Describing Sequences

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Describing Sequences

(Order Taker, CI – CO, Service)

Slide 1
Describing Sequences
(Order Taker, Check In – Check Out, Service)
(gambar antrian check in atau yang lainnya)

Slide 2
A sequence is an ordered list of items, usually numbers. Each
item which makes up a sequence is called a “term”
(gambar urutan pelayanan atau yang lainnya)

Slide 3
Sequencers are words that organize your writing and speaking
to describe a process:
 First
 Next
 Then
 After that
 Finally
Slide 4
Order Taker Sequences
Room Service or In Room Dining
Greet Callers Warmly:
 The telephone must be answered within the three (3) first
 Identify your department and introduce yourself by name.
 Announce: “Good morning / Good afternoon / Good
evening In Room Dining, (according to the time of the
day), this is (name of the order taker), may I assist you
Mr./Mrs./Miss” followed by the name of the guest
according to the data digitally displayed by the phone
system (if available).
 Use good telephone etiquette.
Ask the guest for their names and Room number:
 Even if your digital telephone system displays the guest’s
name and room number, confirm that you are talking to
the registered guest.
 Write down the order clearly in the order book and note
the time of call and the room number.
Check the billing instructions of the guest:
 Do a room enquiry on the POS ( Point of Sale) machine and
check the billing instructions entered for this guest by the
front office team.
 If the guest is on Cash Only list, then politely explain that
the guest will have to pay for order when it is delivered.
 If the guest is not on cash list then take the order without
discussing the method of payment.
Use Suggestive selling:
 Always update your knowledge of the hotel’s activities &
promotions, both current and upcoming
 Study the menu thoroughly : you must learn and
remember the contents by heart
 Double-check with the kitchen what the daily specials are.
 Check which accompaniments are available and
 If the guest seems hesitant or needs suggestions, try to
find out what type of food she/he likes, e.g., beef, pork,
poultry or seafood
 If the guest announces only main dishes, try to suggest a
starter and ask: “May I suggest our special avocado
cocktail as your starter, Madam/Sir?” and/or “Would you
care for any wine to go with your meal?” (the possible
combinations for any eventual suggestion are to be
provided by the Executive Sous Chef)
 Suggest the most popular and profitable dishes, according
to the /menu Engineering Report.
Take Orders:
 Pay attention to orders, and know the menu thoroughly.
 Ask questions to find out the guest’s choice or preferences
for service, such as how he or she would  like an item
cooked or prepared ( eg: medium rare, “on the rocks etc)
 Ask the guest for his or her choice of salad dressings and
for any special requests such as fat-free preparation. Etc.
 Write down all information’s clearly. Highlight special
 Ask how many guests will be eating and note down the
number on the guest check. As this will help the waiter to
set the tray/ cart with the appropriate numbers of
cutleries and crockeries.
Time control system:
 A time control system takes place as soon as the
telephone order has been taken.
 Approximate delivery time is given to the guest according
to this time evaluation system established by the Outlet
Manager and the Executive Chef.
 A timer is set for the given amount of time. If the order has
not been sent up by this time, a call must be placed to the
guest to apologies and re-evaluate the delivery time.
Similar follow-ups must be systematically performed.
Reconfirm the order:
 Politely read the order back to guests and repeat all
 Tell guests the approximately how much time it will take
to deliver the order.
 Thanks the guest and only disconnect the line after the
guest had hanged up the phone on the other side.

(gambar order taker lagi terima telp)

Slide 5
Check In – Check Out Sequences

Check In process:
When Guest arrives at the reception to check in:
Great the guest.
Enquire the Last name / First name of the guest.
Search for the reservation record and print registration card (
if the same is not pre printed )
Present the Registration Card to guest for verifying /
reconfirming preprinted details
Following details to be completed
Passport details
Visa Details
Explain to the guest regarding late checkout policy if any.
Request the guest to sign on the Registration Card.
Scan / Photocopy of Passport and Visa copy and attach to the
registration card.
Front office assistant to also cross sign the registration card
on the provided field.
Update the guest details collected on regard to the Profile of
the guest.
File Registration card.
(gambar check in proces)

Slide 5
Check Out Process:
 Ask About Stay
 Enquire Over Additional Charged 
 Verify Account Information
 Confirm Payment 
 Check Messages 
 Final Checks 
 Update Room Status 
 Guest Fil History
 Request Guest Satisfaction Survey 
 Checkout Completion 
Slide 6
Service Sequences:
1.    Greeting
 Greeting to the guest based on time. Offer help. Example:
”Good Morning sir/madam. May I assist you?”

2.    Asking the Reservation & Pax

 Greeter / Waiter have to ask about the reservation & pax.
Example: “Do you have reservation before”
 If yes, ask for the guest’s name and guide the guest to the
reserved table.
 If no, offer choice of seating.

3.    Escorting the guest

 Greeter / Waiter is escorting the guest to the table.
Example: “You are on table 22. This way sir/madam.”

4.    Seating the guest

 Greeter / Waiter invite the guest to take a sit. Example:
“Take a sit, please”
 Table setting are adjusted to the number of guest.

5.    Unfolding the guest napkin

 Greeter / Waiter is unfolding the guest napkin.

6.    Pouring Ice water

 Waiter is pouring ice water to the each water goblet.
 Move around the table and serve every guest from him
right side with your right hand when possible.

7.    Offering Aperitif drink

 Waiter is offering aperitif drink. Example: “May I get you
some drinks to start off?”
 Restaurant must have non-alcoholic option.

8.    Presenting Menu

 All Beverage menu should be clean and in good condition.
 Menu should be at least 2/3 languages.
 Menu must be presented to guest opened.
 Present menu in the guest table and open the first page.

9.    Taking Order

 Staff should have a warm smile and polite attitude.
 Approach guest table within 10 seconds whenever they
need to order.
 Always prepare a note pad and a pen. Offer
 You can say: “Are you ready to order sir and madam?”

10. Repeating Order

 Waiter must repeat the guest order.
 Don’t forget to confirm about the order to the guest.
 Inform guest the expected service time.

11. Distributing Captain Order Slip

 Waiter is distributing Captain Order Slip to Kitchen, Bar,
and Cashier.
12. Adjusting Cover
 Waiter is adjusting the cover equipment based on total
pax and guest order.

13. Serving Bread & Butter

 Waiter is serving Bread & Butter to the guest from left

14. Serving Beverage

 Make sure the beverage are made as ordered.
 Serve beverage to the guest.
 Always serve ladies first.
 Avoid reaching across guests.
 Move around the table and serve every guest from him
right side with your right hand when possible.
 Repeat the name of the drink and any special requests as
you serve each drink to ensure that it is correct.

15. Serving Food

 Make sure the food are made as ordered.
 Serve food to the guest.
 Always serve ladies first.
 Avoid reaching across guests.
 Move around the table and serve every guest from him
right side with your right hand when possible.
 Repeat the name of the food and any special requests as
you serve each food to ensure that it is correct.
 Leave the table by saying: “Enjoy your meal” or “Enjoy
your food”.

16. Clearing Up
 Wait to clear glasses and plates until more than one guest
at a table is finished, so guests who are still eating or
drinking do not feel rushed
 After all guests have finished their main course, all plates,
cutlery and side dishes related to the dish must be
 If the item is served from the right, it must be removed the
right. Of course, if the guest is not easily reachable from
that side, one shall collect the items from the other side.
 After the last course, but before the dessert, all plates,
cutlery, condiments. Bread & butter are cleaned from the
table and any crumbs are removed.
17. Crumbing Down
 The waiter approaches the guest from the left hand side.
 The waiter should be holding the crumber on top of a
small silver platter in his left hand.
 It is important that during this action you do not disturb
the guest on the table.
 The crumbing down of the table must be done within no
longer than five minutes of after the clearing of the mains.

18. Adjusting Cover Equipment for Dessert

 Waiter is adjusting the cover equipment dessert based on
total pax and guest order.

19. Serving Dessert

 Make sure the dessert are made as ordered.
 Serve dessert to the guest.
 Always serve ladies first.
 Avoid reaching across guests.
 Move around the table and serve every guest from him
right side with your right hand when possible.
 Repeat the name of the dessert and any special requests
as you serve each dessert to ensure that it is correct.
20. Clearing Up
 Wait to clear glasses and plates until more than one guest
at a table is finished, so guests who are still eating or
drinking do not feel rushed.
 After all guests have finished their dessert, all plates,
cutlery and side dishes related to the dish must be
 If the item is served from the right, it must be removed the
right. Of course, if the guest is not easily reachable from
that side, one shall collect the items from the other side.
 After the dessert, all plates, cutlery, condiments  are
cleaned from the table and any crumbs are removed.

21. Billing
 Ensure the bill is accurate, always double check the bill
before presenting it to the guest.
 Always count guest’s money infront of guest.
 Thank the guest and process quickly.

22. Farewell to the guest

 Thank the guest by name and bid farewell to all members
of the party.
 Help customers leave their table.

Slide 7

Sekian…Thank you…Terima kasih…Hatur nuhun

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