Katy Perry Act Song

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Last Friday Night – Katy Perry

1) Fill in the gaps with the past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

Katy and her friends ___________ (play) Wii games.

Katy ___________ (check) facebook.
A girl ___________ (help) Katy to change clothes.
Two boys ___________ (fight) in Katy’s room.
Katy ___________ (sleep).
A boy and a girl ___________ (kiss) at the door.
1 A boy ___________ (ride) a bike and he ___________ (deliver) newspapers.
Katy ___________ (go) down the stairs.
A girl ___________ (sleep) on the floor.
A man ___________ (play) the saxophone on the roof.
Katy ___________ (play) Sudoku.
A boy ___________ (fall) in love with Katy.
Boys and girls ___________ (dance) in the yard.
2) Put the events in

3) Listening! Listen to the song and do the following activities:

a) Choose the correct option

There's a stranger in my BED/ROOM, Whoa-oh-oah

There's a pounding my CHEST/HEAD This Friday night
Glitter all over the room Do it all again
Pink FLAMINGOS/DUCKS in the pool This Friday night
I smell like a minibar Do it all again
DJ's passed out in the HALL/YARD
Barbie's on the barbeque
There's a hickie or a bruise c) Complete with one word
PICTURES/NEWS of last night
Ended up ON FACEBOOK/ONLINE Trying to connect the dots
I'm screwed Don't know what to tell my _________
Oh well Think the city towed my car
It's a BLACK/BLUE top blur Chandelier is on the _________
But I'm pretty sure it ruled With my favorite party _________
Warrants out for my arrest
b) CHORUS - Complete with the past simple of the verbs Think I need a ginger ale
That was such an _________ fail
Last Friday night _________ of last night
Yeah we ___________ (dance) on tabletops Ended up online
And we ___________ (take) too many shots I'm screwed
Think we ___________ (kiss) but I ___________ (forget) Oh well
Last Friday night It's a black out blur
Yeah we ___________ (max) our credit cards But I'm pretty sure it ruled
And got kicked out of the bar Damn
So we ___________ (hit) the boulevard
Last Friday night CHORUS
We ___________ (go) streaking in the park
Skinny dipping in the dark T.G.I.F. (X6)
Then had a menage a trois
Last Friday night CHORUS
Yeah I think we ___________ (break) the law
Always say we're gonna stop-op

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