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Class 12 Physics
NCERT Exemplar Solution
Chapter 1


1.8 If over a surface, then

(a) the electric field inside the surface and on it is zero.

(b) the electric field inside the surface is necessarily uniform.

(c) the number of flux lines entering the surface must be equal to the number of flux lines
leaving it.

(d) All charges must necessarily be outside the surface.

Ans. (c) and (d): Flux in Gaussian surface is zero. So the net charge inside the closed surface
either is zero or charges are outside the surface. If charge or charges are outside the
Gaussian surface, then entering leaving lines of electric field will be equal so net flux (lines of
electric filed) is zero verifies answers (c) and (d).

1.9 The Electric field at a point is

(a) always continuous.

(b) continuous if there is no charge at that point.

(c) discontinuous only if there is a negative charge at that point.

(d) discontinuous if there is a charge at that point.

Ans. (b) and (d): Either positive or negative charges will interact the lines of electric field so
makes the electric field discontinuous.

If there is no any charge inside the electric field then the lines will not be affected. So electric

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field becomes continuous. So, answers (b) and (d) are verified.

1.10 If there were only one type of charge in the universe, then

(a) on any surface.

(b) if the charge is outside the surface.

(c) could not be defined.

(d) if charges of magnitude q were inside the surface.

Ans. (b) and (d): If a charge q is enclosed inside Gaussian surface then (d) is true.

If Gaussian surface (or space) is outside the charge and (c) and (a) are not true.

So, answer (b) and (d) are verified.

1.11 Consider a region inside which there are various types of charges but the total
charge is zero. At points outside the region

(a) the electric field is necessarily zero.

(b) the electric field is due to the dipole moment of the charge distribution only.

(c) the dominant electric field is , for large ‘r’, where ‘r’ is the distance of point (outside)

from an origin in this region.

(d) the work done to move a charged particle along a closed path, away from the region, will
be zero.

Ans. (c) and (d): Although net charge in a dipole is zero but its electric field is proportional

to . Work done again electric field is conservative, so net work done in a closed loop is

always zero. So answer (c) and (d) are verified.

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1.12 Refer to the arrangement of charges in given figure and a Gaussian surface of
radius R with Q at the centre of surface. Then

(a) total flux through the surface of the sphere is .

(b) field on the surface of the sphere is .

(c) flux through the surface of sphere due to 5Q is zero.

(d) field on the surface of sphere due to -2Q is same everywhere.

Ans. (a) and (c): (a) is true by Gauss’s law. Here net charge = -2Q + Q.

(b) is the electric field on a conducting sphere. There is no any conducting sphere but only
surface or spherical space is there.

5Q charge outside the Gaussian surface will not contribute to electric flux in Gaussian
surface (or space).

For (d), the distance of Gaussian surface from -2Q is different, so field will not be same on the

1.13 A positive charge +Q is uniformly distributed along a circular ring of radius R. A

small test charge q is placed at the centre of the ring (Fig.1.7). Then:

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(a) If q > 0 and is displaced away from the centre in the plane of the ring, it will be pushed
back towards the centre.

(b) If q < 0 and is displaced away from the centre in the plane of the ring, it will never return
to the centre and will continue moving till it hits the ring.

(c) If q < 0, it will perform S.H.M for small displacement along the axis.

(d) q at the centre of the ring is in an unstable equilibrium within the plane of the ring for q >

Ans. (a), (b), (c) and (d):

For d, charge is uniformly distributed along the ring. It is not sphere in which charge is only
outside. So, positive charge of ring will interact equally a charge placed at centre of ring but
will be in unstable equilibrium.

For c, if q is displaced slightly (or small), it will perform S.H.M and stops at centre.

(a) and (b) are verified in similar way

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