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(CITATION www20 /L 2057) : 1. Formal or Informal Reports

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A report is a short, sharp, brief document which is written for a particular purpose. It

generally sets outs and analyses a situation and often making recommendations for future
action. [ CITATION www20 \l 2057 ] Reports can be used to suggest new ideas, influence
decision making and make choice between alternative recommendations. A good report needs
some qualities such as simple language, free from errors, result oriented and well structured.
[ CITATION Wha20 \l 2057 ]

What is a report?
A report is written for a clear objective and to a particular audience. Specific information and
evidence are presented, analysed and applied to a particular problem or issue the report brief
may outline the purpose, audience and problem or issue that your report must address,
together with any distinctive requirements for format or structure. [ CITATION Wri20 \n \y \l
2057 ]Reports can be used:

 to suggest new ideas and options

 to ask people to accept a point of view
 to influence decisions
 to ask people to make choices between alternative recommendations [ CITATION
Wri201 \l 2057 ]

Types of report:
There are various type of a report some of are described below:-

1. Formal or Informal Reports:

Formal reports are carefully structured; they stress objectivity and contain much detail.
Informal reports are usually brief messages with natural, casual use of language

2. Short or Long Reports:

This is a confusing classification. A one-page note is obviously short, and a twenty page
report is clearly long. But there is no dividing line.

3. Informational or Analytical Reports:

Informational reports means annual reports, monthly financial reports, weekly and others.
Analytical reports means scientific research, feasibility reports, and real-estate appraisals etc

4. Proposal Report:

It is a alteration of problem-solving reports. A proposal report can describe how one

organization can meet the needs of another.
5. Internal or External Reports:

Internal reports going within the organization. External reports, such as annual reports of
companies or organization are prepared for distribution outside the organization.

6. Periodic Reports:

This classification issued on regularly scheduled dates. They are generally upper directed and
serve management control.

7. Functional Reports:

Functional Reports includes accounting reports, marketing reports, financial reports, and a
variety of other reports. Almost all reports could be included in most of these categories.
[ CITATION Sur20 \l 2057 ]

Structure of Report writing:


What are you writing about? What are your objectives?


How did you collect your data? For example_ if you directed a survey, say how many people
were comprised and how you selected them.


Give the results of your research. Do not, at this stage, try to explain the results – simply
report them. This section may include graphs, charts, diagrams etc. Be very observant about
copyright if you are using published charts, tables etc.


Interpret your findings. What do they show? Were they what you expected? Could your
research have been done in a better way?

Conclusions and recommendations

Summarise the key points of your results and show whether they prove or disprove your
hypothesis. If you have been asked to, you can make recommendations arising from your


List all your sources in alphabetical order, using the appropriate reference system. [ CITATION
Rep201 \l 2057 ]
Qualities and Characteristics of Good Reports:

A lot of reports are written daily. Some of them are desired to document the progress of some
activities, feasibility reports, investigation reports, some of the reports are for monitoring
purposes, some are evaluation reports but it is clear that all the reports have some objective
behind it. That objective and motive can only be achieved if a report has the following
qualities and characteristics:

 It should be factual: Every report should be based on facts, confirmed information and
valid proofs.
 Clear and easily understandable: Using easy, simple language so that anyone can
 Free from errors and duplication
 Should facilitate the decision makers in making the right decision
 Result focused and result oriented
 Well organized and structured
 Ethical reporting style[ CITATION MEs20 \l 2057 ]

Importance of report:
Reports have an important role in our life, business, commerce and trade. It helps to find out
the root of a problem and recommended to solve that. And such importance can be
understood through the following discussion:

1. Decision Making Tool: Today's globalised world information is very essential. Complex
Reports provide the required information. A large number of important decisions in business
or any other areas are taken on the basis of report.

2. Investigation: Whenever arises any problem, a committee or study group investigate the
problem to find out the reason behind the problem and provide recommendations to solve

3. Evaluation: The top executive mostly depends on reports to evaluate the performance of
various departments or units. Because it is not possible for a single top executive to keep
personal watch on what others are doing.

4. Quick Location: Business executives need information for quick decision making. As top
executive are found to be busy for various purposes, they need vital sources of information
Such as business report.

5. Development of Skill: Report writing skill develops the power of invention, Organization
co-ordination, judgement and communication.
6. Professional Advancement: Report also plays a major role in professional progress and
advancement. For promotion to the rank and file position, satisfactory job performance is
sufficient to help a person.

7. A Managerial Tool: Various reports make activities easy for the managers. A manger may
find help from a report for planning, organizing, coordinating, motivating and controlling.

Formal communication and written document are more effective. But there are existed oral
report and informal report too. Various types of report give various types of benefits.
[ CITATION Imp20 \l 2057 ]

Report writing is a formal style of writing elaborately on a topic. [ CITATION Kin20 \l 2057 ]A
report is a document that presents information in an organized format for a specific audience
and purpose. [ CITATION Rep20 \l 2057 ] The important section to focus on is the target
audience. For example, report writing about a school event, report writing about a business,
commerce, and trade case, etc.

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Kinds of Reports. (n.d.). Retrieved August 5, 2020, from toppr:

M & E studies. (n.d.). Retrieved August 5, 2020, from mnestudies:


Rawat, S. (n.d.). Report Types: Top 8 Types of Reports. Retrieved August 5, 2020, from
businessmanagementideas: https://www.businessmanagementideas.com/business-reports/report-

Report. (n.d.). Retrieved August 5, 2020, from wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Report

Report structure. (n.d.). Retrieved August 5, 2020, from canvas.hull:


skills you need. (n.d.). How to Write a Report. Retrieved August 3, 2020, from skillsyouneed:

What is report writing? (n.d.). Retrieved August 5, 2020, from quora.com:


Writing reports. (n.d.). Retrieved August 5, 2020, from le.ac.uk: https://www2.le.ac.uk/offices/ld/all-


Writing Reports and Essays. (n.d.). Retrieved August 5, 2020, from cih.org:

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