Craniofacial Abnormalities

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Prenatal ultrasonography of craniofacial


Annisa Shui Lam Mak, Kwok Yin Leung

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong SAR,
pISSN: 2288-5919 • eISSN: 2288-5943
Ultrasonography 2019;38:13-24
Craniofacial abnormalities are common. It is important to examine the fetal face and skull
during prenatal ultrasound examinations because abnormalities of these structures may indicate
the presence of other, more subtle anomalies, syndromes, chromosomal abnormalities, or even
rarer conditions, such as infections or metabolic disorders. The prenatal diagnosis of craniofacial
abnormalities remains difficult, especially in the first trimester. A systematic approach to the fetal Received: May 29, 2018
skull and face can increase the detection rate. When an abnormality is found, it is important Revised: June 30, 2018
Accepted: July 3, 2018
to perform a detailed scan to determine its severity and search for additional abnormalities.
Correspondence to:
The use of 3-/4-dimensional ultrasound may be useful in the assessment of cleft palate and Kwok Yin Leung, MBBS, MD, FRCOG,
craniosynostosis. Fetal magnetic resonance imaging can facilitate the evaluation of the palate, Cert HKCOG (MFM), Department of
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Queen
micrognathia, cranial sutures, brain, and other fetal structures. Invasive prenatal diagnostic Elizabeth Hospital, Gascoigne Road,
techniques are indicated to exclude chromosomal abnormalities. Molecular analysis for some Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China
syndromes is feasible if the family history is suggestive. Tel. +852-3506 6398
Fax. +852-2384 5834
E-mail: [email protected]
Keywords: Craniofacial; Prenatal; Ultrasound; Three-dimensional ultrasonography;
Fetal structural abnormalities

Introduction This is an Open Access article distributed under the

terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-
Commercial License (
licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted non-
Craniofacial abnormalities are common. In particular, the prevalence of facial clefts and commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly
craniosynostosis is around 0.15% and 0.05%, respectively [1-4]. Antenatal ultrasonography is an cited.
accurate and reliable tool for detecting these malformations [5]. It is important to examine the fetal
face and skull during prenatal ultrasound examinations because abnormalities of these structures Copyright © 2019 Korean Society of
Ultrasound in Medicine (KSUM)
may indicate the presence of other, more subtle anomalies, syndromes, chromosomal abnormalities, or
even rarer conditions, such as infections or metabolic disorders. Whenever a craniofacial abnormality
is found, it is important to perform a detailed scan to screen for additional anomalies. Additional
use of 3-/4-dimensional (3D/4D) ultrasonography or fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may
facilitate searching for or precisely delineating certain anomalies [6,7]. Further investigations,
including invasive prenatal diagnostic techniques, may be indicated for chromosomal studies or
molecular testing.
The detection rate of craniofacial abnormalities varies depending on the type of abnormality, its How to cite this article:
severity, gestational age, associated anomalies, and the techniques and technology of the ultrasound Mak ASL, Leung KY. Prenatal ultrasonography
of craniofacial abnormalities. Ultrasonography.
examinations. The prenatal diagnosis of some abnormalities, such as craniosynostosis, remains 2019 Jan;38(1):13-24. Ultrasonography 38(1), January 2019 13

Annisa Shui Lam Mak, et al.

low [8]. Nonetheless, over-diagnosis should be avoided because structures are examined [10]. The skull has an oval shape and
most fetuses with isolated brachycephaly or dolichocephaly continuous echogenic structure interrupted only by narrow
have normal outcomes. Various professional societies, including echolucent sutures. Abnormal features (Figs. 1-3) and associated
International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology abnormalities are shown in Table 1.
(ISUOG), American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, and the Asia The prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of craniosynostosis is difficult.
and Oceania Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology have issued It can be made directly when there is a loss of hypoechogenicity in a
guidelines on the examination of the face and skull in the second- segment of the normal skull sutures, together with enlargement of
trimester anomaly scan [9-11]. In recent years, examining the fetal other orthogonal sutures [13]. Indirect signs, including an abnormal
craniofacial structures in the first-trimester sonography examination cephalic index (CI), cranial shape (Table 2), and/or face morphology
has been recommended [10,12]. The main purpose of this review is to
provide up-to-date information on prenatal sonography of craniofacial
abnormalities, with the goal of increasing diagnostic accuracy. H

The size, shape, integrity, and bone density of the skull can be
assessed when the head size is measured and when the brain

Table 1. Abnormal ultrasonographic features of the skull and

associated abnormalities
Feature Abnormal feature Abnormality
Size Small Microcephaly
Large Macrocephaly
Shape Not oval, like a lemon, Spina bifida, trisomy 18, or
strawberry, or cloverleaf skeletal dysplasia
Integrity Defect in the skull bone with Encephalocele
protrusion of brain tissue Fig. 2. A second-trimester fetus with brachycephaly. Axial view
Density Absence of echogenicity, Poor mineralization, such as of the fetal head (H) shows the shape of the skull is shorter than
skull easily compressed osteogenesis imperfecta or typical (arrowheads).


Fig. 3. A second-trimester fetus with scaphocephaly. Axial view

Fig. 1. A second-trimester fetus with trigonocephaly. Axial view of of the fetal head (H) shows a long (arrowheads) and narrow head
the fetal head (H) shows a triangular shaped forehead (arrowheads). (arrows).

14 Ultrasonography 38(1), January 2019

Craniofacial abnormalities

Table 2. Different types of craniosynostosis and associated such as hypotelorism or hypertelorism, may precede closure of the
abnormalities sutures by 4 to 16 weeks [8]. CIs below 70% or above 85% indicate
Abnormal shape Suture synostosis Associated abnormalities dolichocephaly and brachycephaly, respectively [14]. Although the
Scaphocephaly/ Sagittal CI is lower in dolichocephalic fetuses, it may not be appropriate for
Dolichocephaly (long)
second-trimester screening, and it may not detect trigonocephaly
Brachycephaly (short, Bilateral coronal Down syndrome
[15]. Further investigations including 3D ultrasonography or MRI
may help to diagnose closure of the sutures [16].
Pfeiffer syndrome
Measuring head size is important, as measurements of head
Plagiocephaly Unilateral coronal or
(ipsilateral forehead or lambdoid - circumference more than 3 standard deviations below or 2 standard
occipital flattening) deviations above the mean head circumference expected based on
Trigonocephaly Metopic Jacobsen syndrome or gestational age are a clue for the possible diagnosis of microcephaly
(forward pointing) Opitz C syndrome
or macrocephaly, respectively. However, using these reference values
Cloverleaf (trilobate) Sagittal, coronal, and Thanatophoric dysplasia,
may lead to the over-diagnosis of microcephaly [17]. There are
lambdoid Apert syndrome, Crouzon
syndrome difficulties and pitfalls in diagnosing microcephaly based on head
Carpenter syndrome circumference alone. Other supporting signs include a sloping forehead,
Oxycephaly (pointed Sagittal and flat occiput, or intracranial content that is abnormal or not visible.
or conical) lambdoid

Table 3. Systematic examination of various facial structures and their abnormalities

Views Structure Abnormal features Abnormalities
Coronal Lip Loss of integrity Facial cleft
Mouth Small or continuous, open Microstomia or syndromes
Nose Flat or one nostril Hypoplasia, single-nostril syndromes
Palpebral fissure Upward or downward slant
Transverse Orbits Small, absence, abnormal interocular diameter Microphthalmia/anophthalmia, hypotelorism/hypertelorism
Medial cyst Dacryocystocele
Lens Echogenic Cataract
Tooth buds Cleft, abnormal number Cleft palate, oligodontia/anodontia
Mandible Small Micrognathia
Uvula Absent or double 'equals sign' Cleft uvula
Ears Abnormal size, shape, location, or rotation Abnormal ear
Sagittal Forehead Bossing Skeletal dysplasia
Sloping Microcephaly
Abnormal mass Proboscis
Nose Flat Syndromes
Absence or short nasal bone Aneuploidies
Maxilla Premaxillary protrusion Bilateral facial cleft
Soft palate No soft palate or 'equals sign' Cleft soft palate, uvula
Philtrum Long or short Syndromes
Mandible Small chin Micrognathia
Symmetry Asymmetry of face Facial asymmetry
Tongue Large, protrusion, mass backward displacement Macroglossia, tumor glossoptosis
Ears Abnormal size, shape, mass, or location or rotation Small, dysplastic, absent, large, polyp, low-set Ultrasonography 38(1), January 2019 15

Annisa Shui Lam Mak, et al.

Face Cleft is diagnosed when there is a loss of integrity of the lip on one or
both sides on the coronal view (Figs. 4, 5). Bilateral cleft lip is suggested
It is preferable to systematically examine the fetal face in three by the presence of a premaxillary protuberance on the sagittal view
planes to assess various facial structures because doing so facilitates (Fig. 6). It is difficult to diagnose incomplete cleft lip (Fig. 7), cleft
the detection of abnormalities in those structures (Table 3) [18].
According to the ISUOG guidelines, the minimum evaluation of the
fetal face includes the presence of both orbits, evaluation of the
nose/nostrils, presence of the mouth, and preferably an evaluation
of the facial profile and lip [9].

Fig. 6. A second-trimester fetus with a premaxillary protuberance.
Sagittal view of the fetal face shows a soft tissue mass (arrow)
protruding forward below the nose (N).

Fig. 4. A second-trimester fetus with unilateral cleft lip. Coronal

view of the fetal face shows a loss of integrity (arrow) of the upper
lip (L).

Fig. 5. A second-trimester fetus with bilateral cleft lip. Coronal Fig. 7. A second-trimester fetus with partial unilateral cleft
view of the fetal face shows a loss of integrity (arrows) of the upper lip. Coronal view of the fetal face shows partial loss of integrity
lip (L) on both sides (1 and 2). (arrowhead and arrow) of the upper lip (L).

16 Ultrasonography 38(1), January 2019

Craniofacial abnormalities

palate alone, or cleft soft palate [19]. Indirect sonographic signs

of cleft palate may include a small or absent stomach bubble and
polyhydramnios. Using color flow, the flow of amniotic fluid can be
seen, normally coming through the nostrils during respiratory activity
or abnormally through the palate when it has a cleft. Absence of the
"equals sign" is a sign of cleft palate [20]. A normal philtrum should
not be mistaken for a median cleft lip.
FH The facial profile can be assessed on the mid-sagittal view. In
particular, frontal bossing (Fig. 8), micrognathia (Fig. 9), or a flat
nose (Fig. 10) can be detected. On the lateral side of the head,
ear abnormalities (Fig. 11) can be assessed. Both eyes and their
abnormalities can be assessed on the axial view (Figs. 12-14).
Micrognathia refers to a small mandible, while retrognathia is a
posteriorly displaced mandible. Using the inferior facial angle and
the ratio of the mandible width to the maxilla width may help detect
these two abnormalities [21]. When there is a significant family
history or a suspected anomaly, measurements of fetal structures,
such as nasal bone length, ear length, maxillary length, and ocular
and interocular diameters can be performed.

Three-Dimensional or Four-Dimensional
The use of 3D ultrasound, including surface rendering, multiplanar,
and multi-slice views, allows a precise evaluation of various
craniofacial structures and their abnormalities, including cleft palate
Fig. 8. A second-trimester fetus with bossing forehead. Mid-
sagittal view of the fetal face shows a forward protuberance
(arrowheads) of the forehead (FH).

Fig. 9. A second-trimester fetus with micrognathia. Mid-sagittal

view of the fetal face shows a small and receding (arrowheads) chin Fig. 10. A second-trimester fetus with a flat nose. Mid-sagittal
(C). view of the fetal face shows a flat (arrow) nose (N). Ultrasonography 38(1), January 2019 17

Annisa Shui Lam Mak, et al.

(Figs. 15, 16), and craniosynostosis [6,16,18,22]. The images can

be useful for counseling (Figs. 17, 18). Using 3D ultrasound (Figs.
19, 20) can help differentiate closed from open sutures [22]. The
use of 4D ultrasound can be used to assess facial expressions [23].
Although high-quality 3D rendered images of the fetal face are
impressive to pregnant women, the use of 3D ultrasound does not
reduce maternal anxiety [24]. The effect of 3D/4D ultrasound on
maternal-fetal bonding may be stronger than that of 2-dimensional
ultrasound due to a higher level of visibility and recognition [25].
The resolution of 3D ultrasound is limited when the fetus is leaning
against the uterine wall or placenta or when the liquor is reduced.

Fig. 11. A second-trimester fetus with an abnormal ear. Lateral

sagittal view of the fetal face shows a small (arrows) right (R) ear (E)
Fig. 13. A second-trimester fetus with bilateral cataracts. Axial
with loss of normal architecture.
view of the fetal face shows echogenicity (arrowheads) in the lens (L)
of both eyes.

Fig. 12. A second-trimester fetus with hypotelorism. Axial view of Fig. 14. A second-trimester fetus with a mass between the 2
the fetal face shows abnormally decreased distance (arrowheads) orbits. Axial view of the fetal face shows a soft tissue mass (arrows)
between the two orbits (circles). protruding between the two orbits (circles).

18 Ultrasonography 38(1), January 2019

Craniofacial abnormalities






Fig. 15. A second-trimester fetus with bilateral cleft lip and palate. Three-dimensional multi-slice axial view of the fetal face shows a loss
of integrity (arrows) of the lip (L) and palate (P) on both sides.






Fig. 16. A second-trimester fetus with midline cleft lip and palate. Three-dimensional multi-slice axial view of the fetal face shows a loss of
integrity (arrows) of the lip (L) and palate (P) on the midline. Color boxes on the right side show the orientation of the active images on the
left: axial view (1), sagittal view (2), and coronal view (3). Ultrasonography 38(1), January 2019 19

Annisa Shui Lam Mak, et al.

First-Trimester Sonography unilateral or bilateral cleft lip, with or without cleft palate, median
cleft lip is caused by the incomplete merging of the two medial
Between 11 and 13 weeks 6 days of gestation, the ISUOG nasal prominences [28]. Median cleft lip is particularly likely to
guidelines suggest measuring the biparietal diameter and the head be associated with other anomalies, chromosomal abnormalities,
circumference, and assessing the integrity and echogenicity of the and poor outcomes [26,29]. Slash types of facial clefts caused by
skull [12]. An attempt can be made to assess the orbits, interorbital amniotic bands are usually severe [26].
distances, facial profile, ears, and the integrity of the mouth and lips
[12]. A flat facial profile can be found in the first trimester (Fig. 21).
However, some craniofacial abnormalities, such as craniosynostosis,
cannot be diagnosed in the first trimester, and thus a second-
trimester anomaly scan remains the standard of care for fetal
anatomical evaluation.

Further Investigations
Ultrasonographic images of some craniofacial abnormalities are
illustrated (Figs. 1-19). When a cleft lip is found, it is essential to
define whether it is unilateral, bilateral, or midline, and whether
there is any cleft plate or amniotic band, because the prognosis
and associated conditions vary accordingly [26]. Combined cleft L
lip and palate is more common that cleft lip alone [27], and the
associated problems are more severe [26]. Unilateral/bilateral and
median cleft lip are considered distinct conditions because their
embryological origins are different [28]. Whereas the complete or
partial lack of the fusion of the two lateral maxillary prominences
with the medial nasal prominences on one or both sides results in Fig. 18. A second-trimester fetus with midline cleft lip. Three-
dimensional surface-rendered image of the fetal face shows a cleft
(arrow) on the midline of the upper lip (L).


Fig. 19. A second-trimester fetus with a normal sagittal suture.

Three-dimensional ultrasound surface-rendered image in skeletal
Fig. 17. A second-trimester fetus with unilateral cleft lip. Three- mode of the frontal view of the fetal face shows a normal sagittal
dimensional surface-rendered image of the fetal face shows a cleft suture (arrowheads), anterior fontanelle (arrow), and frontal bones
(arrow) on 1 side of the upper lip (L). (FB).

20 Ultrasonography 38(1), January 2019

Craniofacial abnormalities


Fig. 20. A second-trimester fetus with craniosynostosis. Three-dimensional ultrasound surface-rendered image win skeletal mode of the
axial view of the fetal skull shows narrowing (arrows) of the coronal suture (CS) and part of the anterior fontanelle (AF).

Whenever a craniofacial abnormality is found, it is important

to perform a detailed scan to search for additional anomalies,
especially other potentially subtle facial, central nervous system,
heart, or extremity malformations. Many craniofacial abnormalities, N FH
including facial clefts, micrognathia, craniosynostosis, hypertelorism/ C
hypotelorism, microphthalmia/anophthalmia, cataracts, and
anotia/microtia, are associated with a variety of syndromes and
conditions (Table 4) [8,16,26,29-33]. In general, 10% of clefts
were accompanied by a chromosomal abnormality and 27%
had associated anomalies [26,29,30]. Roughly 15% of cases of
craniosynostosis are syndromic [8,16,33]. Protrusion of the tongue Fig. 21. A first-trimester fetus with a flat facial profile. Sagittal
can be a sign of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome or Down syndrome view of the fetal face shows a flat forehead (FH) (arrow), nose (N)
[30]. (arrowhead), and a receding chin (C) (curved arrow). Ultrasonography 38(1), January 2019 21

Annisa Shui Lam Mak, et al.

Table 4. Syndromes associated with craniofacial abnormalities abnormalities and molecular analysis in some syndromes, such as
Other Syndromes Apert, Crouzon, Pfeiffer, and Jackson-Weiss syndromes, and Saethre-
abnormalities Chotzen syndrome when the family history is informative [38-
Facial cleft Hands Ectrodactyly, ectodermal dysplasia, 40]. FGFR2 mutations are associated with Apert syndrome. When
clefting (EEC) syndrome, oral-facial-
CHARGE syndrome is strongly suspected, CHD7 molecular analysis
digital syndrome type I
can be considered to confirm the diagnosis [35]. Recently, non-
Facial cleft Face and heart CHARGE (coloboma, heart anomaly,
choanal atresia, retardation, and invasive prenatal testing of microdeletions and microduplications
genital and ear anomalies) syndrome by sequencing cell-free DNA in maternal blood has become feasible
Micrognathia Ear Goldenhar syndrome [41], but the sensitivity and false-positive rates need further
Micrognathia Limb Oral-mandibular-limb hypogenesis investigation.
syndrome, Nager syndrome, EEC
syndrome, Roberts syndrome
Micrognathia Face Pierre Robin sequence, Treacher Prognosis and Management
Collins syndrome
Craniosynostosis Face or limb Apert syndrome, Crouzon syndrome, The prognosis and management depend on the type and severity of
Carpenter syndrome, thanatophoric craniofacial abnormalities, associated anomalies, and any underlying
dysplasia, Pfeiffer syndrome, Saethre- condition or chromosomal abnormality [29,35]. If the prognosis is
Chotzen syndrome, Muenke
syndrome, Jackson-Weiss syndrome, poor, as in cases of multiple anomalies or associated aneuploidies,
Antley-Bixtler syndrome, Wolf- the option of termination of pregnancy can be offered depending on
Hirschhorn (4p) syndrome the gestational age and local regulations. Alternatively, continuation
of pregnancy with prenatal counseling is appropriate for mild and
isolated abnormalities such as cleft lip. Isolated macrocephaly
Fetal MRI can facilitate the evaluation of the palate, micrognathia, (with a head circumference that is 2-3 standard deviations above
cranial sutures, brain, and other fetal structures [16,34]. If CHARGE the mean for gestational age), dolichocephaly, and brachycephaly
(coloboma, heart anomaly, choanal atresia, retardation, and genital are usually associated with normal outcomes [40,42]. Counseling
and ear anomalies) syndrome is suspected, fetal brain MRI can be of parents in suspected cases of craniosynostosis is not easy and
helpful, but a normal result does not exclude the diagnosis [35]. should be commenced cautiously. Craniosynostosis is associated
When fetal cataract, microphthalmia or anophthalmia, or with a higher unplanned cesarean delivery rate, birth trauma,
microcephaly is found, maternal blood can be taken to screen perinatal complications, and airway obstructions [43].
for congenital infections, including cytomegalovirus, rubella,
toxoplasmosis, and varicella [36]. Zika virus is a possibility in at-risk Recurrence Risk
areas [37].
As some disorders are familial, taking a family history is important. The recurrence risk depends on the exact diagnosis. Isolated cleft
Inquiring about exposure to some medications, such as valproic acid, lip/palate or cleft palate alone carry an increased recurrence risk.
warfarin, or thalidomide, may reveal the cause of a flattened nose or Most isolated cases of craniosynostosis have multifactorial or
facial cleft. Exposure to alcohol, drug use, or cigarette smoking are sporadic inheritance [8]. Common craniosynostosis syndromes such
also relevant. as Crouzon, Apert, and Pfeiffer syndromes are autosomal dominant
Invasive prenatal diagnostic techniques, including chorionic disorders, but most are sporadic and result from de novo mutations.
villus sampling or amniocentesis, can be considered for Pierre Robin syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder.
karyotyping, or preferably the use of a chromosomal microarray
or fluorescence in situ hybridization, as appropriate. Many facial Conclusion
abnormalities, including median cleft lip, hypertelorism/hypotelorism,
microphthalmia/anophthalmia, and cataract, are associated with The prenatal diagnosis of craniofacial abnormalities remains difficult,
chromosomal abnormalities, some of which are common and some especially in the first trimester. A systematic approach to the fetal
of which are atypical. For example, hypertelorism is associated with skull and face can increase the detection rate. When an abnormality
deletion 4p (Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome) or tetrasomy 12p (Pallister- is found, it is important to perform a detailed scan to determine its
Killian syndrome). The prenatal diagnosis of craniosynostosis severity and to search for additional abnormalities. The use of 3D/4D
depends on the ultrasonographic findings of craniofacial ultrasound may be useful in the assessment of cleft palate and

22 Ultrasonography 38(1), January 2019

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24 Ultrasonography 38(1), January 2019

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