Section 8 - B. Frenzel V Catito

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Article XII: National Economy and Patrimony

Section 8 Recovery of invalidly sold private lands

Frenzel v Catito


A contract that violates the Constitution and the law is null and void and vests no rights and creates no


Petitioner Alfred Fritz Frenzel is an Australian citizen of German descent. He married Teresita
Santos, a Filipino citizen. Alfred and Teresita separated from bed and board without obtaining a
divorce. Alfred arrived in Sydney, Australia where he met a Filipina-respondent Ederlina Catito.
Unknown to Alfred, she was married to Klaus Muller, a German national. Alfred was so enamored
with Ederlina that he persuaded her to stop working in Sydney, return to the Philippines, and engage in
a wholesome business of her own. She assented. Alfred purchased a building in Ermita, Manila where
Ederlina put up her beauty parlor under the business name Edorial Beauty Salon. Alfred found
Ederlina’s Manila residence unsuitable for her, so he decided to purchase a house and lot for her. Since
Alfred knew that as alien he was disqualified from owning lands in the Philippines, he agreed that only
Ederlina’s name would appear in the deed of sale as the buyer of the property, as well as in the title
covering the same. After all, he was planning to marry Ederlina and he believed that after their
marriage, the two of them would jointly own the property.
A deed of absolute sale over the property was executed in favor of Catito after Frenzel had
fully paid the purchase price. Alfred decided to stay in the Philippines for good and live with Ederlina.
He returned to Australia and sold his properties and businesses. 
Alfred received a letter from Klaus Muller informing
him that Klaus and Ederlina had been married and had a blissful married life until Alfred intruded
therein. Alfred confirmed this upon talking to Ederlina’s friend,Sally McCarron.
In the meantime, Alfred decided to purchase another house and lot and another parcel of land, and he
once more agreed for the name of Ederlina to appear as the sole vendee in the deed of sale. He also
decided to put up a beach resort.
Ederlina’s petition for divorce was denied because Klaus opposed the same. Klaus wanted half of all
the properties owned by Ederlina in the Philippines before he would agree to a divorce. Worse, Klaus
threatened to file a bigamy case against Ederlina.
Alfred and Ederlina’s relationship started deteriorating. Alfred filed a complaint against Ederlina for
recovery of real and personal properties, alleging that Ederlina, without his knowledge and consent,
managed to transfer funds from their joint account in HSBC Hong Kong to her own account. Using the
said funds, Ederlina was able to purchase properties subject of the complaint. 
He also filed a complaint against her for specific performance, declaration of ownership of real and
personal properties, sum of money, and damages.
14. RTC QC: in favor of Alfred.
15. RTC Davao: in favor of Ederlina.
16. CA: affirmed in toto.


Whether or not Frenzel Section 8. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 7 of this

may recover the properties Article, a natural-born citizen of the Philippines who has lost his
or the money used in the Philippine citizenship may be a transferee of private lands, subject
to limitations provided by law.


NO. A contract that violates the Constitution and the law is null and void and vests no rights and
creates no obligations.
Lands of the public domain, which includes private lands, may be transferred or conveyed only
to individuals or entities qualified to acquire or hold private lands or lands of the public domains.
Aliens, whether individuals or corporations, have been disqualified from acquiring lands of the public
domain. Hence, they have also been disqualified from acquiring private lands. Even if the sales in
question were entered into by him as the real vendee, the said transactions are in violation of the
Constitution; hence, are null and void ab initio.
 A contract that violates the Constitution and the law, is null and void and vests no rights and creates no
obligations. It produces no legal effect at all. 
The petitioner, being a party to an illegal contract, cannot come into a court of law and ask to
have his illegal objective carried out. One who loses his money or property by knowingly engaging in a
contract or transaction which involves his own moral turptitude may not maintain an action for his
The petitioner cannot feign ignorance of the constitutional proscription, nor claim that he acted
in good faith, let alone assert that he is less guilty than the respondent. He was fully aware that he was
disqualified from acquiring and owning lands under Philippine law even before he purchased the
properties; and, to skirt the constitutional prohibition, the petitioner had the deed of sale placed under
the respondent’s name as the sole vendee thereof. 
Frenzel admitted on cross-examination that he was all along legally married to Teresita Santos
Frenzel, and Catito was married to Klaus Muller. Thus, Frenzel and Catito could not lawfully join in
wedlock. The petitioner cannot find solace in Article 1416: When the agreement is not illegal per se but
is merely prohibited, and the prohibition by the law is designed for the protection of the plaintiff, he
may, if public policy is thereby enhanced, recover what he has paid or delivered.
The provision applied only to those contracts which are merely prohibited, in order to benefit
private interests. It does not apply to contracts void ab initio. The sales of three parcels of Land in favor
of Frenzel who is a foreigner is illegal per se. The transactions are void ab initio because they were
entered into in violation of the Constitution. Thus, to allow him to recover the properties or the money
used in the purchase of the parcels of land would be subversive of public policy.

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