D. Capture Tshark Log by Multiple Split File With 150M File Size

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When we want to capture one long CS call/Iu UP (IP), what is the most effective method to
capture Tshark logs :
a. Capture Tshark log continuesly, save in one file.
b. Capture Tshark log by ring buffer method.
c. Capture Tshark log by multiple split file every 30 minutes.
d. Capture Tshark log by multiple split file with 150M file size.

2. In service level measurement, the counter M1001C1 (RRC_CONN_STP_COMP) is updated when :

a. RRC connection setup message sent by the RNC
b. RNC sends a RRC connection reject message to UE
c. RNC receive a RRC connection setup complete message from UE
d. RNC receive a RRC connection request message from UE

3. Which doesn’t belong to KPI performance tool family :

a. Reporting suite
b. KPI reporter
c. Report Explorer

4. Which function in RNC manages userplane traffic scheduling and transport layer admission :
b. SCLI prompt
c. IP base route

5. We want to check one software module. The log is big. How we handle in EMIL?
a. Find : message in files
b. File converter and spliter
c. Filter – counter
d. Filter – IMSI

6. When we want to use fishing macro to capture 1 VIP user, which option :
a. DI5 counter trigger fishing
b. Alarm trigger fishing
c. IMSI based monitoring
d. All call in BTS
7. If we want to check NBAP message in call trace view, which sw module should we add to
message monitoring?
a. UER
b. L3C
c. RRC
d. BRM

8. What parameter is used for enabling/disabling cell PCH state in RNC?

a. MSActivitySupervision
b. UL_DL_act_timer
c. CPC Enabled
d. FastPCHswitchEnabled

9. Which statement about ICSU is correct?

a. ICSU also handle the userplane data
b. In IUPS Interface, RANAP protocol is running on ICSU
c. RSMU handle the call trace
d. Forced ICSU switcover will not cause call drop

10. Which tool is convenient to use in taking RNC config include computer log?
a. Clog and config wizard
b. Megamon
d. Rnclogcol

11. Interface OMS-mcRNC based protocol?

a. EMT
d. Telnet

12. Which fsclish command shows possible process crashed occurs in RNC?
a. Show crash contents
b. Show hw state list
c. Show troubleshooting z-commands zmem
d. Show troubleshooting blacbox list
13. What tool is used to configure settings for interface to netact from OMS?
a. Object Browser
b. Parameter tools
c. Web user interface
d. CMD line

14. What is command for unlock account?

a. Fsusermod
b. Fspasswd
c. Fshascli
d. Pam_tally2

15. Default password for root at clean installation?

a. Rastre1
b. Root
c. Password
d. Administrator

16. What is “zstatus -d” for

a. Status OMS installation progress
b. Current version of OMS software
c. Status of OMS web user interface service
d. List of disable recovery grup, units and process

17. In HSDPA data transfer, if the mas number of retransmission is exceeded, certain HARQ flow the
corresponding MAC-hs will be cleared. In this case which of the following counters will most likely
will be triggered?
a. M5000C46 (DISC_MAC_HS_PDU_T1)

18. During Clean USB Installation, where is the installation log written?
a. OMS/var/log
b. OMS/var/log/oms
c. OMS/home/Nemuadmin
d. USB stick /log/
19. What IP port is used for BTSOM traffic?
a. 22
b. 80
c. 443
d. 8002

20. RRC and RAB connection can be divided into 3 phases. Which is NOT?
a. Setup
b. Access
c. Active
d. State transition

21. What Linux command is used to print lines matching the specific pattern?
a. Grep
b. Less
c. Tail
d. Nano

22. Which of the following KPI is normally referring to network accessibility?

a. Call setup success ratio
b. Call access failure rate
c. Dropped call ratio
d. Call holding time

23. Which command is used to take computerlog from chorus unit?

b. Clog -sa
d. Clog -log

24. What alarms CANNOT be seen from Fault Management application?

a. NBxxx WBTS alarms
b. Flexi WBTS FTM alarms
c. AXC alarms
d. OMS application alarms
25. Which Service Terminal command is used to define message monitoring criteria?

26. In mcRNC3.0 eSW upgrade should be performed

a. Before application SW installation from new SW build
b. After Application installation referring to base package version
c. Every time when application SW is upgrade
d. No need to perform

27. If some parts of application launcher are NOT properly loaded or completed, how to correct the
a. Close AL and reopen it
b. Delete the cached AL applications
c. Reset OMS
d. Restart PC

28. What is the correct command for checking disk space usage?
a. Df -h
b. Cat/proc/mdstat
c. Fshascli -r/
d. Tail -f

29. How to check status of RAID rebuild process disk mirroring?

a. Cat/proc/scsi/scsi
b. Cat/proc/mdstat
c. Fdisk -l
d. Hpaducli -f

30. What command is used to check OMS memory usage?

a. Df
b. Free
c. Zomscli
d. Zstatus
31. Which BTS log can be captured by fishing macro?
a. BTS TTI trace
b. BTS comp error log
c. BTS snapshot
d. BTS RF log

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