Evaluation of Chip-Tool Interface Temperature Effe

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Evaluation of Chip-tool Interface Temperature: Effect of Tool Coating and

Cutting Parameters during Turning Hardened AISI 4340 Steel

Article · December 2014

DOI: 10.1016/j.mspro.2014.07.170


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2 authors:

Satish Chinchanikar S.K. Choudhury

Vishwakarma Institute Of Information Technology, Pune Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


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Procedia Materials Science 6 (2014) 996 – 1005

3rd International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterisation (ICMPC 2014)

Evaluation of Chip-Tool Interface Temperature: Effect of Tool

Coating and Cutting Parameters during Turning Hardened AISI
4340 Steel
SatishChinchanikara,*, S.K. Choudhuryb
Workshop Superintendent, Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-411048, India
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, 208016, India


In the present context of sustainable manufacturing, investigation of cutting temperature during machining is extremely valuable
to address metal cutting issues such as dimensional accuracy, surface finish and tool life. In this study, average chip-tool interface
temperature was investigated considering the effect of cutting parameters and the type of coating (coated tools), namely, PVD-
applied single-layer TiAlN and CVD-applied multi-layer TiCN/Al2O3/TiN during turning of hardened steel. Mathematical model
which can predict the average chip-tool interface temperature was developed based on experimental observations which were
obtained in the wide range of cutting conditions. A calibration set-up based on tool-work thermocouple principle was developed
to correlate the emf (electro motive force) and the interface temperature. R-squared value for the developed model found 0.9693,
indicate that the developed model is reliable and could be used effectively for predicting the interface temperature within the
domain of the cutting parameters for the given tool and work material pair. Experimental observations indicate that the interface
temperature is higher for CVD-coated multi-layer coated tool in comparison to single-layer TiAlN, which get affected mostly by
cutting speed followed by feed. However, depth of cut has negligible influence on interface temperature when using both the
coated carbide tools.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (GRIET).
Selection and peer review under responsibility of the Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (GRIET)
Keywords: Coated carbide tools; Interface temperature; Cutting parameters; Turning; Electro motive force (emf).

1. Introduction

In recent years, evaluation of the machining performance through predictive/simulation modeling to the progress
of cutting technology is ingrained among users.The increasing trend toward maximizing productivity and higher
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-020- 25231410; fax: +91- 020- 26932500.
E-mail address: [email protected]

2211-8128 © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and peer review under responsibility of the Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (GRIET)
Satish Chinchanika and S.K. Choudhury / Procedia Materials Science 6 (2014) 996 – 1005 997

material removal rates has generated the need for developing reliable predictive models and simulation methods of
all manufacturing/machining processes. Manufacturing evolution, i.e. the design-to-manufacturing cycle is strongly
driven by the database of information on process, tooling materials and workpiece requirements (Stein and
Dornfeld, 1996). Evidently, process data and appropriate models can drive design and manufacturing decisions to
achieve goals with increasing levels of complexity. In the machining area, predictive models, which are capable of
predicting quantitatively the influence of the magnitude of one or more input parameters on the magnitude of one or
more output parameters are of special importance.
Heat generated in machining operation is an important factor in addressing metal cutting issues like dimensional
accuracy, surface integrity and tool life. In machining of hardened steels, higher workpiece hardness generates
higher temperature in the cutting zone (Chinchanikar et al., 2013) which has a very strong influence on the tool wear
rate through various tool wear mechanisms like abrasion, adhesion and diffusion. Therefore, evaluation and
development of a mathematical model which can predict reliably average chip-tool interface temperature during
machining considering the effect of cutting parameters for the given tool-work material combination will be
extremely valuable.
Over the past century, several conduction techniques like tool-chip thermocouple, embedded thermocouple,
thermo-colors and radiation techniques like infrared thermometry, pyrometry have been developed to evaluate the
chip-tool interface temperature arising in the cutting zone during machining. However, tool-work thermocouple
technique is widely used during metal cutting due to its ease of implementation and low cost as compared to other
techniques (Aneiro et al., 2008; Grzesik, 1999; Korkut et al., 2007). Ren et al.(2004) evaluated the cutting
temperature during hard facing of titanium alloy using thermocouples at tool–shim interface. Liu et al.(2002)
measured the cutting temperature using a natural thermocouple during finish turning of bearing steel which were
hardened at different levels of hardness varying between 30 to 64 HRC. They observed that the cutting temperature
increases with increase in the workpiece hardness up-to 50 HRC. However, decrease in cutting temperature was
observed by them beyond the value of workpiece hardness of 50 HRC. Casto et al. (1986) proposed a remote
sensing technique for measurement of cutting temperature based on constant melting point of powders. Korkut et
al.(2007) observed that increase in cutting speed, depth of cut, and feed rate causes increase in the chip back surface
temperature. However, cutting speed and depth of cut were observed to have more influence relative to feed rate.
Sullivan and Cotterell(1987) measured the cutting temperature using embedded thermocouple and infrared
techniques. They observed that the cutting temperature decreases with increase in cutting speed. However, cutting
temperature and cutting forces increases as the tool wear progresses. An analytical model and numerical methods to
predict cutting temperature (Cohen et al., 2012; Huang and Liang, 2003; Dogu et al., 2006) and investigation of the
effect of cutting parameters on temperature, stress and shear angle using Finite Element Modeling are reported
(Tang et al. 2011). However, prediction accuracy depends upon the basic assumptions and boundary conditions used
in the study. Bahi et al. (2012) proposed a hybrid analytical-numerical based chip formation model for orthogonal
cutting process. An analytical model was used to analyze the thermo-mechanical material flow in the primary shear
zone, the tool-chip contact length, the local friction coefficient and the sliding-sticking zones. The temperature
distribution in the chip was studied by numerical means.
Non-contact radiation techniques like infrared thermometry, pyrometry have been used to evaluate the chip-tool
interface temperature (Muller-Hummel and Lahres, 1995; Saoubi and Chandrasekaran, 2004). However, accuracy of
the results depends upon the exact values of the emissivity of the cutting tool material and temperature of the
radiating surface. Further, when the chip flows at a high speed along the rake face, these methods give erratic results
during the measurement of exact temperature on the rake/flank face with the help of infrared rays due to accessible
issue. Metallographic techniques like observing the micro-structural changes of the cutting tool/workpiece after
cutting can be used to find the temperature near the rake face. However, this technique is laborious and time
consuming. Further, this technique is applicable to only those tool materials that exhibit a change in the micro-
structure with temperature.
Trigger (1948) investigated the chip-tool interface temperature by thermocouple technique. Grezsik (1999)
investigated the variations of the chip-tool interface temperature using standard thermocouple embedded in the
workpiece. Interface temperature was observed to be more influenced by thermal properties of the workpiece and
tool coating. A group of researchers investigated the effect of cutting parameters and variation in the nose radius on
the interface temperature using tool-chip thermocouple/ embedded thermocouple technique (Aneiro et al., 2008;
998 Satish Chinchanika and S.K. Choudhury / Procedia Materials Science 6 (2014) 996 – 1005

Korkut et al., 2007; Findes et al., 2008; Choudhury and Bartarya, 2003; Abhang and Hameedullah, 2010). Most of
the studies concluded that the tool-chip interface temperature increases with the increase in cutting speed, feed and
depth of cut. However, interface temperature decreases with the increase in tool nose radius. Studies performed by
embedded thermocouple technique also showed the increase in interface temperature with cutting parameters.
Chinchanikar et al. (2013) observed that the average chip-tool interface temperature is predominantly affected with
workpiece hardness and cutting speed. However, they reported that feed and depth of cut have negligible influence
on interface temperature.
In view of probable effects of heat generated during machining on tool life, surface integrity and dimensional
accuracy, development of a reliable model which can predict the chip-tool interface temperature will be extremely
valuable. With this view, in present work, mathematical model, which was developed based on experimental results
obtained in the wide range of cutting conditions, is presented and which could be used to predict chip-tool interface
temperature during turning of hardened AISI 4340 steel (35 HRC) using PVD-applied single-layer TiAlN coated
carbide tool. Correlation between the emf (electro motive force) and the interface temperature for the given tool-
work material pair, which was obtained by developing a calibration set-up based on tool-work thermocouple
principle, is presented. Finally, average chip-tool interface temperature which was evaluated considering the effect
of cutting parameters and the type of coating (coated tools), namely, PVD-applied single-layer TiAlN and CVD-
applied multi-layer TiCN/Al2O3/TiN during turning of hardened steel is presented.

2. Experimental details and procedure

Turning tests were performed on hardened AISI 4340 steel (35 HRC). Hardness was maintained uniform
throughout the cross section with a maximum variation of + 2 HRC by a precisely controlled hardening and
tempering process. The workpiece used has a length and diameter of 400 and 90 mm, respectively. Experiments
were performed using PVD-applied single-layer TiAlN coated cemented carbide tools. Average chip-tool interface
temperature obtained using single-layer TiAlN coated tool was compared with the chip-tool interface temperature
obtained when using CVD-applied multi-layer TiCN/Al2O3/TiN coated carbide tool from the earlier reported work
(Chinchanikar et al., 2013). Details of the tool macro and micro-geometries, tool holder employed and coating
architecture can be referred from the authors earlier reported work (Chinchanikar and Choudhury, 2013a).
Dry cutting tests were carried out on a HMT-make (Hindustan Machine Tools) centre lathe. Desired cutting
speeds were achieved by using different workpiece diameters and rotational speed available in the machine. During
experiments, workpiece was held in a three jaw chuck and supported by a center in the tailstock. Tool geometry,
Tool height and its overhang which were set to the required level with the help of gauges were kept constant. Before
carrying out actual experiments, some rough turning pass was made in order to completely remove the surface
irregularities and oxidized layer from the workpiece surface.
Experiments were planned in such a way that useful inferences could be drawn by performing minimum number
of experiments. This can be done by using statistical techniques. In this study, a natural tool-work thermocouple
principle was used to measure the interface temperature during turning of hardened AISI 4340 steel using PVD-
coated single-layer TiAlN cemented carbide tool. Correlation between the cutting parameters with the average chip-
tool interface temperature was developed by varying the cutting speed, feed and depth of cut as per the plan given
by central composite rotatable design (CCRD) matrix with an alpha value of 1.6817 as shown in Table 1 (Cochran
and Cox, 1957). Experiments were planned considering the replication of factorial points, axial (star) points and
center points as one. Each numeric parameter of the input variable was varied over five levels: plus and minus alpha
(axial points), plus and minus 1 (factorial points) and the center point. However, the correlations developed between
the cutting parameters and the performance measures using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) technique can
reliably predict the responses within the plus and minus one level only. To widen the scope of the model, eight
additional experiments were performed at plus and minus alpha level (1.6817) of cutting speed. The ranges of three
input variables were decided on the basis of practical machining conditions used while machining of these hardened
alloy steels. In this study, total 23 experiments (as shown in Table 2) were performed to develop a chip-tool
interface temperature model. Relationship between the electro motive force (emf) and the corresponding
temperature was established using a tool-work calibration set-up which is discussed in more detail in next Section.
Satish Chinchanika and S.K. Choudhury / Procedia Materials Science 6 (2014) 996 – 1005 999

Table.1 Coded levels and corresponding actual values of cutting parameters

- 1.6817 -1 0 +1 + 1.6817

Cutting speed ( V ) (m/min) 100 142 200 265 300

Feed ( f ) (mm/rev) 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3

Depth of cut ( d ) (mm) 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Table.2Experimental matrix showing coded levels and corresponding actual values of cutting parameters

Expt. Coded levels V f d Expt. Coded levels V f d

No. (m/min) (mm/rev) (mm) No (m/min) (mm/rev) (mm)
V f d V f d
1 -1.6817 0 -1.6817 100 0.2 0.5 13 142 0.25 1 -1 1 -1

2 -1 -1 -1 142 0.15 1 14 265 0.25 2 1 1 1

3 0 0 1.6817 200 0.2 2.5 15 200 0.1 1.5 0 -1.6817 0

4 0 0 0 200 0.2 1.5 16 -1.6817 -1.6817 0 100 0.1 1.5

5 -1 -1 +1 142 0.15 2 17 -1.6817 1.6817 0 100 0.3 1.5

6 1 -1 1 265 0.15 2 18 -1.6817 0 -1.6817 100 0.2 0.5

7 1 1 -1 265 0.25 1 19 -1.6817 0 1.6817 100 0.2 2.5

8 0 0 -1.6817 200 0.2 0.5 20 1.6817 -1.68 0 300 0.1 1.5

9 0 1.6817 0 200 0.3 1.5 21 1.6817 1.68 0 300 0.3 1.5

10 1 -1 -1 265 0.15 1 22 1.6817 0 -1.6817 300 0.2 0.5

11 1.6817 0 0 300 0.2 1.5 23 1.6817 0 1.6817 300 0.2 2.5

12 -1 1 1 142 0.25 2

3. Results and discussion

3.1 Calibration set-up

In order to establish the relationship between the emf generated and the corresponding temperature, a calibration
set-up was developed as shown in the schematic of the set-up (Fig. 1) and actual photographs showing chip-tool
junction point in contact with heater in Fig. 2(a) along with actual photograph of the calibration set-up in Fig. 2(b).
In this set-up, tool-work thermocouple junction was formed using a coated carbide tool and a long continuous chip
taken from the same workpiece as being used for the experiments. A heating coil was used for heating the junction
point of coated insert and chip. A standard K-type thermocouple wire was mounted just near the junction point and
connected to temperature indicator. Electro motive force (emf) generated between the hot junction and cold junction
was monitored by a digital multi-meter. The linear relationship obtained for the coated carbide tool and hardened
1000 Satish Chinchanika and S.K. Choudhury / Procedia Materials Science 6 (2014) 996 – 1005

workpiece (35 HRC) is shown in Fig. 3. Both the workpiece and the tool were insulated properly during turning and
calibration process to avoid the generation of secondary emf.

Fig. 1. Schematic tool-work calibration set-up.

Fig.2.(a) actual photograph showing chip-tool junction point in contact with heater and (b) actual photograph of calibration set-up.

Relationship between the electro-motive forces (emf) generated during turning and the interface temperature was
established using a set-up as shown in Fig. 4(a) and (b). One wire from the rear end of the workpiece (cold junction)
Satish Chinchanika and S.K. Choudhury / Procedia Materials Science 6 (2014) 996 – 1005 1001

through carbon brush and another wire, screwed to the cutting insert (hot junction), were connected to a multi-meter.
Circuit was completed when the tool came in contact with the workpiece. For each cutting test, thermo-electric emf
was measured and average chip-tool interface temperature for the corresponding cutting condition was calculated
using the linear relationship as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig.3.Calibration curve for PVD-coated single-layer TiAlN tool and AISI 4340 steel (35 HRC).

(a) (b)

Fig.4. Chip-tool interface temperature measurement set-up (a) schematic and (b) actual photograph.
1002 Satish Chinchanika and S.K. Choudhury / Procedia Materials Science 6 (2014) 996 – 1005

3.2 Modeling of interface temperature

Average chip-tool interface temperature was expressed in terms of cutting parameters, namely, cutting speed,
feed and depth of cut. In general form it can be expressed as follows:

Response function = c1 V p f q d s (1)

The unknown coefficients, namely, exponents of cutting speed, feed, and depth of cut and constant involved in
(1) were determined by minimizing the least squares error between experimental and predicted results obtained
within the range of cutting conditionsusing Data-Fit software (version 8.1). Developed model of average chip-tool
interface temperature along with their R-Squared values is given below.

Tin = 154.54V 0.3275 f 0.1334d 0.0527 (R 2 0.9693) (2)

The correlation coefficient (R-Squared value) found 0.9693 showed that the developed model is valid and could
be used reliably for predicting the average chip-tool interface temperature for the given tool and work material
combination and within the domain of the cutting parameters.Plot showing the predicted values of average chip-tool
interface temperature (obtained using (2) along with the experimental values is shown in Fig. 5.

Fig.5. Experimental and predicted values of average chip-tool interface temperature.

3.3 Effect of tool coating and cutting parameters on interface temperature

In this Section, average chip-tool interface temperature employed during turning of hardened steel is discussed
considering the effect of cutting parameters and the type of coating, namely, PVD-applied single-layer TiAlN and
CVD-applied multi-layer TiCN/Al2O3/TiN with the help of developed mathematical models.Authors of the present
study have already developed a mathematical model to predict the average chip-tool interface temperature using
CVD-coated multi-layer TiCN/Al2O3/TiNtool during turning of AISI 4340 steel (35 HRC) within the same domain
of the cutting parameters as used in the present study (Chinchanikar et al., 2013) , expressed as:
Satish Chinchanika and S.K. Choudhury / Procedia Materials Science 6 (2014) 996 – 1005 1003

Tf 196.9V 0.2818 f 0.09818d 0.05024 (3)

From exponent and constant values of average chip-tool interface temperature from (2) and (3), respectively, it
can be seen that cutting speed followed by feed become the most influencing parameters on chip-tool interface
temperature. However, this effect can be seen as more prominent for PVD-coated tool, showing by higher values of
exponents than for CVD-coated tool, which can be also seen from the curves plotted using (2) and (3) for PVD and
CVD-coated tools, respectively, as shown in Figs. 6(a) to (c). Curves showing the interface temperature are plotted
based on the developed regression equations by varying one of the input parameters and keeping the other
parameters constant. Fig. 6(a) depicts the variation of interface temperature with cutting speed, plotted using feed
value of 0.2 mm/rev and depth of cut of 1.5 mm. Similarly, Figs. 6(b) and (c) depict the variation in interface
temperature with feed and depth of cut, respectively, plotted using the values of other parameters, as, V = 200 m/min
and d = 1.5 mm, for Fig. 6(b) and V = 200 m/min and f = 1.5 mm/rev, for Fig. 6(c).

(a) (b)


Fig.6. Average chip-tool interface temperature with varying (a) cutting speed, (b) feed and (c) depth of cut.
1004 Satish Chinchanika and S.K. Choudhury / Procedia Materials Science 6 (2014) 996 – 1005

It can be seen that the average chip-tool interface temperature is lower for PVD-coated single-layer TiAlN
carbide tool in comparison to CVD-coated multi-layer TiCN/Al2O3/TiN carbide tool during turning of hardened
AISI 4340 steel (35 HRC). It can be seen that the average chip-tool interface temperature get affected mostly by
cutting speed followed by feed. However, effect of cutting parameters can be seen as more prominent for PVD-
coated tool. Authors of this study observed that the PVD-coated tools are more sensitive to cutting conditions in
comparison to CVD-coated tools during turning of hardened AISI 4340 steel (35 HRC) (Chinchanikar and
Choudhury, 2013b). Depth of cut having the negligible influence on chip-tool interface temperature for both the
coated tools could also be observed. These observations are in line with the earlier findings of the present authors
while machining of hardened steel at different levels of hardness using multi-layer coated tool (Chinchanikar et al.,
2013).The lower average interface temperature with single-layer TiAlN coated carbide tool can be attributed to the
characteristicsof the PVD-applied coating process. PVD-applied coating gives rise to minimum friction between the
tool face and the chips resulting in lower cutting forces (Venkatesh et al., 1991) and hence resulting in lower cutting

4. Conclusions

In this study, in view of probable effects of heat generated during machining on tool life, surface integrity and
dimensional accuracy, a mathematical model which could predict reliably average chip-tool interface temperature
during turning of hardened AISI 4340 steel (35 HRC) using single-layer PVD-coated TiAlN carbide tool was
developed based on experimental observations.The unknown coefficients in the model, namely, exponents of cutting
speed, feed, and depth of cut and constant were determined by minimizing the least squares error between
experimental and predicted results obtained within the range of cutting conditions. A calibration set-up was
developed to correlate the emf (electro motive force) generated and the corresponding temperaturebased on tool-
work thermocouple principle. During turning for each cutting test, thermo-electric emf was measured and average
chip-tool interface temperature for the corresponding cutting condition was calculated using the linear relationship
obtained for the given tool-work material pairby the calibration set-up. Effect of cutting parameters and the type of
coating, namely, PVD-applied single-layer TiAlN and CVD-applied multi-layer TiCN/Al2O3/TiN on average chip-
tool interface temperature was discussed with the help of developed mathematical models. Ithas been observed that
cutting speed followed by feed become the most influencing parameters on chip-tool interface temperature.
However, this effect was more prominent for PVD-coated tool. Lower interface temperature was observed for PVD-
coated tool in comparison to CVD-coated tool. Depth of cut having negligible influence on chip-tool interface
temperature was observed for both the coated tools.


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