Smart Coding Technology

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Smart Coding Technology

Panasonic Video surveillance systems


Table of contents
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1
2. Panasonic’s Smart Coding Technology ................................................................. 2
3. Technology to assign data only to subjects to be monitored ............................ 3
3.1. GOP Control ................................................................................................... 3
3.2. Auto-VIQS Control .......................................................................................... 6
3.3. Smart Facial Coding ........................................................................................ 6
4. Noise Reduction Technology for Panasonic H.264 cameras................................. 7
4.1. 3D-MNR .......................................................................................................... 7
4.2. FDF.................................................................................................................. 8
5. Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 9
1. Introduction

Advancements in video surveillance techniques since the launch of IP cameras have seen
many technological advances that have delivered increased resolution and improved picture
quality through better lenses, sensor and image processing technology. These advancements
are capable of bringing much needed improvements in evidential image quality and enable the
user to realize the investment made in CCTV through deliverable results in terms of clear

Delivering these advancements requires additional design thinking in terms of total bit rate
throughput. Typically higher resolutions FHD & 4K require much greater bandwidths that
impact on the design and cost of both the network to stream high definition images across and
the recording hard drive capacity needed to store them on. System designers now not only
need to think in terms of the angle of view or depth of field that a camera needs to produce but
also to think of the content within the camera image in terms of what is useful and what is not.
For example streaming and recording scenes in high definition of empty streets devoid of
movement, people or cars, or the skyline creates lots of useless image data that requires lots of
bandwidth to stream and store.

Panasonic have now developed a cost viable solution to the high definition bandwidth problem
by enabling important content to stream as high definition whilst economizing or eliminating on
unimportant content in an image. This technology is called Panasonic Smart coding and its
employment reduces the total cost of ownership and makes the investment in high definition
within the reach of a much wider section of the video surveillance marketplace.

2. Panasonic’s Smart Coding Technology

Smart Coding is a license free feature available on *Panasonic i-PRO and i-PRO Extreme cameras.
Total bit rate throughput can be reduced by combining the two main technologies that make up
the Panasonic Smart Coding innovation;

1. Technology that assigns high resolution data to important content, such as people or
2. Technology to reduce noise generated in low-illumination environments or at night
therefore eliminating the streaming of noise seen as movement in current compression

As we are eliminating the unnecessary streaming or high resolution data even greater results in
overall bit rate throughput can be saved by combining Smart Coding with Panasonic
high-resolution 4K surveillance cameras.

Panasonic’s Smart Coding Technology is based on the coding of the moving video standard, as
such special modules and the like are not needed for display or playback by a client who is
employing this technology.

The two technologies that make up the Panasonic Smart Coding innovation are made of several
elements that are described as follows;

3. Technology to assign data only to subjects to be
Bit rate is sufficiently assigned to subject matter that is important, such as people or cars and
therefore needs to be streamed and recorded as high definition video. However, so
background elements such as walls and roads are not so important therefore as content does
not really need to be as sharp, so lower or no bit rate is assigned to it. Overall the total bit rate
that needs
ds to be streamed and recorded is reduced. This technology uses various techniques to
accomplish the overall reduction in throughput as follows;

3.1. GOP Control

he video stream is comprised of I-frame
I frame data encoded closed in the screen (as still image) and
frame data where the difference from the previous frame is encoded. If the refresh cy
cycle is
set to 1 second (the default setting for Panasonic cameras) at a frame rate of 30 fps, stream
data is generated where 29 P-frames
P frames follow after one II-frame.
frame. The data from this I-frame
frame to the
next I-frame
frame is called Group of Picture (GOP).
To play back stream data generated in this way, decoding must be done in order from the
frame. For that reason, the I-frame
I frame is also called the reference frame. If the refresh interval
(interval between I-frames)
I frames) is long, much decoding must be performed until
until playing back the
end frame of that GOP.
frames encode the entire screen, so the volume of data is large. P-frames
P frames encode the
difference from the previous frame, so the volume of data becomes smaller.

Figure 1 : The image

e of video stream

Figure 2 : The encoded
ncoded volume of II-picture
picture and P-picture
P picture

The GOP Control function detects motion of subjects and makes the interval between I--frames
shorter if there is motion or longer if there is no motion.
motion By making the interval longer in scenes
with no motion,
motion, the number of I-frames
I frames with large data volume can be reduced, greatly
reducing the total bit rate.
rate. And in scenes with motion,
motion, the interval is made shorter to secure
accessibility to scenes the user wants to view.

Figure 3 : The difference of II-frame

frame insertion interval

Panasonic H.265 cameras have been given an Advanced mode in addition to conventional GOP
control described on the previous page.
The reference frame structure in Advanced mode is shown in Figure 4
Advanced mode utilizes the concept of long term prediction frames.
frame Its
ts reference frame structure
consist of I-frames, P-frames
frames, which refer
reference two frames (an
( I-frame
frame and the previous PP-fra
frame), and
key frames (P#30,#60,),
(P#30,#60,) which reference
reference the first I-frame(IDR)
frame(IDR) in the GOP.

Figure 4 shows the reference relationship at 30 fps with an II-frame
frame interval of 60 sec and key frame
interval of 1 sec.

Figure 4 ; reference frame structure of Advanced mode

Iff there are no key frames in the GOP, decoding needs to be done sequentially from the II-frame
frame at the
head of the GOP. However, key frames can be decoded using just the I-frame.
I frame. For example, if key
frames are present in the GOP, #61can be displayed by decoding just IDR#0, P#60, and P#61.
Additionally, by
by inserting key frames, random accessibility can be secured.
The Advanced mode improves prediction efficiency by using two reference P
frames and
reduces the bit rate by expanding the II-frame
frame interval whilst maintaining random

3.2. Auto-VIQS
Auto VIQS Control
VIQS (Variable Image Quality on Specified area) Control can automatically determine
areas with and without motion and therefore reduces
reduce the data volume of those without motion.
In the example below Auto-VIQS
Auto VIQS has realized two areas of importance that have a lot of
movement (seen in red) and one area of little or no movement (seen in yellow).

Figure 5 : Left: Original image. Right: The image is an example of separate a still area and an
area with motion.

3.3. Smart Facial Coding

Smart Facial Coding reduces bit rate by detecting the face and motion areas and keeping the face area
at high image quality, slightly reducing high
frequency components of the moti
motion areas,, and reducing
frequency components of other still areas.

igure 6 : Smart Facial Coding explanatory diagram

Smart Facial Coding and Auto-VIQS

Auto can be selected independent of GOP control on H.265 cameras.

4. Noise Reduction Technology for Panasonic H.264 cameras
Noise from image sensors at night or in other low
illumination environments cause unnecessary
data volume as noise is seen as movement with current compression technologies
technologies.. The data
created rises in volume with higher resolution cameras like 4K that are often less effective at
low light and therefore create more noise.
Panasonic have created two technologies to provide a more effective response to noise
generated which when employed can reduce data volume by 20% in comparison with
conventional camera noise reduction techniques. These two technologies are explained below;

4.1. 3D--MNR
process Noise Reduction (3D
MNR) analyzes differences in signal level and reduces
grainy noise generated in low-illuminance
low illuminance environments to achieve a low bit rate. Noise
generation patterns can be estimated
estimated and predicted by individual luminance level using
Panasonic’s own noise reduction algorithm. Noise generated when increasing gain to secure
brightness in video is
is reduced by individual pixel accurately and in fine detail.

Figure 7 : The image diagrams for the description of 3D-MNR


First, noise detection is performed with high precision by creating statistics for the difference of
the signal level of the surrounding pixels by luminance level, deciding the threshold, and
estimating a noise model in advance. Pixels with a signal level lower than the threshold are
averaged with the surrounding pixels to reduce noise. A Bayes mathematical estimation is then
performed on the estimated noise model and the noise model that shifts in the time axis

direction. If the patterns are similar, they are reduced as noise; if they differ, the afterimage is
minimized as motion.
Up to approx. 25% of data can be reduced by this function

4.2. FDF
Frequency Divided Filter (FDF) analyzes frequency and reduces fine noise that is generated at
slightly low illuminance to achieve low bit rate. Images are divided into multiple bands, and an
optimum coring filter for each is applied to enable noise to be reduced while leaving edge
Up to approx. 25% of data can be reduced by this function

Figure 8 : The image diagrams for the description of FDF

Figure 9 : The outline flow of FDF processing

5. Conclusion
Since 1957, Panasonic has over 50 years of experience in the surveillance camera industry and
has served a broad range of customers around the world. Based on the Panasonic group’s
intellectual properties and technologies, Panasonic, the leading company in the audio and video
solution market, continues to develop better video surveillance systems.

Panasonic’s Smart Coding technology is technology to reduce video surveillance system costs. It
concentrates data volume into that for important scenes and areas, and it reduces data
volumes for scenes and areas without motion as well as reduces noise in low-illuminance
situations, enabling data volume to be reduced.

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