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IECM Technical Documentation:

Amine-based Post-Combustion
CO2 Capture

Compiled in January 2019

IECM Technical Documentation:

Amine-based Post-Combustion
CO2 Capture

Prepared by:

The Integrated Environmental Control Model Team

Department of Engineering and Public Policy
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

U.S. Department of Energy
National Energy Technology Laboratory
P.O. Box 880

Compiled in June 2018

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 5
1.1. Technology Options for CO2 Capture ......................................................................... 5
1.2. Post-combustion amine-based absorption of CO2 from flue gases .............................. 6
1.3. Model Configuration Options ...................................................................................... 7

2. Amine-based CO2 Capture Systems 9

2.1. Historical Developments ............................................................................................. 9
2.2. Process Description ................................................................................................... 11
2.3. Process Chemistry ..................................................................................................... 12
2.4. Process Equipment .................................................................................................... 12
2.5. Limitations of the MEA Process ............................................................................... 14

3. Performance Model Development 14

3.1. Process Simulation Tool ............................................................................................ 15
3.2. Methodology ............................................................................................................. 15
3.2.1. ProTreat Simulation Runs for CO2 capture and separation from flue gas .... 15
3.2.2. ASPEN-Plus Simulation Runs for CO2 Compression .................................. 16
3.2.3. Regressions using SAS to derive performance equations ............................ 16
3.3. Performance Parameters ............................................................................................ 16
3.3.1. Parameters obtained from the “reference base plant” .................................. 17
3.3.2. Parameters to configure the CO2 system ...................................................... 17
3.3.3. Parameters controlling the performance of the CO2 system ......................... 17
3.4. Performance Equations .............................................................................................. 23
3.5. Model Outputs ........................................................................................................... 24
3.6. Characterization of Uncertainties .............................................................................. 27

4. Cost Model Development 28

4.1 Capital Cost ............................................................................................................... 28
4.2 O&M Cost ................................................................................................................. 33
4.3 Incremental Cost of Electricity .................................................................................. 35
4.4 Cost of CO2 Avoided ................................................................................................. 35

5. Parameter and Model Updates for Advanced Amine-based CO2

Capture System 36
5.1 PC Base Plant Updates .............................................................................................. 36
5.2 Parameter and Model Updates for Advanced Amine-based CO2 Capture System .... 38
5.2.1 Parameter Updates for Advanced Amine-based CO2 Capture System......... 38
5.2.2 Model Adjustments for Advanced Amine-based CO2 Capture System ....... 41
5.2.3 Menu Updates to the IECM CO2 Capture System ....................................... 43
5.2.4 Case Studies of PC Plants ............................................................................ 45
5.2.5 Cost Sensitivity ............................................................................................ 54

6. References 57

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List of Figures

Figure 1. Technology Options for CO2 Separation and Capture ..................................................................................5

Figure 2. Technology Options for Fossil-Fuel based Power Generation ......................................................................5

Figure 3. CO2 Capture Plant Configuration Options ....................................................................................................8

Figure 4. Major Industrial Applications of CO2 Capture Systems .............................................................................. 10

Figure 5. Flow Sheet for CO2 Capture from Flue Gases using Amine-based System ................................................ 11

Figure 6. Cost of Electricity (COE) as A Function of Carbon Tax ............................................................................. 36

Figure 7. Updated CO2 Capture, Config Menu ........................................................................................................... 44

Figure 8. Updated CO2 Capture, Capture Menu ......................................................................................................... 44

Figure 9. Capital Costs by Steam Cycle Type vs. Net Power Output .......................................................................... 55

Figure 10. Revenue Required by Steam Cycle Type vs. Net Power Output ................................................................ 55

Figure 11. Capital Costs by Coal Type vs. Net Power Output .................................................................................... 56

Figure 12. Revenue Required by Coal Type vs. Net Power Output ............................................................................ 56

Figure 13. Capital Cost vs. Net Power Output with and without CCS ........................................................................ 57

Figure 14. Revenue Required vs. Net Power Output with and without CCS .............................................................. 57

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List of Tables

Table 1. Comparison of Technology Options for CO2 Separation and Capture ...........................................................6

Table 2. Protreat Parameter Ranges (total number of simulation runs: 1983) ............................................................ 15

Table 3. Removal Efficiency of Acid Gases Due to MEA Solvent (90% CO 2 removal) .......................................... 19

Table 4. Amine System Performance Model Parameters and Uncertainties .............................................................. 27

Table 5. MEA Capital Cost Model Parameters and Nominal Values ......................................................................... 32

Table 6. MEA O&M Cost Model Parameters and Nominal Values ........................................................................... 33

Table 7: Updated Base Plant Parameters ..................................................................................................................... 37

Table 8: Updated Cost Correction Factors by Technology .......................................................................................... 37

Table 9: Set Parameters > CO2 Capture > CO2 Capture System Process > Config Menu .......................................... 38

Table 10: Set Parameters > CO2 Capture > CO2 Capture System Process > Performance Menu .............................. 39

Table 11: Set Parameters > CO2 Capture > CO2 Capture System Process > Capture Menu ...................................... 39

Table 12: Set Parameters > CO2 Capture > CO2 Capture System Process > CO2 Storage Menu ............................... 39

Table 13: Set Parameters > CO2 Capture > CO2 Capture System Process > Retrofit Cost Menu .............................. 40

Table 14: Set Parameters CO2 Capture > CO2 Capture System Process > Capital Cost Menu .................................. 40

Table 15: Set Parameters > CO2 Capture > CO2 Capture System Process > O&M Cost Menu ................................. 40

Table 16: IECM Parameters Changed for Case 1 - Supercritical Plants without CO2 Capture ................................... 45

Table 17: IECM Parameters Changed for Case 2 - Supercritical Plants with CO2 Capture ....................................... 47

Table 18: IECM Parameters Changed for Case 3 - Supercritical Plants without CO2 Capture ................................... 49

Table 19: IECM Parameters Changed for Case 4 - Supercritical Plants with CO2 Capture ........................................ 51

Table 20: Summary of Case Study Results.................................................................................................................. 54

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This documentation is a compilation of three previously-issued reports:

• Anand B. Rao and Edward S. Rubin. A Technical, Economic and Environmental Assessment of
Amine-based CO2 Capture Technology for Power Plant Greenhouse Gas Control. Prepared by
Carnegie Mellon University for the National Energy Technology Laboratory. Pittsburgh, PA 15213,
October 2002.
• Anand B. Rao. Details of a Technical, Economic and Environmental Assessment of Amine-based
CO2 Capture Technology for Power Plant Greenhouse Gas Control. Prepared by Carnegie Mellon
University for the National Energy Technology Laboratory. Pittsburgh, PA 15213, October 2002.
• Michael B. Berkenpas, Karen Kietzke, Hari Mantripragada, Sean McCoy, Edward S. Rubin, Peter L.
Versteeg, and Haibo Zhai. IECM Technical Documentation Updates, Vol. IV. Prepared by Carnegie
Mellon University for the National Energy Technology Laboratory. Pittsburgh, PA 15213, November
These prior reports were sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology
Laboratory under Contract Nos. DE-FC26-00NT40935 and DE-AC26 -04NT4187, and by a cooperative
agreement between Carnegie Mellon University and the National Science Foundation (SBR-9521914).
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the
authors alone and do not reflect the views of any government agency.

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1. Introduction
1.1. Technology Options for CO2 Capture
A wide range of technologies currently exist for separation and capture of CO2 from gas streams,
although they have not been designed for power plant scale operations (Desideri and Corbelli, 1998).
They are based on different physical and chemical processes including absorption, adsorption, membranes
and cryogenics. Figure 1 and Table 1 briefly summarizes the salient features of these technology options
(Riemer, et al., 1993; Hendriks, 1994; Mimura et al., 1999; Jeremy, 2000; Audus, 2000). The choice of a
suitable technology (which mainly depends on the power plant technology) depends upon the
characteristics of the gas stream from which CO2 needs to be separated. Future power plants may be
designed so as to separate out CO2 from coal before combustion (using coal-gasification systems), or they
may employ pure oxygen combustion instead of air so as to obtain a concentrated CO2 stream for
treatment. Figure 2 shows the variety of power plant fuels and technologies that affect the choice of CO2
capture systems. In this report, post-combustion capture of CO2 from flue gas streams of conventional
power plant using amine-based absorption systems has been considered.

CO2 Separation and Capture

Absorption Adsorption Cryogenics Membranes Microbial/Algal


Chemical Adsorber Beds Gas Separation

MEA Alumina Polyphenyleneoxide

Caustic Zeolite Polydimethylsiloxane
Other Activated C
Gas Absorption
Physical Regeneration Method

Selexol Pressure Swing Ceramic Based
Rectisol Temperature Swing Systems
Other Washing

Figure 1. Technology Options for CO2 Separation and Capture

Power Generation Technologies

Fuel Oxidant Technology

Coal Air Simple Cycle

Pure Oxygen
Combustion-based Pulverized Coal
Gasification-based Gas Turbines

Gas Combined Cycle

Direct Combustion GTCC

Gas Reforming IGCC

Figure 2. Technology Options for Fossil-Fuel based Power Generation

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Table 1. Comparison of Technology Options for CO2 Separation and Capture

Technology System Advantages Problems/ Drawbacks

Option Requirements

Absorption Absorber and Suitable for dilute CO2 The heat of solvent
stripper sections streams (typical flue gas regeneration is very high
from power plants)
Chemical solvent Significant solvent losses
(e.g. MEA, HPC) Operates at ordinary T & P due to acidic impurities in
the gas stream
Commercially available,
proven technology
Absorption Absorber and Less energy required Requires high operating
stripper sections pressure
(Physical) Solvents are less
Physical solvent susceptible to the Works better with gas
(e.g. Selexol) impurities in the gas streams having high CO2
stream content
Adsorption Adsorber bed(s) Very high CO2 removal is Requires very high
possible operating pressures
Membranes Membrane filter(s) Upcoming, promising Requires very high
technology operating pressures
Space efficient May require multiple
units and recycling due to
lower product purity
Very costly

1.2. Post-combustion amine-based absorption of CO2 from flue gases

Today the 300 GW of coal-fired power generation capacity in the U.S. provides 51% of all power
generation and accounts for 79% of carbon emissions coming from electric utilities. Even with the
expected growth in natural gas for new generating capacity, coal’s share of the electricity supply is still
projected to be about 44% in 2020, and higher in the absolute amount compared to today, according to the
latest DOE projections [20]. Natural gas use is projected to account for 31% of power generation in 2020.
Thus, any serious policies to reduce CO2 emissions during the next two decades must consider not only
the technology options for new power plants (which is the case commonly discussed in the literature), but
also the retrofitting of existing coal and natural gas plants which will continue to operate for several
decades to come. This medium-term intervention to reduce CO2-emissions has received very little
attention to date.
In current systems which use air for combustion, post-combustion CO2 separation from the flue gas
stream has to be carried out. Past studies have shown that amine-based CO2 absorption systems are the
most suitable for combustion-based power plants for the following reasons
• These systems are effective for dilute CO2 streams, such as coal combustion flue gas which
typically contains about 10%-12 % CO2 by volume.

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• Amine-based CO2 capture systems are a proven technology that are commercially available
• Amine-based systems are similar to other end-of-the-pipe environmental control units used at
power plants. These units are operated at ordinary temperature and pressure.
• A major effort is being made worldwide to improve this process in the light of its potential role in
CO2 abatement. Thus, one can anticipate future benefits from technology advances.

1.3. Model Configuration Options

For post-combustion CO2 capture from flue gas, the amine-based CO2 capture system, which is the
current commercially available technology, has been chosen for this model. There is a major R&D effort
going on worldwide to improve this technology – mainly to reduce the high energy penalty of this
technology. A substantial part of the energy requirement consists of heat or steam requirement for
sorbent regeneration. Depending upon how this steam is supplied, there are three configuration options
available. These are shown graphically in Figure 3 and described below.
Base plant de-rating: Here, the low-pressure (LP) steam is extracted from the steam cycle of the power
plant and supplied to the reboiler for sorbent regeneration. Extraction of steam leads to loss of power
generation capacity, and the net plant output decreases substantially. In case of a new plant to be
designed with CO2 capture system, it is possible to optimally design the steam cycle to take care of the
steam requirement of the amine system, and proper heat integration may help in reducing the energy
penalty. In case of an existing coal plant to be retrofitted with amine system, optimal heat integration
may not be achievable, and is likely to lead to much higher energy penalty due to steam extraction.
Auxiliary Natural Gas Boiler (w/ Steam Turbine): Another potential option to provide the energy for
the amine system is by adding an auxiliary NG-fired boiler. Often it would be combined with a steam
turbine which could generate some additional power (mainly used to supply electrical energy demand of
CO2 capture unit), and the LP steam would be then used for sorbent regeneration. Thus, the original
steam cycle of the power plant remains unperturbed and the net power generation capacity of the power
plant does not get adversely affected. Again, it comes at an additional cost of capital requirement for the
boiler (and turbine) and the cost of supplemental NG fuel. Also, the combustion of NG leads to
additional CO2 emissions (and NOx emissions). So, there are at least two possible sub-options available
1. The flue gas from the auxiliary boiler is cooled down to acceptable exhaust temperature and then
directly vented to the atmosphere. Here, the net CO2 capture efficiency of the system is
substantially lowered because of the additional CO2 emissions from NG boiler. Also, the total
NOx emissions may exceed the allowable levels of emission. So, the flue gas from the auxiliary
NG boiler may have to be treated for NOx removal before venting.

2. The CO2 capture system maybe designed so as to capture CO2 from the additional flue gas as
well. In this case, the secondary flue gas stream (after cooling and NOx removal, if required)
maybe merged with main flue gas stream, before it enters the CO2 capture system. If the NG fuel
contains H2S, the secondary flue gas may have to be treated for SOx removal as well. The basic
purpose of the auxiliary NG boiler is to provide the steam required for sorbent regeneration.
With higher amount of flue gas to be treated (and more CO2 to be captured), the amine-system
would require more steam and thus a bigger auxiliary NG boiler would be required (which means
more secondary flue gas!). An optimal size of auxiliary NG boiler maybe determined by an
iterative calculation procedure, so that it matches the sorbent regeneration steam requirement of
the CO2 capture system treating the total flue gas. Thus, the CO2 capture level is maintained to
the originally desired level, but it often requires substantially big auxiliary NG boiler facility.
This may not be always practically feasible (space constraints for retrofit applications, fuel

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availability, etc.) and economically viable (higher capital cost of building a bigger CO2 capture
system as well as an auxiliary boiler, higher O&M costs etc.). In the present version of IECM,
this configuration option is not included.

Figure 3. CO2 Capture Plant Configuration Options

a) Reference base plant

b) Capture plant with internal derating

c) Capture plant with an auxiliary boiler and a secondary steam turbine

In terms of the configuration of the CO2 capture system shown in Figure 3, the user can make the
following choices as well
Direct contact cooler: The default setting in IECM chooses to include a DCC to cool the flue gas before
it enters the amine system. The temperature of the flue gas affects the absorption reaction (absorption of
CO2 in MEA sorbent is an exothermic process favored by lower temperatures). Also, the volumetric flow
rate of the flue gas stream, which is a key determinant of the sizes of various equipments (direct contact
cooler, flue gas blower, absorber), is directly related to the flue gas temperature. Hence lower flue gas
temperature is desired. The typically acceptable range of flue gas temperature is about 50-60 oC. If the
flue gas is coming from wet sulfur scrubber, additional DCC may not be required. But in case of flue gas
from NG-fired boiler, which often does not pass through a sulfur scrubber, DCC is a must.
Choice of sorbent: At this time, MEA is the default sorbent used in the system and the nominal values of
various parameters are based on a process simulation model that uses MEA. As always, the users can

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overwrite the nominal values of these parameters if they wish to use a different sorbent (and have the
relevant data). In future, the model can adopt a different sorbent by providing the appropriate values for
the key parameters.
CO2 transportation: The default mode of CO2 transportation is via pipelines. The user can specify the
distance over which CO2 needs to be carried to, and the unit cost of CO2 transportation. This module
maybe expanded in future to include detailed parameters about pipeline transport and also other transport
CO2 storage/ disposal: The default option for CO2 disposal is underground geological storage. A
nominal cost of $5/ tonne CO2 has been suggested, which can be changed the user to match the specific
details about the location. If CO2 is being used as a byproduct for EOR or ECBM activity, it may
generate some revenue. This module, which is represented by a single cost parameter, maybe expanded
in future to include details about the various storage/ disposal options.

2. Amine-based CO2 Capture Systems

2.1. Historical Developments
Combustion of fossil fuels in air leads to a gaseous product stream that mainly contains nitrogen, carbon
dioxide, water vapor and small quantities of many other gases. Depending upon the carbon content of the
fuel (and the quantity of air used for combustion of the fuel), the flue gas stream may contain as high as
15% CO2 and is an obvious source of CO2 available at no cost. The whole idea of separating CO2 from
flue gas streams started in 1970’s, not with concern about the greenhouse effect, but as a possibly
economic source of CO2, mainly for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) operations. Even today, about 80% of
CO2 production is used for EOR (Chapel et al., 1999). Several commercial CO2 capture plants were
constructed in the US in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s (Kaplan, 1982; Pauley, et al., 1984). CO2 was
also produced for other industrial applications such as carbonation of brine and production of products
like dry ice, urea and beverages. Some of these plants are still in operation today. But all these plants are
much smaller (in terms of tonnage of CO2 handled) than a typical power plant. Figure 4 gives a rough
idea about the various industrial applications of CO2 capture technologies and their relative magnitude of
operations. The first commercial CO2 sequestration facility started in Norway in September 1996 in
response to a Norwegian carbon tax. Since then, Statoil has been storing about 1 million tonnes of CO2
per year from the Sleipner West gas field into a sandstone aquifer 1000 m beneath the North Sea
(USDOE, 1999; Statoil, 2001). The international research community is closely monitoring this facility.

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m to n CO2/d ay







S le ip n e r W e s t 5 0 0 M W C o a l-
EOR F e r tiliz e r Soda Ash F o o d -g r a d e G a s fie ld , based
N o rw a y P o w e r p la n t

m to n C O 2 /d a y 1200 150 800 320 3000 9000

Year '8 0 s ? 1978 ? 1996 2010?

P ro c e s s Dow MEA Dow MEA K e r r -M c G e e Dow MEA M EA based M EA based

L o c a tio n TX & NM IG F C N AC C N EEA, MA N o rw a y ?

S ta tu s shut dow n o p e r a tio n a l o p e r a tio n a l o p e r a tio n a l o p e r a tio n a l p r o s p e c tiv e

Figure 4. Major Industrial Applications of CO2 Capture Systems

All these plants capture CO2 with processes based on chemical absorption using a monoethanolamine
(MEA) based sorbent. MEA is an organic chemical belonging to the family of compounds known as
amines. It was developed over 60 years ago as a general, non-selective sorbent to remove acidic gas
impurities (e.g. H2S, CO2) from natural gas streams (Herzog, 1999). The process was then adapted to
treat flue gas streams for CO2 capture. Dow Chemical Co. (and later Fluor Daniel Inc.), Kerr-McGee
Chemical Corp. and ABB Lummus Crest Inc., were some of the initial developers of MEA-based
technology for CO2 capture. About 75%-95% CO2 may be captured using this technology to yield a fairly
pure (>99%) CO2 product stream.
Today there are two main MEA-based processes available for commercial CO2 recovery plants: the Fluor
Daniel Econamine FG process and the ABB Lummus Crest MEA process (Wong et al., 2000). Data for
the Econamine FG process are more readily available. So, the performance and cost model is based on
this process, which uses 30% w/w MEA solution with an oxygen inhibitor. The inhibitor helps in two
ways – reduced sorbent degradation and reduced equipment corrosion (Chapel et al., 1999). It may be
noted that this process is not applicable to reducing gas streams that contain large amounts of CO and H2,
or contain more than 1 ppm of H2S, or contain less than 1% O2 v/v. On the other hand, the ABB Lummus
Crest process uses a 15%-20% w/w MEA solution without any inhibitor (Marion et al., 2001). This
technology can capture more than 96% of the CO2 from flue gases, but the lower sorbent concentration
leads to economic disadvantages in terms of greater capital requirements (due to larger equipment size)
and higher energy requirements (due to higher amount of dilution water per unit of sorbent).

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2.2. Process Description
A continuous scrubbing system is used to separate CO2 from a gaseous stream. The system consists of
two main elements, an absorber, where CO2 is absorbed into a sorbent and a regenerator (or stripper),
where CO2 is released (in concentrated form) and the original sorbent is recovered. Chemical absorption
systems tend to be more efficient than the other systems shown in Appendix A, as the process is
accompanied by a chemical reaction that enhances the overall mass transfer from gas phase to liquid
In a power plant application (Figure 5) cooled flue gases flow vertically upwards through the absorber
countercurrent to the absorbent (MEA in a water solution, with some additives). The MEA reacts
chemically with the CO2 in the flue gases to form a weakly bonded compound (carbamate). The scrubbed
gases are then washed and vented to the atmosphere. The CO2-rich solution leaves the absorber and
passes through a heat exchanger, then further heated in a reboiler using low-pressure steam. The weakly
bonded compound formed during absorption is broken down by the application of heat, regenerating the
sorbent, and producing a concentrated CO2 stream. The hot CO2-lean sorbent is then returned to the heat
exchanger, where it is cooled, then sent back to the absorber. Some fresh MEA is added make up for
losses incurred in the process.

MEA CO 2 product
Exhaust makeup
Gas Flash

Cooler Cooler
lean - cool

Fan Regenerator
HEx *
rich - cool rich -hot

Cooler Pump Reboiler

lean - hot
Flue Gas MEA
*Cross Heat -Exchanger Pump
Reclaimer Bottoms

Figure 5. Flow Sheet for CO2 Capture from Flue Gases using Amine-based System

The CO2 product is separated from the sorbent in a flash separator, and then taken to the drying and
compression unit. It is compressed to very high pressures (about 2000 psig) so that it is liquefied and
easily transported to long distances to the designated storage or disposal facility.

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2.3. Process Chemistry
The process chemistry is complex, but the main reactions taking place are [26]
CO2 Absorption: 2 R-NH2 + CO2 → R-NH3+ + R-NH-COO
MEA Regeneration: R-NH-COO- + R-NH3+ + (Heat) → CO2 + 2 R-NH2
Pure MEA (with R = HO-CH2CH2) is an “unhindered” amine that forms a weakly bonded intermediate
called “carbamate” that is fairly stable. Only half a mole of CO2 is absorbed per mole of amine, as shown
in the CO2 absorption equation above. On application of heat, this carbamate dissociates to give back
CO2 and amine sorbent, as shown in the second equation above. Since the carbamate formed during
absorption is quite stable, it takes lot of heat energy to break the bonds and to regenerate the sorbent.
For other “hindered” amines (e.g., where R is a bulky group), the carbamate formed is not stable, and an
alternate reaction leads to formation of bicarbonate ions and hence a higher theoretical capacity of one
mole of CO2 per mole of amine, as shown in the CO2 absorption equation below (Hezorg et al., 1997;
Sartori, 1994).
CO2 Absorption: R-NH2 + CO2 + H2O → R-NH3+ + HCO3
MEA Regeneration: HCO3- + R-NH3+ + (less Heat) → CO2 + H2O + R-NH2
The regeneration of these amines requires lesser amount of heat energy as compared to the unhindered
amines. But the CO2 uptake rate of hindered amines is very low. Efforts are underway to formulate
better sorbents by combining favorable properties of these two groups of amines.

2.4. Process Equipment

The CO2 capture and separation system consists of the following capital equipment
Direct contact cooler: The flue gases coming out of a power plant are quite hot. The temperature of flue
gas may be ranging from as low as 60 deg. C (in case of coal-fired power plants with wet SO2 scrubbers)
to more than 550 deg. C (in case of natural gas fired simple cycle power plants). It is desirable to cool
down the flue gases to about 45-50 deg. C, in order to improve absorption of CO2 into the amine sorbent
(the absorption being an exothermic process is favored by low temperatures), to minimize sorbent losses
(higher temperature may lead to sorbent losses due to evaporation and degradation), and to avoid
excessive loss of moisture with the exhaust gases. In case of gas-fired power plants or majority of coal-
fired power plants that do not have wet scrubbers for SO2 removal, a direct contact cooler has to be
installed to bring down the temperature of the flue gas stream to acceptable levels. In case of coal-fired
power plant applications that have a wet FGD (flue gas desulfurization) unit upstream of the amine
system, the wet scrubber helps in substantial cooling of the flue gases, and additional cooler may not be
Flue gas blower: The flue gas has to overcome a substantial pressure drop as it passes through a very tall
absorber column, countercurrent to the sorbent flow. Hence the cooled flue gas has to be pressurized
using a blower before it enters the absorber.
Absorber: This is the vessel where the flue gas is made to contact with the MEA-based sorbent, and
some of the CO2 from the flue gas gets dissolved in the sorbent. The column may be plate-type or a
packed one. Most of the CO2 absorbers are packed columns using some kind of polymer-based packing
to provide large interfacial area.
Rich/lean cross heat exchanger: The CO2-loaded sorbent needs to be heated in order to strip off CO2
and regenerate the sorbent. On the other hand, the regenerated (lean) sorbent coming out of the
regenerator has to be cooled down before it could be circulated back to the absorber column. Hence these

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two sorbent streams are passed through a cross heat exchanger, where the rich (CO2-loaded) sorbent gets
heated and the lean (regenerated) sorbent gets cooled.
Regenerator: This is the column where the weak intermediate compound (carbamate) formed between
the MEA-based sorbent and dissolved CO2 is broken down with the application of heat and CO2 gets
separated from the sorbent to leave reusable sorbent behind. In case of unhindered amines like MEA, the
carbamate formed is stable and it takes large amount of energy to dissociate. It also consists of a flash
separator where CO2 is separated from most of the moisture and evaporated sorbent, to give a fairly rich
CO2 stream.
Reboiler: The regenerator is connected with a reboiler which is basically a heat exchanger where low-
pressure steam extracted from the power plant is used to heat the loaded sorbent.
Steam extractor: In case of coal-fired power plants that generate electricity in a steam turbine, a part of
the LP/IP steam has to be diverted to the reboiler for sorbent regeneration. Steam extractors are installed
to take out steam from the steam turbines.
MEA reclaimer: Presence of acid gas impurities (SO2, SO3, NO2 and HCl) in the flue gas leads to
formation of heat stable salts in the sorbent stream, which can not be dissociated even on application of
heat. In order to avoid accumulation of these salts in the sorbent stream and to recover some of this lost
MEA sorbent, a part of the sorbent stream is periodically distilled in this vessel. Addition of caustic helps
in freeing of some of the MEA. The recovered MEA is taken back to the sorbent stream while the bottom
sludge (reclaimer waste) is sent for proper disposal.
Sorbent processing area: The regenerated sorbent has to be further cooled down even after passing
through the rich/lean cross heat exchanger using a cooler, so that the sorbent temperature is brought back
to acceptable level (about 40 deg C). Also, in order to make up for the sorbent losses, a small quantity of
fresh MEA sorbent has to be added to the sorbent stream. So, the sorbent processing area primarily
consists of sorbent cooler, MEA storage tank, and a mixer. It also consists of an activated carbon bed
filter that adsorbs impurities (degradation products of MEA) from the sorbent stream.
CO2 drying and compression unit: The CO2 product may have to be carried to very long distances via
pipelines. Hence it is desirable that it does not contain any moisture in order to avoid corrosion in the
pipelines. Also, it has to be compressed to very high pressures so that it gets liquefied and can overcome
the pressure losses during the pipeline transport. The multi-stage compression unit with inter-stage
cooling and drying yields a final CO2 product at the specified pressure (about 2000 psig) that contains
moisture and other impurities (e.g. N2) at acceptable levels.
CO2 transport facility: The CO2 captured at the power plant site has to be carried to the appropriate
storage/ disposal site. Considering the scale of the operation (thousands of tonnes of CO2 per day),
pipelines seems to be the obvious mode of transportation. In case of retrofit applications, where
construction of new pipelines might be prohibitively expensive (and questionable in terms of public
acceptance, especially in densely populated regions), transport via tankers may be considered. There is
fair amount of industrial experience and expertise in the field of the construction (and operation) of
pipelines for CO2 transport. Recently, a 325-km pipeline carrying CO2 from the Great Plains Synfuels
Plant in Beulah, North Dakota (owned by Dakota Gasification Company of Bismarck, North Dakota) to
the Weyburn oil fields in Saskatchewan, Canada went operational (PanCanadian, 2001).
CO2 disposal facility: Once the CO2 is captured, it needs to be securely stored (sequestered). Again,
there are a wide range of options potentially available (see Fig. A-3 and Table A-2 in Appendix A).
Geologic formations such as underground deep saline reservoirs, depleted oil and gas wells, and
abandoned coal seams are some of the potentially attractive disposal sites [14-16]. Ocean disposal and
terrestrial sinks are additional options being studied [17-18]. The distance to a secure storage site and the
availability and cost of transportation infrastructure also affect the choice of disposal option. In general,
studies indicate that geologic formations are the most plentiful and attractive option for U.S. power plants

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 13

[19]. Transport of CO2 to a storage site is typically assumed to be via pipeline. While the economic costs
of CO2 storage appear to be low, the social and political acceptability of different options are not yet

2.5. Limitations of the MEA Process

Although MEA-based absorption process is the most suitable technology available for capture of CO2
from power plant flue gases, it has its own drawbacks. The main problems maybe enlisted as follows
Energy Penalty: The stable carbamate ion requires substantial energy to break the bonds. So, a large
amount of heat is required to regenerate the sorbent. Substantial energy also is needed to compress the
captured CO2 for pipeline transport to a storage site. This heat and electricity requirement reduces the net
efficiency of the power plant if it is extracted internally (by de-rating the power plant). Alternatively, a
much bigger power plant needs to be built in order to achieve the same “net” power generation capacity,
as it would have been without CO2 capture.
Loss of Sorbent: Some of the sorbent is lost during the process because of a variety of reasons including
mechanical, entrainment, vaporization and degradation (Stewart and Lanning, 1994). All the sorbent
entering the stripper does not get regenerated. Flue gas impurities, especially oxygen, sulfur oxides and
nitrogen dioxide react with MEA to form heat-stable salts, thus reducing the CO2-absorption capacity of
the sorbent. Proprietary inhibitors are available that make the sorbent tolerant to oxygen. Flue gas NOx is
not a major problem since nitric oxide (NO) is the predominant form (~ 90-95%) of total NOx in the flue
gas, and does not react with inhibited amines (Suda et al., 1992; Leci, 1996). But, SO2 does degenerate
MEA sorbent, so very low inlet concentrations (10 ppm) are desirable to avoid excessive loss of sorbent.
However, untreated flue gases of coal-fired power plants contain about 700 to 2500 ppm SO2 (plus
roughly 10-40 ppm NO2). The interaction of SO2 with CO2 control system is thus particularly important.
The heat-stable salts that are formed may be treated in a side stream MEA-reclaimer, which can
regenerate some of the MEA. Technologies such as electrodialysis are also being proposed for this
purpose (Yagi et al., 1992).
Corrosion: Corrosion control is very important in amine systems processing oxygen-containing gases. In
order to reduce corrosion rates, corrosion inhibitors, lower concentrations of MEA, appropriate materials
of construction and mild operating conditions are required (Barchas and Davis, 1992).

3. Performance Model Development

A number of previous studies have reported some cost and/or performance data for specific amine-based
systems, including hypothetical applications to coal-fired power plants (Smelster, 1991; Kohl and
Nielsen, 1997; Chapel et al., 1999; Herzog, 1999; Chakma and Tontiwachwuthikul, 1999; Simbeck, 1999;
Marion et al., 2001). However, there are no generally available process models that can be used or
modified for detailed studies of CO2 removal options. Cost data also are relatively limited and often
The rate of removal of CO2 from flue gas using an amine scrubber depends on the gas-liquid mass
transfer process. The chemical reactions that permit diffusion of CO2 in the liquid film at the gas-liquid
interface enhance the overall rate of mass transfer. So, the CO2 removal efficiency in the absorber is a
function of various parameters that affect the gas-liquid equilibrium (e.g., flow rates, temperature,
pressure, flue gas composition, MEA concentration, equipment design, etc.). Absorption of CO2 in an
alkaline medium may be considered as a first order reaction. Higher CO2 concentration thus improves the
efficiency of the absorption system. Even at low concentration of CO2, MEA has great affinity for CO2.
The solubility of CO2 in MEA is much higher as compared to many other conventional solvents.

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 14

Similarly, the design of and conditions in the regenerator affect the energy requirement and the overall
performance of the system.

3.1. Process Simulation Tool

Two process simulators, viz. ASPEN-Plus and ProTreat have been used to derive the performance
equations. The CO2 capture and separation model is based on the ProTreat simulations while the CO2
compression model is based on the ASPEN-Plus simulations.
• ProTreat is a software package for simulating processes for the removal of H2S, CO2, and
mercaptans from a variety of high and low pressure gas streams by absorption into thermally
regenerable aqueous solutions containing one or more amines. The ProTreat package makes
exclusive use of a column model that treats the separation as a mass transfer rate process.
• ASPEN-Plus is a powerful process engineering tool for the design and steady-state simulation
and optimization of process plants.

3.2. Methodology
A large number of process simulation runs have been conducted to cover a reasonable range of values for
the key parameters. The details are presented in the following sections.

3.2.1. ProTreat Simulation Runs for CO2 capture and separation from flue gas
The CO2 capture and separation system consists of a flue gas compressor, cooler, absorber, heat
exchangers, regenerator, sorbent circulation pumps etc. Many parameters were varied in the ProTreat
model. Table 2 summarizes the parameters that were changed and the ranges for each parameter.
Table 2. Protreat Parameter Ranges (total number of simulation runs: 1983)

No. Parameter Type Units Range

1 CO2 content in flue gas (yCO2) Input mole % 3.5-13.5
2 Flue gas flow rate (G) kmole/hr 9000-24000
3 Inlet flue gas temperature (Tfg) deg C 40-65
4 MEA concentration (C) wt % 15-40
5 Sorbent flow rate (L) kmole/hr 16000-70000
6 L/G Input - 0.73-5.56
7 Reboiler heat duty (Q) GJ/hr 95-664
8 Q/L MJ/kmole 2.4-22.5
9 CO2 capture efficiency Output % 41.2-99.9
10 CO2 product flow rate kmole/hr 333-2840
11 Lean sorbent CO2 loading moleCO2/mole MEA 0.05-0.34
12 Rich sorbent CO2 loading moleCO2/mole MEA 0.27-0.55
13 Absorber diameter ft 26-42
14 Regenerator diameter ft 12-42

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 15

15 Exhaust flue gas temperature deg C 40.4-71.6

The following set of parameters related to the design/configuration of the CO2 capture system were held
• Absorber height: 40 ft
• Absorber packing: Rasching rings, metallic, 1-inch packing size
• Inlet flue gas pressure: 3 psi
• Solvent pumping pressure: 30 psi
• Number of trays in regenerator: 24 (tray spacing = 2 ft, weir height = 3 inches)

3.2.2. ASPEN-Plus Simulation Runs for CO2 Compression

The concentrated CO2 product stream obtained from sorbent regeneration is compressed and dried using a
multi-stage compressor with inter-stage cooling. The ASPEN-Plus module used for this simulation
consists of 4 stages of compression with inter-stage cooling that deliver the compressed product at 35oC.
The compressor efficiency, CO2 product pressure and purity were used as the main control variables.
These parameters were varied over the following ranges
• Compressor efficiency: 60-100 %
• CO2 product pressure: 500-2500 psi
• CO2 stream purity: 99-100 %

3.2.3. Regressions using SAS to derive performance equations

The IECM uses response-surface models to characterize the performance of various technologies. Simple
algebraic equations are derived from the process simulation runs and used as performance equations
rather than having a detailed process simulation module inside IECM. The key performance output
variables were regressed against all the input variables to obtain linear/ logarithmic relationship among
them. The data collected from the process simulation runs was used to carry out these multivariate linear
regressions using a statistical package called SAS. Only those variables with significance value greater
than 0.9995 were retained in the performance equations.

3.3. Performance Parameters

A preliminary model was developed to simulate the performance of a CO2 capture system based on amine
(MEA) scrubbing. This CO2 module was then added to an existing coal-based power plant simulation
model (called IECM), described later in this section. Basically, there are three types of input parameters
to the CO2 performance model:
• Parameters from the “reference plant”: These include the flow rate, temperature, pressure and
composition of the flue gas inlet to the CO2 absorber, and the gross power generation capacity of
the power plant.
• Parameters to configure the CO2 system: The CO2 module provides a menu of options from
which the user may select a CO2 capture technology, CO2 product pressure, mode and distance of
CO2 product transport, and CO2 storage/ disposal method. At this stage, a model of the MEA-

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 16

based absorption system with pipeline transport and geologic sequestration has been developed;
other options shown in Appendix A are still under construction.
• Parameters controlling the performance of the CO2 system: The main parameters include the
CO2 capture efficiency, MEA concentration, maximum and lean CO2 loadings of the solvent,
regeneration heat requirement, pressure drop across the system, MEA make-up requirement,
pump efficiency, compressor efficiency and several others.
These parameters are used to calculate the solvent flow rate, MEA requirement, and energy penalty of the
CO2 system.
Functional relationships and default values for all model parameters were developed based on engineering
fundamentals, a detailed review of the literature, and several contacts with experts in the field. All of
these performance parameters directly affect the cost of the system.
Here is a brief description of the various input parameters to the CO2 system.

3.3.1. Parameters obtained from the “reference base plant”

The amine-based CO2 capture system gets the following inputs from the (reference) base plant:
Gross plant size = MWg
Net plant size (after env’l. controls) = MWnoctl
• Flue gas composition and flow rate (as entering into the amine system)
This is an array of molar flow rates of different gas components that include N2, O2, H2O, CO2,
CO, HCl, SO2, SO3, NO, NO2 and mass flow rate of particulates. The total molar flow rate of the
flue gas is G, and the molar fraction of CO2 in the flue gas is yCO2.
Temperature of flue gas = Tfg
Plant capacity factor = PCF (%)
Annual hours of operation = HPY = (PCF/100)*365*24 hrs/yr

3.3.2. Parameters to configure the CO2 system

These are the choices the user can make in order to configure the CO2 capture system.
• Flue gas cooler: Whether to include DCC (default) or excluded
• Sorbent regeneration steam supply: Steam extraction from the base plant (default, internal
derating) or Steam generated from an auxiliary NG boiler (w/ ST)
• Mode of CO2 product transportation: Via pipelines (default) or any other means.
• Mode of CO2 storage/ disposal: Underground geologic reservoir (default) or EOR or ECBM or
Depleted oil/gas wells or Ocean

3.3.3. Parameters controlling the performance of the CO2 system

Parameters controlling the performance of the CO2 system: The numerical values to the input parameters
are specified by the user. The intermediate and final output parameters are then derived using the
performance equations. It may be noted that the user can override any of these values, but may want to
change values of all the relevant parameters to avoid inconsistencies.

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 17

CO2 capture efficiency (CO2)
The overall CO2 capture efficiency of the system is the fraction of CO2 present in the incoming flue gas
stream captured in this system.
CO2 = (Moles CO2 in - Moles CO2 out) / (Moles CO2 in)
Most of studies report the CO2 capture efficiency of the amine-based systems to be 90%, with few others
reporting as high as 96% capture efficiency. Here, it has been assumed to be 90% as nominal value, but
the user can specify the desired level of CO2 capture efficiency.

MEA concentration (CMEA)

The solvent used for CO2 absorption is a mixture of monoethanolamine (MEA) with water. MEA is a
highly corrosive liquid, especially in the presence of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and hence needs to be
diluted. Today the commercially available MEA-based technology supplied by Fluor Daniel uses 30%
w/w MEA solvent with the help of some corrosion inhibitors. Other suppliers, who do not use this
inhibitor, prefer to use lower MEA concentrations in the range of 15%-20% w/w. Here we use 30% as
the nominal value for the solvent concentration and the user may choose any value between 15-40%.

Lean solvent CO2 loading (min)

Ideally, the solvent will be completely regenerated on application of heat in the regenerator section.
Actually, even on applying heat, not all the MEA molecules are freed from CO2. So, the regenerated (or
lean) solvent contains some “left-over” CO2. The level of lean solvent CO2 loading mainly depends upon
the initial CO2 loading in the solvent and the amount of regeneration heat supplied, or alternatively, the
regeneration heat requirement depends on the allowable level of lean sorbent loading. Here we use a
nominal value of 0.2 based on the values reported in the literature, and the user may specify any desired
value in the range (0.05-0.3).

Liquid to gas ratio (L/G)

The liquid to gas ration is the ratio of total molar flow rate of the liquid (MEA sorbent plus water) to the
total molar flow rate of flue gas being treated in the absorber. This is one of the parameters derived by
the process simulation model.

Liquid flow rate (L)

The liquid flow rate is the total molar flow rate of sorbent plus dilution water being circulated in the CO2
capture system. It is obtained by multiplying (L/G) which is derived from the process simulation model,
by the total flue gas flow rate (G) entering the CO2 capture system.
L = (L/G) x (G)

Removal efficiency (acid gas) and stoichiometric MEA loss (nMEA,acidgas)

As discussed before, MEA is an alkaline solvent that has strong affinity for various acid gases. In fact,
gases such as hydrogen chloride and oxides of sulfur are much more reactive towards MEA than carbon
dioxide itself. Also, these gases form heat stable salts (HSS) with MEA that can not be regenerated even
after application of heat. So, they cause a (permanent) loss of MEA solvent that may be estimated
according the stoichiometry of their reactions with MEA. The typical removal efficiencies of these gases
in the absorber using MEA solvent designed for 90% removal of CO2 are given in Table 3.

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Table 3. Removal Efficiency of Acid Gases Due to MEA Solvent
(90% CO2 removal)

Acid gas removal efficiency (%) MEA loss (mole MEA/mole acid gas)

SO2 SO2 = 99.5% nMEA, SO2 = 2

SO3  SO3 = 99.5% nMEA, SO3 = 2

NO2 NO2 = 25% nMEA, NO2 = 2

NO NO = 0 nMEA, NO = 0

HCl HCl = 95% n MEA, HCl = 1

Temperature of the flue gas entering the CO2 capture system (Tfg,in)
The desirable temperature of the flue gas entering the CO2 capture system is about 45-50 deg C. If a
direct contact cooler is installed upstream of CO2 capture system, then this temperature level may be
achieved. Else, this is same as that obtained from the base plant.
The temperature of the flue gas affects the absorption reaction (absorption of CO2 in MEA solvent is an
exothermic process favored by lower temperatures). Also, the volumetric flow rate of the flue gas stream,
which is a key determinant of the sizes of various equipments (direct contact cooler, flue gas blower,
absorber), is directly related to the flue gas temperature.

Nominal MEA loss ( m MEA, nom)
MEA is a reactive solvent. In spite of dilution with water and use of inhibitors, a small quantity of MEA
is lost through various unwanted reactions, mainly the polymerization reaction (to form long-chained
compounds) and the oxidation reaction forming organic acids and liberating ammonia. In general, this
nominal loss of MEA is estimated as about 1.5 kgMEA/ mton CO2.
It is also assumed that 50 % of this MEA loss is due to polymerization:
• •
m MEA, polym = = 50% of m MEA, nom)
and the remaining 50% of the MEA loss is due to oxidation to acids:
• •
m MEA, oxid = 50% of m MEA, nom).

NH3 Generation (nNH3)

The oxidation of MEA to organic acids (oxalic, formic, etc.) also leads to formation of NH3. Each mole
of MEA lost in oxidation, liberates a mole of ammonia (NH3).
mole NH 3
Rate of ammonia generation, nNH3 = 1
mole MEA oxidized

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Heat-Stable Salts (HSS)
The organic acids (product of MEA oxidation) combine with MEA to form some other heat stable salts
(HSS). The exact nature of these salts is not known. The most conservative estimate, assuming that the
organic acids are mono-basic, is that each mole of organic acid takes up one mole of fresh MEA. [Each
mole of MEA lost in oxidation takes up additional mole of MEA in HSS formation.]
 mol e MEA 
n MEA, organics = 1 
 mole org. acids 

Caustic Consumption in Reclaimer ( m NaOH )
Caustic (in the form of NaOH) is added in the reclaimer so that some of the MEA could be regenerated

from HSS. m NaOH is the quantity (mass) of caustic (as NaOH) consumed in MEA reclaimer per tonne of
CO2 captured. A typical value is about 0.13 kg NaOH/ mton CO2.

Reclaimed MEA
Caustic regenerates stoichiometric amount of MEA from the HSS in the reclaimer. Each mole of NaOH
regenerates 1 mole of MEA, and adds the corresponding Na salt of organic acid to the reclaimer bottoms.

n MEA, reclaimed = no. of moles of MEA reclaimed using caustic

= no. of moles of caustic added

= n NaOH

= m NaOH / (Molecular Weight of NaOH)

= m NaOH / 40 (7)

Removal efficiency for particulates (partic)

Amine-based absorption system for CO2 removal is a wet scrubbing operation. So, it also leads to
removal of particulate matter from the flue gas to certain extent. Based on the experience of other
scrubbing systems, the removal efficiency for particulates has been assumed to be 50% (which may be a
function of particle size distribution).

Density of sorbent (sorbent)

MEA has a density (1.022 g/cc) that is similar to that of water. So, the overall density of the MEA based
solvent (with almost 70% water) is assumed to be same as that of water ~1 mton/m3.

Activated Carbon ( m act-C)
Activated carbon bed in the solvent circuit helps in removal of long chained/ cyclic polymeric compounds
formed from the degenerated MEA. Over a period of time (~3-6 months) the C-bed needs to be replaced

(the used bed is sent back to the the suppliers). m act-C is the average amount of activated carbon
consumed per tonne of CO2 captured. Typically, this consumption is estimated to be about 0.075 kg C/
tonne CO2.

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 20

Total moles of CO2 captured (nCO2)
This is the molar flow rate of CO2 captured from the flue gas. It is obtained by multiplying the total CO2
content in the inlet flue gas (kmole CO2/ hr) by the CO2 capture efficiency of the system.
nCO2 = (CO2 / 100)*(Moles CO2 in) = (CO2 / 100)*(G*yCO2)
Since the molecular weight of CO2 is 44, the total amount of CO2 captured (mCO2, tonne/ hr) is
mCO2 = nCO2 * (44/1000)

CO2 product purity ()

The final CO2 product has to meet certain specifications depending upon the mode of transport and final
destination. Impurities such as nitrogen are undesirable as they may pose problems during compression
and liquefaction of CO2. In order to avoid corrosion in the pipelines during transport, the moisture levels
have to be controlled. The acceptable level of purity of CO2 product for most of the applications is about

Reboiler duty per mole of liquid (Q/L)

This is the total amount of heat energy input required for the regeneration of the sorbent per unit of liquid
circulated. This is mainly dependent on lean sorbent loading, CO2 capture efficiency, MEA concentration
and CO2 content of the flue gas and is derived form the process simulation model.

Total heat requirement for sorbent regeneration (Q)

This is the total amount of heat energy required in the reboiler for sorbent regeneration. It is obtained by
multiplying (Q/L) which is derived from the process simulation model, by the total sorbent circulation
molar flow rate (MEA sorbent plus dilution water) in the CO2 capture system.
Q = (Q/L) x (L)

Unit heat of sorbent regeneration (qregen )

This is the amount of heat required for the regeneration of the MEA solvent (loaded with CO2) in the
stripper/ regenerator section. It is expressed as amount of heat (in kJ or Btu) per unit mass (kg or lb) of
CO2 captured. Theoretically, the heat of reaction that needs to be supplied in order to reverse the
absorption reaction between CO2 and MEA is about 825 Btu/ lb CO2 (i.e. about 1900 kJ/ kg CO2). The
actual amount of heat required for regeneration of the solvent is much higher (about 2-3 times higher than
this theoretical minimum), mainly because of the large amount of latent heat taken up by the dilution
water in the solvent. A wide range of numbers have been reported for the regeneration heat requirement
of MEA system. Majority of the sources report a heat requirement of about 3800-4000 kJ/kg CO2. Here
it is obtained by dividing the total heat requirement for sorbent regeneration (Q) by the total amount of
CO2 captued (mCO2).
qregen = Q / mCO2

Enthalpy of regenerating steam (qsteam)

The regeneration heat is provided in the form of LP steam extracted from the steam turbine (in case of
coal-fired power plants and combined-cycle gas plants), through the reboiler (a heat exchanger). In case
of simple cycle natural gas fired power plants, a heat recovery unit maybe required. (hsteam) is the
enthalpy or heat content of the steam used for solvent regeneration. Typically, the LP steam is around
300C and 60-80 psi. From the steam-tables, the enthalpy (heat content) of such steam is found to be
about 2000 kJ/ kg steam.

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Heat to electricity equivalence factor (FHE)
The energy penalty (extraction of LP steam) results in some loss of power generation capacity of the
plant. This factor (FHE) gives the equivalent loss of power generation capacity due to the heat
requirement for solvent regeneration.
From the data obtained from the available studies (Smelster et al., 1991; Mimura et al., 1997; Bolland and
Undrum, 1999; Marion et al., 2001; Hendriks, 1994), this factor has been found to lie in the range (9, 22)
for a new plant and (22, 30) for retrofit cases. So, the nominal value (for this new plant application) has
been taken as 14%.
(kW.s) Electric
FHE = 14% i.e. FHE = 0.14
(kJ) Heat
So, if 10,000 kJ is the regeneration heat requirement for CO2 capture operation, then the corresponding
loss in power generation capacity of the power plant is estimated as 14% of 10,000 kJ i.e. 1400 kW.s, or
(1400/3600 = ) 0.39 kWh. It may be noted that, in case of retrofit applications, the energy penalty might
be significantly higher, and FHE may be around 25%.

Blower pressure head (Pfg)

The flue gas has to be compressed in a flue gas blower so that it can overcome the pressure drop in the
absorber tower. (Pfg) is the pressure head that needs to be provided to the flue gas in the blower, and is
is about 26 kPa (~3.8 psi).

Blower (fan) efficiency (blower)

This is the efficiency of the fan/blower to convert electrical energy input into mechanical work output.
Typically, the value of blower efficiency (blower) is about 75%.

Solvent head (Psolvent)

The solvent has to flow through the absorber column (generally through packed media) countercurrent to
the flue gas flowing upwards. So, some pressure loss is encountered in the absorber column and
sufficient solvent head has to be provided to overcome these pressure losses. (Psolvent) is the pressure
head to be provided to the solvent using solvent circulation pumps. A typical value is about 200 kPa (~
30 psi).

Pump efficiency (pump)

This is the efficiency of the solvent circulation pumps to convert electrical energy input into mechanical
energy output. Typically, the value of (pump) is assumed to be 75%.

CO2 product pressure (PCO2)

The CO2 product may have to be carried over long distances. Hence it is necessary to compress (and
liquefy) it to very high pressures (PCO2), so that it maybe delivered to the required destination in liquid
form and (as far as possible) without recompression facilities en route. The critical pressure for CO2 is
about 1070 psig. The typically reported value of final pressure to which the product CO2 stream has to be
pressurized using compressors, before it is transported is about 2000 psig.

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 22

Energy required for CO2 compression (ecomp)
This is the electrical energy required (kWh per tonne CO2) to compress a unit mass of CO2 product stream
to the designated pressure (P CO2) expressed in psig. Compression of CO2 to high pressures takes lot of
energy, and is a principle contributor to the overall energy penalty of a CO2 capture unit in a power plant.

CO2 compression efficiency (comp)

This is the effective efficiency of the compressors used to compress CO2 to the desirable pressure.
Typically, the value of compressor efficiency (comp) is about 80%. It maybe noted that the energy
requirement calculated from the performance equation (ecomp) has to be corrected by this efficiency factor
in order to get the total energy required for CO2 compression.
The following set of parameters are relevant only if the CO2 capture system has been configured to
include an auxiliary NG boiler to supply sorbent regeneration heat.

Heating value of natural gas (NGHV)

This is the high heating value (HHV, MJ/ kmole NG) of the natural gas used as fuel for the auxiliary

Density of natural gas (NG)

This is the density (lb/ft3) of the natural gas used as fuel for the auxiliary boiler.

Average molecular weight of natural gas (mwNG)

This is the average molecular weight (kg / kmole NG) of the natural gas used as fuel for the auxiliary
boiler. This is a function of the molar composition of the natural gas.

Flow rate of natural gas (mNG)

This is the total molar flow rate (kmole NG / hr) of the natural gas used as fuel for the auxiliary boiler. It
is basically a function of the total heat requirement for sorbent regeneration in the amine system.

Auxiliary NG boiler efficiency (NGB)

This is the efficiency of the auxiliary boiler that uses natural gas as fuel input. It is defined as the ratio of
total thermal energy (in the form of steam) delivered by the boiler divided by the total heat energy input
(in the form of heating value of the natural gas input).

Secondary steam turbine power generation efficiency (ST2)

This is the efficiency of the secondary steam turbine added along with the auxiliary NG boiler to generate
electrical power. It may be defined as the ratio of electrical energy generated (MWST2) by the steam
turbine divided by the total thermal energy (in the form of steam) input from the auxiliary NG boiler. It is
assumed that the rest of the thermal energy is contained in the LP exhaust steam from the turbine, which
is sent to the reboiler for sorbent regeneration.

3.4. Performance Equations

The performance equations define the functional relationships among various key performance
parameters. They have been derived as multivariate linear regression equations from the data obtained
from the process simulation model runs.

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 23

(L/G) = exp ( -1.4352 + 0.1239*yCO2 + 3.4863*lean + 0.0174*CO2 – 0.0397*C + 0.0027*Tfg,in )
[adj. R2 = 0.92]

(Q/L) = exp ( 2.5919 - 0.0059*yCO2 - 6.3536*lean + 0.0259*C-0.0015*CO2 )

[adj. R2 = 0.96]

(Tfg,out) = 41.15 + 0.062*Tfg,in + 1.307*yCO2 - 18.872*lean + 0.270*C )

[adj. R2 = 0.92]

(mwlean) = 16.907 + 2.333*lean + 0.204*C

[adj. R2 = 0.95]

(ecomp) = -51.632 + 19.207*ln(PCO2 + 14.7)

[adj. R2 > 0.99]

L = total sorbent flow rate (kmole/ hr)
G = total inlet flue gas flow rate (kmole/ hr)
(L/G) = total liquid (sorbent) applied per unit flue gas flow rate in absorber (ratio of molar flow rates)
Q = total sorbent regeneration heat requirement (GJ/ hr)
(Q/L) = total regeneration heat supplied per unit of sorbent flow (MJ/ kmole)
yCO2 = CO2 concentration in the inlet flue gas (mole %)
lean = lean sorbent CO2 loading (mole CO2/ mole MEA)
CO2 = CO2 capture efficiency (%)
C = MEA concentration in the sorbent (wt %)
Tfg,in = Temperature of the flue gas entering the CO2 absorber (deg C)
Tfg,out = Temperature of the flue gas leaving the CO2 absorber (deg C)
mwlean = Average molecular weight of the lean sorbent (kg/ kmole sorbent)
ecomp = Unit energy requirement for CO2 compression (kWh/ tonne CO2)
PCO2 = Desired CO2 product pressure (psig)

3.5. Model Outputs

The model has been built in Analytica, which specializes in propagation of uncertainties. The key outputs
of the amine system performance model include:
• MEA requirement. This depends mainly on the mass flow rate of CO2 in the flue gas, the
desired CO2 capture efficiency, MEA concentration, and CO2 loadings in the solvent. Depending
on the level of impurities in the flue gas, there is some loss of solvent. If the power plant does not
have emission controls for SOx and NOx, the cost imposed due to amine loss may be significant.
• Energy requirement. Heat for solvent regeneration is derived from low-pressure steam
available in the power plant, which decreases power generation efficiency. Additional electrical

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 24

energy is required for CO2 product compression, solvent circulation, and other system
requirements. The energy requirement is one of the most important results, as it dictates the net
size of the power plant, and hence the net cost of power generation and CO2 avoidance.
The following material and energy flows are estimated using the above stated inputs
• Total quantity of CO2 captured,
mCO2 (tonne/hr) = nCO2  (MolWt)CO2
= CO2  nCO2,inlet  (MolWt)CO2

nCO 2 = Total moles of CO2 captured (kmole CO2/ hr)

nCO2,inlet = Molar flow rate of CO2 in the inlet flue gas (kmole CO2/hr)
(MolWt)CO2 = Molecular weight of CO2 = 0.044 tonne/ kmole CO2

• Net loss of MEA = MEA makeup requirement = m MEA, makeup

   
=  loss due to acid gas  +  loss due to 
   polymeriza tion 
 Gain in  +  loss with 
+  loss due to   fluegas exhaust 
 HSS formation − Reclaimer   
Estimation of total sorbent circulation flow rate: From the performance equations, we find
L/G = f (yCO2, lean, CO2, C, Tfg,in), and L = G*(L/G)
Including the makeup MEA quantity gives the total sorbent flow rate (m3/hr)

Ltot,v = {G*(L/G)*mwlean + m MEA, makeup *(100/C)}*sorbent
• Waste generated from reclaimer:
   MEA loss due 
=  MEA lost due to + Total qty of +  
 acid gases acid gases removed   to oxidation 
mwaste =    Caustic added 
 MEA loss due to   
+  HSS format n
+  to 
 − Gain in reclaimer   Reclaimer 
   
Considering (fw,waste) as the water content (% w/w) in the waste, the actual mass flow rate of waste is
obtained as:
Mwaste,total = mwaste/ fw,waste kg/hr
Typically, the reclaimer waste contains about 40% water.
• Activated carbon consumption
• •
m act-C = m act-C  mCO 2 kg act-C/hr
• Caustic Consumption in Reclaimer

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 25

• •
mCaustic = mNaOH  mCO 2 kg NaOH/ hr
• Process Water requirement

Unit process water makeup = m pw (tonne/ hr)/MW(net)

Typically, the value of m pw is about 0.114 tonne/hr per MW(net) (Smelster et al., 1991). Therefore, the
process water requirement is:

(Mpw) = m pw  MWnet tonne/hr
• Cooling water requirement
If there is a direct contact cooler installed, the required flow rate of cooling water is estimated based on
the following assumptions
Specific heat of water, SHw = 4.2 kJ/kg oC
Specific heat of flue gas = SHfg (Generally, this is around 1.2 kJ/kg oC)
Temperature rise in the cooling water (once through system) = Tw
Drop in flue gas temperature = Tfg = (Tfg,i - Tfg) oF

Tfg,i = Temperature of flue gas entering the direct contact cooler

Tfg = Temperature of flue gas exiting the direct contact cooler

Mass flow rate of flue gas = mfg tonne/ hr

So, the required cooling water flow rate,

Mcw = mfg*( Tfg / Tw )*( SHfg / SHw ) tonne/hr

Therefore, the total water requirement is:
(Mw) = Process water (Mpw) + Cooling water (Mcw)

Steam requirement
LP steam is extracted from the power plant steam turbine (or secondary steam turbine) in order to provide
the sorbent regeneration heat in the reboiler. Based on the regeneration heat requirement and enthalpy of
regeneration steam, the flow rate of steam may be estimated as follows
From the performance equations,
(Q/L) = f(yCO2, lean, C )
Total regeneration heat requirement,
Q (MJ/ hr) = (Q/L)*(L)
Mass flow rate of steam,
msteam (tonne/hr) = Q / qsteam
The equivalent energy penalty due to regeneration steam requirement is (Eregen). Depending upon the CO2
capture system configuration (source of regeneration steam supply), Eregen has to be estimated in two
different ways.

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 26

August 2011 Update: In the most recent version of the IECM, the steam use at the reboiler is
calculated using a new set of formulas. Please see the following section for details.
1. In case of steam extraction from the base plant steam cycle (derating)

Eregen = Q*FHE
2. In case of steam supplied from an auxiliary NG boiler,

Eregen = - EST2 = - (mNG*NGHV*NGB*ST)

It maybe noted that in the case of auxiliary NG boiler, the energy penalty term is negative, implying that
there is an increase in the net power generation of the plant.
Total energy penalty of CO2 capture system is:
E CO2, tot = Eregen + Epumping + Ecompr
Eregen = as explained in (9)
Epumping = Eblower + Epump
144 Q fg Pfg
E blower (hp) =
33000   blower
where Qfg and Pfg are expressed in ft3/min and psi, respectively,
2 Qsolvent Psolvent
E pump (hp) =
1714   pump

where Qsolvent and Psolvent are expressed in gal/min and psi, respectively and,
Ecompr = ecomp*mCO2/comp

3.6. Characterization of Uncertainties

One of the distinguishing features of this modeling effort is a probabilistic capability that allows model
inputs to be represented by probability distributions rather than single deterministic values. Uncertainties
in these parameters reflect the ranges of values reported in the literature, the evolving nature of the
technology, and practical considerations in running such plants. Table 4 lists the uncertainty distributions
developed for performance model parameters based on the current literature on amine-based (MEA)
systems. These distributions reflect both uncertainty and variability in system designs.
Table 4. Amine System Performance Model Parameters and Uncertainties

Performance Data Nominal Unc. Representation

Parameter (Range) Value (Distribution Function)
CO2 removal efficiency % Mostly 90 90 -
SO2 removal efficiency % Almost 100 99.5 Uniform(99,100)
NO2 removal efficiency % 20-30 25 Uniform(20,30)
HCl removal efficiency % 90-95 95 Uniform(90,95)
Particulate removal eff. % 50 50 Uniform(40,60)
MEA concentration wt% 15-50 30 -

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 27

Lean solvent CO2 loading mol CO2/mol MEA 0.15-0.30 0.22 Triangular(0.17,0.22,0.25)
Nominal MEA make-up kg MEA/tonne CO2 0.5-3.1 1.5 Triangular(0.5,1.5,3.1)
MEA loss (SO2) mol MEA/mol SO2 2 2 -
MEA loss (NO2) mol MEA/mol NO2 2 2 -
MEA loss (HCl) mol MEA/mol HCl 1 1 -
MEA loss (exhaust gas) ppm 1-4 2 Uniform (1,4)
mol NH3/mol MEA
NH3 generation oxidized 1 1 -
Caustic consumption in
MEA reclaimer kg NaOH/tonneCO2 0.13 0.13 -
Activated carbon use kg C/tonne CO2 0.075 0.075 -
Cooling water makeup m3/tonne CO2 0.5-1.8 0.8 Triangular (0.5,0.8,1.8)
Solvent pumping head kPa 35-250 207 Triangular(150,207,250)
Pump efficiency % 70-75 75 Uniform (70,75)
Gas-phase pressure drop kPa 14-30 26 Triangular(14,26,30)
Fan efficiency % 70-75 75 Uniform (70,75)
Equiv. elec. requirement % regeneration heat 9-19 14a Uniform (9,19)
CO2 product purity wt% 99-99.8 99.5 Uniform (99,99.8)
CO2 product pressure MPa 5.86-15.16 13.79 Triangular(5.86,13.79,15.16)
Compressor efficiency % 75-85 80 Uniform (75,85)
For retrofit applications, nominal value is 25.

4. Cost Model Development

The CO2 capture and sequestration system cost model is directly linked to the performance model. The
cost model follows the framework used in the IECM to ensure consistency in economic calculations.
There are four types of cost calculated by this model based on the available data (Smelster et al., 1991;
Hendriks, 1994; Leci, 1996; Chapel et al., 1999; Simbeck, 1999; Desideri and Paolucci, 1999; Jeremy and
Herzog, 2000).

4.1 Capital Cost

The total capital requirement (TCR) of a system is calculated as the sum of direct equipment costs (which
depend on one or more performance variables that determine the size or capacity of the component), plus
various indirect costs that are estimated as fractions of the total direct cost following the EPRI cost
estimating guidelines (TAG, 1993).
The capital cost model is based on the cost and flow rate information obtained from Fluor Daniel Inc
(Fluor Daniel, 1998). It is assumed that there are multiple trains installed to perform the CO2 capture
operation. Based on the same source, the maximum train size has been assumed to be 5000 tonnes per

day of CO2. Based on the actual CO2 capture rate ( mCO 2 ) the minimum number of trains required to be
installed (Nmin) is determined. Different equipments have different maximum capacity limits. So, (En,i)
defines the number of equipments required per train.
En,i: Each train consists of the following pieces of equipment:
Direct contact cooler (DCC), flue gas blower, absorber, heat exchanger, regenerator,
steam extractor, MEA reclaimer - 1 per each train

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Pumps - 2 per each train
Reboilers - 4 per each train
Special cases:
1. Each train need not have a separate installation of the solvent processing area, CO2 transport
facility and CO2 disposal facility, and they will be installed for the whole CO2 capture unit.
Hence “En” in this case, may be considered as (1/Nt) per train, where Nt is the total number of
trains installed.

2. In case of CO2 compressors, which have higher capacity (~ 7200 tpd CO2), the number of
compressors required is calculated accordingly. If Nc is the total number of CO2 compressors
installed, then the number of compressors installed per train may be stated as (Nc/Nt).

Different components of this system (Absorber, Regenerator, Flue gas blower etc.) are scaled, based on
the flow ate of the material being handled by that particular device, using 0.6 power law e.g., the cost of
absorber and flue gas blower is scaled on the basis of flue gas flow ate entering the CO2 system. The data
obtained from the Fluor Daniel report serve as reference numbers for this scaling exercise.
Actual value of scaling parameter per train (X) is calculated by dividing the magnitude of the scaling
parameter (obtained from the performance model) by the minimum number of equipments required (i.e.
product of minimum number of trains required and minimum number of equipments per train). e.g. if V
is the value of a parameter, then X is given as
X =
E n ,i • N min
So, different process areas using the same scaling parameter may have different value of X, depending
upon the value of En.
Each process area has a reference cost (Cref) based on the source sited before, and the corresponding value
of the scaling parameter (Xref). The cost of the equipment is calculated using the reference values and the
actual value of scaling parameter (X), based on the 6/10th rule which is commonly used in chemical
engineering costing. For example, in case of a particular process area (say, area 10), we have the
following cost:
C10, ref = Cost of equipment (area 10)
Scaling parameter = X10,ref
From the performance model, we have:the total quantity of the scaling parameter, Y. Now, as discussed
Nmin = Minimum number of trains
En,10 = Number of equipment (10) per train
Minimum number of equipment installed, Z10,min = Nmin En,10
Total number of equipment installed, Z10 = Nt En,10
Nt is the actual number of trains installed (including spares)
So, the actual flue gas flow rate per train,
X10 = Y/ Z10,min

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Therefore, the actual capital cost of absorber in this case may be estimated as
0 .6
 X 
C10 = C10, ref   10 
X 
 10, ref 
Once the cost of a particular equipment is calculated (C10), it needs to be multiplied by the total number of
equipments installed (Z10) in order to get the total cost of installation for that process area (10).
Similarly, in case of other process areas some physical quantity can be identified (e.g., flue gas flow rate,
solvent flow rate, CO2 product flow rate, CO2 compression energy requirement, steam flow rate, makeup
MEA flow rate etc.) that may be used for scaling of the capital cost.
The direct capital cost (process facilities) of CO2 capture and separation system consists of the following
cost items
Direct contact cooler: In case of coal-fired power plant applications that have a wet FGD (flue gas
desulfurization) unit upstream of the amine system, the wet scrubber helps in substantial cooling of the
flue gases, and additional cooler may not be required. In case of gas-fired power plants or majority of
coal-fired power plants that do not have wet scrubbers for SO2 removal, a direct contact cooler has to be
installed to bring down the temperature of the flue gas stream to acceptable levels. A direct contact
cooler is essentially a large vessel where the incoming hot flue gas is made to contact with the cooling
water. The size of this unit is mainly a function of the volumetric flow rate of the flue gas, which in turn
depends upon the temperature and pressure conditions of the flue gas stream. The actual cost of the unit
is estimated on the basis of the cost information available for a particular reference case study using 0.6
power law for scaling purposes.
 Vfg Tfg 
C dcc = C dcc, ref   
V 
 fg ,ref T fg ,ref 
Flue gas blower: The cooled flue gas is pressurized using a blower before it enters the absorber. The
size (and the cost) of the blower is again a function of the volumetric flow rate of the flue gas as it enters
the blower. So, the cost maybe estimated using as above
 Vfg,1 Tfg,1 
C blower = C blower, ref   
V 
 fg ,1,ref T fg ,1,ref 
Absorber: This is the vessel where the flue gas is made to contact with the MEA-based solvent, and some
of the CO2 from the flue gas gets dissolved in the solvent. Again, the size of this unit is mainly a function
of the volumetric flow rate of the flue gas, which in turn depends upon the temperature and pressure
conditions of the flue gas stream, as it enters this vessel. The actual cost of the unit is estimated on the
basis of the cost information available for a particular reference case study using 0.6 power law for
scaling purposes.
 Vfg,in Tfg,in 
C absorber = C absorber, ref   
V 
 fg,in ,ref T fg ,in ,ref 
Rich/lean cross heat exchanger: The rich (CO2-loaded) and lean (regenerated) solvent streams are
passed through this cross heat exchanger, where the rich solvent gets heated and the lean solvent gets
cooled. So, the size (and cost) of this unit is mainly a function of the volumetric solvent flow rate in the
absorber. It is assumed that this volumetric flow rate is fairly constant in the range of temperature and

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 30

pressure conditions found in this system. The actual cost of the unit is estimated on the basis of the cost
information available for a particular reference case study using 0.6 power law for scaling purposes.
 V 
C crossHEx = C crossHEx, ref   solvent 
V 
 solvent ,ref 
Regenerator: This is the column where the CO2-loaded solvent is regenerated with the application of
heat. Solvent flow rate is the main physical quantity that decides the size (and cost) of this unit, for a
given residence time (which is a function of many parameters including the solvent concentration, desired
CO2 capture efficiency, etc.). So, the cost maybe estimated using as above
 V 
C regenerato r = C regenerator, ref   solvent 
V 
 solvent ,ref 
Reboiler: The regenerator is connected with a reboiler, which is basically a heat exchanger where low-
pressure steam extracted from the power plant is used to heat the loaded solvent. So, the size (and cost)
of this unit is a function of mainly the flow rate of the solvent as well as the flow rate of steam. The
actual cost of the unit is estimated on the basis of the cost information available for a particular reference
case study using 0.6 power law for scaling purposes.
 V M steam 
C reboiler = C reboiler,   solvent  
ref V M steam ,ref 
 solvent ,ref 
It maybe noted that the ratio of mass flow rates of LP steam (Msteam/ Msteam,ref) has been used in place of
the ratio of volumetric flow rates of LP steam, assuming that the temperature and pressure conditions of
the LP steam in both cases (actual and reference) are almost identical.
Steam extractor: Steam extractors are installed to take out LP/IPsteam from the steam turbines in the
power plant. The size (and the cost) of the steam extractor is assumed to be a function of the steam flow
 M steam 
C steam _ extractor = C steam_extractor, ref  
 M 
 steam ,ref 
This cost item is included if the CO2 capture system is configured to make use of steam extracted
from the steam cycle of the base plant. Alternatively, an auxiliary NG boiler and a secondary
steam turbine maybe used, and the next two cost items (8 and 9) are included in its place.
Auxiliary boiler: The cost of the NG boiler is estimated on the basis of the (no reheat) steam flow rate
generated from the boiler. The following cost estimation formula was reported by Dale Simbeck
CNG_boiler = $15*(steam flow rate expressed in lb/hr)
Since the steam flow rate (msteam) was estimated as tonnes/hr, the following expression maybe obtained
after accounting for the unit conversions
CNG_boiler = $33000*(msteam)
Secondary steam turbine: The cost of the secondary steam turbine is estimated on the basis of the
electrical power generated from this new turbine. The following cost estimation formula was reported by
Dale Simbeck
CST2 = $300*(power generation expressed in kWe)

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Since the power generation (EST2) was estimated as MWe, the following expression maybe obtained after
accounting for the unit conversions
CST2 = $300000*(EST2)
MEA reclaimer: In order to avoid accumulation of the heat stable salts in the solvent stream and to
recover some of the lost MEA solvent, a part of the solvent stream is periodically distilled in this vessel.
Addition of caustic helps in freeing of some of the MEA. The amount of MEA makeup required, maybe
taken as an indicative of the amount of heat stable salts formed and the quantity of solvent to be distilled
in the reclaimer. So, the mass flow rate of makeup MEA requirement is used as a scaling parameter to
estimate the cost of this unit, based on a reference study.
 M MEA_makeup 
C MEA _ reclaimer = C MEA_reclai mer, ref  
 M 
 MEA _ makeup ,ref 
Solvent processing area: The solvent processing area primarily consists of solvent cooler, MEA storage
tank, and a mixer. It also consists of an activated carbon bed filter that adsorbs impurities (degradation
products of MEA) from the solvent stream. So, the size (and cost) of this unit (together) will be a
function of the total solvent flow rate, and maybe estimated as follows
 V 
C solvent _ proc = C solvent_pr oc, ref   solvent 
V 
 solvent , ref 
CO2 drying and compression unit: The multi-stage compression unit with inter-stage cooling and
drying yields a final CO2 product at the specified pressure (about 2000 psig) that contains moisture and
other impurities (e.g. N2) at acceptable levels. Obviously, the size (and cost) of this unit will be a
function of the CO2 product flow rate, and maybe estimated as follows
 M CO2 
C CO 2 _ compr = C CO2_compr, ref  
 M 
 CO 2,ref 
The sum of all these individual process area equipment costs is termed as process facilities cost (PFC).
The various indirect costs are then estimated as fractions of the total direct cost (PFC) following the EPRI
cost estimating guidelines (TAG, 1993).
Table 5 lists the elements of total capital cost. Because of data limitations some of the indirect cost
factors are estimated based on other technologies.
Table 5. MEA Capital Cost Model Parameters and Nominal Values

Capital Cost Elements Value

A Process Area Equipment Costs A1, A2, A3,…, A10
B Total Process Facilities Cost (PFC) Ai
C Engineering and Home Office 10% PFC
D General Facilities 10% PFC
E Project Contingency 15% PFC
F Process Contingency 2% PFC
G Total Plant Cost (TPC) = sum of above B+C+D+E+F
H Interest Costs During Constr. Calculated
I Royalty Fees 0.5% PFC
J Pre-production (Fixed O&M) 1 month

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K Pre-production (Variable O&M Cost) 1 month
L Inventory (startup) Cost 0.5% TPC
M Total Capital Requirement (TCR)a G+H+I+J+K+L

4.2 O&M Cost

The major operating and maintenance (O&M) cost consists of some fixed costs and some variable cost
elements as listed in Table 6.
Table 6. MEA O&M Cost Model Parameters and Nominal Values

O&M Cost Elements Typical Value

Fixed O&M Costs

Total Maintenance Cost 2.5% TPC
Maintenance Cost Allocated to Labor (fmaintlab) 40% of total maint. cost
Admin. & Support Labor Cost (fadmin) 30% of total labor cost
Operating Labor (Nlabor) 2 jobs/shift

Variable O&M Costs

Reagent (MEA) Cost $1250/ mton
Water Cost $0.8/ 1000 gallon
CO2 Transport Cost $0.04/ mton CO2 km
CO2 Storage/Disposal Cost $5/ mton CO2
Solid Waste Disposal Cost $175/ mton waste

The fixed O&M (FOM) costs include the costs of maintenance (materials and labor) and labor (operating
labor, administrative and support labor). These are estimated on the annual basis ($M/yr). The
mathematical model for the fixed cost is as follows
FOM = FOMlabor + FOMmaint + FOMadmin
FOMlabor = labor  Nlabor  40(hrs/week)  52(weeks/yr)
FOMmaint = i (fmaint)i  TPCi where i = process area
FOMadmin = fadmin  (FOMlabor + fmaintlab  FOMmaint)
The variable O&M (VOM) costs include:
Cost of MEA reagent (VOMMEA): The makeup MEA requirement estimated in the performance model
is transformed into dollar amount by using the unit cost of MEA, which is user controlled cost input
where, UCMEA is the unit cost of MEA.
Cost of inhibitor (VOMinhibitor): Addition of inhibitor makes it possible to use higher concentrations of
MEA solvent in the system with minimal corrosion problems. Inhibitors are special compounds that
come at a cost premium. The cost of inhibitor is estimated as 20% of the cost of MEA.

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 33

VOMinhibitor = 0.2  VOMMEA
Cost of other reagents (VOMreagents): The cost of other reagents, such as, caustic and activated carbon
are also calculated from their physical quantities estimated in the performance model and the unit costs of
these reagents.
VOMreagents = VOMCaustic + VOMact-C
= {(mCaustic  UCCaustic) + (mact-C  UCact-C)}  HPY
where UCCaustic and UCact-C are the unit costs of the reagents caustic and activated carbon, respectively.
Cost of waste disposal (VOMwaste): Another important variable operating cost item is the cost incurred in
proper disposal of the spent sorbent i.e. the reclaimer waste, again the quantity estimated in the
performance model.
VOMwaste = Mwaste,total  UCwaste  HPY
where, UCwaste is the unit cost of waste disposal for the reclaimer waste.
Cost of CO2 transport (VOMtransport): Transportation of CO2 product is assumed to take place via
pipelines. The cost of CO2 transport is estimated on the basis of two user specified parameters, viz.,
transportation distance (TD, in km) and unit cost of transport (UCtransport, $/km mton CO2), and CO2
product flow rate (calculated result from performance model).
VOMtransport = MCO2  UCtransport  TD  HPY
Cost of CO2 disposal (VOMdisposal): Depending upon the method of CO2 disposal or storage, either there
may be some revenue generated (Enhanced Oil Recovery, Coal Bed Methane) which may be treated as a
“negative cost”, or additional cost (all other disposal methods). The total cost or revenue of CO2 disposal/
storage is estimated from the unit cost and CO2 product flow rate (UCdisp).
VOMdisposal = MCO2  UCdisp  HPY
Cost of energy (VOMenergy): By default, the energy costs are handled internally in the model by de-rating
the overall power plant based on the calculated power requirement. This increases the cost per net
kilowatt-hour delivered by the plant. The CO2 capture unit is charged for the total electricity production
foregone (energy penalty) because of capture and compression of CO2 from the flue gas, and the base
plant is credited for the same. The unit cost of electricity (COEnoctl) is estimated by the base plant
module, or maybe overridden by a user-specified value when this energy is supplied from an external
source (in that case, no credit given to the base plant). Since energy cost is one of the biggest O&M cost
items for CO2 unit, the way in which it is accounted for (internal de-rating or external provision) becomes
very crucial while calculating the mitigation cost.
VOMenergy = ECO2,tot  HPY  COEnoctl
Alternatively, when regeneration steam is provided by an auxiliary NG boiler, the cost of energy maybe
estimated from the total annualized cost of the new boiler and secondary steam turbine, which takes into
account their capital cost requirement and cost of natural gas fuel.
Cost of water (VOMwater): Water is mainly required for cooling and also as process makeup. Generally
this is a minor cost item in the overall plant operation, but it is included over here for the sake of
completeness. Also, it maybe noted that the unit cost of water (UCwater) may vary depending upon the
location of the power plant.
VOMwater = Mw  UCwater  HPY
So, the total variable O&M (VOM, $/yr) cost is obtained by adding all these costs

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 34

VOM = VOMMEA + VOMreagents + VOMwaste + VOMtransport + VOMdisposal + VOMenergy +
Finally, the total annual O&M cost (TOM, $/yr) maybe obtained as

4.3 Incremental Cost of Electricity

Once the total capital cost requirement and the total O&M costs are known, the total annualized cost of
the power plant may be estimated as follows:
Total annualized cost, TRR ($/yr) = TCR  CRF + TOM
Where, TCR = Total capital requirement of the power plant ($), and
CRF = Capital recovery factor (%)
The IECM framework calculates the cost of electricity (COE) for the overall power plant by dividing the
total annualized plant cost ($/yr) by the net electricity generated (kWh/yr). Results are expressed in units
of $/MWh (equivalent to mills/kWh). Two key parameters are the capital recovery factor (to amortize
capital expenses), and the plant capacity factor (which determines the effective annual hours of operation
at full load).
Cost of electricity, COE ($/MWh) = TRR / (MWnet*HPY)
TRR = Total annualized cost ($/yr)
MWnet = Net power generation capacity (MW)
HPY = Annual hours of operation (hrs/yr)
So, by running two scenarios of the power plant model, one without CO2 capture unit (reference plant)
and one with CO2 capture unit (CO2 capture plant), we obtain the respective capital costs, O&M costs to
give the annualized costs (TRR) and finally the cost of electricity (COE) with and without CO2 capture.
The addition of a CO2 capture and sequestration system increases the COE for the plant; this incremental
cost of electricity is attributed to CO2 control.

4.4 Cost of CO2 Avoided

Many analysts like to express the cost of an environmental control system in terms of the cost per ton of
pollutant removed or avoided. For energy-intensive CO2 controls there is a big difference between the
cost per ton CO2 removed and the cost per ton “avoided” based on net plant capacity. Since the purpose
of adding a CO2 unit is to reduce the CO2 emissions per net kWh delivered, the cost of CO2 avoidance is
the economic indicator that is widely used in this field. It can be calculated as:
($ / kWh) after − ($ / kWh) before
Cost of CO2 Avoided ($/mton) =
(t CO 2 / kWh) before − (t CO 2 / kWh) after
For power plants with multi-pollutant controls the desire to quantify costs for a single pollutant sometime
requires an arbitrary choice of how to charge or allocate certain costs. This is especially relevant for
energy-intensive processes like CO2 capture systems.

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 35

The cost of CO2 avoidance has another interpretation in terms of the carbon-tax scenarios. Consider a
scenario where every power plant is made to pay a fixed amount of tax (C-tax) that is proportional to their
CO2 emissions. Now let’s have a reference plant (one that does not control its CO2 emissions) and a CO2
capture plant (one that captures, say 90% of its CO2 emissions). The reference plant will pay a much
higher C-tax (almost 10 times that paid by the capture plant). So, the COE for the reference plant
increases much faster as compared to the COE for the capture plant, in response to increasing levels of the
C-tax. Eventually, a C-tax level maybe reached where COE for both the plants are same (see Figure 6).
It means that at this C-tax level, the power plant might be indifferent between paying C-tax for its entire
CO2 emissions or incurring the cost of the CO2 capture unit. Above this particular C-tax level, the COE
for the reference plant will be higher than that for the capture plant, as it is evident from the figure. So,
cost of CO2 avoidance is this C-tax level, where the COE for the reference plant and capture plant become


COE, with 90% CO2 Capture
COE ($/MWh)

COE, Ref. Plant

40 CO2 Mitigation Cost

= $68 / ton CO2 avoided

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
C-Tax ($/ tonCO2 emitted)

Figure 6. Cost of Electricity (COE) as A Function of Carbon Tax

5. Parameter and Model Updates for Advanced Amine-based CO2 Capture System

5.1 PC Base Plant Updates

Here is the overview of base plant updates. The Base Plant module of the PC plant refers to plant with no
environmental control systems. In the newest version of the IECM, a number of updates were made to the base
plant. Specifically,

1. The default cooling system has been set to be a once-through system.

2. Ambient absolute air humidity is calculated in terms of given relative humidity.
3. A new process type, Steam Cycle has been added to the Set Parameter Base Plant screen.

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 36

4. The steam cycle heat rate has been updated based on the NETL 2007 Baseline Report and is now
calculated as a function of boiler type, cooling technology, and CO2 capture option.
5. Base plant power requirements are updated based on the NETL 2007 Baseline Report and are
calculated as a function of boiler type and/or coal rank.
6. Leakage air at the preheater is updated based on recent guidelines (Babcock and Wilcox 2005).
7. The costs of all the pulverized coal power plant technologies were updated based on information
available in the NETL 2007 Baseline Report.

The changes in the defaults are shown below in Table 7.

Table 7: Updated Base Plant Parameters

IECM Screen Parameter IECM 5.22 IECM 6.2 References

Defaults Defaults
Configure Plant Cooling System Wet tower Once-through
Overall Plant Ambient Air Humidity (lb H2O/lb dry air) 1.800e-02 9.879e-3 (Calc)
Base Plant Steam cycle heat rate (Btu/kWh)
Subcritical 7880 7790 NETL 2007
Supercritical 7098 7359 NETL 2007
Ultra-supercritical 6458 6705
Leakage Air at Preheater (%) 20 10 B&W 2005
Base Plant Power Requirements (% of MWg) NETL 2007
Coal Pulverizer 0.6000 0.5105 (Calc)
Steam Cycle Pumps 0.6500 0.3100 (Calc)
Forced / Induced Draft Fans 1.500 1.408 (Calc)
Cooling System 1.800 0.4000 (Calc)
Miscellaneous 1.300 0.9900 (Calc)

Here are the updated cost factors. For the new version of the IECM, the base process performance
costs functions for all the pulverized coal power plant technologies were multiplied by a cost correction
factor based on information available in the NETL 2007 Baseline Report (NETL 2007). This cost
correction factor updates the costs of each technology. A summary table of the cost correction factors
applied to each technology is shown in Table 8.

Table 8: Updated Cost Correction Factors by Technology

Technology Cost Correction Factor

Base plant 1.12
SCR 0.99
TSP 0.86
FGD 1.59
Water System 1.01
CCS 1.60

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 37

5.2 Parameter and Model Updates for Advanced Amine-based CO2 Capture System
In response to growing interest in large scale carbon dioxide (CO2) capture, Fluor and Mitsubishi
Heavy Industries (MHI) have developed commercially available advanced CO2 capture systems based on
solutions of aqueous amines (EPRI 2008). Fluor’s most recent offering is the Econamine® FG+ process,
which uses an aqueous mixture of monoethanolamine (MEA) and proprietary corrosion inhibitors (NETL
2007). The original IECM capture model is based on an MEA capture process that was representative of
the state of the technology in 2002. In this updated version, a new CO2 capture model based on the
Fluor’s Econamine® FG+ process is included in the IECM. For this new model, the performance of the
original MEA model was adjusted to reflect process improvements in amine-based CO2 capture. The
corresponding costs have also been updated to reflect technology improvements and the current pricing
MEA is costly to replace, has a significant regeneration heat requirement and can be corrosive.
Improvements in MEA-based CO2 capture processes therefore have been focused at lowering solvent
losses, providing improved heat integration, and research into additives that inhibit corrosion allowing for
the use of carbon steel instead of more expensive stainless steel (Roberts et al 2009). While many of these
improvements are proprietary, the CO2 capture system incorporated into the IECM can be modified to
match the information publicly available on the performance and cost of these systems. The
documentation that follows describes parameter updates made to the original MEA based CO2 capture
system that were applied for the advanced amine-based CO2 capture system, model adjustments made for
the advanced amine-based CO2 capture system, menu updates for the capture models in the IECM in
general, and a comparison between the MEA and advanced amine-based CO2 capture system.

5.2.1 Parameter Updates for Advanced Amine-based CO2 Capture System

The documentation in this section describes default parameter updates to the IECM MEA based CO2
capture model that were made to represent the amine-based CO2 capture processes in the DOE/NETL
August 2007 Baseline Report, which is based on Fluor’s Econamine® FG+ CO2 capture system (NETL
2007). In the cases where the DOE/NETL August 2007 Baseline Report does not specify values for
needed parameters, information was used from similar reports which included advanced amine-based CO2
capture processes or were transferred from the original MEA based CO2 capture model. The existing and
updated cost and performance parameters are shown in each of the Tables below. The IECM 6.2 defaults
are shown when a new supercritical PC plant is chosen that has been configured with a Hot-Side SCR,
Cost-Side ESP, Wet FGD, and an Amine System with Advanced Amine (FG+) selected as the solvent.

Table 9: Set Parameters > CO2 Capture > CO2 Capture System Process > Config Menu

Parameter IECM 5.22 IECM 6.2 References

Default Default
Config Sorbent Used MEA Adv. Amine
Auxiliary Natural Gas Boiler None None
CO2 Product Compressor Used? Yes Yes
Flue Gas Bypass Control No Bypass No Bypass
Direct Contact Cooler (DCC) Used? Yes Yes
SO2 Polisher Used? N/A Yes NETL 2007
SO2 Outlet Concentration (ppmv) N/A 10 NETL 2007
Temperature Exiting DDC (F) 122F 113F IECM1

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 38

Table 10: Set Parameters > CO2 Capture > CO2 Capture System Process > Performance Menu

Parameter IECM 5.22 IECM 6.2 References

Default Default
Performance Maximum CO2 Removal Efficiency (%) 90% 90%
Scrubber Removal Efficiency (%) 90% 90% NETL 2007
SO2 Removal Efficiency (%) 99.50% 100% NETL 2007
SO3 Removal Efficiency (%) 99.50% 99.50%
NO2 Removal Efficiency (%) 25% 25%
HCl Removal Efficiency (%) 95% 95%
PM Removal Efficiency (%) 50% 50%
Max Train CO2 Capacity (tons/hr) 230 230
# Absorbers 2 3 IECM1
Spare Absorbers 0 0
Max CO2 Compressor Capacity (tons/hr) 330 330
No.of Operating CO2 Compressors 2 2
No.of Spare CO2 Compressors 0 0
Scrubber Power Requirement (%MWg) 14.00% 9.187% IECM1

Table 11: Set Parameters > CO2 Capture > CO2 Capture System Process > Capture Menu

Parameter IECM 5.22 IECM 6.2 References

Default Default
Capture Sorbent concentration (%) 30% 30% NETL 2007
Lean CO2 Loading (mol CO2/mol sorb) 0.2 0.19 NETL
Nominal Sorbent Loss (lb / ton CO2) 3 0.62 NETL 2007
Liq/Gas Ratio (Ratio) 2.876 3.072 IECM1
Ammonia Generation (mol NH3 / mol sorb.) 1 1
Gas Phase Pressure Drop (psia) 2 1 NETL
ID Fan Efficiency (%) 75% 75%
Makeup Water for Wash Section (% raw flue gas) N/A 0.8 IECM1
Regenerator Heat Requirement (Btu / lb CO2) 1975 1516 NETL 2007
Steam Ht. Cont (Btu/lb Steam) 860.4 1397 NETL 2007
Heat to Electricity Efficiency 14% 22%3 NETL 2007
Solvent Pumping Head 30 30
Pump Efficiency 75% 75%
% Solids in Reclaimer Waste 40% 40%
Capture System Cooling Duty (ton H2O/ton CO2) N/A 46.19 IECM1

Table 12: Set Parameters > CO2 Capture > CO2 Capture System Process > CO2 Storage Menu

Parameter IECM 5.22 IECM 6.2 References

Default Default
CO2 Storage CO2 Product Pressure (psig) 2000 2000
CO2 Compressor Efficiency (%) 80% 80%
CO2 Unit Compression Energy (kWh/ton CO2) 107 107

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 39

Table 13: Set Parameters > CO2 Capture > CO2 Capture System Process > Retrofit Cost Menu

Parameter IECM 5.22 IECM 6.2 References

Default Default
Retrofit Cost SO2 Polisher/ Direct Contact Cooler 1 1
(All Units in Flue Gas Blower 1 1
retro $/new $) CO2 Absorber Vessel 1 1
Heat Exchangers 1 1
Circulation Pumps 1 1
Sorbent Regenerator 1 1
Reboiler 1 1
Steam Extractor 1 1
Sorbent Reclaimer 1 1
Sorbent Processing 1 1
CO2 Drying and Compression Unit 1 1
Auxiliary Natural Gas Boiler 1 1
Auxiliary Steam Turbine 1 1

Table 14: Set Parameters CO2 Capture > CO2 Capture System Process > Capital Cost Menu

Parameter IECM 5.22 IECM 6.2 References

Default Default
Capital Cost Construction Time (years) 3 3
General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 10 10
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 7 7
Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 15 15
Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 5 5
Royalty Fees (%PFC) 0.5 0.5
Months of Fixed O&M (months) 1 1
Months of Variable O&M (months) 1 1
Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2 2
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 0.5 0.5
TCR Recovery Factor (%) 100 100

Table 15: Set Parameters > CO2 Capture > CO2 Capture System Process > O&M Cost Menu

Parameter IECM 5.22 IECM 6.2 References

Default Default
O&M Cost Sorbent Cost ($/ton) 1379 2142 NETL 2007
Inhibitor Cost (% of MEA) 20 0 NETL 2007
Activated Carbon Cost ($/ton) 1411 2000 NETL 2007
Caustic (NaOH) Cost ($/ton) 666.6 413 NETL 2007
Water Cost ($/kgal) 0.8874 1.03 NETL 2007
Reclaimer Waste Disposal Cost ($/ton) 201.2 211.6
Electricity Price (Base Plant) 43.27 59.97
Number of Operating Jobs (jobs/shift) 2 2
Number of Operating Shifts (shifts/day) 4.75 4.75
Operating Labor Rate ($/hr) 24.82 33 NETL 2007

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 40

Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 2.5 2.5
Maint. Cost Allocated to Labor (% total) 40 40
Administrative & Support Cost (% total labor) 30 30
CO2 Transportation Cost ($/ton) 2.4 2.38 IECM1
CO2 Storage Cost ($/ton) 5.75 6.047 IECM1

The IECM calculates updated values based on other values supplied as inputs. These values may change with
different plant configurations.
For a more thorough explanation and for the calculation of Nominal Sorbent Loss, see below.
For the calculation of the updated Heat-to-Electricity Efficiency, see below.

5.2.2 Model Adjustments for Advanced Amine-based CO2 Capture System

Updated Heat Integration Equation

In order to reflect the new regeneration heat requirement of the Advanced Amine CO2 capture
process, the original regression equation was adjusted by a scaling factor. In the original model,
regeneration heat is calculated based on the following regression equation:

Regen Heat (Btu/ lb CO2) = Sorbent Circulation (tons/hr)* exp(2.5919 + 0.0259 * Reagent Concentration
(%) - 6.3536 * Lean CO2 Loading (mol CO2/sorb) - 0.0015 * Actual CO2 Removal Efficiency (%) -
0.0059 * CO2 Flue Gas (lb moles/hr)*100/Total Gas (lb moles/hr) / Sorbent Molecular Weight
(lb/lb*mole)/ CO2 Captured (tons/hr)* 429.9046

This regression equation was multiplied by a scaling factor of 0.7639 to approximately match the updated
regeneration energy of 1516 Btu/ lb CO2 currently available by advanced amine-based CO2 capture
systems, from 1984 Btu/ lb CO2 available for conventional MEA systems.

Updated Heat-to-Electricity Conversion Efficiency Equation

In previous versions of the IECM, the Heat-to-Electricity Conversion Efficiency (or equivalence
factor) was selected from a range of values in the literature as 14%. In this new version of the IECM, the
Heat-to-Electricity Conversion Efficiency was estimated from data obtained using the NETL 2007
Baseline report (NETL 2007). In the NETL Baseline report, the following data is available for a
subcritical plant without CO2 Capture:

Case 9 – Subcritical Plant without CO2 Capture,

Gross Plant Size: 583 MW
Coal Flow Rate: 437,699 lb coal/hr

Therefore, approximately 750 lb coal/hr is burned for each gross MW produced for this plant. For a
subcritical plant with CO2 Capture:

Case 10 – Subcritical Plan with CO2 Capture,

Gross Plant Size: 680 MW
Coal Flow Rate: 646,589 lb coal/hr

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 41

Based on 750 lb coal/hr per gross MW produced and the 646,589 lb coal/hr flow rate of coal, the plant in
Case 10 should produce approximately 862 MW gross absent the CO2 capture system. Therefore,
862 MW-680MW = approximately 182 gross MW lost due to the CO2 capture system

For NETL Case 10, the subcritical plant with the CO2 capture system, 1,995,300 lb steam/hr of quality
1397.7 Btu/lb is diverted from the low pressure turbine and this steam flows to the reboiler of the
advanced amine-based CO2 capture unit. Therefore, the Heat-to-Electricity Conversion Efficiency can be
calculated as:

∗ 1397.7[Btu/lb steam] ∗ 2.93E−7 [MW/(Btu/hr)] = 0.222 or 22%,
1995300[lb steam/hr]

Where 2.93E-7 [MW/(Btu/hr)] equals the MW equivalent of 1 Btu/hr.

Similar results are shown using NETL Cases 11 and 12 for supercritical plants. In the new version of the
IECM, the Heat-to-Electricity Conversion Efficiency as well as the steam quality parameters were
updated for both the MEA and Advanced Amine CO2 capture systems to reflect these results.

Updated Equivalent Electrical Loss Due to the Capture System

In previous versions of the IECM, the electrical equivalent loss (energy penalty) from the
conventional CO2 capture system was based on multiplying the regeneration energy requirement by the
Heat-to-Electricity Conversion Efficiency. In the updated version of the IECM, this calculation was
modified to reflect a more realistic process. The electrical equivalent loss (MW) due to the steam
requirements in the reboiler are calculated in two steps, first by calculating the steam flow rate directly,
and then by using this value and the Heat-to-Electricity Conversion Efficiency to calculate the electrical
equivalent loss:

1. The steam flow rate is calculated as:

ERegeneration ∗ CO2 Flow

ṀSteam Flow =
Enthalpy Steam Inlet − Enthalpy Steam Condensate


ṀSteam Flow = Steam Flow Rate [lb/hr]

ERegeneration = Regeneration Heat Energy [Btu/ lb CO2 ]
CO2 Flow = Flow Rate of CO2 Captured [lb CO2 /hr]
Enthalpy Steam Inlet = Enthaly of Steam at Reboiler Inlet [Btu/lb CO2 ]
Enthalpy Steam Inlet = Enthalpy of Steam at Reboiler Outlet [Btu/lb CO2 ]

2. The equivalent electrical loss (MW) is calculated as:

MWEq. = (Heat − to − Electricity Efficiency) ∗ ṀSteam Flow ∗ Enthalpy Steam Inlet

∗ 2.97E −7


Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 42

MWEq. = Equivalent Steam Usage [MW]
Heat − to − Electricity Efficiency = Energy Conversion Efficiency [dimensionless]
CO2 Flow = Flow Rate of CO2 Captured [lb CO2 /hr]
Enthalpy Steam Inlet = Enthaly of Steam at Reboiler Inlet [Btu/lb CO2 ]
2.97E −7 = Conversion Factor for Btu to MW [MW/[Btu/hr]]

Updated Base Plant Cost Equations for the Case with CO 2 Capture

In past versions of the IECM, the costs of the equipment in the Base Plant depended on the gross
power produced (MW) by the power plant. In the updated version of the IECM for cases with CO2
capture, the majority of equipment in the Base Plant is instead sized on the gross power produced (MW)
plus the equivalent electrical loss (MW), which is called the Gross Power Produced Effective internally in
the IECM. This new calculation accounts for the steam produced by the base plant that is not used to
generate electricity but is instead used to regenerate amine in the CO2 capture system. The only exception
is the Turbine Island, which is still sized based the gross power produced. The Turbine Island does not
need be sized based on the equivalent electrical loss because it is not part of the set of equipment that
produces steam. This adjustment more realistically captures the cost equations of the base plant
equipment for cases with CO2 capture.

Updated Amine Usage for the Advanced Capture System

For the advanced amine-based CO2 capture system, the Nominal Sorbent Loss (lb/ton CO2)
represents the amount of sorbent that has been lost due to unwanted polymerization and oxidation
reactions. The total sorbent loss, which requires makeup sorbent (called Sorbent (lb/hr) on the Get
Results, CO2 Capture, Diagram screen), represents the Nominal Sorbent Loss (lb/ ton CO2) minus the
amount of CO2 regenerated in the reclaimer.

5.2.3 Menu Updates to the IECM CO2 Capture System

Updated CO2 Capture, Config Menu

The IECM CO2 Capture screens have been updated to include the changes listed in this
document. The updated Advanced Amine process has been included in the Set Parameters, CO2 Capture,
Config Menu, and the user can now select between traditional MEA and Advanced Amine (FG+). An
additional update to the Set Parameters, CO2 Capture, Config Menu is the inclusion of a polishing unit
intended to lower the SO2 concentration in the feed gas. SO2 can react with MEA to produce undesirable
and irreversible byproducts, therefore causing a loss of amine in the system that requires makeup (NETL
2007). The polishing unit uses caustic to capture the SO2, reducing the cost of makeup chemicals. The
user can choose whether or not to include the polishing unit. The updated Set Parameters, CO2 Capture,
Config Menu is shown in Figure 7.

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 43

Figure 7. Updated CO2 Capture, Config Menu

Updated CO2 Capture, Capture Menu

The CO2 capture menu for the advanced amine system (Figure 8) has been updated to show only
the Nominal Sorbent Loss. The Sorbent Oxidation Loss line has been collapsed into Nominal Sorbent
Loss to reflect the lack of detailed information on this parameter available for advanced amine capture

Figure 8. Updated CO2 Capture, Capture Menu

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 44

5.2.4 Case Studies of PC Plants

The NETL 2007 Baseline report presents four pulverized coal case studies: Subcritical PC plants
with and without a CO2 Capture System, carbon, and Supercritical PC plants with and without a CO2
Capture System. For these case studies, parameters from the NETL 2007 Baseline Report (NETL 2007)
were duplicated in the IECM, and the results from the updated IECM are presented.

Case Study #1: PC Supercritical without CO2 Capture

For the Supercritical plant without a CO2 Capture System, a number of default parameters in the
IECM were changed so that these parameters matched the NETL 2007 Baseline Report. These changes
are shown in Table 16.

Table 16: IECM Parameters Changed for Case 1 - Supercritical Plants without CO2 Capture

Parameter IECM Default IECM Case 1

Configure Plant NOx Control None Hot-Side SCR

Overall Plant Particulates None Fabric Filter
SO2 Control None Wet FGD
Cooling System None Wet Cooling Tower
Fuel Fuel Name Appalachian Medium Illinois #6
Properties Sulfur
Overall Plant Capacity Factor (%) 75.00 85.00
Performance Ambient Air Temperature (Avg.) (°F) 77.00 70.00
Discount Rate (Before Taxes) (fraction) 0.103 1.0E-4
Overall Plant Fixed Charge Factor (FCF) (fraction) 0.148 0.164
Plant or Project Book Life (years) 30.00 20.00
Overall Plant Natural Gas Cost ($/mscf) 5.99 7.58
O&M Cost
Gross Electrical Output (MWg) 500 580.2
Base Plant Unit Type: Sub-Critical Supercritical
Performance Boiler Efficiency (%) 88.89 89.00
Leakage Air at Preheater (% stoich.) 10 5.5
General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 10.00 2.41
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 6.50 9.37
Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 11.67 13.8
Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 0.3 0.0
Base Plant Royalty Fees (%PFC) 7.00E-2 0.0
Capital Cost
Fixed Operating Cost (months) 1.00 0.0
Variable Operating Cost (months) 1.00 0.0
Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2.0 0.0
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 6.00E-2 0.0
Base Plant O&M Waste Disposal Cost ($/ton) 9.36 15.45
Cost Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 1.896 1.60
NOx Control Actual NOx Removal Efficiency (%) 76.66 86.00
Performance Hot-Side SCR Power Requirement (% MWg) 0.5088 8.60E-3

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 45

General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 10.00 2.41
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 6.50 9.37
Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 11.67 13.80
Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 0.3 0.0
NOx Control Royalty Fees (%PFC) 7.00E-2 0.0
Capital Cost
Months of Fixed O&M (months) 1 0
Months of Variable O&M (months) 1 0
Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2 0
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 0.5 0
NOx Control Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 2.00 1.60
O&M Cost
TSP Control Particulate Removal Efficiency (%) 99.10 99.90
Performance Fabric Filter Power Requirement (% MWg) 0.1958 1.70E-2
General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 1.00 2.41
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 5 9.37
Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 20 13.80
Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 0 0.0
TSP Control Royalty Fees (%PFC) 0 0.0
Capital Cost
Fixed Operating Cost (months) 1.0 0.0
Variable Operating Cost (months) 1.000 0.0
Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2.0 0.0
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 0.5 0.0
TSP Control Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 1.767 1.600
O&M Cost
SO2 Control Scrubber SO2 Removal Efficiency (%) 85.49 98.00
Performance Wet FGD Power Requirement (% MWg) 1.607 0.660
General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 10 2.41
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 10 9.37
Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 15 13.80
Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 2 0.0
SO2 Control Royalty Fees (%PFC) 0.5 0.0
Capital Cost
Fixed Operating Cost (months) 1.0 0.0
Variable Operating Cost (months) 1.00 0.0
Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2.0 0.0
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 0.3545 0.0
SO2 Control Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 4.306 1.60
O&M Cost
Water Systems Ambient Air Temp (Dry Bulb Avg.) (°F) 77.00 70.00
General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 10 2.410
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 10 9.370
Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 15 13.80
Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 0 0.0
Water Systems Royalty Fees (%PFC) 0.5 0.0
Capital Cost
Fixed Operating Cost (months) 1.0 0.0
Variable Operating Cost (months) 1.000 0.0
Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2.0 0.0
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 0.5 0.0

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 46

Water Systems Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 2.0 1.600
O&M Cost

The key results of this case study are shown below in summary Table 20.

Case Study #2: PC Supercritical with CO2 Capture

For the Supercritical plant with a CO2 Capture System, a number of default parameters in the IECM
were changed so that these parameters matched the NETL 2007 Baseline Report. These changes are
shown in Table 17.

Table 17: IECM Parameters Changed for Case 2 - Supercritical Plants with CO2 Capture

Parameter IECM Default IECM Case 2

Configure Plant NOx Control None Hot-Side SCR

Overall Plant Particulates None Fabric Filter
SO2 Control None Wet FGD
CO2 Capture None Amine System
Cooling System None Wet Cooling Tower
Fuel Fuel Name Appalachian Medium Illinois #6
Properties Sulfur
Overall Plant Capacity Factor (%) 75.00 85.00
Performance Ambient Air Temperature (Avg.) (°F) 77.00 70.00
Discount Rate (Before Taxes) (fraction) 0.103 1.0E-4
Overall Plant Fixed Charge Factor (FCF) (fraction) 0.148 0.175
Plant or Project Book Life (years) 30.00 20.00
Overall Plant Natural Gas Cost ($/mscf) 5.99 7.58
O&M Cost
Gross Electrical Output (MWg) 500 663.3
Unit Type: Sub-Critical Supercritical
Base Plant Boiler Efficiency (%) 88.89 89.00
Leakage Air at Preheater (% stoich.) 10 5.5
Coal Pulverizer (% MWg) 0.5897 0.6700
General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 10.00 1.570
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 6.50 9.37
Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 11.67 16.38
Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 0.3 4.670
Base Plant Royalty Fees (%PFC) 7.00E-2 0.0
Capital Cost
Fixed Operating Cost (months) 1.00 0.0
Variable Operating Cost (months) 1.00 0.0
Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2.0 0.0
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 6.00E-2 0.0
Base Plant O&M Waste Disposal Cost ($/ton) 9.36 15.45
Cost Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 1.896 1.60
NOx Control Actual NOx Removal Efficiency (%) 76.66 86.00
Performance Hot-Side SCR Power Requirement (% MWg) 0.6294 1.100e-2

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 47

General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 10.00 1.57
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 10.00 9.37
Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 10.00 16.38
Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 6.397 4.670
NOx Control Royalty Fees (%PFC) 7.00E-2 0.0
Capital Cost
Months of Fixed O&M (months) 1 0
Months of Variable O&M (months) 1 0
Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2 0
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 0.5 0
NOx Control Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 2.00 1.60
O&M Cost
TSP Control Particulate Removal Efficiency (%) 99.10 99.90
Performance Fabric Filter Power Requirement (% MWg) 0.1958 1.70E-2
General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 1.00 1.57
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 5 9.37
Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 20 16.38
Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 0 4.670
TSP Control Royalty Fees (%PFC) 0 0.0
Capital Cost
Fixed Operating Cost (months) 1.0 0
Variable Operating Cost (months) 1.000 0
Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2.0 0
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 0.5 0
TSP Control Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 1.723 1.600
O&M Cost
SO2 Control Scrubber SO2 Removal Efficiency (%) 85.49 98.00
Performance Wet FGD Power Requirement (% MWg) 1.607 0.83
General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 10 1.57
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 10 9.37
Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 15 16.38
Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 2 4.670
SO2 Control Royalty Fees (%PFC) 0.5 0.0
Capital Cost
Fixed Operating Cost (months) 1.0 0
Variable Operating Cost (months) 1.00 0
Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2.0 0
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 0.3545 0
SO2 Control Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 4.398 1.60
O&M Cost
CO2 Capture Sorbent Used Conv. MEA Adv. Amine (FG+)
CO2 Capture Amine Scrubber Power Requirement (% 13.98 10.28
Performance MWg)
General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 10 1.57
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 7 9.37
Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 15 16.38
CO2 Capture Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 5 4.670
Capital Cost
Royalty Fees (%PFC) 0.5 0.0
Fixed Operating Cost (months) 1.0 0
Variable Operating Cost (months) 1.00 0

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 48

Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2.0 0
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 0.5 0
Reclaimer Waste Disposal Cost ($/ton) 211.6 0.0
CO2 Capture Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 2.5 1.600
O&M Cost CO2 Transportation Cost ($/ton) 1.759 0.0
CO2 Storage Cost ($/ton) 6.047 3.4
Water Systems Ambient Air Temp (Dry Bulb Avg.) (°F) 77.00 70.00
Performance Power Requirement (% MWg) 2.8 2.800
General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 10 1.57
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 10 9.37
Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 15 16.38
Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 0 4.670
Water Systems Royalty Fees (%PFC) 0.5 0.0
Capital Cost
Fixed Operating Cost (months) 1.0 0
Variable Operating Cost (months) 1.000 0
Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2.0 0
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 0.5 0
Water Systems Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 2.0 1.600
O&M Cost

The key results of this case study are shown below in summary Table 20.

Case Study #3: PC Subcritical without CO2 Capture

For the Subcritical plant without a CO2 Capture System, a number of default parameters in the IECM
were changed so that these parameters matched the NETL 2007 Baseline Report. These changes are
shown in Table 18.

Table 18: IECM Parameters Changed for Case 3 - Supercritical Plants without CO2 Capture

Parameter IECM Default IECM Case 3

Configure Plant NOx Control None Hot-Side SCR

Overall Plant Particulates None Fabric Filter
SO2 Control None Wet FGD
Cooling System None Wet Cooling Tower
Fuel Fuel Name Appalachian Medium Illinois #6
Properties Sulfur
Overall Plant Capacity Factor (%) 75.00 85.00
Performance Ambient Air Temperature (Avg.) (°F) 77.00 70.00
Discount Rate (Before Taxes) (fraction) 0.103 1.0E-4
Overall Plant Fixed Charge Factor (FCF) (fraction) 0.148 0.164
Plant or Project Book Life (years) 30.00 20.00
Overall Plant Natural Gas Cost ($/mscf) 5.99 7.58
O&M Cost
Base Plant Gross Electrical Output (MWg) 500 583.2
Performance Unit Type: Sub-Critical Sub-Critical

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 49

Boiler Efficiency (%) 88.89 89.00
Leakage Air at Preheater (% stoich.) 10 5.5
Coal Pulverizer (% MWg) 0.6425 0.58
General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 10.00 2.515
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 6.50 9.3
Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 11.67 13.8
Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 0.3 0.0
Base Plant Royalty Fees (%PFC) 7.00E-2 0.0
Capital Cost
Fixed Operating Cost (months) 1.00 0.0
Variable Operating Cost (months) 1.00 0.0
Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2.0 0.0
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 6.00E-2 0.0
Base Plant O&M Waste Disposal Cost ($/ton) 9.36 15.45
Cost Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 1.896 1.60
NOx Control Actual NOx Removal Efficiency (%) 76.66 86.00
Performance Hot-Side SCR Power Requirement (% MWg) 0.5088 8.60E-3
General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 10.00 2.515
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 6.50 9.3
Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 11.67 13.80
Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 0.3 0.0
NOx Control Royalty Fees (%PFC) 7.00E-2 0.0
Capital Cost
Months of Fixed O&M (months) 1 0
Months of Variable O&M (months) 1 0
Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2 0
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 0.5 0
NOx Control Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 2.00 1.60
O&M Cost
TSP Control Particulate Removal Efficiency (%) 99.10 99.90
Performance Fabric Filter Power Requirement (% MWg) 0.1958 1.70E-2
General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 1.00 2.515
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 5 9.30
Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 20 13.80
Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 0 0.0
TSP Control Royalty Fees (%PFC) 0 0.0
Capital Cost
Fixed Operating Cost (months) 1.0 0.0
Variable Operating Cost (months) 1.000 0.0
Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2.0 0.0
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 0.5 0.0
TSP Control Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 1.767 1.600
O&M Cost
SO2 Control Scrubber SO2 Removal Efficiency (%) 85.49 98.00
Performance Wet FGD Power Requirement (% MWg) 1.607 0.71
General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 10 2.515
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 10 9.30
SO2 Control Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 15 13.80
Capital Cost
Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 2 0.0
Royalty Fees (%PFC) 0.5 0.0

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 50

Fixed Operating Cost (months) 1.0 0.0
Variable Operating Cost (months) 1.00 0.0
Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2.0 0.0
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 0.3545 0.0
SO2 Control Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 4.388 1.60
O&M Cost
Water Systems Ambient Air Temp (Dry Bulb Avg.) (°F) 77.00 70.00
Performance Power Requirement (% MWg) 1.41 1.410
General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 10 2.515
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 10 9.30
Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 15 13.80
Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 0 0.0
Water Systems Royalty Fees (%PFC) 0.5 0.0
Capital Cost
Fixed Operating Cost (months) 1.0 0.0
Variable Operating Cost (months) 1.000 0.0
Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2.0 0.0
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 0.5 0.0
Water Systems Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 2.0 1.600
O&M Cost

The key results of this case study are shown below in summary Table 20.

Case Study #4: PC Subcritical with CO2 Capture

For the Subcritical plant with a CO2 Capture System, a number of default parameters in the IECM
were changed so that these parameters matched the NETL 2007 Baseline Report. These changes are
shown in Table 19.

Table 19: IECM Parameters Changed for Case 4 - Supercritical Plants with CO2 Capture

Parameter IECM Default IECM Case 4

Configure Plant NOx Control None Hot-Side SCR

Overall Plant Particulates None Fabric Filter
SO2 Control None Wet FGD
CO2 Capture None Amine System
Cooling System None Wet Cooling Tower
Fuel Fuel Name Appalachian Medium Illinois #6
Properties Sulfur
Overall Plant Capacity Factor (%) 75.00 85.00
Performance Ambient Air Temperature (Avg.) (°F) 77.00 70.00
Discount Rate (Before Taxes) (fraction) 0.103 1.0E-4
Overall Plant Fixed Charge Factor (FCF) (fraction) 0.148 0.175
Plant or Project Book Life (years) 30.00 20.00
Overall Plant Natural Gas Cost ($/mscf) 5.99 7.58
O&M Cost
Gross Electrical Output (MWg) 500 681.3
Base Plant Unit Type: Sub-Critical Sub-Critical
Boiler Efficiency (%) 88.89 89.00

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 51

Leakage Air at Preheater (% stoich.) 10 5.5
Coal Pulverizer (% MWg) 0.5897 0.7300
General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 10.00 1.570
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 6.50 9.37
Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 11.67 16.38
Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 0.3 4.670
Base Plant Royalty Fees (%PFC) 7.00E-2 0.0
Capital Cost
Fixed Operating Cost (months) 1.00 0.0
Variable Operating Cost (months) 1.00 0.0
Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2.0 0.0
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 6.00E-2 0.0
Base Plant O&M Waste Disposal Cost ($/ton) 9.36 15.45
Cost Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 1.896 1.60
NOx Control Actual NOx Removal Efficiency (%) 76.66 86.00
Performance Hot-Side SCR Power Requirement (% MWg) 0.6294 1.100e-2
General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 10.00 1.57
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 10.00 9.37
Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 10.00 16.38
Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 6.397 4.670
NOx Control Royalty Fees (%PFC) 7.00E-2 0.0
Capital Cost
Months of Fixed O&M (months) 1 0
Months of Variable O&M (months) 1 0
Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2 0
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 0.5 0
NOx Control Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 2.00 1.60
O&M Cost
TSP Control Particulate Removal Efficiency (%) 99.10 99.90
Performance Fabric Filter Power Requirement (% MWg) 0.1958 1.40E-2
General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 1.00 1.57
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 5 9.37
Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 20 16.38
Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 0 4.670
TSP Control Royalty Fees (%PFC) 0 0.0
Capital Cost
Fixed Operating Cost (months) 1.0 0
Variable Operating Cost (months) 1.000 0
Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2.0 0
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 0.5 0
TSP Control Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 1.723 1.600
O&M Cost
SO2 Control Scrubber SO2 Removal Efficiency (%) 85.49 98.00
Performance Wet FGD Power Requirement (% MWg) 1.607 0.89
General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 10 1.57
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 10 9.37
SO2 Control Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 15 16.38
Capital Cost Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 2 4.670
Royalty Fees (%PFC) 0.5 0.0
Fixed Operating Cost (months) 1.0 0

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 52

Variable Operating Cost (months) 1.00 0
Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2.0 0
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 0.3545 0
SO2 Control Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 4.398 1.60
O&M Cost
CO2 Capture Sorbent Used Conv. MEA Adv. Amine (FG+)
CO2 Capture Amine Scrubber Power Requirement (% 13.98 11.04
Performance MWg)
General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 10 1.57
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 7 9.37
Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 15 16.38
Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 5 4.670
CO2 Capture Royalty Fees (%PFC) 0.5 0.0
Capital Cost
Fixed Operating Cost (months) 1.0 0
Variable Operating Cost (months) 1.00 0
Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2.0 0
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 0.5 0
Reclaimer Waste Disposal Cost ($/ton) 211.6 0.0
CO2 Capture Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 2.5 1.600
O&M Cost CO2 Transportation Cost ($/ton) 1.759 0.0
CO2 Storage Cost ($/ton) 6.047 3.4
Water Systems Ambient Air Temp (Dry Bulb Avg.) (°F) 77.00 70.00
Performance Power Requirement (% MWg) 2.8 3.14
General Facilities Capital (%PFC) 10 1.57
Engineering & Home Office Fees (%PFC) 10 9.37
Project Contingency Cost (%PFC) 15 16.38
Process Contingency Cost (%PFC) 0 4.670
Water Systems Royalty Fees (%PFC) 0.5 0.0
Capital Cost
Fixed Operating Cost (months) 1.0 0
Variable Operating Cost (months) 1.000 0
Misc. Capital Cost (%TPI) 2.0 0
Inventory Capital (%TPC) 0.5 0
Water Systems Total Maintenance Cost (%TPC) 2.0 1.600
O&M Cost

The key results of this case study are shown below in summary Table 20.

Summary Results from Case Studies 1-4

The key results from Case Studies 1-4 are shown below in Table 14. The performance parameters in terms of
net plant efficiency for the same gross power plant size match closely, as do the capital costs on a $/kW-net basis.
The revenue required for the IECM for each of these cases is somewhat lower than in the NETL 2007 Baseline
Report, owing primarily to an escalation in coal prices for all four cases in the Baseline Report, which is not done in
this analysis in the IECM.

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 53

Table 20: Summary of Case Study Results

Gross Output Net Plant Efficiency Capital Cost
Cases Required
(MW) (%) ($/kW -net)


PC Supercritical 580.2 580.2 39.1% 39.1% 1601 1575 60.4 63.3

PC Supercritical + CCS 663.3 663.4 27.1% 27.2% 2857 2870 108.4 114.8

PC Subcritical 583.2 583.3 36.8% 36.8% 1541 1549 60.1 64.0

PC Subcritical + CCS 681.3 679.9 24.8% 24.9% 2935 2895 112.5 118.8

5.2.5 Cost Sensitivity

A cost sensitivity analysis was done for different steam cycles (Subcritical, Supercritical, and Ultra
Supercritical), for different coal types (Appalachian Medium Sulfur, Illinois #6, and Wyoming Powder
River Basin), and for plants with and without CO2 capture across a range of net plant sizes (250MW to
750MW). In each of these sensitivity studies, the defaults for the IECM were used with an SCR, ESP,
and FGD system, and with an Advanced Amine CO2 Capture System for the case with CO2 capture. The
results are presented below.

Cost Sensitivity to Steam Cycle Type

In the sensitivity analysis for the steam cycle, an IECM default plant was built with an SCR, ESP, and
FGD system, but without a CO2 capture system, and the coal used was Illinois #6. The net plant size was
varied between 250 and 750 MW. The plant efficiencies were approximately constant through this range
of plant sizes, with the Subcritical plant having an efficiency of 36.4%, the Supercritical plant having an
efficiency of 38.7%, and the Ultra Supercritical plant having an efficiency of 42.7% (all HHV). The
results from the sensitivity studies for Capital Cost and Revenue Required are shown in Figure 9 and
Figure 10 below.

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 54

Figure 9. Capital Costs by Steam Cycle Type vs. Net Power Output

Figure 10. Revenue Required by Steam Cycle Type vs. Net Power Output

Sensitivity to Coal Type

In the sensitivity analysis for coal type, an IECM default plant was built with an SCR, ESP, and FGD
system, but without a CO2 capture system, and a Supercritical steam cycle was used. Three coals were
chosen for this analysis, Appalachian Medium Sulfur, Illinois #6, and Wyoming Powder River Basin. The
net plant size was varied between 250 and 750 MW. The results from the sensitivity studies for Capital
Cost and Revenue Required are shown in Figure 11 and Figure 12 below.

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 55

Figure 11. Capital Costs by Coal Type vs. Net Power Output

Figure 12. Revenue Required by Coal Type vs. Net Power Output

Sensitivity to CO2 Capture Technology

In the sensitivity analysis for CO2 capture technology, an IECM default plant was built with an SCR,
ESP, and FGD system, and a Supercritical steam cycle was used. The net plant size was varied between
250 and 750 MW with and without a CO2 capture system. The results from the sensitivity studies for
Capital Cost and Revenue Required are shown in Figure 13 and Figure 14 below. The costs for plants
with CO2 Capture generally decrease with increasing plant size until a new train is required in the CO2
capture system, at which point the cost rises slightly.

Integrated Environmental Control Model - Technical Documentation • 56

Figure 13. Capital Cost vs. Net Power Output with and without CCS

Figure 14. Revenue Required vs. Net Power Output with and without CCS

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