Identity and Access Management Suite

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 Most comprehensive, best in

The Oracle Identity and Access Management Suite allows
class suite enterprises to manage end-to-end lifecycle of user identities across
 Hot-pluggable and open
 Application Centric Identity
all enterprise resources both within and beyond the firewall. You can
Management now deploy applications faster, apply the most granular protection
 Lowers administrative and
development costs
to enterprise resources, automatically eliminate latent access
 Mitigates Risk privileges, and much more. Leverage the Oracle Identity and Access
 Enables Regulatory
Management Suite in its entirety or deploy individual components of
 Provides for better end user the suite to meet your unique needs. The Oracle Identity and Access
Management Suite is a member of the Oracle Fusion Middleware
family of products, which brings greater agility, better decision-
making, and reduced cost and risk to diverse IT environments today.


Oracle leads the industry with award-winning Identity Management offerings that
Oracle Access Manager delivers constitute the most comprehensive solution offered by any vendor. Not only do
critical functionality for access
customers get a complete end-to-end solution, they also benefit from proven best-in-
control, single sign-on, and user
profile management in the class functionality.
heterogeneous application
environment. Comprehensive. Providing best-in-class technologies. This includes web access
control; identity administration; user provisioning; federated identity management;
Oracle Identity Manager is a directory services, including virtual directory technologies; and enterprise wide user
powerful and flexible enterprise
identity provisioning and
compliance monitoring solution that
Hot-Pluggable and Open. Interoperates with all major directories, application
automates the creation, updating,
and removal of users from servers, portals, business applications, databases, and operating systems. Oracle
enterprise systems such as works with standards bodies such as the Liberty Alliance and OASIS, and supports,
directories, email, databases, and
ERP. SAML, SPML, WS-*, Kerberos, and many more. Consult the Certification Matrix
for supported platforms.
Oracle Identity Federation
enables cross-domain single sign-
Application-centric. Weaves security into applications as opposed to bolting it on,
on with the industry’s only identity promising unprecedented efficiencies and ROI.
federation server that is completely
self-contained and ready to run out-
Oracle Access Manager
of-the box.
Oracle Access Manager is a state-of-the-art solution for centralized identity
Oracle Internet Directory is a administration and access control. Oracle Access Manager delivers the
robust and scalable LDAP V3-
functionalities of web single sign-on, access policy creation and enforcement, user
compliant directory service that
leverages the high availability self-registration and self-service, delegated administration, password management,
capabilities of the Oracle 10g and reporting and auditing. It supports all leading directory servers, application
Database platform.
servers, web servers, and enterprise applications.

MANAGEMENT PRODUCTS Oracle Identity Manager
Oracle Identity Manager is a highly flexible and scalable enterprise identity
Oracle Virtual Directory provides management system that centrally controls user accounts and access privileges
Internet and industry standard
LDAP and XML views of existing
within enterprise IT resources. It provides the functionalities of identity and role
enterprise identity information, administration, approval and request management, policy-based entitlement
without synchronizing or moving
management, technology integration, and audit and compliance automation. Oracle
data from its native locations.
Identity Manager delivers flexibility and scalability with product features such as a
Oracle Web Services Manager is J2EE implementation, N-tier deployment architecture, browser-based user interfaces
a comprehensive solution for and Oracle Grid compatibility.
adding policy-driven security and
management capabilities to existing
or new Web services. Oracle Identity Federation
Oracle Identity Federation is an industry-leading federation solution providing a
Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On self-contained and flexible multi-protocol federation server deployable with existing
provides users with unified sign-on
and authentication across all their
identity and access management systems. Oracle Identity Federation is Liberty
enterprise resources, including Alliance certified for Liberty ID-FF and SAML 2.0.
desktops, client-server, custom and
host-based mainframe applications.
Oracle Internet Directory

Oracle Adaptive Access Manager

Oracle Internet Directory is an LDAP v3 service that combines the mission-critical
provides web access real-time strength of Oracle's database technology with the flexibility and compatibility of the
fraud detection and multifactor
LDAP v3 directory standard. Supporting heterogeneous environments, Oracle
online authentication security for
the enterprise. Internet Directory can be synchronized against third party directories including
Microsoft Active Directory, SUN Java System Directory Server, Novell eDirectory
Oracle Role Manager is an and OpenLDAP
authoritative source for role
lifecycle management that
leverages business policy and Oracle Virtual Directory
organizational data to automate Oracle Virtual Directory allows you to rapidly deploy secure directory enabled
role based provisioning and access
applications by providing a real-time, virtual view of identity data from any data-
store including directories, databases and Web Services without synchronization.
Oracle Entitlements Server With Oracle Virtual Directory, you can logically join identity attributes stored in
externalizes and centralizes fine-
multiple data-stores as well as prioritize requests to back-end directories on a per-
grained authorization policies for
enterprise applications and web server or per-connection basis, to maximize the native directory’s processing
services. potential.

With the Oracle Identity and Access Management Suite, customers can fulfill all of
their identity management requirements from a single vendor, one that offers leading
products and capabilities. This means less time spent integrating disparate
components, a single point of contact for support, a single license contract, and the
backing of the world's largest enterprise software company.

For more information, visit

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