BIO 275 - Chapter 3 and 4 Questions

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Chapter 3 questions

1. Molecules of extrachromosomal DNA are also known as:

a. Golgi bodies
b. Lysosomes
c. Plasmids
d. Plastids
2. A bacterium possessing a tuft of flagella at one end of its cell would be called what kind of bacterium?
a. Amphitrichous
b. Lophotrichous
c. Monotrichous
d. Peritrichous
3. One way in which an archaean would differ from a bacterium is that the archaean would possess no:
a. DNA in its chromosome
b. peptidoglycan in its cell walls
c. ribosomes in its cytoplasm
d. RNA in its ribosomes
4. Some bacteria stain Gram-positive and others stain Gram-negative as a result of differences in the structure of
a. Capsule
b. cell membrane
c. cell wall
d. ribosomes
5. Of the following, which one is not found in prokaryotic cells?
a. cell membrane
b. chromosome
c. mitochondria
d. plasmids
6. The Three-Domain System of Classification is based on differences in which of the following molecules?
a. mRNA
b. peptidoglycan
c. rRNA
d. tRNA
7. Which of the following is in the correct sequence?
a. Kingdom, Class, Division, Order, Family, Genus
b. Kingdom, Division, Class, Order, Family, Genus
c. Kingdom, Division, Order, Class, Family, Genus
d. Kingdom, Order, Division, Class, Family, Genus
8. Which one of the following is never found in prokaryotic cells?
a. Flagella
b. Capsule
c. Cilia
d. Ribosomes
9. The semipermeable structure controlling the transport of materials between the cell and its external environment
is the:
a. cell membrane
b. cell wall
c. cytoplasm
d. nuclear membrane
10. In eukaryotic cells, what are the sites of photosynthesis?
a. Mitochondria
b. Plasmids
c. Plastids
d. Ribosomes

Chapter 4 questions

1. Which one of the following steps occurs during the multiplication of animal viruses, but not during the
multiplication of bacteriophages?
a. assembly
b. biosynthesis
c. penetration
d. uncoating
2. Which one of the following diseases or groups of diseases is not caused by
a. prions?
b. certain plant diseases
c. chronic wasting disease of deer and elk
d. Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease of humans
e. “mad cow disease”
3. Most prokaryotic cells reproduce by:
a. binary fission
b. budding
c. gamete production
d. spore formation
4. The group of bacteria that lack rigid cell walls and take on irregular shapes is:
a. chlamydias
b. mycobacteria
c. mycoplasmas
d. rickettsias
5. At the end of the Gram staining procedure, Gram-positive bacteria will be:
a. blue to purple
b. green
c. orange
d. pink to red
6. Which one of the following statements about rickettsias is false?
a. Diseases caused by rickettsias are arthropod borne
b. Rickets is caused by a Rickettsia species
c. Rickettsia species cause typhus and typhus-like diseases
d. Rickettsias have leaky membranes
7. Which one of the following statements about Chlamydia and Chlamydophilaspp. is false?
a. They are obligate intracellular pathogens
b. They are considered to be “energy parasites”
c. The diseases they cause are all arthropod borne
d. They are considered to be Gram-negative bacteria
8. Which one of the following statements about cyanobacteria is false?
a. Although cyanobacteria are photosynthetic, they do not produce oxygen as a result of
b. At one time, cyanobacteria were called blue-green algae
c. Some cyanobacteria are capable of nitrogen fixation
d. Some cyanobacteria are important medically because they produce toxins
9. Which one of the following statements about archaea is false?
a. Archaea are more closely related to eukaryotes than they are to bacteria
b. Both archaea and bacteria are prokaryotic organisms
c. Some archaea live in extremely hot environments
d. The cell walls of archaea contain a thicker layer of peptidoglycan than the cell walls of bacteria
10. An organism that does not require oxygen, grows better in the absence of oxygen, but can survive in
atmospheres containing some molecular oxygen is known as a(n):
a. aerotolerant anaerobe
b. capnophile
c. facultative anaerobe
d. microaerophile

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