(2016) Evaluation of Analytical Calibration Based On Least-Squares Linear Regression For Instrumental Techniques A Tutorial Review PDF

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The document discusses analytical calibration of instrumental methods and some common mistakes made in the process such as misuse of correlation coefficients and negligence of heteroscedasticity in data.

The document mentions that there are two main stages of analytical calibration: planning experiments and fitting experimental data with regression models.

The document discusses both graphical and non-graphical ways to evaluate linearity including plots, statistical tests, and numerical parameters such as relative error.

Trends in Analytical Chemistry 77 (2016) 167–185

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Trends in Analytical Chemistry

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / t r a c

Evaluation of analytical calibration based on least-squares linear

regression for instrumental techniques: A tutorial review
Francisco Raposo *
Instituto de la Grasa, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (IG-CSIC), Campus Universitario Pablo de Olavide, Carretera de Utrera km 1, Edificio
46, 41013 Seville, Spain


The analytical calibration of an instrumental method is very important, being considered as a key point
Analytical calibration
in method validation. There are different validation guidelines; showing that analytical calibration process
Calibration error
Correlation coefficient
variety prevails in terms of nomenclature, methodology employed and acceptance criteria. Very common
Determination coefficient mistakes in the analytical calibration process are the use of correlation and/or determination coeffi-
Least-squares method cients as a test for linearity, the negligence in the heteroscedasticity of the experimental data and selection
Linear regression of appropriate weighting factor, misunderstanding about the regression through the origin and using zero-
Linearity assessment point calibration. Once the calibration function is established, their linearity can be confirmed by using
different procedures such as graphical plots, statistical significance tests and numerical parameters. In
particular, deviation from back-calculated concentrations expressed in the form of percentage of rela-
tive error (%RE) can be considered very useful for unambiguous linearity evaluation. Some case studies
were included to explain the linearity assessment from a practical viewpoint.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 168

2. Calibration of analytical methods ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 169
2.1. Calibration: general concepts .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 169
2.2. Analytical calibration: stages .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 169
2.2.1. Stage 1: planning the experiments for the calibration study ............................................................................................................................. 169
2.2.2. Stage 2: fitting the experimental data by regression triplet ............................................................................................................................... 171
3. Linearity as validation performance parameter ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 173
3.1. General approach ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 173
3.1.1. Linear versus non-linear regression models .............................................................................................................................................................. 173
3.1.2. Clarification of linearity concept ................................................................................................................................................................................... 173
3.2. Evaluation of linearity ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 173
3.2.1. Graphical mode ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 173
3.2.2. Non-graphical mode ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 174
4. Evaluation of linearity: case studies ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 177

Abbreviations: AIC, Akaikes information criterion; ADL, average deviation from linearity; AOAC, association of official analytical chemists; ANOVA, analysis of variance;
AUT, automatically; BC, back-calculated; Cal-VG, calibration section of validation guidelines; C.I, confidence interval; CS, case study; CVDL, coefficient of variation of devia-
tions from linearity; DOF, degree of freedom; DEV, deviation from back-calculated concentrations; EMA, European medicines agency; ESTD, external standard; GOF, goodness
of fit; GRA, graphical; HA, alternative hypothesis; H0, null hypothesis; ICH, international conference of harmonization; ICP, inductive coupled plasma; INAB, Irish national
accreditation board; ISTD, internal standard; IUPAC, International union of pure and applied chemistry; j, calibration levels; JRC-FCM, Joint research centre-food contact
material; k, calibration replicates; LIN, linearity; LLQ, lowest limit of quantification; LOF, lack-of-fit; N, number of calibration data; MAN, Mandel; NATA, national associa-
tion of testing authorities of Australia; OLS, ordinary least-squares; PAR, peak area ratio; PE, pure error; QC, quality coefficient; r, correlation coefficient; R2, determination
coefficient; RE, relative error; REG, regression; RES, residuals; RR, relative residual; RSE, residual standard error; RTO, regression through origin; SE, standard error; SSDL,
sum of squares of deviations from linearity; SLO, slope; SQT, significance of quadratic term; STA, statistically; SWGTOX, scientific working group for forensic toxicology;
TOST, two-one sided test; US FDA, United States food and drug administration; USP, United States pharmacopeia; VFAs, volatile fatty acids; WF, weighting factor; WLS, weighted
least squares; ZPC, zero point calibration.
* Tel: +34 954611550; fax: +34 954616790.
E-mail address: [email protected]

0165-9936/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
168 F. Raposo/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 77 (2016) 167–185

4.1. Linearity Plots ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 178

4.1.1. Experimental design .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 178
4.1.2. Calibration data: X (amount-mg/tablet) versus Y (signal-arbitrary units) ..................................................................................................... 178
4.1.3. Sensitivity values ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 178
4.1.4. Evaluation of linearity ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 178
4.2. ANOVA test ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 178
4.2.1. Experimental design .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 178
4.2.2. Calibration data: X (mg/mL) versus Y (absorbance units) ................................................................................................................................... 179
4.2.3. Calculation of variances ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 179
4.2.4. F-test values ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 179
4.2.5. Evaluation of linearity ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 179
4.3. LOF test ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 179
4.3.1. Experimental design .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 179
4.3.2. Calibration data: X (amount-ng) versus Y (PAR of serotonin/IS) ...................................................................................................................... 179
4.3.3. Error sum squares calculation (see reference 53) .................................................................................................................................................. 179
4.3.4. Degrees of freedom calculation (see reference 53) ................................................................................................................................................ 179
4.3.5. Calculation of associated variances (σ2 = SS/DOF) .................................................................................................................................................. 179
4.3.6. F-test values ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 179
4.3.7. Evaluation of linearity ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 179
4.4. Mandel’s test ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 180
4.4.1. Experimental design .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 180
4.4.2. Calibration data: X (concentration-mM) versus Y (signal-arbitrary units) ................................................................................................... 180
4.4.3. Quadratic regression output ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 180
4.4.4. Calculation of variances ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 180
4.4.5. F-test values (see reference 65 for calculation) ....................................................................................................................................................... 180
4.4.6. Evaluation of linearity ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 180
4.5. Significance of quadratic term (SQT) ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 180
4.5.1. Experimental design .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 180
4.5.2. Calibration data: X (concentration) versus Y (response) ..................................................................................................................................... 180
4.5.3. Quadratic regression output ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 180
4.5.4. Mean squares calculation (Statgraphic® Plus 5.0 software was used) ........................................................................................................... 180
4.5.5. F-test values ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 180
4.5.6. Evaluation of linearity ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 180
4.6. %RSDslope (SLO) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 180
4.6.1. Experimental design .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 180
4.6.2. Calibration data: X (concentration-μg/mL) versus Y (PA signal-arbitrary units) ......................................................................................... 180
4.6.3. %RSDslope calculation .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 180
4.6.4. Evaluation of linearity ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 180
4.7. Quality coefficient (QC) ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 180
4.7.1. Experimental design .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 180
4.7.2. Calibration data: X (concentration-ng/mL) versus Y (absorb.-arbitrary units) ............................................................................................. 180
4.7.3. QCs calculation .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 180
4.7.4. Evaluation of linearity ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 180
4.8. RE as function of RTO and ZPC ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 180
4.8.1. Experimental data .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 181
4.8.2. Calibration data: X (concentration-ng/mL) vs Y (signal-arbitrary units·10−3) .............................................................................................. 181
4.8.3. Evaluation of linearity ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 181
4.9. RE as function of regression fitting technique (OLS/WLS) .................................................................................................................................................... 181
4.9.1. Experimental data .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 181
4.9.2. Calibration data: X (concentration-ng/mL) versus Y (signal-arbitrary units) ............................................................................................... 181
4.9.3. Evaluation of linearity ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 181
5. Calibration tutorial: full regression analysis and evaluation of linearity ...................................................................................................................................... 181
5.1. Experimental data ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 182
5.2. Calibration data: X (concentration-ng/mL) versus Y (PAR of n-C5/IS) ............................................................................................................................. 182
5.3. Evaluation of calibration curve ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 182
6. Conclusions ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 183
Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 183
References ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 183

1. Introduction validation references are provided by the Association of Official An-

alytical Chemists (AOAC) [1], the International Union of Pure and
The validation is required in analytical chemistry to demon- Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) [2], the analytical chemistry group
strate the performance of the method and the reliability and EURACHEM [3,4] and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) [5].
consistency of the analytical results. Therefore, before an analyti- On the other hand, some validation guidelines have been pub-
cal method can be implemented for routine use, it must first be lished at national level by regulatory authorities such as US FDA (the
validated to demonstrate that it is suitable for its intended purpose. United States Food and Drug Administration) [6], USP (the United
Several chemical organizations have developed at national or in- States Pharmacopeia) [7], ANVISA (National Health Surveillance
ternational level different validation guidelines in the field of Agency of Brazil) [8], INAB (Irish National Accreditation Board) [9]
analytical chemistry. Among them, some international well known and NATA (National Association of Testing Authorities of Australia)
F. Raposo/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 77 (2016) 167–185 169

[10]. Also it is possible to find specific validation guidelines pub- definitions have given rise to misunderstanding, as it is usual to find
lished by analytical companies such as Agilent Technologies in the literature different names for the calibration operation on the
(authored by Huber) [11]. Moreover some guidelines are specific one hand, and different types of calibration called by the same name,
for particular research areas such as the food contact materials (FCM) on the other. By this way, IUPAC distinguishes between two differ-
(authored by Bratinova and co-workers belonging to European ent approaches to calibration in the analytical chemistry field: firstly,
Commission-EC/Joint Research Center-JRC/Institute for Health and for species identification or qualitative analyses; and secondly for
Consumer Protection-IHCP) [12] and the scientific working group quantitative analysis [18]. In addition, in the last case depending
for forensic toxicology (SWGTOX) [13]. Although there is a general on the relation between those quantities and the measuring system,
agreement among these validation guidelines, diversity prevails in different classifications of quantitative calibration can be consid-
terms of nomenclature, methodology employed and acceptance cri- ered such as direct (also known as absolute) and indirect (also known
teria [14]. In addition, analytical chemists mostly are familiar with as relative). Additionally, the term calibration has been applied to
the validation guidelines relating to their research area but exper- instruments and processes [19].
imental designs and acceptance criteria are different among diverse This document will be focused in the chemical calibration process,
disciplines [15]. Specifically for the pharmaceutical field, represen- which means the quantitative indirect calibration process,
tatives from the industry and regulatory agencies from Europe, USA also known as analytical calibration. The most frequent analytical
and Japan tried to harmonize the terms and basic requirements for calibration operations in chemical analysis are related to spectro-
new pharmaceuticals through the validation guideline so-called In- photometric or chromatographic procedures. In these cases, the value
ternational Conference of Harmonization (ICH) [16]. of the standard (reference value) is expressed in a quantity differ-
The method validation procedure includes different perfor- ent from the output quantity; therefore the measurement and the
mance parameters that have been defined and commented in the measurand are different. The analytical calibration is traditionally
majority of international and national guidelines. It is important to carried out in order to establish a relationship between the instru-
consider that the analytical calibration of an instrumental method mental responses and some different calibration standards
is a very important part of its development, therefore calibration characterized by a known value of the measurand. Using IUPAC def-
process can be considered as one of the key points in method val- inition, calibration in analytical chemistry refers to the operation
idation. However, very often reviewing the scientific literature it is that determines the functional relationship between measured values
possible to conclude that currently there are some problems relat- and analytical quantities, characterizing types of analytes and their
ing to analytical calibration. Firstly, there is ambiguous terminology amount [18]. That is, the estimation of a mathematical function that
(terms and definitions) dealing to calibration practice. Secondly, will relate the instrumental signal to the analytical property to be
there is a lack of clear understanding about the analytical calibra- determined (usually the concentration).
tion procedure, from planning the experiments to fitting the
experimental data. Thirdly, the use of correlation (r) and/or deter- 2.2. Analytical calibration: stages
mination (R2) coefficients as a test for linearity, the negligence in
the heteroscedasticity of the experimental data, misunderstand- In summary, analytical calibration involves the preparation of
ing about the regression through the origin (RTO) and using zero- a set of standards containing a known amount of the analyte of in-
point calibration (ZPC) and finally, the presence of curvilinearity can terest, measuring the instrument response for each standard and
be considered as very common mistakes in the analytical calibra- establishing the relationship between the instrument response and
tion process. analyte concentration. Taking into account that measurements are
The objectives of this manuscript are: instrument specific, therefore, the analytical calibration process can
be separated in two stages. Firstly, planning or designing the ex-
1) To summarize the analytical calibration guidelines issued by periments for the calibration study; and secondly, fitting the
different chemical institutions for validation of analytical and experimental data. In the following, each stage will be described
bioanalytical methods. By this way, it is possible to report the in more detail including some information compiled from 14 val-
inconsistencies among documents dedicated to calibration as idation guidelines with relevance among the scientific community.
part of the validation of instrumental methods. Calibration information from these validation guidelines (Cal-VG)
2) To explain theoretical and experimental concepts dealing to has been summarized in Table 1 for further evaluation.
analytical calibration as a way to perform a suitable and com-
plete calibration procedure, including the selection of the 2.2.1. Stage 1: planning the experiments for the calibration study
optimal calibration function and the clarification of the lin- The most common calibration technique is the multipoint system,
earity concept. in which several different points on the calibration curve are used
3) To understand the assessment of the linearity for calibra- to calculate the response versus the concentration relationship.
tion curves by using some examples or case studies. However, the design of multipoint calibration experiments strongly
depends on the purpose of the experiment and on existing knowl-
2. Calibration of analytical methods edge. It is important to note that the calibration study design must
answer the main question: “how many experiments are needed?”. Due
2.1. Calibration: general concepts to time and other constrains, this question often translates into “what
is the absolute minimum needed?”. The idea to suggest a minimum
Calibration is a metrological operation formally defined as the set of standards for calibration must be proposed with awareness,
operation that, under specified conditions, in a first step, estab- because it is assumed that only this minimum would then be carried
lishes a relation between the quantity values with measurement out. It must be pointed out that the recommended number of cal-
uncertainties provided by measurement standards and correspond- ibration experiments varies in the literature. There is no one formula
ing indications with associated measurement uncertainties and, in to fit all answers because every situation for analytical calibration
a second step, uses this information to establish a relation for ob- is different. Some practical aspects such as cost and availability of
taining a measurement result from an indication [17]. Other general material used to prepare the calibration curve may perhaps also in-
definition for calibration has been provided by IUPAC as the oper- fluence the choice of the number of experiments. However, these
ation that relates an output quantity to an input quantity for a aspects should not impair the accuracy of the experimental results
measuring system under given conditions [18]. These generic generated. Analysts should use some form of systematic planning
170 F. Raposo/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 77 (2016) 167–185

Table 1
Summary of validation guidelines: Calibration process

(1993) (1994) (1998) (2001) (2002) (2003) (2003) (2009) (2010) (2011) (2012) (2013) (2013) (2014)
[1] [16] [3] [6] [2] [8] [7] [12] [11] [5] [9] [10] [13] [4]

Fitting experimental data

Evaluation of linearity
A) Graphycally
B) Statistically
C) Numerical parameters
r/R2 X X- X+ X X X− X− X−

to obtain the experimental data to achieve the goals of the calibra- “How should the calibration levels be distributed?”. Another
tion. By this way, they should be able to answer the following key issue related to the number of standards is their distribution over
questions that will help to carry out an appropriate experimental the whole working range. Evenly distributed or equidistant con-
calibration design. centrations could be considered as the best option. For short
calibration ranges, to distribute the calibration standards to be equi- “Which range of concentration must be covered by the cali- distant is relatively easy to design. However, for a wide calibration
bration curve?”. There is an agreement among Cal-VG that the range the application of calibration designs based on standard con-
calibration should cover a working range in which the usual content centrations that correspond to multiples of the next concentration
of real samples is expected. By this way, a working range between is frequently found in practice. This approach should be strongly
0–150% can be considered as appropriate. discouraged because the relatively broad spacing of the upper stan-
dards in such geometric series could mask the situation where the
detector is reaching saturation and the instrument’s responses are “How many sequences of calibration will be carry out?”. The
levelling off somewhere between the last two standards. There-
information dealing to this question was not included in the ma-
fore, it is preferable to use a partial arithmetic series, where the
jority of Cal-VG. Specifically, EMA [5] and NATA [10] suggested at
concentrations of the upper standards differ by a constant amount,
least three sequences or rounds for calibration. A higher number,
not by a constant factor. As example, for a calibration range between
six, was suggested by JRC-FCM [12] but considering only single mea-
10–1000 mg/L, an acceptable 7 point series should be 10, 50, 100,
surement, what is apparently equivalent to 2 or 3 sequences using
250, 500, 750 and 1000 mg/L.
triplicate and duplicate measurements, respectively.
Independently of the number of sequences, two important issues
are the independency of standards and the stability of the instru- “How many replicates are necessary for each calibration
mental signal over time. Firstly, the sequences should ideally be point?”. Replication of calibration standards is an excellent way to
independent from each other, because replicate measurements on minimised the random calibration error and then increase the pre-
the same calibration standard give only partial information about cision of the values predicted from measurements of real samples.
the calibration variability. It would only cover the precision of the However, only some of the selected Cal-VG recommended carry-
instrument used to make the measurements, and not the prepa- ing out replicate analyses for calibration curves (IUPAC [2], EMA [5],
ration of the standards. Therefore, each sequence should analyze INAB [9], and SWGTOX [13]). They suggest a replication pattern of
“genuine” standards. Secondly, there are many factors which affect two, three or more. Triplicate measurements of each standard can
the magnitude of the instrument response that could vary consid- be found in many experimental calibration curves for research
erably from day to day. Then, the different sequences must be studies. It is important to note that more than six replicates do not
obtained in a well planned study carried out over at least 2-3 dif- provide additional benefit from the statistical point of view [20].
ferent weeks of analytical work. Therefore, considering the advantages of replicate measurements
against the time necessary and other economic issues, three rep-
licates at each concentration level can be considered as an “How many points (calibration levels) are necessary for a cal-
appropriate quantity of replicates.
ibration curve?”. A sufficient number of calibration standards is
needed to define the response profile in relation to concentration.
In general, the more points exist in the calibration curve the better. “Which calibration (quantification) mode, external or inter-
However, different numbers of calibration levels can be found in the nal standard (ESTD/ISTD) methodology, should be used?”. This subject
literature, ranging from 3 to 10. Specifically, for Cal-VG there is an is directly related to the quantitation principle or methodological
agreement that 5-6 calibration standards are necessary to carry out calibration approach [21]. In ESTD, the response signal of the analyte
an appropriate calibration. alone is plotted against concentration to generate a calibration curve.
F. Raposo/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 77 (2016) 167–185 171

In contrast, ISTD requires a structural analogue of the analyte to be general texts and books, in this manuscript only fundamental in-
measured which is added to calibration standards and also to formation dealing to linear regression will be covered.
samples. In this case, the response signal ratio between analyte/IS The linear regression analysis yields an equation that gives the
is plotted versus analyte/IS concentration or alternatively only versus best fit to the data points. This calibration function can be defined
analyte concentration. Although ISTD is generally beneficial for clas- as the mathematical relationship for the chemical measurement
sical instrumentation techniques, the experimental data should be process, relating the expected value of the observed signal or re-
cautiously checked before to take a choice of the methodology to sponse variable to the analyte amount. An observation on the ith unit
be used from the quantitative viewpoint [22]. in the population, denoted by yi, is:

Yi = β0 + β1 ⋅ x i + εi (1)
2.2.2. Stage 2: fitting the experimental data by regression triplet
In statistic science, the term regression is used to describe a group where the parameters β1 and β0 are usually called regression co-
of methods that summarize the degree of association between one efficients. These coefficients have a simple and often useful
variable (or set of variables) and another variable (or set of vari- interpretation; β1 is the slope of the regression line, β0 is the in-
ables) [23]. Regression and correlation play an important part in the tercept of the regression line and εi is the difference between the
interpretation of quantitative analytical methods and also for com- observed value of Y and the value on the true regression line that
parative purposes. The concepts of correlation and regression are corresponds to x = xi.
intimately related because the calculation and handling of data are It is also important to define the prediction equation:
similarly based on least-squares method. Nevertheless, correla-
tion and regression must be interpreted totally different [24]. ŷ i = b 0 + b1 ⋅ x i + e i (2)
Correlation may be described as the degree of association between
two random variables, whereas regression expresses the form of the where ŷi is the predicted value of Y for xi, b0 and b1 are the estima-
relationship between specified values of one (the independent) vari- tors of regression coefficients and ei are the residuals (ei = yi − ŷi),
able and the means of all corresponding values of the second (the representing the difference between the observed and predicted
dependent) variable. An important application of regression is the value of Y. Each fit to calibration data can be carried out using
case of analytical calibration where both variables (instrumental re- modern statistical software packages and the typical output from
sponse and concentration of analyte in calibration standards) a linear regression analysis includes the necessary statistical pa-
normally show a direct relation. In summary, linear regression rameters for calculation such as slope (b1), intercept (b0) and their
methods try to determine the best linear relationship between ex- corresponding standard error (SE) or standard deviation (SD) such
perimental data points while correlation assesses the association as SEb1 and SEb0, for the slope value and the y-intercept value, re-
between them. spectively. Additional information such as r, R2, residual standard
An important concept in this manuscript for fitting the calibra- error (RSE), F or Fisher-Snedecor statistic, degrees of freedom (DOF)
tion data is the so-called regression triplet, which include method, and different sum of squares (SS) values can be also obtained from
model and fitting technique. The application of calibration func- a typical regression analysis [27]. It is important to note that the
tions requires a mathematical equation that relates the instrumental estimators of the regression coefficients obtained using the best re-
response and the concentration of the calibration standards to predict gression model should be unbiased, but they have confidence
the concentration of unknown samples. Although this procedure intervals (C.I) around their mean values, which vary following the
is very common among analysts, a significant source of bias and im- confidence level (normally at 95%). Therefore, a calibration line
precision in analytical measurements can be caused by the should be described appropriately using the mean values but also
inadequate choice of the regression triplet for the standard curve their associated errors [28].
that finally will transform signal measurements of samples into con-
centration units. Therefore, it is important to note that the regression Regression fitting technique. There are two fitting tech-
triplet must be selected carefully. niques for linear regression model using least-squares method such
as ordinary least-squares (OLS) and weighted least-squares (WLS) Regression method: least-squares. There are various regres- [29]. This classification is based in the behaviour of the response’s
sion methods such as ranked regression, multiple linear regression, standard deviations or variances over the selected working range
nonlinear regression, principal-component regression, partial least- of the calibration curve. There are several statistical tests that could
squares regression. The most common statistical method used is the be used to check for the homogeneity/heterogeneity of standard de-
least-squares regression, which works by finding the “best curve” viations or variances. They were described in different papers
through the data that minimizes the residual sum of squares. and general textbooks and were reviewed by Sayago and Asuero
[30]. In spite that is a normal that most of reports in the literature
refer to OLS, it is important to note that OLS should be only used Regression model: linear. There are a number of least-
when experimental data have constant variance (homoscedasticity)
squares regression models such as linear, logarithmic, exponential
while WLS is more appropriate when the variance varies
and power. The most common measurement model is the one de-
(heteroscedasticity). Normally, the fitting technique choice will
scribed by the simple linear function because it has many advantages,
depend on the range of concentrations of interest. When a narrow
among them, simplicity and ease of use. Therefore, historically many
range is considered, an ordinary or unweighted linear model is
analytical methods have relied on linear models for the calibra-
usually adapted, while a larger range may require a more complex
tion relationship, where calibration data (pairs of analyte
or weighted model.
concentrations-xi, and instrument responses-yi) are used as an input
to the least-squares regression.
The literature is plenty of information relating to linear regres- Ordinary least-squares: assumptions. OLS regression is
sion. Among the interesting information it is possible to highlight often selected for a mathematical fit of the relation between con-
a book fully dedicated to this topic by Montgomery et al. [25]. More centration and instrumental response. It is usually the first guess
recently, Andrade-Garda et al. published an excellent chapter devoted and the starting point for the selection of regression curve. There
to classical linear regression by least-squares method [26]. Taking are some basic assumptions necessary for OLS to be valid: (i) re-
into account the information included in these references and from lationship between y and x variables is linear; (ii) x is without error
172 F. Raposo/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 77 (2016) 167–185

or less than one-tenth of the error in y; (iii) errors in y are normal- a source of error. Firstly, the majority of analytical instruments have
ly distributed; (iv) error in y is homoscedastic; and (v) errors an inputted background signal or noise which is expected to be non-
associated with different observations are independent [25]. It is zero. Secondly, the closest way to measure the zero-point calibration
important to note that all the assumptions are not routinely checked, is by running a true blank. But even in this case, random noise signal
but their verification using different statistical tests in flowchart mode detection is obtained; and only exceptionally, for some chromato-
was proposed by de Souza and Junqueira [31]. Considering that OLS graphic techniques the blank sample can be considered a real ZPC.
provides statistically accurate estimates only when all assump- The only way in which ZPC can be added to a regression data set
tions are fulfilled, in any other case, when some assumptions are is when a real standard zero-point has been used and the ob-
not satisfied, OLS can not be considered as the best fitting tech- served response is either zero or too small and then reasonably can
nique. Nevertheless, from a general point of view, violation of the be interpreted as zero [42]. If the ZPC subject is not considered, the
main assumption relating to variance homogeneity is very fre- calibration curve used will include a fictitious extra calibration point,
quent due to the fact that many analytical methods produce being the final effect on reliability of results variable depending on
heteroscedastic data, situation in which every calibration point does the experimental calibration design (levels, replicates, range, and
not have equal impact on the regression [32]. Then deviations at distance of first calibration point to zero). Anyway, the ZPC should
high concentrations will influence the regression line more than de- not be considered as a true measured data point and therefore, it
viations at low concentrations. In fact, the assumption of constant should be never included falsely to calibration curves [43].
variance for instrumental analysis is normally incorrect. Instead of The regression using ZPC is only covered in one guideline of Cal-
the variance, the RSD is the constant parameter over a consider- VG. Specifically, SWGTOX [13] states briefly that “the origin shall
able range for many analytical methods. In this case, OLS is not totally not be included as a calibration point”, although no further expla-
adequate for fitting regression and provides biased estimators of re- nation is included.
gression coefficients (slope and intercept), mainly sensitive to Regression through the origin. RTO is a special case
extreme data points [33]. In consequence, concentration values for of linear regression where the absence of constant term (inter-
unknown samples could be incorrectly estimated [34]. cept) is a simplification of the statistical model [44]. Although linear
regression is one of the most familiar statistical tools, RTO has been Weighted least-squares: weighting factors. Hetero- scarcely treated in textbooks. In addition, when this subject has been
scedasticity must not be neglected in the analytical calibration treated, it was in controversial mode with no clear statement about
process. The solution for non-constant variance is to use an alter- its use [45]. By one hand, it is possible to find some advice that drop-
native regression procedure such as WLS, which is similar to OLS ping the constant term from a regression could diminish the model’s
but defines weights to the calibration data [35]. Relating to Cal- fit to the calibration data. On the other hand, from the theoretical
VG information, the majority of guidelines (9 out of 14) includes point of view, there are some circumstances under the studies in
some information about WLS in cases of heteroscedasticity. By this which RTO looks suitable or even required. For example, in a chem-
way, in spite of its extra complexity, WLS is now becoming rather ical reaction in which there is not input (x = 0) there will not be
more common fitting technique for calibration purposes of induc- output (y = 0). However, although theory forbids a constant term
tive coupled plasma (ICP) [36] and chromatographic techniques value in the regression equation careful consideration of data should
[37,38]. The general concept of WLS is well understood; the prin- be necessary. By this way, to know theoretically that y = 0 when x = 0
ciple of weighting is to provide more importance to data points with can not be considered enough justification to apply RTO. In addi-
a low variance and less importance to data points with high vari- tion, it is important to note that the majority of instrumental devices
ance. Therefore, an optimal weighted model will balance the include software packages to allow creating a calibration curve that
regression line to generate an evenly distributed error throughout is forced through the origin (for example, by specifying removal of
the calibration range. the intercept or selecting a zero constant option) [42]. In this case,
On the other hand, given the evidence of heteroscedasticity, the the regression parameters that will be used to estimate the con-
major problem is the proper assignment of the weighting factors centration of unknown samples are obtained using different
(WF/wi). The question about which weights to apply does not have equations to the best line through the centroid (point which is the
a simple answer and different WF may be appropriate in different average of the given x and y values) [28]. However, a calibration curve
situations depending on the characteristics of the calibration data must not be forced trough the origin unless it is demonstrated that
set. The most reported procedure is to weight according to the the intercept is not significantly different from zero. Therefore,
inverse of the variance in the response at that point (WF as func- once it has been established that a linear fit of the data is appro-
tion of 1/s2) [35]. However, this WF is generally impractical because priate, it should be very useful to test whether the intercept
it requires several determinations for each calibration point and also significantly differs from zero or contrarily is totally negligible. There
because a fresh calibration line should be performed each time the are different statistical ways to check the significance of intercept
method is used. Alternatively, the variance can be modelled as a values:
direct function of x or y values. Therefore, WF as function of 1/x0.5,
1/x, 1/x2 and 1/y0.5, 1/y, 1/y2 have been evaluated as approxima- • One approach is by means of Student’s test statistic (t-test) or
tions of variance and used to establish regression functions [39]. the corresponding p-value. Considering the null hypothesis b0 = 0
The selection of WF based in 1/x2 as best function was suggested (usually at 95% confidence level). If the intercept is not signifi-
in the literature [40] and also has been justified with scientific rea- cantly different from zero, then the t-experimental value will be
soning [41]. lower than the t-critical value. In the same line, the p-value will
be higher than the specified 5% significance level (usually com- Common mistakes in regression. There are a couple of paring with 0.05) [42].
very common mistakes in the application of least-squared linear • Another simplest approach is by means of the confidence in-
regression. They will be described in detail to avoid them in the terval for the intercept. If this spans zero, the constant value can
routine analytical laboratory work. be considered as statistically not significant [42]. Regression using zero-point calibration. A particular- • Alternatively, the SE of the intercept (SEb0) can be compared with
ized problem in analytical chemistry is to include the ZPC (0, 0) as the intercept value to know if the curve passes through the origin.
data on the constructed calibration curve before to apply for the If intercept value is higher than SEb0, the constant value can be
regression fitting technique. Unfortunately, this procedure could be considered statistically significant. If intercept value is lower or
F. Raposo/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 77 (2016) 167–185 173

equal than SEb0, the constant value can be considered statisti- function term looks more suitable because it is used to describe the
cally not significant [46]. relationship between the instrumental response and the concen-
tration. As it was explained before, a linear dependence of the signal
Nevertheless, it is important to consider that the statistical jus- and the analyte concentration is certainly the most convenient case
tification to drop a non-significant intercept is not enough when and commonly used in chemical analysis. However, there are some
the practical relevance of this action is considered. Some impor- analytical techniques with a clear non-linear response [50]. There-
tant information that should be known about RTO is [44]: i) the fore, the terms analytical response or response function or standard
residuals will not sum to zero; ii) the line may not necessarily pass curve would have been more appropriate for this validation char-
through the regression centroid and then affecting the confidence acteristic [47].
band for the regression line (does not expand from the centre of The same confusion in concept between response function and
the line). linearity of results can be found in the scientific literature, with the
In summary, RTO is a statistical assumption and not an under- majority of guidelines, text and papers dealing with validation in-
lying principle for reporting results. Forcing the regression line cluding the term linearity. This should be the reason why many
through the origin is generally not in agreement with the main ob- analysts still continue to use the linearity terminology when refer-
jective of the regression, which is assessing the best prediction model ring to the response function of calibration curves. Exceptionally,
to fit the data. Therefore, using RTO either arbitrarily or statistical- some Cal-VG such as EMA [5], FDA [6] and ANVISA [8] do not contain
ly sounds may unfavourably impact quantitative results, highly in the word linearity, it was replaced by calibration or standard curve.
the beginning and softly at the end of the linear calibration range. Similarly, Eurachem [4] and SWGTOX [13] guidelines used alter-
The RTO issue is briefly treated in only two of Cal-VG. Firstly, native terms such as working range and calibration model,
IUPAC guideline suggests that “a test for intercept significantly dif- respectively.
ferent from zero can also be made” [2]. Secondly, Huber considers On the other hand, another source of confusion dealing with lin-
helpful RTO. He states the following sentence: “A linear regression earity is the different meaning from graphical against mathematical
equation applied to the results should have an intercept not signifi- points of view. By this way, graphically should be possible to dis-
cantly different from zero. If a significant nonzero intercept is obtained, tinguish two shapes such as straight-line and non-linear. However,
it should be demonstrated that this has no effect on the accuracy of a quadratic model showing clearly a parabola or curved graph may
the method” [11]. be really a linear calibration. This is due to algebraically speaking
only the coefficients of the mathematical function are considered.
3. Linearity as validation performance parameter

3.1. General approach 3.2. Evaluation of linearity

3.1.1. Linear versus non-linear regression models Considering that the scope of this manuscript is restricted to an-
Linear regression is perhaps the most used statistical model in alytical methods dealing to real linear relationship and associated
calibration due to the fact that it is considered as the easiest way plots, the linearity concept will be maintained. Once the calibra-
to fit experimental data. Therefore, the preliminary evaluation of tion function is established, it should be tested (validated) for total
one analytical method is routinely considered from the linear cal- conformance to the regression model. Therefore, the linearity as-
ibration point of view. Unfortunately, linear regression can also be sessment of the calibration function should be checked before its
considered an abused statistical method taking into consideration use. As can be seen from Cal-VG, the linearity assessment, as a re-
the common mistake to presume linear relationship onto any set quired performance in method validation, has always been subject
of experimental calibration data. However, systematically force a to different definitions and interpretations. The same problematic
function using the linear regression model to fit any set of calibra- is present in published papers [49,51–54]. This is due to the rec-
tion standards is not required, often irrelevant and may lead to large ommendations that are sometimes complicated or controversial and
errors in the measured results for real samples [47]. In fact, the do not detail the experimental designs, the statistical calculations
straight-line model is never valid for some instrumental methods and the respective assumptions that need to be checked. In addi-
while for others only in a limited interval range, and above it a sig- tion, there are very limited applicable implementation procedures
nificant departure from linearity is present. Particularly, very often that can be followed by analysts for assessing linearity. This manu-
occurred in practice for wide calibration ranges, the calibration plot script was planned as a way to establish a practical approach to
is linear at low analyte concentrations, but a close examination evaluate the linearity range applied to in-house validated methods.
reveals that curvature exists at higher analyte levels. In looking the Therefore, linearity can be further confirmed by using alternative
use of the right model one important question arise: At what point procedures such as graphical plots, statistical tests and numerical
does curvature become so severe that linear calibration is not useful? parameters that were previously reported in the analytical litera-
[48]. Also, fitting by non-linear least squares can be challenging, but ture. They have compiled to facilitate comparisons of analytical
quadratic (second degree polynomial) least squares model fit ap- methodologies from the linearity assessment point of view. In ad-
propriately the experimental data when a calibration curve has a dition, some of them should be proposed as acceptance criteria.
smoothly curving nature. In fact, the majority of Cal-VG includes Table 1 shows the different linearity tests included in the Cal-VG
some information relating to the possibility of applying non- for decision making. In addition, Table 2 summarizes pros and cons
linear regression for calibration curves. Therefore, calibration data of the different linearity procedures that following will be de-
must be analyzed with care to evaluate if the non-linear regres- scribed in detail.
sion model provides a better fit than the linear one [49].

3.1.2. Clarification of linearity concept 3.2.1. Graphical mode

The terminology dealing with linearity is somewhat confusing The first step for linearity assessment should be plotting the
because there are different ways of thinking about linear func- paired data and to carry out the visual inspection of the experi-
tions. From the systems theory, the linearity criterion refers to the mental data provided by the calibration plot. By this way, it is possible
relationship between the quantity introduced (input) and the quan- to quickly identify problems with the data showing the general shape
tity back-calculated from the calibration curve (output). The response of the curve and how well the curve fits the calibration standards.
174 F. Raposo/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 77 (2016) 167–185

Table 2 Linearity plot. The sensitivity of the analytical instrumen-

Advantages and disadvantages of different procedures to check linearity tal was suggested by Dorschel et al. to be useful to check the linearity
Procedure Advantages Disadvantages of the calibration curves [55]. This approach was also included in
A) Graphically a validation paper published by Huber [56], and then sometimes
GRA Helpful to overall view of Do not detect lack of is termed in the literature as Huber’s linearity test [57]. In this
experimental calibration linearity in all cases method, the sensitivity is easy to calculate as the ratio between the
data individual response values and the corresponding concentrations.
RES Very useful for calibration Do not detect lack of
diagnosis linearity for all degrees of
Specifically for chromatographic techniques, the linear range was
curvature. Necessary defined as the range of concentration over which the sensitivity
previous knowledge about (slope of calibration curve) in the form of response factor (RF) for
regression trends. ESTD or relative response factor (RRF) for ISTD can be considered
LIN Graphs including acceptance Some terms such as
as constant within a defined tolerance. A tolerance limit of ±5% was
limits are very illustrative for sensitivity, response
easy understanding factors or relative response suggested by IUPAC to evaluate the linearity of chromatographic cal-
factors could be confusing ibration curves [58]. Considering that visual examination can help
Not totally conclusive to evaluate the data, usually the assessment is carried out by figures
B) Statistically referred as linearity or sensitivity plots, representing the sensitiv-
ANOVA Easy to calculate Test precision dependent
Acceptance limit based in F and not conclusive
ity versus concentration (expressed using logarithmic scale for wide
test calibration ranges). By this way, the median value of slope is se-
LOF Acceptance limit based in F Calculations are complicate lected instead the average value taking into account that the median
test without software program value is an estimator robust to outliers. Tolerance limits are deter-
Test precision dependent
mined multiplying the median value by constant factors of 0.95 and
and not conclusive
MAN Easy to calculate Erroneous versus correct 1.05 for lower and upper limits, respectively. The calibration range
Acceptance limit based in F equation for calculation. is considered to be within the linear range if no results are outside
test Explain lack of linearity of the tolerance limits. In the same way, the data points should form
only in the case of a straight line with very low or zero slope.
quadratic model
SQT Acceptance limit based in F Calculations are complicate
This plot methodology was only included in two guidelines of
test without software program Cal-VG, INAB [9] and Agilent [11], as a way to check appropriately
Explain lack of linearity the linearity of calibration curves.
only in the case of
quadratic model
3.2.2. Non-graphical mode
C) Numerical
parameters Unfortunately, linearity cannot be demonstrated over a given
r/R2 Widely use due to be simple Misleading, therefore working range by simple visual observation of calibration and re-
concepts and statistical never or not never useful siduals plots because both processes are subjective. The US FDA
availability as linearity test
validation guideline includes that “the simplest model that adequate-
RSE Simple concept Results are instrument
ly describes the concentration–response relationship should be used”
SLO Easy to calculate Not conclusive [6].
QC Acceptance limit based in % Different equations were
provided in the literature Statistical significance tests. The quality of linear fit must be
Not conclusive for all the
calibration range
evaluated using significance tests to check if the equation defin-
%RE Simple calculation Acceptance criteria of ing a calibration standard is appropriate. Although the calculations
Acceptance limit based in % 15–20% should be differ, the significance tests are carried out in similar way stating
Conclusive from statistical sometimes considered as the null (H0) and alternative hypotheses (HA). The H0 is usually that
viewpoint excessive high
there is no difference between the values compared. There are many
types of significance tests useful to examine different statistical pa-
rameters, being very common the t-test (comparing mean values)
and the F-test (comparing variances). Four significance tests
This suggestion was included in the majority of Cal-VG. More spe- have been reported in the literature for linearity testing, all of then
cific plots to check linearity are detailed following. based on Fisher-Snedecor or F-distribution corresponding to the com-
parison between the tabulated (Fcrit) and the experimental (Fexp)
F-values. Residuals plot. Linearity can be tested informally by exam-
ination the plot of residuals produced by linear regression of the Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. This routine statis-
responses on the concentrations in an appropriate calibration set. tical test was suggested by Danzer and Currie [18]. The experimental
A visual evaluation of the pattern of the residuals plot is very simple value is given by:
and straightforward. In spite of their usefulness, a residual plot can
Fexp = (s y x s y )
not be considered as a potent tool to identify deviations from the (3)
linear regression model. This is due to no statistical test is in-
volved and some experience may be necessary for the interpretation where sy/x is RSE and sy is the pure error (PE). Therefore, this test
of these plots. The residual plot is useful for the judgement of lin- considers useful to check whether the residual variance is larger than
earity as per the sign sequence. A residual plot shown random the squared PE from the study of genuine replicate samples.
behaviour in a constant range, without systematic pattern is indic- In spite that this test is an IUPAC recommendation, it was not
ative of the correct linearity. However, residuals values fairly considered by none of Cal-VG.
distributed between positive and negative values have been sug-
gested as indicator of the deviation in relation to the linearity Analysis of Variance lack-of-fit test (ANOVA-LOF). The
assumption [25,31]. The majority of Val-VG includes implicitly the ANOVA-LOF or simply LOF test has been recommended previ-
residuals plot as a way to check the linearity of calibration curves. ously as a sound test applied to calibration experiments as sole basis
F. Raposo/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 77 (2016) 167–185 175

[59,60]. The LOF is a statistical test derived from the analysis of It is important to note that this test was also suggested by IUPAC
variance applied to regression. This test is based on the compari- [18], but this approach included a simplified formula when com-
son of the variability of a set of calibration measurements and pared to the original one given by Mandel:
is relatively simple. It can be easily implemented on much
spreadsheet software. Specifically, RSE can be divided in two com-
FIUPAC = ⎡⎣(Sy x )LIN − (Sy x )NON-LIN ⎤⎦ (Sy x )NON-LIN
2 2
ponents: i) PE or random experimental error, corresponding to the
variability of replicates around their common means; ii) LOF error,
which is the variability of the group means around the regression ⎣
2 2

FMandel = ⎡(N − 2) ⋅ (Sy x )LIN − (N − 3) ⋅ (Sy x )NON-LIN ⎤

(Sy x )NON-L

line. In this case the null hypothesis means that no significant LOF
is present. where N is the overall number of standards necessary to calculate
This test can be carried out in two ways [61]: DOF. It was found that the IUPAC simplification is not valid in general
although it can be used safely when the variances of the linear and
alternative models are very similar, typically when they differ by
• Fisher-Snedecor test. This is a conventional F-test between the
two components of RSE, specifically the ratio between the so- less than 10%. Another drawback of Mandel’s test is that a higher
called LOF and PE variances. The model is adequate (assumption number of calibration standards, compared to routine calibration,
of absence of LOF) if Fexp is lower than Fcrit. are necessary to detect non-linearity correctly [65].
This test was suggested only in one of Cal-VG. By this way, JRC-
• p-value test. This is a statistical parameter that represents the
probability. It is important to note that a high p-value means that FCM [12] includes a wide explanation according to IUPAC suggestion
the starting assumption (absence of LOF) cannot be rejected. [18].
Therefore, a p-value greater than 0.05 (at 95% confidence level)
must be obtained to fail reject (accept) the starting assump- Significance of the quadratic term (SQT) test. This is
tion about the LOF for the linearity of the calibration curve. another approach to evaluate the presence of systematic curva-
ture for calibration data. Similarly to Mandel’s test, SQT compares
Unfortunately, this test has some drawbacks that make it not nec- a straight-line regression model with a second-order regression
essarily conclusive, fail to be quantitative and then affecting its model based on comparison of mean squares (MS) values of qua-
usefulness in general application [62,63]: dratic term and residuals. In this case, deviation from linearity is
detected when MS are different, and then Fexp exceeds the Fcrit value
• Sufficient replicates of calibration during the validation of the and the QT can be considered as significant [42]. Alternatively, de-
analytical method are required. It exist the possibility that data viation from linearity is detected when the second-order regression
may be judged nonlinear if an inadequate number of repli- coefficient (b2) is significantly different from zero, than means that
cates are employed in the data analysis. However, replicate b2 interval does not include the zero value [66].
requirement should not be a practical limitation in most cases. This test has a low prevalence in Cal-VG. Only SWGTOX [13] cited
Most important is the fact that true replicates must be used to the use of SQT as an alternative test for calibration model assessment.
avoid overestimates failing the test due to using simple repli-
cation of the calibration standard. Numerical parameters. This section includes different nu-
• A major problem of this test is that it depends on the precision merical parameters used for evaluating the goodness of fit (GOF)
of the method. By this way, for precise data the test is very sen- of the calibration curves, which means how well a linear regres-
sitive and less likely to pass it. Similarly, when imprecise data sion model fits the calibration standards.
are processed, the test can fail to detect apparently large devia-
tions from linearity. r and/or R2. Both coefficients are regression param-
• If the null hypothesis is not rejected, it does not mean that the eters commonly used when performing analytical calibration
linear model is correct, only that the model is not contradicted assessments as indicators for GOF. These coefficients are very popular
by the data or that insufficient data exist to detect the inad- among the scientific community, probably due to the simple com-
equacies of the model. In addition, there are causes of LOF other munication and suggestive interpretation of concepts and also quickly
than non-linearity that can arise in calibration curves. availability from statistical software and calculators. Considering their
wide use it is important to define briefly both coefficients: r is an
This statistical test was included in 4 of the Cal-VG, but in a dif- indicator of the degree of correlation between both variables, while
ferent form. By short way, IUPAC [2] included that a test of R2 is an indicator of the proportion of variability in the response
significance can be undertaken by comparing LOF variance with that explained by the regression. In practice, calibration curves should
due to PE, including the explanation that non-linearity is not the be dealt with R2 rather than r since R2 shows the proportion by which
only reason for LOF. INAB [9] stated that “a LOF test may be utilised the variance of the dependent variable is reduced by knowledge of
to underpin the visual assessment”. Also, SWGTOX [13] briefly sug- the corresponding independent variable. However, r values have been
gested to applying LOF as an alternative to the unweighted calibration extensively reported for GOF of calibration curves. In addition, er-
model. On the other hand, JRC-FCM [12] explained widely the LOF roneously both coefficients have been used interchangeably [12,34].
test following the ISO 11095 approach [60]. In any case, the use of r and/or R2 is a subject of much controversy
and it is clearly reflected in the information of Cal-VG dealing with
this issue. Firstly, the linearity evaluation of analytical methods re- Mandel’s test. This test is useful to make a decision about ported in some guidelines such as USP [7], Agilent [11] and ICH [16]
linearity by seeing whether a straight line or quadratic curve fits suggest that r values should be reported. Secondly, ANVISA [8] in-
the calibration data better [64]. Mandel’s test compares the RSE of cludes an acceptance criterion that relies on r. Finally, IUPAC [2],
both models by an F-test with a null hypothesis that there are not Eurachem [3,4], INAB [9], NATA [10] and SWGTOX [13] criticize those
significant differences between the residual variances of both models. analytical methods reporting high values of r and/or R2, close to unity,
For this test, if Fexp is lower than Fcrit means that the quadratic model that considering linearity as appropriate without further evalua-
did not provide a significantly better fit than the straight line model. tion. It is important to consider the meaning of both coefficients
Therefore, in this case the quadratic or second degree polynomial to state that correlation or response variability and linearity are only
model cannot be selected on statistical grounds. loosely related. Therefore, these statistical parameters should be
176 F. Raposo/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 77 (2016) 167–185

Table 3
Literature relating to r/R2 as misleading linearity criterion

References Authors Date Coefficients Statements

[67] Davis & Pryor 1976 r “r, although widely used as a measure of GOF, does not accurately reflect the deviations of points
from the line”
[68] Hunter 1981 r&R2 “In fitting functional models values of r and R2 close to ±1 do provide an aura of respectability, but
not much else”
[69] Van Arendonk et al. 1981 r “ A practice that should be discouraged is the use of r as a means of evaluating goodness of fit of
linear models”
[70] Mitchell & Garden 1982 r “The r value does not indicate whether the chosen mathematical model adequately fits the data”
[71] Analytical Methods 1988 r “A large value of r does not indicate a linear relationship between two measurements”
Committee “The r does not indicate linearity or the lack thereof”
[72] Sahai and Singh 1989 R2 “A large value of R2 does not insure a good fit neither the model predict well”
[73] Thompson 1990 r “r is often mis-applied to calibration data in an attempt to support the presumption of linearity”
“r ≈ 1 does not necessarily imply an underlying linear relationship”
[74] Miller 1991 r “The magnitude of r, considered alone, is a poor guide of linearity”
[51] Karnes and March 1991 r “r is a poor indicator of how well a linear regression equation fits the linear model”
“r is of little value in documenting adherence to the linear model”
[75] Miller 1991 r “A high value of r is thus seen to be no guarantee at all that a straight line rather than a curve, is
appropriate for a given calibration plot”
[76] Cassidy & Janosky 1992 r& R2 “Values of r and R2 tell us whether there is a reasonable probability that x and y are directly
related. They are not intended to measure the degree of linearity of the line of best fit.
Consequently, neither r nor R2 should be used the linearity of a calibration curve”
[77] MacTaggart & Farwell 1992 r “r gives only a relative idea of the linearity inherent in a particular data set”
[59] Analytical Methods 1994 r “Hence, r is misleading in the context of testing for linearity”
Committee “It is better used for correlation, not for quantify linearity”
[34] Mulholland & 1997 r& R2 “Many analysts depend entirely on the use of R2 (or r) value between 0.999 and 1.000 as an
Hibbert acceptability criterion. This is well known to be inadequate”
“r does not give any indication of the errors associated with an individual measurement”
[78] Van Loco et al. 2002 r “r is not useful indicator of linearity in the calibration model, even for r > 0.997”
“r is not suitable for assessing the linearity of calibration curves”
[79] De Levie 2003 r “r can easily be misinterpreted by chemists as a measure of GOF which it is not”
[80] Huber 2004 r “r describes the quality of the fit only poorly and its linearity not at all”
“If r is used for testing the quality of the fit with subsequent proof of linearity, it is severely biased”
[81] Kiser & Dolan 2004 R2 “Even if the standard curve has R2 > 0.9990, the fit will not necessarily be very good”
“R2 is a poor measure of the curve fit quality”
[82] Ermer & Ploss 2005 r “r is neither a proof or linearity, nor a suitable quantitative parameter”
[83] Hibbert 2005 r “r is not the statistic of choice to determine the extent of linearity”
[31] De Souza & Junqueira 2006 r &R2 “the improper recommendation to establish linearity that is most frequently written into protocols
and papers is the use of r or R2”
[84] Asuero et al. 2006 r “r close to unity does not necessarily indicate a linear calibration function”
“Analyst should avoid being misled by r”
“It is surprising that r had been used so frequently to assess the linearity of calibration graphs”
“In short, r value is in reality not a measure of model adequacy”
[85] Lee et al. 2006 R2 “R2 is not useful for evaluating the quality of a calibration curve model because it does not penalize
model complexity and consequently encourages overfitting”
[86] Sonnergaard 2006 r “r is often misused as a universal parameter expressing the quality in linear regression analysis”
[87] Singtoroj et al. 2006 R2 “R2 alone is not adequate to demonstrate linearity since values above 0.999 can be achieved even
when the data shows signs of curvature”
[88] Analytical Methods 2006 r “Given the importance of linear calibration, it is strange that most analytical chemists are willing
Committee to use r as an indicator of linearity”
“r in the context of linearity testing is potentially misleading, and should be avoided.
[53] Araujo 2009 r “It is extremely important to emphasize that an r-test to check the linearity does not exist. We
cannot say that r = 0.999 is more linear that r = 0.997”
[89] Komsta 2012 r &R2 “r and R2 are completely unrelated to several phenomena that can occur during calibration. Very
high values can be obtained for curves with significant curvilinearity”
[90] Rozet et al. 2013 R2 “R2 do not allow to properly select an adequate response function for the calibration curve”

considered misleading in the context of testing the linearity. In fact, measure of the average residual or deviation of the data from the
the use of r and/or R2 as linearity test can be considered as the most fitted regression line. It is used to calculate many useful regres-
frequently reported misconception about linear regression. Unfor- sion statistics including significance test of the intercept and the
tunately, this is a topic of high relevance over the time with no slope, some outlier test and the C.I. values. In addition, it should
definitive solution among scientific community. Maximum rele- also be used as another way to check the GOF of the calibration,
vance should be provided by analysts engaged in the validation of considering that it provides a quantification of the spread of the
analytical methods to definitively avoid the use of r and/or R2 as a data around the regression line [91]. The smaller the RSE, the
proof of linearity. To highlight this idea, Table 3 compiles some pub- closer are the measured data points to the calculated calibration
lished articles dealing with calibration curves in which previously curve. Unfortunately, it is affected by the choice of units and its
was included some information about the misleading use of r and/ value can only be used to compare the results obtained from the
or R2 for linearity evaluation [34,51,53,59,67–90]. same instrument system. Thus, it is not totally appropriate for
comparison because results are depending on the arbitrary units The residual standard error (RSE). This statistical pa- for signal measurement. However, NATA guideline [10] suggests
rameter is also known as the standard error of regression (SER) or their use as a measure of GOF considering the repeatability preci-
residual standard deviation (SDres) and represented by sy/x. It is a sion of y values.
F. Raposo/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 77 (2016) 167–185 177 The relative standard deviation of the slope calibration concentrations are of primary interest and they must be
(%RSDSLOPE-SLO). This mathematical measure of linearity was sug- evaluated. For each standard curve there is an optimal design to
gested by Cuadros-Rodríguez et al. [92]. The %RSDSLOPE value is obtain the most accurate back-calculated results. By this way, the
characteristic for the analytical calibration method and indepen- models should be retained or rejected based on the accuracy of the
dent of the instrument used. It should be used as a mathematical back-calculated (BC) results regardless of other statistical proper-
measure of GOF and as a comparison criterion for the dispersion ties or numerical parameters that could be considered only
of the experimental data around the regression or calibration line. informative and barely relevant for the objective of the assay [47].
Expressed as percentage, the equation to calculate this parameter In order to assess the linearity, comparing directly the back-
is: calculated concentrations with the theoretical or nominal values of
the calibration standards is a simple way to become aware of the
%RSDSLOPE = (SEb1 b1 ) ∗ 100 (6) error contribution from the whole regression range [39,95]. The de-
viations from the proposed linear calibration model can be expressed
This parameter is scarcely used in Cal-VG, being only reported
as relative error (RE) of the estimated regression line:
in JRC-FCM [12]. This guideline suggests high tolerance values, 5%
for classical chromatography techniques and 8% for more special- %RE = [( x meas − x theo ) x theo ] ⋅100 (11)
ised techniques (mass spectroscopy detection). These values contrast
with RSDSLOPE values for an appropriate GOF of experimental results where xmeas is the measured or experimental value and xtheo is the
around 1–2% as showed the examples included in the reference paper theoretical or nominal concentration. For each calibration point, a
[92]. negative or positive deviation can be obtained by simple calcula-
tion. Σ%RE is an overall parameter defined as the sum of absolute Quality Coefficients (QC). Different quality coeffi- values that was proposed to select the best fitting technique for re-
cients (QC) were reported in the literature for the GOF assessment gression [39,96]. The mean disadvantage of this sum parameter is
of calibration lines based on calibration curve deviation from either similar to RSE, it can only be used to compare results obtained from
x or y values [93]. Hu et al. [94] defined the QC using the relative the same instrument. On the contrary, one advantage of %RE pa-
residual (RR) values as: rameter is their usefulness to check individually if appropriate fitting
for all the calibration points is carried out, at both high and low con-

QC (Hu) = ⎡( ∑ %RR )
centration levels. Alternatively, this parameter should be useful as
(n − 1)⎤⎦
2 2
⎣ a plot. %RE versus concentration values using log units has been pre-
viously reported as valuable indicator of linearity [97]. As novelty
%RR = [residuals ymeas ] = [( ymeas − ypred ) ymeas ] ⋅100 (8) in the present manuscript, with the purpose of further accuracy eval-
uation using this numerical parameter, two different complementary
where measurement deviations or residuals are calculated from the parameters have been proposed. By one hand, %REAVER, as the overall
difference between ymeas (the measurement at each data point) and error from the whole calibration curve. On the other hand, %REMAX,
ypred (the measurement predicted by regression model). This pa- as the maximum specific error at any point of the calibration curve
rameter can be expressed more appropriately as percentage for also should be considered.
comparative purposes. The limit of acceptable quality for calibra- Some of Cal-VG included acceptability criterion for linearity re-
tion curves using atomic spectroscopy was set at 5%. These QCs lating to deviation from regression line. By one hand, Agilent [11]
accepts that RSD is constant and measure the average relative de- and ICH [16] only state that analysis of deviation should be helpful
viation of the measurements from the model: the better the model for evaluating linearity. On the other hand, US FDA [6], ANVISA [8],
fit to the experimental points, the smaller the QC. Unfortunately, JRC-FCM [12] clearly specify the conditions to be met in develop-
little deviations in the lower sector of the calibration line may result ing a calibration curve such as 20% to the low limit of quantification
in high relative errors and thus in elevated QC values. As a conse- (LLQ) and 15% to the rest of nominal concentrations. In addition,
quence, calibration lines with problems at the highest concentrations EMA [5] suggests the same deviations limits of 15–20%, but clearly
may possibly pass unobserved, while small deviations at the lowest specifies that deviation should be presented as back-calculated con-
concentrations may be considered as unacceptable. In order to deal centrations of the calibration standards.
with this issue an alternative QC using instrumental signal average
(ȳ) and based on the acceptance of a constant variance was pro- Deviation from linearity tests. Recently quadratic and higher-
posed [93]:
order polynomial models have been used more frequently as
1 functional relationship for calibration curves. As a result, more so-
QC (mean) = ⎡( ∑ %RR ) (n − 1)⎤⎦
2 2
⎣ phisticated parameters to evaluate the linearity have been described
in the literature. Among them, Akaikes information criterion (AIC),
%RR = [residuals y ] = [( ymeas − ypred ) y] ⋅100 (10) average deviation from linearity (ADL), sum of squares of devia-
tions from linearity (SSDL), coefficient of variation of deviations from
The alternative QC eliminated the effect of a different location linearity (CVDL) and two-one sided test (TOST) are the most used.
of a similar residual in the calibration curve and then being more As it was previously stated, this manuscript is dealing specifically
robust because relates each residual to the mean signal response with linear regression and further explanation about the new pa-
value. rameters is out of the scope of this manuscript and can be found
The QC factor has null influence in the information compiled from elsewhere [98–104].
Cal-VG, because it was never reported as useful parameter to check
for linearity criterion. 4. Evaluation of linearity: case studies Deviation from back-calculated concentrations (DEV). A The literature is plenty of theoretical information dealing with
very important aspect in analytical chemistry is the fit-for-purpose validation procedures. However, there is in general a lack of prac-
principle [3,4,48,85]. The primary goal of an analytical procedure tical information, particularly to calibration practice and linearity
is to give accurate measurements in the future for real unknown assessment. Employing some of the criteria for assessing linearity
samples; so deviations of model fit with regard to standard in isolation can be a risk because they are only partly addressed to
178 F. Raposo/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 77 (2016) 167–185

Table 4 4.1.2. Calibration data: X (amount-mg/tablet) versus Y

Linear regression output data for case studies 1-7 (signal-arbitrary units)
Study [b1] ERROR [b0] ERROR COEF. [Sy/x] CS 1A: 103.9/265053; 103.9/261357; 139.3/345915; 139.3/345669;
[SEb1] [SEb0] [R2]
180.1/445684; 180.1/445753; 200.3/494700; 200.3/493846;
1A 2437 10 7186 2090 0.9998 2421 219.9/540221; 219.9/539610 278.1/683881; 278.1/683991;
1B 3.414 0.015 −0.409 0.064 0.9998 0.183 305.7/755890; 305.7/754901.
2 2.286 0.014 −11.4 3.5 0.9996 5.296
3A 0.2416 0.0016 0.016 0.006 0.9993 0.017
CS 1B: 0.158/0.1212; 0.158/0.1211; 0.315/0.4036; 0.315/0.4152;
3B 0.2416 0.0029 0.016 0.011 0.9977 0.031 0.631/1.8395; 0.631/1.8351; 1.261/3.8405; 1.261/3.8461;
4 3.0109 0.0916 1.2727 0.0542 0.9917 0.961 2.522/8.5235; 2.522/8.5399; 5.045/16.8070; 5.045/16.6986;
5 28.141 2.202 −68.5 26.050 0.9478 46.18 10.090/34.0687; 10.090/33.9168
6 221.16 3.68 45.33 50.39 0.9972 71.26
7 0.0030 0.00005 0.0052 0.0029 0.9989 0.004
4.1.3. Sensitivity values

CS 1A: Median = 2471; Tolerance range (±5%) = 2348–2595

CS 1B: Median = 3.0478; Tolerance range (±5%) = 2.8954–3.2002
real linear calibration. To increase the knowledge about this im-
portant issue, this section provides some case studies (CS) to explain
in detail different ways to check linearity from the practical ana- 4.1.4. Evaluation of linearity
lytical viewpoint. Therefore, illustrative examples were selected from Linearity plots derived from experimental data are repre-
the literature as approaches that best suited the typical problems sented in Fig. 1. It is important to note that although the same high
dealing with linearity. Table 4 includes CS 1-7 in which the regres- values of R2 (0.9998) were obtained, the Fig. 1a & b noticeably show
sion data output were obtained using the software package two different trends. Then confirming one more time the lack of re-
Statgraphic® Plus 5.0. Table 5 summarizes the same regression pa- liability of R2 as proof of linearity is confirmed. By this way:
rameters and additionally the %RE information for CS 8–10.
To understand the experimental designs of the different CS is nec- • CS 1A represents the ideal case where all the sensitivity values
essary to define some abbreviations: N as the total number of (response factors) are between ±5% tolerance limits. According
calibration data; j as the number of calibration levels; k as the to the trend of Fig. 1c the relationship between drug amount and
number of replicates for each calibration level; and PAR as peak area instrumental signal can be considered as a linear regression in
ratio. the whole calibration range.
• CS 1B represents an unfavourable example where the majority
of sensitivity values (response factors) are outside of ±5% toler-
4.1. Linearity Plot
ance limits. Therefore, the trend of Fig. 1d shows that regression
clearly deviates from a straight-line model.
Case study 1. Determination of Ibuprofen (1A) and Biochanin (1B)
by HPLC [49]
4.2. ANOVA test

4.1.1. Experimental design Case study 2. Determination of iron by Spectrophotometric

method [59,105]
CS 1A: Matrix = mix of water-acetonitrile (50:50); N = 14, j = 7;
CS 1B: Matrix = mix of water-acetonitrile (67:33); N = 14, j = 7; 4.2.1. Experimental design
k=2 Matrix = not specified; N = 12, j = 6, k = 2

Table 5
Linear regression output data for case studies 8-10


[b1/SEb1] [b0/SEb0] [R2] [Sy/x] [Σ%RE] %REAVER %REMAX

8a OLS 0.9998 (0.0009) 0.5397 (0.3255) 0.9999 0.8774 25.6 2.6 14.0
8b OLS 0.9999 (0.0009) 0.4744 (0.2937) 0.9999 0.8442 17.8 1.8 7.4
8c OLS 0.9998 (0.0009) – 0.9999 0.8774 83.6 8.4 40.0
8d OLS 1.006 (0.0008) – 0.9999 0.9588 83.2 8.3 39.9
9 OLS 0.00977 (0.00015) 0.20658 (0.28597) 0.9973 0.9318 1223 58 393
9b WLS (1/y0.5) 0.00984 (0.00014) 0.07074 (0.08796) 0.9976 0.3202 358 17 115
9c WLS (1/x0.5) 0.00984 (0.00014) 0.06719 (0.08305) 0.9976 0.3029 339 16 108
9d WLS (1/y) 0.00994 (0.00015) 0.03160 (0.02102) 0.9974 0.0878 147 7 36
9e WLS (1/x) 0.00995 (0.00015) 0.02980 (0.02102) 0.9973 0.0777 140 7 33
9f WLS (1/y2) 0.01055 (0.00025) 0.01636 (0.00347) 0.9934 0.0112 85 4 12
9g WLS (1/x2) 0.01050 (0.00027) 0.01644 (0.00336) 0.9921 0.0106 85 4 13
10 WLS (1/x2) 0.00503 (0.00003) −0.00665 (0.00080) 0.9992 0.0032 44 2 3.6

Letters a-g as superscripts express case study results for the same raw data applying different fitting techniques.
F. Raposo/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 77 (2016) 167–185 179

a 4.2.4. F-test values

Fexp = 5.91 (Equation 1); Fcri (0.05, 10, 6) = 4.06
Instrumental signal

4.2.5. Evaluation of linearity

Taking into account that Fexp is higher than Fcrit in this CS the sta-
tistical H0 (there is no difference between variances) would be
rejected at 95% confidence level and regression should be consid-
ered as non-linear.

4.3. LOF test

Case study 3. Serotonin measurement by reverse-phase HPLC

and fluorescence detection [53]
Instrumental signal

4.3.1. Experimental design

Matrix = Planaria sp.; N = 18, j = 6, k = 3

4.3.2. Calibration data: X (amount-ng) versus Y (PAR of serotonin/IS)

CS 3A: 0.35/0.0956; 0.35/0.0948; 0.35/0.0934; 0.5/0.1356;

0.5/0.1393; 0.5/0.1361; 1.0/0.2575; 1.0/0.2551; 1.0/0.2535;
2.0/0.5028; 2.0/0.4962; 2.0/0.4940; 5.0/1.2605; 5.0/1.2534;
5.0/1.2516; 7.0/1.6706; 7.0/1.6950; 7.0/1.6928.
CS 3B: 0.35/0.0914; 0.35/0.0948; 0.35/0.0976; 0.5/0.1356;
c 2800 0.5/0.1361; 0.5/0.1423; 1.0/0.2475; 1.0/0.2551; 1.0/0.2635;
2.0/0.4820; 2.0/0.4962; 2.0/0.5148; 5.0/1.2216; 5.0/1.2534;
2700 5.0/1.2905; 7.0/1.6206; 7.0/1.6928; 7.0/1.7450.
+ 5%
4.3.3. Error sum squares calculation (see reference 53)

CS 3A: Residual (SSRES) = 4.84·10−3; Pure error (SSPE) = 0.47·10−3;
2400 - 5% Lack-of-fit (SSLOF) = 4.37·10−3
CS 3B: Residual (SSRES) = 0.0153; Pure error (SSPE) = 0.0109; Lack-
of-fit (SSLOF) = 0.0044
100 150 200 250 300 4.3.4. Degrees of freedom calculation (see reference 53)
Concentr ation (mg/tablet) CS 3A&B: Residual (DOFRES) = 16; Pure error (DOFPE) = 12; Lack-
of-fit (DOFLOF) = 4

d 4.0 4.3.5. Calculation of associated variances (σ2 = SS/DOF)

3.5 + 5% CS 3A: Residual (σ2RES) = 3.03·10−4; Pure error (σ2PE) = 0.38·10−4;

3.0 Median Lack-of-fit (σ2LOF) = 1.09·10−3
- 5% CS 3B: Residual (σ2RES) = 9.6·10−4; Pure error (σ2PE) = 9.1·10−4; Lack-

of-fit (σ2LOF) = 1.1·10−3

4.3.6. F-test values


1.0 CS 3A: Fisher ratio (σ2LOF/σ2PE): Fexp = 27.97; Fcrit (0.05, 4, 12) = 3.259
CS 3B: Fisher ratio (σ2LOF/σ2PE): Fexp = 1.202; Fcrit (0.05, 4, 12) = 3.259
0.05 1.05 2.05 3.05 4.05 5.05 6.05 7.05 8.05 9.05 10.05

Concentration (mg/tablet) 4.3.7. Evaluation of linearity

In this CS the statistical hypotheses are the null (H0) if there is
not LOF (regression is linear), whereas the alternative (HA) means
Fig. 1. Calibration versus linearity plots for case study 1. (a & b) Calibration plots
that LOF is present and therefore non-linear model should be se-
for Ibuprofen and Biochanin. (c) Linearity plot for Ibuprofen. (d) Linearity plot for
Biochanin. lected. To check the hypotheses, both F values, one obtained
experimentally versus the critical one, are compared to obtain a sta-
tistical decision about linearity of calibration curves. Unfortunately,
LOF is a statistical test that depends on instrumental signal preci-
sion. To evaluate the influence of the precision, the calibration data
4.2.2. Calibration data: X (mg/mL) versus Y (absorbance units)
of CS 3A were fictitiously modified in such a way that CS 3B are three
64/138; 64/142; 128/280; 128/282; 192/423; 192/425; 256/
replications providing the same average value but higher SD and
565; 256/567; 320/720; 320/725; 384/870; 384/872
RSD. Specifically, average RSD of true data was lower than 1.0% while
for the modified data increased to 3.3%. The results obtained dem-
4.2.3. Calculation of variances onstrated than precision is a key factor in the LOF test. By one hand,
(Sy/x)2 = 28.05; (Sy)2 = 4.75 for original precise data Fcrit is lower than Fexp, which means than
180 F. Raposo/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 77 (2016) 167–185

the LOF term is highly significant and consequently a different non- 4.5.4. Mean squares calculation (Statgraphic® Plus 5.0 software was
linear model should be proposed to describe the relationship used)
between y and x. On the other hand, the imprecision in the instru- Quadratic term (MS QT ) = 19164; Mean square of residuals
mental signal measurements surprisingly provided a lower Fexp, and (MSRES) = 3.726
a contradictory conclusion about the positive acceptance of cali-
bration curve linearity can be achieved. 4.5.5. F-test values
Fexp (MSQT/MSRES) = 5143; Fcrit (0.05, 1, 8) = 5.32
4.4. Mandel’s test
4.5.6. Evaluation of linearity
Case study 4. Fluorescence measurement of unspecified analyte For this statistical test the hypotheses are similar that for Mandel’s
[65] test but using MS values. The experimental value of F, coming from
the comparison of the quadratic MS term with the residual MS,
exceeds the critical value. Similarly, the interval limit of the qua-
4.4.1. Experimental design dratic coefficient ranges 1.165 < b2 < 1.198, excluding the zero value.
N = 11, j = 11; k = 1 Therefore, the QT is significant and the second-order polynomial
is a better representation of the data compared with a linear model.
4.4.2. Calibration data: X (concentration-mM) versus Y
(signal-arbitrary units) 4.6. %RSDslope
0/0.10; 1/3.8; 2/7.50; 3/10.0; 4/14.4; 5/17.0; 6/20.7; 7/22.7; 8/25.9;
9/27.5; 10/30.0. Case study 6. Determination of caffeine by HPLC [92]

4.6.1. Experimental design

4.4.3. Quadratic regression output
N = 12, j = 4; k = 3
Y = (−0.0594 ± 0.3344) + (3.8990 ± 0.1556)·x + (−0.0888 ± 0.0149)·x2;
R2 = 0.9985; RSE = 0.4389
4.6.2. Calibration data: X (concentration-μg/mL) versus Y (PA
signal-arbitrary units)
4.4.4. Calculation of variances 5/1181; 5/1124; 5/1123; 10/2302; 10/2184; 10/2357; 15/3463;
(Sy/x)LIN2 = 0.9232; (Sy/X)NON2 = 0.1927; 15/3304; 15/3253; 20/4527; 20/4476; 20/4424

4.4.5. F-test values (see reference 65 for calculation) 4.6.3. %RSDslope calculation
FIUPAC = 3.79 (Equation 4); FMandel = 35.13 (Equation 5); Fcrit (0.05, %RSDslope = SEb1/b1*100 (Equation 4) = (3.68/221.16)*100 = 1.66%
1, 8) = 5.32
4.6.4. Evaluation of linearity
The error in the slope of the calibration curve can be related with
4.4.6. Evaluation of linearity
the quality of analytical calibration. In this case, the error value ob-
Mandel’s test can be summarized as a comparison of RSE between
tained is lower than the suggested experimental value of 2% and
linear and non-linear models using the well-know conceptual F-test.
then the regression could be considered as linear.
In this case, the statistical hypotheses are the null (H0) if there is
not difference between RSE values and then the quadratic model
4.7. Quality coefficient (QC)
does not improve the linear one. It is important to note that the orig-
inal formulation of Mandel, including DOF to avoid erroneous
Case study 7. Determination of copper by AAS-Graphite furnace
conclusion, should be considered. For this example, using Mandel
definition the Fexp is higher than Fcrit and then H0 can be rejected
and the quadratic model considered as appropriate. On the other
4.7.1. Experimental design
hand, IUPAC definition provides a contrary conclusion (Fexp < Fcrit)
N = 6; j = 6; k = 1
considering that H0 cannot be rejected and then a linear model could
be erroneously accepted because the alternative second order poly-
4.7.2. Calibration data: X (concentration-ng/mL) versus Y (absorb.-
nomial model does not improve the fit from the statistical point of
arbitrary units)
0/0.0000; 10/0.0410; 40/0.1240; 60/0.1890; 80/0.2460;
4.5. Significance of quadratic term (SQT)
4.7.3. QCs calculation
Case study 5. No information was reported about the source of QC (Hu) = 6.2 (Equations 5–6); QC (mean) = 2.0 (Equations 7–8)
measurement [42]
4.7.4. Evaluation of linearity
4.5.1. Experimental design The decision support based on different QC shows controver-
N = 11, j = 11; k = 1 sial results. The proposal of Hu et al. gave a value higher than 5%
suggested as limit of acceptable quality. On the contrary, the QC
(mean) provided a value that can be considered as satisfactory. This
4.5.2. Calibration data: X (concentration) versus Y (response) is due to the fact that QC (Hu) is more severe for deviations in the
0/0.10; 2/19; 4/40; 6/71; 8/116; 10/164; 12/225; 14/299; 16/376; low concentration range and too tolerant for deviations in the high
18/466; 20/566 concentration range.

4.5.3. Quadratic regression output 4.8. RE as function of RTO and ZPC

Y = (2.3916 ± 1.47059) + (4.5104 ± 0.342103)·x + (1.1815 ± 0.01647)·x2;
R2 = 0.9999; RSE = 1.9303 Case study 8. Determination of unspecified drug by HPLC [96]
F. Raposo/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 77 (2016) 167–185 181

4.8.1. Experimental data different WF in the GOF of regression triplet has been analyzed. The
N = 10; j = 10; k = 1 preliminary analysis of regression statistics showed that:

4.8.2. Calibration data: X (concentration-ng/mL) vs Y • R2 values were very similar and always higher than 0.99. Anyway,
(signal-arbitrary units·10−3) this parameter has no significance for testing linearity.
1/1.4; 2/2.4; 5/5.6; 10/10.6; 20/20.5; 50/5.9; 100/99.9; 200/199.7; • The slope values (b1) were marginally affected by weighting,
500/502.5; 1000/999.5 ranging from 0.00977 to 0.01055.
• The intercept values (b0) were different among the diverse re-
4.8.3. Evaluation of linearity gression models. As usual, for WLS the intercept value was lower,
In this CS, a comparison has been made between regression specifically 8–35% lower than values for OLS regression, looking
models with or without intercept and also including the ZPC. The the intercept is relatively poorly estimated for unweighted fitting
regression statistics have been summarized in Table 5. Calibration technique. In addition, although with less difference against OLS,
data were considered following three possible regression options: b0 values ranged between 0.01636 and 0.07074 when different
WF were used. Similarly, the standard error (SEb0) dropped con-
i) The normal OLS regression gives %REMAX values below 15% for siderably, by this way decreasing %RSD from 125% to 21%.
all the calibration points. Therefore, the influence of the intercept value can be consid-
ii) To study the influence of ZPC, the origin as additional cali- ered a key factor for the GOF of the different regression models.
bration point was included in the experimental calibration
data. In this case, the statistical regression output was im- RSE and %RE parameters can be useful to evaluate the GOF of dif-
proved, giving lower average and extreme error values. ferent linear regression models. In theory, calibration regressions should
However, it is not suggested including fictitious points in the be selected taking into account if adequately fit to the experimental
calibration curves to avoid erroneous confidence intervals of data, and then providing accurate (lowest RSE and %RE) calibration
regression coefficients that could be affect the accuracy of pre- curves. The results of CS 9 (Table 5) showed that 1/x2 and 1/y2 are the
diction interval for real samples. best WF considering the lowest values of RSE, Σ%RE, %REAVE and %REMAX.
iii) To study OLS-RTO, two different regression curves have been Relating to %REMAX, the value drops from no weighting (393%) to 1/y0.5
evaluated such as automatically (clicking the software option) (115%), 1/x0.5 (108%), 1/y (36%), 1/x (33%), 1/x2 (13%) and 1/y2 (12%) when
or statistically sound. In the statistical case, there are three WF were used. Then, bias was considerably greater that acceptable limits
possibilities to evaluate the intercept significance: (20%) at the low concentration section of the calibration range, except
in the case of using 1/x2 and 1/y2 as WF.
• The experimental t-value (1.66) is lower than the critical
value (2.26). Correspondingly, the p-value (0.14) is higher
that the critical value (0.05). That means the intercept 5. Calibration tutorial: full regression analysis and linearity
should be removed. evaluation
• The intercept interval value (−0.2/1.3) includes zero. That
means that the RTO is a reliable option justified from this This evaluation involves 4 different steps, all of which are easy
statistical point of view. to perform using statistical software. The basic steps are dis-
• The standard error of the intercept (SEb0 = 0.3255) is lower played in Fig. 2 and explained following.
than the intercept value (b0 = 0.5397). That means that in-
tercept should be maintained. Therefore, this way to
evaluate the intercept significance looks less reliable.

The decision to force RTO can be considered as an inappropri-

ate analytical decision taking into account the values of %RE
parameter in both options (automatic and statistical). The calibra-
tion curves without intercept resulted in higher Σ%RE and %REAVER
values that the calibration curve with intercept. In the same way,
extreme %REMAX values around 40% were obtained forcing RTO. There-
fore, bias was considerably higher than 15–20% suggested as limit
for the calibration points.

4.9. RE as function of regression fitting technique (OLS/WLS)

Case study 9. Determination of unspecified drug by HPLC [96]

4.9.1. Experimental data

N = 14; j = 7; k = 2

4.9.2. Calibration data: X (concentration-ng/mL) versus Y

(signal-arbitrary units)
5/0.0632; 5/0.0725; 10/0.1126; 10/0.1344; 50/0.6078; 50/0.5830;
100/1.0714; 100/1.1227; 500/5.1290; 500/5.4232; 1000/10.3892;
1000/10.5105; 5000/46.7262; 5000/51.1182

4.9.3. Evaluation of linearity

In the present CS, a comparison has been made between OLS and
WLS regression fitting techniques. In addition, the influence of Fig. 2. Different steps for analytical calibration.
182 F. Raposo/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 77 (2016) 167–185

• Step 1. Plot of calibration data: instrument response versus a 6


Peak Area Ratio (PAR)

As can be expected for calibration curves, the first step is to plot
the y (instrument response) versus the x values (normally con- 4

centration). Suspect points than can be considered as outliers 3

or leverage data should be investigated to see if they are correct 2
and they belong to the data set. If there is some degree of cur-
vature, this situation may also be detectable.
• Step 2. Determination of instrumental response behaviour
0 250 500 750 1000
The importance of this step must be emphasized considering that Concentr ation (m g/L)
one assumption behind OLS is that the SD of the instrument re-
sponse does not change (homoscedasticity) over the full range
of x values for which the model will be applied. b 0.150
A first evaluation about constant SD can be carried out looking
at the spread of data from the calibration plot. If it appears that
the spread increases, then the assumption of homoscedasticity

will not be probably correct. Further evaluation of instrumen- 0.000
tal response behaviour can be carried out statistically to check -0.050
0 250 500 750 1000

homo/heteroscedasticity but is out of the scope of this manu-

script additional explanation. Ignoring heteroscedasticity situation
has negative impact on the regression, firstly on the estimation -0.150
of coefficients and secondly on the prediction intervals for real Concentr ation (m g/L)

• Step 3. Postulation of the regression triplet: method, model and c 0.0054
fitting technique Relative Response Factor (RRF)
+ 5%
A common starting point for analytical calibration is least- 0.0052

squared method, linear model and OLS as the fitting technique. 0.0050
However, the WLS fitting technique must be used in analytical
0.0048 Median
calibration so frequently to avoid an erroneous straight-line
model. In this case, an important issue is the selection of WF. 0.0046 - 5%
Once the appropriate regression triplet has been selected, it can 0.0044
be used to fit the calibration data and regression analysis to obtain 0.0042
the usual statistical parameters (b1, b0, REb1, REb0, RSE, R2). 10 100 1000

• Step 4. Evaluation of linearity Concentr ation (m g/L)

As it was previously stated the linearity of calibration data is very
important only to strictly linear regression models. This evalua- Fig. 3. (a) Calibration plot for CS 10. (b) Residuals plot for case study 10. (c) Lin-
tion can be carried out in different ways that can be grouped into earity plot for CS 10.
two general modes such as graphical and non-graphical. The graphi-
cal assessment includes residuals and linearity plots. In addition, the
non-graphical evaluation could be carried out by different statisti- Fig. 3a shows the scatter-plot of 21 PAR versus their respective
cal significance tests and also numerical parameters that were calibration standard concentrations. All points appear to be well-
previously explained from the theoretical viewpoint. behaved and there is no evidence of curvature.
• Step 2. Determination of instrumental response behaviour
Following a new experimental case study is presented as an For this example the SD (and variance) of instrument response
example to carry out an overall calibration diagnostic. values clearly increase with the concentration of calibration stan-
Case study 10. Determination of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) by dards. This concentration dependent trend confirms the
GC [106] heteroscedasticity of y measurements.
• Step 3. Postulation of the regression triplet: method, model and
5.1. Experimental data fitting technique
Visualizing the calibration plot is perceptible that least-squares
Matrix: aqueous samples; N = 21; j = 7; k = 3 and linear model should be an appropriate selection. About the
fitting technique, the practical effect of heteroscedasticity is that
WLS should be chosen instead of OLS. As it was previously sug-
5.2. Calibration data: X (concentration-ng/mL) versus Y (PAR of gested, it looks that 1/x2 can be considered as the best option
n-C5/IS) for weighting.
• Step 4. Evaluation of linearity
10/0.04465; 10/0.04322; 10/0.04435; 50/0.23650; 50/0.23678; Table 6 summarizes the results obtained after applying the dif-
50/0.23592; 100/0.48307; 100/0.48556; 100/0.48876; 250/1.28845; ferent linearity tests. Following further explanation is provided.
250/1.29006; 250/1.26648; 500/2.60038; 500/2.52749; 500/2.58343;
750/3.70000; 750/3.83859; 750/3.80000; 1000/4.90000; 1000/ A) Graphically
5.05255; 1000/5.10000 A1. Residuals plot
When the proposed regression triplet is fit to the data,
5.3. Evaluation of calibration curve the corresponding residuals plot should be generated as
well. Residual plot can be considered as one of the most
• Step 1. Plot of calibration data: instrument response versus useful tools in the calibration-diagnosis process but some
concentration previous experience in judgment is necessary. For this
F. Raposo/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 77 (2016) 167–185 183

Table 6 ibration curve will be used to predict the x values of real

Case study 10: evaluation of linearity samples from experimental y values. In this CS, the devia-
Linearity test Acceptance criteria Result tions calculated from back-concentrated concentrations were
A. Graphical mode 3.6% in the worst case. This result is very far from 15–20%
Residuals plot No trend No trend suggested as acceptance criterion. By this way, it is possible
Linearity plot ≤ ± 5% tolerance Out of tolerance to conclude that calibration data could be considered linear
limits limits for the whole calibration range considered (10–1000 mg/L).
B. Statistical significance tests
ANOVA H0: Fexp < Fcrit 902926 > 2.4
LOF H0: Fexp < Fcrit 8.65 > 2.96 6. Conclusions
Mandel H0: Fexp < Fcrit 1.74 < 3.16
SQT H0: Fexp < Fcrit 1.73 < 3.16
Based on the theoretical aspects of analytical calibration and the
C. Numerical parameters
R2 None 0.9993
results reported in the selected CS, the following conclusions can
SLO <2% 0.6% be drawn.
QC (mean) <5% 2.6%
%REMAX <15–20% 3.6%
• A very good option for analytical calibration should be using trip-
licate measurements of six calibration standards covering a
working range in which the usual content of real samples is ex-
pected. The calibrations levels should be evenly distributed or
example, the residuals plot (Fig. 3b) does not show an alternatively for wide calibration ranges partial arithmetic series
ideal random patter, but a clear non-random patter (pa- should be suggested. The quantification calibration mode (ESTD
rabola or sinusoidal) is neither showed. On the other versus ISTD) should be selected according to the specific char-
hand, the graph exhibits a trumpet shape that confirms acteristic of each analytical determination. In any case, three
that WLS should be applied as fitting technique. sequences or rounds for calibration over at least 2–3 different
A2. Linearity plot weeks are suggested to check the independency of standards and
The method can be considered as linear in the full cal- the stability of the instrument signal over time.
ibration range if none of the sensitivity points (relative • The regression triplet including method, model and fitting tech-
response factors) intersects or are beyond the ±5% nique should be selected appropriately to fit the experimental
tolerance limits. For this example, Fig. 3c shows that calibration data.
there is a deviation from linearity because the sensitiv- • The common mistakes in analytical calibration should be avoided
ity values (0.00432; 0.00443; 0.00446) corresponding to following the next suggestions. Firstly, although analytical soft-
the replicate calibration standards of 10 mg/L are all of ware will probably give information of r and/or R 2 , both
them below the low tolerance limit (median value x parameters will be never considered as indicators for evaluat-
0.95 = 0.00469). ing the linearity of calibration curves. Secondly, heteroscedasticity
B) Statistical significance tests must not be neglected in the calibration process. WLS should be
The ANOVA and LOF tests showed that deviation from considered as the best fitting technique option to regression
linearity is present. However, Mandel’s and SQT tests dem- curves. Relating to WF, they should be calculated as a function
onstrated that better fit to quadratic model was not the reason of 1/x2. Thirdly, ZPC and RTO can be considered as two common
for the lack of linearity. By this way, it is confirmed that there mistakes for regression providing a significant bias for quanti-
are other reasons for LOF different to curvature existence. tative results. Therefore, they should not be considered.
C) Numerical parameters • There are different ways to assess the linearity of calibration
• R2 was near 1, but this parameter is not proof of GOF to curves by using graphical plots, statistical significance tests and
linear model. some numerical parameters. The final decision obtained using
• %RSDslope was lower than the suggested limit of 2%, giving some of them should be contradictory. Specially, %RE should be
evidence of correct linearity. considered as helpful to appropriately evaluate the linearity of
• QC (mean) was lower than the 5% limit, indicating good calibration curves considering its unambiguous conclusion when
linearity. However, this test has poor significance in this compared to well established acceptance limits.
case because it was designed for homoscedastic calibra- • A straight-line model is commonly preferred for calibration curves
tion curves. but deviation from linearity is a very common situation in several
• %REMAX was lower than 15–20% considered as accep- analytical techniques. This situation should be resolved apply-
tance limit to bias deviation from calibration curves. ing polynomial models as the best response function for accurate
D) Final decision about linearity calibration curves.
This example shows what frequently happens for real exper-
imental data. There are contradictory results when the Acknowledgements
linearity of a calibration curve is evaluated using different
viewpoints [107]. In this CS, linearity plot and some statis- The author would like to thanks to Dr. Dámaso Hornero and Dr.
tical significance tests showed that calibration data could be María Roca for the critical reviews and helpful discussions about
treated as a non-linear model. Although it is important to the manuscript.
specify that linearity graph was linear except for the lowest
calibration point, and some statistical tests such as ANOVA
and LOF are not totally reliable due to be precision depen-
dent. On the other hand, some of the numerical parameters
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