Bar Questions

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Obligation Bar Questions of the former’s scrap metals.

However, Peakstar
reneged in all its obligations.
Nature and Effects
Metro interposed the defense of force majeure for
1. In two separate documents signed by him, Juan
their failure to pay their loan obligations to Allied
Valentino "obligated" himself each to Maria and to
Perla, thus -'To Maria, my true love, I obligate myself
to give you my one and only horse when I feel like
Is Metro Concast Correct?
It." - and - 'To Perla, my true sweetheart, I obligate
myself to pay you the P500.00 I owe you when I feel
5. Printado is engaged in the printing business. Suplico
like it."
supplies printing paper to Printado pursuant to an
order agreement under which Suplico binds himself
Months passed but Juan never bothered to make good
to deliver the same volume of paper every month for
his promises. Maria and Perla came to consult you on
a period of 18 months, with Printado in turn agreeing
whether or not they could recover on the basis of the
to pay within 60 days after each delivery. Suplico has
foregoing settings. What would your legal advice be?
been faithfully delivering under the order agreement
(1997 BAR)
for 10 months but thereafter stopped doing so,
because Printado has not made any payment at all.
2. Roland, a basketball star, was under contract for one
Printado has also a standing contractwith publisher
year to play-for-play exclusively for Lady Love, Inc.
Publico for the printing of 10, 000 volumes of school
However, even before the basketball season could
textbooks. Suplico was aware of said printing
open, he was offered a more attractive pay plus
contract. After printing 1, 000 volumes, Printado also
fringes benefits by Sweet Taste, Inc. Roland accepted
fails to perform under its printing contract with
the offer and transferred to Sweet Taste. Lady Love
Publico. Suplico sues Printado for the value of the
sues Roland and Sweet Taste for breach of contract.
unpaid deliveries under their order agreement. At the
Defendants claim that the restriction to play for Lady
same time Publico sues Printado for damages for
Love alone is void, hence, unenforceable, as it
breach of contract with respect to their own printing
constitutes an undue interference with the right of
agreement. In the suit filed by Suplico, Printado
Roland to enter into contracts and the impairment of
counters that: (a) Suplico cannot demand payment for
his freedom to play and enjoy basketball. Can Roland
deliveries made under their order agreement until
be bound by the contract he entered into with Lady
Suplico has completed performance under said
Love or can he disregard the same? Is he liable at all?
contract; (b) Suplico should pay damages for breach
How about Sweet Taste? Is it liable to Lady Love?
of contract; and (c) with Publico should be liable for
(1991 BAR)
Printado’s breach of his contract with Publico
3. FSI entered into an agreement with FBI whereby the
because the order agreement between Suplico and
former, as subcontractor, undertook constructions of
Printado was for the benefit of Publico. Are the
walls, capping beam in a certain plaza.
contentions of Printado tenable? Explain your
answers as to each contention. (2002 BAR)
FSI then filed a complaint for Sum of Money stating
6. Under a deed of conditional sale, Castillo agreed to
that the FBI refused to pay despite demand.
sell his property to Olivarez Realty; with Olivarez
Realty delivering the down payment and the rest to
RTC and CA ruled in favor of FSI and was
be paid in 30 equal monthly installments every 8th of
demanded FBI to pay the claimed amount plus 12%
the month beginning in the month.
interest from the time of judgment.
However, Olivarez Realty failed to comply with the
FBI avers that the CA erred in imposing the 12%
conditions therein, to wit: a) pay the full purchase
interest as its agreement with FSI was not a “loan or
price; b) failed to file any action against PTA; c)
forbearance of money”. Is the FBI correct?
failed to clear the land of the tenants nor paying them
disturbance compensation. For breaching the
4. Metro Concast Steel Corporation obtained several
contract, Castillo prayed for rescission of contract
loans from Allied Bank. Metro failed to pay such
under Art. 1191 of Civil Code, plus damages.
loans upon maturity. In order to pay its debts, Metro
If you are the judge, will you grant the rescission?
entered into an agreement with Peakstar for the sale
penalties imposed and provided for in the contract,
7. Respondent Estrella Querimit opened a but the latter failed to pay; and, that petitioners’
dollar savings account in FEBTC for which she was violation constitutes breach of contract.
issued 4 Certificates of Deposit. In 1989, respondent
accompanied her husband to the US for medical
treatment. In 1993, her husband died and Estrella Will the complaint of respondent although
Querimit returned to the Philippines. denominated as one for breach of contract give rise to
either specific performance or rescission?
She went to petitioner FEBTC to withdraw her
deposit but she was told that her husband had 10. Ortigas & Company, Limited Partnership entered
withdrawn the money in deposit. Respondent into a lease agreement with La Paz Investment &
demanded payment including interests earned. Realty Corporation wherein the former leased to the
Respondent filed a complaint upon refusal of latter its parcel of land located in San Juan. La Paz
petitioner to pay.  constructed the Greenhills Shopping Arcade and
divided it into several stalls and subleased them
Is the petitioner bank liable? to other people. One of the sub-lessees was Edsel
Liga (Liga), who obtained the leasehold right to Unit
8. Q: A van owned by Orlando and driven by Diego, No. 26, Level A of the GSA. As the lease expired, the
while negotiating a downhill slope of a city road, stallholders made several attempts to have their
suddenly gained speed, obviously beyond the leasehold rights extended. Allegro Resources
authorized limit in the area, and bumped a car in front became the new lessee. As the new lessee, Allegro
of it, causing severe damage to the care and serious offered to sublease Unit No. 26, Level A to Liga.
injuries to its passengers. Orlando was not in the car They entered into a lease agreement dubbed Rental
at the time of the incident. The car owner and the Information in which Liga agreed to pay rental of
injured passengers sued Orlando and Diego for P40K monthly. She also agreed to pay the back
damages caused by Diego’s negligence. In their rentals due Ortigas. Liga also gave P40K as one
defense, Diego claims that the downhill slope caused month advance rental and another P40K as one
the van to gain speed and that, as he stepped on the month security deposit as provided in the
brakes to check the acceleration, the brakes locked, agreement. Liga failed to pay the subsequent due
causing the van to go even faster and eventually to hit rent. Despite repeated demands from Allegro, Liga
the car in front of it. Orlando and Diego contend that had failed to pay her rentals for the subleased
the sudden malfunction of the van’s brake system is a property, as well as the back rentals from January to
fortuitous even and that, therefore, they are exempt August 2001 due Ortigas.
from any liability. Is this contention tenable? Explain.
(2002 BAR) Should Liga be required to pay back rentals covering
9. On September 3, 2012, Remarkable Laundry and the period of January 1 to August 31?
Dry Cleaning (respondent) filed a Complaint
denominated as “Breach of Contract and Damages” 11. AB Corp. entered into a contract with XY Corp.
against spouses Romeo and Ida Pajares (petitioners) whereby the former agreed to construct the research
before the RTC. and laboratory facilities of the latter. Under the terms
of the contract, AB Corp. agreed to complete the
Respondent alleged that it entered into a Remarkable facility in 18 months, at the total contract price of
Dealer Outlet Contract with petitioners whereby the P10 million. XY Corp. paid 50% of the total contract
latter, acting as a dealer outlet, shall accept and price, the balance to be paid upon completion of the
receive items or materials for laundry which are then work. The work stated immediately, but AB Corp.
picked up and processed by the former in its main later experienced work slippage because of labor
plant or laundry outlet; that petitioners violated unrest in his company. AB Corp.'s employees
Article IV (Standard Required Quota & Penalties) of claimed that they are not being paid on time; hence,
said contract, which required them to produce at least the work slowdown. As of the 17th month, work was
200 kilos of laundry items each week, when, on April only 45% completed. AB Corp. asked for extension
30, 2012, they ceased dealer outlet operations on of time, claiming that its labor problems is a case of
account of lack of personnel; that respondent made fortuitous event, but this was denied by XY Corp.
written demands upon petitioners for the payment of When it became certain that the construction could
not be finished on time, XY Corp. sent written notice caused not only inconvenience but also humiliation
cancelling the contract, and requiring AB Corp. to for their family.
immediately vacate the premises. Can the labor
unrest be considered a fortuitous event? (2008 BAR) He filed with the RTC a breach of contractual
12. Kristina brought her diamond ring to a jewelry shop obligations. Rule on the case
form cleaning. The jewelry shop undertook to return
the ring by February 1, 1999." When the said date 16. On 1990, Marquez contracted a obtained a loan of
arrived, the jewelry shop informed Kristina that the 20, 000 pesos from Elisan Credit Corporation subject
Job was not yet finished. They asked her to return to 26% annual interest. And, in case of non-payment,
five days later. On February 6, 1999, Kristina went to a 10% monthly penalty based on the amount unpaid
the shop to claim the ring, but she was informed that and another 25% of such amount for attorney’s fees.
the same was stolen by a thief who entered the shop A chattel mortgage was also executed over a motor
the night before. Kristina filed an action for damages vehicle
against the jewelry shop which put up the
defense of force majeure. Will the action prosper or On 1992, the loan reached maturity but only 10, 000
not? pesos was paid. Marquez asked Elisan if she could
13. Dra De Llana was involved in a vehicular accident pay in daily installments to which the latter agreed.
caused by a truck driver employed by Rebecca On 1995, Despite Marquez having paid 20, 000,
Biong. Elisan foreclosed the chattel mortgage as the former
did not settle her balance despite demand as her
Dra. dela Llana sued Rebecca for damages She payment during the daily installment was applied to
alleged that she lost the mobility of her arm as a the interest accrued as a consequence of her delay in
result of the vehicular accident, medical expenses an payment as stipulated invoking Article 1253.
average monthly income of P30,000.00 since June
2000. During trial showed pictures of the collision Marquez insist that it should be credited against the
and a medical certificate issued by Dr. Milla as principal, invoking Article 1176 of the Civil Code.
evidence of her whiplash injury. Rule on the case.
17. Respondent Mekeni offered petitioner Antonio
In defense, Rebecca maintained that Dra. dela Llana Locsin II the position of Regional Sales Manager. In
had no cause of action against her as no reasonable addition to a compensation and benefit package,
relation existed between the vehicular accident and Mekeni offered petitioner a car plan, under which
Dra. dela Llana's injury. Dra. dela Llana's illness one-half of the cost of the vehicle is to be paid by the
became manifest one month and one week from the company and the other half to be deducted from
date of the vehicular accident. petitioner's salary.

Whether or not Rebecca Biong is liable for damages Subsequently, Locsin resigned. Petitioner thus
for the whiplash injury of Dra. Dela Llana? returned the vehicle to Mekeni. Petitioner made
personal and written follow-ups regarding his unpaid
14. Petitioner Metrobank is a domestic banking salaries, commissions, benefits, and offer to purchase
corporation duly organized and existing under the his service vehicle. Mekeni replied that the company
laws of the Philippines issued a “hold-out” clause car plan benefit applied only to employees who have
against respondent Rosales is the owner of a travel been with the company for five years and that the
agency while Yo Yuk To is her mother. deductions on his salary are to be treated as rentals
The basis of such hold-out clause is for the alleged for the car. Petitioner filed against Mekeni and/or its
unauthorized withdrawal of respondent. President, Prudencio S. Garcia, a Complaint for the
Is the issuance of the hold-out clause valid? recovery of monetary claims consisting of unpaid
salaries, commissions, sick/vacation leave

15. Polo Pantaleon sued American Express International Is the petition meritorious?
for an alleged delay is approving his purchase while
he was in a vacation in Amsterdam. Such delay

Kinds of Obligation
18. Are the following obligations valid, why, and if they Eva, she passed said examinations.
are valid, when is the obligation demandable in each
case? (a) Suppose Manuel had sold the same house and lot
to another before Eva passed the 1998 bar
a) If the debtor promises to pay as soon as he has the examinations, is such sale valid? Why?
means to pay; (2%)
b) If the debtor promises to pay when he likes; (b) Assuming that it is Eva who is entitled to buy said
c) If the debtor promises to pay when he becomes a house and lot, is she entitled to the rentals collected
lawyer; by Manuel before she passed the 1998 bar
d) If the debtor promises to pay if his son, who is sick examinations?Why?
with cancer, does not die within one year. 5% (3%)
19. Joey, Jovy and Jojo are solidary debtors under a loan
obligation of P300,000.00 which has fallen due. The 22. Dino sued Ben for damages because the latter had
creditor has, however, condoned Jojo's entire share in failed to deliver the antique Marcedes Benz car Dino
the debt. Since Jovy has become insolvent, the had purchased from Ben, which was—by agreement
creditor makes a demand on Joey to pay the debt. —due for delivery on December 31, 1993. Ben, in his
answer to Dino's complaint,
1) How much, if any, may Joey be compelled to pay? said Dino's claim has no basis for the suit, because as
[2%] the car was being driven to be delivered to Dino on
January 1, 1994, a reckless truck driver had rammed
2) To what extent, if at all, can Jojo be compelled by into the Mercedes Benz. The trial court dismissed
Joey to contribute to such payment? [3%] Dino's complaint, saying Ben's obligation had indeed,
been extinguished by force majeure.
Is the trial court correct?
23. A,B,C,D, and E made themselves solidarity indebted
20. Dux leased his house to Iris for a period of 2 years, at to X for the amount of P50,000.00. When X
the rate of P25,000.00 monthly, payable annually in demanded payment from A, the latter refused to pay
advance. The contract stipulated that it may be on the following grounds.
renewed for another 2-year period upon mutual a) B is only 16 years old.
agreement of the parties. The contract also granted b) C has already been condoned by X
Iris the right of first refusal to purchase the property c) D is insolvent.
at any time during the lease, if Dux decides to sell the d) E was given by X an extension of 6 months
property at the same price that the property is offered without the consent of the other four co-debtors.
for sale to a third party. Twenty-three months after
execution of the lease contract, Dux sold the house to State the effect of each of the above defenses put up
his mother for P2 million. Iris claimed that the sale by A on his obligation to pay X, if such defenses are
was a breach of her right of first refusal. Dux said found to be true
there was no breach because the property was sold to 24. Four foreign medical students rented the apartment of
his mother who is not a third party. Iris filed an Thelma for a period of one year. After one semester,
action to rescind the sale and to compel Dux to sell three of them returned to their home country and the
the property to her at the same price. Alternatively, fourth transferred to a boarding house. Thelma
she asked the court to extend the lease for another 2 discovered that they left unpaid telephone bills in the
years on the same terms. total amount of P80, 000.00. The lease contract
provided that the lessees shall pay for the telephone
a) Can Iris seek rescission of the sale of the property services in the leased premises. Thelma demanded
to Dux’s mother? (3%) that the fourth student pay the entire amount of the
b) Will the alternative prayer for extension of the unpaid telephone bills, but the latter is willing to pay
lease prosper? (2%) only one fourth of it. Who is correct? Why? (2001
21. In 1997, Manuel bound himself to sell Eva a house 25. For 200, 000, D promised to teach C mathematics for
and lot which is being rented by another person, if the year 2005 or to buy him a computer notebook. In
Eva passes the 1998 bar examinations. Luckily for 2005, C goes to Germany. D moves to rescind the
contract. If you were the judge, will you grant the 32. In 2004, A, B, and C bound themselves in solidum to
rescission? give X 300,000 subject the following stipulations: A
26. A and B were both responsible in causing injury to C to pay in 2005; B, if he passes the Bar; C in 2007.
through their negligence. C brought an action against a. In 2005, how much can X demand from A?
both. What is the nature of their (A and B) liability? 33. A and B are solidarily liable to X and Y, solidary
27. X, a registered operator of a common carrier, sold the creditors, for the payment of 800,000. A and X
vehicle to B without prior approval of the agreed that instead of paying 800,000, A will just
Commission. B then operated the vehicle. An paint X’s house. Is the obligation extinguished? If
accident took place one day, injuring the passenger of yes, what are its effects?
B. Are X and B jointly or solidarily liable? 34. A and B are solidary debtors to X and Y, solidary
28. A borrowed from B on the strength of two sureties, C creditors to the amount of 400,000. But x owes A
and D, who assumed joint and several liability with 400,000 on account of a different obligation. Is the
A. The trial judge, upon non-payment of the debt, obligation extinguished? If yes, what are its effects?
rendered a judgment against all the defendants for the 35. A and B are solidary debtors to X and Y, solidary
total amount sought by B. But the judgment did not creditors to the amount of 4 million. X tells A that he
state whether the liability of the defendants was joint is waiving the whole obligation. Is the obligation
or solidary. B asked for the execution of C’s extinguished? If yes, what are its effects?
properties for the whole obligation? Is B correct? 36. A and B made a negotiable promissory note in favor
of C and D, whereby A and B bound themselves
29. Butch got a loan from Hagibis Corporation (Hagibis) solidarily to C and d, solidary creditors. C and D
but he defaulted in the payment. A case for collection endorsed the note in favor of E; E in favor of F; F in
of a sum of money was filed against him. As a favor of A. Is the obligation extinguished? If yes,
defense, Butch claims that there was already an what are its effects?
arrangement with Hagibis on the payment of the loan. 37. A and B are solidary debtors of X and Y to the
To implement the same, Butch already surrendered amount of 4 million. X sued A but recovered only 3.5
five (5) service utility vehicles (SUVs) to the million. May Y still sue B for 500,000?
company for it to sell and the proceeds to be credited 38. A, B, C, and D are solidary debtors of E to the
to the loan as payment. Was the obligation of Butch amount of 1 millio. A paid E the whole obligation of
extinguished by reason of dacion en pago upon the 1 million. It is clear that a is entitled to
surrender of the SUVs? Decide and explain. (2016 reimbursement for now A has become the creditor for
BAR) reimbursement. Are B, C, and D considered the
30. Jerico, the project owner, entered into a Construction solidary debtors of A?
Contract with Ivan for the latter to construct his 39. A, B, and C executed jointly and severally a
house. Jojo executed a Surety undertaking to promissory note for 300,000 in favor of D payable
guarantee the performance of the work by Ivan. after six months. Upon maturity, A and B refused to
Jerico and Ivan later entered into a Memorandum of pay. Is D entitled to recover from C the amount of
Agreement (MOA) revising the work schedule of 300,000? In case of payment by C, what right, if any,
Ivan and the subcontractors. The MOA stated that all he has against A and B?
the stipulations of the original contract not in conflict 40. A, B, and C are solidary debtors of D in an obligation
with said agreement shall remain valid and legally to give a particular car. D makes an extrajudicial
effective. Jojo filed a suit to declare him relieved of demand upon A. After the demand, the car was lost
his undertaking as a result of the MOA because of the by a fortuitous event. Is the obligation extinguished?
change in the work schedule. Jerico claims there is no If not, what is D’s right?
novation of the Construction Contract. Decide the 41. A, B, and C are solidarily indebted to X for 3 million
case and explain. (2016 BAR) but A’s consent had been obtained by intimidation.
31. A, B, and C are jointly liable to give a particular car a. If X sues A, how much will A be liable for?
worth 1 million in favor of D, E, F, and G. A is b. If X sues B, how much will B be held liable
insolvent and the debtor, therefore, cannot purchase for?
the car to give to the creditors. D and E have 42. In 2005, X, Y, and Z executed a promissory note
renounced their rights. The debtors are not in default. promising B the sum of 3 million jointly and
How much can the creditors get from each of the severally of 10% annum within six months. In an
debtors? action by B against X for nonpayment of the note, X
interposed the defenses that 1) that Y was a minor
when the note was executed, and 2) that B had given Decide the defense with reasons. (1992 BAR)
an extension of one year to Z. What are the effects of
these defenses? Modes of Extinguishment
43. In a deed of sale of realty, it was stipulated that the
buyer would construct a commercial building on the 45. Sarah had a deposit in a savings account with Filipino
lot while the seller would construct a private Universal Bank in the amount of five million pesos
passageway bordering the lot. The building was (P5,000,000.00). To buy a new car, she obtained a
eventually finished but the seller failed to complete loan from the same bank in the amount of
the passageway as some of the squatters, who were P1,200,000.00, payable in twelve monthly
already known to be there at the time they entered installments. Sarah issued in favor of the bank post-
into the contract, refused to vacate the premises. In dated checks, each in the amount of P100,000.00, to
fact, prior to its execution, the seller filed ejectment cover the twelve monthly installment payments. On
cases against the squatters. the third, fourth and fifth months, the corresponding
checks bounced. The bank then declared the whole
obligation due, and proceeded to deduct the amount
The buyer now sues the seller for specific
of one million pesos (P1,000,000.00) from Sarah’s
performance with damages. The defense is that the
deposit after notice to her that this is a form of
obligation to construct the passageway should be
compensation allowed by law. Is the bank correct?
with a period which, incidentally, had not been fixed
Explain. (4%)
by them, hence, the need for fixing a judicial period.
46. Eduardo was granted a loan by XYZ Bank for the
purpose of improving a building which XYZ leased
Will the action for specific performance of the buyer from him. Eduardo executed the promissory note
against the seller prosper? (1991 BAR) (“PN”) in favor of the bank, with his friend Recardo
44. In June 1988, X obtained a loan from A and executed as cosignatory. In the PN, they both acknowledged
with Y as solidary co-maker a promissory note in that they are “individually and collectively” liable
favor of A for the sum of P200, 000.00. The loan was and waived the need for prior demand. To secure the
payable at P20, 000.00 with interest monthly within PN, Recardo executed a real estate mortgage on his
the first week of each month beginning July 1988 own property. When Eduardo defaulted on the PN,
until maturity in April 1989. To secure the payment XYZ stopped payment of rentals on the building on
of the loan, X put up as security a chattel mortgage the ground that legal compensation had set in. Since
on his car, a Toyota Corolla sedan. Because of failure there was still a balance due on the PN after applying
of X and Y to pay the principal amount of the loan, the rentals, XYZ foreclosed the real estate mortgage
the car was extrajudicially foreclosed. A acquired the over Recardo’s property. Recardo opposed the
car at A’s highest bid of P120, 000.00 during the foreclosure on the ground that he is only a co-
auction sale. signatory; that no demand was made upon him for
payment, and assuming he is liable, his liability
After several fruitless letters of demand against X should not go beyond half the balance of the loan.
and Y, A sued Y for the discovery of P80, 000.00 Further, Recardo said that when the bank invoked
constituting the deficiency. compensation between the rentals and the amount of
the loan, it amounted to a new contract or novation,
Y resisted the suit raising the following defenses: and had the effect of extinguishing the security since
a) That Y should not be liable at all because X was he did not give his consent (as owner of the property
not sued together with Y. under the real estate mortgage) thereto.
b) That the obligation has been paid completely by
A’s acquisition of teh car through “dacion en pago” a) Can XYZ Bank validly asserts legal
or payment by cession. compensation? (2%)
c) That Y should not be held liable for the deficiency b) Can Recardo’s property be foreclosed to pay the
of P80, 000.00 because he was not a co-mortgagor in full balance of the loan? (2%)
teh chattel mortgage of the car, which contract was c) Does Recardo have basis under the Civil Code for
executed by X alone as owner and mortgagor. claiming that the original contract was novated? (2%)
d) That assuming he is liable, he should only pay the
proportionate sum of P40, 000.00.
47. Felipe borrowed $100 from Gustavo in 1998, when Accordingly, Stockton gave written notice to the
the Phil P - US$ exchange rate was P56 – US$1. On corporation of his offer to sell his shares of P 10
March 1, 2008, Felipe tendered to Gustavo a million. The response of Core corp. was an
cashier’s check in the amount of P4,135 in payment acceptance of the offer in the exercise of its rights of
of his US$ 100 debt, based on the Phil P – US$ first refusal, offering for the purpose payment in form
exchange rate at that time. Gustavo accepted the of compensation or set-off against the amount of
check, but forgot to deposit it until Sept. 12, 2008. damages it is claiming against him, exclusive of the
His bank refused to accept the check because it had claim for attorney's fees. Stockton rejected the offer
become stale. Gustavo now wants Felipe to pay him of the corporation, arguing that compensation
in cash the amount of P5,600. Claiming that the between the value of the shares and the amount of
previous payment was not in legal tender and that damages demanded by the corporation cannot legally
there has been extraordinary deflation since 1998, take effect. Is Stockton correct? Give reason for your
and therefore, Felipe should pay him the value of the answer.
debt at the time it was incurred. Felipe refused to pay 50. Define compensation as a mode of extinguishing an
him again, claiming that Gustavo is estopped from obligation, and distinguish it from payment.
raising the issue of legal tender, having accepted the 51. X, who has a savings deposit with Y Bank in the sum
check in March, and that it was Gustavo’s negligence of P1,000,000.00 incurs a loan obligation with the
in not depositing the check immediately that caused said Bank in the sum of P800.000.00 which has
the check to become stale. become due. When X tries to withdraw his deposit, Y
a) Can Gustavo now raise the issue that the cashier’s Bank allows only P200.000.00 to be withdrawn, less
check is not legal tender? (2%) service charges, claiming that compensation has
b) Can Felipe validly refuse to pay Gustavo again? extinguished its obligation under the savings account
(2%) to the concurrent amount of X's debt. X contends that
c) Can Felipe compel Gustavo to receive US$100 compensation is improper when one of the debts, as
instead? (1%) here, arises from a contract of deposit. Assuming that
48. The sugar cane planters of Batangas entered into a the promissory note signed by X to evidence the loan
longterm milling contract with the Central Azucarera does not provide for compensation between said loan
de Don Pedro Inc. Ten years later, the Central and his savings deposit, who is correct? [3%]
assigned its rights to the said milling contract to a 52. Arturo borrowed P500,000.00 from his father. After
Taiwanese group which would take over the he had paid P300,000.00, his father died. When the
operations of the sugar mill. The planters filed an administrator of his father's estate requested payment
action to annul the said assignment on the ground that of the balance of P200,000.00. Arturo replied that the
the Taiwanese group was not registered with the same had beenArturo borrowed P500,000.00 from his
Board of Investments. Will the action prosper or not? father. After he had paid P300,000.00, his father died.
Explain briefly. (5%) When the administrator of his father's estate
requested payment of the balance of P200,000.00.
(Note: The question presupposes knowledge and Arturo replied that the same had been condoned by
requires the application of the provisions of the his father as evidenced by a notation at the back of
Omnibus Investment Code, which properly belongs his check payment for the P300,000.00 reading: "In
to Commercial law) full payment of the loan". Will this be a valid defense
in an action for collection? (3%)
49. Stockton is a stockholder of Core Corp. He desires to 53. On July 1, 1998, Brian leased an office space in a
sell his shares in Core Corp. In view of a court suit building for a period of five years at a rental rate of
that Core Corp. has filed against him for damages in P1,000.00 a month. The contract of lease contained
the amount of P10 million, plus attorney's fees of P 1 the proviso that "in case of inflation or devaluation of
million, as a result of statements published by the Philippine peso, the monthly rental will
Stockton which are allegedly defamatory because it automatically be increased or decreased depending
was calculated to injure and damage the corporation's on the devaluation or inflation of the peso to the
reputation and goodwill. dollar." Starting March 1, 2001, the lessor increased
the rental to P2,000 a month, on the ground of
The articles of incorporation of Core Corp. provide inflation proven by the fact that the exchange rate of
for a right of first refusal in favor of the corporation. the Philippine peso to the dollar had increased from
P25.00=$1.00 to P50.00=$1.00. Brian refused to pay on his car, a Toyota Corolla sedan. Because of failure
the increased rate and an action for unlawful detainer of X and Y to pay the principal amount of the loan,
was filed against him. Will the action prosper? Why? the car was extrajudicially foreclosed. A acquired the
(5%) car at A's highest bid of P120,000.00 during the
auction sale.
54. In 1971, Able Construction, Inc. entered into a
contract with Tropical Home Developers, Inc. After several fruitless letters of demand against X
whereby the former would build for the latter the and Y, A sued Y alone for the recovery of
houses within its subdivision. The cost of each house,
P80.000.00 constituting the deficiency. Y resisted the
labor and materials included, was P100,000.00. Four
hundred units were to be constructed suit raising the following defenses:
within five years. In 1973, Able found that it could
no longer continue with the job due to the increase in a) That Y should not be liable at all because X was
the price of oil and its derivatives and the not sued together with Y.
concomitant worldwide spiraling of prices of all
commodities, including basic raw materials required b) That the obligation has been paid completely by
for the construction of the houses. The cost of
A's acquisition of the car through "dacion en pago" or
development had risen to unanticipated levels and to
such a degree that the conditions and factors which payment by cession.
formed the original basis of the contract had been
totally changed. Able brought suit against Tropical c) That Y should not be held liable for the deficiency
Homes praying that the Court relieve it of its of P80,000.00 because he was not a co-mortgagor in
obligation. the chattel mortgage of the car which contract was
executed by X alone as owner and mortgagor.
Is Able Construction entitled to the relief sought?
d) That assuming that Y is liable, he should only pay
55. In 1971, Able Construction, Inc. entered into a the proportionate sum of P40,000.00.
contract with Tropical Home Developers, Inc.
whereby the former would build for the latter the Decide each defense with reasons.
houses within its subdivision. The cost of each house,
labor and materials included, was P100,000.00. Four 57. In a deed of sale of a realty, it was stipulated that the
hundred units were to be constructed within five buyer would construct a commercial building on the
years. In 1973, Able found that it could no lot while the seller would construct a private
longer continue with the job due to the increase in the passageway bordering the lot. The building was
price of oil and its derivatives and the concomitant eventually finished but the seller failed to complete
worldwide spiraling of prices of all commodities, the passageway as some of the squatters, who were
including basic raw materials required for the already known to be there at the time they entered
construction of the houses. The cost of development into the contract, refused to vacate the premises. In
had risen to unanticipated levels and to such a degree fact, prior to its execution, the seller filed ejectment
that the conditions and factors which formed the cases against the squatters. The buyer now sues the
original basis of the contract had been totally seller for specific performance with damages. The
changed. defense is that the obligation to construct the
passageway should be with a period which,
Able brought suit against Tropical Homes praying incidentally, had not been fixed by them, hence, the
that the Court relieve it of its obligation. need for fixing a judicial period. Will the action for
Is Able Construction entitled to the relief sought? specific performance of the buyer against the seller
56. In June 1988, X obtained a loan from A and executed 58. In 1978, Bobby borrowed P1 ,000, 000.00 form Chito
with Y as solidary co-maker a promissory note in payable in two years. The loan, which was evidenced
favor of A for the sum of P200,000.00. The loan was by a promissory note, was secured by a mortgage on
payable at P20,000.00 with interest monthly within real property. No action was filed by Chito to collect
the first week of each month beginning July 1988 the loan or to foreclose the mortgage. But in 1991,
until maturity in April 1989. To secure the payment Bobby, without receiving any amount from Chito,
of the loan. X put up as security a chattel mortgage
executed another promissory note, except for the date
thereof, which was the date of its execution.

1) Can Chito demand payment on the 1991

promissory note in 1994?
2) Can Chito foreclose the real estate mortgage if
Bobby fails to make good his obligation under the
1991 promissory note?
59. Baldomero leased his house with a telephone to Jose.
The lease contract provided that Jose shall pay for all
electricity, water and telephone services in the leased
premises during the period of the lease. Six months
later, Jose surreptitiously vacated the premises. He
left behind unpaid telephone bills for overseas
telephone calls amounting to over P20, 000.00.
Baldomero refused to pay the said bills ont he ground
that Jose had already substituted him as the customer
of the telephone company. The latter maintained that
Baldomero remained as his customer as far as their
service contract was concerned, notwithstanding the
lease contract between Baldomero and Jose. Who is
correct, Baldomero or the telephone company?
Explain. (1996 BAR)
60. The sugar cane planters of Batangas entered into a
long-term milling contract with the Central
Azucarera de Don Pedro Inc. Ten years later, the
Central assigned its rights to the said milling contract
to a Taiwanese group which would take over the
operations of the sugar mill. The planters filed an
action to annul the said assignment on the ground that
the Taiwanese group was not registered with the
Board of Investments. Will the action prosper or not?
Explain briefly. (2001 BAR)

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