Chapter 1: The Problem and Its Setting

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CAPSTONE RESEARCH PROJECT methods to observe a structure or a phenomenon; to

record, analyze and interpret the data obtained.

− produce new scientific knowledge;
Hypothesis-based investigation – involves the use of
− come-up with new and innovative
the scientific method anchored on a well-defined
technological products, devices and
procedure designed to answer a researchable
− create cost-effective designs and structures,
− solve real-world problems using engineering
tools. • Demonstration – explains a scientific principle
of why or how something works through
Scientific Research
models, illustrations, or even visual
− a methodological or systematic endeavor animations.
aimed at generating new ideas, developing
• Collection – is a group of various naturally
creative designs and processes, finding
occurring specimens or samples, like plants,
solutions to real-life situations and challenges,
animals, rocks, precious metals, or
and producing technology-based devices and
microorganisms, gathered to show their
scientific hierarchy or relationship.
Scientific Problem
• Variables – is a test subjects' characteristics
− a written statement about an issue that is that can change (or is allowed to change).
usually not fully explored yet or one that has
very limited sources of information in scientific

− a research project is also anchored on • Basic Research – is designed to produce

creativity, originality, and flexibility. results that expand knowledge about a
particular phenomenon, theoretical

• Applied Research – aims to solve a specific

societal or environmental problem, practical,
• Applied research for the betterment of the quality of life

• Basic research

*The goal of basic research is to gain new knowledge PARTS OF CAPSTONE RESEARCH PROJECT
or new understanding of a previously examined
Chapter 1: The Problem and its Setting
hypothesis, and applied research aims to develop a
new process or new economical design on the Introduction – the goals of the introduction are to:
scientific principles used.
1. State the problems or issues that the research
wants to address.

INTRODUCTION TO SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 2. Provide an overview about the existing

literatures about the present problem.
Two main approaches in scientific investigation:
3. Emphasize the relevance of the research to
1. Discovery-based investigation
the society.
2. Hypothesis-based investigation
4. Overall intent of the research.
Discovery-based investigation – relies mainly on
Statement of the Problem – is the main idea or the
verifiable observations and measurements. It involves
central point of the research
Significance of the study – the contribution that the • Monographs – are highly specialized books or
research paper will give upon completing the study treaties containing detailed and thoroughly
documented studies and papers
Scope and Delimitation – enumerates the research
location, the subjects, the instruments to be used, • Review Articles – are written documents that
and the analytical tools to be employed sum up the current state of the research on a
particular topic.
Definition of terms – enlists the key terms mentioned
in the research proposal • Scientific Journals – are the main source of
primary information related to past and
current scientific investigations.
Chapter 2: Relevant Scientific Literatures


Scientific Literature
• Search Engines – is the most well-known
− Is the principal medium for communicating technique in obtaining information from the
the results and conclusions of a scientific internet.

− Is an account or narrative that evaluates the

Chapter 2: Scientific Literature
information related to the research topic or
area of study. • Relevant Literatures – It discusses and
synthesizes the studies related to the present
Primary literatures – refers to original research and
new studies that contain firsthand information.

Secondary literatures – refers to publication that

largely rely on primary literature. PREPARING A REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURES

Tertiary literatures – is based on both primary and 1. Know what to record.

secondary literature.
2. Write efficiently.

3. Label it logically.

• it provides context to the readers.

• it shows where the research fits into the

existing body of knowledge.

• it justifies the research and guarantees that

the study has not been done before.  ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM 
• it illustrates how the topic has been studied.


• General References – are the broadest

reading materials; they cover every
knowledge available.

• Scholarly Books – are written for general or

specialized fields of science

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