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The Open University of
Sri Lanka

OUSL Journal

Volume 13 No. 2
December, 2018
OUSL Journal
Volume 13, No. 2 – December, 2018

Published Biannually by The Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL)

Editor in Chief

Shyama R. Weerakoon
Professor of Botany, Dept. of Botany,
Faculty of Natural Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka

Editorial Board

Harini Amarasuriya
Senior Lecturer in Social Studies, Department of Social Studies,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,
The Open University of Sri Lanka

C. Shanthi De Silva
Senior Professor in Agricultural Engineering, Dept. of Agricultural
& Plantation Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Technology,
The Open University of Sri Lanka

Gaya R. Ranawaka
Professor in Zoology, Department of Zoology
Faculty of Natural Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka

Sithy S. Iqbal
Professor in Chemistry, Department of Chemistry,
Faculty of Natural Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka

G. D. Lekamge
Professor of Secondary & Tertiary Education,
Department of Secondary & Tertiary Education,
Faculty of Education, The Open University of Sri Lanka
Sreemali Herath
Senior Lecturer, Post-Graduate Institute of English
The Open University of Sri Lanka

B. Gayathri Jayatilleke
Senior Lecturer in Educational Technology, Centre for
Educational Technology and Media, The Open University of Sri

N. Karthikeyan
Senior Lecturer in Physics, Department of Physics
Faculty of Natural Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka

Wathmanel Seneviratne
Librarian, The Open University of Sri Lanka
OUSL Journal
Volume 13 No. 2 – December, 2018

Published Biannually by The Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL)

Advisory Board:
Patricia B. Arinto
Professor and Dean, Faculty of Education,
University of the Philippines – Open University, Philippines

Chandra Gunawardena
Emeritus Professor in Education, The Open University of Sri

Charlotte Nirmalani Gunawardena

Distinguished Professor of Distance Education and Instructional
Technology, University of New Maxico, USA

Janet Hemingway
Professor of Insect Molecular Biology,
Director/Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, UK

Rasika Jayasekara
Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing and Midwifery,
University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia

Nihal Kularatna
Associate Professor in Electronic Engineering, School of
Engineering, The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

Sanjaya Mishra
Education Specialist - e-learning, Commonwealth of Learning,
British Columbia, Canada
K. Sarath D. Perera
Senior Professor in Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences,
The Open University of Sri Lanka

Ryhana Raheem
Emeritus Professor in English, The Open University of Sri Lanka

Nishanta Rajakaruna
Associate Professor in Plant Biology, Biological Sciences
Department, California Polytechnic State University, USA

Language Editing:

Lal Medawattegedara

Technical Assistance:

Priyantha Nawarathne
Contents Page

Editorial 1

Protection of Consumer Rights on the Internet: Prospects 5

and Challenges for the Sri Lankan Legal System

Bamunu Achchige Rishanthi Ruwanthika Ariyaratna*

Flaws in Research Report Writing: An Evaluation of 25

Research Reports Submitted for an International
Conference on Education

Ayoade Ejiwale Okanlawon*

Effect of Partially-burnt Paddy Husk as a Supplementary 49

Source of Potassium on Growth and Yield of Turmeric
(Curcuma longa L.) and Soil Properties

Jude Isuru Wickramasinghe1 and Christina Shanthi De Silva*

Perceived Factors Related to Delayed Presentation of 65

Breast Cancer among Women with Stage III and IV
Breast Cancer in Sri Lanka
Rathnayake Mudiyanselage Chamila Manike Rathnayake,
Halyale Mudiyanselage Maheshika Gothami Priyadarshi
Halyale, Koththalbadde Vidanalage Nimali Tharanga,
Herath Mudiyanselage Sayuri Prabodika Herath,
Badurakada Sunil Santha De Silva*

Ecosystem Carbon Stock of Mangroves at the Batticaloa 81

Lagoon, Sri Lanka

Kodikaraarachchige Anthoney Roshan Samantha Perera*,

Mala Damayanthi Amarasinghe

Structural Assessment and Restoration of the 101

NeelagiriMaha Seya in Ampara, Sri Lanka

Wijerathna Haluge Tharindu Sameera Wijerathna,

Ranasinghe Arachchige Madhusha Priyadarshani
Ranasinghe, Pallaha Athawudagedara Kamal
Challenges and Changes towards a Sustainable Society: 125
Climate, Energy and Education

Torsten Henry Fransson*


This is the Volume 13, Number 2 of the OUSL Journal of 2018, the
Journal of The Open University of Sri Lanka which is published
biannually. The articles published in this Volume include: research
based on Legal Studies, Education, Agriculture, Health Sciences,
Ecology and Civil Engineering.

The emergence of the electronic commerce has transformed

traditional consumer markets into a digital one within a few decades.
In other words, the development of the internet and e-commerce has
drastically changed the medium of transactions for traditional
consumers. The paper titled Protection of Consumer Rights on the
Internet: Prospects and Challenges for the Sri Lankan Legal System
explores the concept of consumer rights and its application in
electronic transactions. The author emphasizes that, due to the
complex nature of the internet, online consumers have to face serious
violations of their consumer rights. In such a context, the state
intervention is very much important to safeguard the consumer
rights in the digital environment. This paper argues that, even
though Sri Lankan legislature has enacted several legislations in
order to accommodate e-commerce and electronic transactions in Sri
Lanka, those legislations fail to specifically address the issue of
consumer rights protection in an online context. In order to highlight
this lacuna in the Sri Lankan legal framework, this paper compares
and contrasts the existing Sri Lankan legal regime with International
and European Union approaches. Based on the findings of
comparative analysis, this paper further emphasizes the need for an
adequate online consumer protection mechanism embedded into the
Sri Lankan legal landscape.

The research study titled Flaws in Research Report Writing: An

Evaluation of Research Reports Submitted for an International
Conference on Education investigates the flaws in research report
writing by evaluating research reports submitted for an international
conference on education. The study uses research report reviewers’
evaluation forms to evaluate the quality of the research reports. The
findings show that improper focus on the research objectives and

non-indication of gaps in knowledge, lack of attempts to critically
critique the method(s) used in previous studies, inadequate
description of research designs, non-self-explanatory tables and
figures and lack of discussion about the significance and implications
of results are the major flaws associated with those research reports.
The study recommends that concerted efforts should be made by
education faculties to organize faculty seminars where research
report can be presented for constructive criticism. Also, the study
recommends that universities and research institutions should
endeavor to reward researchers for quality rather than quantity of
their publications.

Turmeric is widely used as a medicine, condiment, dye, disinfectant

and cosmetic. These plants need potassium for higher yield. The
authors of the research paper, Effect of partially-burnt Paddy Husk
as a Supplementary Source of Potassium on Growth and Yield of
Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) and Soil Properties investigate the effect
of partially-burnt paddy husk as a supplementary source of
potassium for growth and yield of turmeric and soil properties. Seven
treatments were prepared by using two sources of potassium, namely
Muriate of Potash (MOP) and partially-burnt paddy husk (PBPH) for
local type of turmeric cultivation. Results revealed that combined use
of MOP (100%) with PBPH (50%) has beneficial effects on turmeric
cultivation. Paddy husk is a common plant residue in paddy
cultivation and freely available potassium source. Partially-burnt
paddy husk can be used as a supplementary source of potassium for
turmeric cultivation to maximize the harvest.

Breast cancer has become the most common cause for cancer deaths
among women worldwide. Delay in seeking medical advice for breast
cancer causes increased morbidity, mortality and decreases the
survival rate of these patients. The study, Perceived Factors Related
to Delayed Presentation of Breast Cancer among women with Stage III
and IV Breast Cancer in Sri Lanka was conducted to examine the
perceived factors related to delaying of treatment for breast cancer
among women. One hundred and fifty-one female patients with
breast cancer stage III and IV, admitted to the Oncology ward and
Oncology clinic of the Teaching Hospital, Kandy, were purposively
recruited for this quantitative descriptive study. The study results

highlighted that majority of patients have not known about the
symptoms of breast cancer. Further, about one third of patients
delayed treatment due to the perceived embarrassment at exposing
their breasts to medical practitioners and fear of partner
abandonment. Significantly, four thirds of the patients were not
aware of self-breast examination method and never attended the
‘Well Women Clinic”, which is conducted for the improvement of
women’s health. Interestingly, majority of the patients did not have
family histories of breast cancer. Therefore, establishing an effective
public awareness programs is vital to increase early diagnosis,
prognosis and survival rate and improve overall quality of life of
patients with breast cancer.

Mangrove communities are usually characterized as efficient in

carbon sink in tropical and subtropical coastal areas of the world.
Sequestered organic carbon occurs both in standing plant biomass
as well as in below-the-ground root biomass and mangrove soils.
Data on total carbon storage in whole mangrove ecosystems assist
pragmatic evaluation of ecological value of mangroves and justify
their conservation and management. Lacks in quantitative data on
carbon retention capacity of Sri Lankan mangrove ecosystems
compelled the authors of the paper titled Ecosystem Carbon Stock of
Mangroves at the Batticaloa Lagoon, Sri Lanka to carry out a study
with the objective of estimating the total ecosystem carbon content
in mangrove ecosystems in the Batticaloa lagoon, which is the largest
lagoon situated on the east coast and the third largest brackish water
system in the country. The total organic carbon content of mangrove
ecosystems in the Batticaloa lagoon was calculated to be 506 Mg C
ha-1. Mangrove soils that sequester 68% of the organic carbon forms,
the largest fraction of the mangrove carbon sink. Below-the-ground
components account for only 5% of the total pool while above-the-
ground biomass retains five times more (26%) carbon than the root

Neelagiri stupa, constructed in 2nd Century BCE, is a colossal ruined

stupa, situated in the woods of the Lahugala Wildlife sanctuary in
the Ampara district of the Eastern province Sri Lanka. Presently, one
side of the stupa has collapsed and some vertical cracks are visible
on the east side of the lower dome. Therefore, it is essential to carry

out a proper investigation on the current condition of the stupa
before any major restoration work begins in order to ascertain its
total height. With this objective, a series of experimental testing and
numerical modeling was performed as described in the paper,
Structural Assessment and Restoration of the Neelagiri Maha Seya in
Ampara, Sri Lanka. According to the Ground Penetration Radar
measurements, there exists a gravel type rock layer below the 3m
level from the existing ground and the stupa rests on this gravel layer.
Laboratory test results showed that ancient bricks of Neelagiri stupa
have a higher capacity than their modern counterparts. Numerical
analysis of the stupa showed that the stresses generated within the
existing stupa due to its self-weight is well below the compressive
strength and the tensile strength of the ancient bricks. Finally, a
suitable shape is proposed for the restoration and the different
restoration options have been analyzed with respect to the structural
performance along with the existing conditions.

In addition, this issue includes the 31st OUSL General Convocation

Address made by Professor Torsten Henry Fransson titled Challenges
and Changes towards a Sustainable Society: Climate, Energy and
Education which reflects on the access to clean, affordable energy
and water, and appropriate food, all of which are entangled in
humanitarian, social and environmental contexts, and which are the
three main pillars of sustainable development. Further, collapses in
the quality education will also lead water, food and energy services of
the world to a state of stagnation resulting a widespread unfulfilled
competition for resources and services among the communities.

We welcome your suggestions for further improvement of this

Journal. We are looking forward to publishing your current research
findings in our next issue.

Professor Shyama R. Weerakoon

Editor in Chief/OUSL Journal
Email: [email protected]

How to Cite: Weerakoon, S.R., 2018. Editorial. OUSL Journal, 13(2), pp.1–4.

DOI: Vol. 13, No. 02, (pp. 5-23)

Protection of Consumer Rights on the Internet:

Prospects and Challenges for the Sri Lankan Legal

Bamunu Achchige Rishanthi Ruwanthika Ariyaratna*

Department of Legal Studies, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala,

Sri Lanka


The development of Internet and e-commerce has tremendously

changed the habits and behaviors of consumers. This fast and
efficient medium of transaction has been able to overcome many
obstacles inherent to offline transactions and as a result, e-commerce
and e-transactions have become more popular among consumers
who are struggling with hectic lifestyles. However, it is evident that
online consumers are exposed to many inevitable challenges on the
Internet, more than the offline consumers specifically with regard to
violation of their consumer rights. Every consumer is entitled to

*Corresponding should be addressed to Ms. B.A.R. Ruwanthika

Ariyaratna, Department of Legal Studies, The Open University of Sri Lanka,
Nawala, Sri Lanka
Email: [email protected]

(Received 26th February 2018; Revised 04th September 2018; Accepted 20th
September 2018) © OUSL

This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
International License (CC-BY-SA). This license permits use, distribution and
reproduction in any medium; provided it is licensed under the same terms and the
original work is properly cited.

How to Cite: Ruwanthika Ariyaratna, B.A.R., 2018. Protection of Consumer

Rights on the Internet: Prospects and Challenges for the Sri Lankan Legal
System. OUSL Journal, 13(2), pp.5–23.

B. A. R. R. Ariyaratna

several rights whether he/she is dealing online or offline, including

the right to information, right to redress, right to privacy, etc.
Nonetheless, online consumers are more vulnerable to face the
violation of those rights in a virtual market, as they deal with
unknown sellers and venders. Therefore, protecting consumer rights
in the online marketplace is a timely important topic. At the
international and regional level this issue has been discussed and the
OECD Guidelines for consumer protection in E-Commerce, the
United Nations Guidelines on Consumer Protection and European
Union Directive on Consumer Rights are some of the examples for
online consumer protection. Currently, Sri Lanka is in the process of
developing information and communication technology, as well as e-
commerce. In the recent decades, Sri Lankan legislature has paid
attention to introducing new laws to facilitate e-commerce and
electronic transactions such as the Electronic Transactions Act and
the Computer Crime Act. At the same time, in 2003, Sri Lankan
consumer protection legal regime was also repealed. As a result, the
Consumer Affairs Authority Act was enacted. However, afore-
mentioned legislations fail to specifically address the issue of
protecting online consumer rights. Therefore, the aim of this research
is to analyze the existing Sri Lankan legal framework and highlight
the lacuna relating to online consumer protection. The research will
basically use the qualitative approach and extensive literature
analysis will be used for collecting primary and secondary data.

Key words: Online consumer protection, e-commerce, electronic

transactions, Consumer rights


"The Internet challenges the traditional position of consumers" (Prins,


As the above statement highlights, the Internet has become one of

the most influential factors for the traditional position of the
consumers in all over the world. The arrival of the Internet has
opened many new doors for commercial transactions and as a result,
the Internet has had a significantly impact on the nature and
behaviours of traditional offline consumers. As Alsagoff (2006) points
out “the advancement of technology and globalisation has moved
consumers to a different platform of transactions”. Thus, it is obvious

Protection of Consumer Rights on the Internet: Prospects and Challenges for the Sri Lankan
Legal System

that consumers who are engaging with the commercial transactions

via online have to face different challenges, other than the traditional

According to the Guideline 3 of the United Nations Guidelines on

Consumer Protection in 2016 (hereinafter referred to as ‘UNGCP’), the
term ‘consumer’ is generally referred to as “natural person regardless
of nationality, acting primarily for personal, family or household
purposes”. The rationale behind consumer protection is to make a
fair balance between consumer-supplier relationships. Consumers
are considered ‘weaker’ than their contracting partners and due to
their inferior bargaining power, they are unable to protect their
interests (Ruhl, 2011; Abeysekara, 2013). As mentioned in the
UNCTAD Manual on Consumer Protection (2016) consumer
protection addresses disparities found in the consumer-supplier
relationship, which include bargaining power, knowledge and
resources. Furthermore, the Manual highlights that state should
intervene to afford consumer protection to assure economic
efficiency, protect individual rights and right to development and
achieve distributive justice.

In recent decades, global attention was drawn to make separate

guidelines and policies for protecting consumer rights on the Internet
due to great vulnerabilities which online consumers have to face,
other than the offline consumers (El-Gendi, 2017). Information
disclosure, online privacy, payment security, online fraud, redress
and etc. are some of the problems which online consumers are
exposed to when they are engaging in electronic transactions
(Sullivan, 2016; Prins, 2003; Waite, 1999). As a result of this
vulnerable nature, it is obvious that consumers are somewhat
reluctant to engage in and ripe the deserved benefits of online
transactions (Lee & Turban, 2001). Therefore, as Prins (2003) aptly
argues, “protecting the interests of consumers entering into online
transactions is an essential factor in establishing trust in electronic

At the international and regional level, the problem of online

consumer protection has been addressed in a progressive manner.
Internationally, Organization of Economic Cooperation and
Development (hereinafter referred to as the ‘OECD’) has introduced
comprehensive guidelines for consumer protection in the context of

B. A. R. R. Ariyaratna

electronic commerce in 2000. The UNGCP also addresses common

issues in Business to Consumer (hereinafter referred to as ‘B2C’)
transactions. In the European Union (Hereinafter referred to as EU)
law, the Consumer Rights Directive 2011/83/EU (hereinafter
referred to as CRD) is considered as an umbrella legislation of
repealing and replacing several consumer-related Directives.
(Sullivan, 2016; McClafferty, 2012). Accordingly, the United Kingdom
has implemented the CRD by enacting Consumer Rights Act in 2015
and this piece of legislation is considered as “one stop shop of
consumer rights” for both online and offline consumers (El-Gendi,

Though, online consumer protection mechanisms have rapidly

developed at international level, neither Sri Lankan consumer
protection law, electronic transaction law nor any other legislation
has specifically addressed the online consumer rights in Sri Lanka
(Kariyawasam, 2008; Abeyrathna, 2008). Therefore, on the one hand,
from the consumer rights perspective, Sri Lankan e-consumers are
in great danger in the cyberspace (Fernando, 2013). Moreover, as
indicated by the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (2017), the current
online sales are just 1 per cent, when compared to the annual
consumer sales in Sri Lanka. Accordingly, this research argues that
the absence of the proper online consumer protection mechanism has
a negative influential factor in online commerce of Sri Lanka.
Therefore, this research emphasises that it is necessary to develop an
appropriate legal framework for online consumer protection in Sri
Lanka. The suggested model would be enriched with a comparative
analysis of the EU approach on e-consumer protection, particularly
its implementation in United Kingdom (Hereinafter referred to as UK).

Research Problem

Even though e-commerce and electronic transactions have rapidly

developed as a global trend all over the world, it is notable that Sri
Lankan consumers are still unwilling to place full trust and
confidence on online commercial transactions. Online consumers
face greater risk in the cyber space when compared to traditional
offline consumers, since they are dealing with unknown sellers and
vendors. However, the Electronic Transactions Act, No. 19 of 2006,
the Consumer Affairs Authority Act, No. 9 of 2003 or any other
legislation in Sri Lanka, do not address any specific issues faced by
online consumers. Therefore, in addition to the lack of computer

Protection of Consumer Rights on the Internet: Prospects and Challenges for the Sri Lankan
Legal System

literacy and other reasons related to infrastructure, the absence of

proper e-consumer protection law can be identified as the key factors
which could reduce the willingness of the consumers’ to engaged in
online transactions. Nevertheless, it is obvious that, as a developing
country, Sri Lanka needs to gain the trust of e-consumers to attract
more investments and engage with the global market. Therefore, the
research problem focuses on how to develop an appropriate legal
framework for online consumer protection to enhance the consumers’
trust and confidence in electronic transactions in Sri Lanka.


As mentioned above, the main objective of this research is to propose

a new legal framework for online consumer protection in Sri Lanka.
In order to achieve this, the researcher has selected the qualitative
research approach as the main research methodology. Dobinson and
Johns (2007) point out that a qualitative legal research could be a
doctrinal, theoretical, problem, policy or law reform research.
Accordingly, this research is a reform-oriented legal research.

Moreover, this research is a comparative study between Sri Lankan

and other two selected jurisdictions. The main research area of the
research; namely, ‘online consumer protection’ is a novel concept for
the Sri Lankan legal system. Therefore, in order to develop an effective
legal framework for Sri Lanka, the researcher has to compare and
contrast the existing Sri Lankan law with the other jurisdictions
which have already been developed as an advanced mechanism to
protect consumer rights in the online marketplace. As mentioned
earlier, the EU has enacted a separate Directive for protecting
consumer rights in the EU countries and it is able to provide more
advanced protection for offline as well as online consumers.
Subsequently, the UK Parliament has enacted The Consumer Right
Act (hereinafter referred to as ‘CRA’) in 2015, implementing the key
features of the CRD. El-Gendi (2017) defines the CRA as a “one stop
shop” because it has combined many previous Acts and regulations
to assure stronger consumer protection in both the online and offline
context. Based on these developments the researcher has selected the
EU and UK jurisdictions as the main legal paradigms for the
comparative analysis. Both primary and secondary sources are used

B. A. R. R. Ariyaratna

to gather data with regard to existing Sri Lankan legal framework and
comparative jurisdictions. As primary legal sources, Sri Lankan
legislation such as the Electronic Transactions Act, No. 19 of 2006,
Consumer Affairs Authority Act, No. 9 of 2003, Computer Crime Act,
No. 24 of 2007 etc., emerging case law jurisprudence and
international and regional legal instruments are examined. Journal
articles, research papers and reports are studied as secondary legal

Theoretical Framework

Consumer protection is generally justified by considering consumers

as weaker than their contracting partners. Therefore, it is accepted
that their interests should be protected due to inferior bargaining
power. The doctrine of ‘inequality of bargaining power’ stresses the
economically weaker position of the consumer vis-a-vis the suppliers
(Haupt, 2003). As Barnhizer (2005) points out from the United Sates
case law, "gross inequality of bargaining power could negate the
meaningfulness of choices available to the weaker party”.

The ‘exploitation theory’ also provides a similar view to the ‘weaker

party” argument. According to this theory, consumers are in need of
protection for two reasons: first, consumers have few options but to
purchase and contract on the terms set by increasingly large and
powerful companies; second, companies are able to exploit significant
information and sophistication disparities in their favour (Ruhl,

However, at least several scholars are of the opinion that this

traditional theoretical argument on identifying the consumer as the
weaker party is no longer valid in the modern context. As Ruhl (2011)
argues, “exploitation theory fails to take into account competition
between companies and the fact that any bargaining power that
companies have vis-a-vis consumer is limited through competition
from other companies”. Therefore, the author suggests that economic
theory is the best theoretical rationale for consumer protection today,
because consumers should be protected from the information
asymmetry between them and the professionals.

The ‘economic theory’ of law is mainly concerned with promotion of

economic efficiency and the protection of wealth as a value. According
to the Posner, a leading scholar of the Chicago School of economic
analysis, contractual transactions are the fundamental mechanisms
Protection of Consumer Rights on the Internet: Prospects and Challenges for the Sri Lankan
Legal System

for wealth maximization (Mc Coubrey & White, 1999). As Posner

further highlights, “contract law has had to change a great deal since
then to cope with modern consumer transactions where there is no
delay between agreement and performance” (Mc Coubrey & White,
1999). Therefore, the economic theory justifies the movements of
goods and services through electronic transactions, because the
flexibilities and opportunities of online markets are larger than the
space of face-to-face transactions. Therefore, it can be argued that a
strong consumer protection mechanism can be an incentive to
develop trustworthiness and confidence on the electronic transaction.
Based on that argument, the incentive theory can be applied to justify
consumer protection in electronic transactions as well.

Moreover, the concept of trust can be used as another theoretical

background for this research. From the behavioural economists’
perspective, “trust has long been regarded as a catalyst for buyer-
seller transactions that can provide consumers with high
expectations of satisfying exchange relationships”. (Pavlou, 2003).
Therefore, Pavlou (2003) argues that the role of trust is of
fundamental importance for adequately capturing consumer
behaviour in e-commerce. O’Hara (2005) also supports this view by
developing an argument which explains the relationship between the
law and trust, called “safety net assessment”. Accordingly, the law
can play a major role to create trust between two parties. Therefore,
to the extent that the law works towards decreasing the vulnerability
of a contractual relationship, it promotes the parties willingness to
enter into a contractual obligation (O’Hara, 2005).

Thus, the aforementioned theoretical approaches are the foundation

for this research. The doctrine of inferior bargaining power,
exploitation theory and the economic theory provide the theoretical
rationale for consumer protection. The economic theory also justifies
the electronic transactions and e-commerce activities as tools for
wealth maximization. In addition, the trust theory based on
behavioural economic conception, builds up the link between the law
and consumer trust and thereby increases confidence in online

B. A. R. R. Ariyaratna

Results and Discussions

Benefits, Key Legal Issues and Challenges Faced by Online


“The Internet is becoming an increasingly popular

means for the sale of goods and more and more
transactions are being made online…The increase in
online transactions raises the issue of whether or not
there is sufficient protection for the e-consumer. Due to
the risks inherent in online transactions there is a need
for these types of transactions to be specifically
acknowledged and regulated” (McClafferty, 2012)

As McClafferty (2012) aptly highlights in the above statement, even

though online transactions are becoming more popular, they raise
several issues due to the risk inherent to such transactions. Waite
(1999) also brings a similar view and opines that “Internet could bring
about radical change in distance selling by providing instantaneous,
low-cost links for marketing and payment between consumers and
suppliers world-wide; that there are resultant risks as well as

When examining the positive factors of the online transactions from

the consumers’ perspective, it is evident that during the last few
decades consumer attractions to e-commerce and online transactions
have increased rapidly due to their flexible nature. Looking and
comparing goods and products are easier on the Internet than the
offline market (Khan, 2016). Therefore, consumers have more
opportunities for selection and also enjoy easier access to
information. , Moreover, Khan highlights that consumers can save
their time by just clicking a button on the Internet from home or work
place (Khan, 2016). Thus, some scholars such as Edward (2003) and
Prins (2003) argue that online transaction and e-commerce have
improved the ‘consumer sovereignty’ and they regarded it as a
positive force for consumer empowerment.

However, it is observed that although online consumers are enjoying

significant benefits in the online marketplace, they have to face
considerable amounts of risk and vulnerabilities during their
transactions such as information disclosure, violations of privacy,
lack of systems security, dispute resolution, etc. These issues would
negatively impact consumer trust and confidence on e-commerce.
Protection of Consumer Rights on the Internet: Prospects and Challenges for the Sri Lankan
Legal System

Particularly, in the developing countries, due to technology barriers

and other infrastructure problems, consumers express more
hesitancy to engage with electronic transactions. Therefore, as
mentioned by the UNCTAD, “an adequate and supportive legal
environment is essential to create trust online and to secure
electronic interaction between enterprises and consumers” (UNCTAD
Manual, 2016).

International and European Union Approaches on Online

Consumer Protection

At the international level, the OECD has introduced separate

guidelines for online consumer protection, namely, the Guidelines for
Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce, 1999.
As Alsagoff (2006) indicates the OECD guidelines “act as platform for
its member countries to develop their national law in tandem with the
international standards” (p.82). The principle 1 of the OECD
Guidelines highlights that,

Consumers who participate in electronic commerce

should be afforded transparent and effective consumer
protection that is not less than the level of protection
afforded in other forms of commerce

The United Nation Guidelines on Consumer Protection (hereinafter

referred to as UNGCP) is the most recent major international step
towards consumer protection. As Yu & Galligan (2015) point out, the
UNGCP provides an advanced global standard on consumer
protection for the purpose of delivering justice to every individual
consumer. This opinion is very much highlighted in the objectives of
the UNGCP. Accordingly, the main objectives of the UNGCP are “to
assist countries in achieving or maintaining adequate protection for
their population as consumers, to facilitate production and
distribution patterns responsive to the needs and desires of
consumers, to encourage high levels of ethical conduct for those
engaged in the production and distribution of goods and services to

Among the regional mechanisms the European Union’s approach to

online consumer protection is significant. According to the
Finocchiaro (2003), the main objective of the European e-commerce
legislations is to promote e-commerce. Therefore, he argues that

B. A. R. R. Ariyaratna

consumer protection in electronic transaction is an indispensable

factor from this economic objective. The Consumer Right Directive
(CRD) is the recent development of the EU law, which was enacted in
2011 and replaced in 2014. The CRD is considered as an umbrella
legislation of repealing and replacing Distance Selling Directive,
Doorstop Selling Directive, Unfair Terms in Contracts Directive and
the Sale of Consumer Goods and Associated Guarantees (Sullivan,
2016; Mc Clafferty, 2012).

As Article 1 of the CRD indicates, the purposes of the Directive is the

achievement of a high level of consumer protection, to contribute to
the proper functioning of the internal market. Article 5 and 6 of the
CRD provide the information requirement for both contracts other
than the distance and off premises contracts. Accordingly, before a
consumer is bound by a contract, the trader should provide relevant
information such as main characteristic of the goods, identification
of the trader, geographical address, and the price of goods in a clear
and comprehensive manner.

As Sullivan (2016) opines, the rationale for this information

requirement is an attempt to address the inherent information
imbalance that exists between consumer and trader who has more
knowledge of the market. Therefore, it can be argued that the
information provisions of the CRD are a tool to enhance the consumer
confidence in the Internet market.

Notably, another new feature of the CRD is the extension of the

cooling-off period of a distance contract from seven to fourteen days.
Article 9 of the CRD states that consumer should have a period of 14
days to withdraw from a distance or off-premises contract, without
giving any reason, and without incurring any costs. As Sullivan
(2016) comments, “this extended period from seven to fourteen days
was to increase legal certainty and reduce compliance cost for
businesses dealing cross broader”

The most attractive feature of the CRD is its potential to cover

contacts for the supply of digital contents. According to the Racital
19 of the Directive, “digital content means data which are produced
and supplied in digital form, such as computer programs,
applications, games, music, videos or texts, irrespective of whether
they are accessed through downloading or streaming, from a tangible
medium or through any other means”. Moreover, Recital 19, in
connection with Article 6 (1) (2), imposes additional information
Protection of Consumer Rights on the Internet: Prospects and Challenges for the Sri Lankan
Legal System

obligations and requirements on the e-tailors who supply digital

content. In particular, these obligations include information on the
functionality and the relevant interoperability of digital content
(Bezakova, 2013). Therefore, it can be argued that this pre-
requirement of information with regard to the digital content makes
the consumer more knowledgeable about the goods and services.

Accordingly, it is evident that the OECD Recommendations for

Consumer Protection in E-Commerce and the UNGCP provide a
comprehensive guidance for member states to adopt and enable
consumer protection for online users. Similarly, the EU approach on
e-consumer protection is a more solid and broad approach and it can
be argued that the EU law has expanded its protection beyond the
international legal framework. In 2015 the UK parliament enacted the
CRA by implementing the aforementioned key features of the CRD.

Online Consumer Protection in Sri Lanka

During the last few decades, the Sri Lankan E-commerce sector has
experienced rapid development. More recently, scholars have paid
attention to the study of influential factors for e-commerce growth
and its impact on the market economy in Sri Lanka. Arawwawala &
Gunawardane (2017) analysed the challenges and barriers of
implementing e-commerce among SMEs in Sri Lanka. In this
research they have identified that confidentiality issues, privacy of
the data, security issues in making the payments in online etc. as
some of the challenges which inhibit the e-commerce developments
in Sri Lanka. In addition, Kapurubandara (2009) in another research
also highlights e-commerce adoption barriers in Sri Lanka such as
lack of computer literacy, poor Internet facilities, lack of
governmental support, fears and concerns over security. Peris &
Kulkarni (2015) also support this view and reveal that one reason for
consumer reluctance is their concern about security risks,
particularly with regard to the increasing number of security
vulnerabilities and poor security measures to protect personal

As O’Hara (2005) denotes, “to the extent that the law works towards
to decrease the vulnerability of a contractual relationship, it also
promotes the parties willingness to enter into a contractual
obligation”. Therefore, it can be argued that although the

B. A. R. R. Ariyaratna

aforementioned issues related to infrastructure and other reasons

negatively influence the e-commerce growth in Sri Lanka; the absence
of proper e-consumer protection law is one of the key factors which
leads to the reduction of the willingness of consumers to engage with
online transactions. In order to explore more on this argument, it is
important to analyze the existing legal framework in Sri Lanka.

Existing Sri Lankan Legal Framework

Sri Lankan legislature stepped into electronic transaction law in 2006

by enacting the Electronic Transactions Act, No. 19 of 2006
(hereinafter referred to as ‘ETA’). Since then the Computer Crime Act,
No. 24 (hereinafter referred to as ‘CCA’) was introduced in 2007, in
order to strengthen the legal framework. Consumer protection law of
the country was also repealed in 2003 by enacting Consumer Affairs
Authority Act, No.9 of 2003 (hereinafter referred to as ‘CAAA’). This
Act brought more modifications to the traditional consumer
protection law but, failed to address the consumer protection in
online environments.

The ETA was introduced as a significant piece of legislation which

broadly addresses the issues in electronic transactions in the
country. The Act closely follows the UNCITRAL Model Law on e-
commerce and electronic signatures (Kariyawasam, 2008). However,
when examining the consumer protection mechanism under the ETA,
any direct provision regarding online consumer protection is hardly
found. Conversely, it can be argued that the recognition of electronic
records, electronic signature and admissibility of electronic evidence
may impliedly provide protection for online consumers. Nevertheless,
Kariyawasam (2008) makes propound argument that:

“[T]he Electronic Transaction Act is silent about online

consumer protection in relation to, for example,
information disclosure, delivery, transaction
confirmation, cancellation and refund policy”

According to the Kariyawasam’s argument, it is evident that the ETA

does not expressly deals with the online consumer protection issues.
Moreover, the ETA fails to provide adequate data protection
mechanism which can secure consumer privacy in the cyberspace.

The CCA was enacted in 2007 to provide identification for computer

crimes and to provide the procedures for the investigation and

Protection of Consumer Rights on the Internet: Prospects and Challenges for the Sri Lankan
Legal System

prevention of such crimes. The CCA covers a broad range of computer

crimes such as computer hacking, computer cracking, unauthorized
modifications, illegal interception and etc. The CCA is important in
online consumer protection, due to Section 10 of the Act. The Section
10 of the CCA recognizes unauthorized disclosure of information as
a computer crime. Section 10 provides that,

“Any person who, being entrusted with information

which enables him to access any service provided by
means of a computer, discloses such information without
any express authority to do so or in breach of any
contract expressed or implied, shall be guilty of an
offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less
than one hundred thousand rupees and not exceeding
three hundred thousand rupees or to imprisonment of
either description for a term not less than six months
and not exceeding three years or to both such fine and

This provision affords some basic protection for online privacy issues.
However, as Fernando opines, still there is a gap in the Sri Lankan
data protection law (Fernando, 2013). Moreover, it can be argued
that, though the CCA provide protection for unauthorized information
disclosure in online transactions, that single provision cannot
address other complicated issues faced by online consumers such as
payment security, online fraud, and dispute settlement.

The Consumer Affairs Authority Act (CAAA) provides general

protection for consumers and traders by establishing the Consumer
Affairs Authority in Sri Lanka. The main objectives of the
establishment of the Authority are to promote effective competition
and the protection of consumers as well as to regulate internal trade.
As Rodrigo (2013) correctly spells out, “the introduction of the CAAA
as the key consumer legislation marks a significant legislative
development in the area of consumer protection”. .

According to the Part II of the CAAA, the Consumer Affairs Authority

has powers to regulate trade by undertaking studies on the
distribution of goods and services, issuing directions to
manufacturers and traders, determining standards and
specifications relating to goods and services. However, the Act does

B. A. R. R. Ariyaratna

not confer any specific authority to regulate online trade and services
and most importantly the Act does not deal with some of the major
consumer remedies, particularly for granting cooling-off periods (See:
Rodrigo, 2013).

Conversely, it can be argued that, although the CAAA is silent about

the online consumer, the same provisions in the Act can be applied
to online consumers as well. According to the interpretation section
of the Act, the term ‘service’ includes “the provision of the Information
Technology and Communications”. Therefore, can this interpretation
be considered as an adequate initiative for online consumer
protection? It is obvious that the complex nature of the online
transactions requires more solid protection, particularly when
addressing the online consumer protection.

Therefore, it is notable that, as well as the aforementioned electronic

transaction legislations in Sri Lanka, the CAAA has also failed to
provide a mechanism for protecting the online consumer rights.
Recently, the Consumer Affairs Authority (CAA) and the Information
Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) collectively discussed the
importance of ‘consumer protection in the ‘digital age’ in order to
facilitate policy recommendation for online consumer protection. In
this forum Weragoda (2017) has criticized the CPAA for not offering
adequate dispute resolution mechanism/s in the current digital era.

Accordingly, it can be reasonably argued that the existing IT law

regime or the consumer protection legal regime in Sri Lanka does not
adequately address the issues of online consumers.


“Electronic transactions are of growing importance to

Governments, enterprises and consumers in most parts
of the world. While greater reliance on electronic
commerce creates significant opportunities, a lack of
security and trust remains a critical barrier to such
transactions.” (UNCTAD Secretariat, 2015;)

As this statement indicates, today a country cannot go forward

without embracing the advancement of technology. The e-commerce
sector of Sri Lanka is ready to grow in the next few decades. However,
the lack of proper consumer protection mechanism in an online

Protection of Consumer Rights on the Internet: Prospects and Challenges for the Sri Lankan
Legal System

environment creates a stumbling block to the growth of e-commerce.

Therefore, as a developing country, it is necessary to take relevant
steps to remove this barrier from the e-commerce sector in Sri Lanka.

The international and regional developments demonstrate how those

barriers could be overcome by enacting strong consumer protection
mechanisms for online consumers. Particularly, the EU and UK
examples emphasize some progressive mechanisms to regulate online
consumer transactions such as information requirement, extension
of the cooling-off period, privacy protection, contracts relating to
digital contents etc. When comparing the Sri Lankan situation with
those advanced mechanisms, it is evident that either Sri Lankan IT
law or consumer law does not adequately provide a consumer
protection legal framework for online commercial transactions. This
research attempts to highlight this gap and further emphasizes the
need for an adequate online consumer protection mechanism
embedded into the Sri Lankan legal landscape.


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DOI: Vol. 13, No. 02, (pp 25-48)

Flaws in Research Report Writing: An Evaluation of

Research Reports Submitted for an International
Conference on Education

Ayoade Ejiwale Okanlawon*

Department of Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, Faculty

of Education, Osun State University, Ipetu-Ijesa Campus, Nigeria


The present study was undertaken to assess papers presented during

the 5th International Conference organized by the Collaboration of
Education Faculties in West Africa (CEFWA). This was done with a
view to revealing participants’ deficiencies in research report writing.
The sample for the study comprised of 65 research reports submitted
for peer review process by the conference participants. Data sources
include reviewers’ assessment of research report using the CEFWA
Research Report Rating Scale (C3Rs-a five Likert scale) and reviewers’
comments and suggestions on the weaknesses and strengths of the
research reports. Based on these data sources, both descriptive
statistics (e.g., mean) and content analysis of reviewers’ evaluation
comments were used in the data analysis. The results of the study

*Corresponding should be addressed to Dr. A. E. Okanlawon, Department

of Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, Faculty of Education,
Osun State University, Ipetu-Ijesa Campus, Nigeria
Email: [email protected]

(Received 14th January 2018; Revised 26th July 2018; Accepted 20th
September 2018) © OUSL

This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
International License (CC-BY-SA). This license permits use, distribution and
reproduction in any medium; provided it is licensed under the same terms and the
original work is properly cited.

How to Cite: Okanlawon, A.E., 2018. Flaws in Research Report Writing: An

Evaluation of Research Reports Submitted for an International Conference on
Education. OUSL Journal, 13(2), pp.25–48.

A. E. Okanlawon

revealed that (1) the journal-conference proceedings rejection rate

was 47.7% (2) the Introduction and Discussion were rated as weak;
Literature Review, Methodology, Results and Conclusion were rated
as fairly good; the titles and abstracts of submitted research reports
were rated as good. Furthermore, the study revealed the following as
the primary flaws associated with the Introduction, Literature
Review, Methodology, Results and Discussion sections of the
research reports: (1) improper focus on the study objectives and non-
indication of gaps in knowledge (2) lack of attempt to critically
critique the methods(s) used in previous studies (3) inadequate
description of research designs (4) non-self-explanatory of tables and
figures and (5) lack of discussion about the significance and
implications of results. Based on the findings of this study, it was
recommended that concerted efforts should be made by education
faculties to organize faculty seminars where research report can be
presented for constructive criticism. Also, universities and research
institutions should endeavor to reward researchers for quality rather
than quantity of their publications.

Key words: research reports, peer review process, journal rejection

rate, editorial decision, journal editor


In today’s world, higher institutions of learning are established

purposely to engage in teaching, carry out research and render
services to the community. In fulfilling their responsibilities as
researchers, specialists in different areas of study in the university
community conduct research for various reasons. According to
Moher&Srivastava (2015), researches are conducted by the academic
staff in higher institutions of learning for three main purposes: to
share their findings with colleagues in the same field and others
outside their areas of specialization, to influence current practices
and/or policy within a specific discipline and to get their papers
published in order to withstand the pressure of publish or perish
slogan. This is because survival of lecturers in the universities and
other tertiary institutions depends on the total number of
publications they possess in reputable journals. Universities
nowadays use a lecturer’s authorship of printed referred research
report as one of the major promotion criteria and standard (Bordage
& Caelleigh, 2001; Holliday, 2007).

The importance attached to publications in promoting lecturers

accounted for fraudulent practices in which low quality research
reports get their way into the journals (Kallestinova, 2011). Realizing
the fact that publication is a major factor for getting promotion and

Flaws in Research Report Writing: An Evaluation of Research Reports Submitted for an
International Conference on Education

receiving annual increment in salary, academic staff struggle to have

both offshore and onshore publications. It has been observed that in
some Nigerian universities the ratio of offshore to onshore
publications is also taken into consideration during annual review of
lecturers either for promotion or annual salary increment (Ahupa,
2014). In getting their research reports published, lecturers
encountered some hindrances. As reported by Kleinert& Horton,
(2014), barriers to publication include: potential journals’
unwillingness to publish the content considered to be inappropriate
and very high journal rejection rates particularly in “luxury” journals.
For instance, reputable journals such as Science Education,
International Journal of Science Education, Journal of Research in
Science Teaching, Chemistry Education Research and Practice, the
American Biology Teacher, and the American Physics Teacher are few
examples of journals in the field of science education with high
rejection rates. In a bid to overcome these obstacles, various means
have been adopted by desperate lecturers to get their papers
published as publication is a major criterion for promotion. It is
unfortunate that these lecturers are being assisted in fulfilling their
intention by some so called professional associations that are floating
journals with low rejection rate in an attempt to attract prospective
authors to publish in their journals.

Many conferences are being organized by these ‘predatory’

associations both within and outside Nigeria with the intention of
getting the lecturers’ research reports published (Ahupa, 2014). This
term, predatory, was first coined by librarian Jeffrey Beall at the
University of Colorado, Deriver, USA having observed its prevalence
(Butler, 2013). The term was used by him to describe publishers who
engaged in the practice of publishing of research reports without the
necessary quality controls, such as appropriate peer review and
professional copy editing to ensure high-quality research.
Regrettably, both inexperienced academics (who are unaware or eager
for rapid promotion) and experienced academics (who intend to pad
their curriculum vitae) patronize these questionable conferences
(Wager, 2017). The issue of ‘predatory’ conferences is not peculiar to
Nigeria. It is a global issue which is a serious concern to academics
in different countries of the world (de Jager et al., 2017). Nowadays,
many institutions have taken measures to prevent academics from
falling prey to such events by carefully scrutinizing conference details
before releasing university funds or grants for any international

These predatory associations went as far as adopting a strategy of

repeatedly sending electronic mails inviting prospective authors to
submit research reports for publication without any proper peer

A. E. Okanlawon

review process. Unsolicited and unwanted (spam) electronic

invitations to speak at or attend conferences, or write for, or edit
journals are a burgeoning aspect of academic life. However, there
exist many recognized professional associations that organize
conferences on contemporary issues on education. Unfortunately,
they receive low patronage from the lecturers on the ground that their
research reports of inferior quality might be rejected by these

Although a plethora of research and literature (e.g.,

Girden&Kabacoff, 2010; Rhodes, 2011; Pautasso, 2013) in
education has attempted to ensure that there is quality in paper
published in university based and associational journals, further
studies are still needed in this direction. It should be noted that
research focusing on peer review process as a means of harvesting
quality research reports for publication in journals are still missing
in the literature. Majority of the publications focused on describing
peer review process, highlighting guidelines for reviewing research
reports for educational journals and discussing essential qualities of
editors and reviewers. Therefore, the present study aims at filling the
existing gap in literature by assessing research reports presented
and submitted during an international conference on education
organized by the Collaboration of Education Faculties in West Africa
(CEFWA). This is done with a view to identifying flaws in research
reports writing submitted by the conference participants for peer
review process. Only research reports that were presented during
the plenary sessions and subsequently submitted by the authors for
publication are subjected to peer review process by the editorial
board. These research reports are either published in the refereed
conference proceeding or the CEFWA journal based on the editorial
decision regarding the research reports’ quality. In some cases,
conference participants may present research reports at the plenary
sessions and decide to publish them elsewhere. Contrary to the best
and common practice, CEFWA refereed conference proceedings are
published alongside with the peer review journals after the
conference. Both publications are subjected to the peer review
process. Only the book of abstracts of conference papers is made
available and the copies of the book are distributed to conference

In this study, the guiding research questions are:

(1) What is the acceptance rate of research reports submitted for
peer-review during 2014 CEFWA conference?
(2) How do the reviewers rate the various sections of the research
reports submitted for peer-review?
(3) What are the common flaws in the research reports identified
by the reviewers?

Flaws in Research Report Writing: An Evaluation of Research Reports Submitted for an
International Conference on Education

Literature Review

The main objective of any research report is to properly communicate

the author’s findings to the readers (Walliaman, 2001). Writing a
quality research report requires possession of good writing skills. The
required writing skills are distinct and must be practiced in order to
be fully competent in its discourse patterns. (Loseke & Cahill, 2004).
Unfortunately, for most undergraduate students, research report
writing skills are not satisfactorily taught (Showman et al., 2013).
Inexperienced researchers tend to encounter problems in writing
quality research reports (Wicherts, 2016). Different types of pitfalls
are associated with different sections of research reports (Ali, 2010;
Kowalczak et al., 2015).

The research reports are organized in such a way that the information
flow from general to specific and then back to general. The
Introduction presents the problem and provides general information
while the Literature Review provides a critical appraisal of the
previous studies related to research area under focus rather than a
simple summary of prior studies. The Methodology provides the
information by which a study’s validity is judged while the Result
section states the findings of the research arranged in a logical
sequence. Section titled Discussion/Conclusion discusses the
findings in a larger context. The following section describes each of
these sections and their associated pitfalls in details.

Preceding the Introduction section are the Title and the Abstract. The
title reflects the content of the research report. According to Peat,
Mellis, Williams&Xuan (2002), an effective title should possess the
following characteristics: (1) identify the main issue of the paper (2)
begin with the subject of the paper (3) is accurate, unambiguous,
specific and complete, and (4) attract readers. Among the notable
pitfalls commonly found in this section of a research report are: the
title inadequately describes the article and the inclusion of unclear
abbreviation and jargon in the title (Swales & Christine, 2009).

An abstract is a concise, one-paragraph summary of the whole paper.

Its length varies but seldom exceeds 200 words. A good abstract is
expected to provide a complete synopsis of research objectives
addressed, methods employed in proffering a solution to the problem,
result obtained, conclusion drawn and implications of findings. Major
errors commonly associated with an abstract are: (1) dissonance
between the information in the abstracts and the information in the
full text, (2) abstract exceeding maximum number of words allowed
(Perneger & Hudelson, 2004).

A. E. Okanlawon

The Introduction section is set aside for describing the nature of

problem to be addressed and explaining why the study is of interest.
As viewed by the American Chemical Society (2006), a well-written
Introduction in any research report is a clear statement of the
problem and the rationale for embarking on the specific study. A good
Introduction is expected to fulfill the following purposes as specified
by Biggam (2011): (1) provide preliminary background information to
place the present study in context (2) clarify the focus of the study (3)
specify the overall research objective (4) specify what has been done,
what has not been done and what still needs to be done. When the
Introduction of a research report fails to describe the purpose and
objective of the study and in addition, contains materials irrelevant
to the study or belonging to other sections of the research report, then
such an Introduction can be assessed to be deficient (Gupta, 2017).

The Literature Review section situates an existing literature in a

broader scholarly and historical context. The purpose of a Literature
Review is to describe past important research and relate it specifically
to the research problem. This section includes all relevant findings
from two credible sources which are the conceptual literature and the
research literature. Significant pitfalls usually associated with this
section is reflected in the inability of the research report writer to (1)
compare and contrast findings from different studies (2) compare and
contrast methodologies used to arrive at those findings (3) critique
the methodologies, noting important strengths and weaknesses and
(4) suggest extension of the studies (Weber et al., 2002). Similarly,
Lee et al. (2013) observed that emerging researchers when writing a
Literature Review simply report previous research results without
relating them to the current findings.

The Methodology section typically features a description of the

population and sample that were involved, the study design, and the
instrument used, the data collection procedure and the data analysis
technique. The Methodology section is the most important aspect of
a research paper because it provides the information by which the
validity of a study is ultimately judged (Shattell et al., 2010).
Therefore, the researcher must present this section in such a way
that these two important questions are properly addressed: (1) how
were the data collected or generated? (2) how were they analyzed? The
most commonly found errors associated with this section are poor
reporting of statistical methods and inadequate description of data
collection procedure thereby preventing replication of the study (Shea
., 2001; Fox et al., 2016).

The Results section is specifically designed for the presentation of

tabular or graphic summary of research findings, listed under
headings in accordance with the formulated research question. For
many authors, writing the Results section is more intimidating than
Flaws in Research Report Writing: An Evaluation of Research Reports Submitted for an
International Conference on Education

writing the Methodology (Gallo et al., 2014). The results of the study
carried out should be presented in a consistent manner to the reader.
In presenting results visually, Kallestinova (2011) offered the
following guidelines: (1) graph and tables should be used to reveal
trends in the data, but they must be explained and referred to in
adjacent accompanying text and (2) figure and tables should be used
to summarize, amplify or complement information already given in
the text. In a bid to advise postgraduate students, Murray & Hughes
(2008) highlighted some common errors to be avoided such as
incomplete and/selective reporting of findings, presenting reports
from different studies and illogical presentation of findings.

The Discussion section is conceived as the counterpart to the

introduction since this part should lead the reader from narrow and
very specific results to more general conclusions (Lovejoy et al.,
2011). It is often the most difficult section of research report to write.
A well-written discussion section includes a statement of important
results, reference to previously published and relevant literature,
comparison of study results with previously reported findings,
explanation of result, elucidation of strengths and weaknesses of the
study and description of impact of the study.

The Conclusion section introduces the work, briefly states the major
results and the major points of the discussion. This aspect finally
ends with a statement of how the present research contributes to the
overall field of study. As advised by Young (2003), authors of research
reports should guard against the following mistakes when discussing
findings (1) failure to locate present results in the context of finding
from other studies (2) overstating the implications of the results and
(3) failure to describe the limitation of the study.

The Reference section typically features an alphabetical list of the

sources consulted during the conduct of the study. Each reference
related to a journal is expected to reflect the names(s) of author(s),
title of the paper, journal name, volume number of the issue in which
the article appeared, starting page number, end page number and
year of publication. In the case of a book, its author(s), title,
publisher’s name, place of publication, year of publication and edition
are expected to be given. Some common pitfalls associated with this
section are: (1) omission of some references that have been cited in
the text. (2) references are out of date or cannot be accessed by most
readers (Derntl,2014).

Despite the fact that certain sections of research report are difficult
to write, academics are required to publish quality work in reputed
journals. This is because the development and progress in any

A. E. Okanlawon

profession, including teaching is strongly influenced by publications

in academic journals. As observed by Balster (2017) and Christenbery
(2011), publication in academic journals has two main advantages.
First, it provides professionals with an opportunity to share their
research-based practices and research result with colleagues in the
discipline. Second, academic publications serve as a source of
knowledge for students, novice teachers and emerging researchers.
Such benefits can only be derived from quality research reports. To
this end, appropriate scrutiny of research reports submitted to
academic journals to ascertain their worth, methodological rigour
and utility before appearing in the print media and online
publications is very essential. In order to ensure that reliable and
quality research reports are published in academic journal, most
journals put in place peer review process (Bordage, 2001;
Ghahramani, & Mehrabani, 2013).

The peer review process has long been the mechanism of ensuring
high quality research in academia (Lee, Sugimoto, Zhang & Cronin,
2013). It is the process by which expert’s advice editors on the value
of research reports submitted for publication (Smith, 2006).
Reviewing is more than just grading; it is a means of improving the
quality of research report (Fox, Burns& Meyer, 2016). As advised by
Hames (2007), it is unethical for a reviewer to allow a seriously flawed
research report to escape unchallenged into the peer reviewed
journal, where it will be a trap to the emerging researchers and
students who will read the research report superficially and will
simply accept flawed conclusion at face value.

An overview of the CEFWA peer review process

The peer review process varies slightly from journal to journal.
CEFWA uses a peer review process (Fig. 1) essentially as a quality
control mechanism. Research reports featured in the CEFWA
publications are obtained only through yearly organized conferences.
For a research report to be published in the CEFWA journal or
refereed conference proceedings, the usual procedure for an author
is to submit a copy of the research report to the conference’s Local
Organizing Committee (LOC) after presentation at the plenary
session. If, after an initial superficial screening by the journal editor,
the research report appears to be appropriate to the journal’s aims
and scope, the editor will send it to two reviewers. These reviewers
are very often faculty members at universities who are known to be
knowledgeable in the area pertaining to the research report. These
reviewers provide the editor with a written evaluation of the research
report along with their recommendations as to whether or not the
editor should publish the article. It is quite common for these

Flaws in Research Report Writing: An Evaluation of Research Reports Submitted for an
International Conference on Education

reviewers to suggest possible modifications of the research report in

order to meet the standards for publication. The editor must then
send the reviewers’ comments and suggestions with an editorial
decision to the author. If the research report receives a totally good
evaluation from the reviewers, it will very likely be published in either
journal or refereed conference proceedings (perhaps after some

Categorization of accepted research reports into those to be featured

either in the CEFWA journal or conference proceedings is based on
the quality of the research report as judged by editorial advisory
board using the criteria such as originality (40%), relevance (30%),
timeliness (15%) and critical pertinent problem addressed
(15%).Based on these criteria, only research reports with assessment
score of 60% and above are eligible to feature in the CEFWA journal.
If the editor receives mixed reviews, the author might be asked to do
a major revision of the research report and to resubmit it for
publication. Sometimes, if the reviews are very poor, or if the
periodical has too many submitted research reports or if the editor
does not feel the article fits in with editorial policy, the author is
informed that the article has been rejected. However, in a situation
where research reports were rejected on the ground of space
limitation, authors are advice by the CEFWA editor to submit the
rejected research reports to another journal within the CEFWA
member faculties.

A. E. Okanlawon

Figure 1. CEFWA Peer Review process for journal publication

Flaws in Research Report Writing: An Evaluation of Research Reports Submitted for an
International Conference on Education


A mixed methods research design is adopted in this study as the

study involves collecting, analyzing and interpreting both
quantitative and qualitative data that are essential in addressing the
research questions. It was conducted in the month of September,
2014 during the 5thInternational Conference on Education:
Innovation, Policy Implementation and Challenges organized by the
CEFWA. The total number of the registered participants for the
conference was 246 (n=246) and was far greater than the number of
the research reports presented (n=108) during the conference. Some
participants numbering 138 attended without presenting any
research report. Out of the presenters (n=108), 43 decided to publish
the research reports elsewhere and only 65 submitted their research
reports for the peer review. Hence, the study sample consisted of all
the research reports submitted by the conference participants for the
peer-review process totaling 65 (n=65).

The CEFWA Research Report Reviewers’ Evaluation Form (C3RsEF)

was used as the main data collection instrument to collect data from
the submitted research reports. It comprised two sections (A and B).
Section A, the CEFWA Research Report Rating Scale (C3Rs), is a five
point-Likert scale consisting of 35 items attached to a scale ranging
from, ‘very good’ to ‘very weak’ with ‘fairly good’ as the pivotal of the
scale. It was designed to collect information regarding the quality of
various sections of the research reports as assessed by the reviewers.
Section B demands open responses relating to the reviewers’ general
comments and suggestions for improvement on the various sections
of the papers submitted.

Section A of the C3RsEF had eight sections with a total number of

35items. These sections are: Title (2 items), Abstract (2 items),
Introduction (10 items), Review of related Literature (2 items),
Methodology (3 items), Results and Interpretations (3 items),
Discussion (4 items), Conclusion and Implication (4 items). The
remaining items deal with research report layout guidelines based on
the CEFWA journal policy for research reports preparation. These
items are criteria developed to guide the reviewers’ comments and
assessments regarding the research reports’ reliability, originality,
relevance, appropriateness of the data analysis technique, suitability
of the data collection procedure and appropriateness to the journal’s
aims and scope. Before its adoption by the CEFWA, it was validated
by a five-member panel of experts (author, reviewer, editor, publisher
and funding agency) constituted by the CEFWA editorial board. In
addition, the scale has a satisfactory and acceptable Cronbach’s
alpha reliability coefficient of 0.86.

A. E. Okanlawon

The needed data from the submitted research reports were obtained
through reviewer’s rating of quality of participant research reports
using the following scale: very good (4), quite good (3) fairly
good/average (2), quite weak (1), very weak (0). On this scale, quite
good and fairly good could be interpreted as ‘good’ and ‘mediocre’
respectively. Initially, 53 assessors were purposively selected by the
Local Organizing Committee (LOC) from 12 Faculties of Education to
assess the quality of research reports submitted. Their selection was
based on the criteria specified by Murray & Hughes (2008), and
Balster (2017): (1) they are knowledgeable about a specific field of
study (2) they possess specialized knowledge of the potential
advantages and pitfalls of various research approaches and are
capable of reviewing within time frame and writing constructive
comments on the research reports received. Finally, 48 reviewers
were selected by the editor taking into consideration the reviewers’
experience and reputation, and evidence of having published on the
same topic to be assessed. Reviewers were not randomly selected
from the initial pool of reviewers in order to avoid a situation whereby
a research report would be judged by those who are less capable.
Being an active member of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC),
gave the researcher great opportunity of having access to the data
used in this study.

The data collected from the rating scale were analyzed using a
descriptive statistic in form of mean (quantitative) while the non-
numerical data (Section B of the CEFWA Research Report Reviewers’
Evaluation Form) reviewers’ comments on different aspects of
research reports) were analyzed using contents analysis. This type of
analysis is used when a researcher wants to analyze a written or
spoken record for the occurrence of specific categories of events,
items or behavior. Hence, its usage is relevant in this study. Prior to
the actual content analysis process, two coders (two experienced
reviewers) independently coded samples of reviewers’ comments
retrieved from the CEFWA archive, compared categories, and resolved
differences via discussion. This preliminary coding exercise was done
with a view to prepare the coders for the actual content analysis.
Thereafter, the currently harvested reviewers’ comments were read
and re-read by the two coders in order to gain deep understanding of
the reviewers’ comments. Based on the coders’ understanding of the
ideas expressed by the reviewers’, flaws reported by the reviewers
were assigned to categories which correspond to different sections of
a research report. The coding performed by the coders largely
coincided, but little variations in coding were discussed and adjusted.
The results of reliability test showed an acceptable level of inter-rater
agreement of 82% (concordance) between the two coders. In order to
ensure confidentiality in reporting the findings, the reviewers’
comments regarding the papers’ quality were reported using a letter
Flaws in Research Report Writing: An Evaluation of Research Reports Submitted for an
International Conference on Education

code (e.g., R1). The results were presented in Tables for easy

Results and Discussion

The analysis of the reviewers’ reports yielded the results concerning

the acceptability of the research reports submitted for publication as
presented in Table 1. The reviewers’ assessment reports which
emerged from the ratings of research report quality were analyzed in
accordance with the research report structure. The mean values of
the reviewers’ rating of each section of the research report are shown
in Table 2 and interpreted accordingly. For ease of reference, the
results presented in Tables are discussed according to the three
research questions that provided direction to this study.

Answering research questions:

(1) Research Question 1. What is the journal-conference
proceedings acceptance rate of research reports submitted for
peer-review during 2014 CEFWA conference?

Table 1. Acceptance rate (by number of authors) of research reports

submitted for the Journal and conference proceedings publications

Number of authors
Editor’s Decision Single Two Multiple Total
Research report accepted - - - 0 (0.0%)
Research report accepted with 8 4 1 13 (20.0%)
minor revisions
Research report accepted with 10 7 4 21 (32.3%)
major revisions
Research report rejected 18 8 5 31 (47.7%)
Total 36 19 10 65

Whenever CEFWA sends research reports to reviewers, they are

expected to provide comments and suggestions on the submission,
which are then sent to the author with editorial decision. As shown
in Table 1, editorial decisions fall into four main categories: (i) accept
without changes (2) decline for now, future acceptance very likely (3)
decline for now, future acceptance possible and (4) reject, do not
resubmit. Based on the data presented in Table 1, 0.0%, 20.0%,
32.3% and 47.7% fell in category one, two, three and four

A. E. Okanlawon

respectively. To have a research report accepted after its initial

screening is rare even for experienced authors. The finding of no
research report falling in the category of “research report accepted
outright” after reviewers’ rating is not surprising (Rozas & Klein, 2010:
Smart et al., 2013) because hardly can one submit a research report
for peer review without flaws. Thus, peer review is not merely a
difficult stage to get one’s research report published in highly rated
journal. It is as much an academic avenue to obtain advice, support
and assistance from colleagues in the same field (Cormode, 2013).
Only 20.0% of the research reports requires minor revision. In this
situation, the editor supports the reviewers’ comments regarding its
strengths and weaknesses. Hence, there is need for revision, which
may be subjected to re-review before acceptance. Non-conformity to
journal referencing style, grammatical and typographical errors, and
unsatisfactory explanation of certain points were observed in
research reports in the category. The proportion of research reports
that required major revision is 32.3%. The editor’s decision to request
major revision for 32.3% of the research report is due to the fact they
have potential merit and if they are thoroughly revised by addressing
all deficiencies, they are likely to be published.

Table 1 revealed that the journal-conference proceedings rejection

rate for the year 2014 is 47.7%. The value implies that almost 50% of
the research reports were rejected. It is obvious that the higher the
acceptance rate, the higher the probability of a research report being
accepted. The inferior quality of most of the research reports
presented accounts for the value of the journal-conference
proceedings rejection rate reported in this paper. Referring to the peer
review process that yielded the data presented in Table 1, most
research reports were rejected by the CEFWA editors based on
reviewers’ negative comments. It is understandable that if a research
report is rejected, its reviewers’ narrative comments are quite
beneficial to the author in improving the quality of the relevant
research report. Most of the research reports were mainly rejected
due to the fact that they contained serious flaws in research design,
methodology and data analysis techniques. In addition, they were
rejected because their contributions to the field were assessed by the
reviewers to be sufficiently insignificant in the sense that they
appeared to offer nothing new to the existing knowledge.
Furthermore, most of the research questions raised to provide
directions for the study in rejected research reports were not of
interest to the field because they failed to address a serious education
problem facing the West Africa sub-region.

In a year, CEFWA can normally produce two journal issues and one
referred conference proceedings. Averagely, this cannot accommodate
more than 34 quality research reports based on the journal policy.
However, with the author’s consent, CEFWA editors do forward a
Flaws in Research Report Writing: An Evaluation of Research Reports Submitted for an
International Conference on Education

rejected research report with its reviewers’ comments to another

journal outlet within the consortium (i.e., journals within the
Education Faculties that are CEFWA members) with the hope of
getting them published after thorough revision.

Research Question 2. How do the reviewers rate the various sections

of the research reports submitted for the peer-review process?

Table 2. Reviewers’ rating of the quality of participants’ research

reports and samples of major flaws identified in the submitted
research reports using the CEFWA Research Report Evaluation Form

Paper Cluster
S/N Rating Sample of major flaws
structure Mean
(i) title needs to be revised for
Quite (ii) purpose and scope of the study
1 Title 3.40
good not clearly captured in the title.
(iii) title not clearly inform the
reader of the contents within.
(i) abstract not precise
(ii) sufficient information describing
2 Abstract 3.45 the topic, scope, instrument, data
analysis, key findings and
recommendations not provided.
(i) nature of the problems
investigated and why it is of interest
were not properly conveyed to the
Introducti Quite
3 1.86 reader.
on weak
(ii) gaps in knowledge left out.
(iii) research questions lacked
(i) simply paraphrasing precise
(ii) very little or no attempt to
Literature Fairly
4 2.55 critically critique the method(s)
Review good
used in previous studies
(iii) failure to capture findings for
different studies.
(i) flaw methods of sampling
(ii) instruments incompletely
Methodolo Fairly described
5 2.87
gy good (iii) unclear statistical techniques
(iv) procedure for data collection not
(i) presented with unclear and
inappropriate captions in some
Fairly cases.
6 Results 2.71
good (ii) tables not self-explanatory
(iii) results not presented clearly
and concisely

A. E. Okanlawon

(iv) the most important findings not

properly summarized in starting
(v) contrast of remarkable findings
with earlier findings was left
(vi) extent to which the findings
resolved the problem(s) addressed
is not clearly discussed.
7 Discussion 1.77

8 Conclusion 2.48

9 Reference 2.83

The results of the reviewers’ assessment of the participants’ research

reports are presented in Table 2. The Title (M=3.40) and Abstract
(M=3.45) were rated by the reviewers as quite good, the Introduction
(M=1.86) and Discussion (M=1.77) sections were rated as quite weak,
sections on the Review of related Literature (M=2.55), Methodology
(M=2.87), Results (M=2.71), Conclusion (M=2.48 and Reference were
(2.83) rated by the reviewers as quite weak. The cluster mean value
for each section of the research report was determined from the mean
scores for the items of the CEFWA Research Report Rating Scale
(C3Rs). The basic principle of Likert Scale measurement was applied
in calculating the item mean. This principle states that scores yielded
by a Likert scale are composite (summated) scores derived from an
individual’s responses to the multiple items on the scale (Oppenhein,
1992; Kline, 1998). Samples of major flaws shown in Table 2 are
commonly observed flaws as revealed in the reviewer’s comment
(Section B of CEFWA Research Report Evaluation Form).

As shown in Table 2, the Introduction and Discussion sections were

rated low by the reviewers. Low ratings of these sections were due to
defects identified in the research reports submitted for peer review.
This result supported Holliday’s (2007) submission that writing the
Introduction aspect of a research report is a difficult task for the
emerging researchers. According to Biggam (2011), writing quality
Introduction requires the writer to perform many complex tasks such
as: (1) providing preliminary background information to place the
current study in context (2) clarifying the focus of the present study
(3) specifying the general and specific purposes of the study and (4)
pointing out value of the research. In this research, it was also found
that the Discussion sections were inferior in quality. This finding is
in consonance with the Kallestinova’s (2011) argument that writing a
Discussion section is as difficult as writing the Introduction section
of a research report. Kallestinova further stressed that the

Flaws in Research Report Writing: An Evaluation of Research Reports Submitted for an
International Conference on Education

uniqueness of every research report in terms of its methods and

findings is the key factor that accounts for the difficulties
encountered by young researchers.

Research Question 3. What are the common flaws in the research

reports identified by the reviewers?

Research question 3 is resolved by subjecting the reviewers’

comments and suggestions to content analysis through which
deficiencies in various sections of the research reports reviewed were
identified. A few examples of flaws identified through the content
analysis were presented in Table 2 while samples of the reviewers’
comments and suggestions regarding the quality of various sections
of the research reports are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Samples of the reviewers’ comments and suggestions

regarding the quality of various sections of research reports

Section Reviewers’ comments and suggestions

Title “title is rather too long. Not specific and

informative enough” (R21)

“restructure the title; that is make it precise in order to

inform readers about the content therein”. (R19)

Abstract “abnormal length’ it exceeded 250 words due to inclusion

of irrelevant information” (R15).

“provide sufficient information describing the instrument

used, the principal findings and the key
recommendations in your abstract” (R7).

Introduction “in revising this section, address the following question

(1) why are you interested in this topic? (2) why is this
topic worth investigating? Clearly furnish the readers the
current state of knowledge on your topic: your review
failed to properly situate your work within current
studies” (R11)

“your introduction is too lengthy. Be brief and let the

reader comprehend what your research is all about. It is
difficult for me to understand the rationale for this

Literature “what I am expecting to see in this part I did not see it.
Review Presenting catalogue of summaries of selected previous
studies is not okay. (R23)

A. E. Okanlawon

“inadequate; your review must go beyond presenting

summaries of related studies, combine findings from
various studies reviewed into an integrative pattern to
improve quality of your review” (R8)

Methodology “the employed study design and procedure for data

collection are not sufficiently transparent” (R13)

“make your methodology section explanatory enough for

the reader. Sampling technique employed inappropriate,
preferably stratified sampling techniques will be suitable
in this study” (R9)

Results “rather than presenting your results in prose form, it is

better to use tables or graphics” (R17)

“tables carrying inappropriate headings”


Discussion “your findings are not properly accounted for. No

discussion of findings. Enrich this section by clearly
explaining the significance of your findings within the
context of other research” (R12)

“not logically presented; my expectation

is that your summary of major findings
should be followed by the discussion of
the importance of the study’s findings”

Conclusion “not satisfactory and it failed to present the key findings

of the study. It will be alright if direction for future
research is suitably expressed”. (R6)

“this section can still be done in a better way, value will

be added to this work if its contributions to field of
biology education are emphasized” (R4)

References “this section is not properly done. The reference list is a

mix of different styles. Follow the APA referencing format
and include all the in-text citations in the reference list.
Mismatch between in-text citations and reference list
should be corrected (e.g Bello (2000); Bello (2001);
Oguniyi (2008); Ogunniyi (2008)” (R24)

“Inadequate; many citations not listed.

Do not conform to APA format”. (R22)

The preceding results revealed that papers reviewed contained flaws

of different types which cut across different sections of research
Flaws in Research Report Writing: An Evaluation of Research Reports Submitted for an
International Conference on Education

reports. This corroborates with the existing literature (Pautasso,

2013; Bavdekar, 2015) that reported that most of the rejected papers
or papers considered for major revision consisted of many pitfalls.
Authors not listing the study limitations, discussing observation not
reported in the Results section, Conclusion not supported by data
and making recommendations that are not based on the findings are
few examples of reported pitfalls.

Conclusion and Implications

This study sets out to identify flaws in research report writing

through assessing research reports submitted during an
international conference on education organized by CEFWA. The
results revealed that the journal-conference proceedings rejection
rate for the year 2014 was 47.7%. In reviewers’ rating of the different
sections of research reports, the Introduction and Discussion
sections were rated very low in terms of quality. As revealed in the
study, deficiencies in the research reports which accounted for the
inferior quality of submitted papers are: (a) title not clearly informing
the reader of the content of the writing, (b) study objectives not well-
addressed, (c) gaps in knowledge not properly indicated, (d) research
questions lack novelty, (e) insufficient methodological explanation, (f)
incomplete description of research tools, and (g) results presented not
self-explanatory enough. In the author’s view, it is possible to remove
or minimize flaws in research report prepared for submission if the
authors can take the following precautions. (1) reading each section
of the research report individually in order to ensure that it contains
necessary information and that the research report’s contents convey
the information in a concise manner. (2) seeking the assistance of
colleagues within and outside the author’s field in reading the
research report with a view to providing constructive feedback and
checking for logical flow of ideas.

The educational implication is that there is need for departmental

and faculty seminars in the education faculties which can serve as
avenue for training in research report writing. Professional
associations in the field of education can also assist in this direction
by organizing workshops on research report writing targeting both
academic staff members and postgraduate students. In such
workshops, experienced reviewers and journal editors can be used as
resource persons to give specific training on various sections (e.g.
Abstract, Introduction) of research reports.

A. E. Okanlawon


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DOI: Vol. 13, No. 02, (pp.49-64)

Effect of Partially-burnt Paddy Husk as a

Supplementary Source of Potassium on Growth and
Yield of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) and Soil

Jude Isuru Wickramasinghe1 and Christina Shanthi De


Intercropping and Betel Research Station, Dampelessa, Narammala, Sri
Department of Agricultural and Plantation Engineering, The Open
University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Sri Lanka


An experiment was conducted at the Intercropping and Betel

Research Station, Narammala, Dampelessa to study the effects of
partially-burnt paddy husk as a supplementary source of potassium
on growth and yield of turmeric (Curcuma longa.L) and soil properties
during the year 2017. Seven treatments were prepared by using two
sources of potassium, namely Muriate of Potash (MOP) and Partially
Burnt Paddy Husk (PBPH). The treatments included T1 (zero
potassium fertilizer as control), T2 (recommended rate of MOP 100%),
T3 (75% MOP+25% PBPH), T4 (50% MOP+50% PBPH), T5 (25%
MOP+75%PBPH), T6 (PBPH alone 100%) and T7 (recommended rate

*Corresponding should be addressed to Prof. C. S. De Silva, Department of

Agricultural and Plantation Engineering, The Open University of Sri Lanka,
Nawala, Sri Lanka.
Email: [email protected]

(Received 22nd January 2018; Revised 12th October 2018; Accepted 26th
October 2018) © OUSL

This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
International License (CC-BY-SA). This license permits use, distribution and
reproduction in any medium; provided it is licensed under the same terms and the
original work is properly cited.

How to Cite: Wickramasinghe, J.I. and De Silva, C.S., 2019. Effect of Partially-
burnt Paddy Husk as a Supplementary Source of Potassium on Growth and Yield
of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) and Soil Properties. OUSL Journal, 13(2), pp.49–
64. DOI:

J. I. Wickramasinghe & C. S. De Silva

of 100% MOP+50% PBPH). For treatment, the percentages of MOP

and partially-burnt paddy husk were calculated based on weight
basis. This experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block
Design with three replications. Local type of turmeric was used as
planting material and data were collected on soil, growth and yield
parameters of turmeric. Parameters were recorded at monthly
intervals after planting. Results revealed that most of the growth and
yield parameters have increased in a similar pattern
(T7>T2=T3>T4>T5>T6>T1). Soil parameters also showed significant
differences among the treatments due to the application of PBPH.
Quality of the rhizome was evaluated based on colour intensity of the
rhizome. There was no significant difference between treatments
using colour intensity, except in control treatment (T1). The results
obtained by the study showed that combined use of MOP (100%) with
PBPH (50%) has beneficial effects on turmeric cultivation. Therefore
partially- burnt paddy husk can be used as a supplementary source
of K for turmeric cultivation to maximize the yield.

Key words: Turmeric, Potassium, partially burnt paddy husk,



Curcuma longa L. (Turmeric) is a perennial rhizomatous herb which

belongs to Zingiberaceae family. Turmeric is widely used worldwide
as a medicine, condiment, dye, and disinfectant and cosmetic. Due
to its economic importance, 800 000 tons of turmeric is annually
produced in the world, but Sri Lanka only produces 8304 tons (DEA,
2012). Furthermore, there is a good local and export market for
turmeric which is grown in Sri Lanka because of its higher curcumin
level, especially for organically cultivated turmeric (DEA, 2012). Sri
Lanka has the potential to expand turmeric cultivation and earn
foreign exchange.

Annually 15-20 tons of turmeric yields can be obtained from 1ha of

turmeric cultivation (DEA, 2012). It removes considerable amounts of
nutrients from the field.Fertilizer application is essential in order to
obtain a sustainable yield from the field and also previous researches
have shown that turmeric plant is sensitive for organic manure and
potassium fertilizer (DEA, 2012).

Problem statement
Farmers use higher amount of potassium fertilizer than other
fertilizer for turmeric cultivation because turmeric plants show a
positive response to it (Amarawansha, 2006). There are several
disadvantages of using an inorganic fertilizer, including the increased

Effect of partially Partially-burnt Paddy Husk as a Supplementary Source of Potassium on
Growth and Yield of Turmeric (Curcuma longa.L) and Soil Properties

cost of production. Government is involved in a programme to

minimize the utilization of inorganic fertilizer and to promote organic
farming (Ministry of Agriculture, 2012) due to the unpopularity of
agrochemicals due to perceived health hazards. Therefore, the
demand for organic food products has increased. There is a good
demand for organically-cultivated turmeric in local and export
markets but the production is insufficient. It is important to study
the effect of locally available low-cost materials which can be used as
supplementary sources of potassium to reduce the total dependence
on inorganic fertilizer in turmeric cultivation. It will help to improve
organic turmeric cultivation in Sri Lanka. Lack of research and
extension programs on organic farming is the principal constraint to
the development of productive and profitable organic farming in Sri
Lanka (Sangakkara & Katupitiya., 1989).

Research justification
Partially-burnt paddy husk is a locally available low-cost organic
material which can be used as a supplementary source of potassium.
Partially-burnt paddy husk contains a higher amount of potassium
when compared to the organic material (Alwis, 2004). The other
benefit of adding partially-burnt paddy husk is its good water holding
capacity which helps to retain soil moisture enabling cultivation to
proceed even under drought conditions (Amarawansha, 2006).
Therefore, the objectives of this study are to investigate the
merits/demerits of partially-burnt paddy husk as a supplementary
source of potassium for growth, yield and quality of turmeric and on
soil parameters.

Materials and Methodology

The study was conducted at a field belonging to the Intercropping and
Betel Research Station, Department of Export Agriculture,
Narammala, Dampelessa.

Table 1 shows the seven treatments prepared using two sources of
potassium: Muriate of Potash (MOP) and partially-burnt paddy husk
(PBPH). Each of the treatment description is given in Table 1.
Percentages of Muriate of Potash (MOP) and the partially burnt paddy
husk (PBPH) were decided based on DEA (2012) recommendations.

J. I. Wickramasinghe & C. S. De Silva

Table 1. Treatment description

Amount of DEA
MOP burnt
amount paddy
Treatment potassium requirement
(g/m2) husk
supply by potassium
(%) amount
sources g/m2
Partially burnt
paddy husk%

T1 (Control) - - - -

(DEA 20 - 100 -

T3 15 230 75 25

T4 10 450 50 50

T5 5 680 25 75

T6 - 900 - 100

T7 20 450 100 50

Experimental design
One factor in the RCBD with three replicates were used as the
design. The field layout is given below.

Land preparation
Land was cleared, ploughed and after that harrowing was done.
Twenty-one beds having dimensions of 2.4 m in length and 1.2 m in
width were prepared.

Selection of planting materials and field establishment

Well matured rhizomes of local type of turmeric, free from pests and
diseases were selected. 35-40g parts of rhizomes (seed turmeric
rhizomes) were treated with commended fungicide (Mancoseb) and
established in the field.

Fertilizer application
Partially-burnt paddy husk was prepared by controlled burning. Total
amount of partially-burnt paddy husk of each treatment was applied
with recommended TSP amount as basal application before field
establishment of rhizomes. First application of the MOP amounts of
each treatment was done with recommended urea amounts, 45 days
Effect of partially Partially-burnt Paddy Husk as a Supplementary Source of Potassium on
Growth and Yield of Turmeric (Curcuma longa.L) and Soil Properties

after planting. Second application of MOP with recommended urea

amount was done 90 days after planting.

Plants were watered daily during germinating period except in rainy
days. Watering was done manually. In rainy days once a week
watering was done to fulfill 1/5 amount of field capacity of the soil.
Volume basis method was used to determine the field capacity of one

Data collection
Data were collected 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 months after planting based
on plant parameters and soil parameters. Plant parameters were
measured using randomly selected two plants from each replicate.
Quality parameter of the rhizome was evaluated six months after

One month after planting, only plant height and number of emerged
plants were measured as plant parameters as the plants were
sprouting at that stage.

Data were collected based on plant parameters and soil parameters

according to the following methods. Plant parameters are given in
Table 2.

J. I. Wickramasinghe & C. S. De Silva

Table 2. Methods of measuring plant parameters

Parameter Method
Plant height Taken from the ground level to the tip of the
longest shoot.
Number of plants Counted in each replicate.
emerged from the
Number of leaves Counted in randomly selected two plants from
per clump each replicate.
Stem diameter Measured by using a Vernier Caliper at the top,
middle, and bottom of stem and the average was
calculated and expressed in centimeters.
Fresh and dry Rhizome was cleaned and the fresh weight
weight of the immediately measured while dry weight was
rhizome obtained by keeping the rhizome at 70˚C until a
constant weight was seen.
Number of rhizome Two rhizomes were taken from each replicate and
fingers the numbers of rhizome fingers were counted.
Fresh total biomass Two plants from each replicate were taken and
weight fresh weight of the total plant was immediately
measured by using electronic balancer.
Number of roots Counted using two plants from each replicate.

Quality of the Color intensity of the rhizome was measured using

rhizome a spectrophotometer (CT-5100 UV/VIS
Spectrophotometer). Pure turmeric juice samples
(3ml) were prepared using 25g of fresh turmeric
rhizome from each sample. The wave length at
which maximum absorbance (λ max) took place in
UV detector (430 nm) was selected for further
analysis. The absorbance of each sample was then
measured at 430nm against distilled water as
blank. Six samples were analyzed for each
treatment and the mean values of absorbance were
taken to compare color intensity of rhizomes.

Soil parameters

(i) N, P, K content of soil samples

N and K content of soil samples were measured using the Kjeldahl
method and Ammonium Acetate extraction method at the Cinnamon
Research Station Matara. P content of soil samples was measured
using the Vandatemolybdate method at the Soil and Water
Laboratory of the Department of Agricultural and Plantation
Engineering, The Open University of Sri Lanka.

Effect of partially Partially-burnt Paddy Husk as a Supplementary Source of Potassium on
Growth and Yield of Turmeric (Curcuma longa.L) and Soil Properties

(ii) Soil moisture content

Two soil samples were taken from each replicate by using a soil core
sampler at 10-30cm depths. Wet weights of the soil samples were
taken and samples were kept at 105oC temperature in oven until
weight became constant. The dry weight was subtracted from wet
weight to obtain moisture content of the soil and then it was
converted to a percentage.

(iii) Soil pH and Soil EC

Soil pH was measured using a pH meter. Soil EC was measured using
the HANNA digital EC meter.

Data analysis
All of above-mentioned data were subjected to Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA) using the SAS software package. Mean separation was
done by Least Significant Difference Test (LSDT) at 0.05 level of

Results and Discussion

1. Soil parameters
Soil moisture content
During every month the highest moisture content percentage was
observed in treatments T5 (75% PBPH+25%MOP) and T6
(100%PBPH) and the lowest moisture content percentage was
observed in the treatment T1 (Control) and T2 (100% MOP).
Significantly, the highest percentage of moisture content was
observed in treatment T6 (100% PBPH) and the lowest value in
treatment T1 (Control) at the sixth month (Table 3). However, there is
no significant difference between treatment T6 and T5 at the sixth
month. Moisture content has increased in accordance with the
amounts of partially-burnt paddy husk applied. The reason may be
the higher water holding capacity of partially-burnt paddy husk
(Amarawansha, 2006).

Soil EC
The highest EC values were observed in the 2nd month probably due
to the first application of inorganic fertilizer at 45 days after planting.
Significantly highest EC value was observed in treatment T7 (100%
MOP + 50% PBPH) and the lowest EC value was observed in treatment
T6 (Table 3) at the sixth month. Treatment T7 is significantly different
from treatment T6 but not significantly different from treatment T2
(100% MOP). Initial PBPH sample showed higher EC value of 2.21
and PBPH may have an effect on soil EC alone but Lehmann and

J. I. Wickramasinghe & C. S. De Silva

Joseph (2009) reported that biochar increases nutrient retention on

the top soil by lowering the amount of nutrient leached into lower
layers of soil or into ground water and it supports the result of T7
having higher EC than T6.

Table 3. Soil parameters measured at the sixth month afterplanting

Soil electrical
Moisture Soil Soil N Soil P Soil K
conductivity pH (%) (ppm) (%)
Content (mS/m)

T1(Control) 4.87d 0.5de 6.41cd 0.17a 285 a 0.012e

T2 5.12d 1.0ab 6.28 d

289 a 0.025ab
(100%MOP). a

T3 0.18
(75% MOP 8.94c 0.9bc 6.53bcd a
290 a 0.024abc
+25% PBPH)
T4 0.17
(50% MOP + 10.65b 0.73c 6.7abc a
276 a 0.021bcd
50% PBPH
(75%PBPH+ 15.65a 0.7cd 6.73ab a
300 a 0.017ade
T6 15.8a 0.4c 6.84a
294 a 0.016de
(100% PBPH) a

(100%MOP+ 10.66b 1.2a 6.68abc a
298 a 0.029a

Soil pH
Soil pH showed decreasing trend from the 1st month up to the 6th, but
when compared with the initial value of soil pH (6.26), pH values have
slightly increased (Table 3). Initial PBPH sample showed higher pH
value of (8.1). Application of partially-burnt paddy husk increases soil
pH (AICOAF, 2001) and this may be the reason for the increased pH
values in treatments.

In the sixth month the highest pH value was observed in treatment

T6 (100% PBPH) and the lowest pH value in treatment T2 (100% MOP)
(Table 3). Treatment T6 is significantly different from treatment T2.
pH values of treatments with higher amount of PBPH (T5 and T6)
have shown significant differences from the treatments which did not
involve PBPH (T1 and T2). Reason for the decreasing trend of pH
values may be due to the application of urea, 45 days and 90 days
after planting and soil pH decreases after application of the urea due
to acidification resulting from dissociation of urea to produce H+ ions.

Effect of partially Partially-burnt Paddy Husk as a Supplementary Source of Potassium on
Growth and Yield of Turmeric (Curcuma longa.L) and Soil Properties

Available Nitrogen
There is no significant difference among the treatments applied to soil
with available nitrogen six months after planting (Table 3), but when
compared to the available N in the initial soil (0.16%), N values of all
the treatments have slightly increased. The reason for the increased
N level may be due to the application of urea, 45 and 90 days after
planting. All the treatments received equal amounts of nitrogen
fertilizer (urea) in the same manner and this may be the reason for
no significant differences among the treatments.

Available Phosphorus
There is no significant difference among the treatments applied to soil
with available phosphorus six months after planting (Table 3), but
when compared to the initial soil available P value (270ppm), P values
of all the treatments have slightly increased. The reason for the
increased P level may be due to the application of TSP, 45 and 90
days after planting. All the treatments received equal amount of
phosphorus fertilizer (TSP) in the same manner and this may be the
reason for no significant differences among the treatments.

Available Potassium
Soil with available potassium shows significant differences among
treatments six months after planting (Table 3), but when compared
to the initial soil potassium content (0.015%), potassium content of
all the treatments, except T1(Control), have increased slightly (Table
3). The reason for the increased potassium levels may be due to the
potassium fertilizers and PBPH contained in those treatments. In the
6th month the highest available potassium value was observed in
treatment T7 (100%MOP+50%PBPH) and the lowest available was
observed in treatment T1 (Control). Treatment T7 is significantly
different from treatment T1. Treatment T7 contained the highest
amount of potassium and treatment T1 contained no potassium. This
may be the reason for the above observation. The reason for the
variation of potassium content among the other treatments may be
due to the different ratios of potassium sources (MOP: PBPH)
contained in the individual treatments.

2. Growth parameters

Number of emerged plants

Number of emerged plants showed an increasing trend. Treatment T6
(100% PBPH) showed the significantly highest number of emerged
plants in the 1st and the 2nd months. Treatments T1 (Control) and T2
(100%MOP) have showed the lowest number of emerged plants. In

J. I. Wickramasinghe & C. S. De Silva

the second month, treatment T6 showed the significantly highest

number of emerged plants (Table 4). There is a significant difference
between treatments which have applied PBPH and treatments which
have not. Soil moisture is important for germination and soil moisture
content vary depending on the amount of added partially-burnt
paddy husk. Treatment T6 contains the highest amount of PBPH and
it may be the reason for the highest number of emerged plants.

Plant height
Plant height showed an increasing trend from the 1st month up to
6th. Plant height has increased in a similar pattern as follows:
T7>T2=T3>T4>T5>T6>T1. Significantly the highest plant height was
observed in treatment T7 (50%PBPH+100%MOP) and the lowest was
observed in treatment T1 (Control) the sixth month (Table 4).
Treatment T7 is significantly different from treatment T1. The reason
for the increasing trend of plant height may be due to the quick
response in the application of inorganic fertilizer, 45 days and 90
days after planting. The plant height has increased proportionally to
the amount of MOP contained in the treatments. Noor et al (2014)
have reported that the increased plant height in turmeric crop could
be due to increasing K fertilizer. Treatments T2 and T7 contains the
same amount of MOP, but the additional amount of PBPH in
treatment T7 may be the reason for the significant difference between
treatments T2 and T7. Furthermore, treatment T6 (100%PBPH)
showed higher plant height than treatment T1 (Control) because
treatment T6 has PBPH and Graber (2010) has reported increased
plant height in tomato crop due to biochar application.

Table 4. Growth parameters measured on the 6th month


Plant Stem
Emerged Number of
Treatments height diameter
plants (%) Leaves
(cm) (cm)
T1(Control) 56.3c 127.7d 9.3 d 2.6d
59.4c 149.4b 11.0b 3.2 b
71.9b 148.8b 10.8bc 3.1 b
(75% MOP +25% PBPH)
75b 139.5c 10.0bc d 2.9 c
(50% MOP + 50% PBPH
78.1b 137.9c 9.8bc d 2.9 c
(75% PBPH+25%MOP)
90.6a 136.7c 9.7cd 2.9 c
(100% PBPH)
75b 157a 12.3a 3.5 a

Effect of partially Partially-burnt Paddy Husk as a Supplementary Source of Potassium on
Growth and Yield of Turmeric (Curcuma longa.L) and Soil Properties

Number of leaves
The number of leaves showed an increasing trend from the 2nd month
up to the 6th. Significantly the highest number of leaves was observed
in treatment T7 (50%PBPH+100%MOP) and the lowest in treatment
T1 (Control) on the sixth month (Table 4). Treatment T7 is
significantly different from treatment T1. The reason for the above
observation may be due to the quick response of application of
inorganic fertilizer, 45 days and 90 days after planting.

The number of leaves has increased proportionally to the amount of

MOP contained in the treatments. Annie et al (2002) have recorded
increased number of leaves in turmeric crop due to increasing
potassium fertilizer. Treatments T2 and T7 contained the same
amount of MOP but the additional amount of PBPH in treatment T7
may be the reason for the significant difference between treatments
T2 and T7.

Pseudo diameter
Pseudo stem diameter showed an increasing trend from the 2nd
month up to the 6th. Significantly the highest pseudo stem diameter
was observed in treatment T7 (50%PBPH+100%MOP) as shown in
Table 4. The reason for the above observation may be due to the quick
response in the application of inorganic fertilizer, 45 days and 90
days after planting. Pseudo stem diameter has increased
proportionally to the amount of MOP contained in the treatments.
Annie et al (2002) have recorded an increased pseudostem girth in
turmeric crop correlating with the K fertilizer level.

3. Yield Parameters

Number of rhizome fingers

The number of rhizome fingers shows an increasing trend from the
2nd month up to the 6th month. The number of rhizome fingers has
increased in a similar pattern as follows: T7>T2=T3>T4>T5>T6>T1
(Table 5). Treatment T7 is significantly different from treatment T1.
The reason for the above observation may be due to the quick
response of the application of inorganic fertilizer, 45 days and 90 days
after planting. The number of rhizome fingers has increased
proportionally to the amount of MOP contained in the treatments.
Annie et al. (2002), Karthikeyanet al. (2009) have recorded increased
number of rhizome fingers in turmeric crop due to increased K

J. I. Wickramasinghe & C. S. De Silva

Table 5. Yield parameters measured on the 6th month after planting

Fresh Fresh
Number of Dry weight
weight of Biomass
Treatments rhizome of rhizome
rhizome weight of
fingers (g)
(g) plant (g)

T1(Control) 11.5d 139.5d 18.1d 339.5d

14.0b 172.1b 22.4b 372.1 b
13.9b 171.3b 22.3b 371.3 b
(75% MOP +25% PBPH)
13.0c 164.2c 21.3 c 364.2 c
(50% MOP + 50% PBPH
13.0c 163.5c 21.3c 363.5c
(75% PBPH+25%MOP)
12.7c 162.5c 21.1c 362.4 c
(100% PBPH)
15.0a 177.6a 23.1a 377.6 a

Fresh weight of the rhizome

Fresh weight of the rhizome showed an increasing trend from the 2nd
month up to the 6th. The fresh weight of the rhizome has increased in
a similar pattern as follows: T7>T2=T3>T4>T5>T6>T1(Table 5).
Significantly the highest fresh weight of rhizome (177.6 g) was
observed in treatment T7 and the lowest weight (139.5g) in control
treatment T1. The reason for the above observation may be due to the
quick response of the application of inorganic fertilizer, 45 days and
90 days after planting. The fresh weight of rhizome has increased
proportionally to the amount of MOP in the treatments. This result
agrees with the results of Annie et al (2002) as the fresh weigh
increased with increased potassium fertilizer. Furthermore, fresh
weight of the rhizome has increased according to the method of using,
zero fertilizer (T1) < organic fertilizer alone (T6) < chemical fertilizer
alone (T2) < combined use of organic and chemical fertilizer (T7).
These results agree with the results of HARTI (2013).

Dry weight of the rhizome

The dry weight of the rhizome also followed the same pattern as the
fresh weight of rhizomes. The dry weight of the rhizome has increased
in a similar pattern to the fresh weight of the rhizome
(T7>T2=T3>T4>T5>T6>T1(Table 5). The significantly highest dry
weight of rhizome (23.1g) was observed in T7 with 100% MOP and
50% of PBPH. The lowest dry weight of rhizome (18.1g) was observed
in control treatment T1. The reason for the above observations may

Effect of partially Partially-burnt Paddy Husk as a Supplementary Source of Potassium on
Growth and Yield of Turmeric (Curcuma longa.L) and Soil Properties

be due to the quick response of the application of inorganic fertilizer,

45 days and 90 days after planting. Dry weight of the rhizome has
increased proportionally to the amount of MOP in the treatments and
this result is supported by the results of Karthikeyan et al (2009).
PBPH may also have an effect on dry weight of the rhizome.
Priyadarshini & Seran (2009) reported that increased dry weight of
cowpea pods due to application of PBPH.

Fresh biomass weight of plant

The fresh biomass weight showed an increasing trend from the 2nd
month up to the 6th. The fresh biomass weight has increased in a
similar pattern as follows: T7>T2=T3>T4>T5>T6>T1(Table 5).
Significantly the highest fresh biomass weight of plant (377.6g) was
observed in treatment T7 and the lowest (339.5g) in control treatment
T1. The reason for the above observations may be due to the quick
response of the application of inorganic fertilizer, 45 days and 90 days
after planting. The fresh biomass weight of plant has increased
proportionally to the amount of MOP in the treatments. Karthikeyan
et al. (2009) reported that increasing the application rate of
potassium in the form of KCl enhanced the growth of turmeric.
Priyadarshini & Seran (2009) reported increased fresh biomass
weight of cowpea plant except their roots due to the application of
PBPH. There may be a combined effect of MOP and PBPH on the fresh
biomass weight of turmeric as observed in this study.

4. Quality parameter

Colour intensity of the rhizome

There is a significant difference between treatment T1 (Control) and
all the other treatments (T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) (Fig. 1). HARTI (2003)
mentioned that the quality of the turmeric rhizome differs with its
colour and the reason for the yellow colour of the rhizome is
curcumin. These results indicate that there is no significant
difference among the treatments on the quality of turmeric except in
treatment T1. When compared with all the other treatments,
treatment T1 might have contained relatively a lower curcumin
amount and all the other treatments might have contained nearly
equal amounts of curcumin but higher than the control treatment.
This may be due to the fact that treatment T1 (control) did not contain
any potassium source and Akamine et al.(2007) reported that
potassium is the principal element involved in curcumin formation in

J. I. Wickramasinghe & C. S. De Silva

a a a a a a



T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7

Figure 1. Absorbance of curcumin (means with the same letter is not

significantly different)

Conclusions and Recommendations

According to the above observations, the combined use of MOP with

PBPH has shown beneficial effects on turmeric cultivation. Partially-
burnt paddy husk has beneficial effects as a supplementary source
of potassium for growth of turmeric and it enhances the effects of
MOP on the growth, yield and quality of turmeric. Therefore, farmers
are advised to use partially-burnt paddy husk to dissolve and retain
inorganic fertilizer in the soil. It also helps to improve the efficiency
of applied inorganic fertilizer in order to increase the yield.


Authors gratefully acknowledge Mr. D. M. P. V. Dissanayaka and

other staff of the Intercropping and Betel Research Station,
Dampelessa, Narammala for the assistance given during this
research study.


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Effect of partially Partially-burnt Paddy Husk as a Supplementary Source of Potassium on
Growth and Yield of Turmeric (Curcuma longa.L) and Soil Properties

Akamine, H., Hossain, A., Ishmine, Y., Yogi, K., Hokama, K., Iraha,
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or in combination on growth, yield and curcumin content of
turmeric (Curcuma Longa L.), Plant Production Science, 10:1,
151-154. DOI: 10.1626/pps.10.151

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as a component of potting media for Piper niger L. Final year
thesis, Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture,
University of Peradeniya.

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of nitrogen and potassium on growth and yield of turmeric
(Curcuma longa L.). Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops,
11(1): 74-77(2002).

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337, 481-496. DOI/10.1007/s11104-010-0544-6

HARTI. (2013). Research report:54, Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian

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The effect of Potassium on the Yield and Quality of Turmeric
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DOI: Vol. 13, No. 02, (pp.65-79)

Perceived Factors Related to Delayed Presentation of

Breast Cancer among Women with Stage III and IV
Breast Cancer in Sri Lanka
Rathnayake Mudiyanselage Chamila Manike Rathnayake,
Halyale Mudiyanselage Maheshika Gothami Priyadarshi
Halyale, Koththalbadde Vidanalage Nimali Tharanga, Herath
Mudiyanselage Sayuri Prabodika Herath, Badurakada Sunil
Santha De Silva*

Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, The Open University

of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Sri Lanka

The most common cancers to be diagnosed in women are breast,
lung, and colorectal cancers, which when combined represent one-
half of all the cancer cases; breast cancer alone accounts for 30% of
all new cancer diagnoses in women. Hence breast cancer becomes
the most common cause for cancer deaths worldwide among women.
Delay in presentation of breast cancer causes increase morbidity,
mortality and decreased survival rate of these patients. Therefore,

*Corresponding should be addressed to Mr. B. S. S. De Silva, Department of

Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka,
Nawala, Sri Lanka
Email: [email protected]
(Received 30th September 2017; Revised 02nd September 2018; Accepted 26th
October 2018) © OUSL

This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
International License (CC-BY-SA). This license permits use, distribution and
reproduction in any medium; provided it is licensed under the same terms and the
original work is properly cited.

How to Cite: Rathnayake, R.M.C.M., Gothami Priyadarshi Halyale, H.M.M.,

Tharanga, K.V.N., Prabodika Herath, H.M.S. and De Silva, B.S.S., 2018.
Perceived Factors Related to Delayed Presentation of Breast Cancer among
Women with Stage III and IV Breast Cancer in Sri Lanka. OUSL Journal, 13(2),
pp.65–79. DOI:

R. M. C. M. Rathnayake et al

this study was conducted to examine the perceived factors related to

delayed presentation of breast cancer among women. One hundred

and fifty-one female patients with breast cancer stage III and IV,
admitted to the Oncology ward and Oncology clinic in the Teaching
Hospital, Kandy, were purposively recruited for this quantitative
descriptive study. Self-administered questionnaire was used to
collect data. Study was conducted during the period January to April
2016. The results highlighted that 67% of patients were unaware of
the symptoms of breast cancer. Further, 29% of patients deliberately
delayed treatment due to perceived embarrassment in exposing their
breasts to medical practitioners; 44% of patients followed the same
course of action due to perceived fear of partner abandonment.
Significantly, 76% of patients were not aware of self-breast
examination method whereas 78% never attended the “Well Women
Clinic” (Suwa Nari Sayanaya) which is conducted for the
improvement of women’s health. Furthermore, 83% of the patients
did not have family histories of breast cancer. The findings concluded
that the lack of awareness among patients on symptoms and the self-
breast examination method, never attending Well Women Clinic, fear
of partner abandonment, perceived embarrassment in disclosing
breasts to medical practitioners and negative family histories were
common factors related to delayed presentation of breast cancer
among women. Therefore, it is recommended to establish effective
public awareness programs to increase early diagnosis, prognosis,
survival rate and improve overall quality of life among patients with
breast cancer.

Key words: Breast cancer, delayed presentation, women and

perceived factors


Cancer is an abnormal growth of the cells. When it occurs in the

glandular breast tissue, it is known as breast cancer (Asoogo &
Duma, 2015). Breast cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer
in women and the second most common cancer overall. It is
constantly increasing worldwide. Breast cancer accounts for 16% of
adult deaths in the world (World Health Organization, 2008). It is
estimated that annually, more than one million women are diagnosed
with breast cancer (Ferlay et al., 2010). Approximately 40,290 women
were expected to die from breast cancer in 2015 (Tarver, 2012). There
were over two million new breast cancer cases in 2018 (Bray at el.,

According to the World Health Organization (2008), breast cancer

deaths in Sri Lanka reached 1,361 per year or 1.07% of total deaths.
Perceived Factors Related to Delayed Presentation of Breast Cancer Among Women with Stage
III and IV Breast Cancer in Sri Lanka

A study conducted in Sri Lanka found that most of the patients with
breast cancer were detected at an advanced stage which lowered the
five-year survival rate (Kumari & Goonewardena, 2011).

Breast cancer can be classified into five stages based on the

characteristics of cancer. The stage of the breast cancer further
indicates the average five-year survival rate (Table 1). It is also
important to determine prognosis and to decide the best treatment
option for cancer (National Cancer Control Programme, 2016).

Table 1. Classification of breast cancer based on cancer


Stage Extent of spread Average 5 years

survival rate (%)
0 Non-invasive cancer 99
I Small invasive cancer (less than 2 cm without 90
spreading to the axillary lymph nodes)
II Invasive cancer (between 2-5 cm or/with 70
lymph nodes invasion)
III Large invasive cancer (more than 5 cm with 40
skin invasion or spread to multiple lymph
IV Widespread or 20
metastatic cancer

(Note. Reprinted from Cancer Incidence Data, Sri Lanka, 2010 of the
National Cancer Control Programme Sri Lanka, 2016, Ministry of
Health, 56)

According to the classification of breast cancer based on cancer

characteristics, stage III and IV considered for this study are patients
presented with those stages which are irreversible and difficult to
cure (Tarver, 2012). Delayed presentation of breast cancer is defined
as patients who do not undergo medical consultation even after
detecting breast abnormalities by themselves within a 3-month
duration (Khan et al., 2015). There are two types of delayed
presentation for the diagnosis of breast cancer, namely Patient Delay
and System Delay (Asoogo & Duma, 2015). Patient delay is the time
interval from onset of symptoms to the act of seeking medical advice.
System or Provider Delay is the delay between first clinical
appointments to initiation of proper treatment (Asoogo & Duma,
2015). However, in many occasions both types were present together
(Montazeri et al., 2003).

R. M. C. M. Rathnayake et al

Delayed diagnosis of breast cancer causes larger tumor size, increase

involvement of the lymph nodes and organ metastases (Asoogo &
Duma, 2015). Therefore, the delayed presentation and detection of
breast cancer causes poor prognosis thus lowering the rate of
survival. It can also have negative effects on the quality of life due to
increase psychological stress and the use of more toxic treatment due
to the severity of the cancer (Asoogo & Duma, 2015). Therefore, early
diagnosis of breast cancer is essential for the proper management
and treatment of the disease (Norsa’adah et al., 2011). Early
diagnosis increases access to mammographic screening and access
to effective treatment that have been reported in developed countries.
However, in developing countries low screening and absence of
mammography facilities have affected the delayed presentation of
breast cancer.

Many factors are associated with delayed presentation of breast

cancer such as lack of awareness regarding the symptoms (breast
lump, nipple discharge, breast pain, nipple retraction), poor
knowledge of screening methods (eg. self-breast examination which
includes regular examination of one's own breasts to detect any
breast abnormalities), financial difficulties and social stigma (Asoogo
& Duma, 2015; Stapleton et al., 2011). Furthermore, majority of
patients have delayed seeking medical consultation due to fear for
cancer treatment, traditional and spiritual believes; they have also
wasted time using alternative medication; social stigma attached to
exposing their breasts to health care professionals, poor family
support, thoughts or misconceptions such as symptoms were not
serious and it would go away immediately (Ali et al., 2008; Asoogo &
Duma, 2015; Malik & Gopalan, 2003; Stapleton et al., 2011).

Ferlay et al. (2014) pointed out that almost 50% of breast cancer
patients and 58% of breast cancer deaths in the world occurred in
the developing countries. This highlighted that breast cancer is a
major public health concern and needs the attention of relevant
authorities urgently. In Sri Lanka, studies conducted on breast
cancer are limited. However, a study conducted in Colombo has
found that low income and not attending the Well Women Clinic
which is conducted for women’s health, causes delayed presentation
of breast cancer among Sri Lankan women (Kumari &
Gunawardhana, 2011). Perera et al. (2004) revealed that lack of
national breast cancer screening programme was one of the main
reasons for delayed diagnosis of breast cancer in Sri Lanka. Kuruppu
et al. (2015) mentioned that knowledge of risk factors, symptoms,
screening/diagnosis methods and services provided to general public
through the Well Women Clinic were poor. Therefore, understanding
the perceived factors related to delayed presentation of breast cancer
is vital in order to establish public awareness programs to encourage
women to seek proper health care as early as possible. Women need
Perceived Factors Related to Delayed Presentation of Breast Cancer Among Women with Stage
III and IV Breast Cancer in Sri Lanka

to be aware about the clinical symptoms and proper knowledge

regarding breast cancer to increase the chance of early detection and
thereby minimize mortality and morbidity rates. Therefore, the
purpose of the study was to examine the perceived factors related to
delayed presentation of breast cancer among female patients with
breast cancer stage III and IV in the Kandy Teaching Hospital. The
specific objectives of the study were to determine the perceived factors
leading to delayed presentation of breast cancer in relation to socio
demographic, knowledge, attitudes and socio-economic aspects of
these patients.

Study design
A quantitative descriptive research design was utilized in this study.
The quantitative research approach is best suited to focus on
determining factors and examining causes (Kothari, 2008) on the
delayed presentation of breast cancer. As the nature of the descriptive
research design, it helps the exploration and description of
phenomena in real-life situations of these women with breast cancer.
Therefore, the descriptive design helps to describe the perceived socio
demographic, knowledge, attitudes and socio-economic factors
leading to delayed presentation of breast cancer among women with
Stage III and IV breast cancer in Teaching Hospital, Kandy.

Ethical considerations
Ethical approval was granted by the Ethics Review Committee,
Teaching Hospital Kandy. Institutional approval was also obtained
from the director of the hospital. Permission was sort from the
consultants in female Oncology wards and clinic at Teaching
Hospital, Kandy, prior to commencement of the study. Voluntary
participation was encouraged. Written informed consent was
obtained from every participant after informing benefits and risks of
the study (Bailey, 2008). Privacy and confidentiality of participants
were assured throughout the study. Participants were convinced
about their right to withdraw from study at any time without any

Study setting and participants

The study was conducted at the female Oncology wards and clinic at
Teaching Hospital Kandy. The Oncology wards and clinic in Teaching
Hospital Kandy is responsible for treatment and minimizing of all

R. M. C. M. Rathnayake et al

cancer incidents in the Kandy district. The female Oncology ward

consists of three sections coming under three consultants.
Participants were purposively selected for this study as researchers
wanted to identify the patients who were in the late stages of breast
cancer (stage III and IV). The sample size was calculated based on the
Cochran formula (Statistics, 2018) and accordingly 151 female
patients attending Oncology wards and clinic at the Teaching
Hospital, Kandy were recruited for this study. The women who were
histologically diagnosed as breast cancer stage III and IV and aged
above 20 years were used as the inclusion criteria.

Data collection and analysis

Data collection was carried out from January to May 2016. Pre-tested
self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from the
study participants. The questionnaire was prepared in English
language and translated into Sinhala and Tamil language. It
consisted of 47 questions in four parts which contained socio
demographic information such as age, education, and religion,
knowledge related to symptoms of breast cancer and early diagnosis
methods, attitudes such as fear and embarrassment, and socio-
economic factors like transport difficulties and low income which
contribute to delayed presentation of breast cancer. Content validity
of the questionnaire was assessed by referring to the standard
literature and subject experts in the field of Oncology and Community
Medicine. Test-retest reliability was maintained. Data analysis was
carried out with descriptive statistics using Statistical Package for the
Social Science (SPSS) version 22 software.

Results and Discussion

The response rate was 98.05%. The data was presented under four
main categories: socio demographic factors, factors related to
knowledge, attitudes and socio-economic factors.

Socio demographic factors

Among the study participants, majority (55%, n=83) were above 51
years. They were the high-risk group that is vulnerable to breast
cancer among the study participants. The mean age of all participants
was 45.5 + 1.6 years (range 27-59 years). Age is considered as the
most important risks factor for breast cancer as it gradually increases
with age. It is rare for those who are under twenty years. Majority of
cases are reported between 45 and 65 years. This is most probably
attributed to hormonal imbalance in this age due to menopause
(Mensah et al., 2015).

Seventy five percent of patients were married. Furthermore, 83 % of

patients were followers of Buddhism. Besides, 33% of patients were
educated up to the Advanced Level of General Certificate of Education
(G.C.E A/L). The study results further revealed that over one third of
Perceived Factors Related to Delayed Presentation of Breast Cancer Among Women with Stage
III and IV Breast Cancer in Sri Lanka

late presented patients with breast cancer were educated only up to

grade eight (Table 2). This might have highlighted that their deficiency
of understanding the symptoms and severity of the disease.

Table 2. Socio demographic factors related to delayed presentation of

breast cancer

Socio demographic Frequency

factors (n=151)
Age 20 – 30 years 3 2.0
31 – 40 years 23 15.2
41 - 50 years 42 27.8
>51 years 83 55.0
Religion Buddhism 126 83.4
Hindu 14 9.3
Islam 11 7.3

Education level No formal education 17 11.3

Up to grade 8 48 31.8
Up to G.C.E O/L 29 19.2
Up to G.C.E A/L 49 32.5
Higher education 8 5.3

Civil status Single 10 6.6

Married 114 75.5
Widowed 13 8.6
Divorced 14 9.3

Knowledge related to delayed presentation of breast cancer

In view of the knowledge regarding breast cancer, 67% (n=101) of
delay-presented patients were not aware of breast cancer symptoms.
Only 19% (n=28) of patients were aware that the lump could be a
breast cancer. The same finding was presented by Montazeri et al.
(2003). According to the present study findings, 50% of the
participants knew that the breast cancer can be cured if detected
early. The study findings highlighted that 60% (n=90) of delay-
presented patients with breast cancer have taken medical
consultation after three month of initiation symptoms while 21%
(n=32) of patients received medical consultation after it became

R. M. C. M. Rathnayake et al

Table 3. Knowledge related to delayed presentation of breast Cancer

Knowledge related to delayed presentation (%)

Knowledge of symptoms of breast cancer

breast lump may be due to a breast cancer 28 18.5
breast pain may be due to a breast cancer 15 9.9
breast enlargement may be due to a breast cancer 5 3.3
nipple discharge may be due to a breast cancer 12 8
not known 101 66.9
Seeking medical consultation for symptoms
after it got worse 32 21.2
after three months 90 59.6
as soon as possible 29 19.2
Known that breast cancer can be cured by early 75 49.7

Having knowledge of self-breast examination 36 24

Not having knowledge of self-breast examination 115 76.2
Never done self-breast examination 120 79.5
Knowledge regarding the Well Women Clinic
detect illnesses of women 49 32.5
giving health education 14 9.3
Not aware about Well Women Clinic 96 63.6
Never attending Well Women Clinic 118 78.1

Moreover, 51% (n=77) of patients had thought their symptoms were

normal and delayed medical consultation. Fourteen percent of
patients delayed taking medical consultation due to heavy work load
at home or work place.

The patients who knew self-breast examination method were 24%

(n=36). However, out of these 36 patients, 5 patients did not practice
it. Significantly, 80% (n=120) of patients had never carred out a self-
breast examination. Similar results were presented by a
contemporary research carried out in Jordan (Suleiman, 2014). It
disclosed that majority of patients with breast cancer presented delay
was due to lack of screening for breast cancer or performing self-
breast examination. In Egypt, approximately half of women with
breast cancer suffered a similar fate due to the lack of knowledge of
self-breast examination (Stapleton et al., 2011). Lannin et al. (1998)
pointed out that majority of patients with breast cancer delayed
seeking medical consultation due to the failure of identifying initial
breast cancer symptoms and not practicing self-breast examination

Further, the study illustrated that 78% of patients never attended to

Well Women Clinic and 64% (n=96) patients had not known about

Perceived Factors Related to Delayed Presentation of Breast Cancer Among Women with Stage
III and IV Breast Cancer in Sri Lanka

this clinic. Even in the United State, it was found that patients with
poor attendance to early breast cancer diagnosis centers were
reported (Grunfeld et al., 2002). However, the authors further
highlighted that the society should be informed that deaths related
to breast cancer are attributed to the advanced stages of the disease
and reporting too late for medical treatment.

According to the present study 20 % of patients wasted time on

indigenous and alternative traditional medication after detecting
symptoms (Fig. 1). Globally, complementary and alternative
medicines are common among women with breast cancer due to
cultural influences. This is one of the main reasons for delayed
presentation of breast cancer (Donker et al. 2015). Two main types of
alternative medicine were identified by Donker et al. (2015). These
were local based therapies (spiritual/prayer/traditional
healer/herbal therapy), and foreign-based therapies
(acupuncture/homoeopathy/Chinese medicine). Many studies have
shown that patients with breast cancer relied mainly on alternative
medicine after detecting breast cancer symptoms, to heal or cure the
disease especially in the initial stage of the breast cancer (Ali, et al.,
2008; Asoogo & Duma, 2015; Malik & Gopalan, 2003; Stapleton et
al., 2011).

% 70
Thought symptoms Due to heavy work Followed Any other
are normal load Indigenous
Reasons for delay to seek proper medical
Figure 1. Reasons for delay to seek proper medical consultation

Attitudes related to delayed presentation of breast cancer

When considering the attitudes of delayed presented patients, 38%
(n=58) were afraid of hospitalization and surgery. As shown in the
table 4, 29% (n=43) of participants were embarrassed at exposing
their breast to a medical practitioner. It was one of the main causes
for seeking medical consultation quite late. However, contribution of

R. M. C. M. Rathnayake et al

other psychological factors such as: fear of unbearable pain during

treatments (30%, n=46), fear of losing a breast (29%, n=43), fear of
partner abandonment (44%, n=67) cannot be disregarded. Study
results further highlighted that 31% of participants believed that after
getting cancer treatment, the disease condition could get worse (Table
4). Asogo & Duma (2015) argues that the negative thoughts such as
fear of detecting breast abnormality, fear of partner abandonment,
social stigma attached to exposing breasts to health care
professionals were barriers to early detection of breast cancer cases.
Moreover, the results highlighted that about one third of the patients
with breast cancer delayed seeking medical consultations due to the
fear for loss of the breast/mastectomy and chemotherapy which are
the most common treatments for breast cancer management (Table

Table 4. Attitudes related to delayed presentation of breast Cancer

Attitudes related to delayed presentation Frequency (%)


Fear of hospitalization and surgery 58 38.4

Embarrassment in exposing breasts to a medical 43 28.5
Believe about prayers 48 31.8
Afraid of losing a breast 44 29.1
Fear for cancer treatment 46 30.4
Fear of partner abandonment 67 44.4
After treatment disease get worse 64 42.4

Socio economic factors related to the delayed presentation of

breast cancer
When considering the living area, 62% (n=94) of patients belonged to
rural areas. Twenty four percent of patients had more than 10
kilometers from their home to nearest medical center. Eighty six
percent of study participants had therefore used public vehicles as
their transport method to reach a hospital. Therefore, the study
results emphasized that living in rural areas, distance from the
medical center (more than 10 kilometers) and use of public transport
also triggered for delayed presentation of breast cancer. Even a study
conducted in the United State found that majority of patients sought
medical advice late as a result of transportation problems (Lannin et
al., 1998). Stapleton et al. (2011) found that majority of the Egyptian
women delayed seeking medical consultation due to the long distance
between their homes to the cancer center. Longer travelling time and
use of public transport system may limit access to health care.
Similar studies carried out in India (Ali et al., 2008) and Pakistan
(Khan et al., 2015) supported this study findings.
Perceived Factors Related to Delayed Presentation of Breast Cancer Among Women with Stage
III and IV Breast Cancer in Sri Lanka

The study results further revealed that 83% (n=125) of patients did
not have family histories of breast cancer. The patients who had
family histories of breast cancer were only 17.2% (n=26). However,
they also delayed seeking proper medical consultation. Moreover,
only 22% of patients with breast cancer stage III and IV were
employed while 56% had monthly family income less than 10,000 Sri
Lankan rupees. (Table 4). Thus, poverty and financial difficulties have
been the causes for the delay in seeking medical treatment in the
developing as well as developed countries (Anyanwu, 2008; Arndt et
al., 2002). Donker et al. (2015) identified that there were two main
dimensions of access to health care: physical access and economic
access. Moreover, the economic access to health care also affected
the seeking medical consultation for breast cancer as it was expensive
(Donker et al., 2015). However, in Sri Lanka free health care facilities
are available but the overcrowding and the time it takes to obtain
treatments (eg. Mammography) might influence the use of such

Table 5. Socio economic factors related to the delayed presentation

of breast cancer

Socio Economic Factors (%)

Living in rural area 94 62.3

Transport by public vehicles 129 85.4
Monthly income below Rs. 10,000.00 54 35.8
Distance for medical center above 10 Km 37 24.5
Negligence by family members 119 78.8
Family history of breast cancer 26 17.2

The results of the study highlighted that the lack of awareness among
patients regarding the symptoms such as breast lump, nipple
discharge, breast or nipple pain, breast enlargement, and nipple
retraction. Early detection methods such as self-breast examination
and lack of awareness about the Well Women Clinic were common
perceived factors related to delayed presentation of breast cancer
among women in the Teaching Hospital Kandy. The study results
further emphasized that socio economic factors such as low family
income, living in rural areas, use of public transport system to reach

R. M. C. M. Rathnayake et al

health centres, and negative family history were common. Negative

attitudes such as the fear of losing a breast, fear of partner
abandonment, perceived embarrassment in exposing breasts to
health care professionals, belief that the disease would get worse after
treatment were contributed to delayed presentation of breast cancer.
Moreover, use of indigenous and traditional medication cannot also
be disregarded.

The study recommends the establishment of effective public

awareness programs about breast cancer thus addressing early
detection through self-breast examination and the need for seeking
health care as early as possible. Furthermore, expansion of health
care facilities all over the country for diagnosis and treatment of
breast cancer is essential. Extending the role of nurse and allied
health professionals may also be a way of strengthening the health
care services related to breast cancer diagnosis and management.
Moreover, establishment of mammography services and
advancement of breast reconstruction techniques could minimize
delayed presentation and optimize cancer treatment outcomes. This
will help to increase prognosis, survival rate and improve quality of
life among patients with breast cancer. Further studies on the topic
should be carried out to expand and to collaborate with the present
findings of this study to minimize delayed presentation of breast
cancer. Ultimately this will further help to minimize morbidity and
mortality associated with breast cancer in Sri Lanka.


We would like to thank all the patients who participated in this study
and the staff members of the Oncology clinic and the female Oncology
ward, Teaching Hospital, Kandy for their kind cooperation during
data collection.


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DOI: Vol. 13, No. 02, (pp.81-100)

Ecosystem Carbon Stock of Mangroves at the Batticaloa

Lagoon, Sri Lanka

Kodikaraarachchige Anthoney Roshan Samantha Perera1*,

Mala Damayanthi Amarasinghe2

Department of Botany, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Sri
Department of Botany, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka


Mangroves play an important role in sequestering organic carbon in

tropical and subtropical coastal areas, accounting up to 15% of the
total carbon deposited in coastal sediments. Sequestered organic
carbon occurs both in standing plant biomass, as well as in the below
ground root biomass and mangrove soils. Unavailability of
quantitative data on carbon retention capacity of Sri Lankan
mangrove ecosystems compelled the authors to carry out the present
study with the objective of estimating the total ecosystem carbon
content in mangrove eco systems in the Batticaloa lagoon, Sri Lanka.

*Corresponding should be addressed to Dr. K. A. R. S. Perera, Department

of Botany, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Sri Lanka
Email: [email protected]

(Received 18th August 2018; Revised 16th October 2018; Accepted 29th October
2018) © OUSL

This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
International License (CC-BY-SA). This license permits use, distribution and
reproduction in any medium; provided it is licensed under the same terms and the
original work is properly cited.

How to Cite: Roshan Samantha Perera, K.A. and Amarasinghe, M.D., 2018.
Ecosystem Carbon Stock of Mangroves at the Batticaloa Lagoon, Sri Lanka. OUSL
Journal, 13(2), pp.81–100. DOI:

K. A. R. S. Perera & M. D. Amarasinghe

This is the largest lagoon situated on the east coast and the third
largest brackish water system in the country. Data on vegetation
structure were gathered according to the standard procedures and
biomass of mangrove trees was determined by the Allometric method.
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) in three depths, (0-15 cm, 16-30 cm and
31-45 cm) of mangrove soils was determined by dichromate-oxidation
method followed by colorimetry. Total mangrove plant biomass was
found to be 298 Mg ha-1, of which 246 Mg ha-1 was in the above
ground components of the plants while 52 Mg ha-1 was in the below
ground components. TOC embedded in biomass was calculated to be
158 Mg C ha-1out of which 131 Mg C ha-1was found to occur in above
ground and 27 Mg C ha-1in below ground components. TOC in
mangrove soils (up to 45 cm depth) was revealed to be 348 Mg C ha-
1. The total TOC of mangrove ecosystems in the Batticaloa lagoon was

calculated to be 506 Mg C ha-1. Mangrove soils that sequester 68% of

the organic carbon forms the largest fraction of the mangrove carbon
sink. Below ground components account for only 5% of the total pool
while the above ground biomass retains five times more (26%) carbon
than the root biomass. These results assist pragmatic evaluation of
ecological value of mangroves and justify their conservation and

Key words: Sri Lankan mangroves; carbon sequestration; soil

carbon sinks


Mangroves rank among the most carbon rich ecotone-ecosystems

that occur along tropical and subtropical coastlines. Due to their
relatively high primary productivity and anaerobic conditions in the
inter-tidal soil/ sediment, they occupy an important role in carbon
sequestration in intertidal environment (Komiyama et al., 2008;
Donato et al., 2011; Hoque et al., 2011). While occupying only a small
percentage (<0.1%) of earth’s surface, mangroves are responsible for
10-11% of the total export of carbon to the ocean and for 8-15% of
the carbon deposited in coastal sediment (Dittmar et al., 2006;
Joshua et al., 2012; Jennerjahn & Ittekkot, 2002). Mangroves
sequester organic carbon, in above ground plant biomass, below
ground root biomass and also in soil (Alongi, 2011; Kauffman et al.,
2011; World Bank, 2011). As nearly as half the biomass in trees
contains carbon and large amounts of carbon are potentially stored

Ecosystem Carbon Stock of Mangroves at the Batticaloa Lagoon, Sri Lanka

in mangrove forests and therefore, they may be the largest stores of

carbon in coastal zones (Suratman, 2008; Perera & Amarasinghe,
2016). It is estimated that carbon sequestration capacity of global
mangroves is approximately 25.5 million tons of carbon per year
(Ong, 1993).

The coastline of Sri Lanka is approximately 1600 km long and a

narrow intertidal belt created by micro tidal conditions with tidal
amplitude less than 1 m (Wijeratne, 2007). Total estimated brackish-
water area of Sri Lanka is about 15800 ha (Karunathilake, 2003) and
it hosts several ecosystems including mangroves that extend over an
area of 15670 ha, interspersed along the coastline (Edirisinghe et al.,
2012). Mangrove vegetation in Sri Lanka comprises twenty-three (23)
true mangrove species and thirty-four mangrove associated plant
species (Amarasinghe & Perera, 2017).

Available knowledge on carbon sequestration capacity of tropical

ecosystems in Sri Lanka is scanty. Limited records are available on
the standing stock of carbon in a few man-made ecosystems in Sri
Lanka, i.e 90 – 104 t ha-1 in home gardens (Dissanayake et al.,
2009),63 t ha-1, carbon in soils of coconut plantations in the wet
climatic zone,54 t ha-1in the, intermediate zone and 37 t ha-1 in the
dry zone (Chokkalingam & Vanniarachchy, 2011). A few records are
available on above ground biomass of mangroves of Sri Lanka.
Dayarathne & Kumara (2013) reported the above ground biomass
(68.7-201.8 t ha-1) of Rekawa mangroves, and Gunawadena et al.,
(2016) reported the above ground biomass estimation (of mangroves
located in Negombo - Muthurajawela wetland in Sri Lanka using
ALOS PALSAR Images (33-155 t ha-1 with overestimation of 17%). The
present study therefore was conducted with the objective of
quantifying the total ecosystem carbon content, including above and
below ground plant component and soils of mangrove ecosystem in
the Batticaloa lagoon.

K. A. R. S. Perera & M. D. Amarasinghe

Materials and method

Study area and


Batticaloa lagoon
lies between 70 24’-
70 46’ N and 810 35’-
810 49’ E, and is the
largest lagoon in the
east coast and the
third largest
brackish water
system in Sri Lanka
(JUGAS Ltd. (2010).
This lagoon extends
over 11500 ha and
connects with the
Indian Ocean at two
locations through
narrow channels.
Sand bars formed
due to coastal
processes serves
the lagoon-ocean
connection causing Figure. 1. Locations of study sites at Batticaloa lagoon
changes of the
water salinity from 0–30 mgl-1 (Harris & Vinobaba, 2013). The mean
annual temperature is 300 C which varies from 180 C to 380 C while
the annual rainfall varies within 864 - 3081mm with an average of
1500mm (Kotagama et al., 1989). The extent of mangrove vegetation
reported from the area is approximately 1550 ha and they are
restricted mostly to the northern end of the lagoon (Rajeeshan &
Jayasingam, 2000). Therefore, three (3) study sites (Site 1, Site2 and
Site 3) from northern part of the Batticaloa lagoon were selected for
the study (Fig. 1). Minimum distance between two study sites was at
least 2 km.

Sampling Strategy
In order to gather data on mangrove vegetation structure, including
biomass and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) content in mangrove soil,

Ecosystem Carbon Stock of Mangroves at the Batticaloa Lagoon, Sri Lanka

10 m wide belt transects were laid perpendicular to the shoreline at

randomly selected locations in the selected study sites. Length of a
transect at each site was determined by the width of the mangrove
area and visual heterogeneity of the mangrove vegetation. Total of five
(5) transects, one at study Site 1 and two each at Sites 2 and 3 were
laid. Maximum lengths of the transects were, 20m in Site 1, 30m in
Site 2 and 30m in Site 3. Each transect was divided in to 10 m x 10
m (100 m2) sub- plots and thus a total of twelve (12) sampling plots,
within three (3) study sites were used for sampling. All mangrove
trees in the plots were identified, numbered and mapped.

Vegetation Structure
Standard methods were adopted to quantify the major structural
variables of the mangroves stands (Cintron & Novelli, 1984,
Kathiresan & Khan, 2010), i.e. species richness, tree diameter at
breast height (dbh) and tree height of the mangrove stands were
gathered from each study plot (100 m2) in the belt transects. Plants
with a stem girth, less than 2.5 cm were excluded.

Complexity Index (CI), was calculated to determine the structural

complexity of the vegetation (Holdridge et al., 1971; Kathiresan &
Khan 2010; Perera et al., 2013; Perera & Amarasinghe 2016). CI was
calculated using data on the number of species, stand density, basal
area and height.
CI = Number of species x stand density x stand basal area x stand
height x 10-5

Biomass and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) content in mangrove

Allometric equations derived for individual species as well as common
equations were used to determine the above ground biomass and
below ground biomass of mangrove species encountered in the study

The allometric equations of AGB= 0.289 (dbh)2.327 and BGB= 0.100

(dbh)2.364 were used to calculate the above ground biomass (AGB) and
below ground biomass (BGB) of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza. The
allometric equation, AGB= 0.114 (dbh)2.523, was used to calculate the
above ground biomass (AGB) of Lumnitzera racemosa while below
ground biomass (BGB) was computed with BGB= 0.118 (dbh)2.063
(Perera et al., 2012). The above ground biomass of Rhizophora

K. A. R. S. Perera & M. D. Amarasinghe

mucronata and Avicennia marina was calculated with loge(AGB)=

6.247+2.64 loge(dbh) and loge(AGB)= 5.551+2.153loge(dbh)
respectively (Amarasinghe & Balasubramaniam, 1992). The biomass
of other species in the sample plots were calculated using common
equations, i.e. AGB= 0.251 ρ dbh2.46 and BGB= 0.199 ρ 0.899 dbh2.46
(ρ – density of wood) (Komiyama et al., 2005). Standing stock of
biomass values were then converted to the TOC values with the
percentage TOC content in biomass of each plant component of
mangrove species (Perera & Amarasinghe, 2016).

Total Organic Carbon (TOC) content in mangrove soil

A split core sampler/auger 77801 (2” x12’) was used to collect soil
samples. Soil samples were taken from a minimum of five randomly
selected sites in each study plot (100 m2). Samples were collected
from depths of 0 – 15cm, 16 – 30cm and 31 – 45cm. Composite soil
samples were prepared for each depth. Soil samples were air-dried,
and oven dried at 600C for constant weight.

Chemical analysis
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) content in composite soil samples was
determined using the standard wet dichromate oxidation technique,
without external procedure (Anderson and Ingram, 1998;
Schumacher, 2002). K2Cr2O7 Solution was used to oxidize the TOC in
acid medium. The amount of oxidized carbon in the sample was
measured by determining the number of chromic ions produced
during oxidation. Produced chromic ion concentration was
determined using UV-visible spectrophotometer (Spectro UV-VIS
Double Beam UVD-3000) at 600 nm absorbance.

Because of the incomplete oxidation of organic carbon and partially

digest organic carbon in to elemental carbon forms, a correction
factor was applied to elevate the accuracy of the results through
adjusting the organic carbon recovery. As mean oxidation factor, 0.74
was used for the purpose.

% organic carbon = (K x 0.1)/ (W x 0.74)

K = corrected concentration; W = Weight of the sample
A standard curve was plotted between absorbance and chromic ion
concentration and it was used to obtain the carbon content in soil
samples and in the blanks. The mean blank value was subtracted
from the unknowns, which used as the value of corrected

Ecosystem Carbon Stock of Mangroves at the Batticaloa Lagoon, Sri Lanka

concentration, (K). The bulk density of soils in three depths (0 –

15cm, 16 – 30cm and 31 – 45cm) at the Batticaloa mangrove areas
was determined with standard methods (Anderson & Ingram, 1998).


Mangrove vegetation structure

A statistically significant difference was not observed between the
basic vegetation structural data gathered from sub plots in the study
sites and therefore, they were pooled to analyze the structure of
mangrove vegetation in the Batticaloa lagoon.

Relatively high stand density (4754 trees/ha) and low species

composition were revealed in the mangrove ecosystems in the
Batticaloa lagoon. Only three to four true mangrove species were
encountered in the subplots (100 m2) were used for the study.
Excoecaria agallocha (3470 trees/ha) and Rhizophora apiculata (1054
trees/ha) were the most abundant mangrove species in the area
(Table 1). E. agallocha recorded the highest basal area and the tree
height among other species found in the area.
Sampling area


















Transect 1 EA(1%); 9300 10.12 45.62 10.5 47.34

RA(98%); ±1150 (2.0-20.5) (6.5-13.5)


Transect 2 EA(99%); 4350 6.68 24.24 4.83 11.77

Other(1%) ±510 (2.0-22.0) (2.0-9.0)
Site 2

Transect 3 EA(79%); 2200 8.00 22.30 7.89 14.76

RA(20%); ±260 (1.6-35.0) (2.0-11.0)

Transect 4 AM(8%); 5166 7.95 34.35 6.36 41.82

EA(85%); ±630 (1.8-32.0) (2.5-11.0)
Site 3

Transect 5 AM(5%); 4800 7.59 32.27 5.31 19.01

EA(92%); ±545 (3.0-43.0) (2.5- 9.5)

Mean for entire study area EA(73%); 4754 8.14 30.01 6.6 27.52
RA(22%); ±590 (1.8-43.0) (2.0-13.5)

Table 1. Vegetation structural variables recorded from the study sites

at the Batticaloa lagoon

AM- Avicennia marina, EA- Excoecaria agallocha, LR- Lumnitzera

racemosa, RA- Rhizophora apiculata
*The mean follows standard error (±); Range of the values are
presented within parentheses

K. A. R. S. Perera & M. D. Amarasinghe

Biomass and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) content

A statistically significant difference was not observed (p>0.05) in the

biomass and TOC values recorded from the study plots in the three
study sites. Therefore, the data were pooled to calculate the mean
values for biomass and TOC of the mangrove plants in the Batticaloa
lagoon (Table 2).

Table 2. Mangrove biomass and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) content

(above and below ground) values recorded in the study sites at the
Batticaloa lagoon

Total organic carbon (TOC)

Biomass (Mg ha-1) content
Sampling area
(Mg C ha-1)
Above Below Above Below
Total Total
ground ground ground ground

346.49 73.86 420.35 193.93 40.02 233.95

Study Site 1
±2.95 ±0.55 ±3.56 ±2.33 ±0.36 ±2.68
154.16 33.08 187.24 78.10 16.19 94.29
Study Site 2
±1.56 ±0.26 ±1.83 ±0.51 ±0.20 ±0.81
238.68 49.87 288.55 122.78 24.69 147.47
Study Site 3
±2.43 ±0.34 ±2.76 ±1.70 ±0.23 ±1.94
Mean for entire 246.44 52.27 298.71 131.60 26.96 158.57
study area ±2.03 ±0.33 ±2.37 ±1.62 ±0.26 ±1.87
*The mean follows standard error (±)

Total Organic Carbon (TOC) content in mangrove soil

The highest values for the percentage TOC content in mangrove soil
(5.55-7.30; mean=6.10) was recorded at 16-30 cm depth layer and
followed by 31-45 cm depth layer (5.91-5.88; mean=5.89). The lowest
percentage values (4.86-5.80; mean=5.26) for TOC was in the top soil
layer (0-15 cm depth). Summary of the TOC data of the mangrove
soils in the Batticaloa lagoon is presented in Table 3.

Ecosystem Carbon Stock of Mangroves at the Batticaloa Lagoon, Sri Lanka

Table 3. Summary of the Total Organic Carbon (TOC) distributed

among the different depth of mangrove soils at the Batticaloa lagoon

Depth 1 (0-15 Depth 2 (16-30 Depth 3 (31-45

cm) cm) cm)

% TOC 5.26 ±0.50 6.10 ±0.52 5.89 ±0.43

Bulk density 1.37 ±0.02 1.30 ±0.02 1.36 ±0.02

TOC weight (Mg 108.06 ±10.07 119.35 ±10.46 120.42 ±8.56


*The mean follows standard error (±)

The lowest values of TOC contents (99.50 -123.33 Mg C ha-1) were

recorded at first 10m zone from estuarine waterfront. Over-all TOC
content revealed increased with estuarine shoreline to landwards
(Fig. 2).

TOC content (Mg C ha-1)

10 m 20 m 30 m
Distance from estuarine shoreline
0-15 cm 16-30 cm 31-45 cm
Soil depths

Figure 2. TOC contents of mangrove soil along the water-land


The TOC stock retained by the mangrove ecosystem was 506.40Mg C

ha-1. Soil contained 70% of the TOC stock while 25% was in above
ground and 5% in the below ground components of mangrove plants
(Table 4).

K. A. R. S. Perera & M. D. Amarasinghe

Table 4. Calculated Total Organic Carbon (TOC) content in mangrove

ecosystem at the Batticaloa lagoon

Above ground
131.60 ±1.62 (25.98%)

TOC in Mangrove plants Below ground

(Mg C ha-1) components 26.96 ±0.26 (5.31%)

Total 158.57 ±1.87 (31.30%)

TOC in Mangrove soil (Mg C ha-1) 347.83 ±33.80 (68.68%)

Total (Mg C ha-1) 506.40 ±36.04

*Standard error is in the parentheses


Contrary to the common occurrence of Rhizophora mucronata and

Avicennia marina in most Sri Lankan mangrove ecosystems in the dry
zone coastal regions and mangroves of the Batticaloa lagoon are
dominated by Rhizophora apiculata and Excoecaria agallocha which
are often found inter-tidal areas of low salinity (Table 1). This may be
due to the differences in micro climatic and environmental
circumstances prevailing in the Batticaloa lagoon, especially with
respect to soil salinity (Perera et al., 2013). Mangrove communities
often exhibit distinct patterns of species distribution performance
efficiencies depending on tolerance levels in each plant species to
environmental conditions, especially soil salinity and anoxic
conditions caused by inundation regimes (Joshi & Ghose 2003,
Alongi, 2009). Some species such as A. marina do not grow in fresh
water and may be considered as an obligate halophyte. High salinity
tolerance of A. marina has been reported to possess successive of
cambia that form internal phloem tissues which can store water and
also repair embolism through formation of new vascular cells
(Roberts et al, 2011) Others, such as E. agallocha, survive well in
fresh water and may not have obligatory requirement for salt beyond
trace amounts (Clough,1992). Under natural conditions, mangroves
exhibit clear tolerance differences among species. Based on the
reports of salinity tolerance levels of mangrove species (Clough,1992;
Joshi & Ghose 2003; Perera et al., 2013), it was revealed that most of

Ecosystem Carbon Stock of Mangroves at the Batticaloa Lagoon, Sri Lanka

the low salt tolerance species dominate the Batticaloa mangrove


Estimates of standard biomass both in above and below ground

components provide insights into carbon allocation in plants, which
is a vital information regarding local as well as regional carbon
accounting or sequestration (Kairo et al., 2008). Total biomass in
plants of mangrove ecosystem in the Batticaloa lagoon was estimated
as 298.71 Mg ha-1, out of which 246.44 Mg ha1 was in above ground
and 52.27 Mg ha-1in below ground components. The amount of Total
Organic Carbon (TOC) content embedded in plant biomass was
calculated to be 158.57 Mg C ha1 out of which 131.60 Mg C ha-1was
in the above ground and 26.96 Mg C ha-1in the belowground parts of
plants (Table 2).The total standing biomass (298.71 Mg ha-1) of
mangrove ecosystems in the Batticaloa lagoon therefore is greater
than that in the Negombo estuary (163.72 Mg ha-1) located in the wet
zone (Perera & Amarasinghe, 2016) and that in the Rekawa lagoon
(62.4 - 201.8 Mg ha-1) situated in the intermediate climatic zone
(Dayarathne & Kumara, 2013). Although some mangroves around the
Batticaloa lagoon are destroyed for anthropogenic reasons, the areas
investigated in the present study were minimally disturbed
(particularly the Sites 2 and 3) due to their remote location where the
human population density is low. Remote location with poor
accessibility and low human density may have saved these
mangroves and their carbon sequestration capacity unlike those in
the wet and intermediate zones that are located close to urbanized
coastal centers.

Although above ground mangrove biomass has been studied during

the past few decades (Kusmana et al., 1992; Ross et al., 2001;
Coronado-Molina et al., 2004; Amarasinghe & Balasubramaniam,
1992), studies on mangrove biomass which is below ground are
scanty (Komiyama et al., 2008; Poungparn, 2003; Comley &
McGuinness, 2005). Considering the available records of mangrove
above and below ground biomass in tropical and subtropical regions,
the highest above ground biomass (460 t/ha) has been recorded for
R. apiculata dominated mangrove forests (cultivated) in Matang,
Malaysia (Putz & Chan, 1986), and the lowest (40.7 t/ha) for
mangroves of East Sumatra, Indonesia which features similar species
(Kusmana et al., 1992). On average, above ground biomass of
mangrove values range between 280 t/ha (from Southern Ranong,

K. A. R. S. Perera & M. D. Amarasinghe

Thailand) (Tamai, et al., 1986) and 108 t/ha (from Okinawa, Japan)
(Suzuki & Tagawa, 1983). The above ground biomass of mangroves
in the Batticaloa lagoon (246.44 Mg ha-1), can therefore be ranked
relatively high among other published reports on mangrove areas in
the Asian region.

Below ground biomass (BGB) calculated for mangrove ecosystems in

the Batticaloa lagoon (52.27 Mg ha-1) falls in between the highest BGB
estimated for mangroves in the Southern Ranong, Thailand (272.9
Mg ha-1) and the lowest recorded from Southern Peng-nag (28.0 Mg
ha-1) in the same country (Komiyama, et al., 2008; Poungparn, 2003).

According to findings of the present study, total biomass (above and

below-the-ground) in the Batticaloa mangroves range between 187 –
420 Mg ha-1 with an average of 259 Mg ha-1 which can be considered
relatively a high biomass value for a tropical ecosystem. Pattern of
biomass distribution in mangroves throughout the tropics indicate
that higher values occur at lower latitudes (Twilley et al, 1992). The
maximum potential biomass is found in mangrove areas located
between 100 and 350 north and south and it is about 100 and 400 t
ha-1 and solar energy represents a major constraint on the
distribution of mangrove biomass across the latitudes (Twilley et al,

The average content of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) in mangrove with

soils up to a depth of 45 cm was estimated to be 348Mg C ha-1. The
general pattern of distribution of TOC in tropical forests has been
reported to be a decreasing trend with increasing depth (Grace et al,
2006; Ceron-Breton et al., 2011; Banerjee, et al., 2013). A reverse
trend was observed in mangroves in the Batticaloa lagoon where the
%TOC increases with soil depth (Table 3). This may be due to the
sandy sediments in the mangrove forest floor, which accounts for
relatively a high bulk density values (1.3 g cm-3). Levels of TOC
content in mangrove soils were recorded higher than that was
recorded from the soils of inland forest systems (Donato et al., 2011).
The Present study revealed that TOC values of the mangrove soils in
the Batticaloa lagoon, 348 Mg C ha-1, which is twice higher than the
TOC recorded for soils of tropical savanna forests, (146 – 198 Mg C
ha-1) at Yap and Palau islands in Pacific Ocean (Donato et al., 2012)
and Brazil, 90 – 160 Mg C ha-1(Moreno & Calderon, 2011).

Ecosystem Carbon Stock of Mangroves at the Batticaloa Lagoon, Sri Lanka


Mangrove ecosystems in the Batticaloa lagoon which have the

capacity to sequester on average, 506 Mg C ha-1 of TOC therefore can
be ranked superior among the other mangrove ecosystems in the
region such as those in Okinawa, Japan of which the carbon sink
capacity ranges between 57 – 822 Mg C ha-1 (Khan et al., 2009), and
Campeche, Mexico ranges 12 – 222 Mg C ha- (Cerno-Breton et al.,
2011). Findings of the present study therefore contribute to the
current knowledge base on functional capacities of Sri Lankan
mangroves, and therefore encourages rational decision making on
conservation and management of mangrove areas for their ecological
services including their carbon sequestration function and
contribution to mitigate anticipated climatic changes. They also could
contribute to make more accurate estimations on stocks of
sequestered carbon required for carbon trading purposes such as
those initiated by the United Nation’s REDD+ (Reducing Emissions
from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, Conservation and
Enhancement of Carbon stocks, and Sustainable Management of
Forest) facilities.


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DOI: Vol. 13, No. 02, (pp.101-123)

Structural Assessment and Restoration of the

NeelagiriMaha Seya in Ampara, Sri Lanka

Wijerathna Haluge Tharindu Sameera Wijerathna,

Ranasinghe Arachchige Madhusha Priyadarshani
Ranasinghe, Pallaha Athawudagedara Kamal Karunananda*

Department of Civil Engineering, The Open University of Sri Lanka,

Nawala, Sri Lanka


NeelagiriMaha Seya, constructed in the 2nd Century BC, is a colossal

ruined stupa, situated in the woods of the Lahugala wildlife
sanctuary in the Ampara district of the Eastern province, Sri Lanka.
The stupa has a circumference of 182 m (600’) and a height of 22.6
m (74’). Presently, one side of the stupa has collapsed and some
vertical cracks are visible on the eastern side of lower dome section
of the stupa. Therefore, it is essential to carry out proper investigation
on the current condition of the stupa before undertaking any major
restoration work to restore the stupa to its original height. With this

*Corresponding should be addressed to Dr. P. A. K. Karunananda,

Department of Civil Engineering, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala,
Sri Lanka
Email: [email protected]

(Received 25th June 2018; Revised 10th November 2018; Accepted 29th
November 2018) © OUSL

This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share

Alike 4.0 International License (CC-BY-SA). This license permits use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium; provided it is licensed under
the same terms and the original work is properly cited.

How to Cite: Wijerathna, W.H.T.S., Priyadarshani Ranasinghe, R.A.M. and

Karunananda, P.A.K., 2019. Structural Assessment and Restoration of Neelagiri
Maha Seya in Ampara, Sri Lanka. OUSL Journal, 13(2), pp.101–123. DOI:

W. H. T. S. Wijerathna, R. A. M. P. Ranasinghe & P. A. K. Karunananda

objective, a series of experimental testing and numerical modeling

were performed. The foundation of the stupa was assessed using the
Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) method. According to the GPR
measurements, the stupa spreads 2.87 m away from the basal rings
to a depth of 3 m from the existing ground level. It is apparent from
GPR data, there exists gravel type rock below 3 m level from the
existing ground and the stupa rests on matt gravel layer. Material
properties of the ancient bricks of the stupa were evaluated with
adequate laboratory testing. Test results showed that ancient bricks
of the Neelagiri stupa have higher capacity than the modern bricks.
Numerical analysis of the stupa was carried out using the general
finite element software package SAP2000 to assess the stresses
developed in the stupa due to its self-weight. The results showed that
the stresses developed within the existing stupa due to its self-weight
were well below the compressive strength and the tensile strength of
the ancient bricks. Further, the study suggests two alternative
shapes (bubble and paddy heap shapes) for completing the stupa
restoration. A suitable shape is proposed for the restoration and the
different restoration options have been analyzed with respect to
structural performance along with the existing conditions.

Key words: Stupas, Ancient Bricks, Mechanical Properties, Ground

Penetration Radar, Finite Element Analysis


Ancient stupas in Sri Lanka are solid structures, mostly composed of

burnt clay bricks. Construction of stupas began in the 3rd Century
BCE and lasted until the 13th Century CE. During this period, some
stupas, such as the Jethavana attained gigantic proportions, making
them the largest brick structures in the world (Ranaweera 1998). At
the turn of the 19th Century, all the ancient stupas were in ruins,
covered with thick vegetation. Initial rehabilitation of these stupas
was attempted in haphazard ways, but presently the modern civil
engineering principles along with archaeological heritage
management are being applied for the conservation and restoration
of these historical structures (Ranaweera & Silva 2006; Silva 2002).

NeelagiriMaha Seya, constructed in the 2nd Century BCE, is a colossal

ruined stupa, situated in the woods of the Lahugala wildlife
sanctuary of the Ampara district of the Eastern province. The stupa
had been abandoned for nearly 1200 years. It has a circumference of
182 m (600’) and a height of 22.6 m (74’) in its current status. Some
Protection of Consumer Rights on the Internet: Prospects and Challenges for the Sri Lankan
Legal System

restoration work was started in 1960 and later on had to be

abandoned due to the civil war. The structure has been opened only
after 2010 and restoration work was begun in 2011. Fig. 1(a) shows
a view at its current status.

(a) (b)
Figure 1. Two views of the stupa: (a) after the removal of vegetation
cover (b) a crack formed in the dome of the stupa

One side of the stupa has collapsed and some vertical cracks are
presently visible on lower dome section of the stupa, as shown in Fig.
1(b). Therefore, it is essential to carry out proper investigation on the
current condition of the stupa before any major restoration work.
This paper aims to investigate the present condition of the stupa, with
specific focus on experimental testing on construction materials used
in the stupa construction followed by numerical modeling of the
stupa to aid its restoration work.


Site visits and information obtained from the literature review

revealed that the main construction material used for the stupa is
burnt clay bricks. Old bricks used for the construction of the stupa
by the ancient engineers differ from modern bricks in sizes. In this
regard, there were four different sizes of bricks which are
comparatively larger than modern engineering bricks. The details of
these four brick types are shown in Table 1. A close analysis revealed
that these brick types were used in random without a distinct
pattern. However, the usage of type IV bricks was rare. The mortar
layers in between bricks were similar to the other stupas in Sri Lanka.
Further, brick layering did not follow specific rules.

W. H. T. S. Wijerathna, R. A. M. P. Ranasinghe & P. A. K. Karunananda

Table 1. Dimensions of different types of bricks

Brick Weight Length Breadth Thickness

Type (kg) (L)/(mm) (W)/(mm) (H)/(mm)
I 8.709 290 220 85
II 9.881 420 220 78
III 9.461 295 260 83
IV 8.182 235 165 113

Experimental Testing of Bricks

The mechanical properties of brick samples were determined using
non-destructive testing methods. In this context, portable ultrasonic
non-destructive digital indicating tester (PUNDIT) instrument and
resonance frequency instrument were used. In PUNDIT instrument,
determination of elastic modulus is based on the pulse velocity. Table
2 shows the results obtained on pulse velocity. Thereafter, elastic
modulus and the Poisson’s ratio were determined for four brick types
as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Measurements of PUNDIT instrument for different types of


Path Transit Pulse Elastic

Brick Poisson's
Length Time Velocity Modulus
Type Ratio
(L)/(in) (µs) (V)km/s (kN/mm2)
I 4.25 63.80 1.69 10.05 0.25
II 4.25 54.85 1.97 11.00 0.24
III 4.25 55.47 1.98 11.00 0.20
IV 6.25 99.25 1.6 9.50 0.25

Compressive strength of bricks was measured through a compressive

testing machine. Water absorption testing of bricks was done after
immersing brick samples for 24 hours and measuring the weight
gain. Dry density of bricks was measured using oven dried brick
samples. The results obtained are given in Table 3.

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Legal System

Table 3. Mechanical properties of different types of bricks

Brick Type Water Dry Density/ Compressive

Absorption (kg/m3) Strength
(%) (MPa)
I 8 1615.74 3.003
II 9.1 1315.98 8.581
III 9.6 1423.97 9.654
IV 9.6 1703.80 4.291

Table 4 shows the elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio of ancient

bricks from other stupas with the Neelagiri stupa. The compressive
strength of bricks from the Neelagiri stupa is almost five times as
strong as modern bricks.

Table 4. Comparison of mechanical properties of different stupas

Elastic Modulus Poisson's

Brick Type
(kN/mm2) Ratio
Jethavanaseya 4.5 0.25
(Ranaweera 1998)
Sandagiriseya 9.79 0.27
(Ranaweera 1998)
Neelagiriseya 10.53 0.24
Modern brick 1.92 0.21

Ground Penetration Radar

The purpose of ground penetration radar is to determine the
foundation work of the stupa. Twelve observation lines were surveyed
around the Neelagiri stupa, from the basal ring, about 30 m spanning
as shown in Fig. 2. In lines 1, 2, 3 and 4, 200 MHz antenna was used
while lines a, b, c, d, e, f, g and h, 500 MHz antenna was used. The
procedure of Ground Penetration Radar use is given by Dojack, 2012.

W. H. T. S. Wijerathna, R. A. M. P. Ranasinghe & P. A. K. Karunananda

Archaeology Dept.

h 1 a 200 MHz survey line


4 Neelagiri stupa 2


e d

Figure 2. Layout of survey lines for ground penetration radar

GPR Results
Figures 3 and 4 show the results of GPR machine for each selected
line. However, it is difficult to identify the underground data straight
from frequency data. Therefore, the EKKO View Deluxe software was
used to analyse reflection data removing unnecessary noise waves.
Fig. 3 shows 200 MHz survey line results of GPR machine. 200 MHz
GPR is capable of surveying the depth of 5 m to 10 m. Fig. 4 shows
the 500 MHz survey line results of GPR machine. 500 MHz GPR is
capable of surveying of 0 m to 5 m depth. It is more suitable for 2.5
m depth.

Protection of Consumer Rights on the Internet: Prospects and Challenges for the Sri Lankan
Legal System

Line 1 Line 2

Line 3 Line 4

Figure 3.The 200 MHz survey line results of GPR machine

Line a Line b Line c

Line d Line e Line f

W. H. T. S. Wijerathna, R. A. M. P. Ranasinghe & P. A. K. Karunananda

Line g Line h

Figure 4. The 500 MHz survey line results of GPR machine

The Analysis of GPR Data

The obtained results are shown in Figures 5, 6 and 7.

This area is gravel


Figure 5. The analyzed GPR 200 MHz survey line 1 around the stupa

Line 1 Line 2 Line 3

Protection of Consumer Rights on the Internet: Prospects and Challenges for the Sri Lankan
Legal System

Line 4

Figures 6. The all-analyzed GPR 200 MHz survey lines around


Line a Line b Line c

Line d Line e

Figures 7. The all-analyzed GPR 500 MHz survey lines around thestupa

The data collected clearly showed the foundation structure of the

stupa. The resulting survey information facilitated the identification
of the type of materials used for the foundation of the stupa. The
foundation of the stupa is spread around for the average distance of
2.87 m from basal rings (Fig. 8). According to the survey (based on
the velocity of the radar through materials), it is apparent that there

W. H. T. S. Wijerathna, R. A. M. P. Ranasinghe & P. A. K. Karunananda

is a clay wet soil at the top layer and gravel materials at the bottom
layer up to the bed rock. This gravel layer is around 3 m deep.


Figure 8. Mapping the extent and location of thefoundation

around the stupa

The observations of results do not indicate the deepest point in the

bed rock because it was difficult to take the readings in continuously
due to the presence of water locations on the survey lines.

Full Geometry of the Stupa

During excavation, small stupa structures were found in the site.
Those stupas may symbolize the original shape of the stupa. When
those stupas were examined, it was identified that the bubble shape
and the paddy-heap shape are more common than the other shapes.
However, there is no information about the actual shape of the
ancient Neelagiri stupa. Therefore, bubble and paddy-heap shapes
were considered for the restoration works.

Height Proportion of the Stupa

The present Neelagiri stupa is only about one third of its complete
height according to the studies of the archaeologists (Somadeva
2012). Therefore, more than about two third area of the collapsed
stupa is to be restored with a complete dome and the superstructure.
Some of the other ancient stupas were closely examined to identify
the height of elements with respect to the diameter and the shape of
the dome. Therefore, in the suggested restoration design, the height
was compared with Mirisawetiya (bubble shape) and
Jethavana(paddy-heap shape) stupas according to the diameter of the
Neelagiri stupa and its shape.

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Legal System

Table 5. Height details of Jethavana and Mirisawetiya stupa

Jethavana* Mirisawetiya**
Components (paddy-heap (bubble shape)
shape) (m) (m)
Diameter 102 53.5
Three pesavas 3.69 3.29
Dome 41.76 23.99
Square chamber 11.79 6.86
Dewathakotuwa 9.45 4.42
Koth karalla 22.25 18.59
Total height without
88.94 57.15
*The dimensions are according to the source (Gamalath 1997)

**The dimensions are according to the drawing, Dept. of


Table 6. Height details of the Neelagiri stupa alongside the Jethavana

and Mirisawetiya

Height according
Height according
to Jethavana
to Mirisawetiya
Components (paddy-heap
(bubble shape)
shape )
Three pesavas 2.1 3.6
Dome 23.7 26.0
Square chamber 6.7 7.4
Dewathakotuwa 5.4 4.8
Koth karalla 12.7 20.1
Total height without
50.6 62.0

According to the diameter of Neelagiri stupa, the above height details

were calculated using the Jethavana and Mirisawetiya stupas as in
Table 6. Based on the dimensions obtained, two alternative models

W. H. T. S. Wijerathna, R. A. M. P. Ranasinghe & P. A. K. Karunananda

were developed with two different shapes considering the shape as

bubble and paddy-heap. The structure was modeled as solid brick
structure. The proposed two alternatives are as follows:

a) Alternative I : Bubble-shape solid brick structure [Figure 9 (a)]

b) Alternative II :Paddy-heap shape solid brick structure [Figure 9

Figure 9. (a) Alternative

(a) (b) I and (b) Alternative II

The proposed construction could be achieved through old bricks or

new bricks. Therefore, there are four different options which have to
be analyzed separately in addition to the existing stupa.

Finite Element Analysis

Materials Properties for Finite Element Models

Among the different restoration options suggested for the Neelagiri
stupa which were discussed in detail in above, a solid brick structure
is proposed to complete the existing stupa. The finite element analysis
of this solid superstructure is to be carried out by using the material
properties of presently available good quality wire-cut bricks as well
as old bricks. The material properties, elastic modulus, compressive
strength and tensile strength of these bricks were obtained by the
same test methods described for the existing old brick in above
section. Table 7 shows the results obtained for the elastic modulus,

Protection of Consumer Rights on the Internet: Prospects and Challenges for the Sri Lankan
Legal System

and compressive strength of the wire-cut brick respectively. These

mechanical properties were used during finite element modeling.

Table 7. Material properties of modern and Neelagiri stupa bricks

Properties Modern Neelagiri stupa

bricks bricks
Dry density (kNm-³) 17.0 17.46
Wet density(kNm-³) 19.6 19.04
Elastic modulus (GPa) 2.3 10.0
Poisson's ratio 0.21 0.24
Compressive strength
(MPa) 3.60 6.38
Tensile strength (MPa)* 0.31 0.55*
Thermal coefficient* 5.5 × 10-6 5.5 × 10-6*

* Data extracted same era stupa (Yudaganawadagoba)

Model used for the Analysis

The stupa was analyzed using an axisymmetric model by considering
a half of the stupa for each alternative. In this case, the stupa was
considered to be symmetric about the vertical axis. The geometric
models used in the analysis for each alternative are shown in
Fig. 9 (a) and 9 (b) respectively. These two models were analyzed using
SAP2000. The model was also analyzed for self-weight.

Model 1 (Old Brick Work, Existing Condition)

From the direct stress contours (Fig. 10a), it can be noted that under
self-weight, the stupa experiences compressive stresses and it
gradually increases from top to bottom. A compressive stress
variation of 0 kPa to 339 kPa can be seen for the vertical stress in the
stupa. Majority of the stresses are compressive. A tensile stress region
can be noted in the basal rings area but the magnitudes of these
tensile stresses are in the range of 0 kPa to 304 kPa. There are no
tensile stresses at the outer surface of the dome. A sudden decrease
in stress can be seen at the edges of the basal rings. This behavior
could be attributed to the fact that these places are sharp corners. A
detailed analysis of stresses at each region of the stupa is given below.
The maximum compressive stress occurs at the centre of the
foundation level and has a magnitude of 339 kPa almost 18 times

W. H. T. S. Wijerathna, R. A. M. P. Ranasinghe & P. A. K. Karunananda

less than the allowable compressive strength of Neelagiri stupa’s old

bricks which has a value of 6380 kPa.

The hoop stress contours (Fig. 10b) also show a majority of

compressive stresses and they too tend to increase from top to
bottom. As in other stress contours, a high concentration of stresses
can be seen at sharp corners. The tensile hoop stresses can be noted
at the top of the dome and basal rings areas and, the magnitudes of
these tensile hoop stresses are in the range of 0 kPa to 97 kPa. The
highest tensile hoop stress occurs at the corner where the dome
meets the basal rings.

(a) (b)

Figure 10. (a) vertical and (b) hoop stress contours (kN/m2) forthe
existing stupa model

Model 2(Old Brick Work, Proposed Bubble Shape)

A compressive stress variation (Fig. 11a) of 0 kPa to 428 kPacan be
seen for the vertical stress in the stupa. Majority of the stresses are
compressive here. Another variation which can be noted is the stress
concentration at the corners. Places where the square chamber meets
the dome and where the dome meets the basal rings have high tensile
stress concentrations compared to the surrounding areas. In the
model created with the Neelagiri stupa bricks, it can be noted, that
under self-weight most parts of the stupa are under compression and
this compressive stress gradually increases from top to bottom. The

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Legal System

maximum compressive stress occurs at the centre at the foundation

level and its value is 428 kPa. At the outer surface of the dome no
tensile stresses could be noted.

The hoop stress contours (Fig. 11b) also show a majority of

compressive stresses and they too tend to increase from top to
bottom. As in other stress contours a high concentration of stresses
can be seen at sharp corners. The tensile hoop stress can be noted at
the square chamber area, top of the dome and basal rings area and
the magnitudes of these tensile hoop stresses are in the range of 0
kPa to 149 kPa. The highest tensile hoop stress occurs at the corner
where the dome meets the basal rings.

(a) (b)

Figure 11. (a) vertical and (b) hoop stress contours (kN/m2) for the
bubble shape model

Model 3 (Old Brick Work, Proposed Paddy-Heap Shape)

From the direct stress contours (Fig. 12a) it can be noted that, under
self-weight, the stupa is under compression and this compressive
stress gradually increases from top to bottom. A compressive stress
variation of 0 kPa to 373 kPa can be seen for the vertical stress in the
stupa. The highest tensile stress occurs at the corner where the dome

W. H. T. S. Wijerathna, R. A. M. P. Ranasinghe & P. A. K. Karunananda

meets the basal rings. The magnitudes of these tensile stresses are in
the range of 0 kPa to 341 kPa which is smaller than the allowable
tensile strength of old bricks.

The hoop stress contours (Fig. 12b) also show a majority of

compressive stresses and they too tend to increase from top to
bottom. As in other stress contours, a high concentration of stresses
can be seen at sharp corners. The tensile hoop stress can be noted at
the square chamber area, top of the dome and basal rings area. The
magnitudes of these tensile hoop stresses are in the range of 0 kPa to
116 kPa. The highest tensile hoop stresses can be noted at the edges
of the basal rings.

(a) (b)

Figure 12. (a) vertical and (b) hoop stress contours (kN/m2) for the
paddy- heap shape model

Model 4 (Old Brick and New Brick Work, Proposed BubbleShape)

A compressive stress variation (Fig. 13a) of 0 kPa to 435 kPa can be
seen for the vertical stress in the stupa. Majority of the stresses are
compressive and a tensile stress region can be noted in the basal
rings area.

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Legal System

In this model, the existing area was created with old bricks and
proposed area by new bricks. It can be noted that under self-weight
most parts of the stupa is under compression and this compressive
stress gradually increases from top to bottom. The maximum
compressive stress occurs at the centre of the foundation level and
its value is 435 kPa. At the outer surface of the dome no tensile
stresses occur and tensile stresses can be noted in the areas where
dome meets the basal rings area. Another variation which can be
noted is the stress concentrations at the corners. Places where the
square chamber meets the dome and where the dome meets the basal
rings have a high compressive stress concentration compared to the
surrounding areas. A sudden decrease in stress can be seen at the
edges of the basal rings. This behaviour could be attributed to the
fact that these places are sharp corners.

The hoop stress contours (Fig. 13b) also show a majority of

compressive stresses and they too tend to increase from top to
bottom. As like in other stress contours a high concentration of
stresses can be seen at sharp corners. The tensile hoop stress can be
noted at the square chamber area, top of the dome and basal rings
area the magnitudes of these tensile hoop stresses range from 0 kPa
to 34 kPa. The highest tensile hoop stress occurs at the corner where
the basal rings are located.

W. H. T. S. Wijerathna, R. A. M. P. Ranasinghe & P. A. K. Karunananda

(a) (b)

Figure 13. (a) vertical and (b) hoop stress contours (kN/m2) for the
bubble shape model

Model 5(Old Brick and NewBrick Work, Proposed Paddy-

From the direct stress contours (Fig. 14a), it can be noted that, under
self-weight, the stupa is under compression and this compressive
stress gradually increases from top to bottom. A compressive stress
variation of 0 kPa to 383 kPa can be seen for the vertical stress in the
stupa. Tensile stresses can be noted at the basal rings’ edges and no
tensile stress at the outer surface of the dome. The magnitudes of
these tensile stresses are in the range of 0 kPa to 184 kPa and the
allowable tensile stresses of old bricks is 550 kPa.

The hoop stress contours (Fig. 14b) also show a majority of

compressive stresses and they too tend to increase from top to
bottom. As in other stress contours a high concentration of stresses
can be seen at sharp corners. The tensile hoop stress can be noted at
the square chamber area, dome area and basal rings area the
magnitudes of these tensile hoop stresses are in the range of 0 kPa to
259 kPa. The highest tensile hoop stress occurs at the centre of the
dome where the old and new brick intermediate surface.

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(a) (b)

Figure 14. (a) vertical and (b) hoop stress contours (kN/m2) for the
paddy heap shape model

Results of the Interpretation of Finite Element Analysis

Bubble and paddy-heap shapes are the two different shapes
considered in the SAP2000 model analysis. The completed stupa with
old bricks and completed stupa with new bricks have different stress
distributions in the analysis. According to the analysis, the brickwork
of the models is in compression and the vertical and hoop stress
distributions are shown in Figures 10-14 respectively.

In each model, the stress gradually increases from the outer surface
of the stupa to the center of the basal rings of the bottom plan.
Maximum compressive stress can be seen at the center of the basal
rings at the bottom plan.

In both shapes, the stress distribution patterns generated in the

existing stupa portion after the restoration are quite similar as shown
in Figures 13 and 14. The stresses of the finite element models 2 to

W. H. T. S. Wijerathna, R. A. M. P. Ranasinghe & P. A. K. Karunananda

5, have been increased in considerable amounts than the stresses of

the existing stupa. Finite element study showed a large region of hoop
tension in the bubble shape model with old and new masonry dome
(Fig. 13b). But the finite element study (Fig. 14b) showed a small
region of hoop tension for the paddy-heap shape model with old and
new masonry properties. The bubble shape SAP model which is
reconstructed with new bricks has a maximum vertical compressive
stress of 435 kPa while paddy-heap shape has 383 kPa as shown in
Tables 8 and 9. The paddy-heap shape SAP model is selected as the
most suitable shape, since its maximum vertical compressive stress
is less than the bubble shape SAP model. The less height of paddy-
heap shape compared to the bubble shape may cause less maximum
vertical compressive stress to the paddy-heap shape. The stress
increases rapidly at the interfaces of the old and new brickwork.

The finite element study showed a region of hoop tension stresses in

the dome induced by the self-weight. In order to identify weak zones
of the stupa, finite element stress analyses were conducted and
shown in Fig. 13b and Fig. 14b. When comparing the two figures, it
is apparent that the paddy-heap shape stupa dome has a small
tension region under self-weight, but the square chamber and the
cylinders have some hoop tension. However, in the bubble-shape
stupa, the hoop stress distributes in a larger region of the stupa than
the paddy-heap shape stupa. In both cases, the stresses are small
compared to the strength of the relevant material, thus it could be
safely concluded that they do not influence in the formation of cracks.

Table 8. Comparison of results, Alternative I (Stresses of the dome)

Stresses Alternative I
Option 1 Option 2
(Old brick) (Old and new brick)
Compression Tension Compression Tension
stress 428 0 435 0

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Table 9. Comparison of results, Alternative II (Stresses of the dome)

Stresses Alternative II
Option 1 Option 2
(Old brick) (Old and new brick)
Compression Tension Compression Tension
stress 373 0 383 0

Conclusions & Recommendations

The existing foundation spread area and its foundation depth was
checked using the Ground Penetration Radar. According to the
results of the Ground Penetration Radar, the foundation of the
existing Neelagiri stupa is spread around the stupa for 2.87 m from
the basal rings and the depth is 3 m from the existing ground level.

In this research, different alternatives for the restoration of the

Neelagiri stupa have been proposed and analyzed. Through
systematic experiments (dry density, Poisson’s ratio, modulus of
elasticity of bricks) on the collected brick samples with an analytical
investigation including the literature review, the condition
assessment of the existing stupa was performed.

Four finite element models were prepared using the SAP2000

software package considering two shapes and two brick types (old
and new). Self-weight of the stupa was the applied external load.
These models helped to arrive at the conclusion that all stresses
increase from top to bottom and a tensile or low compressive stress
region could be noted at the outer surface of the dome.

The maximum vertical compressive stress is lesser if it is possible to

restore the stupa using old bricks due to low value of density of old
bricks. However, it is not possible to supply large amount of old bricks
for the restoration. Therefore, it is decided to restore the collapsed
area of Neelagiri stupa with new bricks.

W. H. T. S. Wijerathna, R. A. M. P. Ranasinghe & P. A. K. Karunananda

Finite element models’ results showed that hoop tension stresses

were induced in the dome by the self-weight. The model showed a
small region of hoop tension for the paddy heap shape model with old
and new masonry properties. However, those stresses are very small
compared to the strength of the relevant material, thus it could be
safely concluded that they do not influence in the formation of cracks.
The self-weight and the shape of the stupa could be ruled out as a
reason for the crack formation. Further, the shape of paddy heap is
safer over the shape of the bubble for the dome of the structure as far
as the stresses in the masonry are concerned. When considering the
additional material usage and construction difficulties, among the
two proposed superstructures, the paddy-heap shape possesses a
more stable shape for the dome. However, due to the stresses
generated in the exiting masonry, these two shapes could affect
restoration work.

Finally, the analysis and results approached to fulfil the research aim
and objectives by proposing the paddy-heap shape to be used to
restore the Neelagiri stupa using new bricks. According to the
alternative II, the total height of the stupa is 50.57 m (without the


Authors would like to acknowledge Dr. C.S. Bandara and Eng.

Suranga Karunanayake of Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Peradeniya for the help given during the experimental


Dojack, L. (2012). Ground Penetrating Radar Theory, Data Collection,

Processing, and Interpretation, A Guide for Archaeologists.
Vancouver, University of British Columbia. DOI:

Gamlath, D. P. (1997). Construction Techniques and Archeology of

Jethavana Stupa. Sanskruthika Puranaya, 2(8):1-10.

Protection of Consumer Rights on the Internet: Prospects and Challenges for the Sri Lankan
Legal System

Ranaweera, M. P. & Silva, W. N. G. (2006). Conservation and

Restoration of ancient stupas in Sri Lanka.The Tenth East
Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering &
Construction. Bangkok.

Ranaweera, M. P. (1998). Ancient stupas in Sri Lanka – Largest brick

structures in the world. CHS Newsletter, 70.

Silva, W. N. G. (2002). Conservation of Ancient Dagobas in Sri Lanka.

Constructor, 7(2):73-77.

Somadeva, R. (2012). The Archaeological Survey in Neelagiri stupa

Area in Lahugala of Ampara District. Colombo, Postgraduate
Institute of Archaeology.

DOI: OUSL Journal, 2018
Vol. 13, No. 2, (pp. 125-144)

The 31st OUSL General Convocation Address 2018

Torsten Henry Fransson, PhD. DSc.


Challenges and Changes towards a Sustainable Society:

Climate, Energy and Education

Today I have the special privileged of receiving a Doctor of Science

Honoris Causa from The Open University Sri Lanka. The OUSL has
been a pioneer in the open education sector in Asia since its creation
in 1978, becoming the 3rd Open University in the whole of Asia (only
9 years after the world-wide first Open University, the OU UK in 1969,
and a few years after Korea 1972, Pakistan 1974 and Thailand 1978).
The purpose at its creation in 1978 was to provide higher educational
opportunities to working adults, providing them the road to success,
surpassing age, vocation, gender, race, ethnicity and religion. This
has been a success, and the university has now 8 regional centers
and around 40’000 students enrolled. This progress is a great
achievement and I express my sincere congratulations to the OUSL,
its leadership and the entire staff!
I would heartfully like to thank the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor Prof
S. A. Ariadurai, the University Faculty and all the colleagues at the
OUSL for the Honory Doctorate. The results we over the years have
commonly achieved of educating students from Sri Lanka towards a
Master graduation from EU universities has been a significant
achievement that could not have happened without a true
collaborative spirit, and an openess towards the importance of
education in a world-wide perspective, from colleagues both at OUSL
and universities in Europe, and of course the dedication from the
students themselves who made significant sacrifices during the study
years. The evolution of creating such on-line collaborations already
back in 2005 when internet was still in its infancy has been a second
foresight from the OUSL, this time to work together with EU
universities for the benefit of the citizens of Sri Lanka. As such the
present leadership of OUSL has followed the tradition of academic
openess, futuristic views and expoiting new ways towards higher

Convocation Address – The 31st OUSL General Convocation

education that was at the origin of the university. Again

congratulations to the OUSL.
Dear graduates,
A graduation convocation is a very important milestone in the life of
an institution, and it is a great honor for me to be part of this occasion.
I would, as you as fresh graduates embark upon new, highly exciting
and fruitful careers, like to frame my thoughts, and remarks, towards
the earth’s and societies sustainability perspective, perhaps giving
you some “food for thoughts” and perhaps even some inspiration
towards your new careers.
You go out into a divided world, but a world of enormous potential and
We have all the future destiny of the earth in our hands. As earth’s
stewards, we must strive for sustainable development, aim to reduce
global injustices, to erase poverty, and ensure a full mitigation of
climate change. Clean water and energy services are essential to all of
these goals. And for this knowledge is a key, knowledge accessible for
all. Increased knowledge will empower us to manage the earth’s
precious water and energy resources for the service of mankind.
Access to clean, affordable energy and water, and appropriate food,
all put in a humanitarian, social and environmental context, are the
three main pillars of sustainable development. To overcome social
injustices in these three areas, education at all levels is a key element.
Today the world faces unprecedented challenges. The United Nations
has put up 17 essential Sustainable Development goals for the future
(Fig. 1) where I in this address would specifically like to highlight the
goals 4 and 7 which relate to “Quality education” and “Affordable and
clean energy”.
These two are, together with goal number 6 of “Clean water and
sanitation”, essential preconditions for all the other goals as without
education, water and energy services the world will come to a stand-
still, and the societal injustices we today find in the global world will
not be reduced.

Convocation Address – The 31st OUSL General Convocation

Figure 1. United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals


Figure 2. Global temperature variation 1860-2017, with the period

1969-1990 as baseline (

Convocation Address – The 31st OUSL General Convocation

The recent warnings from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

Change (IPCC) in October 20181 give clear warnings to policy makers
and worldwide citizens that keeping the goal, approved by most
governments in the world, of less than 1.5 degrees Celsius global
warning compared to the pre-industrial situation requires very fast
actions (Fig. 2).
The consequences of not reaching this goal can be disastrous for the
world resulting in rising sea levels, disappearing islands and whole
nations, extreme droughts, more and more weather-related natural
catastrophes, and subsequent unprecedented migration of people
between regions. The report indicates that we already presently can
see some consequences of global warming, and that keeping the
temperature rise to 1.5oC instead of the more realistic 2oC should
significantly reduce the effects. In this context every bit of warming
matters and the more actions that can be taken on all levels will help
in this regard. Already at 1.5oC the consequences will in many cases
be irreversible, at 2oC it will be disastrous and the consequences of
the higher scenarios cannot be foreseen. Immediate actions are
needed to reduce the CO2 emissions for an acceptable climate by the
end of the century. Scenarios indicate that zero net CO2 emission is a
necessity by 2050 (Fig. 3).

Report title: Global Warming of 1.5°C, an IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above
pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the
global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty.

Convocation Address – The 31st OUSL General Convocation

Figure 3. Maximum allowed CO2 emissions to keep the global

temperature rise to xoC by the end of the present century.

All this does of course not sound good for the future of the planet Earth!
However, the good news is that several actions that would be needed
to limit global warming to 1.5ºC are already underway around the
world, although they will need to significantly accelerate. This requires
rapid and far-reaching transitions in land, energy, industry,
buildings, transport, and cities. Global net human-caused emissions
of carbon dioxide (CO2) would need to fall by about 45 percent from
2010 levels until 2030, reaching ‘net zero’ around 2050. But we will
also need to, through various methods, continue on this path and also
remove CO2 from the air to be able to keep the 1.5oC until the end of
the century. Highly efficient climate change mitigation technologies do
exist already today, but they need to be more implemented and the
cost must go down. As they do exist the main problem is the
implementation. The challenge is the short-term cost towards the

Convocation Address – The 31st OUSL General Convocation

long-term ones, and often also the fact that the most polluting nations
are not the ones who will feel the burden first.

The IPCC report gives policymakers and practitioners the information

they need to make decisions that tackle climate change while
considering local context and people’s needs. The next few years are
probably the most important in our history. Different sectors will need
to make strong commitments. Energy, agriculture and transport have
significant reductions to do (Fig. 4). But the climate change mitigation
shall not only be put upon engineers and technicians.
In this perspective all you fresh graduates have, independent upon
academic discipline, a possibility to make impact.
Citizens must be informed, local and national politicians need to be
pressured towards actions, political ambitions must be pushed
forward and accepted by the citizens. Corporates need to, and many
do already now, come forward to step up to mitigate climate change.
There will of course in the future be many more, and significantly
more efficient, methods than today, but already the implementation
of the existing technologies can mitigate and largely solve the
greenhouse gas problem we face today. One important example is that
the transfer to renewable energy (solar, wind, hydro, ocean/tidal,
biomass,..) sources is already now possible. In some countries it starts
to become cheaper to install solar power than fossil-fired units.
The global average solar radiation, per m2 and per year, can transform
the same amount of energy as a barrel of oil, 200 kg of coal, or 140
m3 of natural gas. Still only about 1% of the electricity in the world is
through solar power2. This is a huge potential for renewable energy,
especially as the prices for solar panels are on a significant decreasing
slope. Similarly, biomass contributes already ~10% of the global
energy mix3 and is also on a significant rise, mainly driven by the fact
that biomass is CO2 neutral over a period of a generation as long as
there is new and continuous planting. Among other renewable energy
sources with significant potential hydropower, waste-to-energy,
geothermal, wind and marine can be mentioned. In short, there is no
shortage of renewable energy resources in the world. So why do we


Convocation Address – The 31st OUSL General Convocation

still use the fossil fuel? It is a matter of price per unit. But these
calculations are very short-sighted and do not consider the
environmental cost of burning the energy which the sun has given us
during millions of years and releasing all this CO2 in a matter of a few
hundred years.
Although the United States has gone out of the Paris Climate
agreement, everything is not completely “black” there either:
California has among the toughest climate goals in the world, and
they have just announced that the 2020 greenhouse gas emission
target was already met 20164! And several other states go in the same
direction, independent of the US federal government’s declined
interest in climate change.
So what can we commonly do?
The technology exists, the awareness is present in a number of
governments but the urgency seems to be missing. As solutions do
exist it is a matter of implementing and using these technologies. For
this education, at all levels, is needed. School children needs to
become aware of how the earth’s resources can be saved, citizens have
to become aware of what can be done on a day-to-day basis and
exercise their power in the democratic processes to combat climate
change, engineers have to be educated towards implementing the
latest technologies into their constructions, and politicians must be
educated towards the global financial impact of not acting on time,
and take their responsibility towards future generations.

Mechanical Engineering, Sept 2018, p. 15

Convocation Address – The 31st OUSL General Convocation

Figure 4. CO2 emissions from different sectors


Quality education:
This brings me to the second, out of the UN Sustainability Goals for
the future, important topic I want to raise, namely “Quality
Education”. This is a topic very fitting for you as fresh graduates to
reflect upon, starting with the question of how you think your
education could have been even better than it was. Basic education
should of course be a human right and is gradually becoming so in all
countries. Such education should in the globalized world of today be
broad, not only based upon achieved grades but ethics, integrity,
personality as well as knowledge about the regions, global and local,
and the societal factors influencing citizens choices. The higher
education is, although global, not easy to handle, mainly as it is
through national accreditation systems and as different cost models

Convocation Address – The 31st OUSL General Convocation

exists in different countries. The main two cost models are “pay
upfront for on-campus education” (that is, students pay the tuition
fees for the studies) or “pay downstream for on-campus education”
(which in most countries mean a long-term payback time through
various taxes paid in the country one works in). These models have,
together with the “open universities” in many countries, co-existed
well for a number of years but the appearance of online education, the
development of interactivity in education and Artificial Intelligence is
presently drastically changing the educational landscape. The teacher
of today is used to teach in the by now “classical ex-cathedra” way:
The teacher has a significant monolog in front of a number of
“physically present students” (Fig. 5), in a similar way as you now
listen to me.
However, the appearance of “Massive Online Open Courses”
distributed globally through special channels like Coursera5, EdX6,
FutureLearn7 (Fig. 6), and more, has drastically changed the
educational landscape. Although there is not an educational
revolution going on, it is a very fast evolution. Earlier academic and
professional education was clearly separated. This is not any more the
case. Students nowadays can learn from different global sources at
virtually no direct cost, apart from the dedicated time and intellectual
efforts needed. These drastic educational changes make many highly
reputed universities going into the online market, offering various
courses (both academic and non-academic) as well as both Master
and Bachelor degrees. Very recently universities like Penn State8 and
others have come out with complete online programs offering also
Bachelor degrees. The cost for such programs can at the present time
land at 50%, or even 25%, of the cost for an on-campus program at
these high-reputed universities. This opens significant possibilities for
global students to receive high-quality education at a significant lower
cost than the traditional on-campus programs, at the same time as it
also challenges the traditional “open universities” around the world.
We have only seen the very beginning of such an evolution. One, often
neglected, part of this will be the selection and admission process. The
traditional way of “best academic grades” and then going directly from
high-school to university will be challenged as people will
continuously move back and forth between education and work, to

Convocation Address – The 31st OUSL General Convocation

continuously update the knowledge in the original trade, while also

“changing gears” and start completely new specializations. New ways
of accepting students to university courses will change as a result of
academic accreditation of MOOCs as these become, as a function of
the transparency, peer review and the large number of users, of
increasing quality. The main important issue in this process will be to
ensure the high quality of the Overarching Intended Learning
Outcomes (= the officially, published educational goals) of individual
courses as well as programs, and ensuring corresponding and
academically appropriate assessments. As such MOOCs will soon be
accepted also as giving academic credits, and will thus open up for
receiving accredited university education from non-university
educational providers.
A second very important trend, and one with significant potential, is
the “Team-based Societal Challenge education”9. This is another step
away from the “ex cathedra teaching” in the sense that the learners
are presented with a societal challenge in the beginning of the studies,
and learn the necessary topics to solve the challenge “just in time”
when the knowledge will be needed. This gives the learner a much
higher motivation as they immediately understand how they can apply
the knowledge from the course, and it also corresponds to how the
graduates will later engage in the working environment. Of course, the
teacher must take care to ensure that the education remains broad
towards also other applications. This also means that not all students
shall have the same background. In fact, putting students from law,
political science, technology, and for example philosophy, food and
health, etc together to solve societal challenges sparks significant new
ideas and innovations. In this perspective it is also easy to imagine,
but of course difficult to realize and implement, that students will
need to find their own learning pathways, away from the classical “one
size fits all” education. This implies that it will be needed for teachers
to work together in new ways, also sharing and together develop
educational material, instead of individual teachers developing
material (often in duplication) by their own. This can for example be
done through the creation of repositories of sharable learning units,
where both teachers and students can find re-usable learning units
for individual path-ways and learners can receive “micro-degrees” in
different areas to enhance their careers (Fig. 7).

See for example:

Convocation Address – The 31st OUSL General Convocation

With this evolution what will then education be like in the world of the

The human brain is slow to adapt new technology, but the evolution
with computers is going fast. Internet use, also for school purposes,
is going down in the ages. Younger people will adapt the technology
very much faster than the professors today occupying the teaching
positions. In Sweden 79% of all children use today internet before they
are 2 years old (49% on a daily basis), and when they are 10 years old
they use regularly internet in the school-work10 (Fig. 8).

Figure 5. Example of “traditional ex-cathedra” education


Convocation Address – The 31st OUSL General Convocation

Figure 6. Example of courses and degrees offered on-line, in

collaboration with worldwide leading universities.
When these persons come to the university, they will be much more
used to seek information “from anywhere” than the present university
generations. University teachers of today are still in the old paradigm
that they shall be the providers of the basic knowledge. But if this
traditional knowledge is already available outside the universities,
what will the purpose of the university be? And more specifically what
will the role of the teacher become? The traditional teaching must
definitely change. Exactly how is not known but the tendencies at the
present time go towards much shorter courses, to attract the shorter
attention span of the “computerized” generation, ensuring that there
will be significant “rewards” on a daily basis in the direction of
gamification of education and scenario buildings. The traditional
teacher will have to change perspective and become more like a guide,

Convocation Address – The 31st OUSL General Convocation

Figure 7a. Possibility for “the 2030 student” to organize their own
learning paths

Figure 7b. An example of a repository that stores basic learning units,

accessible to both teachers and learners in a global perspective

Convocation Address – The 31st OUSL General Convocation

Coach and mentor who will not be “teaching” but rather setting up
the educational framework about the Intended Learning Outcomes
(ILO) and assessing that the learners have the requested knowledge,
skills and competences corresponding to these ILOs upon graduation
(Fig. 9). Adaptive courseware, sometimes called intelligent tutoring
systems11 have grown increasingly popular as an alternative to large
classes that emphasize lecture and memorization. They have also
given rise to the specter of the robot teacher. With adaptive
courseware, students first encounter material outside of class, often
through short video lessons and readings. They take quizzes that
assess their understanding of the material and, depending on the
results, the courseware either advances them to the next lesson or
provides supplemental instruction on concepts they don’t yet grasp.
This let students’ study at their own pace and frees up the instructor’s
time in class to instead have in-depth intellectual discussions with
the learners. Furthermore, an educator spends usually a tremendous
amount of time grading homework and tests. The traditional
assessment related to basic engineering calculations can already now
be automatically corrected but this possibility is seldom used by


Convocation Address – The 31st OUSL General Convocation

Figure 7c. Example of small, globally accessible “learning units”, to

be used both for individual learning and for commonly creating better
and more sophisticated courses

Figure 7d. Example of a “stackable” concept in which the learner

gradually builds up their knowledge, skills and competences by
“stacking” a number of “micro-credentials” from many different
sources toward a broader degree

Convocation Address – The 31st OUSL General Convocation

Figure 8. Daily internet use by youth in Sweden


Figure 9. As learning material exists outside the traditional

university the teacher’s role need to change towards a
“tutor/mentor/coach” for enhances quality time

Convocation Address – The 31st OUSL General Convocation

This is however rapidly changing and “simple” exam questions will

more and more be handled automatically. Furthermore, Artificial
Intelligence (AI) will step in, take over manually corrections of exams
and at the same time offering recommendations to learners for how to
close the gaps of missing knowledge. Machines can already grade
multiple-choice tests, and they are very close to being able to assess
written responses as well. As AI steps in to automate admin tasks, it
opens up more time for teachers to spend with each student, thus
going from “quantity time” to “quality time” and “personalizing” the
learning process (Fig. 9). There is also much potential for AI to create
more efficient enrollment and admissions processes, offering great
potential for persons who might have other qualifications than the
absolute highest grades in the class to become enrolled. Although
education might be a bit slower to the adoption of artificial intelligence
and machine learning than
other branches, the changes are beginning and will continue. It is
expected that artificial intelligence in U.S. education will grow by more
than 45% from 2017-202112. Stanford University, one of the most
prestigious universities in the world has had significant internal
discussions over the last few years about the future of the university
as a whole. They have explored different scenarios, each
groundbreaking as towards a major shift from the traditional
undergraduate education in “disciplines” towards “something new”,
so far completely unknown13 (Fig. 10). This means that universities
world-wide presently struggle with what their role will be in the future.
Even though most experts believe the critical presence of teachers is
irreplaceable, there will be many changes to a teacher’s job and to
educational best practices. Artificial Intelligence has already been
applied to education primarily in some tools that help develop skills
and testing systems. As AI educational solutions continue to mature,
AI can help fill needs gaps in learning and teaching and allow schools
and teachers to do more than ever before. AI can drive efficiency,
personalization and streamline admin tasks to allow teachers the time
and freedom to provide understanding and adaptability—uniquely
human capabilities where machines would struggle. By leveraging the
best attributes of machines and teachers, the vision for AI in


Convocation Address – The 31st OUSL General Convocation

education is one where they work together for the best outcome for
students. Since the students of today will need to work in a future
where AI is the reality, it’s important that our educational institutions
expose students to, and use, the technology. Adjusting learning based
on an individual student’s particular needs has been a priority for
educators for years, but AI will allow a level of differentiation that’s
impossible for teachers who have to manage many students in each
class. There are several companies currently developing intelligent
instruction design and digital platforms that use AI to provide
learning, testing and feedback to students from pre-Kindergarten to
college level that gives them the challenges they are ready for,
identifies gaps in knowledge and redirects to new topics when
appropriate. As AI gets more sophisticated, it might even be possible
for a machine to read the expression that passes on each individual
student's face that indicates they are struggling to grasp a subject and
modify a lesson to respond to that. The idea of customizing curriculum
for every student's needs is not viable today, but it will be for AI-
powered machines.

Figure 10. Scenarios about the future of university as discussed by

Stanford Universities

Is this a vision of today or of tomorrow?
During the 40 years of information age, we told computers what to
do. With advances in artificial intelligence, particularly machine
learning, and faster processing chips we can feed computers giant
data sets and they can (in narrow slivers) draw some inferences on
their own. The first step will be fully automatic assessments, but
guidance systems where the computer directs us towards missing
information will not be far away14. And once this has happened there
will be a competency management in which learners can themselves,
with the guidance of Artificial Intelligence select their own learning
paths receiving scores, badges and micro-credentials, going into full
degrees, even outside the university settings. Questions like what
might be the right balance between teachers and technology will have
to start to be seriously considered and discussed. This shift of
teachers from knowledge providers to coaches/mentors and
discussion partners will also change the perspective of who will be
“teaching” at the university. Already today non-academics are invited
to university classes to talk to students about their work and
experiences. This will become significantly more common and as
such you, fresh graduates, should aim to keep the contact with the
university. You can yourself become guides and mentors towards the
next generation of students!
We can of course not say what the future will look like, but based
upon the technology progress and the speed of society today it is a
safe bet that life-long learning with a person “going back to school”
to take formal classes will increase. The majority of employees will
not work in a “life-long employment” as previous generations in the
field they graduated, and companies will more and more be looking
for “fresh blood” to re-vitalize their environments. Come back to
school, explore new courses, and work with the OUSL to share your
future experiences into a modern educational setting for the benefit of
future students. On the other hand, the AI will also be prone to
manipulations, and it is vital to ensure that it is used for the benefit
of society and not as a manipulation tool from organizations and
governments. Also, here your direct academic sincerity is needed.
In closing let me extend my warm congratulations and greetings to
each one of you, my fellow graduates. The degree you have just
received is one stepping stone on the learning pathway towards



continuously increased knowledge, skills and competences. As you

set out on the next steps of your journey and as you cross many more
milestones that mark your achievements, I am sure that you will
proudly recall the opportunities that the OUSL gave you and how it
empowered you for success. Make sure that you add your personal
qualifications while keeping the academic integrity and devotion at the
very highest level. Keep the “moral compass” high and ensure ethical
approaches in all lines of work and duties. Join forces in multi-
disciplinary teams to address the important societal challenges
expressed in the UN sustainability goals, and ensure that also the ones
who might not have had the opportunity to receive a high-level
education like yours can be on board for the journey towards the
future. You, as fresh graduates, have a privilege to participate in the
development and act as earth’s stewards towards a sustainable
future for mankind.
Good luck, and thank you for your kind attention.

Professor Torsten Henry Fransson

Email: [email protected]

How to Cite: Fransson, T.H., 2018. Challenges and Changes towards a

Sustainable Society: Climate, Energy and Education: The 31st OUSL General
Convocation Address 2018. OUSL Journal, 13(2), pp.125–144.

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Volume 13 No. 2 – December, 2018

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