555 Timer Quiz

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Assignment on 555 timer

1.Pin 8 of 555 timer IC consist of

A.voltage supply




2.555 timer pin 1 has

A. ground

B. trigger

C. output

D. reset

3.The standard 555 package includes

A. 2 transistors

B. 10 transistors

C. 12 transistors

D. 25 transistors

4.555 timer pin 2 has

A. discharge

B. trigger

C. threshold

D. reset

5.In 555 timer, reset is present at pin

A. 1

B. 4

C. 8

D. 2

6 Determine the time period of a monostable 555 multivibrator.

A. T = 0.33RC

B. T = 1.1RC

c. T = 3RC

D. T = RC
7. How to overcome mistriggering on the positive pulse edges in the monostable circuit?

a) Connect a RC network at the input

b) Connect an integrator at the input

c) Connect a differentiator at the input

d) Connect a diode at the input

8. A monostable multivibrator has R = 120kΩ and the time delay T = 1000ms, calculate the value of

a) 0.9µF

b) 1.32µF

c) 7.5µF

d) 2.49µF

9.Which among the following can be used to detect the missing heart beat?

a) Monostable multivibrator

b) Astable multivibrator

c) Schmitt trigger

d) None of the mentioned

10. A 555 timer in monostable application mode can be used for

a) Pulse position modulation

b) Frequency shift keying

c) Speed control and measurement

d) Digital phase detector

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11.When 555 timer is configured as an astable multi Vibrator, its duty cycle is determined by

A. internal resistors

B. external resistors

C. capacitors

D. inductors

12. In astable mode of 555 timer, control pin is decoupled by

A. resistor

B. inductor

C. capacitor
D. supply

13.555 timer consists basically of

A. one comparator

B. two comparators

C. three comparators

D. four comparators

14.An integrated circuit which is used in a Variety of timer, pulse generation, and oscillator
applications is

A. 555 timer

B. 7806IC

C. 7909IC

D. 225IC

15.Astable mode is also called

A. bounded mode

B. free running mode

C. single le Vel mode

D. neutral mode

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