Control Surface and Actuator Design For A Low Drag Laminar Flow PDF
Control Surface and Actuator Design For A Low Drag Laminar Flow PDF
Control Surface and Actuator Design For A Low Drag Laminar Flow PDF
Laminar flow will be maintained for 70% of the length at the The control surface geometry should also incorporate a
cruise velocity of 2.5 m/s. Free ascent trials of a half-scale location for oceanographic sensors, such as a CTD
model in the open ocean indicated a 50% reduction in drag as measurement device.
compared with a torpedo-shaped hull of the same internal
volume, under realistic operating conditions [5]. 3. CONTROL SURFACE DESIGN
Various sub-systems of the vehicle, such as power storage, 3.1 Selection of the Aerofoil Section
buoyancy control, mission management and propulsion, are
currently under development. The present paper describes The aerodynamic characteristics of four symmetrical
the design and testing of control surfaces and actuators for NACA foils, the basic 0006 and 0009 and the laminar flow
DOLPHIN. 66-006 and 66-009, were compared in order to select the
most efficient section for the control surfaces [6]. A
2. DESIGNBRIEF graphical comparison is presented in Figure 3 (stall angle
versus Reynolds No.), Figure 4 (minimum drag coefficient
For its mission of oceanographic data logging through the versus Reynolds No.), and Figure 5 (maximum lift coefficient
water column, DOLPHIN will follow a saw-tooth path profile versus Reynolds No.).
as it traverses the ocean [Figure 21. The submersible will
descend from the surface at an angle of about 45", 14 - ~
0 xxxxxM40000006000000800000010M)o
Reynolds No.
Figure 2. Trans-Oceanic Path Profile of the AUV DOLPHIN Figure 3. Stall Angle versus Reynolds No. for Candidate Foil
~I Cdmin NACA ooo6
Cdmin NACA ooo9
--t Cdmin NACA 66-006
++Cdmin NACA 66-009
design specifications of long-term reliability and resistance to
mishandling. The final digit of a NACA designation gives
the maximum foil thickness as a percentage of chord. 6%
chord thickness was considered structurally fragile for the
envisaged application and therefore:the 0006 and 66-006 foils
appear unlikely candidates. Haiwevei: they were retained for
subsequent stages of the design process and analysis.
1 1 w
for Candidate Foil Sections
_--- -U---
2 + Clmax NACA ooo9
-AF- Clmax NACA 66-CK)6 Figure 6. Candidate Fin Configurations
--Jt Clmax NACA f35-03
Using similar areas for the moveable control surfaces, the lift:
drag ratio for zero incidence on thle stabiliser is plotted as a
function of tip angle for the moving tip configuration in
Figure 7 and as a function of flap angle for the trailing edge
flap configuration in Figure 8. The results for all four
candidate foil sections are presented.
5 j -4-( LlD) NACA 66-006
Z 8 1 -+-(LID) NACA 66 0@9 1
4 I -+(LID) NACA 0006 I
2 j -X-_(LID)
_ NACA 0009
.--.__ - t
0 Y--t--'--+1--tti--t-tri-c-l
o r d q a m
-o 2 :
0 0? 04 06 08 1
Flap Angle (degrees)
Flap Chord Ratio fcdc)
Figure 8. Lift : Drag Ratio as a Function of Flap Angle for Figure 9. Effectiveness Ratio versus Flap : Chord Ratio for
Trailing Edge Flap Configuration Different Trailing Edge Flap Configurations
In each case, the trailing edge flap gives a more favourable Figure 9 shows the relationship between effectiveness ratio
maximum lift: drag ratio, which is sustained over a broader and flap chord: wing chord ratio ( c j /c) for three geometric
range of flap angles. This is the configuration which was configurations: (a) full-span trailing edge flaps, (b) half-span
selected for the final design. trailing edge flaps, centrally located on the wing span,
(c) half-span trailing edge flaps located at the outboard sector
The geometry of the trailing edge flap was specified after of the wing span.
consideration of the data presented in Figure 9 [7]. The
effectiveness ratio of a wing flap is defined as the lift According to Figure 9 full-span flaps are the most
differential per degree angle of attack of the flap, in effective, but in the DOLPHIN layout, this would disturb the
comparison to that of the surface as a whole, i.e. propeller approach flow [see Figure 11. Therefore partial-
span flaps were selected, to be located outboard of the
propeller inflow region.
L = 6.0
Figure 10. General Arrangement and Dimensions of the Control Surfaces on DOLPHIN
3.3 Final Design of the Control Surfaces 4. ACTUATOR DIESIGN
A parametric study of the effect of tail area and tail fin 4.1 Design Considerations
location on the stability of the DOLPHIN vehicle during
steady cruise, using the experimental data published in The design process for the control surface actuators
Reference 4, was used to determine the final size and position focused on compactness and energy-efficiency. The limited
of the tail fins. The fins were designed with a swept leading power and space availability in a long distance AUV drives
edge, to reduce the likelihood of entanglement in weed or the requirement to minimise both thle energy losses in the
debris. servo-mechanism and the space occupied within the hull.
The main decisions therefore concerned the location of the
The tail force required to turn a vertical circle of radius servo-motor and the linkage between the motor and the shaft
lOOm was calculated to be 200N, or lOON per fin. The of the control flap.
dimensions of the trailing edge flap, as presented in Figure
10, were calculated from this value; the flap:wing span ratio The initial concept of locating the servo-motor inside the
is 0.7 and the average flap:wing chord ratio is 0.38. The DOLPHIN hull was compared with the idea of fitting a pod
general arrangement and location of the fins on the prototype on the wing tip, to house both the motor and the CTD sensor.
vehicle are also presented in Figure 10.
C L E A N AERRD i N A M I C S + -
Flap Angle (degrees) The two arrangements are presented schematically in Figure
12, with the relative advantages for each system. The elegant
Figure 11. Drag Comparison for the Candidate Laminar solution of a combined location for instrumentation and the
Flow Aerofoil Sections [Full scale, 22 m . d in air] servo-motor in the tip pod, which permits a simple linkage
mechanism and ease of access for maintenance, while
releasing valuable space within the vehicle hull, was finally
Although the drag of the thicker, 66-009 section is selected. Reference 8 indicates that the additional drag will
marginally higher, the drag increment amounts to less than -
be small (cd 0.05, based on pod diameter) and that there
1% of the total vehicle drag under steady cruise conditions. may be a beneficial effect on the lift generated by the wing
It was agreed that the mechanical advantages offered by a section, similar to end plates.
thicker section, such as robustness and ease of fabrication,
more than offset the slight drag penalty and therefore the 66-
009 section was selected for the final control surface design.
A design trade-off was conducted between the use of a connected to the control surface shaft. Nylon gears are
pushrod or rotating shaft mechanism for the actuator linkage. particularly suitable in applications such as this, where zero
Although the pushrod system is simpler and more efficient, backlash is required. The motor is housed in a pressure-
this is offset by the disadvantages of a variable torque-arm balanced, oil-filled vessel, to accommodate operation at
and the possibility of buckling. Therefore a purely rotational 6000 m depth in the ocean.
system was the mechanism of choice.
Figure 13 also illustrates the plate which provides access to
Since the servo-motor shaft will be aligned with the axis of a recess at the end of the control surface shaft, where the
the tip pod (i.e. at right angles to the shaft of the control flap) potentiometer which provides feedback on flap deflection for
a bevel gearbox or worm gear mechanism must be the vehicle controller will be located. Controller design will
incorporated in the linkage. A bevel gearbox is smaller and be the subject of a future publication.
more efficient, offering minimal backlash (which is
advantageous for the controller design). The main benefit of 5. MODEL TESTING
using a worm gear is the unidirectional transmission, which
can lock the fins in a given position, thereby reducing the 5.1 Experimental Procedure
energy required by the controller. However, the
consequences of failure of the control system with fins locked Testing of a full-scale model of a single control-surface and
could be catastrophic and the worm gear option was actuator was performed in a low speed wind tunnel at the
discarded. University of Southampton. The tunnel has a working
section of 7' x 5' and a maximum air speed of 44 m/s. The
4.2 Final Actuator Design tests were conducted at 22 m/s, providing a Reynolds No
corresponding to full-scale vehicle operation at 2.5 m/s in
The final layout of the servo-motor and linkage is seawater and also to the half-scale model wind tunnel tests
presented in Figure 13. A 12 volt D.C. motor is located in a described in Reference 4.
pod at the tip of the control surface, behind the CTD sensor
housing. The motor drive is transmitted via a 800: 1 reduction The fin was vertically mounted above a false floor,
planetary gearbox, through 1:l nylon bevel gears which are extending 2.5 m in front and 0.6 m to the rear, which ensured
FIN _~___ +-
the same boundary layer thickness as that at the tail fin
location on the DOLPHIN hull, under normal operating
conditions. The fin was supported by a 5-component
dynamometer beneath the false floor, giving measurementsof I --- i
axial and side force, and bending moments about three 4-Drag (Theory) (N)
orthogonal axes. An automated data acquisition system logs
the average and standard deviation of 4 sample voltages from
10 /
each of the dynamometer strain gauges for a given test
- 5
Trials were conducted for fin angles of attack between -16" E
and +16" to the tunnel axis, in steps of 2". For each fin angle,
the angle of the trailing edge flap was varied between -14" to 10 15
+14" to the fii, again in steps of 2".
Test Reyviolds INo. = 503500
Smoke injection and fibre tufts (attached to the fin and
flap) were used to visualise the flow. -10 1 W
Flap Defllection (degrees)
5.2 Experimental Results
Preliminary analysis indicates a fair correlation between Figure 15. Comparison of Drag Forces from Wind Tunnel
the theoretical lift data used in the design calculations and the Tests with Theoretical Calculations
measured values from the model tests (see Figure 14).
data points at 0" and 12" flap1 deflection which indicate
negative drag must be disregardld and the remaining values
are between 25% (for large angles of deflection) and 75%
(for small angles of deflection) lower than indicated by the
theoretical design calculations. The discrepancy may have
been caused by experimental enror; there is a suspicion that
I Y'? the dynamometer or model was fouling on the false floor of
the tunnel. This is the probable explanation for the two
'rogue' data points in Figure 15.
/ @
Full analysis of the test results, which is on-going at the
9 / Test Reynolds time of writing, will be the subject of a future publication.
sponsored by the Ocean Technology Division of the
Southampton Oceanography Centre.