Amity Institute: Environmental Studies

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The document provides instructions and content for a competitive examination. It details rules for the examination, sample questions and answers. Various examination centers across India are also listed.

Candidates are instructed to fill details carefully, use pencil/pen, not leave before time is over, and that unfair means can lead to cancellation. They are also told questions will be objective type with 4 alternatives for each, with only one correct answer.

Examination centers mentioned are located in Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, Lucknow, Gwalior and various other cities across different states in India.


Class : III
Date : 23rd November 2017 Max Marks : 80
Time : 11:00 to 12:30 noon

Instructions to Candidates : Roll No.

01. This question paper has 40 objective questions.

In addition to this question paper, you are also Centre No.
given an answer-sheet.
02. Read the instructions carefully for each section
before attempting it.
03. For each correct answer 2 marks will be Male / Female ___________________
awarded and there is no negative marking.
04. On the answer-sheet, fill up all the entries
carefully in the space provided, ONLY IN Name of the candidate : (In English only, as you would
BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS. like it to be printed on the certificate).

05. Incomplete / incorrect / carelessly filled _____________________________________________________________

information may disqualify your candidature.
06. On the answer-sheet, use PENCIL / BLUE
07. No extra sheet will be provided for rough-
work. Use the space available in the paper _____________________________________________________________
for your rough- work.
08. Use of calculator is not permitted.
09. No student is permitted to leave the
examination hall before time is complete.
10. Use of unfair means shall invite cancellation Signature of the Signature of
of the test. invigilator the candidate


Head Office: E-23, Defence Colony, New Delhi - 110024 Ph.: 011-24336143/44, 24331000-2  Amity Contact Points: Delhi
Centres: Amity International School, M Block, Saket, New Delhi Ph.: 011-29563047; Amity International School, Sector 7, Pushp
Vihar, New Delhi Ph.: 011-29561561  East Delhi : Amity International School, Mayur Vihar Phase-I Ext., Delhi, Ph.: 011-22710588,
 Noida: Amity International School, J-Block, First Floor, Amity Campus, Sector-44, Noida-201303, Ph.:0120-2431842, 2431839
 Ghaziabad Centre: Amity International School, HS-1, Sector-1, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad Ph.: 0120-2699456, 2699290, 2699291;
Amity International School Campus, Sec-6, Vasundhara Yojna, Ghaziabad Ph.: 0120-4283778, 2699002  Gurgaon: Amity
International School, Sec-46, Gurgaon, Haryana Ph.: 0124-3240105; Amity International School, Sec-43, Gurgaon, Haryana,
Ph.:0124-2385110  Lucknow: Amity International School, Viraj Khand - 5, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, Ph. : 081-273-
68742/43, 0522-6523892, Amity International School, Sec-8 B, Vrindavan Yojna, Shaheed Path, Lucknow, Amity International
School, SAIL, Jagdishpur, Amethi  Gwalior : Amity International School, Amity University Campus Maharajpura, Airport Road,
Gwalior (M.P.) Ph.: 0751-2496716, 2496711   Website:
Each question has four alternatives marked (A), (B), (C) and (D), but only one
of these alternatives is the correct answer. Find the correct answer.

1. Match the statements of Column-I and Column-II and find the correct
matching, given as one of the four alternatives A, B, C and D.
Column-I Column-II
(a) For carrying people, logs and (i) water streams
heavy trees in forests
(b) For carrying goods and people (ii) ponies and mules
in desert areas
(c) For transporting logs of wood (iii) camels
in hilly areas
(d) For carrying people and field (iv) elephants
products in villages
(e) For carrying goods and luggages (v) bullock carts
in hilly areas
(A) (a) - iii, (b) - iv, (c) - i, (d) - v, (e) - ii
(B) (a) - iii, (b) - iv, (c) - ii, (d) - v, (e) - i
(C) (a) - iv, (b) - iii, (c) - i, (d) - v, (e) - ii
(D) (a) - iv, (b) - iii, (c) - ii, (d) - v, (e) - i
2. Comfortable, safe, fully air conditioned and with low noise level transport
system in big cities consists of
(A) net work of radio taxies (B) trams
(C) low level buses (D) metro trains
3. Which one of the following is not correct about bicycle ?
(A) It is eco-friendly and non-polluting transport vehicle
(B) It keeps rider fit and is a good means of excercise
(C) It requires no licence to drive
(D) It is a fast mode of transportation from one city to the other


EVS - Class - 3, Nov. - 2017

4. Wright brothers (Orville and Wilber), who are credited for flying the world’s
first successful aeroplane, belonged to
(A) Canada (B) USA
(C) England (D) France
5. The best method of communication with large cross-section of people is
possible through
(A) newspaper and radio (B) radio and telephone
(C) television and radio (D) telephone and television
6. Which one of the following is the most important in communication?
(A) Language (B) Sound
(C) Telephone (D) None of these
7. Which one of the following statements is not correct ?
(A) For long distance communication of events, television is used
(B) For instant written communication from distance, computer is
(C) For communication between two distant persons, telephone or
mobile is used
(D) For fast communication of news and events among masses,
newspaper is used
8. For communication between hearing-impaired (deaf) persons, which one of the
following is used ?
(A) Hand spelling
(B) Braille spelling
(C) Simple expressions made by hands
(D) All of the above three modes of expressions
9. White light (which we get from sum) is made up of
(A) three colours (B) five colours
(C) seven colours (D) no colour


10. Match the statements of Column-I and Column-II and find the correct
matching, given as one of the four alternatives A, B, C and D.
Column-I Column-II
(a) A tiny fish with long snake-like tail and (i) frog
named due to shape of its head
(b) Sea animal with four pairs of arms (ii) shark
(c) Aquatic animal which comes (jumps) (iii) octopus
out of water for breathing
(d) An amphibian which breathes through (iv) dolphin
lungs and skin
(e) The largest species of fish which (v) seahorse
breathes through gills
(A) (a) - iii, (b) - v, (c) - ii, (d) - i, (e) - iv
(B) (a) - iii, (b) - v, (c) - iv, (d) - i, (e) - ii
(C) (a) - v, (b) - iii, (c) - ii, (d) - i, (e) - iv
(D) (a) - v, (b) - iii, (c) - iv, (d) - i, (e) - ii
11. Which one of the following statement is not correct ?
(A) Kangaroo rat is a desert rodent which never drinks water
(B) Peacock loves to dance in the rain
(C) Cholera and dysentry are the main diseases that can develop due
to stagnant water
(D) Evaporation, precipitation and condensation are the processes of
water cycle
12. The deepest part of the ocean, the Mariana Trench, is nearly 11,000 metres
below sea level. This is situated in
(A) Pacific ocean (B) Arctic ocean

(C) Atlantic ocean (D) Indian ocean


13. Match the statements of Column-I and Column-II and find the correct
matching, given as one of the four alternatives A, B, C and D.
Column-I Column-II
(a) A piece of land that is almost entirely (i) oasis
surrounded by water but is connected
to the mainland on one side
(b) A barren area of land where water is (ii) plateau
scarce and few plants grow
(c) An isolated area of vegetation where (iii) island
water is available, in a desert
(d) A flat elevated landform that rises (iv) peninsula
sharply above the surrounding area
(e) A piece of sub-continental land that is (v) desert
surrounded by water
(A) (a) - iii, (b) - v, (c) - iv, (d) - i, (e) - ii
(B) (a) - iv, (b) - v, (c) - i, (d) - ii, (e) - iii
(C) (a) - i, (b) - v, (c) - ii, (d) - iii, (e) - iv
(D) (a) - i, (b) - v, (c) - iv, (d) - iii, (e) - ii

14. Which one of the following statements is correct ?

(A) Planet Venus, also called ‘the morning and evening star’ is closest
to the sun
(B) Planet Mercury appear to be the brighest planet because it emits
its own light
(C) In our solar system, Jupiter is the largest planet in mass as well
as volume
(D) Neptune, named after the God of Love, is the farthest planet
from the sun


15. The scientist who studies and explores the solar system, planets, stars,
galaxies, etc., is called
(A) an astrologer (B) an astronomer
(C) an astonaut (D) an astrologist
16. Some of the bodies in our solar system are given in the following crossword.
Count their number.

(A) 8 (B) 9
(C) 10 (D) 11

17. In pre-historic times, people led nomadic life and ate raw meat of animals as
they did not know how to cook food, using fire. No one knows exactly when
and how fire was discovered. The first fire might have started
(A) accidently
(B) by lightning
(C) by ignition of dry leaves due to strong sun rays
(D) by any of the above methods

18. Which of the following sources of energy contribute towards global

warming ?
(A) When we use solar energy
(B) When we use wind energy
(C) When we use coal and petrol energy
(D) Any of the above sources of energy


19. Those substances which are capable of being decomposed by biological
agents, especially bacteria, are called
(A) decomposable (B) biodegradable
(C) ecological (D) recyclable
20. Which of the following are caused by crackers ?
(A) Noise pollution and soil pollution
(B) Air pollution and noise pollution
(C) Air pollution and water pollution
(D) Water pollution and soil pollution
21. Which one of the following statements is not correct ?
(A) Crocodiles and leopards are killed or poached for their skin
(B) It is an offence to kill an animal and the hunter can be jailed for
this offence
(C) Loss of habitat endangers the lives of some species and animals
(D) Human body is not biodegradable
22. Planting of trees is called
(A) tree farming (B) agriculture
(C) afforestation (D) silviculture
23. An apparatus with a portable supply of compressed gas (such as air), supplied
at regulated pressure and used for breathing while swimming underwater, is
(A) diving mask (B) scuba
(C) under water breathing gear (D) portable breathing device
24. Caterpillar grows and changes to become
(A) frog (B) common fly
(C) wasp (D) butterfly
25. The approximate time for which a living thing lives is called its lifespan. Which
of the following animals do not have lifespan between 50 years and 80 years?
(A) Human beings (B) Elephants
(C) Horses (D) None of these


26. Match the statements of Column-I (animals) and Column-II (young ones)
and find the correct matching, given as one of the four alternatives A, B, C
and D.
Column-I Column-II
(a) Cat (i) puppy
(b) Cow (ii) chick
(c) Lion (iii) lamb
(d) Dog (iv) kitten
(e) Sheep (v) cub
(f) Hen (vi) calf
(A) (a) - iv, (b) - v, (c) - vi, (d) - i, (e) - ii, (f) - iii
(B) (a) - iv, (b) - vi, (c) - v, (d) - i, (e) - iii, (f) - ii
(C) (a) - iv, (b) - vi, (c) - i, (d) - v, (e) - iii, (f) - ii
(D) (a) - iv, (b) - v, (c) - i, (d) - vi, (e) - ii, (f) - iii

27. In the following list of plants, count the number of shrubs :

Mint, Jasmine, Henna, Pumpkin, Rose, Eucalyptus, Indigo,
Money plant, Aloe vera, Lavender, Lemon grass,
Coriander, Grapes, Pea tree, Hibicus,
(A) 6 (B) 7
(C) 8 (D) 9

28. Which one of the following statements is not correct ?

(A) Owl is a bird of prey that generally likes to eat rats and small birds. It
can turn its head almost around 360°
(B) Cuckoo does not build its own nest. The female lays her eggs in the
nest of other birds
(C) Stork builds its nest on a tree near water
(D) Duck likes to catch and eat fish in water. It can swim in the water but
cannot fly in the air


29. Match the statements of Column-I and Column-II and find the correct
matching, given as one of the four alternatives A, B, C and D.
Column-I Column-II
(a) A mammal that can fly (i) crane
(b) A bird with long neck and (ii) humming bird
straight beak
(c) A bird which was used as (iii) eagle
carrier of messages
(d) A bird of prey which has large (iv) bat
hooked beak and excellent eyesight
(e) A bird that can fly forward and (v) pigeon
backward. This can also hover
(remain flying in air at one place)
(A) (a) - iii, (b) - v, (c) - iv, (d) - i, (e) - ii
(B) (a) - iv, (b) - i, (c) - v, (d) - ii, (e) - iii
(C) (a) - iv, (b) - iii, (c) - v, (d) - i, (e) - ii
(D) (a) - iv, (b) - i, (c) - v, (d) - iii, (e) - ii
30. This city near sea has a range of tourist attractions including beaches, cliffs,
parks on the hill top facing the sea, a zoological park, wildlife sanctuary, a
submarine museum, etc. This city is also called ‘The Jewel of the East Coast’.
The name of this city is
(A) Vishakhapatnam (B) Machilipatnam
(C) Puri (D) Udupi
31. This is natural environmental area where particular species of animal, plants or
other types of organisms live. This area also provides food, shelter and
protection to its living beings. Such a natural environmental area is called
(A) retreat (B) ambiance
(C) habitat (D) sanctuary


32. Match the statements of Column-I (animals) and Column-II (home/shelter)
and find the correct matching, given as one of the four alternatives A, B, C
and D.
Column-I Column-II
(a) Horse (i) kennel
(b) Cow (ii) tree
(c) Dog (iii) drey/nest
(d) Hen (iv) stable
(e) Squirel (v) coop
(f) Monkey (vi) shed
(A) (a) - vi, (b) - iv, (c) - v, (d) - i, (e) - iii, (f) - ii
(B) (a) - vi, (b) - iv, (c) - v, (d) - i, (e) - ii, (f) - iii
(C) (a) - iv, (b) - vi, (c) - i, (d) - v, (e) - ii, (f) - iii
(D) (a) - iv, (b) - vi, (c) - i, (d) - v, (e) - iii, (f) - ii
33. From the following, the fastest mammal is
(A) eagle (B) cheetah
(C) leopard (D) ostrich
34. From the following list of animals, count the number of omnivores :
Squirrel, Chicken, Rabbit, Monkey, Lion, Elephant, Zebra,
Crow, Cheetah, Dear, Tiger, Pig, Donkey, Gorilla, Goat,
Woodpecker, Leopard, Wolf, Buffalo, Giraffe, Bear,
Kangoroo, Chimpanzee, Wild dog, Human
(A) 10 (B) 9
(C) 8 (D) 7
35. In the list of animal given in the above question, count the number of
(A) 7 (B) 8
(C) 9 (D) 10


36. Which of the following has backbone ?
(A) Earthworm (B) Caterpillar
(C) Fish (D) Jelly fish
37. Find the wrong statement from the following.
(A) Bones are hollow, light but quite strong
(B) Rib cage primarily protects lungs and heart
(C) Heart receives oxygen-rich blood from the lungs and pumps it to
circulate in the body
(D) Muscles work by pushing and not pulling
38. The annoying sound from the housefly is actually made by the flapping of its
wings. Flies can flap their wings as fast as
(A) 200 times per second (B) 500 times per second
(C) 1,000 times per second (D) 2,000 times per second
39. Which one of the following is different from the other three ?
(A) Breeze (B) Cyclone
(C) Tornado (D) Hurricane
40. Republic is a form of government in which power is held by the people
and their elected representatives. There is no queen or monarch in Republic.
India became Republic on
(A) August 15, 1947 (B) January 26, 1950
(C) January 30, 1950 (D) January 26, 1952


1 C 2 D 3 D 4 B 5 C
6 B 7 D 8 A 9 C 10 D
11 C 12 A 13 B 14 C 15 B
16 C 17 D 18 C 19 B 20 B
21 D 22 C 23 B 24 D 25 C
26 B 27 C 28 C 29 D 30 A
31 C 32 D 33 B 34 B 35 D
36 C 37 D 38 C 39 A 40 B


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