Session Plan: Computer Systems Servicing NC II

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Sector : Electronics
Qualification Title : Computer Systems Servicing NC II
Unit of Competency : Maintain and repair computer systems and networks
Module Title : Maintaining and repairing computer systems and networks
Learning Outcomes:
L.0.1 Plan and prepare for maintenance and repair
L.0.2 Maintain computer systems and networks
L.0.3 Diagnose faults of computer systems and networks
L.0.4 Rectify/correct defects in computer systems and networks
L.0.5 Inspect and test the computer systems and networks

This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to set-up computer servers for LANs and SOHO systems. It consists of
competencies to set-up user access and configures network services as well as to perform testing, documentation and pre-deployment
LO 1: Plan and prepare for maintenance and repair
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time

 Prepare materials Individualized Read Information Sheet Answer Self- Compare   CBLM 1 hour
needs for Learning Method 4.1-1 on Prepare check 4.1-1 answers   with
maintenance materials needs for the answer key
maintenance 4.1-1

Date Developed: Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

July 2019
Issued by:
Date Revised: Page ____ of ____
Computer Systems Servicing NC July 2020
Developed by:
Fernando L. Prado Revision # 01
Discussion Listen to trainers Answer oral Listen to the CBLM, E-media
discussion while viewing questioning comment of
presentation on Prepare trainer
1 hrs.
materials needs for

Demonstration Observe trainers on Perform Task Evaluate own CBLM

Task Sheet 4.1-1 Sheet 4.1-1 performance
Prepare materials needs Prepare using
2 hrs.
for maintenance materials Performance
needs for Checklist 4.1-1
LO 2: Maintain computer systems and networks

Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time

 Maintain computer Individualized Read Information Sheet Answer Self- Compare   ans CBLM
systems and Learning Method 4.2-1 on Maintain check 4.2-1 ers   with the 30
networks computer systems and answer key 4.2-1 mins.
Discussion Listen to trainers Answer oral Listen to the CBLM, E-media
discussion while viewing questioning comment of
presentation on trainer 1 hrs.
Maintain computer
systems and networks
Demonstration Observe trainers on Perform Task Evaluate own CBLM
Task Sheet 4.2-1 Sheet 4.2-1 performance
Maintain computer Creating using 2 hrs.
systems and networks portable media Performance
devices Checklist 4.2-1

Date Developed: Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

July 2019
Issued by:
Date Revised: Page ____ of ____
Computer Systems Servicing NC July 2020
Developed by:
Fernando L. Prado Revision # 01
LO 3: Perform testing, documentation and pre-deployment procedures

Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time

 Perform testing, Individualized Read Information Sheet Answer Self- Compare   CBLM
documentation and Learning Method 4.3-1 on Perform testing, check 4.3-1 answers   with 1 hrs.
pre-deployment documentation and pre- the answer key
procedures deployment procedures 4.3-1
Discussion Listen to trainers Answer Oral Listen to the CBLM, E-media
discussion while viewing Questioning comment of
presentation about trainer
Perform testing, 1 hrs.
documentation and pre-
deployment procedures

Demonstration Observe trainers on Perform Task Evaluate own CBLM

Task Sheet 4.3-1 Sheet 4.3-1 performance
Perform testing, Perform using
documentation and pre- testing, Performance
deployment procedures documentatio Checklist 4.3-1 2 hrs.
n and pre-

LO 4: Rectify/correct defects in computer systems and networks

Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
 Rectify/correct Individualized Read Information Sheet Answer Self- Compare   CBLM 1 hrs.
defects in computer Learning Method 4.4-1 on Rectify/correct check 4.4-1 answers   with
systems and defects in computer the answer key
networks systems and networks 4.4-1

Date Developed: Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

July 2019
Issued by:
Date Revised: Page ____ of ____
Computer Systems Servicing NC July 2020
Developed by:
Fernando L. Prado Revision # 01
Discussion Listen to trainers Answer Oral Listen to the CBLM, E-media
discussion while viewing Questioning comment of
presentation about trainer
Rectify/correct defects 1 hrs.
in computer systems
and networks

Demonstration Observe trainers on Perform Task Evaluate own CBLM

Task Sheet 4.4-1 Sheet 4.4-1 performance
Rectify/correct defects Rectify/correct using
in computer systems defects in Performance 2 hrs.
and networks computer Checklist 4.4-1
systems and
LO 5: Inspect and test the computer systems and networks
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
 Inspect and test the Individualized Read Information Sheet Answer Self- Compare   CBLM
computer systems Learning Method 4.5-1 on Inspect and check 4.5-1 answers   with 1 hrs.
and networks test the computer the answer key
systems and networks 4.5-1
Discussion Listen to trainers Answer Oral Listen to the CBLM, E-media
discussion while viewing Questioning comment of
presentation about trainer
Inspect and test the 1 hrs.
computer systems and

Demonstration Observe trainers on Perform Task Evaluate own CBLM 2 hrs.

Task Sheet 4.5-1 Inspect Sheet 4.5-1 performance

Date Developed: Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

July 2019
Issued by:
Date Revised: Page ____ of ____
Computer Systems Servicing NC July 2020
Developed by:
Fernando L. Prado Revision # 01
and test the computer Inspect and using
systems and networks test the Performance
computer Checklist 4.5-1
systems and
 Written Test: At the end of the module, students should be able to take the summative assessment with the following type of
Multiple choice 1-25 items (Maintain and repair computer systems and networks)

 Performance Test: At the end of the first module the students should be able to perform the following tasks:
1. Preparing materials needs for maintenance
2. Maintaining computer systems and networks
3. Perform testing, documentation and pre-deployment procedures
4. Rectify/correct defects in computer systems and networks
5. Inspect and test the computer systems and networks


At the end of the session, evaluation will be done in order to determine if there are needs to revise the learning materials or to enhance
the training delivery of the module. Recommendation will be given to each trainee concerning his or her performance based from the result of the

Date Developed: Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

July 2019
Issued by:
Date Revised: Page ____ of ____
Computer Systems Servicing NC July 2020
Developed by:
Fernando L. Prado Revision # 01

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