Physiology of Menstrual Cycle

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1. After menstruation, the uterine lining is thin, in the ovary the primordial cells (egg cells) are small and
there is a low level of estrogen in the bloodstream; all of these serves as positive feedback the

2. The Hypothalamus secretes Follicle stimulating hormone-releasing factor

3. FHS-RF stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to release FSH’

4. The FSH is carried through the bloodstream to the ovary to stimulate an egg cell to grow

5. As the egg cell grow it is named Graafian Follicle; this secretes estrogen causing the endometrial cells in
the uterus to grow and thicken in preparation for possible pregnancy. (Proliferative Phase)

6. The level of Estrogen in the bloodstream also increases until the peak is reached causing negative
feedback to the hypothalamus.

7. The hypothalamus now will release Luteinizing hormone-releasing factor

8. The LH-RF will stimulate the APG to releases luteinizing hormone.

9. This LH will be carried to the ovary through the bloodstream and cause final maturation of the Graafian
Follicle and release of the ovum (Ovulation)

10. The Graafian follicle after the release of the ovum, becomes Corpus Luteum (yellow matter/body) which
will now secrete predominantly Progesterone (means for gestation), the hormone which supports

11. The effect of the LH to the uterus is the secretion of nutrients of the cells in the uterus which prolifetated.
(Proliferative Phase) The uterus now is ready if fertilization occurs.

12. If fertilization does not occur, the Corpus luteum will now become Corpus albicans (white matter/Body)
and the progesterone level will decline causing the endometrial cells to slough off. Bleeding will occur as
a form on menstruation (Menstrual phase)

Ovary- Follicular phase and luteal phase Lifetime of c.luteum – 14 days

Uterus- Prolifetative Phase Secretory phase, Note; if pregnancy occurs c. luteum will secrete
Menstrual Phase progesterone for 3-4 months until placenta

Circulation- Estrogenic phase , Progestational phase is ready to take over

Lifetime of corpus luteum -14 days

*2 weeks before menstruation (ovulation)- you can get pregnant

Diff b/w egg and spern cell

Egg cell – XY chromose

If fertile, male (product) has bigger chance

(Angiosperm)- XX chromosome

Cervical mucus- safe to have sex because it is dry

It is only safe to have sex after menstruation

Infertile Mucus

Fertile Mucus

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