Aptis Exam 8

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Exam 8

Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
My love of nature

A Sarah
When I was a child at school, I collected books about nature. My classmates and friends all spent
free time playing computer games, so to them I suppose I was a bit strange. I loved learning about
animals from other countries, but as I got older I found out that my own country has interesting
too, and that’s what I like studying now. I do lots of drawings of nature, and I put them on my blog.
B Pilar
I love birds and animals because of all the visits to forests and lakes we made when I was at school.
a shame that things have changed so much now. In my opinion, children these days don’t learn
about nature, so lots of them are afraid of insects, for example. I have a great job because of my
love of
nature. I’m a nature photographer. It’s brilliant, except for the early mornings!
C Lia
A few years ago I read a blog with beautiful photos of animals, birds and plants, which made me
really looking at what lives around us. It was just a hobby at first, but now it’s my job as I visit
and give talks about nature. I love it. The only problem is if I am asked to draw a picture. I enjoy it,
I’m terrible at drawing! I’m going to take some lessons to try to get better.

1 Who became interested in nature from seeing someone else’s blog? A Sarah B Pilar C Lia
2 Who says there is something about her job that she doesn’t like? A Sarah B Pilar C Lia
3 Whose friends thought that her hobby was unusual? A Sarah B Pilar C Lia
4 Who became interested in nature because of school trips? A Sarah B Pilar C Lia
5 Who says that the type of nature she is interested in has changed? A Sarah B Pilar C Lia
6 Who wants to improve her pictures of nature? A Sarah B Pilar C Lia
7 Who thinks that young people should learn more about nature at school? A Sarah B
Part 4.
Task 4
The joy of best friends

You are going to read a magazine article about friendship. Choose from the list A-H
the sentences which best summarizes each part (1-6) of the article. There is one extra
sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).

A. Relations with best friends provide more than just fun.

B. Friendships with best friends develop naturally.
C. Relationships with best friends continue for longer than other
D. Relationships with best friends can become strained.
E. It is easy to overcome problems in relationships between best friends
F. It’s a shame to go through life without a best friend.
G. Best friends value relationships with each other.
H. People sometimes neglect their relationship with their best friend.

0 We may complain and worry about love and romance, but how many of us
spend time and effort on the one relationship that can make the difference
between a rich and happy life and feeling lonely and depressed — the
relationship we have with our best friend?

1 A relationship with a best friend may not match the highs and lows of a love
affair, but in most cases it is a far more solid and reliable commitment, which
will outlast even the most passionate romance.
Debbie and Sally have been best friends since school. As teenagers they went
shopping together on Saturday mornings and then sat in cafés all afternoon,
giggling about the idiotic behaviour of the boys at school. Now in their early
thirties, they talk on the phone two or three times a week and meet once a
fortnight to catch up on each other's lives. While boyfriends have come and gone,
their friendship has outlasted them all.

2 'Sally knows me better than anyone else,' says Debbie. 'When I get fed up and
everything looks hopeless, she sits and listens when I tell her what's getting me
down. When we've had a good chat, or spent hours laughing, I go home feeling on
top of the world.' Sally feels the same. 'A couple of years ago, Debbie was thinking
of going to Australia to work. I was devastated. It made me realize how important
our friendship is. I remember thinking that if she had decided to go, it would
have been like losing my right arm.
3 While a night out with your closest friend might be the best guarantee of a
good time, there is a serious side to all of this. Having a best friend to turn to
and confide in can have a positive effect on your emotional health. In fact,
your best friend can prevent you from developing serious psychological
problems, such as depression and anxiety, and if you do find yourself
depressed, he or she can be the major force that enables you to get over it.

4 But best friendships aren't all sweetness and light. As the old saying goes,
'there's a thin line between love and hate', and the person you care about the
most can also be the one who can hurt you most deeply.
Jealousy and competition are major sources of difficulty. Two friends who have
been close for years, sharing a similar lifestyle, can find their relationship
threatened if one suddenly has a change in fortune.

5 Best friendships evolve with time — you cannot go out and pick your best
friend. We become friends with people who share common interests — at
school or through hobbies, for example. We become best friends with someone
usually because we spend more time with them than with anyone else, and
because we can confide in them intimately.

6 Best friends have usually known each other for years and stuck together
through good and bad times. If you haven't got one, perhaps you are being
too distant with people, or focusing too much on work or love affairs. That's a
sad loss, because a best friend gives the best relationship many people ever
Grammar APTIS

1. What kind of work you do?

a. are
b. do
c. were
2. ………….you call me? I was in a meeting.
a. Were
b. Did
c. Do

3. Can you tell me what ………….to do here?

a. I’m supposed
b. am I supposed
c. I should

4. You ………..never tell anyone about this. It is classified.

a. must
b. mustn’t
c. might

5. I think I saw you ………..TV last night.

a. in
b. on
c. at

6. Please switch ………….the lights before you leave.

a. out
b. at
c. off
7. I tried to call you last week. I had a party and I …………to invite you.
a. want
b. wanted
c. was wanted

8. How long ………..?

a. have you worked in Malaysia?
b. has you worked in Malaysia?
c. have you work in Malaysia?

9. We ………….go to the beach every day when we were kids.

a. use to
b. used to
c. should
10. The box is a lot………. than I thought.
a. more heavy
b. heavier
c. heavy

11. Since my house is smaller, it is………. than his 4-storey bungalow.

a. more cheap
b. more cheaper
c. cheaper

12. His jokes were so bad. Many people were ………….. .

a. offensive
b. offended
c. offending
13. ‘Titanic’ is the ………..film I have ever seen.
a. most dramatics
b. most dramatic
c. most dramatically

14. Patrick likes to sing ……….songs to his wife.

a. romantics
b. roman
c. romantic

15. John ………………..football every evening.

a. play
b. plays
c. is plays

16. My brother is an ………………….actor.

a. popular
b. amazing
c. universal

17. He ……………..the task two days ago.

a. finished
b. has finished
c. was finished

18. In 1998, Malaysia …………………….the Commonwealth Games.

a. hosts
b. hosted
c. has hosted
19. Hansel has been to the place many times. He …………….have got lost.
a. could not
b. might not
c. will not
20. I didn’t know that you had some financial problems last year. Why …………you
tell me?
a. did
b. didn’t
c. do

21. He is ………………than I thought.

a. more strong
b. strongest
c. stronger

22. I witnessed the tragedy……….22nd of March, 2011.

a. on
b. in
c. at

23. “When did you get married?” “ ………..2012.”

a. at
b. in
c. on

24. Alana is really beautiful, ………….?

a. isn’t it?
b. is she?
c. isn’t she?

25. Oh no, you …………..that. Mother is going to get really angry at you.
a. shouldn’t done
b. shouldn’t have done
c. shouldn’t have did
Finish each definition (1-5) using answers from the list (A-J). Use each answer once
only. You will not need five of the words (A-J).

1. To concentrate is to
2. To kill is to
3. To try is to
4. To mingle is to
5. To oblige is to

a. compel f. socialize
b. do g. attempt
c. focus h. hear
d. chase i. murder
e. disagree j. die

Finish each sentence (6-10) using the word from the list (A-J). Use each word once
only. You will not need five of the words (A-J).
6. The job requires a high…………. of skills.
7. The form asks club members to state whether they are …………or married.
8. The boy is really annoying. He really does …………….my patience.
9. There is always room for……………...
10. Our classroom teacher doesn’t like ……………..students.

a. focus f. disobedient
b. level g. single
c. make h. dead
d. honest i. test
e. improvement j. table
Mark the letter on the list (A-J) that has the most similar meaning to the word on the
list (11-15) (e.g. home = house). Use each word only once. You will not need five of the
11. Feeble
12. Drowsy
13. Fond
14. Scarce
15. Enormous

a. Rare f. Weak
b. Tired g. Ready
c. Plan h. Sleepy
d. Loving i. Reek
e. Active j. Huge

Write the letter on the list (A-J) that is most often used with a word on the list (16-20)
(e..g. bus
+ stop = bus stop). Use each answer once only. You will not need five of the words.

16. Calm
17. Dress
18. School
19. Air
20. Flight

a. Up f. Bus
b. Around g. Down
c. Pollution h. Hand
d. Car i. Attendant
e. Determination j. Experiment
Write the letter on the list (A-J) that is most often used with a word on the list (21-25)
(e.g. bus + stop = bus stop). Use each word once only. You will not need five of the
21. Marriage
22. Mass
23. White
24. Boot
25. Pen

a. Media f. Camp
b. Book g. Bomb
c. Name h. Proposal
d. Lies i. Pencil
e. Truth j. Cargo


Part 1. You will hear people talking in 10 different situations for questions one to 10
choose the best answer A, B or C.

1. Where is the girl’s hat?

a. In the table
b. In the school bag
c. Hanging in the Hall
2. Which dish did mark cook at the competition?
a. Meat dishes
b. Fish
c. Vegetables
3. Where is the girl’s book now?
a. On the table
b. In the manager’s drawer
c. Inside the cafe
4. Who lives with Josh in his house?
a. His sister grandmother and mother
b. His dad mum and grandmother
c. His sister mum and grandmother
5. What will the girl take with her on holiday?
a. Suitcase
b. A backpack
c. Sport bag
6. What time will the train to Manchester leave?
a. At 11:45
b. At 11:30
c. At 11:50
7. Where will the friends meet?
a. Outside the cinema
b. At the bus station
c. In a cafe
8. Which sport will the boy do soon in the centre?
a. Diving
b. Swimming
c. Sailing on the Lake
9. What can't the woman find?
a. The new hammer
b. The paintbrush
c. The knife
10. What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?
a. Heavy rain
b. Sunny
c. Hot and dry
Part 2. You hear five different employees talking about what makes a good boss. For
questions 1 to 5, choose from the list A - F which of the opinions each speaker
expresses. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter you do not need to use.
A good boss should:
a. allow stuff to take decisions
b. encourage staff to work in teams
c. listen to complaints from staff
d. give information on individual progress
e. have good qualifications
f. set an example of hard work
Speaker 1 -
Speaker 2 -
Speaker 3 -
Speaker 4 -
Speaker 5 -

Part 3. You will hear an English woman called Britta talking to an interviewer about her
life in Berlin, the capital of Germany. For questions 1 - 6 choose the best answer A, B or

1. How long has Britta lived in Berlin?

a. 4 years
b. 6 years
c. 20 years
2. What does Britta say about living in Berlin?
a. She can't sleep at night because of the traffic noise
b. he misses the museums and the theatres in Bonn
c. she likes living in a big busy city
3. The area of Berlin where Britain lives is …
a. rather expensive place to live
b. a good place to eat out
c. a long way from the city centre
4. How does Britta usually travel around in Berlin?
a. He walks
b. he uses her bicycle
c. she uses the tram or bus
5. Britta says that her nephew, Philip, likes going …
a. to the park with her
b. to the shops with his parents
c. to a gallery with her
6. Rita has lots of friends who…
a. live near her
b. work with her
c. are still in England

Part 4. You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1 to 8
choose the best answer A,B or C.
1. You hear a restaurant manager talking about the cooks who work for him.
What does he say about them?
a. They dislike cleaning tasks
b. they have a choice of jobs
c. they help to decide the menu
2. You hear a woman talking about a new book. What does she particularly like
about the book?
a. It's educational
b. it's well organised
c. it's enjoyable
3. You hear the writer of a television soap opera being interviewed about the
program. What will happen next in the story?
a. Someone will make an important decision
b. someone will go away unexpectedly
c. someone will learn the truth at last
4. You hear part of a radio interview. Who is speaking?
a. A taxi driver
b. a Porter
c. a tourist guide
5. You hear a woman talking about how she keeps fit. Why did she decide to take
up a line dancing?
a. She thought the pace would suit her
b. she had heard about it on television
c. she wanted to try exercising to music
6. You overhear a conversation in a restaurant. What does the woman think
about the food she has just eaten?
a. It was expensive
b. it was delicious
c. it looked wonderful
7. You turn on the radio and hear a man talking. What is he talking about?
a. drawing pictures
b. writing fiction
c. composing music
8. You overhear a student phoning her parents. What is her opinion of the place
she is living in while at college?
a. she is not sure she will have enough room to study
b. she has difficulty in working because of the noise
c. she does not get on well with her roommates
Part 1
1. A
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. C
Part 2.1.
1. F
2. G
3. B
4. D
5. E
6. C
Part 2.2.
1. D
2. F
3. C
4. G
5. B
6. E

Part 3
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. B

Part 4
1. C
2. G
3. A
4. D
5. B
6. F
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. B
11. C
12. B
13. B
14. C
15. B
16. B
17. A
18. B
19. A
20. B
21. C
22. A
23. B
24. C
25. B
1. C
2. I
3. G
4. F
5. A
6. B
7. G
8. I
9. E
10. F
11. F
12. H
13. D
14. A
15. J
16. G
17. A
18. F
19. C
20. I
21. H
22. A
23. D
24. F
25. C
Part 1 1. c 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. c 6. c 7. c 8. c 9. b 10. b

Part 2 Speaker 1 ( E ) Speaker 2 ( A ) Speaker 3 ( D ) Speaker 4 ( B ) Speaker 5 ( F )

Part 3 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. c 6. a

Part 4 1. a 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. b 7. c 8. a

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