Cia and Togo PDF
Cia and Togo PDF
Cia and Togo PDF
Togolese Republic
République togolaise (French)
Location of Togo (dark blue)
in the African Union (light blue)
Capital Lomé
and largest 6°8′N 1°13′E
city Coordinates:
6°8′N 1°13′E
Governmen Unitary
t dominant-party
• Faure Gnassingbé
• Prime Komi Sélom
Minister Klassou
• Total 56,785 km2 (21,925
sq mi) (123rd)
• Water 4.2
• 2020 8,608,444[2] (100th)
• 2010 6,191,155
• Density 125.9/km2 (326.1/sq
mi) (93rde)
Driving right
Calling +228
ISO 3166 TG
Internet .tg
From the 11th to the 16th century, various tribes entered the region
from all directions. From the 16th century to the 18th century, the
coastal region was a major trading center for Europeans to purchase
slaves, earning Togo and the surrounding region the name "The Slave
Coast". In 1884, Germany declared a region including present-day
Togo as a protectorate called Togoland. After World War I, rule over
Togo was transferred to France. Togo gained its independence from
France in 1960.[2] In 1967, Gnassingbé Eyadéma led a successful
military coup d'état after which he became president of an
anti-communist, single-party state. Eventually, in 1993, Eyadéma
faced multiparty elections, which were marred by irregularities, and
won the presidency three times. At the time of his death, Eyadéma
was the longest-serving leader in modern African history, having
been president for 38 years.[8] In 2005, his son Faure Gnassingbé was
elected president.
Togo is a tropical, sub-Saharan nation, whose economy depends
highly on agriculture, with a climate that provides good growing
seasons. While the official language is French, many other languages
are spoken, particularly those of the Gbe family. The largest religious
group consists of those with indigenous beliefs, and there are
significant Christian and Muslim minorities. Togo is a member of the
United Nations, African Union, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation,
South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone, Francophonie, and
Economic Community of West African States.
Before colonization (pre-1884)
Colonial era (1884–1960)
Independence to present day (1960–present)
Flora and fauna
Administrative divisions
Foreign relations
Human rights record
Largest cities
Ethnic groups
See also
Further reading
External links
Main article: History of Togo
The slave trade began in the 16th century, and for the next two
hundred years the coastal region was a major trading centre for
Europeans in search of slaves, earning Togo and the surrounding
region the name "The Slave Coast".
In 1884, a paper was signed at Togoville with the King Mlapa III,
whereby Germany claimed a protectorate over a stretch of territory
along the coast and gradually extended its control inland. Its borders
were defined after the capture of hinterland by German forces and
signing agreements with France and Britain. In 1905, this became the
German colony of Togoland. The local population was forced to work,
cultivate cotton, coffee and cocoa and pay high taxes. A railway and
the port of Lomé were built for export of agricultural products. The
Germans introduced modern techniques of cultivation of cocoa,
coffee and cotton and developed the infrastructure.
During the First World War, Togoland was invaded by Britain and
France, proclaiming the Anglo-French condominium. On 7 December
1916, the condominium collapsed and Togo was divided into British
and French zones. 20 July 1922 Great Britain received the League of
Nations mandate to govern the western part of Togo and France to
govern the eastern part. In 1945, the country received the right to
send three representatives to the French parliament.
After World War II, these mandates became UN Trust Territories. The
residents of British Togoland voted to join the Gold Coast as part of
the new independent nation of Ghana in 1957. French Togoland
became an autonomous republic within the French Union in 1959,
while France retained the right to control the defense, foreign
relations and finances.
Sylvanus Olympio
Gnassingbé left power and held elections, which he won two months
later. The opposition declared that the election results were
fraudulent. The events of 2005 led to questions regarding the
government's commitment to democracy that had been made in an
attempt to normalize relations with the EU, which cut off aid in 1993
due to questions about Togo's human rights situation. In addition, up
to 400 people were killed in the violence surrounding the presidential
elections, according to the UN. Around 40,000 Togolese fled to
neighboring countries. Gnassingbé was reelected in 2010 and 2015.
eography of Togo
Main article: G
Ghana-Togo topography−topographic map
Map of Togo
Togo has an area equal to 56,785 km2 (21,925 sq mi) and is one of the
smallest countries in Africa. It borders the Bight of Benin in the south;
Ghana lies to the west; Benin to the east; and to the north, Togo is
bound by Burkina Faso. Togo lies mostly between latitudes 6° and
11°N, and longitudes 0° and 2°E.
The highest mountain of the country is the Mont Agou at 986 m above
sea level. The longest river is the Mono River with a length of 400 km.
It runs from north to south.
limate of Togo
Main article: C
olitics of Togo
Main article: P
Gnassingbé Eyadéma ruled Togo from 1967 until his death in 2005
The President is elected by universal and direct suffrage for 5 years.
He is also the commander of the armed forces and has the right to
initiate legislation and dissolve parliament. Executive power is
exercised by the president and the government. The head of
government is the Prime Minister, who is appointed by the president.
Administrative divisions[edit]
Main articles: Regions of Togo and Prefectures of Togo
Togo is divided into five regions, which are subdivided in turn into 30
prefectures. From north to south the regions are Savanes, Kara,
Centrale, Plateaux and Maritime.
Foreign relations[edit]
oreign relations of Togo
Main article: F
ilitary of Togo
Main article: M
Togo was labeled "Not Free" by Freedom House from 1972 to 1998,
and again from 2002 to 2006, and has been categorized as "Partly
Free" from 1999 to 2001 and again from 2007 to the present. It has
very serious and longstanding human-rights problems. According to
a U.S. State Department report based on conditions in 2010, these
include "security force use of excessive force, including torture,
which resulted in deaths and injuries; official impunity; harsh and
life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary arrests and detention;
lengthy pretrial detention; executive influence over the judiciary;
infringement of citizens' privacy rights; restrictions on freedoms of
press, assembly, and movement; official corruption; discrimination
and violence against women; child abuse, including female genital
mutilation (FGM), and sexual exploitation of children; regional and
ethnic discrimination; trafficking in persons, especially women and
children; societal discrimination against persons with disabilities;
official and societal discrimination against homosexual persons;
societal discrimination against persons with HIV; and forced labor,
including by children."[35] Same-sex sexual activity is illegal in Togo,[36]
with a penalty of one to three years imprisonment.[37]
conomy of Togo
Main article: E
Togolese fishermen
emographics of Togo
Main article: D
Women in Sokodé.
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Largest cities[edit]
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Ethnic groups[edit]
Religion in Togo (2010 estimate) [48]
Christianity (37%)
Animism (35.6%)
Islam (20%)
None (6.1%)
Others (1.3%)
Church in Kpalime.
The CIA World Factbook meanwhile states that 44% of the population
are Christian, 14% are Muslim with 36% being followers of indigenous
Christianity began to spread from the middle of the 15th century, after
the arrival of the Portuguese and Catholic missionaries. Germans
introduced Protestantism in the second half of the 19th century, when
a hundred missionaries of the Bremen Missionary Society were sent
to the coastal areas of Togo and Ghana. Togo's Protestants were
known as "Brema," a corruption of the word "Bremen." After World
War I, German missionaries had to leave, which gave birth to the early
autonomy of the Ewe Evangelical Church.[50]
anguages of Togo
Main article: L
Health expenditure in Togo was 5.2% of GDP in 2014, which ranks the
country in 45th place in the world.[41] The infant mortality rate is
approximately 43.7 deaths per 1,000 children in 2016.[41] Male life
expectancy at birth was at 62.3 in 2016, whereas it was at 67.7 years
for females.[41] There were 5 physicians per 100,000 people in 2008[41]
According to a 2013 UNICEF report,[53] 4% of women in Togo have
undergone female genital mutilation, which is a significantly lower
percentage than other countries in the region.
As of 2015, the maternal mortality rate per 100,000 births for Togo is
368, compared with 350 in 2010 and 539.7 in 1990.[41] The under 5
mortality rate, per 1,000 births is 100 and the neonatal mortality as a
percentage of under 5's mortality is 32. In Togo the number of
midwives per 1,000 live births is 2 and the lifetime risk of death for
pregnant women is 1 in 67.[54]
In 2016, Togo had 4100 (2400 - 6100) new HIV infections and 5100
(3100 - 7700) AIDS-related deaths. There were 100 000 (73 000 - 130
000) people living with HIV in 2016, among whom 51% (37% - 67%)
were accessing antiretroviral therapy. Among pregnant women living
with HIV, 86% (59% - >95%) were accessing treatment or prophylaxis
to prevent transmission of HIV to their children. An estimated <1000
(<500 - 1400) children were newly infected with HIV due to
mother-to-child transmission. Among people living with HIV,
approximately 42% (30% - 55%) had suppressed viral loads. [55]
Education in Togo is compulsory for six years.[56] In 1996, the gross
primary enrollment rate was 119.6%, and the net primary enrollment
rate was 81.3%.[56] In 2011, the net enrollment rate was 94%, one of the
best in the West African sub-region. The education system has
suffered from teacher shortages, lower educational quality in rural
areas, and high repetition and dropout rates.[56]
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Main articles: C
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The Togolese Republic, also known as Togo, sits in West Africa. It extends south
to the Gulf of Guinea, and is bordered on the north by Burkina Faso, Benin to the
east, and Ghana on the west. Togo, with a population of over 8.19 million people,
is 57,000 square kilometers (22,000 sq mi) in area. Togo’s capital is Lomé, located
in the Gulf of Guinea. Togo is a sub-Saharan nation, with a good growing climate
that supports its dependence on agriculture.
While many languages are spoken in Togo, mainly those of the Gbe family,
French is its official language. People with indigenous beliefs make up the largest
religious group, but Christians and Muslims also make up a significant minority.
A United Nations member, Togo is also a member of the South Atlantic Peace and
Cooperation Zone, La Francophonie and Economic Community of West African
States, Organisation of the Islamic Conference, and the African Union.
Togo was initially populated by various tribes and later became a center for slave
trade known as “The Slave Coast” in the 16th century. It was later a German
colony until World War I when it was divided by England and France. In 1914
Togoland, became Togo. British Togoland eventually became part of Ghana and
French Togoland, Togo, gained independence in 1960. After a coup in 1967
Gnassingbé Eyadéma served as president for 38 years and became the
longest-serving leader in African history. After his death his son Faure
Gnassingbé became president.
Between the 11th and 16th centuries various tribes such as those from Ghana
and Nigeria entered the region with most settling in the costal areas. For the next
two hundred years the coast became a major center for European slave trade and
earned Togo and the nearby areas the reputation as “ The Slave Coast.” The Mina
from Ghana were the most victimized by the slave trade.
In 1884 Germany signed a treaty at Togoville under the King Mlapa III, which
declared Togoland a protectorate that stretched from the coast inland. This
became the German colony of Togoland in 1905. After Germany was defeated in
World War I, Britain and France administered Togoland as two League of Nations
mandates. The mandates became UN Trust Territories after World War II. British
Togoland joined the Gold Coast, which in 1957 became the independent nation of
Ghana. In 1959, French Togoland became an autonomous republic of the French
Union until its independence in 1960.
Faure Gnassingbé responded by stepping down, but calling for elections two
months later. While he won the elections there were claims by the opposition of
election fraud. Violence ensued as a result of the elections with more than 400
people were killed, and an estimated 40,000 people fleeing to nearby countries.
The countries reputation was again shaky in the international community as its
promises in 2004 to the European Union to the establish democracy seemed to be
in doubt.
Togo’s economy is small and depends on subsistence and commercial
agriculture. When harvests are normal, Togo is self-sufficient for basic food
goods with only occasional regional supply difficulties. Phosphate mining used
to be the primary industrial activity, but due to increased foreign competition, and
the collapse of world phosphate prices, Togo has been relying more on export of
cement and clinker to nearby countries.
According to a 2014 estimate, the population size is 7,351,374. The population
has been growing steadily with a 2.71 percent growth rate. The rural villages are
devoted to pastures or agriculture and house more than 50 percent of the
Ethnic Groups
Of the 40 ethnic groups in Togo, the main groups are the Kabye’ in the north (22
percent), the Tchamba and Kotokoli in the center, and the largest group, the Ewe
in the south (46 percent). The Ewe make up 21 percent of the population on the
southern coast. Some consider the Ouatchi (14 percent) as a sub-group of the
Ewe, while the French government considers them separate and divided the Ewe
and Ouatchi in 1955. Another 8 percent are made up of the Mossi, Mina and Aja
groups, and the remaining 1 percent are Europeans who are there for economic
reasons or act as diplomats.
29 percent of the population is Christian and 20 percent is Muslim, however
despite these influences over half of the population (51 percent) practices
indigenous beliefs and native animistic practices.
French is the official language and language of commerce. Major African
languages include Ewe and Gen in the south and Kabiyé and Kotokoli (or Tem) in
the north.
Economics play a role in the health of the population with roughly half living
below the international poverty line and a health expenditure at 8% of the GDP.
According to 2014 figures, the infant mortality rate is at 46.73 deaths per 1,000
live births, and life expectancy at birth is 53.34 for males and 66.71 for females.
Compulsory for six years, the educational system in Togo has struggled with
teacher shortages, lower quality in rural areas and high dropout rates and grade
The movement towards democracy is in doubt in Togo. President Gnassingbé
Eyadéma’s rule ended on February 5, 2005 when he became gravelly ill and died
midflight over Tunisia while being transported by plane for care in another
country. He had governed over a one party system during most of his rule. His
successor should have been the President of the Parliament, Fambaré Ouattara
Natchaba, until a new election within sixty days according to the Togolese
constitution. However Natchaba was out of the country in Paris, and the Togolese
army, known as Forces Armées Togolaises (FAT) closed the nation’s borders
forcing his Air France plane to land in Benin instead. The army declared that the
communications minister, Eyadéma’s son Faure Gnassingbé, would be the
successor. The following day Parliament also changed the constitution
retroactively so that Faure would finish out his father’s term and rule until the
next elections in 2008. Faure Gnassingbé was sworn in February 7 2005 with
parliament moving to remove Natchaba as president under the justification that
he was out of the country.
The takeover received international criticism with the African Union calling it a
military coup and the United Nations also putting on pressure. In Togo there were
many riots and uprisings such as a large civilian uprising followed by a massacre
by government troops in the town of Aného. This event went largely unreported
and the total violence left several hundred dead mainly in the south. Faure
Gnassingbé resigned on February 25th and agreed to hold new elections.
However he accepted the nomination and ran again in April. On April 24 2005 he
defeated his chief rival Robert Akitani from the Union des Forces du Changement
(UFC). The official records note he won over 60 percent of the vote but fraud is
suspected since there was no independent oversight such as the European
Union. Other allegations are that ballot boxes were stolen from southern polling
stations and shutdowns of telecommunications were imposed to impact the
results. Until the inauguration Deputy President, Bonfoh Abbass, was declared
the interim President by Parliament. Current president Faure Gnassingbé was
sworn in on May 3, 2005.
Later that year in August the government and the opposition signed the
Ouagadougou agreement, which called for a transitional government that would
organize parliamentary elections. However on September 16, 2005 the president
snubbed the major opposition party, Union of the Forces of Change (UFC), by
nominating a member of the Action Committee for Renewal (CAR) as prime
minster. The UFC responded by refusing to join the government. On September
20, 2006, professor Léopold Gnininvi member of the Democratic Convention of
African Peoples (CDPA) was appointed.
Elections finally took place in October 2007 after several delays. These elections
used proportional representation, which allowed the less densely populated north
to have the same number of MPs as the more heavily populated south.
The Rally of the Togolese People (RPT) party, which was backed by the president,
won the outright majority. However the election was the subject of fraud
allegations such as illegal voting and cancelled ballots, mostly in RPT
strongholds, despite the presence of EU observers. Ultimately the international
community considered the election fair and praised the system since there was
little violence or intimidation. This was a first since a multiparty system was
reinstated. The UFC came in second and other parties did not have significant
representation. On December 3, 2007 RPT member Komlan Mally was appointed
as Agboyibor’s successor as prime minster. This was short lived as he resigned
less than a year later on September 5, 2008.
Many ethnic groups influence the culture of Togo, predominantly the Ewe,
Tchamba, Tem, Mina, and Kabre. While French is the official language of Togo,
other languages include indigenous ones including Mina, Aja, Ewe, Kotokoli,
Bassar, Akessele, Kabiyé, and Losso.
Culture and indigenous beliefs are displayed through art work such as statuary,
wood carvings, and hunting trophies rather than the more common African
masks. The famous statuettes of the Ewe are created for the worship of the ibeji.
Another prominent example is the “chains of marriage” wood carving from the
artisanal center of Kloto which uses only one piece of wood to show two
characters connected through rings. They also use dyed fabric batiks to create
colorful stylized depictions of the average day of their ancestors. Also famous are
the ceremonial loincloths of the weavers of Assahoun. The wind swept arid lands
inspire painter Sokey Edorh. Finally one can see the pyroengraving (“zota”)
plastic works for internationally recognized technician Paul Ahyi in the capital
city of Lomé.
At the Olympics
Togo made won its first medal ever on August 12, 2008 with a bronze from
Benjamin Boukpeti (son of a Togolese father and French mother) in the Men’s K1
Kayak Slalom.
While football is the most popular sport, Togo was a minor presence
internationally until recently when they qualified for the 2006 FIFA World Cup.
Emmanuel Adebayor, considered the star player, is often credited with their
qualification. Unfortunately their participation was plagued by scandal such as
problems within the Togolese Football Association and between the association
and players regarding financial bonuses. Ultimately the team coach, Otto Pfister,
resigned and a potential boycott of their game against Switzerland was averted
when FIFA satisfied the players’ demands. In the following months two other
players were dismissed over negative remarks about the association’s
While Togo was knocked out of the tournament, it did develop a “Supporters
Club” in such places as Scotland and Ireland.
The Togo National Football team made the news again in January 2010 when their
team bus was fired upon while they were attending the African Nations Cup in
Angola. Two players were injured and the team spokesman, bus driver, and
assistant coach were killed. At the request of the government, the Togo team
withdrew from the tournament.
AUGUST 2, 2019
More information about Togo is available on the Togo Page and from other
Department of State publications and other sources listed at the end of this fact
The United States established diplomatic relations with Togo in 1960, following
until his death in 2005. The current president, Faure Gnassingbe, is Eyadema’s
son. While Faure came to power in a flawed 2005 election, the international
generally free and fair. Togo went through a period of political upheaval in 2017
and early 2018 as the historically divided opposition united in an effort to prevent
President Faure Gnassingbe from standing for a fourth presidential term in 2020.
two terms. These reforms, however, are not retroactive, allowing President Faure
the ability to stand for the 2020 and 2025 elections. In June 2019, the government
held local elections for the first time in 32 years, expanding the number of elected
economic reforms over the last several years, including professionalizing the
security forces, in part through U.S. assistance. Togo launched a realistic and
development and economic initiatives. The United States and Togo have good
relations and the United States seeks to work with Togo to consolidate
In fiscal year 2018, the United States provided approximately $14 million in
international military education and training aid. Although USAID does not have a
are present. The USAID West Africa Regional Mission located in Accra, Ghana
million a year for family planning and $1 million a year for HIV/AIDS programs. In
fiscal year 2020, PEPFAR will start a two-year, $18 million program in Togo.
The Peace Corps established its presence in Togo in 1962, and has 84 volunteers
in the field, working on projects in agriculture, education, and health. Togo has
title sector.
Bilateral Economic Relations
Togo has a market-oriented economy, and the country is eligible for preferential
trade benefits under the African Growth and Opportunity Act. Togo hosted the
2017 Africa Growth and Opportunity Act Forum. The United States has a
significant trade surplus with Togo. U.S. exports to Togo include fuel oil,
vehicles, petroleum products, machinery, and food products, while U.S. imports
from Togo include cocoa and coffee. Togo’s export processing zone, established
the export market. A 100-megawatt power plant is among the largest electricity
investments in Togo and one of the largest single private U.S. investments in
West Africa. The two countries have signed a treaty on investment and economic
relations. The United States also has a trade and investment framework
agreement with the West African Economic and Monetary Union, of which Togo is
a member. Togo is working with the United States and other development
has the deepest port on the west coast of Africa. The government is working to
expand the port and road network to make Togo a better option for regional
Togo’s Membership in International Organizations
Togo and the United States belong to a number of the same international
Bilateral Representation
The U.S. Ambassador to Togo is Eric Stromayer; other principal embassy officials
Modern Flag of Togo
Diplomatic Relations
Diplomatic relations were established on April 27, 1960, when the American
consulate at Lomé was raised to Embassy status with Jesse M. MacKnight as
Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.
Togo (1960-present)
Pre-Crisis Phase (April 27, 1960-November 30, 1961): Togo formally
achieved its independence from United Nations trusteeship under
French administration on April 27, 1960. Sylvanus Olympio of the
Committee of Togolese Unity (Comité de l’Unité Togolaise-CUT) was
elected without opposition to a seven-year term as president on April 9,
1961. Legislative elections were held on April 9, 1961, and the
Committee of Togolese Unity (Comité de l’Unité Togolaise-CUT) won 52
out of 52 seats in the National Assembly. A new constitution was
approved in a referendum on April 9, 1961.