System Manual: - Warning
System Manual: - Warning
System Manual: - Warning
This manual contains information on limitations regarding product use and function and information
on the limitations as to liability of the manufacturer. The entire manual should be carefully read.
User Manuals
Two end-user manuals come with the PC6010 system:
• The User’s Guide provides easy to follow instructions for
Basic and Advanced users. Supervisor and Master users can
also refer to this manual for instructions on turning areas on
or off, delaying automatic arming, viewing faults, etc.
• The Maintenance Manual provides instructions on using
more advanced features (e.g. changing access codes) for
Supervisor and Master users.
Section 2: System Overview
Communicator 2.2 Module Specifications
• Communicates using the SIA 1986, or the Contact ID format Refer to each module’s Installation Instruction sheet for wiring
• Communicates to up to three telephone numbers and programming information.
• Each telephone number can be backed up by a LINKS1000
cellular communicator PC6108A Expansion Module
• With the PC6442 and PC6443 modules, uses the Backbone • 8-zone expansion module
to communicate over a dedicated connection with alarm • Add up to 30 modules for a total of 256 zones on the system
presentation software. Communications are encrypted. • Supports double end-of-line zone loops (5600 ohm resistors)
• One system and 32 area (account) codes • Connects to control panel via 4-wire Ebus
• Hexadecimal numbers available • Nominal current draw of 30 mA (from Ebus)
• DTMF and pulse dialing • AUX+ Output: 12 VDC, 250mA max. (power drawn from Ebus)
• True dial tone detect • Provides Tamper reporting codes
Printer • Low Ebus supervision
• Can print data on a serial local printer using an PC6400 serial PC6204 High-Current Output Module
interface module • 4 high-current outputs
Powerful 2.2 amp regulated power supply • Output current 1A, 12VDC
• 776 mA auxiliary supply, 11.6 - 12.6 VDC, when charging a • Up to 16 modules on system (up to 64 high-current outputs)
36Ah battery. • Each output programmable for 1 of 56 options
• Separately fused for battery, auxiliary supply and bell output • Connects to control panel via 4-wire Ebus
• Electronic shut down protection of the Ebus (Module • Low Ebus supervision
Communication Bus) • Four programmable relay contacts rated 2A, 30VDC
• Supervision for loss of AC power, low battery, electronic shut • Minimum 80 VA 16-18 volt transformer required
down of modules • Minimum 4 Ah battery required, up to 36Ah max.
• Internal clock locked to AC power frequency or optional • Current draw: 30 mA (from Ebus)
crystal time base
• Provides Tamper and Trouble reporting codes
Battery • AUX current: 500mA max.
• 12 volt, 7 to 36Ah minimum rechargeable gel-cell or sealed • Tamper contact input
lead-acid battery
• Normal battery charging current 360mA
PC6216 Low Current Output Module
• 16-output low-current module
• High battery charging current (1.4A) available (software
selectable) • Nominal current draw of 15 mA, plus power required by
Transformer • Output current 50mA, 12VDC
• 16.5 VAC, 80VA • Up to 9 modules on system
NOTE: 80VA local state electrically approved transformer. • Can be programmed as alarm or zone annunciators.
• All 16 outputs can be programmed on each module, 1 of 56
Output Voltage
options each
Typically, with normal AC on and a fully charged battery, the
• Provides Tamper reporting codes
output voltage will be 13.8 VDC. With AC off and the battery
discharging, the voltage will go below 10 volts and then battery • Connects to control panel via 4-wire Ebus
cutoff will occur preventing further discharge. Devices that • Low Ebus supervision
require power from the control panel should be capable of • Power drawn from Ebus
operation over the voltage range of 10 to 14 VDC.
PC6400 Serial (Printer) Module
2 Enclosures • True RS-232 technology
• PC4005C cabinet: PC6010 and two modules • Handshake software switches
• PC4003C cabinet: 2- PC6108A modules, 1 - PC6204 • DTR Protocol
module, 1- PC6216 module, or 1 PC6400 module • Baud rate: 4800
• Connects to control panel via 4-wire Ebus
• Nominal current draw of 35 mA
• Low Ebus supervision
• Tamper and Trouble reporting codes
• Maximum cable length: 200 feet (61 meters)
PC6501 Remote Keypad Battery
• Connects to control panel via 4-wire Ebus • 12VDC 7.0Ah recommended rechargeable gel-cell
• Alphanumeric liquid crystal display Transformer
• Built-in piezoelectric buzzer • 16.5 VAC, 40VA
• Full annunciation of zones and system status Operating Temperature
• Dimensions 5.5” x 4.5” x 1” deep (150 x 114 x 25 mm) • 2°C to 40°C (35°F to 110°F) operational temperature range
• Maximum current draw of 55mA (from Ebus), 90mA with • 90° non-condensing humidity
backlighting boost.
Output Voltage
• Up to 64 keypads on system
• Output voltage = 13.8VDC (with normal AC and a fully
• Provides Tamper reporting codes charged battery). Devices that require power from the
• Low Ebus supervision to main board PC6820 should be capable of operation over the voltage
range of 10 to 14VDC.
PC6820 Access Control Module
• 5V Power Supply - Devices connected to the 5V supply should
Two Zone Inputs be capable of operation between 4 and 6V.
• Two programmable supervised zones ( 5600Ω )
• Zones may be programmed as Standard, Force Arm Delay, or PC6442, PC6443 Interface Modules
Auxiliary Delay zone types • 1.5Amp power supply
• Up to 16 PC6820 can be added (up to 32 access points) • Outputs for future use
• AUX current: 500mA
Non Volatile RAM (internal memory)
• Does not lose any system programming when the module is • 115 baud RS-232 communications
powered down. • Connects to control panel via 3-wire Backbone
• 1 module per system
Low Current Outputs
• Six low current outputs (open collector outputs switched to
ground 25mA max.) :
• Two LED terminals - To the LED input of the reader
• Two BUZ terminals - To the buzzer input of the reader
• Two OUT terminals - Reserved for future use
Regulated Power Supply (1.5 Amp max.)
• Electronic shutdown protection of the battery, auxiliary
output, 5 and 12 V reader power supplies, and lock device
power output
• Auxiliary output supply: 12VDC, 125mA Max
• LK1 and LK2 Door Strike power: 12VDC, 250mA Max
• Reader Power 5VDC, 125mA Max
• Reader Power 12VDC, 125mA Max
Reader Technology
• Polaris, Shadow Prox, HID Proximity and 26-bit Standard
Weigand format
Access Card Compatibility
• Polaris POL-C1CN - Polaris Magnetic Cards
• Shadow Prox, Module Numbers:
SH-C1 - Shadow Prox Card
SH-K1 - Shadow Prox Keytag
• HID Proximity:
HID-C1325KSF - Proximity Card
HID-C134KSP - Proximity Keytag
• Weigand - Standard 26 bit formats
Section 3: Installation and Wiring
❏ Indicate all areas on the diagram. Decide which zones, bell AC Power Terminals. WARNING: Connect the
and relay outputs, keypads and remote annunciators belong (See section 3.16) battery before connecting the AC. Do
to each area. not connect the battery or transformer
until all other wiring is complete.
❏ Determine where each system module is going to be located
and how far each module will be from the main panel. AUX+ and AUX- Auxiliary Power, 376mA MAX
(See section 3.11)
❏ Determine the current draw on the main panel and each
system component used to ensure the system requirements
can be met (see section 3.4 “Current Ratings – Alarm Control SAUX+ Switched Auxiliary Power, 200mA MAX
Panel and Modules”). Calculate each wire run using the Ebus (See section 3.11)
wiring guidelines. Determine which wire gauge should be
used and where to place PC6204 modules to re-power the BELL+ and BELL- Bell/Siren Power. These terminals are used for
Ebus. (See section 3.13) powering bells, sirens or other devices
requiring steady output voltage on alarm;
200mA MAX
3.2 Out of the Box
Please verify that the following components are included in the PGM1 and PGM2 Programmable Output Terminals.
PC6010 package. (See section 3.10) 50mA MAX (standard output)
❏ 1 PC4005C cabinet
Backbone Backbone Terminals. The Backbone is used
❏ 1 PC6010 main control module
YEL, GRN, any by the panel to communicate with the
❏ 1 PC6501 LCD keypad COM PC6442 and PC6443 modules. YEL and GRN
❏ 1 Hardware package which includes: (See section 3.7) are used for data. Connect a third wire to
any COM terminal.
❏ 32 EOL resistors (5600Ω)
❏ 1 EOL resistors (1000Ω) Combus Combus Terminals. The Combus is used by
RED, BLK, YEL, the panel and the modules to communicate
❏ 1 Black cabinet plug GRN with each other (except for the PC644X
❏ 1 Green ground strap (See section 3.5) modules). RED and BLK are used for power,
and YEL and GRN for data. NOTE: The four
❏ PCB mounting standoffs
Combus terminals of the main panel must be
❏ 1 set of documents which includes: connected to the four Combus terminals or
❏ 1 PC6010 System Manual wires of all modules.
❏ 1 PC6010 Programming Manual Z1 to Z16 Zone Input Terminals. Zone inputs Z1 to Z16
❏ 1 PC6010 Programming Worksheets (See section 3.8) are provided for wiring zones on the alarm
control panel
❏ 1 PC6010 User Guide
❏ 1 PC6010 Maintenance Manual TIP, RING, T1, R1 Telephone Line Terminals
(See section 3.12)
3.4 Current Ratings – Alarm Control PC6820 Current Calculation - 1.5Amp Power Supply
Panel and Modules Enter total
current for
In order for the system to operate properly, the power output of
each output
the alarm control panel and power supply modules cannot be here
exceeded. Use the data below to ensure that the available
current is not exceeded.
Reader 1
PC6010 Control Panel Current Calculation
At least 100mA must be reserved for the Ebus. To calculate the Reader 2
amount of current required, complete the following chart:
LK1 Output
High Low Enter total
Charging Charging current for LK2 Output
Current Current each output
(36Ah (Smaller here Total:
battery) battery) (must not exceed 710mA)
NOTE: See the PC6820 Installation Manual for more information.
PC644X Current Calculation - 1.5Amp Power Supply
Enter total
Must not
PGM1 (limited Must not current for
to 50mA) exceed each output
1.72A Max. here
PGM2 (limited AUX
to 50mA)
current draw for
15 minutes
(must not exceed 634mA)
NOTE: See the PC644X Installation Sheet for more information.
** See “Ebus Current Calculation Chart” at right. Calculating Total Current Requirement
Module Ratings Once you have determined which modules will draw power from
the main panel, use the following chart to calculate the Ebus
The current draws of compatible modules are listed below:
Device ....................................................... Current Draw (mA)
Keypad (PC65XX) .................... 43 (105 with backlighting boost) Ebus Current Calculation Chart
PC6108A Zone Expander ....................................................... 36 Item Current × Quantity Total (mA)
PC6204 Relay Output Module ............................................... 30 (mA)
PC6216 Low Current Output Module .................................... 30 PC6501 43 or 105 ×
PC6400 Serial Printer Interface Module ................................. 44
PC6108A* 36 ×
PC644X High Security Interface Module ............................... 146
PC6820 Access Control Module .............................................. 2 *Current required for devices connected to
PC6108A =
PC6204 Current Calculation - 2.2Amp Power Supply
** See “Ebus Current Calculation Chart” at right. PC6204 30 ×
3.5 Ebus Operation and Wiring The following chart indicates the total Ebus wire allowed
depending on the capacitance rating of the wire used:
The Ebus is used by the control panel and the modules to
communicate with each other. The four Ebus terminals of the
Wire Capacitance per TOTAL Ebus Wire
main panel must be connected to the four Ebus terminals or
1000'(300m) Length
wires of all modules.
15nF 5300'/1616m
Modules can be home run, connected in a daisy chain or T-
tapped anywhere on the Ebus. 20nF 4000'/1220m
25nF 3200'/976m
30nF 2666'/810m
35nF 2280'/693m
40nF 2000'/608m
Wires run in parallel also increase Ebus capacitance. For example,
when using 20nF wire, the following would be some of the
combinations allowed:
• Four wire runs at 1000'/305m each
• Six wire runs at 666'/203m each
• Eight wire runs at 500'/152m each
• 10 wire runs at 400'/122m each etc…
The following rules MUST be followed when wiring the Ebus: NOTE: Contact the wire manufacturer for the capacitance
ratings of the wire being used.
1. The Ebus must be run in minimum 22-gauge wire.
2. No module can be more than 1000' (305m) in cable length 3.6 PC6204 Power Supply
from the main control panel.
PC6204 power supply modules are required to power additional
3. Shielded wire should only be used in areas that present
modules and devices when the total current from the main panel
excessive RF noise or electromagnetic interference. If shielded
is insufficient. A PC6204 should also be used if excessive line loss
wire is used, the maximum distance a module can be located
is encountered.
from the main panel is significantly reduced. Check the
capacitance limit of the wire to calculate the maximum PC6204 Current Requirement
distance (see “Capacitance Limits” below). AUX - 1.5A available for devices connected to the AUX terminal,
4. The total capacitance of the Ebus wiring must not exceed including devices connected to relay outputs and modules
80nF (see “Capacitance Limits” below). connected for Ebus repower (see section 3.5 “Ebus Operation
and Wiring”).
Line Loss
Ebus Repower
When current is drawn through a piece of wire, voltage will be
lost due to the wire’s resistance. This voltage loss must be Only Relay 1 on the PC6204 can be used for Ebus repower. The
considered for all installations. Ebus must be wired to the PC6204 according to the following
diagram for Ebus repower:
To ensure proper operation, at least 12.5VDC must be applied to
all modules on the system (when AC is applied and the battery is
fully charged). If less than 12.5VDC is applied, system operation
will be adversely affected.
To correct the problem, try any or all of the following:
1. Connect a PC6204 power supply near the module to provide
power to the Ebus.
2. Reduce the length of the Ebus run to the module.
3. Increase the gauge of wire.
Capacitance Limits IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not use any power supply other than
the PC6204 to repower the Ebus. In the event of a power surge
An increase in capacitance on the Ebus will affect data
or transient, a module may lock up and cease to communicate
transmission and will cause the system to slow down.
with the control panel. If the panel loses communication with
Capacitance will increase for every foot of wire added to the
the module, it will initiate a module reset and will power down
Ebus. The capacitance rating of the wire used will determine the the Ebus for five seconds in an attempt to reset the problem
maximum length of the Ebus. module. After five seconds, the panel will reapply power to the
For example, 22-gauge, non-shielded, 4-conductor wire has a Ebus and the problem module should begin to operate as
typical capacitance rating of 20 picofarads per foot (which is 20nF/ intended.
1000’). For every 1000' of wire added – regardless of where it is If a power supply other than the PC6204 is used, the Ebus
run – the capacitance of the Ebus will increase by 20nF. repower function will not operate as intended.
NOTE: New versions of the PC6204 power supply module have • Four wire runs at 1000'/305m each
a jumper marked ‘J1’. Ensure that this jumper is configured for • Six wire runs at 666'/203m each
“Ebus Relay.” Otherwise, the power reset function will not • Eight wire runs at 500'/152m each
operate. For more information regarding the PC6204, please
refer to the PC6204 Installation Instructions. • 10 wire runs at 400'/122m each etc…
NOTE: Contact the wire manufacturer for the capacitance
3.7 Backbone Operation and Wiring ratings of the wire being used.
The Backbone is used by the control panel to communicate with
the PC6442 and PC6443 modules. Connect the BCBK YEL and
3.8 Zone Wiring
GRN terminals, and any COM terminal to the backbone terminals Zones on the system are wired according to the diagrams below.
on the PC6442 and PC6443 modules. Once you have selected which type of zone supervision you
require, you must program the “Zone Supervision” section. See
The PC644X modules have independent power supplies and do Section 5.1 “Zone Supervision” for instructions.
not draw power through the Backbone.
NOTE: Fire, LINKS Supervisory, and LINKS Answer zones always
Follow the same wiring rules and capacitance limits for wiring use single EOL supervision, regardless of the programmed
the Backbone, as for wiring the Ebus. Modules can be home run, zone supervision (see section 3.9 “Specialized Zone Wiring”).
connected in a daisy chain or T-tapped anywhere on the
If the zone is armed and then is violated, the zone will be in
alarm. The system will transmit the alarm, and the bells will
The following rules MUST be followed when wiring the sound until the end of the Bell Time Out, or until silenced by a
Backbone: user. If the zone is violated again before the first alarm is
1. The Backbone must be run in minimum 22-gauge wire. cleared, the bells will not re-sound.
2. No module can be more than 1000' (305m) in cable length
from the main control panel. No End of Line (No EOL)
All No EOL zones are normally closed loops. The zone will be
3. Shielded wire should only be used in areas that present
violated when it is open.
excessive RF noise or electromagnetic interference. If shielded
wire is used, the maximum distance a module can be located
from the main panel is significantly reduced. Check the
capacitance limit of the wire to calculate the maximum
distance (see “Capacitance Limits” below).
4. The total capacitance of the Backbone wiring must not
exceed 80nF (see “Capacitance Limits” below).
Capacitance Limits
An increase in capacitance on the Backbone will affect data
transmission and will cause the system to slow down. Single End of Line (EOL)
Capacitance will increase for every foot of wire added to the
All Single EOL zones have a 5600Ω resistor across them. If the
Backbone. The capacitance rating of the wire used will
zone is shorted or open, it will be violated. Resistors should
determine the maximum length of the Backbone.
always be placed at the device end of the wire run.
For example, 22-gauge, non-shielded, 4-conductor wire has a
If programmed as a fire zone, the open zone will generate a
typical capacitance rating of 20 picofarads per foot (which is
trouble condition and the short will generate an alarm.
20nF/1000’). For every 1000' of wire added – regardless of
where it is run – the capacitance of the Backbone will increase
by 20nF.
The following chart indicates the total Backbone wire allowed
depending on the capacitance rating of the wire used:
devices or contacts on one loop are not allowed, as the tamper Keyswitch Zone
condition will not be monitored. Zones programmed as keyswitch arming zones must be wired
according to the following diagram:
3.11 Wiring Powered Devices (AUX, Distance to last bell/siren (ft/m)
SAUX+) Bell Loop
22 AWG 20 AWG 18 AWG 16 AWG 14 AWG
Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire
AUX (Auxiliary Power) Current
These terminals can be used to power motion detectors, glass 2000mA 18/6 29/9 46/14 73/22 116/35
break detectors and other devices requiring power. The AUX
1800mA 20/6 32/10 51/16 81/25 129/39
(positive) and GND (negative) terminals can provide up to 376mA
of current. 1000mA 36/11 58/17 92/28 147/44 233/70
700mA 52/16 82/25 132/40 210/64 332/101
SAUX+ (Switched Auxiliary Power)
500mA 73/22 115/35 184/56 293/89 465/141
This terminal provides positive power (12VDC). Typically, this
output is used for providing power to latching type devices that 100mA 364/110 577/175 922/279 1467/445 2326/705
require a power interruption in order to reset. If the output is To increase the length, double up on wire. For example, when
programmed for Sensor Reset (see SW AUX Output in the using 22-gauge quad, use two conductors for the Bell+
Programming Manual), the output will de-energize when a user connection and two for the Bell-. This effectively doubles the
answers YES to the “Do You Want to Reset Detectors?” prompt. maximum distance.
The SAUX+ terminal can provide up to 200mA of current.
3.14 Earth Ground Wiring
3.12 Telephone Line Wiring
The cabinet should be earth grounded using the grounding
The telephone terminals provide connections to the incoming connector, as described in local rules and regulations. In the
telephone lines for central station reporting. The wires from the U.K., the connection shall meet the applicable requirements of
RJ31-X jack must be connected in the following manner: BS6701, part 1, section 6.10.
The EGND terminal must be connected to earth ground.
4.5 Enrolling PC6442 and PC6443 4.6 Deleting Modules
Modules Sometimes, a module must be deleted from the system. This
Before you can enroll any PC644X module, you must program could be when zone expanders are enrolled out of sequence, a
the Originator ID to be [01]. After the Originator ID is changed to keypad is assigned to the wrong area, or if a module is defective.
[01], you will be able to access all of the Backbone programming If you need to disconnect a module from the control panel, be
sections. See “Backbone Section” in the Programming Manual, sure to first delete it from the system.
for more information. At any enrolled keypad, do the following: To delete a module, enter the following at any enrolled keypad:
1. Enter installer’s programming by pressing [*] [8] [Installer’s 1. Enter installer’s programming by pressing [*] [8] [Installer’s
Code]. Code].
2. Scroll to “Backbone Section” and press the [*] key. 2. Scroll to and select the Module Hardware > Delete Module
3. Scroll to “Originator ID” and press the [*] key. Program [01] programming sections.
in this section. NOTE: To delete a backbone module, you will need to select
4. Press [*], then scroll to “Module Hardware” and press the [*] Module Hardware > Backbone Modules > Delete Module.
key. 3. Scroll through the module types until you see the module
5. Scroll to “Backbone Modules”. Press the [*] key. you wish to delete. Press [*] to select.
6. The keypad displays the message “Enroll Module”. Press the 4. Scroll to the correct module number. For example, to delete
[*] key. PC6501 Module 04, scroll to “PC6501 (04).”
7. Scroll through the module types, until the module you wish 5. To delete the module, press the [*] key.
to enroll is displayed. Press the [*] key. NOTE: When you delete and/or replace zone expanders, you
8. The keypad will display the message “Create Tamper On should re-enroll all remaining zone expanders. This will ensure
Desired Unit”. To enroll the module, you will need to create a proper zone assignment and operation.
tamper condition on it. To create the required tamper, secure
the tamper zone on the module, and then open the tamper 4.7 Confirming Modules
zone. It is the transition from secure to violated which enrolls If the module numbers were not recorded in the Worksheets,
the module. you can check this information through the “Confirm Module”
9. After the module has been tampered, the keypad displays menu.
the module number and confirms enrollment (e.g. “PC6442 The procedure for confirming modules is similar to the
Mod 01 Enrolled”). procedure for enrolling them.
10.Once the module is enrolled, re-secure the tamper.
1. Enter installer’s programming by pressing [*] [8] [Installer’s
2. Scroll to and select the Module Hardware > Confirm Module
programming sections.
NOTE: To confirm a backbone module, you will need to select
Module Hardware > Backbone Modules > Confirm Module.
3. Scroll through the module types, until the module you wish
to enroll is displayed. Press the [*] key.
4. You will be prompted to “Press Any Key On Desired Unit” in
the case of keypads, or to “Create Tamper on Desired Unit”
in the case of modules.
5. Once you have pressed a key (on the keypad), or created a
tamper (on the module), the keypad displays the module
number (e.g. PC6501 Mod 02). Be sure that is it recorded
correctly on the Programming Worksheets.
Section 5: Programming the PC6010
5.1 Introduction to Programming Example: to program the Area 2 ID code, scroll to each of
the following messages, and press [*]:
You can use two methods to program the PC6010:
• using the menu system on any system keypad Scroll to... AREA SECTION Press [*]
• using a computer and DLS-3 downloading software. Display shows... ADD/EDIT AREA Press [*]
This section describes how to program the system using a
keypad and the menu system. For more information on Display shows... “AREA 1”
programming using downloading software, see section 10
“Downloading”, and the DLS-3 manual. Scroll to... “AREA 2” Press [*]
If you press the [#] key, only the data that you entered will be 3. When the desired letter is displayed, press [*] again.
changed. All remaining programming data will be left You can also enter Hex digits by pressing [*], followed by the
unchanged. For example, when programming telephone number which corresponds to the Hex letter (A = 1, B = 2, C = 3,
numbers you do not need to program all 32 digits. When you D = 5, E = 5, F = 6). Once the digit is entered, the control panel
have finished entering the telephone number, press [#] - the will automatically return to the decimal programming mode.
telephone number will be saved and the system will exit from the
For example, to enter “ABCD”, you would press: [*], [1], [*], [2],
programming section. .
[*], [3], [*], [4]
Section 6: Keypad Operation and User Types
6.3 “Warning - Security Reduced” 6.5 Keypad Lockout
Messages After a programmed number of incorrect attempts to enter a
These messages are displayed on the keypad if a user tries to user or installer’s code, the keypad will lock out the user. The
arm the system when there is a problem with one or more zones lockout prevents the user from performing any function at any
(i.e. a zone is open, in alarm, or has a fault, tamper, seismic fault keypad.
or trouble condition). The keypad will display “Keypad Lockout is Active” for the
The following message will be displayed on the keypad: lockout duration. See the “System Options” section in the
Programming Manual for information on programming the
“Warning - Security Reduced” number of incorrect code entries allowed (Total Bad Codes), and
If this message is displayed, users can continue arming their how long the keypad will remain locked out (Lockout Duration).
area(s) by pressing the YES button. The keypad then displays
“Warning Confirmed”, and the area(s) are armed. 6.6 Keypad Tampers
If there are tamper plates attached to the PC6501 keypad, you
6.4 Time and Date Display should enable the Keypad Tampers toggle option. See the
When the keypad is idle, it will show the time and date. The “System Options” section in the Programming Manual.
clock will show in 24-hour time (00:00 - 23:59), and the date
will show as year/month/day (YY/MM/DD). For example, 1:30 pm 6.7 Keypad Backlighting
December 13, 1999 will be displayed as 13:30 1999/12/13
When a user presses a key on the keypad, the keypad
The system will automatically adjust for the switch to daylight backlighting will increase to the “boost” level. After 30 seconds
savings time in March, and back to standard time in October. of inactivity, the keypad will return to the preset backlight level.
The dates that these changes occur on are programmed in the Master and Supervisor users can select the level of (non-boosted)
Daylight Savings and Standard Time programming sections. See backlighting in the Keypad Setup section of the user menu.
System Times in the PC6010 Programming Manual for more
If the system is connected to Alarm Presentation Software over
the backbone, the system will get the new time from the
software, and will not follow the Daylight Savings Time /
Standard Time programming sections.
Master users also can reset the time and date through the user
interface. See the Maintenance Manual for more information.
Section 7: System Operation and Programming
Once you install all the modules and devices and enroll them on When users answer YES to “Do you want to reset detectors?”,
the system, you will need to program the system so that it works outputs programmed for Sensor Reset will de-activate for the
correctly. Review this section for an overview of how the system Utility/Sensor PGM pulse time, so that the connected sensors will
works, and for descriptions of the main programming areas. be reset.
Please refer to the “Communicator” section of the Programming 3. Scroll to Add/Edit Area, then press [*].
Manual, for descriptions of the available reporting codes, and 4. Scroll to the area you want to enable and program, then press
descriptions of communication programming options. Refer to [*].
Appendix B of the Programming Manual for a list of
recommended Contact ID codes, and the SIA automatically Assigning Zones to Areas
generated reporting codes. Each zone must be assigned to at least one area. To assign zones
to an area, select an area to program in Area programming, and
LINKS1000 Programming go to the Zone Assignment section.
The LINKS1000 Cellular Communicator can be used to back up
all three telephone numbers. You can also use the LINKS1000 as Assigning Users to Areas
a primary or backup communicator for downloading. Each user must be assigned to each area they will have access to.
Please see the “LINKS Module” section of the Programming Supervisor and Master users can assign users to areas in Access
Manual for more information on LINKS1000 programming. Code programming in the user menu. See the Maintenance
Manual for more information.
Programmable Outputs
Programmable outputs are terminals on the PC6010 board, or
Programming the Area Arm/Disarm Mask
on PC6204, PC6216 modules which can control connected The Arm/Disarm Mask for areas is in the System Options section.
devices according to various programming options. Areas toggled to NO in the mask cannot be armed or disarmed
from a keypad. Areas toggled to NO in the mask, can only be
For example, you could connect PGM1 on the main board to a armed by access control, automatic arming, keyswitch arming, or
bell. If you program PGM1 as output option (12) Chime via the DLS-3 software. This may be useful if an area contains
Follower, the system will turn on the bell whenever the door only an entryway, with the keypad outside the area. If a user
chime is activated on the selected areas. were to arm all their areas, including the entryway, they may
You can program options for programmable outputs in the PGM cause a false alarm when they exit (or enter) through the area. By
Outputs section. See the Programming Manual for a detailed default, all areas are set to YES, and can all be armed from area
description of each output option. keypads.
Section 8: Printer Setup
Section 9: Downloading
9.1 Programming the System Using If you enable both Ring Detect and Usr Allows Srv, the panel will
always answer telephone calls, but a Master user will still have to
Downloading Software Allow System Service, before the DLS-3 user or an installer can
One way to program the PC6010 system is by using a computer access Installer’s Programming.
and DLS-3 downloading software. You can enter the
You can program the number of times the telephone line will
programming data in the computer, and then use a modem, or a
ring before the control panel answers it in the “# of Rings”
PC-LINK module to send the data to the control panel. You can
section. The default setting is 8 rings.
do this over the telephone line with a remote computer, or at a
computer located on site. See the PC6010 Programming Manual for a complete description
of DLS Programming options.
Please see the DLS-3 manual for complete instructions on how to
install, set up and use the DLS-3 software. See the DLS Section
of the PC6010 Programming Manual for information on DLS-3 9.3 PC-LINK
programming options. The PC-LINK module allows a direct
connection between an on-site
9.2 Downloading over Telephone Lines computer and the control panel. With
Make sure the “TIP” and “RNG” terminals are connected to the the PC-LINK, the computer can
telephone line. Program the downloading access code and the communicate with the panel at 9600
panel I.D. code in the PC6010. Make sure that these codes are baud. Use a serial cable to link the
also programmed correctly in the DLS-3 account file. computer with the control panel.
You can also set up downloading using the LINKS1000 module To download using PC-LINK:
as either a primary or backup communicator. See the “LINKS 1. Connect the PC-LINK connector to the header on the PC6010
Module” section in the Programming Manual for more board, as shown.
information. 2. Enable PC-LINK in the Modem Configuration section of the
You can set up the downloading so that the PC6010 will call the DLS-3 software. The software will display “PC-LINK Active”
computer, or have the computer call the control panel. in the Status Bar of the Communications window.
To have the control panel answer the telephone line when the 3. Open the appropriate account in the DLS-3, and select the
computer calls, you must enable either the “Ring Detect” or the function to be performed (upload, download, etc.)
“Usr Allows Srv” downloading toggle options. 4. Go to any system keypad and enter Installer’s Programming
and select “System”, then “DLS Section”, then “Enable PC-
If you enable the Ring Detect option, the control panel will
LINK”. The keypad displays the message “PC-LINK Active (#)
always answer incoming telephone calls.
To Exit”.
If you turn on the “Usr Allows Srv” downloading toggle option, 5. Once the DLS communication is in progress, the panel will
a Master user will have to answer YES to “Allow System automatically exit the Installer Programming mode.
Service?” for the control panel to answer the telephone line. The
6. When the desired DLS function(s) are complete, press the
control panel will answer the telephone line for 60 minutes.
hang-up button on the Communications window. This will
Master users will also have to Allow System Service before
disconnect the DLS from the panel.
Installer’s Programming is available at a system keypad.
7. When you are finished, remove the PC-LINK connector from
the PC6010.
Section 10: Diagnostics, Restoring Defaults, Viewing Faults
Users with Advanced, Supervisor and Master codes will be given 5. If the system cannot reset all the faults, the keypad displays
additional information in the fault messages. “Unable to Clear All Faults”, then “Call for Service Exit from
To view faults: Menu?”.
If you press NO, the keypad returns to the view fault list
1. Enter your access code. If there is a fault, the keypad displays
menu. If you press YES, the keypad returns to the main
“System Fault, View Fault List?”.
To exit fault viewing, press NO. To view faults, press YES.
Fault conditions can be transmitted to the central station using
2. The keypad displays the list of faults. For example, reporting codes, if programmed (see the Programming Manual).
“Telephone Line Fault”. Use the <> keys to scroll through
the list of faults. NOTE: AC Power and Battery faults will not prevent the
system from being armed.
3. When you come to the end of the list, the keypad displays
“End of List, Reset Faults?”. All possible fault displays and a description of each is listed
To return to the main menu, press NO. To reset the faults,
press YES.
4. The system attempts to reset the faults. If all the faults are
reset, the keypad displays “Fault(s) Now Cleared”.
Aux Supply The AUX, SAUX+ or PGM terminals on the alarm 6820 AC Trouble A PC6820 module has lost AC power.
Trouble control panel are overloaded 6820 Lock A PC6820 module has a trouble with one of its
TLM Trouble There is a trouble with the telephone line. Trouble locking devices. A lock trouble occurs when the
lock power output is overloaded or the lock power
FTC Trouble The alarm control panel can no longer communicate fuse has failed.
with the central monitoring station. The trouble is
generated after the programmed failed 6820 Aux The PC6820’s Auxiliary (AUX) supply is overloaded.
communication attempts. If a later attempt to Trouble
communicate is successful, the trouble is cleared. 6820 Rdr Pw TBL A PC6820 module’s card reader power output is
Bell CCT Trouble The bell circuit is open. overloaded or the reader power fuse has failed.
Fire Trouble A fire loop is open circuit (indicated by the trouble 6442 Battery TBL The battery connected to the PC6442 is low.
sound; cannot be silenced).
6442 AC Trouble The PC6442 module has lost AC power.
Loss of Time This trouble is cleared when the system’s time and
date are reset.
6442 Aux TBL The PC6442's Auxiliary (AUX) supply is overloaded.
Module Com The panel has lost communications with a module.
Fault Check to see if the module is connected properly,
6443 Battery TBL The battery connected to the PC6443 is low.
then do a system reset. Only qualified service
personnel can perform this function.
6443 AC Trouble The PC6443 module has lost AC power.
Combus Low Modules are not getting enough voltage from the
Pwr Combus. Check for proper connection of Combus,
6443 Aux TBL The PC6443's Auxiliary (AUX) supply is overloaded.
or repower the Combus, if required. Only qualified
service personnel can perform this function.
6442 RS-232 The PC6442 has lost communications with the
6204 Battery The battery connected to any PC6204 relay output
Fault Automation Software.
TBL module is low (module number indicated in
reporting code transmission and event buffer). 6443 RS-232 The PC6443 has lost communications with the
Fault Automation Software.
6204 AC A PC6204 relay output module loses incoming AC
Trouble power (keypad will be silent). Backbone Comm The PC6010 has lost communications with the
Fault PC6442 and/or PC6443.
6204 AUX The Auxiliary supply on any PC6204 relay module is
Trouble overloaded.
Digital Security Controls Ltd. warrants the original purchaser that for a period of twelve months Note to Installers
from the date of purchase, the product shall be free of defects in materials and workmanship under This warning contains vital information. As the only individual in contact with system users, it is
normal use. During the warranty period, Digital Security Controls Ltd. shall, at its option, your responsibility to bring each item in this warning to the attention of the users of this system.
repair or replace any defective product upon return of the product to its factory, at no charge for System Failures
labour and materials. Any replacement and/or repaired parts are warranted for the remainder of This system has been carefully designed to be as effective as possible. There are circumstances,
the original warranty or ninety (90) days, whichever is longer. The original purchaser must however, involving fire, burglary, or other types of emergencies where it may not provide protec-
promptly notify Digital Security Controls Ltd. in writing that there is defect in material or tion. Any alarm system of any type may be compromised deliberately or may fail to operate as ex-
workmanship, such written notice to be received in all events prior to expiration of the warranty pected for a variety of reasons. Some but not all of these reasons may be:
period. There is absolutely no warranty on software and all software products are sold as a user ■ Inadequate Installation
license under the terms of the software license agreement included with the product. The Customer A security system must be installed properly in order to provide adequate protection. Every installation
should be evaluated by a security professional to ensure that all access points and areas are covered.
assumes all responsibility for the proper selection, installation, operation and maintenance of
Locks and latches on windows and doors must be secure and operate as intended. Windows, doors,
any products purchased from DSC. Custom products are only warranted to the extent that they walls, ceilings and other building materials must be of sufficient strength and construction to provide
do not function upon delivery. In such cases, DSC can replace or credit at its option. the level of protection expected. A reevaluation must be done during and after any construction activity.
An evaluation by the fire and/or police department is highly recommended if this service is available.
International Warranty
■ Criminal Knowledge
The warranty for international customers is the same as for any customer within Canada and the This system contains security features which were known to be effective at the time of manufacture. It is
United States, with the exception that Digital Security Controls Ltd. shall not be responsible possible for persons with criminal intent to develop techniques which reduce the effectiveness of these
for any customs fees, taxes, or VAT that may be due. features. It is important that a security system be reviewed periodically to ensure that its features remain
effective and that it be updated or replaced if it is found that it does not provide the protection expected.
Warranty Procedure
■ Access by Intruders
To obtain service under this warranty, please return the item(s) in question to the point of pur- Intruders may enter through an unprotected access point, circumvent a sensing device, evade detec-
chase. All authorized distributors and dealers have a warranty program. Anyone returning goods tion by moving through an area of insufficient coverage, disconnect a warning device, or interfere
to Digital Security Controls Ltd. must first obtain an authorization number. Digital Security with or prevent the proper operation of the system.
Controls Ltd. will not accept any shipment whatsoever for which prior authorization has not ■ Power Failure
been obtained. Control units, intrusion detectors, smoke detectors and many other security devices require an
adequate power supply for proper operation. If a device operates from batteries, it is possible for the
Conditions to Void Warranty batteries to fail. Even if the batteries have not failed, they must be charged, in good condition and
This warranty applies only to defects in parts & workmanship relating to normal use. It does not cover: installed correctly. If a device operates only by AC power, any interruption, however brief, will
• damage incurred in shipping or handling; render that device inoperative while it does not have power. Power interruptions of any length are
often accompanied by voltage fluctuations which may damage electronic equipment such as a secu-
• damage caused by disaster such as fire, flood, wind, earthquake or lightning; rity system. After a power interruption has occurred, immediately conduct a complete system test to
• damage due to causes beyond the control of Digital Security Controls Ltd. such as excessive ensure that the system operates as intended.
voltage, mechanical shock or water damage; ■ Failure of Replaceable Batteries
• damage caused by unauthorized attachment, alterations, modifications or foreign objects; This system’s wireless transmitters have been designed to provide several years of battery life under
normal conditions. The expected battery life is a function of the device environment, usage and type.
• damage caused by peripherals (unless such peripherals were supplied by Digital Security Ambient conditions such as high humidity, high or low temperatures, or large temperature fluctuations
Controls Ltd.); may reduce the expected battery life. While each transmitting device has a low battery monitor which
• defects caused by failure to provide a suitable installation environment for the products; identifies when the batteries need to be replaced, this monitor may fail to operate as expected. Regular
• damage caused by use of the products for purposes other than those for which it was designed; testing and maintenance will keep the system in good operating condition.
■ Compromise of Radio Frequency (Wireless) Devices
• damage from improper maintenance;
Signals may not reach the receiver under all circumstances which could include metal objects placed
• damage arising out of any other abuse, mishandling or improper application of the products. on or near the radio path or deliberate jamming or other inadvertent radio signal interference.
Items Not Covered by Warranty ■ System Users
In addition to the items which void the Warranty, the following items shall not be covered by A user may not be able to operate a panic or emergency switch possibly due to permanent or tempo-
rary physical disability, inability to reach the device in time, or unfamiliarity with the correct op-
Warranty: (i) freight cost to the repair centre; (ii) products which are not identified with DSC's
eration. It is important that all system users be trained in the correct operation of the alarm system
product label and lot number or serial number; (iii) products disassembled or repaired in such and that they know how to respond when the system indicates an alarm.
a manner as to adversely affect performance or prevent adequate inspection or testing to verify ■ Smoke Detectors
any warranty claim. Access cards or tags returned for replacement under warranty will be credited Smoke detectors that are a part of this system may not properly alert occupants of a fire for a number of
or replaced at DSC's option. Products not covered by this warranty, or otherwise out of warranty reasons, some of which follow. The smoke detectors may have been improperly installed or positioned.
due to age, misuse, or damage shall be evaluated, and a repair estimate shall be provided. No Smoke may not be able to reach the smoke detectors, such as when the fire is in a chimney, walls or roofs,
repair work will be performed until a valid purchase order is received from the Customer and a or on the other side of closed doors. Smoke detectors may not detect smoke from fires on another level
Return Merchandise Authorisation number (RMA) is issued by DSC's Customer Service. of the residence or building.
Every fire is different in the amount of smoke produced and the rate of burning. Smoke detectors cannot
Digital Security Controls Ltd.’s liability for failure to repair the product under this warranty after sense all types of fires equally well. Smoke detectors may not provide timely warning of fires caused by
a reasonable number of attempts will be limited to a replacement of the product, as the exclusive carelessness or safety hazards such as smoking in bed, violent explosions, escaping gas, improper stor-
remedy for breach of warranty. Under no circumstances shall Digital Security Controls Ltd. be age of flammable materials, overloaded electrical circuits, children playing with matches or arson.
liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages based upon breach of warranty, breach Even if the smoke detector operates as intended, there may be circumstances when there is insuffi-
of contract, negligence, strict liability, or any other legal theory. Such damages include, but are not cient warning to allow all occupants to escape in time to avoid injury or death.
limited to, loss of profits, loss of the product or any associated equipment, cost of capital, cost of ■ Motion Detectors
substitute or replacement equipment, facilities or services, down time, purchaser’s time, the claims Motion detectors can only detect motion within the designated areas as shown in their respective
of third parties, including customers, and injury to property. The laws of some jurisdictions limit installation instructions. They cannot discriminate between intruders and intended occupants. Motion
or do not allow the disclaimer of consequential damages. If the laws of such a jurisdiction apply detectors do not provide volumetric area protection. They have multiple beams of detection and motion
can only be detected in unobstructed areas covered by these beams. They cannot detect motion which
to any claim by or against DSC, the limitations and disclaimers contained here shall be to the occurs behind walls, ceilings, floor, closed doors, glass partitions, glass doors or windows. Any type
greatest extent permitted by law. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental of tampering whether intentional or unintentional such as masking, painting, or spraying of any material
or consequential damages, so that the above may not apply to you. on the lenses, mirrors, windows or any other part of the detection system will impair its proper operation.
Disclaimer of Warranties Passive infrared motion detectors operate by sensing changes in temperature. However their effective-
ness can be reduced when the ambient temperature rises near or above body temperature or if there are
This warranty contains the entire warranty and shall be in lieu of any and all other warranties, intentional or unintentional sources of heat in or near the detection area. Some of these heat sources
whether expressed or implied (including all implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for could be heaters, radiators, stoves, barbeques, fireplaces, sunlight, steam vents, lighting and so on.
a particular purpose) and of all other obligations or liabilities on the part of Digital Security ■ Warning Devices
Controls Ltd. Digital Security Controls Ltd. neither assumes responsibility for nor authorizes Warning devices such as sirens, bells, horns, or strobes may not warn people or waken someone sleeping
any other person purporting to act on its behalf to modify or to change this warranty, nor to if there is an intervening wall or door. If warning devices are located on a different level of the residence or
assume for it any other warranty or liability concerning this product. premise, then it is less likely that the occupants will be alerted or awakened. Audible warning devices may
be interfered with by other noise sources such as stereos, radios, televisions, air conditioners or other
This disclaimer of warranties and limited warranty are governed by the laws of the province appliances, or passing traffic. Audible warning devices, however loud, may not be heard by a hearing-
of Ontario, Canada. impaired person.
WARNING: Digital Security Controls Ltd. recommends that the entire system be completely ■ Telephone Lines
tested on a regular basis. However, despite frequent testing, and due to, but not limited to, If telephone lines are used to transmit alarms, they may be out of service or busy for certain periods
criminal tampering or electrical disruption, it is possible for this product to fail to per- of time. Also an intruder may cut the telephone line or defeat its operation by more sophisticated
means which may be difficult to detect.
form as expected.
■ Insufficient Time
Out of Warranty Repairs There may be circumstances when the system will operate as intended, yet the occupants will not be
Digital Security Controls Ltd. will at its option repair or replace out-of-warranty products protected from the emergency due to their inability to respond to the warnings in a timely manner. If the
which are returned to its factory according to the following conditions. Anyone returning system is monitored, the response may not occur in time to protect the occupants or their belongings.
goods to Digital Security Controls Ltd. must first obtain an authorization number. Digital ■ Component Failure
Security Controls Ltd. will not accept any shipment whatsoever for which prior authorization Although every effort has been made to make this system as reliable as possible, the system may fail
to function as intended due to the failure of a component.
has not been obtained.
■ Inadequate Testing
Products which Digital Security Controls Ltd. determines to be repairable will be repaired and Most problems that would prevent an alarm system from operating as intended can be found by regular
returned. A set fee which Digital Security Controls Ltd. has predetermined and which may be testing and maintenance. The complete system should be tested weekly and immediately after a break-
revised from time to time, will be charged for each unit repaired. in, an attempted break-in, a fire, a storm, an earthquake, an accident, or any kind of construction activity
inside or outside the premises. The testing should include all sensing devices, keypads, consoles,
Products which Digital Security Controls Ltd. determines not to be repairable will be replaced alarm indicating devices and any other operational devices that are part of the system.
by the nearest equivalent product available at that time. The current market price of the replacement ■ Security and Insurance
product will be charged for each replacement unit. Regardless of its capabilities, an alarm system is not a substitute for property or life insurance. An alarm
system also is not a substitute for property owners, renters, or other occupants to act prudently to
prevent or minimize the harmful effects of an emergency situation.
© 2002 Digital Security Controls Ltd. Direct all comments and suggestions
Toronto, Canada • concerning DSC publications to
Printed in Canada 29005176 R002 [email protected]