
assessing the
the possible
possible catalytic pathways in
catalytic pathways in the
the production
production ofof
biodiesel, exploring particularly the use of titanium dioxide as catalyst. By evaluating the different
biodiesel, exploring particularly the use of titanium dioxide as catalyst. By evaluating the different
parameters, among them
parameters, among them type
type and
and percentage
percentage ofof titania-based
titania-based catalyst,
catalyst, temperature, time and
temperature, time and
alcohol/oil ratio, it was possible to evaluate the optimized conditions leading to the best conversion
yields, in batch conditions.
Furthermore, this work focused on the study of the different strategies to conduct the
transesterification reaction mediated by titanium dioxide as catalyst within microreactors.
Optimized conditions in continuous flow, resulted improved by modifying parameters such as
temperature, pressure, and residence time and also allowed a possible recovery and reuse of
Catalysts 2019, 9, 75 22 of 25

alcohol/oil ratio, it was possible to evaluate the optimized conditions leading to the best conversion
yields, in batch conditions.
Furthermore, this work focused on the study of the different strategies to conduct the
transesterification reaction mediated by titanium dioxide as catalyst within microreactors.
Optimized conditions in continuous flow, resulted improved by modifying parameters such as
temperature, pressure, and residence time and also allowed a possible recovery and reuse of glycerol.
The use of micro-technologies in biodiesel production and the development of micro-reactors,
capable of making possible unpracticable chemical transformations using traditional techniques, allows
a reduction in production costs and a greater protection of the environment.

Author Contributions: Writing—Review and Editing, C.C, L.D., R.L.

Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the Intervento cofinanziato dal Fondo di Sviluppo e Coesione
2007–2013—APQ Ricerca Regione Puglia “Programma regionale a sostegno della specializzazione intelligente e
della sostenibilità sociale ed ambientale—FutureInResearch”.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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