CALTEC-LNG Safety Audit
CALTEC-LNG Safety Audit
CALTEC-LNG Safety Audit
Safety Audit
LPG/LNG Layout
Cargo on Board:
PHOTOGRAPHS ................................................................................................ 76
Parts 9, 10, 11 and 13 are not used in this report format
Vessel Name :
Previous Names :
I.M.O. Number :
S.Dwt. :
S. Draft :
G.R.T. :
Built :
Keel Laid :
Flag :
Class :
Breadth :
Depth Moulded :
Cargo capacity :
Total Crew :
Master :
Part Title
Excellent Good Average Poor V. Poor
2 Certification and Documentation
9 Not used
10 Not used
11 Not used
Excellent Good Average Poor V. Poor
Chief Officer
Chief Engineer
2nd Engineer
NB – Off set “X”s are used to indicate degree within the grading.
Date Next Due Port Comments
Port State
(TVEL, LOC etc)
(Mon etc)
National Flag
201 Certification
SOLAS Issued Expiry Ann Due Comments
20101 International Loadline
Other Certificates
20111 U.S. Financial Responsibility
202 Safety Servicing
(Record due dates)
Date Comments
20201 Extinguishers (2yearly) IMO A602(15)
Fixed FE Systems
20202 CO2 system (2yearly) SOLAS I 8
Class Rules
202021 Halon system (2yearly) SOLAS I 8
Class Rules
202022 D.P. System (2yearly) SOLAS I 8
Class Rules
20203 BA Sets (1 year) IGC 14.2.6
(inc Escape & ELSA sets)
202031 CABA cylinders (5yearly) Class Rules
20204 Medical locker (Annually) Recommend
203 ISM Manuals (ISM 11.1)
(List manuals in SMS) Recently Comments
20301 Yes/No
204 Regulatory Publications (ISM 11.1) Edition
IMO Publications
20401 Consolidated SOLAS(2001) Yes/No
(Including 2000 amendments)
204 Regulatory Publications (ISM 11.1) Edition
IMO and Industry Guides
All vessels
20413 Bridge Procedures guide (1998) Yes/No
Other Publications
20428 Flag Regulations Yes/No
204 Regulatory Publications (ISM 11.1) Comments
All Vessels
20430 Approved Loading & Damage Stability Yes/No
Data (IMO A749(18))
301 Crew Management
30101 Manning in compliance with Safe SOLAS V 14.2
Manning Certificate?
30102 Crew qualifications are adequate for STCW AII/4, AIII/4, ISM
trade of vessel? 6.2
301021 Appropriate for flag? (Lib, Pan etc)
30103 Random check of medical certificates ILO II 147
30104 Junior officers suitably
trained/experienced on vessel type?
(Tasco/Gas/Chem/DG/FF etc)
30105 Procedures in place for monitoring and STCW A VIII/1
controlling work hours?(Watch keepers STCW B VIII/1
reqd, recommend for day workers)
305 Drug and Alcohol Monitoring
30501 Alcohol record sheets completed and STCW B VIII/2 5
satisfactory? OCIMF D & A Guide
ISM 10.2.4
30502 Drug & Alcohol Test Equipment in
good order?
30503 Calibration kit available and complete?
30504 Date last calibrated?
Note Dates of tests:
30505 Last unannounced Alcohol test?
305051 Last unannounced Drug test?
307 Miscellaneous
30701 Class quarterly listing available on Obs
30702 Class items up to date and no CCs Obs
30703 DPA identified and known on board? ISM 4
30704 Class Record of Safety Equipment Class Rules
complete and detail correct?
30705 Language in manuals and drawings SOLAS II-1 26.10
for machiney appropriate?
(V/ls built after 1.7.98)
30706 Assessment of potentially dangerous COSWP 17.1.1
spaces made and spaces identified?
30707 Company audit scheme in place, ISM 12.1, 9.1
report available including non-
conformities and close-out system?
30708 Vessel Particulars Questionnaire SIRE 1.14
(VPQ) up-to-date, available and copy Exxon MSC 1.9
lodged with SIRE and/or CDI? (1997
30709 Company has policy of visiting vessels SIRE 5.1.2
at least 6 monthly? (Note date of last
307091 Company audit report available SIRE 5.1.3
including non-conformities and close- ISM 12.1
out system? ISM 9.1
30710 ESP file complete and up to date? SOLAS XI 2
(Reqd on tankers and bulk carriers over IMO A774(18)
5Y old ) SIRE 7.1
30711 Calibration Register maintained? Recommend
30712 Vessel entered in Fuel Analysis
Program? (Note name of Company and if
records maintained)
401 Radars
40101 Two sets fitted and fully operational? SOLAS V
(>3000 GRT)(Functional Independence)
40102 One set 3cm (9 Ghz)? SOLAS V
40103 ARPA fully operational?(if applicable) SOLAS V
33 CFR 164.38
40104 Means provided to allow pro-active Recommend
passage plan monitoring?
(also include turns)
40105 Type approval label attached to 33 CFR 164.38
40106 Gyro/Log inputs operational? 33 CFR 164.38
(Speed input to ARPA water stabilised BPG
only – GPS is not water stabilised) SOLAS V
(If GPS input – post warning sign)
40107 Information on Blind Sectors posted? BPG 4.2.1
40108 Performance monitors fitted and IMO A477(12)
(Check records)
404 Standard and Gyro Compasses
40401 Condition of Standard Compass and
404011 Illumination adequate? SOLAS V 12(b)2
(Not specified in 02 amendments)
404012 Standard Compass Last adjusted? SOLAS V
(recommend annual verification by BPG 4.4.1
404013 Annual verification carried out by Recommend
40402 Gyro Compass fitted and operational? SOLAS V 19.2.5
404021 Gyro Compass Last serviced? Makers Instr.
404022 Repeaters aligned correctly?
40403 Compass errors checked and logged STCW AVIII/2 34.2
each watch? BPG 3.2.5, 4.4.3
40404 Means to take visual bearings SOLAS V
(Repeaters, azimuth rings, also over
reasonable arc of horizon)
40405 Heading input provided to SOLAS V
radar/ARPA, AIS beacon and
407 Other Bridge Equipment
40701 Rudder angle, RPM and Rate of Turn 33 CFR 164.35
(where fitted) visible from conning SOLAS V
(Rate-of-Turn reqd on new (>1.7.02) v/l's
>50000GRT only)
40702 Displayed on bridge wings?
(Suez Canal regs)
40703 GPS and/or Loran fitted and SOLAS V 19.2.4
operational?(Reqd 1.7.02 – replaces DF)
40704 Course recorder fitted, used and time
set to GMT? (Obs on tankers if not fitted)
407041 Event recorder fitted? (to cover ME, Exxon MSC 4.1
helm, Propeller pitch and thruster
movements) (Obs only on tankers)
40705 Quantity and Condition of binoculars?
40706 Clearview screens/wipers
40707 Instructions for routine/emergency Recommend
control of ME posted in wheelhouse?
40708 Instruments operational and labelling
in appropriate language?
40709 AIS Beacon fitted? (New vessels from SOLAS V 19.2.4
1.7.02, existing tanker and passenger
from 1.7.03 and others latest 1.7.06 –
check rule ref GRT)
408 Charts & Publications
40801 Full effective correction/update BPG 4.9.1
package including tracings provided? ISM 11.1
40802 Notices regularly received?
40803 Date and number of last notice
40804 Number of & date last chart update
received?(3 monthly approx)
40805 All charts, publications and Light Lists SOLAS V 27
etc., latest editions and corrected? BPG 4.9.1
(Including electronic charts) ISM 11.1
40806 Chart correction records available? ISM 10.2.4
40807 Random check charts against SOLAS V 27
Cumulative Notice satisfactory? (Voyage charts)
40808 T&P file kept? ANM Instr
40809 Navigation Warning file kept? SOLAS V 27
40810 Sailing Directions Corrections file SOLAS V 27
40811 Full set Publications as per Chart ISM 11.1
40812 Charts / Publications Index corrected? BPG 4.9.1
40813 Is Electronic chart system fitted? SOLAS V
(If so – state type and approval under IMO
408131 What back-up arrangements SOLAS V
408132 Is it operational?
408133 Have officers received training in use STCW A I/
of system?
410 Standing Orders
41001 Bridge Daily Order Book in use and BPG
41002 Copy of Company Standing Orders
41003 Master's personal Standing Orders BPG 1.3.1
41004 Orders signed by Master and all Deck BPG 1.3.1
41005 Bridge resource management policy 33 CFR 157.415
and procedures in place? BPG 1.3
(BPG applies this to all ships)
41006 Company navigation policy and STCW B VIII/2 3-1/4
procedures available on the bridge? Recommend
413 Distress Signals
Note expiry dates for bridge items
41301 Rocket Line (minimum 4 units) SOLAS III 18
41302 Parachute Rockets (minimum 12) SOLAS III 6.3
416 Lifejackets
41601 Sufficient number on bridge? (Min 3) SOLAS III
41602 Location marked by IMO signs? SOLAS III 7 2.2
417 Deck Log Book
41701 Boat/Fire drills held monthly? SOLAS III 19.3
(At least 1 boat and 1fire drill per month)
41702 Bridge Movement Book (i.e. Bell book) SIRE 4.3
written in ball-point? ISM 10.2.4
41703 All sections of log completed and log
up to date?
41704 Standard of entries acceptable? (Inc
CFR entries)
419 Fire Detection System
41901 Operational? SOLAS II-2 52
SOLAS II-2 7.2.1 (New)
Areas Protected?
41902 Weekly testing carried out?
41903 Method of isolating loops provided?
419031 Instructions detailing the procedure Recommend
for isolating loops posted and
41904 Records of testing available? ISM 10.2.4
422 Miscellaneous
42201 Safe access within wheelhouse? COSWP 6.4.3
(No obstructions likely to cause injury)
42202 Permit to work file maintained ISGOTT 2.8.1 & 11.6.1
containing copies of issued permits? TSG 3.5.4
LGHP 9.8.1
422021 Permit system covers hot work,
enclosed spaces, electrical work,
overside work and work aloft?
(Where applicable)
42203 Records of daily soundings ISM 10.2.4
42204 Instrument labelling in language
appropriate to crew?
42205 Condition of masts, stays and fittings?
42206 Wheelhouse visibility? SOLAS V 22
(Applies to vessels built after 1.7.98 and
as far as practicable on existing ships)
423 GMDSS Station
Area of operation? SOLAS IV 7
42301 VHF DSC? SOLAS IV 7.1.1
426 GMDSS Log Book ISM 10.2.4, BPG 3.5.3
42601 Routine entries covering daily SOLAS IV 17
positions and weekly testing of Walky ISM 10.2.1
talkies, lifeboat radio and GMDSS
components and inspection of
EPIRBs, SART’s verified?
42602 Monthly tests of EPIRB and SARTs GMDSS Log
carried out?
42603 Date last check of radio batteries
entered in log book?
42604 Record of battery densities sighted?
42605 Charged automatically? SOLAS IV 13.6.1
430 Radio Aerials
43001 Are aerials and insulators in good
43002 Are aerials rigged out of reach and/or COSWP 22.12.8
safety screens fitted around aerials?
43003 Satcom dome radiation zone marked? COSWP 22.12.2
(Usually 3 metre zone)
431 EPIRBs
43101 Float Free satellite unit? SOLAS IV 7.1.6
43102 Battery/hydrostatic release expiry
43103 Condition of EPIRB and HRU?
501 Muster Lists
50101 Content complies with SOLAS? SOLAS III 37
(Alarms, passenger mustering,
maintenance, key substitutes etc) (as
50102 Sufficient number displayed? SOLAS III 8
50103 Emergency muster information
displayed for shore officials? (Clear
sign posted giving instructions and
emergency signals etc)
50104 Designated communications person SOLAS IV 16
identified? (Should not be Master and
may be in GMDSS Log)
504 Fire Hoses (Internal and External)
50401 General condition, including gaskets
and hose bindings?
50402 Suitable tools present? SOLAS II-2
50403 Nozzles present and in good
504031 Nozzles spray/jet type? SOLAS II-2
(All v/l's after 1986 strong preference on
older vessels)
508 Hospital/Medical Locker
50801 Condition/appearance? ILO Art 14
50802 Are scuppers clear and toilet/sink
water traps full?
50803 Medical Log kept and up to date? ISM 10.2.4
50804 Stretchers suitable for enclosed Medical Scales
space rescue available? MGN 1726
50805 Oxygen equipment available? Medical scales
50806 Personnel trained in the use of the ISGOTT 11.8
equipment? ISM 6.3-6.5
50807 Cylinders full, spares? Medical scales
50808 Pressure test date of cylinders (5Y)?
50809 Resuscitator available on board? ISGOTT 11.8
(For access to dangerous spaces on dry COSWP 4.8.9
vessels) (Recommend on all except COSWP 29.2.13
tanker and Gas where reqd) IGC 14.3.2
510 Internal Accom Fire Dampers
51001 Frequency of operation?
51002 Condition?
51003 Clearly marked?
514 Smoking Restrictions
51401 Are Company and Port smoking COSWP 8.2.2
regulations being complied with?
51402 Are these posted and understood? Recommend
51403 Only safety (self extinguishing) type COSWP 12.7.6
ashtrays in use?
51404 Designated smoking areas identified? ISGOTT 4.8.2
TSG 3.5
51405 Doors and ports in smoking areas Tankers
closed? (Recommend doors fitted with
self-closers if not already)
520 Ventilation and Heating
52001 Operational? COSWP 32.3.2
526 Miscellaneous
52601 Are copies of Officers licences Lib. MR 10.293
52602 Company Safety & Environmental ISM 2.1, 2.2
Policy displayed? (plus D & A Policy )
52603 Condition of service spaces?
601 Survival Craft (lifeboats)
60101 Launch Instructions posted adjacent SOLAS III 9.2.2
and easily seen in emergency IMO A760(18)
60102 Lighting of launch area satisfactory? SOLAS III 11.4
60103 Exterior free of cracks or damage?
60104 External fittings in good condition?
(Including Bowsing Tackle if applicable)
60105 Tricing pennants rigged correctly? SOLAS III 11.8
(If applicable)
60106 Remote release wire free of
flammable materials?
60107 Engine tested weekly? ISM 10.2.1
60108 Waterproof starting/operating LSA
instructions posted nearby?
60109 Fuel tanks full? LSA
60110 Plugs clearly indicated inside boat? LSA
60111 Reflective marking tape fitted? IMO A603(15)
60112 Seat Markings? LSA
60113 Seat belt fittings in good condition?
(All, not just those in way of hatches)
60114 Cleanliness?
60115 Water replaced regularly?
60116 All equipment and small gear correct? LSA 4.4.8
ISM 10.2.1
60117 Number & Call sign marked on LSA
60118 Condition of embarkation ladders? LSA 6.1.6
60119 Lifeboat engines operational? ISM 8
60120 Mountings for SARTs in lifeboats 1m IMO A697(17)
above water level?
Note Expiry Dates
60122 Medical kits LSA 4.4.8
60123 Food packs LSA 4.4.8
60124 Water packs LSA 4.4.8
60125 Hand Flares LSA 4.4.8
60126 Parachute Rockets LSA 4.4.8
60127 Smoke Floats LSA 4.4.8
602 Lifeboat Air Bottles (Where fitted)
60201 Operating instructions posted?
60202 Lifeboat air bottles full and in good LSA 4.8
60203 Pressure test date?
60204 Air pipework in good condition with
no leaks present?
60205 Filling hose (high pressure) available?
60206 Air pressure gauges in good
605 Liferafts
Inflatable or rigid?
60501 Location, capacities and condition? SOLAS III
(vessel must have sufficient capacity
each side for all persons or rafts must be
transferable, also rafts must not be
obstructed by overhead structure).
60502 Launch instructions posted adjacent?
(easily visible under emergency lighting)
60503 H.R.U. service dates?
60504 Rigged correctly?
60505 Apparent condition of weak link and
60506 Senhouse slip fitted to forward SOLAS III 31.1.4
60507 Boarding line or ladder available for all SOLAS III 11.7
rafts including fwd raft?
60508 Lifejackets available for capacity of fwd SOLAS III
raft? (Recommend 6)
60509 Ship name and POR attached to LSA
liferaft? (Not on casing, maybe watertight
containers or tags)
607 Lifebuoys
Total number?
60701 Sufficient? SOLAS III 32.1
(8 or as per SOLAS III 32 or 22 if built SOLAS III 22
after 1.7.86)
60702 Locations as per Class Record and SOLAS III 7.1
LSA plan?
60703 Required attachments correct?
60704 Reflective tape?
60705 Markings clear and correct? SOLAS III 7.1.4
60706 Condition of roping and lights?
608 Lifejackets
60801 Condition?
60802 Required attachments fitted? LSA 2.2
(Min 400cm2 reflective tape on exposed IMO A658(16)
faces or both sides if reversible)
60803 Light batteries in date?
(Lights of white colour reqd)
60804 Children's sizes?
60805 Donning instructions displayed in SOLAS III 8.4.3
accommodation alleyways?
60806 Locations marked with IMO signs? SOLAS III 7.2.2, 20.10
IMO A760(18)
60807 If any inflatable lifejackets on board are SOLAS III 20.8
they serviced annually?
” CalTec 2002 Page 38
Part 6 - LSA/FFE
609 Immersion Suits
60901 Sufficient number?(Should be equipped SOLAS III 32.3
with gloves and not mittens) SOLAS III 22.4(Pass)
(At least three per lifeboat, unless fully
enclosed boat. One for each person
assigned to crew Rescue Boat, even if
fully enclosed but the three per lifeboat
can be counted for this if carried).
60902 SOLAS approved? IMO A658(16)
60903 Locations?
60904 Condition?
60905 Suit zippers adequately lubricated? Recommend
701 Anchoring Equipment
70101 Anchor chains, pins and swivels in
acceptable condition?
70102 Windlass in good condition and ISGOTT 3.5.5
brakes in good order?
70103 Windlass gear covers fitted and in
good condition?
70104 Bitter end release arrangements Class rules
accessible and apparently free?
701041 Sledge hammer for use in release Recommend
701042 Suitable covers available for Spurling Recommend metal
pipes and used?
702 Mooring Equipment and Fittings
70201 Mooring winches operational and in
good condition?
702011 Winch storage reels equipped with Brake efficiency
split flanges?
702012 Plugs fitted to spill containment
around winches? (if hydraulic)
702013 Mooring decks (working areas) painted COSWP 25.3.3
with non-slip coatings?
70202 Mooring bitts and chocks marked with SIRE 10.2
correct SWL? (not on wear surface)
70203 Fairleads and rollers free? COSWP 25.3.4
702031 Fairleads closed type? SIRE 14.1.3
(Lightering vessels only)
70204 Winch brakes in good order? ISGOTT 3.5.5
702041 Winch brakes set to 60% MBL of MEG 7.5.6
wires? (Reqd on tankers, recommend on
702042 Winch test data available and marked MEG 7.9.3
on reels? (Recommend marked on reels)
70205 Moorings wound on storage drums MEG 7.9.3
correctly? (Reqd on tankers, recommend (Brake efficiency)
on others)
70206 Direction of reeling marked on drums? MEG 7.9.3
(Reqd on tankers, recommend on others) ISGOTT 3.5.5
703 Moorings
70301 Mooring arrangement adequate and BLU 2.2.3
sufficient numbers of moorings
available? (2 spare wires/ropes reqd on
tankers recommend on others. 4 spare
tails + 1 shackles reqd for tanker STS
70302 Moorings in good condition? COSWP 25.3.5
(Wires end-for-ended each drydock, tails MEG App B 2
replaced at specified intervals, as SIRE 10.2
70303 Are moorings of adequate size for MEG 3.2.1
vessel? (Note mooring retention number =
number x BS)
70304 Rope tails & Mandal shackles used, or COSWP 25.3.5
available for use, with mooring wires? MEG 6.2.7
703041 Rope Tails correct length and size? MEG 6.2.7
(11m/+25% MBL)
70305 Are moorings on same lead of same MEG 1.5
material?(wires or ropes) COSWP 25.3.11
70306 Are moorings turned-up properly on MEG 8.2
70307 Appropriate stoppers used? MEG 8.8
(Double tailed also material) COSWP 25.3.12
704 Fire Wires
70401 Are fire wires properly rigged fore and ISGOTT 3.7.2
aft? (also port requirements) MEG 3.11
70402 Are turns on bitts lashed?
70403 Fire Wires correct size? (<100kDWT: MEG 3.11
28mm/45M, 100 - 300kDWT: 38mm/60M)
709 Gangways & Accommodation Ladders
70901 Accommodation ladders facing IMO A667(16) 3.1
70902 Lifebuoy with light available + line and COSWP 6.1.7
70903 Is safe access provided? COSWP 6.4.3
SIRE 5.3
Recommend 2 means
70904 Number and condition of gangways COSWP A18.1, 2
and accommodation ladders?
70905 Net in good condition and properly COSWP 18.5.1
70906 No Visitors/No Smoking notice ISGOTT 4.7.1
(Non-tankers - recommended )
70907 Visitor muster info displayed? Recommend
(Giving instructions and alarm signals)
70908 Warning notices displayed? TSG 2.6.2
711 Sounding Pipes and Air Vents
71101 Condition of sounding pipes? Loadline 19, 20
71102 Sounding pipes capped? Loadline 19, 20
71103 Are air vents in good condition?
71104 Flame screens fitted to fuel tank vents Class Rules
and in good condition?
711041 Mesh size correct? (30 x 30) 46 CFR 30.10
71105 Savealls in satisfactory condition and
fitted with proper mechanical plugs?
71106 Saveall capacity marked in BBLS or Recommend
716 Miscellaneous
71601 Draft, loadline, bow thruster and Loadline 4.5.6
bulbous bow markings clearly and SIRE 13.2
properly visible
71602 All openings and hatchways suitably COSWP 6.4.7
71603 ER sludge/bilge standard discharge MARPOL AI 19
connection and fittings available?
71604 Deck lighting adequate? 33 CFR 155.790
COSWP 6.4.4
71605 Deck workshop equipment guarded COSWP 20.5.1
and goggles available? (Equipment
should be isolated in tanker mode)
71606 Approved safety torches (flashlights)
only in use? (Tankers)
71607 Deck area free of unauthorised ISGOTT 2.4.4
electrical equipment? TSG 3.5.2
803 Cargo Spaces Venting Arrangements (Gas)
80301 Type of vent system?
803011 Operational and in good condition?
80302 Flame screens condition (30 x 30 46 CFR 30.10-25
mesh)? IGC 17.15
80303 Operating pressures marked?
80304 Upriser(s) fitted with sump and drains? IGC 8.2
803041 Sump fitted with level alarm? IGC
80305 Maintenance records available? ISM 10.2.4
80306 Fixed extinguishing system provided?
803061 Type
803062 Operational including remote
803063 Clearly marked?
803064 Pressure test dates of cylinders?
803065 Operating instructions displayed?
817 Oil Spill Clean-up Materials
81701 Are cleaning materials available as 33 CFR 155.360
required? ISGOTT 6.9.1
81702 Equipment clearly identified?
81703 Is location clearly marked?
81704 Light fittings secure?
818 Security
81801 Adequate deck watch maintained?
81802 Gangway security checks made?
81803 “No Unauthorised Entry” signs
posted at all entrances?
822 Closed Operating Condition (Gas)
82201 Ullage system operational? IGC 13.2
82202 Local readouts operational?
82203 Temperature gauging system IGC 13.5
82204 Pressure gauges operational? IGC 13.4
82204 Date systems last calibrated? IGC 13.1.4
828 Cargo Containment System and Tank Dome Fittings (Gas)
Type of system used?
(Moss/Technigaz/Gaz Transport)
82801 Method of interbarrier space GC 9.2.2(b)IGC
828011 Interbarrier space pressure relief GC 8.2.2, IGC
valves in good conditon?
828012 Gas detection within insulation? GC 13.6.7(e), IGC
828013 Hull temperature monitoring gauges GC 13.5.2, IGC
operational? (LNG Vessels)
828014 Drip tray temperature alarms fitted and
operational? (LNG Vessels)
82802 Dome fittings in good condition?
82803 Relief valves type and condition?
828031 Class seals intact?
828032 Date relief valves last tested? ISM 10.2.1
828033 Records maintained? ISM 10.2.4
828034 Operating pressures marked?
82804 Give details of emergency disch. IGC 5.8.1
828041 If pump, can it be installed into full
82805 All instrumentation in good condition?
82806 Are all electrical gland seals in good IGC 10.1
82807 Sample points fitted for SIGTTO Inf 6
Liquid/Vapour and in good condition?
829 Drains and Scuppers (Bunkering on Gas V/ls)
82901 Are drains and scuppers effectively 33 CFR 155.310
plugged with mechanical plugs? ISGOTT 6.9.3
(Around accommodation and bunker
82902 Are air driven pumps (2) available to 33 CFR 155.310
remove oil from drip trays and from
within coamings?
829021 Are pumps equipped with bonding
832 Cargo Valves and Pipelines (Gas)
83201 Visual condition of
cargo/bunker/hydraulic lines etc
83202 All valves tight? Exxon MSR 6.4
(Evidence of valve test program)
832021 All valve actuators working ?
(free of any jury-rigging)
832022 Valve position indicators in good
condition and clearly marked?
832023 Are valve closure times known?
83203 Cargo pumps, valves and pipelines
83204 Deck/Pipe insulation and inserts in IGC
good condition?
832041 Pipework protected against thermal IGC
expansion? (Loops or bellows)
83205 Drip trays fitted at all valve and pipeline LNG
83206 Electrical bonding in good condition? IGC
83207 Are pipes free to move inside clamps? IGC
83208 Flexible cargo hoses in good IGC 5.7.3
condition, blanked and test
certificates available? (if carried)
83209 Means to test integrity of isolation GC III3.8.2, IGC
valves provided?
83210 Do Cargo line pressure relief valves
release to vent mast, liquid collelcting
line or to cargo tank? (Note condition of
valves, including seals and pipework)
83211 Vessel fitted with stern loading
arrangement? (Not etype of monitoring
system fitted and operational)
832111 Dedicated DP system provided for GC 11.4.7, IGC
Stern loading platform and fully
83212 Fuel gas piping shroud marked with
sign ”No Cutting or Chipping”?
837 Compressor Rooms (Gas)
83701 Lighting effective and fittings in good
83702 Fans operational and ventilation
rigged correctly?
83703 Ventilation fans run continuously?
83704 Are all compressors operational?
837041 Standby compressor available?
837042 HD and LD compressors operational?
Compressors’ prime mover?
83705 If steam, pipe lagging in good
Boil Off burned in boilers?
83706 Main and auxiliary fuel gas heaters in
good condition?
837061 Condition of fuel gas piping?
837062 Standby compressor available?
83707 Shut downs tested regularly and ISM 10.2.1, 4
83708 Safety equipment in place and in
good order?
83709 Entry procedures followed? COSWP 6.5.1
837091 Entry restriction signs posted?
837092 Signs visible whether doors open or
83710 Full body rescue harness and Line
permanently rigged in each space?
(Where applicable)
83711 Are spaces free of gas leaks?
83712 Instrumentation in good condition?
83713 Hold air drying system in good
837131 Number of fans?
837132 Connection to IG main blanked off?
837133 Condition of main and auxiliary dryer?
837134 Quantity of reserve drying agent
83714 Date condensers and reheaters last ISM 10.2.1
pressure tested?
83715 Is vapouriser fitted and operational?
83716 Are records of maintenance available?
83717 Are records of consumption of freon
gases kept?
837 Compressor Rooms (cont’d)
83718 Pipework free of soft patches?
83719 Removable bends and spool pieces
clearly marked and labelled?
83720 ELSA set located in space? ISGOTT 2.17.8
842 Manifolds (Gas)
84201 Are Manifolds constructed to
OCIMF/SIGTTO standards?
84202 Portable drip trays in good order?
84203 Are all unused manifolds kept ISGOTT 6.9.5
blanked, one bolt per hole, when not
in use?
84204 Are manifolds colour coded and
marked on hose rail or ship's side?
84205 Purge connections fitted?
84206 Are lines marked up with last test 33 CFR 156.170
pressure and date?
84207 Are suitable spill containers and 33 CFR 155.310
gratings in place in way of bunker
84208 Local gauges fitted outboard of IGC 13.4.3
manifold valve?
84209 Are line filters fitted (note date last
842091 Can they be bypassed?
84210 Methods of dealing with cryogenic
spills understood?
842101 Clearly documented?
84211 Is fire fighting equipment ready for ISGOTT 4.4.1
use near manifold? TSG 3.7.1
84212 Are cargo derricks/cranes of sufficient STME 11.1
SWL for requirements of OCIMF? SLPGM 12.2.1
(LPG V/ls < 6000 m3 =3 MT; 6000 -
15000m3 = 4 MT; 15000 - 50000m3 =
5MT; > 50000m3 = 5MT)
844 Cargo Pump Controls, Alarms and Trips (All Tankers)
84401 Operational?
84402 Location of trips?
84403 Positions well marked?
84404 Alarms and trips regularly tested and ISGOTT 6.4
logged? 33 CFR 155.780
ISM 10.2.1, 4
848 Cargo Stability/Stress Finder
84801 Fully operational? SOLAS XII 11(Bulk)
84802 Instruction manual on board? ISM 11.1
(Including test conditions, tests run 3
84803 Certificate of approval available?
84804 2 Hourly records of stresses kept ISM 10.2.4
during cargo/ballast operations?
84805 Stability calculations (Pre-arrival, BC
sailing, and worst possible voyage
conditions) sighted and satisfactory?
84806 Damage stability assessed prior to IMO A749(18)
84807 Are records of load/discharge BLU 5.1.1
stresses kept? ISM 10.2.4
84808 Damage control plan available on SOLAS II-1 23-1
bridge? (Recommended for v/ls built ISM 11.1
before 1.2.92)
852 Cargo Planning and Records (Gas)
85201 Has plan been prepared? ISGOTT 5.3, 5.5
(Plan should make reference to ISGOTT 33 CFR 155.750
5.3 and 5.5) COSWP 29.1.3
85202 Is cargo order book in use? ISM 10.2.4
85203 Are records of load/disch rates logged ISM 10.2.4
adequately including manifold
85204 Are Chief Officers Standing Orders Recommend
available and signed by watch
85205 Ship/Shore Check List completed? ISGOTT 5.7
TSG App 9
85206 Is information available and posted on Recommend
pump capacities?
85207 Is information available and posted on ISGOTT 7.14.3
the maximum filling rates of individual
85208 Is information posted on tank filling IGC 15.1, 15.2
85209 Vessel experience factor calculated Recommend
and available?
85210 Is inhibitor certificate on board?
(If applicable)
85211 Are cool-down procedures
documented and adequate?
85212 Are heel management procedures
861 Fixed Gas Detection Equipment (Gas)
86101 Fixed system-make/model/status
86102 Spaces covered? IGC 13.6.7
86103 Calibration gas available?
86104 Calibration regularly carried out and IGC 13.6.6
records kept? ISM 10.2.1, 4
86105 Detection equipment covers range of IGC 13.6.1
cargoes carried?
86106 High and low sensor heads provided IGC 13.6.2
to allow for different vapour densities?
86107 Audible and visual alarms fitted and IGC 13.6.4
863 Checklists
86301 Are cargo checklists in use? ISM 7
86302 Are log entries made?
86303 C/O acquainted with contents to an
acceptable level?
(Discussion on procedures)
1201 Engine Control Room
120101 Bridge control operational?
120102 UMS operation with checklists? ISM 7
(Includes bilge alarm test)
120103 Deadman alarm fitted and operational?
(If UMS - Alarm or log book on bridge)
120104 Chief Engineer's Standing Orders Recommend
120105 USCG pollution warning notice posted? 33 CFR 155.450
120106 Bunker transfer procedures 33 CFR 155.740
permanently posted?
120107 Bunker transfer procedures adequate? 33 CFR 155.750
120108 Pipeline Diagram posted?
120109 MSDS for Fuels handled? 33 CFR 154.310
1203 Steering Flat
120301 Condition of steering gear and
(Note any leakage on steering gear)
120302 Communications systems operational? SOLAS II-1 29.10
120303 Door(s) to E.R. closed? SOLAS II-2
120304 Gyro repeater fitted/aligned? SOLAS V 12(f)
120305 Hand rails, gratings (or non slip surface) ? SOLAS II-I 29.13,
(Recommend gratings over NS paint) 19.1
120306 Header tank full? (or storage tank) SOLAS II-1 29.12.3
120307 Gauge glass valves self closing and
120308 Emergency Steering tested and ISM 10.2.1
120309 Copy of block diagram posted? SOLAS V 26.3.1
120310 Emergency Steering diesel power pack
in good condition? (if fitted)
1203101 Fuel tank full?
1207 Switchboards
120701 Is suitable insulated matting provided SOLAS II-1 45.2
in front of main and emergency
120702 Instructions posted for treatment of COSWP 22.11.2
electrical shock?
120703 Cover panels properly fitted? COSWP 22.11.2
120704 Records available of routine tightness
checks on terminal connections? (5Y
or drydock whichever is less)
1208 Emergency Generator
120801 Generator tested and satisfactory? ISM 10.2.1
120802 Auto start functional?
120803 Instructions posted?
120804 Can fuel supply be shut off remotely?
120805 Remote shut-off tested and ISM 10.2.1
120806 Clearly marked?
120807 Is fuel tank full? SOLAS II-1 42, 43
120808 Are gauge glass valves self closing SOLAS II-2
and operational? (Cylindrical glass not
acceptable on fuel tanks)
120809 Is regular test routine in operation? (For SOLAS II-1 42.7, 43.7
USCG 2 hrs/month on load(2hr load test)) 46 CFR 97.15-30
ISM 10.2.1
120810 Is power supplied to main air
compressor and fuel booster pumps?
120811 Emergency lighting tested (if possible) ISM 10.2.1
and result?
1212 Workshops and E.R. Stores
121201 Machinery guarded? COSWP 20.5.1
121202 Instructions posted and safety posters
121203 Goggles available? COSWP 20.4.10
121204 Clean and tidy?
121205 Fire detector head unobstructed?
121206 Hot work instructions posted?
121207 Chemical stowage location?
1212071 Chemical safety gear provided? COSWP 27.5.2
1212072 Segregation of chemicals adequate?
(Acids and Alkalis)
121208 Welding curtain provided and COSWP 23.7.3
segregation adequate?
1212081 Welding equipment in good condition, COSWP 23.6.1
including low voltage protection COSWP 23.6.11
1214 Incinerator
121401 Fitted and operational?
121402 Safety devices operational?
121403 Instructions posted? COSWP 8.6.4
121404 Waste not stored in vicinity of COSWP 9.4
incinerator? (Spontaneous combustion)
1217 Fuel Gas Burning Equipment?
121701 Condition of fuel gas piping?
121702 Fuel gas piping shrouded passing GC 16.2(b), IGC
critical locations?
121703 Forced draft ventilation operational?
121704 Two extraction fans provided?
121705 Fuel gas piping shroud marked with
sign ”No Cutting or Chipping”?
121706 Fuel gas shroud hood space in good GC 16.5, IGC
121707 Doors kept closed with appropriate SOLAS II-2 47.2
121708 Condition of Gas Detector Head? GC 13.6.7(f), IGC
1222 Emergency Exits/Fire Doors
122201 All doors closed and not secured in SOLAS II-2
open position?
122202 Unobstructed?
122203 Are doors free of home made hooks?
122204 Are exits and routes clearly marked with EEC, IMO A605(15)
luminous IMO type signs?
122207 Is escape route lighting adequate?
122205 Warning notice posted restricting
access during UMS periods?
Are warning signs posted on:- COSWP 15.9.3
122206 Noise levels?
1222061 Equipment starting unexpectedly?
1224 E.R. Firefighting/LSA Equipment
122401 Is equipment in place and
General condition of equipment:
122402 Extinguishers? SOLAS II-2
1224021 Semi-portable extinguishers? SOLAS II-2
1224022 Fire hoses and hydrants? SOLAS II-2
1224023 Portable foam applicators? SOLAS II-2
1224024 CABA/Firemans outfit (if Applicable)? SOLAS II-2
1224025 Escape Breathing Devices? (2 min)
1224026 Sand boxes? SOLAS II-2
1224027 LifeJackets available for duty SOLAS III
personnel? (min 2)