A Short Guide To Written Exam Previous Year Questions
A Short Guide To Written Exam Previous Year Questions
A Short Guide To Written Exam Previous Year Questions
C Programming
1. Write a program to find whether the given number is an Armstrong number or
not? [ICML(AP)-2019]
2. Write a program to reverse a string. [ICML(AP)-2019]
3. Write a program to sort a list of element using the insertion sort algorithm.
4. What are the properties of the command line arguments in C/C++? [Uttara Bank(AP)-
5. Write a function void changeCaseAndReverese(Char *s) using c programming
language that will print the characters in the string S in reverse order and will
also change the uppercase letters to lowercase and lowercase letters to uppercase.
For example if you call changeCaseAndReverese (“Hello There”), it will print
EREHt OLLEh. [Uttara Bank(AP)-2019]
6. C program to find sum of following series: [Uttara Bank(AP)-2019]
7. Write a pseudocode that takes in one positive number only and returns the factor
for that number. [Combined(SO-IT/ICT)-2019]
8. How many bits have to change to convert int A to intB.?
Sample A=31 and B=14. [Basic Bank(AM)-2019]
9. Difference between getch () and getche (). What is file pointer in c? [Basic Bank(AM)-2019]
10. Write code to test a sorting algorithm of array? [Combined(AME)-2019]
11. Write a program in c to find the sum of following series. [Competition Commition(P)-2019]
12. A prime number is a number that is evenly divided by only 1 and itself.Write a
program to your favourite language to print the first 100 prime numbers.
[Competition Commition(P)-2019]
13. A program sorts an array of integer. Write down the code that tests the sorting
algorithm of written in a program. [HBFC&KB(AP)-2018]
14. Write a program to find out the number of occurence of a digit in a number.
Explanation if input value n and selection value is d. [DBBL-2018]
15. Write a program to evaluate the series : [DBBL-2018]
1*3 + 2*5 + 3*7 + …. + n*(2n+1)
16. Difference between call by value and call by reference with example. [Pally Sa.-2018]
17. Write a program using any programming language that reads five numbers from
keyboard and display the smaller , larger and average of those numbers. BDBL-
17. Write a program to sort an array and find max, min value. [IBBL-2017]
18. Write a program to calculate GPA, avg, and total marks. [IBBL-2017]
19. Write an algorithm that sort an array, also test code for sorting test. [IBBL-2017]
A short Guide to Written Exam Page22 Previous Year Questions
20. Using examples explain data types used in C language. [Multi. Ministry-2017]
21. Write a program to read the coordinates of the end points of a line and to find its
length. Use a structured variable name ‘Line’ to store the relevant information
about its end points. [Multi. Ministry-2017]
22. Write a program in C to calculate the sum of the series:
1+(1+2)+(1+2+3)+….+(1+2+…+n). [Multi. Ministry-2017]
23. Explain in details the different forms of looping statement in C language. [Multi.
24. Write a program in C with recursive function to compute the value Xn where n is
a positive integer and x has real value. [Multi. Ministry-2017]
25. What is algorithm? Write down the algorithm to find out the second highest and
second lowest element in an n-element array. [ICT Ministry-2017]
26. Draw a flowchart of ax2+bx+c=0 through c/c++ program. [Engineering college lecturer -
27. What is the difference between while and do while loop? [ICT Ministry-2014]
Data Structure
1. Difference between linear and Nonlinear data structure. [Pally Sa.-2018]
2. Describe infix to postfix convartion method. Advantage of stack using link list
then array. [Basic Bank(AM)-2019]
3. What are the operations performed on a data structure? What is prefix, post fix
and infix operation? [Officer(IT/ICT)-2019]
4. Draw a Binary min heap that results from inserting 9, 3, 7, 4, 8, 2, 6, 5 in that
order into an initially empty heap. Show each insertion step separetly. You do not
need to show the array representation. Just draw the trees. [Uttara Bank(AP)-2019]
5. Describe four types of sorting algorithm with example. [Combined(SO-IT/ICT)-2019]
6. Advantage of marge sort, heap sort, Insertion sort. Advantage and complixity of
them. [Basic Bank(AM)-2019]
7. Draw a flowchart to input five positive numbers, and sort them is ascending
order. [Combined 3 bank (AP)-2018]
8. Write a algorithm to find a node in a binary search tree. [Pally Sa.-2018]
9. Difference between stacks and queue with example. [Engineering college lecturer -2017]
10. Write down time complexities of different sorting algorithm. [DBBL-2016]
11. Explain BFS Traversal of a graph with an example. [DBBL-2016]
1. Write down five differences between DELETE and TRUNCATE statement in
SQL? [IBBL(Software)-2019]
2. Define thread cancellation, target threat? Enumerate the different RAID level.
[Uttara Bank(AP)-2019]
3. Describe the ACID properties in a Database. When does a deadlock occur, and
how do you prevent it, in a database? [Combined(SO-IT/ICT)-2019] [Basic bank (AM)-2019] [BDBL-
4. What is normalization? Explain composite key with example. [BTV (AP)-2019]
5. What is inner join? Explain with syntax and example. [BTV (AP)-2019]
6. What is the difference between primary key and candidate key? Explain the
foreign key with an example. [Competition Commition(P)-2019] [HBFC&KB(AP)-2018] [Pally Sa.-2018]
7. Write a program in pl/sql to find the highest paid employees from employee table
and store the data in HighestPaidEmp table. [DBBL-2018]
8. Difference among candidate key, primary key and foreign key. [ICB(AP)-2017]
9. What do you mean by primary key and foreign key? What are the difference
between primary key and unique key? [Multi. Ministry-2017]
10. What is RDBMS? Why data are stored in database system instead of file? [ICT
11. What is trigger? Write a code for auto increment sequence and trigger. [DBBL-2016]
12. What is cardinality and modality? [BB-AP-2016]
13. What is database? State the RDBMS with example? ? [ICT Ministry-2014]
14. What is the difference between RAID level 2 and RAID level 3? [ICT Ministry-2014]
A short Guide to Written Exam Page44 Previous Year Questions
1. Write down the Computer architecture characteristics. Write down the
stage of DLX pipelines. [BB(AME)-2019]
2. Write down four common rules of Assembaly language .Different type of hazard
3. Given an instruction in an8086 based Assembly language program, Mov BL,AL.
Now convert this assembly language instruction in to the machine code in HEX.
[Uttara Bank(AP)-2019]
4. Computer A has 3.2 GHz processing Speed and it has 2.0 clock speed in a
program, and at the same program Computer B has 2.4 GHz processing Speed
with 1.2 clock speed. Which computer will run faster and how much faster. [Desco-
5. Describe addressing mode of 8086 microprocessor. [BB-AME-2017]
6. Explain the functions of ALU & Control Unit of a computer. [Multi. Ministry-2017]
7. Explain URL, FTP, ASCII& BIOS. [Multi. Ministry-2017]
8. How many subnets and hosts per subnet can you get from the network [BB-AME-2017]
9. Difference between microprocessor and micro-controller. [Multi. Ministry-2017]
10. “Pentium processor has a superscalar architecture.” Explain the meaning of the
statement. [Multi. Ministry-2017]
5. Difference between risk, threat, vulnerable. What are SSL and TLS? [BB(AME)-2019]
6. Breafly explain what is meant my NAT. How can NAT help in IP address
depletion? [Uttara Bank(AP)-2019]
7. What is private ip? List the class b private ip. [BTV(AP)-2019]
8. Find subnet mask and number of host on each subnet mask at a class B
IP [Pally Sa.-2018]
9. Show the translation process of a NAT Box. [Agrani -2017]
10. Write short notes on DHCP and SMTP. [BB-AME-2017]
11. A block address is granted to a small organization. If one of the address is, what are the first and last address of the block? [Multi. Ministry-2017]
12. Explain the terms Domains, Bandwidth, Broadcast and Multicast. [Multi. Ministry-
A short Guide to Written Exam Page55 Previous Year Questions
13. What is public key encryption? Explain digital signature with example. [ICT Ministry-
14. What is data communication? Define Simplex, half duplex and full duplex. [ICT
Ministry-2017] [SBL & JBL SO-2018]
15. What are the functionalities of firewall in a network? [Engineering college lecturer -2017]
16. Differentiate between client server network and peer-to-peer network. [Engineering
college lecturer -2017]
17. What is private IP address? Mention the class B private IP range. [ICT Ministry-2014]
18. What is the difference between layer 2 and layer 3 network switch? [ICT Ministry-2014]
19. State the advantage and disadvantage of voice band and broadband? [ICT Ministry-
Operating System
1. What are the computer Operating System and the application program? Give
examples of Operating System? [Uttara Bank(AP)-2019]
2. What is operating System? What are the main components of operating System?
[Competition Commition(P)-2019]
3. Difference between Multiprocessing and Multitasking. [ICT Ministry-2014]
Software Engineering
1. What is SDLC? Write down the step of SDLC. [BTV(AP)-2019]
2. What is the SCRUM method in software Development? [Desco-2019]
3. Difference between black box and white box testing. [Pally Sa.-2018]
4. What is software testing? Name of some testing tool. [IBBL-2017]
5. Differentiate between system software and application software. [Multi. Ministry-2017]