Sulzer Fractional Crystallization

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Fractional crystallization is a purification technique that relies on liquid-solid phase transitions to separate mixtures into pure components. It is commonly used to purify organic materials and can separate mixtures that form azeotropes.

Fractional crystallization is commonly used to purify organic materials like isomer separations, tar chemical mixtures, organic acids, and monomers.

Some advantages of fractional crystallization include high selectivities, high purities, reduced number of stages, lower operating temperatures, reduced thermal degradation, and the ability to separate azeotropes.

Fractional Crystallization

Fractional Crystallization
Fractional Crystallization

Crystallization is one of the most powerful purification methods available in pro-

cess engineering. Fractional crystallization is a stagewise separation technique Melt
that relies upon liquid-solid phase transition and enables multicomponent mix- r ate

tures to be split into narrow fractions, ultimately leading to top purities of selected A se
para B sep
components, through the virtue of selectivity found in solid liquid equilibria. Frac- tes B solid + melt
A solid
tional crystallization is most frequently encountered in the separation of organic + melt
materials ranging from isomer separations to tar chemical mixtures and from A + B solid
organic acids to monomers. A Eutectic composition B

Figure 2a: Immediate implications that arise

from the eutectic phase diagram are that a
Fractional Crystallization single stage crystallization produces a pure
published equilibrium data, extensive crystalline component and that the yield is
from Melts from Solvents laboratory and pilot testing are prere- limited by the eutectic point.

Higher operating Lower operating quisites for successful process design.

temperature temperature The majority of binary and multicom-
Good selectivity Improved selectivity ponent systems form eutectics which Melt
theoretically allow crystallization of a olid
melt + s

Higher viscosity Reduced viscosity

specific pure component in a single
Moderate growth rate Enhanced growth rate step (Figure 2a). Even where solid Solid
Compact equipment Larger equipment solutions occur (Figure 2b), separati-
No solvent recovery Solvent recovery on factors are often higher than those
required attainable by distillation. A Melt Solid B
Figure 1: The influence of the liquid phase Figure 2b: When both solids are completely
structure on crystallization. The phase diagrams clearly demon- soluble in one another the system is said to
strate that pure A and pure B crystals constitute a simple series of solid solutions.
can in principle be obtained over a range Liquid and solid coexist in equilibrium in the
Liquid Phase Structure
of temperatures and concentrations as region between the freezing point curve and
Crystallization can be performed both indicated by the corresponding free- the melting point curve, and it is within this
from melts and from solutions. The zing point curves. It is further evident region that phase separation is effected.
addition of solvents generally reduces that any mother liquor, coexisting with p - NCB
the operating temperature and incre- any species being crystallized, must m - NCB Product 80
ases the selectivity of purification. The be less pure than the crystals them- 70
presence of solvents leads to reduced selves. In such cases, the crystalline 60

viscosity and, in some cases, modifies

Temperature ( oC)

phase is covered by impure mother 40
crystal habit. On the other hand, the liquor which should be removed in or-
absence of a solvent involves smaller der to secure purity. For this reason 20

equipment volumes and does not re- the removal of residual mother liquor 0 10
10 0
quire additional equipment to recover
C B (% )

in order to secure a pure product is an 20 -10

the solvent. important operation both in large scale
Residue -20
tion o - N

plants and in the laboratory. 50

Phase Equilibria Melt crystallization does not require a

60 70
70 60

Solid liquid phase equilibria are shown solvent. The feedstock is heated until 80 40 NCB
C oncen

30 p-
in phase diagrams and classified as molten, and the melt is then cooled un- 100
eutectic or solid solutions. In multi- til partially frozen. Figure 3 shows how o - NCB C on
component systems many combina- the para isomer can be crystallized out Figure 3: Phase diagram of
tions of eutectic and solid solution be- of a molten mixture of nitrochloroben- Nitrochlorobenzene. Separation of the para
haviour are known. In the absence of zene isomers. isomer is shown.

Crystallization Techniques

Industrial crystallization features generation of crystals by nucleation, crystal

growth and the recovery of crystals from residual mother liquor. Both generation
and recovery of crystals can be performed either from suspension or through a
crystal layer.

Crystal Melt Cooled wall Crystal layer Melt

Figure 4: Figure 5:
Suspension crystallization. Individual crystals Layer Crystallization. Crystal mass is frozen
are freely suspended in liquid. Crystallization onto the cooling surface. Crystallization
proceeds by cooling the liquid. proceeds by cooling the crystal mass.

Crystallization in Suspension Layer Crystallization Two different systems are generally

With this technique a melt or a solu- Crystals are allowed to grow onto a used:
tion is cooled below saturation tempe- cooled surface (Figure 5). Crystals – Static Crystallization: crystals are
rature. Crystals grow under adiabatic grow in a non adiabatic environment grown from a stagnant melt.
conditions with supersaturation as dri- in such a way that subcooling is sup- – Falling Film Crystallization: the li-
ving force being present throughout the plied through the crystal layer rather quid is moved in relation to the solid
liquid phase. A very special knowhow than through the liquid phase. The surface.
is required to secure crystal shape, driving force results from the net ef-
crystal size and crystal size distribution. fect of temperature and concentration Crystallization from a falling film is a
Since the product from suspension gradients across both solid and liquid proprietary technology of Sulzer Chem-
crystallization is a slurry, the separa- phase. Under these conditions crystal tech Limited.
tion of residual mother liquor from large growth rate is 10 to 100 times faster
specific surface area is usually carried than in suspension crystallization.
out in dedicated equipment.

Falling Film Crystallization

Phase 1: Crystallization
A crystalline layer is grown from a falling film of melt on the inside of a tube
which is cooled externally by a cocurrent falling film of a HTM.

Phase 2: Partial melting (Sweating)

The tube wall is heated to induce partial melting (sweating); the molten material
is drained off.

Phase 3: Melting
The remaining crystal layer is molten and collected as (intermediate) product.

Figure 6: Phases of operation of the Falling Film Crystallization.

Figure 7 is a simplified flow diagram.

Crystallizer At the beginning of the first phase,
the collecting tank is filled with molten
Feed feed. Both product and HTM circul-
tion pumps are started, and a layer of
medium frozen product begins to form in the
crystallizer. Consequently, the liquid
Cooling level in the collecting tank falls. When
Intermediate it reaches a preset value, freezing is
storage stopped and the collecting vessel is
vessels drained through the residue line to the
HTM battery limit or, in multistage operation,
conditioning unit to intermediate storage vessels.
In the sweating phase which follows,
HTM circulation warm HTM is circulated. Sweat frac-
pump tion is collected until a preset level is
reached in the collecting vessel. It is
then pumped back to the respective
Melt circulation pump Collecting tank
storage vessel.
Residue Product
Figure 7:
Basic flow diagram.

During the third phase, the remaining Feed
solid layer is melted into the collecting
vessel and then transferred to the pro-
duct storage or, in multistage opera-
tion, used for the subsequent purifica-
tion step.

Any degree of purity can be obtained Stripping Feed Recti-

by using the intermediate product as stage stage fication
feedstock and repeating the procedure. Residue

In a similar way, the residue drained

off in the first phase may be further Figure 8: Mass flows in a three-stage process.
depleted by additional melt/freezing
processes to give enhanced yield.

Figure 8 illustrates a three-stage pro-

cess. In industrial application, the
number of stages varies between one
and seven.

Note: Staging does not require multiple

crystallizers. The steps run in sequen-
ce in a single crystallizer.

Figure 9:
Small capacity plant (10 tons/year). Fully
automated plant to produce high purity
hydrazine used as propellant for satellites.
The plant has been built for the European
Space Agency. 0691 2804

The Falling Film Crystallizer

Melt inlet Figure 10 shows the key piece of

Distribution equipment in the process. Basically it
consists of a system of vertical tubes.
However, there is a special feature;
HTM neither the shell side nor the inside of
Distribution the tubes is filled with liquid. Falling
Cooling/Heating films are used instead. The product
medium flows down on the inside surface of the
Falling film
tubes, whereas the liquid used for coo-
ling and heating is distributed to wet the
external surface of the tubes. During
freezing (phase 1), cold HTM is used to
Falling film
chill the tubes. Partial melting (phase 2)
is in-duced by raising the temperature
of the HTM, and the final melting (pha-
se 3) is achieved by applying higher
temperatures. The distribution system
is designed to equalize flow through
Collecting vessel the tubes. Optimum performance is
achieved through accurate control of
the heating and cooling profiles.
Figure 10:
Falling film crystallizer. Melt outlet

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Crystallization Partial melting Melting
Figure 11: Process phases.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Figure 12:
Temperature-time profile of the Falling Film
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Crystallization.

0690 2814-3

Figure 13:
Installation of a crystallizer in an existing

Figure 14:
0696 2803 Acrylic Acid plant at BASF Antwerpen.

Static Crystallization

Static melt crystallization is a very simple Cooling/Heating medium

process using cooled plates immersed
in stagnant melt (Figure 16). The free-
zing process is time-controlled.

Melt inlet


Melt outlet

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

Crystallization Draining Partial melting (sweating) Melting
Figure 15: Process phases.

Figure 16 shows how the HTM tem-

perature is lowered according to a
program which has been established
by pilot tests. After a crystal layer has
formed, the melt is drained off and
sweating is induced in a way similar to

the falling film process. The sweated

fraction is removed and the remaining
crystal layer is melted and passed to a
storage tank.
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4
Figure 16: Temperature-time profile.

Figure 17:
Paraffin plant at SCHÜMANN SASOL, Germany (100´000 tons/year).

Technical data and dimensions

Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Effective volume m3 1.8 3.5 7.6 10.4 18 26.1 35 42 50

Lenght* mm 1‘910 2‘910 4‘210 4‘910 4‘910 8‘060 8‘060 9‘460 9‘460

Width* mm 1‘020 1‘160 1‘510 1‘710 2‘700 2‘400 3‘090 3‘130 3‘640

Height* mm 3‘570 3‘570 3‘570 3‘570 3‘570 3‘570 3‘570 3‘570 3‘570

Weight (empty) kg 3‘200 5‘600 10‘300 13‘500 21‘000 30‘500 39‘000 46‘000 54‘000

Heat transfer
liquid flow rate m3/h 16 35 70 95 165 240 315 380 450

* Overall dimensions incl. supports

All dimensions are for reference only and are subject to change.

Crystallization with Heat Pump Technology

Process and Equipment Description based on the

example p-Xylene
purified p-Xylene while impurities are concentrated in the
Basics remaining melt. After the crystal layer is grown a heating
The process involves repetitive crystallization of the isomer phase follows to sweat the crystal layer and to separate
mixture. It is based on the principle of forming a crystal adhering or trapped mother liquor. Finally the crystals are
layer on a cooled heat exchange surface. The solid is the melted off the tubes.

Falling film Falling film

refrigerant refrigerant
Crystallizer Crystallizer
Product Product Product Product
Residue Residue Residue Residue
Product pump Feed Productpump Feed

Refrigerant Refrigerant
separator separator
Compressor Refrigerant Compressor Refrigerant
pump pump

Aux. Aux.
Aux. Cond. Evap. Aux. Cond. Evap.

Cooling water Steam Cooling water Steam

Figure 18: Heat pump crystallization.

Case 1:
19-24% Prepurification 90-99% Fractional 99.7-99.9%+ 10
mixed p-Xylol
p-X Section p-X Crystallization p-X
Prepurification 0
Temperature ( oC)

Case 2: -10
Separation Co- 19-23% Prepurification 99-99.5% Fractional 99.7-99.9%+
lumns Section Crystallization -20
p-X p-X p-X

Case 3:
80-90% 99.7-99.9%+ -40
Toluene Toluene Dispropor- Separation Fractional
tionation Columns p-X Crystallization p-X -50
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Benzene p -Xylene (%)

Figure 19: Flow diagrams of 3 different cases.. Figure 20: Phase diagram of p-Xylene.

Heat Pump Crystallizers In order to switch cooling/heating mode Low Energy and Investment Costs
The key equipment of the process are at the end of the crystallization or mel- The heat pump concept improves p-
the heat pump crystallizers. Depen- ting, the feeding of liquid refrigerant Xylene crystallization significantly:
ding on the plant capacity two or more and vapour to the crystallizers is stop-
1. Energy costs are reduced due to
crystallizers of equal size are used ped. Remaining refrigerant is drained
the use of condensation enthalpy
per plant. These crystallizers are inte- into the receiver. The process is then
for crystal melting. And evaporati-
grated in the heat pump refrigeration continued by heating the crystallizer
on energy is higher due to direct
cycle. The crystallizers are designed to containing the crystals and by cooling
cooling inside of the crystallizer
allow switching between cooling with the other crystallizer to start with a new
liquid refrigerant and heating with re- crystallization stage.
2. A minimum of equipment is re-
frigerant vapour. Whilst one crystallizer The compressor for the plant operates
quired since process energy is di-
operates in the crystallization mode as in a defined pressure range. When the
rectly used within the crystallizer.
an evaporator, the other one operates pressure exceeds the upper or lower
Refrigeration unit is only equipped
in the sweating or melting mode as a set point vapour is condensed or liquid
with auxiliary heat exchangers to
condenser. evaporated in an auxiliary condenser
eliminate excess energy and to fa-
The heat pump crystallizer basically and evaporator.
cilitate start-up.
consists of a system of vertical ele-
ments used as heat transfer surface.
The isomer mixture enters at the top
of the elementes. Distributors put the
liquid in a falling film flow to the outside
surface of the tubes. The refrigerant for
cooling is distributed at the top through
an internal tube to wet the inside of the
crystallizer tubes.

Liquid refrigerant is pumped from the
receiver to one crystallizer and is distri-
buted inside the crystallizer tubes. The
temperature level within the crystallizer
is controlled by a valve controling the
evaporation pressure. The low pres-
sure vapour flows then via the recei-
ver to the compressor. The vapour is
compressed to a point where it can be
condensed in the other crystallizer, to
sweat or melt the crystals. The con-
densed refrig-erant flows from the cry-
stallizer via a float valve, back to the
receiver. The refrigeration cycle is thus

Figure 21:
p-Xylene plant of
CESPA in Spain. 0698 2804-1

Combinations to Enhance Performance

Falling Film Crystallization – Static Crystallization

Falling Film Cry- Static

Feed stallization Crystallization


Residue Feed Product


Falling Film Cry-


0699 2805

Figure 22: Flow diagram of a plant combining falling film and static crystallization. Figure 24: Acrylic Acid plant at BASF,

Figure 25: Erection of static crystallizers for

Cristallization – Distillation
Paraffin plant in Germany.

Distillation Crystallization

Ortho Isomer

Ortho Feed Para



0699 2801-3
Figure 23: Flow diagram of a plant combining distillation and crystallization.

0699 2804 0694 2816-6

Figure 26: Bisphenol A plant at Abbildung 28: Naphthalene plant a Jining, P. R China.
General Electric Plastics, Spain. (10´000 tons/years)

Figure 27:
Naphthalene plant
at Cindu Chemicals
in the Netherlands
(12´000 tons/year).

Figure 29:
Acrylic Acid plant at LG
Chemical, Korea
0693 2804 (20´000 tons/year). 0699 2802

Fractional Crystallization

Fractional crystallization is used to H H H

purify a wide variety of chemicals.
Plants have been supplied by Sulzer H C C

Chemtech for products such as: H H H


p – cresol
benzoic acid

N H C H3

O caprolactam
C H3
monochloro HO C OH
acetic acid
C H3

bisphenol A
fatty acid

OH naphthalene
H C H3
acrylic acid N O2


More than 250 compounds

have been purified successfully in our C H3

test facilities.

General Characteristics of Crystal- – low operating temperatures due to – separation of mixtures forming
lization the nature of phase equilibria azeotropes
– high selectivities due to regularity – reduced thermal degradation due – can replace chemical separation
of the crystal lattice to lower operating temperatures methods
– high purities due to high selectivi- – energy savings due to lower heats
ties of melting, lower operating tempe-
– reduced number of stages due to ratures and reduced number of sta-
high selectivities ges

Characteristics of Sulzer Chemtech Crystallization Systems

Static Crystallization If you have a separation problem Bench Scale Test

– for medium to high product puri- feel free to consult our crystalliza- Between 2 and 10 kg are sufficient to
ties tion specialists. carry out bench scale tests for a pre-
– for small to large capacities If crystallization is a possible solution liminary assessment on crystallization
– the product is in liquid form they will ask for a sample of crude ma- behaviour, product quality and process
– simple and standardized equip- terial for testing in our well equipped feasibility.
ment laboratories.
– no slurry handling, no filtration Pilot Scale Test
– no moving parts, low maintenance 100 to 800 kg are required for pilot
cost tests. As a result of these investiga-
– ease of scale up since commercial tions, a detailed proposal can be sub-
equipment consists of a multip- mitted which will include a preliminary
le of elements identical to those process flow diagram, an equipment
used in pilot testing list, and plant performance data.
– low labour cost due to micropro-
cessor control
It goes without saying: All work is
– environmentally safe due to inert
done on a strictly confidential basis.
gas blanketing and the absence of

Falling Film Crystallization

– for medium to very high product
– for medium to large capacities
– the product is in liquid form 0690 2816-5
– no slurry handling, no filtration
Figure 30:
– no moving parts, low maintenance
Bench scale test unit.
– ease of scale-up since commercial
equipment consists of a multip-
le of elements identical to those
used in pilot testing
– low labour cost due to automatic
– flexibility due to countercurrent
staging combined with predeter-
mined and carefully controlled 0690 2816-1
mass and energy balance
– ease of restarting the process Figure 31:
without any loss of time or pro- Falling film pilot test unit.
– multipurpose plants
– environmentally safe due to inert
gas blanketing and the absence of
Figure 32:
Mobile pilot plant. 0693 2811


E10561 en 4.2018, Copyright © Sulzer Ltd 2018

This brochure is a general product presentation. It does not provide a warranty or guarantee of any kind. Please, contact us for a description of the warranties and guarantees offered
with our products. Directions for use and safety will be given separately. All information herein is subject to change without notice.

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