Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company

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[No. 8095. November 5, 1914, and March 31, 1915.]


COMPANY, J. S. STANLEY, as Acting Collector of
Customs of the Philippine Islands, IGNACIO VILLAMOR,
as AttorneyGeneral of the Philippine Islands, and W. H.
BISHOP, as prosecuting attorney of the city of Manila,


DISCRIMINATIONS.—Whatever may have been the rule
at common law, common carriers in this jurisdiction
cannot lawf ully decline to accept a particular class of
goods for carriage to the prejudice of the traffic in those
goods unless it appears that for some sufficient reason the
discrimination against the traffic in such goods is
reasonable and necessary. Mere prejudice or whim will not
suffice. The grounds of the discrimination must be
substantial ones, such as will justify the courts in holding
the discrimination to have been reasonable and necessary
under all the circumstances of the case.


penalties prescribed for violations of Act No. 98 of the
Philippine Commission are neither excessive nor cruel and
unusual in the sense in which those words are used in the
organic legislation in force in the Islands.

3. ID. ; ID. ; ID.—There is nothing in that statute which

would deprive any person of his liberty "by requiring him
to engage in business against his will." The prohibition of
the statute against undue, unnecessary, or unreasonable
preferences and discriminations are merely the reasonable
regulations which the legislator has seen fit to prescribe
for the conduct of the business in which the carrier is
engaged of his own free will and accord.


The nature of the business of a common carrier as a public
employment is such that it is clearly within the power of
the state to impose such 1/45


Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

just and reasonable regulations thereon in the interest of

the public as the legislator may deem proper. Of course
such regulations must not have the effect of depriving an
owner of his property without due course of law, nor of
confiscating or appropriating private property without just
compensation, nor of limiting or prescribing irrevocably
vested rights or privileges lawfully acquired under a
charter or franchise. But aside from such constitutional
limitations, the determination of the nature and extent of
the regulations which should be prescribed rests in the
hands of the legislator.

5. ID. ; ID.—The right to enter the public employment as a

common carrier and to offer one's services to the public for
hire does not carry with it the right to conduct that
business as one pleases, without regard to the interests of
the public, and free from such reasonable and just
regulations as may be prescribed for the protection of the
public from the reckless or careless indifference of the
carrier as to the public welfare and for the prevention of
unjust and unreasonable discriminations of any kind
whatsoever in the performance of the carrier's duties as a
servant of the public.


ought not to interfere with such regulations established
under legislative sanction unless they are so plainly and
palpably unreasonable as to make their enforcement
equivalent to the taking of property for public use without
such compensation as under all the circumstances is just
both to the owner and to the public; that is, judicial
interference should never occur unless the case presents,
clearly and beyond all doubt, such a flagrant attack upon
the rights of property under the guise of regulations as to
compel the court to say that the regulations in question
will have the effect to deny just compensation for private
property taken for the public use.

7. ID. ; ID.—When one devotes his property to a use in which

the public has an interest, he, in effect, grants to the
public an interest in that use and must submit to be
controlled by the public for the common good to the extent
of the interest he has thus created. He may withdraw his 2/45

grant by discontinuing the use, but so long as he

maintains the use he must submit to control,


OF COMMISSIONERS.—So far beyond question is this
right of regulation that it is -well settled that the power of
the state to exercise legislative control over railroad
companies and other common carriers "in all respects
necessary to protect the public against danger, injustice
and oppression" may be exercised through boards of

VOL. 31, NOV. 5, 1914, AND MARCH 31, 1915 3

Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.


Correctly construed, the provisions of the Philippine
statute (Act No. 98) do not force a common carrier to
engage in any business against his will or to make use of
his facilities in a manner or for a purpose for which they
are not reasonably adapted. It is only when he offers his
facilities as a common carrier to the public for hire, that
the statute steps in and prescribes that he must treat all
alike, that he may not pick and choose which customer he
will serve, and, specifically, that he shall not make any
undue or unreasonable preferences or discriminations
whatsoever to the prejudice not only of any person or
locality, but also of any particular kind of traffic.


EXPLOSIVES.—It cannot be doubted that the refusal of a
"steamship company, the owner of a large number of
vessels" engaged in the coastwise trade of the Philippine
Islands as a common carrier of merchandise, to accept
explosives for carriage on any of its vessels subjects the
traffic in such explosives to a manifest prejudice and
discrimination, and in each case it is a question of fact
whether such prejudice or discrimination is undue,
unnecessary or unreasonable.


CIRCUMSTANCES.—The making of a finding as to
whether a refusal, by a steamship company engaged in the
coastwise trade in the Philippine Islands as a common
carrier, to carry such products subjects any person, 3/45

locality, or the traffic in such products to an unnecessary,

undue or unreasonable prejudice or discrimination,
involves a consideration of the suitability of the vessels of
the company for the transportation of such products; the
reasonable possibility of danger or disaster resulting from
their transportation in the form and under the conditions
in which they are offered for carriage; the general nature
of the business done by the carrier, and, in a word, all the
attendant circumstances which might affect the question
of the reasonable necessity for the refusal by the carrier to
undertake the transportation of this class of merchandise.

12. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.—The mere fact that violent and
destructive explosions can be obtained by the use of
dynamite under certain conditions is not sufficient in itself
to justify the refusal of a vessel, duly licensed as a
common carrier of merchandise, to accept it for carriage, if
it can be proven that in the condition in which it is offered
for carriage there is no real danger to the carrier nor
reasonable ground to fear that his vessel or those on board
his vessel will be exposed to unnecessary or unreasonable
risks in transporting it, having in mind the nature of his
business as a common carrier engaged in the coast


Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

wise trade in the Philippine Islands, and his duty as a

servant of the public.engaged in a public employment.

13. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.—If by the exercise of due diligence,

taking all reasonable precautions, the danger of explosions
can be eliminated, the carrier would not be justified in
subjecting the traffic in this commodity to prejudice or
discrimination by proof that there would be a possibility of
danger from explosion when no such precautions are

14. ID. ; ID.; ID.; ID.—The traffic in dynamite, gunpowder

and other explosives is vitally essential to the material
and general welf are of the inhabitants of these Islands,
and if these products are to continue in general use
throughout the Philippines they must be transported by
water from port to port in the various islands which make
up the Archipelago. It follows that the refusal by a 4/45

particular vessel engaged as a common carrier of

merchandise in the coastwise trade in the Philippine
Islands to accept such explosives for carriage constitutes a
violation of the prohibitions against discrimination
penalized under the statute, unless it can be shown that
there is so real and substantial a danger of disaster
necessarily involved in the carriage of any or all of these
articles of merchandise as to render such ref usal a due or
a necessary or a reasonable exercise of prudence and
discretion on the part of the shipowner.

ORIGINAL ACTION in the Supreme Court. Prohibition.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the court.
Haussermann, Cohn & Fisher for plaintiff.
Solicitor-General Harvey f or respondents.


The real question involved in these proceedings is whether

the refusal of the owners and officers of a steam vessel,
duly licensed to engage in the coastwise trade of the
Philippine Islands and engaged In that trade as a common
carrier, to accept for carriage "dynamite, powder or other
explosives" from any and all shippers who may offer such
explosives for carriage can be held to be a lawful act
without regard to any question as to the conditions under
which such explosives are offered for carriage, or as to the
suitableness of the vessel for the transportation of such
explosives, or as to the possibility that the refusal to accept
such articles of commerce in a particular case may have the

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Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

of subjecting any person or locality or the traffic in such

explosives to an undue, unreasonable or unnecessary
prejudice or discrimination.
Summarized briefly, the complaint alleges that plaintiff
is a stockholder in the Yangco Steamship Company, the
owner of a large number of steam vessels, duly licensed to
engage in the coastwise trade of the Philippine Islands;
that on or about June 10, 1912, the directors of the
company adopted a' resolution which was thereafter
ratified and affirmed by the shareholders of the company,
"expressly declaring and providing that the classes of 5/45

merchandise to be carried by the company in its business

as a common carrier do not include dynamite, powder or
other explosives, and expressly prohibiting the officers,
agents and servants of the company from offering to carry,
accepting for carriage or carrying said dynamite, powder or
other explosives;" that thereafter the respondent Acting
Collector of Customs demanded and required of the
company the acceptance and carriage of such explosives;
that he has refused and suspended the issuance of the
necessary clearance documents of the vessels of the
company unless and until the company consents to accept
such explosives for carriage; that plaintiff is advised and
believes that should the company decline to accept such
explosives for carriage, the respondent Attorney-General of
the Philippine Islands and the respondent prosecuting
attorney of the city of Manila intend to institute
proceedings under the penal provisions of sections 4, 5, and
6 of Act No. 98 of the Philippine Commission against the
company, its managers, agents and servants, to enforce the
requirements of the Acting Collector of Customs as to the
acceptance of such explosives for carriage; that
notwithstanding the demands of the plaintiff stockholder,
the manager, agents and servants of the company decline
and refuse to cease the carriage of such explosives, on the
ground that by reason of the severity of the penalties with
which they are threatened upon failure to carry such
explosives, they cannot subject themselves to "the ruinous
consequences which would inevitably result"


Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

from failure on their part to obey the demands and

requirements of the Acting Collector of Customs as to the
acceptance for carriage of explosives; that plaintiff believes
that the Acting Collector of Customs erroneously construes
the provisions of Act No. 98 in holding that they require the
company to accept such explosives for carriage
notwithstanding the above mentioned resolution of the
directors and stockholders of the company, and that if the
Act does in fact require the company to carry such
explosives it is to that extent unconstitutional and void;
that notwithstanding this belief of complainant as to the
true meaning of the Act, the questions involved cannot be
raised by the refusal of the company or its agents to comply
with the demands of the Acting Collector of Customs, 6/45

without the risk of irreparable loss and damage resulting

from his refusal to facilitate the documentation of the
company's vessels, and without assuming a risk of pains
and penalties under the drastic provisions of the Act which
prohibit any attempt on the part of the company to test the
questions involved by refusing to accept such explosives for
The prayer of the complaint is as follows:
"Wherefore your petitioner prays to this honorable court
as f ollows:
"First. That to the due hearing of the above entitled
action be issued a writ of prohibition perpetually
restraining the respondent Yangco Steamship Company,
its appraisers, agents, servants or other representatives
from accepting to carry and from carrying, in steamers of
said company dynamite, powder or other explosive
substance, in accordance with the resolution of the board of
directors and of the shareholders of said company.
"Second. That a writ of prohibition be issued perpetually
enjoining the respondent J. S. Stanley as Acting Collector
of Customs of the Philippine Islands, his successors,
deputies, servants or other representatives, from obligating
the said Yangco Steamship Company, by any means
whatever, to carry dynamite, powder or other explosive
"Third. That a writ of prohibition be issued perpetually

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Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

enjoining the respondent Ignacio Villamor as Attorney-

General of the Philippine Islands, and W. H. Bishop as
prosecuting attorney of the city of Manila, their deputies,
representatives or employees, from accusing the said
Yangco Steamship Company, its officers, agents or
servants, .of the violation of Act No. 98 by reason of the
failure or omission of the said company to accept for
carriage or to carry dynamite, powder or other explosive.
"Fourth. That the petitioner be granted such other
remedy as may be meet and proper."
To this complaint the respondents demurred, and we are
of opinion that the demurrer must be sustained, on the
ground that the complaint does not set forth facts sufficient
to constitute a cause of action.
It will readily be seen that plaintiff seeks in these
proceedings to enjoin the steamship company from 7/45

accepting for carriage on any of its vessels, dynamite,

powder or other explosives, under any conditions
whatsoever; to prohibit the Collector of Customs and the
prosecuting officers of the government from all attempts to
compel the company to accept such explosives for carriage
on any of its vessels under any conditions whatsoever; and
to prohibit these officials from any attempt to invoke the
penal provisions of Act No. 98, in any case of a refusal by
the company or its officers so to do; and this without regard
to the conditions as to safety and so forth under which such
explosives are offered for carriage, and without regard also
to any question as to the suitableness for the
transportation of such explosives of the particular vessel
upon which the shipper offers them for carriage; and
further without regard to any question as to whether such
conduct on the part of the steamship company and its
officers involves in any instance an undue, unnecessary or
unreasonable discrimination to the prejudice of any person,
locality or particular kind of traffic.
There are 119- allegations in the complaint that for
some special and sufficient reasons all or indeed any of the
company's vessels are unsuitable for the business of trans-


Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

porting explosives; or that shippers have declined or will in

future decline to comply with such reasonable regulations
and to take such reasonable precautions as may be
necessary and proper to secure the safety of the vessels of
the company in transporting such explosives. Indeed the
contention of petitioner is that a common carrier in the
Philippine Islands -may decline to accept for carriage any
shipment of' merchandise of a class which it expressly or
impliedly declines to accept from all shippers alike,
because, as he contends "the duty of a common carrier to
carry for all who offer arises from the public profession he
has made, and is limited by it."
In support of this contention counsel cites a number of
English and American authorities, discussing and applying
the doctrine of the common law with reference to common
carriers. But it is unnecessary now to decide whether, in
the absence of statute, the principles on which the
American and English cases were decided would be
applicable in this jurisdiction. The duties and liabilities of
common carriers in this jurisdiction are defined and fully 8/45

set forth in Act No. 98 of the Philippine Commission, and,

until and unless that statute be declared invalid or
unconstitutional, we are bound by its provisions.
Sections 2, 3 and 4 of the Act are as follows:
"SEC. 2. It shall be unlawful for any common carrier
engaged in the transportation of passengers or property as
above set forth to make or give any unnecessary or
unreasonable preference or advantage to any particular
person, company, firm, corporation or locality, or any
particular kind of traffic in any respect whatsoever, or to
subject any particular person, company, firm, corporation
or locality, or any particular kind of traffic, to any undue or
unreasonable prejudice or discrimination whatsoever, and
such unjust preference or discrimination is also hereby
prohibited and declared to be unlawf ul.
"SEC. 3. No common carrier engaged in the carriage of
passengers or property as aforesaid shall, under any
pretense whatsoever, fail or refuse to receive for carriage,

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Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

and as promptly as it is able to do so without

discrimination, to carry any person or property offering f or
carriage, and in the order in which such persons or
property are offered for carriage, nor shall any such
common carrier enter into any arrangement, contract or
agreement with any other person or corporation whereby
the latter is given an exclusive or preferential privilege
over any other person or persons to control or monopolize
the carriage of any class or kind of property to the
exclusion or partial exclusion of any other person or
persons, and the entering into any such arrangement,
contract or agreement, under any form or pretense
whatsoever, is hereby prohibited and declared to be
"SEC. 4. Any willful violation of the provisions of this
Act by any common carrier engaged in the transportation
of passengers or property as hereinbefore set forth is
hereby declared to be punishable by a fine not exceeding
five thousand dollars money of the United States, or by
imprisonment not exceeding two years, or both, within the
discretion of the court."
The validity of this Act has been questioned on various
grounds, and it is vigorously contended that in so far as it
imposes any obligation on a common carrier to accept for 9/45

carriage merchandise of a class which he makes no public

profession to carry, or which he has expressly or impliedly
announced his intention to decline to accept for carriage
from all shippers alike, it is ultra vires, unconstitutional
and void.
We may dismiss without extended discussion any
argument or contention as to the invalidity of the statute
based on alleged absurdities inherent in its provisions or on
alleged unreasonable or impossible requirements which
may be read into it by a strained construction of its terms.
We agree with counsel for petitioner that the provision of
the Act which prescribes that, "No common carrier * * *
shall, under any pretense whatsoever, fail or refuse to
receive for carriage, and * * * ' to carry any person or
property offering for carriage," is not to be con-


Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

strued in its literal sense and without regard to the

context, so as to impose an imperative duty on all common
carriers to accept for carriage, and to carry all and any kind
of freight which may be offered for carriage without regard
to the facilities which they may have at their disposal. The
legislator could not have intended and did not intend to
prescribe that a common carrier running passenger
automobiles for hire must transport coal in his machines;
nor that the owner of a tank steamer, expressly constructed
in small watertight compartments for the carriage of crude
oil must accept a load of cattle or of logs in the rough; nor
that any common carrier must accept and carry contraband
articles, such as opium, morphine, cocaine, or the like, the
mere possession of which is declared to be a criminal
offense; nor that common carriers must accept eggs offered
for transportation in paper parcels or any merchandise
whatever so defectively packed as to entail upon the
company unreasonable and unnecessary care or risks.
Read in connection with its context this, as well as all
the other mandatory and prohibitory provisions of the
statute, was clearly intended merely to forbid failures or
refusals to receive persons or property for carriage
involving any "unnecessary or unreasonable preference or
advantage to any particular person, company, firm,
corporation or locality, or any particular kind of traffic in
any respect whatsoever," or which would "subject any
particular person, company, firm, corporation or locality, or 10/45

any particular kind of traffic to any undue or unreasonable

prejudice or discrimination whatsoever."
The question, then, of construing and applying the
statute, in cases of alleged violations of its provisions,
always involves a consideration as to whether the acts
complained of had the effect of making or giving an
"unreasonable or unnecessary preference or advantage" to
any person, locality or particular kind of traffic, or of
subjecting any person, locality, or particular kind of traffic
to any undue or unreasonable prejudice or discrimination.
It is very

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Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

clear therefore that the language of the statute itself

refutes any contention as to its invalidity based on the
alleged unreasonableness of its mandatory or prohibitory
So also we may dismiss without much discussion the
contentions as to the invalidity of the statute, which are
based on the alleged excessive severity of the penalties
prescribed for violation of its provisions. Upon general
principles it is peculiarly and exclusively within the
province of the legislator to prescribe the pains and
penalties which may be imposed upon persons convicted of
violations of the laws in force within his territorial
jurisdiction. With the exercise of his discretion in this
regard the courts have nothing to do, save only in cases
where it is alleged that excessive fines or cruel and unusual
punishments have been prescribed, and even in such cases
the courts will not presume to interfere in the absence of
the clearest and most convincing argument and proof in
support of such contentions. (Weems vs. United States, 217
U. S., 349; U. S. vs. Pico, 18 Phil. Rep., 386.) We need
hardly add that there is no ground upon which to rest a
contention that the penalties prescribed in the statute
under consideration are either excessive or cruel and
unusual, in the sense in which these terms are used in the
organic legislation in force in the Philippine Islands.
But it is contended that on account of the penalties
prescribed the statute should be held invalid upon the
principles announced in Ex parte Young (209 U. S., 123,
147, 148); Cotting vs. Godard (183 U. S., 79, 102);
Mercantile Trust Co. vs. Texas Co. (51 Fed., 529); Louisville
Ry. vs. McCord (103 Fed., 216) ; Cons. Gas Co. vs. Mayer 11/45

(416 Fed., 150). We are satisfied however that the

reasoning of those cases is not applicable to the statute
under consideration. The principles announced in those
decisions are fairly indicated in the following citations
found in petitioner's brief:
"But when the legislature, in an effort to prevent any
inquiry of the validity of a particular statute, so burdens


Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

challenge thereof in the courts that the party affected is

necessarily constrained to submit rather than take the
chances of the penalties imposed, then it becomes a serious
question whether the party is not deprived of the equal
protection of the laws. (Cotting vs. Godard, 183 U. S., 79,
"It may therefore be said that when the penalties for
disobedience are by fines so enormous and imprisonment so
severe as to intimidate the company and its officers from
resorting to the courts to test the validity of the legislation,
the result is the same as if the law in terms prohibited the
company from seeking judicial construction of laws which
deeply affect its rights.
"It is urged that there is no principle upon which to base
the claim that a person is entitled to disobey a statute at
least once, for the purpose of testing its validity, without
subjecting himself to the penalties for disobedience
provided by the statute in case it is valid. This is not an
accurate statement of the case. Ordinarily a law creating
offenses in the nature of misdemeanors or felonies relates
to a subject over which the jurisdiction of the legislature is
complete in any event. In the case, however, of the
establishment of certain rates without any hearing, the
validity of such rates necessarily depends upon whether
they are high enough to permit at least some return upon
the investment (how much it is not now necessary to state),
and an inquiry as to that fact is a proper subject of judicial
investigation. If it turns out that the rates are too low for
that purpose, then they are illegal. Now, to impose upon a
party interested the burden of obtaining a judicial decision
of such a question (no prior hearing having ever been
given) only upon the condition that, if unsuccessf ul, he
must suff er imprisonment and pay fines, as provided in
these acts, is, in effect, to close up all approaches to the 12/45

courts, and thus prevent any hearing upon the question

whether the rates as provided by the acts are not too low,
and therefore invalid. The distinction is obvious between a
case where the validity of the act depends upon the
existence of a fact

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Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

which can be determined only after investigation of a very

complicated and technical character, and the ordinary case
of a statute upon a subject requiring no such investigation,
and over which the jurisdiction of the legislature is
complete in any event.
"We hold, therefore, that the provisions of the acts
relating to the enforcement of the rates, either for freight or
passsengers, by imposing such enormous fines and possible
imprisonment as a result of an unsuccessful effort to test
the validity of the laws themselves, are unconstitutional on
their face, without regard to the question of the
insufficiency of those rates. (Ex parte Young, 209 U. S., 123,
147, 148.)"
An examination of the general provisions of our statute,
of the circumstances under which it was enacted, the
mischief which it sought to remedy and of the nature of the
penalties prescribed for violations of its terms convinces us
that, unlike the statutes under consideration in the above
cited cases, its enactment involved no attempt to prevent
common carriers "f rom resorting to the courts to test the
validity of the legislation;" no "effort to prevent any
inquiry" as to its validity. It imposes no arbitrary obligation
upon the company to do or to ref rain f rom doing anything.
It makes no attempt to compel such carriers to do business
at a fixed or arbitrarily designated rate, at the risk of
separate criminal prosecutions f or every demand of a
higher or a different rate. Its penalties can be imposed only
upon proof of "unreasonable," "unnecessary" and "unjust"
discriminations, and range f rom a maximum which is
certainly not excessive for willful, deliberate and
contumacious violations of its provisions by a great and
powerful corporation, to a minimum which may be a merely
nominal fine, With so wide a range of discretion conferred
upon the courts, there is no substantial basis f or a
contention on the part of any common carrier that it or its
officers are "intimidated from resorting to the courts to test
the validity" of the provisions of the statute prohibiting 13/45

such "unreasonable," "unnecessary" and "unjust"

discriminations, or to test in any particular case


Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

.whether a given course of conduct does in fact involve such

discrimination. We will not presume, for the purpose of
declaring the statute invalid, that there is so real a danger
that the Courts of First Instance and this court on appeal
will abuse the discretion thus conferred upon us, as to
intimidate any common carrier, acting in good faith, from
resorting to the courts to test the validity of the statute.
Legislative enactments, penalizing unreasonable
discriminations, unreasonable restraints of trade, and
unreasonable conduct in various forms of human activity
are so familiar and have been so frequently sustained in
the courts, as to render extended discussion unnecessary to
refute any contention as to the invalidity of the statute
under consideration, merely because it imposes upon the
carrier the obligation of adopting one of various courses of
conduct open to it, at the risk of incurring a prescribed
penalty in the event that the course of conduct actually
adopted by it should be held to have involved an
unreasonable, unnecessary or unjust discrimination.
Applying the test announced in Ex parte Young, supra, it
will be seen that the validity of the Act does not depend
upon "the existence of a f act which can be determined only
after investigation of a very complicated and technical
character," and that "the jurisdiction of the legislature"
over the subject with which the statute deals "is complete
in any event." There can be no real question as to the
plenary power of the legislature to prohibit and to penalize
the making of undue, unreasonable and unjust
discriminations by common carriers to the prejudice of any
person, locality or particular kind of traffic. (See Munn vs.
Illinois, 94 U. S., 113, and other cases hereinafter cited in
support of this proposition.)
Counsel for petitioner contends also that the statute, if
construed so as to deny the right of the steamship company
to elect at will whether or not it will engage in a particular
business, such as that of carrying explosives, is
unconstitutional "because it is a confiscation of property, a
taking of the carrier's property without due process of law,"
and because it deprives him of his liberty by compelling
him to 14/45


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Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

engage in business against his will. The argument

continues as f ollows:
"To require of a carrier, as a condition to his continuing
in said business, that he must carry anything and
everything is to render useless the facilities he may have f
or the carriage of certain lines of freight. It would be almost
as complete a confiscation of such facilities as if the same
were destroyed. Their value as a means of livelihood would
be utterly taken away. The law is a prohibition to him to
continue in business; the alternative is to get out or to go
into some other business—the same alternative as was
offered in the case of the Chicago & N. W. Ry. vs. Dey (35
Fed. Rep., 866, 880), and which was there commented on as
f ollows:
" 'Whatever of force there may be in such arguments, as
applied to mere personal property capable of removal and
use elsewhere, or in other business, it is wholly without
force as against railroad corporations, so large a proportion
of whose investment is in the soil and fixtures appertaining
thereto, which cannot be removed. For a government,
whether that government be a single sovereign or one of
the majority, to say to an individual who has invested his
means in so laudable an enterprise as the construction of a
railroad, one which tends so much to the wealth and
prosperity of the community, that, if he finds that the rates
imposed will cause him to do business at a loss, he may
quit business, and abandon that road, is the very irony of
despotism. Apples of Sodom were fruit of joy in comparison.
Reading, as I do, in the preamble of the Federal
Constitution, that it was ordained to "establish justice," I
can never believe that it is within the power of state or
nation thus practically to confiscate the property of an
individual invested in and used for a purpose in which even
the Argus eyes of the police power can see nothing
injurious to public morals, public health, or the general
welfare. I read also in the first section of the bill of rights of
this state that "all men are by nature free and equal, and
have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of
enjoying and defending
16 15/45


Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting

property, and pursuing and obtaining safety and
happiness;" and I know that, while that remains as the
supreme law of the state, no legislature can directly or
indirectly lay its withering or destroying hand on a single
dollar invested in the legitimate business of
transportation.' " (Chicago & N. W. Ry. vs. Dey, 35 Fed.
Rep., 866, 880.)
It is manifest, however, that this contention is directed
against a construction of the statute, which, as we have
said, is not warranted by its terms. As we have already
indicated, the statute does not "require of a carrier, as a
condition to his continuing in said business, that he must
carry anything and everything," and thereby "render
useless the facilities he may have for the carriage of certain
lines of freight." It merely forbids failures or refusals to
receive persons or property for carriage which have the
effect of giving an "unreasonable or unnecessary preference
or advantage" to any person, locality or particular kind of
traffic, or of subjecting any person, locality or particular
kind of traffic to any undue or unreasonable prejudice or
Counsel expressly admits.that the statute, "as a
prohibition against discrimination is a fair, reasonable and
valid exercise of government," and that "it is necessary and
proper that such discrimination be prohibited and
prevented," but he contends that "on the other hand there
is no reasonable warrant nor valid excuse f or depriving a
person of his liberty by requiring him to engage in business
against his will. If he has a rolling boat, unsuitable and
unprofitable f or passenger trade, he may devote it to
lumber carrying. To prohibit him f rom using it unless it is
fitted out with doctors and stewards and staterooms to
carry passengers would be an invalid confiscation of his
property. A carrier may limit his business to the branches
thereof that suit his convenience. If his wagon be old, or the
route dangerous, he may avoid liability for loss of
passengers' lives and limbs by carrying freight only. If his
vehicles require expensive pneumatic tires, unsuitable for

VOL. 31, NOV. 5, 1914, AND MARCH 31, 1915. 17

Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company. 16/45

transportation, he may nevertheless carry passengers. The

only limitation upon his action that it is competent for the
governing authority to impose is to require him to treat all
alike. His limitations must apply to all, and they must be
established limitations. He cannot refuse to carry a case of
red jusi on the ground that he has carried for others only
jusi that was green, or blue, or black. But he can refuse to
carry red jusi, if he has publicly professed such a limitation
upon his business and held himself out as unwilling to
carry the same for anyone."
To this it is sufficient answer to say that there is
nothing in the statute which would deprive any person of
his liberty "by requiring him to engage in business against
his will.;' The prohibitions of the statute against undue,
unnecessary or unreasonable pref erences and
discriminations are merely the reasonable regulations
which the legislator has seen fit to prescribe for the conduct
of the business in which the carrier is engaged of his own
free will and accord. In so far as the self-imposed
limitations by the carrier upon the business conducted by
him, in the various examples given by counsel, do not
involve an unreasonable or unnecessary discrimination the
statute would not control his action in any wise whatever.
It operates only in cases involving such unreasonable or
unnecessary preferences or discriminations. Thus in the
hypothetical case suggested by the petitioner, a carrier
engaged in the carriage of green, blue or black jusi, and
duly equipped theref or would manif estly be guilty of
"giving an unnecessary and unreasonable preference to a
particular kind of traffic" and of subjecting to "an undue
and unreasonable prejudice a particular kind of traffic,"
should he decline to carry red jusi, to the prejudice of a
particular shipper or of those engaged in the manuf acture
of that kind of jusi, basing his ref usal on the ground of
"mere whim or caprice" or of mere personal convenience. So
a public carrier of passengers would not be permitted under
this statute to absolve himself from liability for a refusal to
carry a Chinaman, a Spaniard, an American, a Filipino, or
a mestizo by proof that from "mere whim or



Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

caprice or personal scruple," or to suit his own convenience,

or in the hope of increasing his business and thus making 17/45

larger profits, he had publicly announced his intention not

to carry one or other of these classes of passengers.
The nature of the business of a common carrier as a
public employment is such that it is clearly within the
power of the state to impose such just and reasonable
regulations thereon in the interest of the public as the
legislator' may deem proper. Of course such regulations
must not have the effect of depriving an owner of his
property without due process of law, nor of confiscating or
appropriating private property without just compensation,
nor of limiting or prescribing irrevocably vested rights or
privileges lawfully acquired under a charter or franchise.
But aside from such constitutional limitations, the
determination of the nature and extent of the regulations
which should be prescribed rests in the hands of the
Common carriers exercise a sort of public office, and
have duties to perform in which the public is interested.
Their business is, therefore, affected with a public interest,
and is subject of public regulation. (New Jersey Steam Nav.
Co. vs. Merchants Bank, 6 How., 344, 382; Munn vs.
Illinois, 94 U. S., 113, 130.) Indeed, this right of regulation
is so far beyond question that it is well settled that the
power of the state to exercise legislative control over
railroad companies and other carriers "in all respects
necessary to protect the public against danger, injustice
and oppression" may be exercised through boards of
commissioners. (New York etc. R. Co. vs. Bristol, 151 U. S.,
556, 571; Connecticut etc. R. Co. vs. Woodruff, 153 U. S.,
Regulations limiting the number of passengers that may
be carried in a particular vehicle or steam vessel, or
forbidding the loading of a vessel beyond a certain point, or
prescribing the number and qualifications of the personnel
in the employ of a common carrier, or forbidding unjust
discrimination as to rates, all tend to limit and restrict his
liberty and to control to some degree the free exercise of his
discretion in the conduct of his business. But since the

VOL. 31, NOV. 5, 1914, AND MARCH 31, 1915. 19

Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

Granger cases were decided by the Supreme Court of the

United States no one questions the power of the legislator
to prescribe such reasonable regulations upon property
clothed with a public interest as he may deem expedient or 18/45

necessary to protect the public against danger, injustice or

oppression. (Munn vs. Illinois, 94 U. S., 113, 130; Chicago
etc. R. Co. vs. Cutts, 94 U. S., 155; Budd vs. New York, 143
U. S., 517; Cotting vs. Godard, 183 U. S., 79.) The right to
enter the public employment as a common carrier and to
offer one's services to the public for hire does not carry with
it the right to conduct that business as one pleases, without
regard to the interests of the public and free from such
reasonable and just regulations as may be prescribed f or
the protection of the public f rom the reckless or careless
indiff erence of the carrier as to the public welfare and for
the prevention of unjust and unreasonable discrimination
of any kind whatsoever in the performance of the carrier's
duties as a servant of the public.
Business of certain kinds, including the business of a
common carrier, holds such a peculiar relation to the public
interest that there is superinduced upon it the right of
public regulation. (Budd vs. New York, 143 U. S., 517, 533.)
When private property is "affected with a public interest it
ceases to be juris privati only." Property becomes clothed
with a public interest when used in a manner to make it of
public consequence and affect the community at large.
"When, therefore, one devotes his property to a use in
which the public has an interest, he, in effect, grants to the
public an interest in that use, and must submit to be
controlled by the public for the common good, to the extent
of the interest he has thus created. He may withdraw his
grant by discontinuing the use, but so long as he maintains
the use he must submit to control." (Munn vs. Illinois, 94
U. S., 113; Georgia R. & Bkg. Co. vs. Smith, 128 U. S., 174;
Budd vs. New York, 143 U. S., 517; Louisville etc. Ry. Co.
vs. Kentucky, 161 U. S., 677, 695.)
Of course this power to regulate is not a power to



Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

destroy, and limitation is not the equivalent of confiscation.

Under pretense of regulating fares and freight the state
can not require a railroad corporation to carry persons or
property without reward. Nor can it do that which in law
amounts to a taking of private property for public use
without just compensation, or without due process of law.
(Chicago etc. R. Co. vs. Minnesota, 134 U. S., 418;
Minneapolis Eastern R. Co. vs. Minnesota, 134 U. S., 467.)
But the judiciary ought not to interfere with regulations 19/45

established under legislative sanction unless they are so

plainly and palpably unreasonable as to make their
enforcement equivalent to the taking of property for public
use without such compensation as under all the
circumstances is just both to the owner and to the public,
that is, judicial interference should never occur unless the
case presents, clearly and beyond all doubt, such a flagrant
attack upon the rights of property under the guise of
regulations as to compel the court to say that the
regulation in question will have the effect to deny just
compensation for private property taken for the public use.
(Chicago etc. R. Co. vs. Wellman, 143 U. S., 339; Smyth vs.
Ames, 169 U. S., 466, 524; Henderson Bridge Co. vs.
Henderson City, 173 U. S., 592, 614.)
Under the common law of England it was early
recognized that common carriers owe to the public the
duty, of carrying indifferently for all who may employ
them, and in the order in which application is made, and
without discrimination as to terms. True, they were
allowed to restrict their business so as to exclude particular
classes of goods, but as to the kinds of property which the
carrier was in the habit of carrying in the prosecution of his
business he was bound to serve all customers alike (State
vs. Cincinnati etc. R. Co., 47 Ohio St., 130, 134, 138;
Louisville etc. Ry. Co. vs. Queen City Coal Co., 13 Ky. L.
Rep., 832); and it is to be observed in passing that these
common law rules are themselves regulations controlling,
limiting and prescribing the conditions under which
common carriers

VOL. 31, NOV. 5, 1914, AND MARCH 31, 1915. 21

Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

were permitted to conduct their business. (Munn vs.

Illinois, 94 U. S., 113, 1330
It was found, in the course of time, that the correction of
abuses which had grown up with the enormously
increasing business of common carriers necessitated the
adoption of statutory regulations controlling the business of
common carriers, and imposing severe and drastic
penalties for violations of their terms. In England, the
Railway Clauses Consolidation Act was enacted in 1845,
the Railway and Canal Traffic Act in 1854, and since the
passage of those Acts much additional legislation has been
adopted tending to limit and control the conduct of their
business by common carriers. In the United States, the 20/45

business of common carriers has been subjected to a great

variety of statutory regulations. Among others Congress
enacted "The Interstate Commerce Act" (1887) and its
amendments, and the Elkins Act as amended (1906) ; and
most if not all of the States of the Union have adopted
similar legislation regulating the business of common
carriers within their respective jurisdictions, Unending
litigation has arisen under these statutes and their
amendments, but nowhere has the right of the state to
prescribe just and reasonable regulations controlling and
limiting the conduct of the business of common carriers in
the public interest and for the general welfare been
successfully challenged, though of course there has been
wide divergence of opinion as to the reasonableness, the
validity and legality of many of the regulations actually
The power of the Philippine legislator to prohibit and to
penalize all and any unnecessary or unreasonable
discriminations by common carriers may be maintained
upon the same reasoning which justified the enactment by
the Parliament of England and the Congress of the United
States of the above mentioned statutes prohibiting and
penalizing the granting of certain preferences and
discriminations in those countries. As we have said before,
we find nothing confiscatory or unreasonable in the con-


Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

ditions imposed in the Philippine statute' upon the

business of common carriers. Correctly construed they do
not force him to engage in any business against his will or
to make use of his facilities in a manner or for a purpose for
which they are not reasonably adapted. It is only when he
offers his facilities as a common carrier to the public for
hire, that the statute steps in and prescribes that he must
treat all alike, that he may not pick and choose which
customer he will serve, and, specifically, that he shall not
make any undue or unreasonable preferences or
discriminations whatsoever to the prejudice not only of any
person or locality but also of any particular kind of traffic.
The legislator having enacted a regulation prohibiting
common carriers from giving unnecessary or unreasonable
preferences or advantages to any particular kind of traffic
or subjecting any particular kind of traffic to any undue or
unreasonable prejudice or discrimination whatsoever, it is 21/45

clear that whatever may have been the rule at the common
law, common carriers in this jurisdiction cannot lawfully
decline to accept a particular class of goods for carriage, to
the prejudice of the traffic in those goods, unless it appears
that for some sufficient reason the discrimination against
the traffic in .such goods is reasonable and necessary. Mere
whim or prejudice will not suffice. The grounds for the
discrimination must be substantial ones, such as will
justify the courts in holding the discrimination to have
been reasonable and necessary under all the circumstances
of the case.
The prayer of the petition in the case at bar cannot be
granted unless we hold that the refusal of the defendant
steamship company to accept for carriage on any of its
vessels "dynamite, gunpowder or other explosives" would in
no instance involve a violation of the provisions of this
statute. There can be little doubt, however, that cases may
and will arise wherein the refusal of a vessel "engaged in
the coastwise trade of the Philippine Islands as a common
carrier" to accept such explosives for carriage would subject
some person, company,- firm or corporation, or locality,

VOL. 31, NOV. 5, 1914, AND MARCH 31, 1915. 23

Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

or particular kind of traffic to a certain prejudice or

discrimination. Indeed it cannot be doubted that the
refusal of a "steamship company, the owner of a large
number of vessels" engaged in that trade to receive for
carriage any such explosives on any of its vessels would
subject the traffic in such explosives to a manifest prejudice
and discrimination. The only question to be determined
therefore is whether such prejudice or discrimination might
in any case prove to be undue, unnecessary or
This of course is, in each case, a question of fact, and we
are of opinion that the facts alleged in the complaint are
not sufficient to sustain a finding in favor of the
contentions of the petitioner. It is not alleged in the
complaint that "dynamite, gunpowder and other
explosives" can in no event be transported with reasonable
safety on board steam vessels engaged in the business of
common carriers. It is not alleged that all, or indeed any of
the defendant steamship company's vessels are unsuited
for the carriage of such explosives. It is not alleged that the
nature of the business in which the steamship company is 22/45

engaged is such. as to preclude a finding that a ref usal to

accept such explosives on any of its vessels would subject
the traffic in such explosives to an undue and unreasonable
prejudice and discrimination.
Plaintiff 's contention in this regard is as follows:
"In the present case, the respondent company has
expressly and publicly renounced the carriage of explosives,
and expressly excluded the same in terms from the
business it conducts. This in itself were sufficient, even
though such exclusion of explosives were based on no other
ground than the mere whim, caprice or personal scruple of
the carrier. It is unnecessary, however, to indulge in
academic discussion of a moot question, f or the decision
not to carry explosives rests on substantial grounds which
are selfevident."
We think however that the answer to the question
whether such a refusal to carry explosives involves an
unnecessary or unreasonable preference or advantage to
any person, locality or particular kind of traffic or subjects
any person,


Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

locality or particular kind of traffic to an undue or

unreasonable prejudice or discrimination is by no means
"selfevident," and that it is a question of fact to be
determined by the particular circumstances of each case.
The words "dynamite, powder or other explosives" are
broad enough to include matches, and other articles of like
nature, and may fairly be held to include also kerosene oil,
gasoline and similar products of a highly inflammable and
explosive character. Many of these articles of merchandise
are in the nature of necessities in any country open to
modern progress and advancement. We are not fully
advised as to the methods of transportation by which they
are made commercially available throughout the world, but
certain it is that dynamite, gunpowder, matches, kerosene
oil and gasoline are transported on many vessels sailing
the high seas. Indeed it is matter of common knowledge
that common carriers throughout the world transport
enormous quantities of these explosives, on both land and
sea, and there can be little doubt that a general refusal of
the common carriers in any country to accept such
explosives for carriage would involve many persons, firms
and enterprises in utter ruin, and would disastrously affect 23/45

the interests of the public' and the general welfare of the

It would be going far to say that a refusal by a steam
vessel engaged in the business of transporting general
merchandise as a common carrier to accept f or carriage a
shipment of matches, solely on the ground of the dangers
incident to the explosive quality of this class of
merchandise, would not subject the traffic in matches to an
unnecessary, undue or unreasonable prejudice or
discrimination without proof that for some special reason
the particular vessel is not fitted to carry articles of that
nature. There may be and doubtless are some vessels
engaged in business as common carriers of merchandise,
which for lack of suitable deck space or storage rooms
might be justified in declining to carry kerosene oil,
gasoline, and similar products, even when offered for
carriage securely packed in cases; and


VOL. 31, NOV. 5, 1914, AND MARCH 31, 1915. 25

Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company,

few vessels are equipped to transport those products in

bulk. But in any case of a ref usal to carry such products
which would subject any person, locality or the traffic in
such products to any prejudice or discrimination
whatsoever, it would be necessary to hear evidence before
making an affirmative finding that such prejudice or
discrimination was or was not unnecessary, undue or
unreasonable. The making of such a finding would involve
a consideration of the suitability of the vessel for the
transportation of such products; the reasonable possibility
of danger or disaster resulting from their transportation in
the form and under the conditions in which they are offered
for carriage; the general nature of the business done by the
carrier and, in a word, all the attendant circumstances
which might affect the question of the reasonable necessity
f or the ref usal by the carrier to undertake the
transportation of this class of merchandise.
But it is contended that whatever the rule may be as to
other explosives, the exceptional power and violence of
dynamite and gunpowder in explosion will always furnish
the owner of a vessel with a reasonable excuse for his
failure or refusal to accept them for carriage or to carry
them on board his boat. We think however that even as to
dynamite and gunpowder we would not be justified in
making such a holding unaided by evidence sustaining the 24/45

proposition that these articles can never be carried with

reasonable safety on any vessel engaged in the business of
a common carrier. It is said that dynamite is so erratic and
uncontrollable in its action that it is impossible to assert
that it can be handled with safety in any given case. On the
other hand it is contended that while this may be true of
some kinds of dynamite, it is a fact that dynamite can be
and is manufactured so as to eliminate any real danger
from explosion during transportation. These are of course
questions of fact upon which we are not qualified to pass
judgment without the assistance of expert witnesses who
have made special studies as to the chemical composition
and reactions of the different kinds of dynamite, or


Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

attained a thorough knowledge of its properties as a result

of wide experience in its manufacture and transportation.
As we construe the Philippine statute, the mere fact that
violent and destructive explosions can be obtained by the
use of dynamite under certain conditions would not be
sufficient in itself to justify the refusal of a vessel, duly
licensed as a common carrier of merchandise, to accept it
for carriage, if it can be proven that in the condition in
which it is offered for carriage there is no real danger to the
carrier, nor reasonable ground to fear that his vessel or
those on board his vessel will be exposed to unnecessary
and unreasonable risk in. transporting it, having in mind
the nature of his business as a common carrier engaged in
the coastwise trade in the Philippine Islands, and his duty
as a servant of the public engaged in a public employment.
So also, if by the exercise of due diligence and the taking of
reasonable precautions the danger of explosions can be
practically eliminated, the carrier would not be justified in
subjecting the traffic in this commodity to prejudice or
discrimination by proof that there would be a possibility of
danger from explosion when no such precautions are taken.
The traffic in dynamite, gunpowder and other explosives
is vitally essential to the material and general welfare of
the people of these Islands. If dynamite, gunpowder and
other explosives are to continue in general use throughout
the Philippines, they must be transported by water from
port to port in the various islands which make up the
Archipelago. We are satisfied therefore that the refusal by
a particular vessel, engaged as a common carrier of 25/45

merchandise in the coastwise trade of the Philippine

Islands, to accept any or all of these explosives for carriage
would constitute a violation of the prohibitions against
discriminations penalized under the statute, unless it can
be shown by affirmative evidence that there is so real and
substantial a danger of disaster necessarily involved in the
carriage of any or all of these articles of merchandise as to
render such refusal a due or a necessary or a reasonable
exercise of prudence and discretion on the part of the

VOL. 31, NOV. 5, 1914, AND MARCH 31, 1915. 27

Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

The complaint in the case at bar lacking the necessary

allegations under this ruling, the demurrer must be
sustained on the ground that the facts alleged do not
constitute a cause of action.
A number of interesting questions of procedure are
raised and discussed in the briefs of counsel. As to all of
these questions we expressly reserve our opinion, believing
as we do that in sustaining the demurrer on the grounds
indicated in this opinion we are able to dispose of the real
issue involved in the proceedings without entering upon
the discussion of the nice questions which it might have
been necessary to pass upon had it appeared that the facts
alleged in the complaint constitute a cause of action.
We think, however, that we should not finally dispose of
the case without indicating that since the institution of
these proceedings the enactment of Acts No. 2307 and No.
2362 (creating a Board of Public Utility Commissioners and
for other purposes) may have materially modified the right
to institute and maintain such proceedings in this
jurisdiction. But the demurrer having been formally
submitted for judgment before the enactment of these
statutes, counsel have not been heard in this connection.
We therefore refrain from any comment upon any
questions which might be raised as to whether or not there
may be another adequate and appropriate remedy for the
alleged wrong set forth in the complaint. Our disposition of
the question raised by the demurrer renders that
unnecessary at this time, though it may not be improper to
observe that a caref ul examination of those acts confirms
us in the holding upon which we base our ruling on this
demurrer, that is to say "That whatever may have been the
rule at the common law, common carriers in this 26/45

jurisdiction cannot lawfully decline to accept a particular

class of goods for carriage, to the prejudice of the traffic in
those goods, unless it appears that for some sufficient
reason the discrimination against the traffic in such goods
is reasonable and necessary. Mere prejudice or whim will
not suffice. The grounds of the discrimination must be


Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

ones, such as will justify the courts in holding the

discrimination to have been reasonable and necessary
under all the circumstances of the case."
Unless an amended complaint be filed in the meantime,
let judgment be entered ten days hereafter sustaining the
demurrer and dismissing the complaint with costs against
the complainant, and twenty days thereafter let the record
be filed in the archives of original actions in this court. So

Arellano, C. J., and Trent, J. concur.

Torres and Johnson, JJ., concur in the result.

MORELAND, J., concurring.

I may briefly say, although the nature of the action is

stated at length in the foregoing opinion, that it is an
action by a shareholder of the Yangco Steamship Co.
against the company itself and certain officials of the
Insular Government for an injunction against the company
prohibiting it from carrying dynamite on its ships and
preventing the defendant officials from compelling the
company to do so under Act No. 98.
A demurrer was filed to the complaint raising the
question not only of its sufficiency in general, but putting
in issue also the right of the plaintiff to maintain the action
under the allegations of his complaint.
It should be noted that all of the boats of the defendant
company, under the allegations of the complaint, are boats
which carry passengers as well as freight, and that the
holding of the opinion which I am discussing compels
passenger ships to carry dynamite and all other high
explosives when offered for shipment. (See paragraph 3 of
the complaint.) 27/45

I base my opinion for a dismissal of the complaint on the

ground that the plaintiff has not alleged in his complaint a
single one of the grounds, apart from that of being a
stockholder, necessary for him to allege to maintain a
shareholder's action.

VOL. 31, NOV. 5, 1914, AND MARCH 31, 1915. 29

Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

In the case of Hawes vs. Oakland (104 U. S., 450), it was

said relative to the right of a stockholder to bring an action
which should regularly be brought by the company of which
he is a stockholder:
"We understand that doctrine to be that, to enable a
stockholder in a corporation to sustain in a court of equity
in his own name, a suit founded on a right of action
existing in the corporation itself, and in which the
corporation itself is the appropriate plaintiff, there must
exist as the foundation of the suit:
"Some action or threatened action of the managing
board of directors or trustees of the corporation, which is
beyond the authority conferred on them by their charter or
other source of organization;
"Or such a fraudulent transaction, completed or
contemplated by the acting managers, in connection with
some other party, or among themselves, or with other
shareholders as will result in serious injury to the
corporation, or to the interest of the other shareholders;
"Or where the board of directors, or a majority of them,
are acting for their own interest, in a manner destructive of
the corporation itself, or of the rights of the other
"Or where the majority of shareholders themselves are
oppressively and illegally pursuing a course in the name of
the corporation, which is in violation of the rights of the
other shareholders, and which can only be restrained by
the aid of a court of equity."
It was also said: "In this country the cases outside of the
Federal Courts are not numerous, and while they admit the
right of a stockholder to sue in cases where the corporation
is the proper party to bring the suit, they limit this right to
cases where the directors are guilty of a, fraud or a breach
of trust, or are proceeding ultra vires"
Further on in the same case we find: "Conceding
appellant's construction of the company's charter to be
correct, there is nothing which forbids the corporation from 28/45

dealing with the city in the manner it has done. That city


Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

ferred on the company valuable rights by special ordinance;

namely, the use of the streets for the laying of its pipes,
and the privilege of furnishing water to the whole
population. It may be the exercise of the highest wisdom, to
let the city use the water in the manner complained of. The
directors are better able to act understandingly on this
subject than a stockholder residing in New York. The great
body of the stockholders residing in Oakland or other
places in California may take this view of it, and be content
to abide by the action of their directors."
This case is conclusive of the right of the plaintiff in the
case at bar to maintain the action. The complaint is devoid
of allegations necessary to sustain a complaint by a
The contention of the plaintiff based upon the case of Ex
parte Young (209 U. S. 123) is not sustained by that case.
The decision there requires precisely the same allegations
in the complaint as does the case of Hawes vs. Oakland.
Not one of those allegations appears in the complaint in the
case at bar except the allegation that the plaintiff is a
Indeed, not only does the complaint lack allegations
essential to its sufficiency, but it contains allegations which
affirmatively show the plaintiff is not entitled to maintain
the action. I do not stop to enumerate them all. I call
attention to one only, namely the allegation that the
company, by its authorized officials, has acted in strict
conformity with the plaintiff's wishes and has refused to
accept dynamite for carriage. This allegation shows that
the plaintiff has been able to obtain his remedy and
accomplish his purpose within the corporation itself, and it
is sufficient, therefore, under the case of Hawes vs.
Oakland and that of Ex parte Young, to require that the
demurrer be sustained.
I am opposed to a decision of this case on the merits.
In the first place, there has been no adequate discussion
of the merits by the parties. Substantially all of the brief of
the government was devoted to what may be called the
31 29/45

VOL. 31, NOV. 5. 1914, AND MARCH 31, 1915. 31

Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

technical defects of the complaint, such as I have referred

to above. Indeed, it is doubtful if any portion of the brief
can be said to be directly a discussion of the merits.
In the second place, there is no real case pending in this
court It is clear from the complaint that the case is a
collusive one (not in any improper sense) between the
plaintiff and defendant company. There is no reason found
in the complaint why the company should not have brought
the action itself, every member of the board of directors and
every stockholder, according to the allegations of the
complaint, being in absolute accord with the contentions of
the plaintiff on the proposition that the company should
not carry dynamite, and having passed unanimously
resolu-tions to that effect. Moreover, there has been no
violation of Act No. 98. No shipper, or any other person,
has offered dynamite to the defendant company for
shipment, and, accordingly, the defendant company has not
refused to accept dynamite for carriage. Nor have the
defendant government officials begun proceedings, or
threatened to bring proceedings, against the defendant
company in any given case. According to the allegations of
the complaint, the parties are straw parties and the case a
straw case.
In the third place, Act No. 98, under which this
proceeding is brought and under which, it is alleged, the
defendant public officers are threatening to enf orce, has
been repealed, in so far as it affects public service
corporations, by Act No. 2307, as amended by Act No. 2362.
More than that; not only has the law been repealed, but
proceedings of this character have been placed, in the first
instance, under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Board of
Public Utilities. I am unable to see why this court should,
under the facts of this case, undertake to render a decision
on the merits when the Act under which it is brought has
been repealed and the jurisdiction to render a decision on
the subject matter involved has been turned over to
another body. As I have said before, it was unnecessary to a
decision of this case to touch the merits in any way; and I
am opposed to an attempt to lay down a doctrine on a
subject which is


Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company. 30/45

within the exclusive jurisdiction of another body created by

law expressly for the purpose of removing such cases as
this from the jurisdiction of the courts.
I am of the opinion that the complaint should be
dismissed, but upon grounds apart from the merits. If the
merits of the case were alone to govern, I should be
distinctly in favor of the plaintiff's contention so far as it
relates to the carriage of dynamite on ships carrying
passengers; and, while I am opposed to a decision on the
merits of this case, nevertheless, the merits having been
brought into the case by the opinion of some of my
brethren, I desire to refer briefly to the jurisprudence of the
So far as my researches go, the proposition that
passenger boats must carry dynamite and other high
explosives is without support in the decisions of any
English speaking country. I have been unable to find a case
anywhere which. lays down such a doctrine. Indeed, I have
been unable to find a case which holds that freight boats
must carry dynamite or other high explosives. Every case
that I have been able to find states a contrary doctrine; and
neither in courts nor in text books is there even a hint
supporting the contention of my brethren. The opinion cites
no authorities to support it; and I am constrained to believe
that, in an opinion so elaborately written, cases to support
its thesis would have been cited if any such existed.
On page 372, Vol. 6 of Cyc., will be found the following:
"Common carriers owe to the public the duty of carrying
indifferently for all who may employ them, and in the order
in which the application is made, and without
discrimination as to terms. They may, however, restrict
their business so as to exclude particular classes of goods,
and they are not bound to receive dangerous articles, such
as nitroglycerine, dynamite, gunpowder, oil of vitriol,
matches, etc."
In the case of California Powder Works vs. Atlantic and
Pacific R. R. Co. (113 Cal, 329), it was said: "Nor are the
exemptions contained in the contract of the shipping order
void for lack of consideration. The defendant was

VOL. 31, NOV. 5. 1914, AND MARCH 31, 1915. 33

Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

not obliged to receive and transport the powder at all. A

common carrier is not bound to receive * * * dangerous 31/45

articles, as nitro-glycerine, dynamite, gunpowder, aqua

fortis, oil of vitriol, matches, etc."
This, so far as I can learn, is the universal doctrine. The
California case is reproduced in 36 L. R. A., 648 and has
appended to it a note. It is well known that the L. R. A.
cites in its notes all of the cases reasonably obtainable
relative to the Subject matter of the case which it
annotates. The note in L. R. A. with reference to the
California case cites a considerable number of authorities
holding that a carrier of goods is not obliged to receive
dynamite or other dangerous explosives for carriage. It
does not cite or refer to a case which holds the contrary.
The reporter of L. R. A., at the beginning of the note
with reference to the California case, says: "The law upon
this question is to be drawn from inference or from dicta
rather than from decided cases. California Powder Works
vs. Atlantic & Pacific R. R. Co. seems to be the first case to
have squarely decided that the carrier is not bound to
transport dangerous articles, although there has been what
may ,be regarded as a general understanding that such is
the fact."
In Hutchinson on Carriers (sec. 145), it is said, relative
to the necessity of a carrier receiving for carriage dynamite
or other dangerous explosives: "He may, for instance,
lawfully refuse to receive them (the goods) if they are
improperly packed or if they are otherwise in an unfit
condition for carriage. Or he may show that the goods
offered were of a dangerous character, which might subject
him or his vehicle, or strangers or his passengers, or his
other freight, to the risk of injury."
In a note to the text the author says: "Nor is he bound to
accept such articles as nitro-glycerine, dynamite,
gunpowder, oil of vitriol and the like."
In Elliott on Railroads (vol. 4, p. 151), appears the
following: "Again, goods may properly be refused which


Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

are tendered in an unfit condition for transportation, or

which are dangerous, or which are reasonably believed to
be dangerous."
In the case of Boston & Albany Railroad Co. vs. Shanly
(107 Mass., 568), the court said at page 576: "Both the
dualin and the exploders are thus alleged to be explosive
and dangerous articles. Each of them was sent without 32/45

giving notice of its character to the plaintiffs, and they

were ignorant in respect to it. The rule of law on this
subject is in conformity with the dictates of common sense
and justice, and is well established. One who has in his
possession a dangerous article, which he desires to send to
another, may send it by a common carrier {/ he will take it;
but it is his duty to give him notice of its character, so that
he may either refuse to take it, or be enabled, if he takes it,
to make suitable provision against the danger."
This case cites three English cases as follows, Williams
vs. East India Co. (3 East, 192); Brass vs. Maitland (6 El. &
Bl. 470); Farrant vs. Barnes (11 C. B. [N. S.], 553).
In the case of Porcher vs. Northeastern R. Co. (14 Rich.
L., 181), the court quoted with approval the following from
Story on Bailments: "If he (the carrier) refuses to take
charge of the goods because his coach is full or because they
are of a nature which will at the time expose them to
extraordinary danger or to popular rage, or because he has
no convenient means of carrying such. goods with security,
etc., these will furnish reasonable grounds for his refusal,
and will, if true, be a sufficient legal def ense to a suit f or
the noncarriage of the goods."
In the case of Fish vs. Chapman (2 Ga., 349), the court
said: "A .common carrier is bound to convey the goods of
any person offering to pay his hire, unless his carriage be
already full, or the risk sought to be imposed upon him
extraordinary, or unless the goods be of a sort which he
cannot convey or is not in the habit of conveying."
In the case of Farrant vs. Barnes,. above cited, the court
said that the shipper "knowing the dangerous character of
the article and omitting to give notice of it to the carrier

VOL. 31, NOV. 5. 1914, AND MARCH 31, 1915. 35

Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

so that he might exercise his discretion as to whether he

would take it or not was guilty of a clear breach of duty."
To the same effect, generally, are Jackson vs. Rogers (2
Show., 327); Riley vs. Horne (5 Bing., 217); Lane vs. Cotton
(1 Ld. Raym., 646); Edwards vs. Sherratt (1 East, 604) ;
Batson vs. Donovan (1 Barn. & Ald., 32; 2 Kent, 598) ;
Elsee vs. Gatward (5, T. R., 143) ; Dwight vs. Brewster (1
Pick., 50) ; Jencks vs. Coleman (2 Sumn., 221) ; Story on
Bail., 322, 323; Patton vs. Magrath (31 Am. Dec., 552).
In Story on Bailments (sec. 508), is found the following:
"If a carrier refuses to take charge of goods because his 33/45

coach is f ull; or because the goods are of a nature which

will at the time expose them to extraordinary danger; * * *
these will furnish reasonable grounds for his refusal; and
will, if true, be a sufficient legal defense to a suit for the
noncarriage of the goods."
It will be noted that all of these cases holding that a
common carrier is not obliged to receive a dangerous
substance, such as dynamite and other high explosives,
refer exclusively to carriers of merchandise and not to
carriers of passengers. If the authorities are uniform in
holding that companies carrying freight are not obliged to
accept dangerous explosives for carriage, there can be no
question as to what the rule would be with reference to a
carrier of passengers.
Far from requiring passenger boats to accept dynamite
and other high explosives for carriage, the attitude of the
people of the United States and of various States is shown
by their statutes. The laws of the United States and of
many of the States prohibit passengers boats and
passenger trains from carrying dangerous explosives.
Sections 232, 233, 234, 235 and 236 of the Criminal Code of
the United States (Compiled Stat, 1901), read:
"SEC. 232. It shall be unlawful to transport, carry, or
convey, any dynamite, gunpowder, or other explosive,
between a place in a foreign country and a place within or
subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, or between


Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

a place in any State, Territory, or District of the United

States, or place noncontiguous to but subject to the
jurisdiction thereof, and a place in any other State,
Territory, or District of the United States, or place
noncontiguous to but subject to the jurisdiction thereof, on
any vessel or vehicle of any description operated by a
common carrier, which vessel or vehicle is carrying
passengers for hire: * * *.
"SEC. 233. The Interstate Commerce Commission shall
formulate regulations for the safe transportation of
explosives, which shall be binding upon all common
carriers engaged in interstate or foreign commerce which
transport explosives by land. Said commission, of its own
motion, or upon application made by any interested party,
may make changes or modifications in such regulations,
made desirable by new information or altered conditions. 34/45

Such regulations shall be in accord with the best known

practicable means for securing safety in transit, covering
the packing, marking, loading, handling while in transit,
and the precautions necessary to determine whether the
material when offered is in proper condition to transport.
"Such regulations, as well as all changes or
modifications thereof, shall take effect ninety days after
their formulation and publication by said commission and
shall be in effect until reversed, set aside, or modified.
"SEC. 234. It shall be unlawful to transport, carry, or
convey, liquid nitroglycerin, fulminate in bulk in dry
condition, or other like explosive, between a place in a
foreign country and a place within or subject to the
jurisdiction of the United States, or between a place in one
State, Territory, or District of the United States, or place
noncontiguous to but subject to the jurisdiction thereof, and
a place in any other State, Territory, or District of the
United States, or place noncontiguous to but subject to the
jurisdiction thereof, on any vessel or vehicle of any
description operated by a common carrier in the
transportation of passengers or articles of commerce by
land or water.

VOL. 31, NOV. 5. 1914, AND MARCH 31, 1915. 37

Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

"SEC. 235. Every package containing explosives or other

dangerous articles when presented to a common carrier for
shipment shall have plainly marked on the outside thereof
the contents thereof; and it shall be unlawful for any
person to deliver, or cause to be delivered, to any common
carrier engaged in interstate or foreign commerce by land
or water, for interstate or foreign transportation, or to
carry upon any vessel or vehicle engaged in interstate or
foreign transportation, any explosive, or other dangerous
article, under any false or deceptive marking, description,
invoice, shipping order, or other declaration, or without
informing the agent of such carrier of the true character
thereof, at or before the time such delivery or carriage is
made. Whoever shall knowingly violate, or cause to be
violated, any provision of this section, or of the three
sections last preceding, or any regulation made by the
Interstate Commerce Commission in pursuance thereof,
shall be fined not more than two thousand dollars, or
imprisoned not more than eighteen months, or both. 35/45

"SEC. 236. When the death or bodily injury of any

person is caused by the explosion of any article named in
the f our sections last preceding, while the same is being
placed upon any vessel or vehicle to be transported in
violation thereof, or while the same is being so transported,
or while the same is being removed f rom such vessel or
vehicle, the person knowingly placing, or aiding or
permitting the placing, of such articles upon any such
vessel or vehicle, to be so transported, shall be imprisoned
not more than ten years."
Human ingenuity has been continuously exercised for
ages to make sea travel safe, that men might sail the seas
with as little risk as possible; that they might rely upon the
quality of the ship and the character and experience of the
sailors who manned her; that they might feel that the
dangers of the deep had been reduced to the minimum. Not
only this; the abilities of legislators have been taxed to the
same end; to frame laws that would ensure seaworthy


Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

ships, safe appliances, and reliable officers and crews; to

curb the avarice of those who would subordinate the safety
of passengers to a desire for freight; and to so regulate
travel by sea that all might safely confide their property
and their lives to the ships sailing under the flag of their
country.. Can a decision which requires passenger ships to
carry dynamite and all high explosives be made to
harmonize with this purpose? What is there in the
Philippine Islands to justify the requirement that
passenger ships carry dynamite, while in the United States
the carrying of dynamite by passenger ships is a crime?
Why should passengers in the Philippine Islands be
subjected to conditions which are abhorrent in the United
States? Why compel shipowners in the Philippine Islands
to perform acts which, if done in the United States, would
send them to the penitentiary?
I do not believe that we should require passengers to
travel on ships carrying, perhaps, many tons of
nitroglycerine, dynamite or gunpowder in their holds; nor
do I believe that any public official should do anything
calculated to add to the calamity of fire, collision, or
shipwreck the horrors of explosion,

ARAULLO, J., dissenting: 36/45

I do not agree with the decision of the majority of this court

in this case, first, because one of the grounds of the
demurrer to the complaint—the first one—is that of lack of
legal capacity to sue on the part of the plaintiff and nothing
is said in the decision regarding this very important point.
It is one which. ought to have received special attention,
even before the other alleged in the demurrer that the
complaint does not state facts sufficient to constitute a
cause of action, and the only one that received any
consideration in the decision in question. Second, because
notwithstanding that in the decision no consideration was
paid to the alleged lack of legal capacity on the part of the
plaintiff, he is, by reason of the demurrer being sustained,
authorized to present an amended complaint within ten

VOL. 31, NOV. 5. 1914, AND MARCH 31, 1915. 39

Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

days, an authorization which could not and should not have

been given without an express finding that such capacity
on the part of said plaintiff was not lacking.
Demurrer sustained and complaint ordered dismissed
unless an amended complaint be filed.



This case is again before us upon a demurrer interposed by

the respondent officials of the Philippine Government to an
amended complaint filed after publication of our decision
sustaining the demurrer to the original complaint.
In our former opinion, entered November 5, 1914, we
sustained the demurrer on the ground that the original
complaint did not set forth facts sufficient to constitute a
cause of action. In that decision we held that the statute
(Act No, 98) the validity of which was attacked by counsel
for plaintiff was, when rightly construed, a valid and
constitutional enactment, and ruled:
"That whatever may have been the rule at the common
law, common carriers in this jurisdiction cannot.lawfully
decline to accept a particular class of goods for carriage, to
the prejudice of the traffic in those goods, unless it appears
that for some sufficient reason the discrimination against
the traffic in such goods is reasonable and necessary. Mere 37/45

prejudice or whim will not suffice. The grounds of the

discrimination must be substantial ones, such as will
justify the courts in holding the discrimination to have
been reasonable and necessary under all the circumstances
of the case.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *
"The traffic in dynamite, gunpowder and other
explosives is vitally essential to the material and general
welfare of the people of these Islands. If dynamite,
gunpowder and other explosives are to continue in general
use throughout the Philippines, they must be transported
by water from port to port in the various islands which
make up the Archipelago. We are satisfied therefore that
the refusal by a particular vessel, engaged as a common
carrier of mer-


Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

chandise in the coastwise trade of the Philippine Islands, to

accept any or all of these explosives for carriage would
constitute a violation of the prohibitions against
discriminations penalized under the statute. unless it can
be shown by affirmative evidence that there is so real and
substantial a danger of disaster necessarily involved in the
carriage of any or all of these articles of merchandise as to
render such refusal a due or a necessary or a reasonable
exercise of prudence and discretion on the part of the ship
Resting our judgment on these rulings we held that the
allegations of the complaint, which in substance alleged
merely that the respondent officials were coercing the
respondent steamship company to carry explosives upon
some of their vessels, under authority of, and in reliance
upon the provisions of the Act, did not set forth facts
constituting a cause of action; or in other words, that the
allegations of the complaint even if true, would not sustain
a finding that the respondent officials were acting "without
or in excess of their jurisdiction" and lawful authority in
the premises.
The amended complaint filed on November 14, 1914, is
substantially identical with the original complaint, except
that it charges the respondent officials, as of the date of the
amended complaint, with the unlawful exercise of authority
or intent to exercise unlawful authority which should be
restrained, and substitutes the names of the officers now 38/45

holding the offices of Collector of Customs, Attorney-

General and prosecuting attorney for those of the officials
holding those offices at the date of the filing of the original
complaint; and except further that it adds the following
"That each and every one of the vessels of the defendant
company is dedicated and devoted to the carriage of
passengers between various ports in the Philippine Islands,
and each of said vessels, on all of said voyages between the
said ports, usually and ordinarily does carry a large
number of such passengers.
'That dynamite, powder, and other explosives are dan-

VOL. 31, NOV. 5. 1914, AND MARCH 31, 1915. 41

Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

gerous commodities that cannot be handled and

transported in the manner and form in which ordinary
commodities are handled and transported. That no degree
of care, preparation and special arrangement in the
handling and transportation of dynamite, powder and other
explosives will wholly eliminate the risk and danger of
grave peril and loss therefrom, and that the highest
possible degree of care, preparation and special
arrangement in the handling and transportation of said
commodities is only capable of reducing the degree of said
danger and peril. That each and every one of the vessels of
the defendant company is wholly without special means for
the handling, carriage, or transportation of dynamite,
powder and other explosives and such special means
therefor which would appreciably and materially reduce
the danger and peril therefrom cannot be installed in said
vessels without a cost and expense unto said company that
is unreasonable and prohibitive."
As we read them, the allegations of the original
complaint were intended to raise and did in fact raise, upon
demurrer, a single question which, if ruled upon favorably
to the contention of plaintiff, would, doubtless, have put an
end to this litigation and to the dispute between the
plaintiff stockholder of the steamship company and the
officials of the Philippine Government out of which it has
In their brief, counsel for plaintiff, in discussing their
right to maintain an action for a writ of prohibition, relied
upon the authority of Ex parte Young (209 U. S. [123] 163,
165), and asserted that: 39/45

"Upon the authority, therefore, of Ex parte Young,

supra, the merits of the question pending between
petitioner and respondents in this action is duly presented
to this court by the complaint of petitioner and general
demurrer of respondents thereto. That question, in plain
terms, is as f ollows:
"Is the respondent Yangco Steamship Company legally
required to accept for carriage and carry 'any person or
property offering for carriage?'
"The petitioner contends that the respondent company


Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

is a common carrier of only such articles of f reight as they

profess to carry and hold themselves out as carrying;" and
in discussing the legal capacity of plaintiff to maintain this
action, counsel in their printed brief asserted that "here we
have no address to the court to determine whether a
minority or a majority shall prevail in the corporate affairs;
here we ask plainly and unmistakably who shall fix the
limits of the corporate business—the shareholders and
directors of the corporation, or certain officials of the
government armed with an unconstitutional statute?"
Counsel for plaintiff contended that under the
guaranties of the Philippine Bill of Rights a common
carrier in the Philippine Islands may arbitrarily decline to
accept for carriage any shipment of merchandise of a class
which it expressly or impliedly declines to accept from all
shippers alike; that "the duty of a common carrier to carry
for all who offer arises from the public profession he has
made, and is limited by it;" that under this doctrine the
respondent steamship company might lawfully decline to
accept for carriage "dynamite, powder or other explosives,"
without regard to any question as to the conditions under
which such explosives are offered for carriage, or as to the
suitableness of its vessels for the transportation of such
explosives, or as to the possibility that the refusal to accept
such articles of commerce in a particular case might have
the effect of subjecting any person, locality or the traffic in
such explosives to an undue, unreasonable or unnecessary
prejudice or discrimination: and in line with these conten-
tions counsel boldly asserted that Act No. 98 of the
Philippine Commission is invalid and unconstitutional in
so far as it announces a contrary doctrine or lays down a
different rule. The pleader who drew up the original 40/45

complaint appears to have studiously avoided the inclusion

in that complaint of any allegation which might raise any
other question. In doing so he was strictly within his rights,
and having in mind the object sought to be attained, the
original complaint is a model of skillful pleading, well
calculated to secure the end in view, that is to say, a judg-

VOL. 31, NOV. 5. 1914, AND MARCH 31, 1915. 43

Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

ment on the precise legal issue which the pleader desired to

raise as to the construction and validity of the statute,
which would put an end to the controversy, if that issue
were decided in his favor.
Had the contentions of plaintiff as to the
unconstitutionality of the statute been well founded, a writ
of prohibition from this court would have furnished an
effective and appropriate remedy for the alleged wrong.
The issue presented by the pleadings on the original
complaint, involving a question as to the validity of a
statute and affecting, as it did, the shipping and public
interests of the whole Islands, and submitting no
complicated question or series of questions of fact, was of
such a nature that this court could not properly deny the
right of the plaintiff to invoke its jurisdiction in original
proceedings. We deemed it our duty therefore to resolve the
real issue raised by the demurrer, and since we were of
opinion that the contentions of counsel for the plaintiff
were not well founded, and since a ruling to that effect
necessarily resulted in an order sustaining the demurrer,
we did not deem it necessary or profitable to consider
questions of practice or procedure which it might have been
necessary to decide under a contrary ruling as to the
principal question raised by the pleadings; nor did we stop
to consider whether the "subject matter involved" in the
controversy might properly be submitted to the Board of
Public Utility Commissioners, because upon the authority
of Ex parte Young (supra) we were satisfied as to the
jurisdiction and competency of this court to deal with the
real issues raised by the pleadings on the original
complaint, and because, furthermore, the Act of the
Philippine Legislature creating the Board of Public Utility
Commissioners could not deprive this court of jurisdiction
already invoked in prohibition proceedings instituted for
the purpose of restraining the respondent officials of the
Government from the alleged unlawful exercise of 41/45

authority under color of an invalid statute and without

jurisdiction in the premises.
The amended complaint, however, presents for adjudi-


Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

cation in original prohibition proceedings in this court

questions of a wholly different character from those
submitted in the original complaint.
In so far as it reiterates the allegations of the former
complaint to the effect that the respondent officials are
unlawfully coercing the steamship company by virtue and
under color of the provisions of an invalid or
unconstitutional statute, it is manifest, of course, that the
amended complaint is no less subject to criticism than was
the original complaint. If, therefore, the action can be
maintained upon the amended complaint it must be
maintained upon its allegations that those officials are
coercing the company to carry explosives on vessels which,
as a matter of fact, are not suitably equipped for that
purpose, and which from the nature of the business in
which they are engaged should not be required to carry
It will readily be seen, under our former opinion, that
these allegations raise no question as to the validity or
constitutionality of any statute; that the real question
which plaintiff seeks to submit to this court in original
prohibition proceedings is whether the respondent officials
of the Government are correctly exercising the discretion
and authority with which they have been clothed; and that
his con-tention in the amended complaint is not, as it was
in the original complaint, that these officials are acting
without authority and in reliance upon an invalid and
unconstitutional statute, but rather that they are
exercising their authority improvidently, unwisely or
Under the provisions of sections 226 and 516 of the Code
of Civil Procedure jurisdiction in prohibition proceedings is
conferred upon the courts when the complaint alleges "the
proceedings of any inferior tribunal, corporation, board, or
person, whether exercising functions judicial or ministerial,
were without or in excess of the jurisdiction of such
tribunal, corporation, board or person." It is manifest
therefore that the allegations of the amended complaint, 42/45

even if true, will not sustain the issuance of a writ of

prohibition without further amendment unless they be

VOL. 31, NOV. 5. 1914, AND MARCH 31, 1915. 45

Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

construed to be in effect a charge that the respondent

officials are abusing the discretion conferred upon them in
the exercise of their authority in such manner that the acts
complained of should be held to be without or in excess of
their jurisdiction.
It may well be doubted whether the doctrine of the case
Ex parte Young (supra), relied upon by the plaintiff in his
argument in support of the original complaint, can properly
be invoked in support of a right of action predicated upon
such premises; so also, since the acts complained of in the
amended complaint are alleged to have been done at a date
subsequent to the enactment of the statutes creating the
Board of Public Utility Commissioners, it may well be
doubted whether the courts should entertain prohibition
proceedings seeking to restrain alleged abuses of discretion
on the part of officers and officials of the Government, and
of public service corporations with regard to the rules
under which such corporations are operated, until and
unless redress for the alleged wrong has been sought at the
hands of the Board.
We do not deem it expedient or necessary, however, to
consider or decide any of these questions at this time,
because we are of opinion that we should not permit our
original jurisdiction to be set in motion upon the
allegations of the amended complaint.
It is true that this court is clothed with original
jurisdiction in prohibition proceedings (sec. 513, Act No.
190). But this jurisdiction is concurrent with the original
jurisdiction of the various Courts of First Instance
throughout the Islands, except in cases where the writ runs
to restrain those courts themselves, when of course it is
exclusive; and we are satisfied that it could not have been
the intention of the legislator to require this court to
assume original jurisdiction in all cases wherein the
plaintiff elects to invoke it. Such a practice might result in
overwhelming this court with the duty of entertaining and
deciding original proceedings which from their nature could
much better be adjudicated in the trial courts; and in
unnecessarily divert- 43/45



Fisher vs. Yangco Steamship Company.

ing the time and attention of the court from its important
appellate functions to the settlement of controversies of no
especial interest to the public at large, in the course of
which it might become necessary to take testimony and to
make findings touching complicated and hotly contested
issues of fact.
We are of opinion and so hold that unless special
reasons appear therefor, this court should decline to permit
its original jurisdiction to be invoked in prohibition
proceedings, and this especially when the adjudication of
the issues raised involves the taking of evidence and the
making of findings touching controverted facts, which, as a
rule, can be done so much better in the first instance by a
trial court than an appellate court organized as is ours.
Spelling on Injunctions and Other Extraordinary
Remedies (vol. 2, p. 1493), in discussing the cases in which
the appellate courts in the United States permit their
original jurisdiction to be invoked where that jurisdiction is
concurrent with that of some inferior court, says:
"Of the plan of concurrent jurisdiction West Virginia
may be taken as an illustration. The Supreme Court of
Appeals of that State has concurrent original jurisdiction
with the circuit courts in cases of prohibition, but by a rule
adopted by the former court it will not take such original
jurisdiction unless special reasons appear therefor."
We deemed it proper to assume jurisdiction to
adjudicate and decide the issues raised by the rulings on
the original complaint, involving as they did a question as
to the validity of a public statute of vital interest to
shippers and ship owners generally as also to the public at
large, and presenting for determination no difficult or
complicated questions of fact: but we are satisfied that we
should decline to take jurisdiction of the matters relied
upon in the amended complaint in support of plaintiff's
prayer for the writ.
The question of the construction and validity of the
statute having been disposed of in our ruling on the
demurrer to the original complaint, it must be apparent
that if the allegations of the amended complaint are
sufficient to main-

47 44/45

VOL. 81, MARCH 31, 1915. 47

Chaves and Garcia vs. Manila Electric etc. Co.

tain the plaintiff's action for a writ of prohibition, a

question as to which we expressly reserve our opinion, the
action should be brought in one of the Courts of First
Twenty days hereafter let the complaint be dismissed at
the costs of the plaintiff, unless in the meantime it is
amended so as to disclose a right upon the part of the
plaintiff to invoke the original jurisdiction of this court
without first proceeding in one of the Courts of First
Instance. So ordered.

Arellano, C. J.,. Torres, and Trent, JJ., concur.

Complaint dismissed unless amended.


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