Climate Change and Marine Turtles: Review
Climate Change and Marine Turtles: Review
Climate Change and Marine Turtles: Review
Contribution to the Theme Section ‘Incorporating climate change into endangered species conservation’
ABSTRACT: Marine turtles occupy a wide range of terrestrial and marine habitats, and many aspects
of their life history have been demonstrated to be closely tied to climatic variables such as ambient
temperature and storminess. As a group, therefore, marine turtles may be good indicators of climate
change effects on coastal and marine habitats. Despite the small number of species in the taxon and
a growing body of research in the field, the evidence base to predict resultant impacts of climate
change remains relatively poor. We review the data from peer-reviewed publications to assess the
likely impacts of climate change on marine turtles and highlight the types of data that would be most
useful for an accurate assessment of future effects. The cumulative indications from these previous
studies indicate that future research should focus on: (1) climate change effects on key habitats upon
which turtles depend; (2) factors that influence nest site selection; (3) the consequences of skewed
primary sex ratios; and (4) the effect of climate change on turtles at sea, for example range shifts and
dietary breadth. Although it is too early to give detailed management recommendations, careful
protection of coastlines along which turtles nest should be considered, as should the protection of
beaches that produce male hatchlings, which may be of increased importance in the future. More
active management approaches, for example translocation of eggs to suitable yet vacant nesting
beaches, may be necessary to consider under worst-case scenarios.
KEY WORDS: Global warming · Sea turtle · Temperature · Sex ratio · Phenology · Range ·
Conservation management · Sea level rise
Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher
The beach
Fig. 1. Increase in interest in marine turtles and climate
change. Number of published studies per year (resulting from In all species of marine turtles, successful reproduc-
ISI Web of Science search, 28 January 2009) containing the
tion depends primarily on available terrestrial habitat
search terms ‘marine turtles OR sea turtles’ and ‘climate
change OR global warming’ in the title, abstract or entire (Fig. 3). Female turtles must emerge onto beaches to
article. All papers are cited within the review lay several clutches of eggs over the course of a nesting
Hawkes et al.: Climate change and marine turtles 139
berg et al. 2001), including those where marine turtles far above the high tide line, while others prefer to nest
nest. Five studies have examined the spatio-temporal closer to the water line (Mrosovsky 1983, Whitmore &
coincidence of marine turtle nesting with hurricanes, Dutton 1985, Hays et al. 1995, Kamel & Mrosovsky
cyclones and storms (Martin 1996, Ross 2005, Pike & 2004, 2005). Additionally, as detailed in the previous
Stiner 2007, Prusty et al. 2007, Van Houton & Bass section, there appears to be possible inter-specific
2007), and they suggest that cyclical loss of nesting variation in responses to rapid changes in beach avail-
beach, decreased hatching success and hatchling ability, width or configuration (see also Mrosovsky
emergence success could occur with greater fre- 2006, Wetterer et al. 2007).
quency. However, susceptibility to storm-related Although some beaches may be inundated and lost,
threats may vary by species (Pike & Stiner 2007), such one possible result of climate change is an increase in
that species with lower nest-site fidelity (for example thermally suitable nesting habitat, both geographically
leatherback turtles Dermochelys coriacea, Witt et al. and temporally. With an increase in mean air, and
2008) would be less vulnerable than those with higher therefore beach sand temperatures, previously unsuit-
site fidelity (for example hawksbill turtles, Kamel & able habitat, for example beaches at higher latitudes
Mrosovsky 2005). At some highly dynamic and inter- than current nesting areas, may become suitable for
seasonally variable nesting beaches in the Guianas successful egg incubation. This has apparently oc-
(Plaziat & Augustinius 2004), turtles are able to main- curred in the past, when warmer temperatures in inter-
tain successful nesting (Girondot & Fretey 1996, glacial periods facilitated the expansion of loggerhead
Rivalan et al. 2005, Kelle et al. 2007) despite the fact sea turtles Caretta caretta into higher latitudes (Bowen
that some beaches disappear between nesting years. et al. 1993). It is of note that leatherback turtle nests
Such behavioural flexibility may offer one of the most are now being recorded at their most northerly in a
promising avenues for adaptation in marine turtles. decade of monitoring (Rabon et al. 2004). Temporally,
Marine turtles are certainly able to colonise new warmer temperatures for a greater number of months
beaches, with nesting now occurring at recently of the year may either extend the nesting season for
formed sites such as volcanic islands (Mrosovsky some marine turtles and/or facilitate year-round nest-
2006), at man-made beaches (Hoggard 1991), and at ing (Pike et al. 2006, Yasuda et al. 2006). However,
areas opened after glacial retreats (Encalada et al. data are lacking on how quickly marine turtles would
1998, Hamann et al. 2007).Whether turtles can colonise be able to take advantage of these changes. It has
nesting areas made available, either thermally or geo- recently been suggested that although avian spatial
graphically, by climate change remains to be seen. distributions are shifting polewards with changing cli-
mate, their rate of adaptation is slower, and they there-
fore lag behind climate warming by approximately
Selecting nesting locations 182 km (Devictor et al. 2008).
Temperature (°C)
2008) and the earlier onset of peak (median) nesting
date (5 to 6 d 1°C–1, Weishampel et al. 2004, Pike et al.
2006). Ultimately, temperature may also affect the 29
length of the nesting season (for loggerhead turtles:
Pike et al. 2006, Hawkes et al. 2007b). However, the
total clutch frequency per female per season will likely
vary with resources stored from foraging areas
(Chaloupka et al. 2008), which could further compli- 27
Cc Cm Dc Ei Lo
cate interpretation of the patterns of adaptation. These
relationships warrant further investigation and testing
across species and nesting sites, particularly between b 100
populations that nest at equatorial versus temperate
sites and in the warmest and cooler parts of the year. 75
% Female
Incubation conditions and sex ratios
Table 1. Literature sources of pivotal temperatures and primary sex ratios for loggerhead, green, leatherback, hawksbill, and
olive ridley turtles
Loggerhead Georges et al. (1994), Kaska et al. (1998), Baptistotte et al. (1999), Chu et al. (2008), Godley et al. (2001a,b),
Limpus (1985), Marcovaldi et al. (1997), Hanson et al. (1998), Hawkes et al. (2007), Houghton & Hays
Mrosovsky (1988), Mrosovsky et al. (2001), Kaska et al. (1998, 2006), Marcovaldi et al. (1997),
(2002), Yntema & Mrosovsky (1982) Mrosovsky & Provancha (1992), Mrosovsky et al. (1984b), Oz et
al. (2004), Rees & Margaritoulis (2004), Schmid et al. (2008),
Zbinden et al. (2007)
Green Broderick et al. (2000), De Ocampo & Booth & Freeman (2006), Broderick et al. (2000), Casale et al.
Jaojoco (1998), Godfrey & Mrosovsky (2000), De Ocampo & Jaojoco (1998), Godfrey et al. (1996),
(2006), Godley et al. (2002c), Leh et Kaska et al. (1998), Spotila et al. (1987)
al. (1985), Miller & Limpus (1981),
Standora & Spotila (1985)
Leatherback Binckley et al. (1998), Chan & Liew Binckley et al. (1998), Chan & Liew (1995), Godfrey et al. (1996),
(1995), Chevalier et al. (1999) Houghton et al. (2007), Rimblot-Baly et al. (1985)
Hawksbill Dobbs et al. (in press), Godfrey et al. Glen & Mrosovsky (2004), Godfrey et al. (1999), Kamel &
(1999), Mrosovsky & Provancha (1992) Mrosovsky (2006), Mrosovsky et al. (1992), Wibbels et al. (1999)
Olive ridley McCoy et al. (1983), Mohanty-Hejmadi
& Dimond (1986), Wibbels et al. (1998)
142 Endang Species Res 7: 137–154, 2009
of a nest experience temperatures a degree or more lished conversion curves (e.g. hawksbill turtles:
warmer than eggs at the bottom (e.g. 1.4°C for logger- Mrosovsky et al. 1992; green turtles: Kaska et al. 1998;
head turtles, Kaska et al. 1998) and thus possibly lead loggerhead turtles: Mrosovsky et al. 2002). Since these
to mixed sex ratios. The thermal properties of the turtle studies require only a small amount of relatively inex-
nesting beach itself will also contribute to incubation pensive equipment (temperature recording loggers)
temperatures and are determined by a variety of fac- and little specialist knowledge or software, this tech-
tors, including physical (sand grain size, composition, nique offers a viable approach for sex ratio estimation.
albedo; Hays et al. 2001, Reece et al. 2002), climatic However, it should be noted that these studies use cor-
(Godfrey et al. 1996, Matsuzawa et al. 2002, Houghton relative approaches to derive estimates and that, to our
et al. 2007) temporal (rainy vs. dry season; Godfrey et knowledge, no analyses of the potential error inherent
al. 1996), and geographic (tropical vs. subtropical) fea- in this approach exist. In addition, the majority of stud-
tures, which together can have a profound influence ies do not take into account the threshold range of
on the embryonic development of marine turtles temperatures (TRT; in which a mixture of sexes are
(Naro-Maciel et al. 1999). Predicted increases in tem- produced), which may be an important metric in
perature in the future could affect primary sex ratios assessing resilience to climate warming (Hulin et al.
(Mrosovsky et al. 1984a, Janzen 1994, Davenport 1997, 2009). Future work should address this to validate the
Glen & Mrosovsky 2004, Hatase & Sakamoto 2004, method for estimation of sex ratios for greater numbers
Hawkes et al. 2007c) as well as survivorship of clutches of nesting rookeries. Finally, other studies record the
(Miller 1985, Broderick et al. 2001a, Godley et al. temperature of the nest itself and use validated conver-
2001a, Hamann et al. 2007, Hawkes et al. 2007b). sion curves (detailed in Table 1) to estimate sex ratio
Despite studies on the sex ratio production of logger- (Mrosovsky & Provancha 1992, Hanson et al. 1998,
head, green, leatherback and hawksbill turtles, major Kaska et al. 1998, Broderick et al. 2000, Godley et al.
gaps remain in our understanding of primary sex ratios 2001b, Houghton & Hays 2001, Glen & Mrosovsky
of marine turtles (Fig. 4b). Sex ratio production can 2004, Booth & Freeman 2006, Houghton et al. 2007,
change within and across seasons (Mrosovsky et al. Schmid et al. 2008).
1984a,b, Godfrey et al. 1996); however, not all existing Relatively few studies have used direct estimation of
long-term datasets on primary sex ratios have been sex ratio by histologically examining the gonads of a
published in the peer-reviewed literature. Most exist- selection of hatchlings from each nest (Mrosovsky
ing estimates of primary sex ratios for nesting beaches, 1984a,b, Rimblot et al. 1985, Spotila et al. 1987,
for example in the Mediterranean (Broderick et al. Mrosovsky & Provancha 1992, Chan & Liew 1995, God-
2000, 2001a, Godley et al. 2001a,b, Oz et al. 2004, frey et al. 1996, Binckley et al. 1998, De Ocampo & Jao-
Zbinden et al. 2007), North America (Mrosovsky & joco 1998, Kaska et al. 1998, Mrosovsky et al. 1999,
Provancha 1992, Hanson et al. 1998, Hawkes et al. Kaska et al. 2006, Schmid et al. 2008). While direct ap-
2007b) and South America (Marcovaldi et al. 1997, proaches should be accurate, there are 2 major draw-
Baptistotte et al. 1999, Godfrey et al. 1999) rely at least backs: (1) lethal sampling of hatchlings must normally be
in part on indirect indices of sex ratio. For example, carried out under special permit and requires careful
Godley et al. (2001b) recorded nest incubation dura- ethical assessment and specialist skills, and (2) variation
tions over a 5 yr period and used previously published of sex ratio response to incubation temperature between
data relating incubation duration to sex ratio to esti- individuals and populations is not yet fully understood
mate the proportion of female hatchlings (see also (see Mrosovsky 1994 for more discussion). Therefore,
Marcovaldi et al. 1997, Godfrey et al. 1999, Oz et al. although indirect approaches are known to have inher-
2004, Hawkes et al. 2007b, Zbinden et al. 2007). The ent inaccuracies and may leave room for improvement
advantage of this method, validated by Mrosovsky et (Ewert et al. 2005, Delmas et al. 2008), they offer
al. (1999), is that incubation durations are normally approaches that can be used by most nesting beach
readily available from most turtle nesting projects, and projects, regardless of budget or specialist knowledge.
could therefore be used in future work to give a wider Regional validations of each method need to be carried
estimate of primary sex ratios. However, as noted in out, as they are largely lacking from the published liter-
Mrosovsky et al. (1999), values can be inaccurate by as ature but will enormously facilitate a rapid assessment of
much as 10% and must therefore be used with appro- sex ratios and, thereby, the risk of feminisation through
priate caution. Other studies have used beach air the warming effects of climate change.
(Hays et al. 2003, Hawkes et al. 2007b) or sand temper- It is unclear whether marine turtles will (or can)
ature (Mrosovsky et al. 1992, Baptistotte et al. 1999, adapt either behaviourally or physiologically to altered
Casale et al. 2000, Rees & Margaritoulis 2004, Kamel & incubation conditions to counter potential feminization
Mrosovsky 2006) to reconstruct likely incubation tem- associated with warmer temperatures. At the individ-
peratures with which to estimate sex ratios using pub- ual level, the physiological mechanism by which tem-
Hawkes et al.: Climate change and marine turtles 143
perature affects sexual differentiation could change, turtles have been documented at relictual levels com-
specifically with alterations to the pivotal and/or tran- pared to the historical past (McClenachan et al. 2006,
sitional range of temperatures (Hulin & Guillon 2007). Bell et al. 2007) and may therefore have limited capac-
However, evidence seems to suggest this is unlikely — ity for selection on key traits. Available evidence sug-
reported pivotal temperatures across species and pop- gests that the genetic capacity for marine turtle adap-
ulations are relatively conserved (Fig. 4a). Individuals tation may be lower than for other vertebrates (Avise et
could also adapt behaviourally by choosing nest loca- al. 1992, FitzSimmons et al. 1999).
tions that are cooler (e.g. in the shade of vegetation, in Temperature also drives incubation duration, such
rainy seasons, at higher latitudes) or by nesting earlier that incubation duration is inversely correlated with in-
or later during cooler periods of the season. This could cubation temperature (Mrosovsky et al. 1999, Mat-
help to maintain production of mixed sex ratios, con- suzawa et al. 2002), so warmer nests incubate on the
tributing to population viability (Doody et al. 2004, beach for a shorter period. Shifts in phenology and
Zbinden et al. 2007, but see Schwanz & Janzen 2008). range of other species due to climate effects (Root et al.
Since warmer water temperatures in near-shore nest- 2003) may alter the type, abundance and behaviour of
ing areas are known to affect the onset and periodicity predators and may therefore also affect the number of
of nesting (Sato et al. 1998, Weishampel et al. 2004), a surviving hatchlings (Hamann et al. 2007). Finally, tem-
mechanism may already exist for this strategy, at least perature has been shown to influence hatchling pheno-
for loggerhead turtles. At the population level, sex type, where size and locomotor performance vary with
ratio skew may be ameliorated by smaller nesting pop- i n c u b a t i o n conditions (Booth & Astill 2001, Booth et
ulations at extremes of nesting ranges producing more al. 2004, Booth 2006, Hamann et al. 2007) so that hatch-
balanced hatchling sex ratios (e.g. in North Carolina, lings produced at warmer temperatures may be smaller
USA, and Espirito Santo, Brazil, for loggerheads in the and swim faster, and have faster growth rates (Du & Ji
West Atlantic; Baptistotte et al. 1999, Hawkes et al. 2003, Glen et al. 2003, Deeming 2004). The fitness con-
2007b), such that ratios are in effect balanced across sequences of these traits are, however, untested.
the population (Hulin & Guillon 2007). On the other
hand, the capacity for marine turtles to quickly adapt
is questionable; as a group, they are long-lived, late MARINE TURTLES AND THE OPEN OCEAN
maturing (Avise et al. 1992, Zug et al. 2002) and have
evolved with a climate changing at a much slower rate Hatchling and juvenile turtles
than projections suggest for the next 100 yr (Hamann
et al. 2007). In addition, many populations of marine Hatchling and small juvenile marine turtles of all
species likely suffer high levels of predation in the sea
(Gyuris 1994). During the post emergence swim frenzy
(Wyneken & Salmon 1992), hatchlings are subject to
predation from a range of avian and fish predators.
The swim frenzy generally lasts for 2 to 3 d, at which
time hatchlings are thought to become associated with
floating matter at frontal systems of major ocean cur-
rents (Witherington 2002), where they may derive
some protection. However, there is evidence that the
phenology and spatial distribution of many bird and
fish species is changing with the climate (Carscadden
et al. 1997, Root et al. 2003, Lehikoinen et al. 2004,
Sims et al. 2004), which may include predators of
hatchling or juvenile marine turtles. Although the
direction and magnitude is difficult to estimate, the rel-
ative type or intensity of predation on hatchling turtles
could change (Fig. 5). During the swim frenzy, hatch-
lings have been shown to swim in directions that
should entrain them in local surface currents (Loh-
mann & Lohmann 2003, 2006), facilitating their move-
Fig. 5. Oceanic-developmental phase of marine turtles. ments across ocean basins, and currents may also be
Recruitment to adult foraging areas occurs at varying dura-
influential in the distribution of juvenile turtles (Bolten
tions (x yr) after development. Dotted grey arrows represent
the potential climate variables and their indirect effects, + or – 2003, Witt et al. 2007b). Under future predicted scenar-
indicates direction of effect ios of climate change, with changes in temperature
144 Endang Species Res 7: 137–154, 2009
and freshwater input at the poles, thermohaline circu- water temperature and current patterns will be impor-
lation patterns are expected to change in intensity and tant determinants of the availability of suitable prey for
direction (Rahmstorf 1997, Stocker & Schmittner 1997). these turtle populations, particularly near major frontal
The consequence of such changes for hatchling turtles zones where some of these turtle forage. Changes to
are unknown and difficult to estimate, but may mean major surface currents, such as the Gulf Stream, under
that developing turtles do not disperse as widely or to future climate scenarios (Rahmstorf 1997, 1999,
the same areas as at present (Hamann et al. 2007). This Stocker & Schmittner 1997) may therefore have pro-
may have important energetic consequences for hatch- found effects.
lings no longer able to rely on passive transport in sur-
face currents for migration.
The factors that determine the duration of the Dermocheliid turtles
pelagic developmental phase for juvenile marine tur-
tles are not known, but are likely affected by a combi- The main prey of leatherback turtles are soft-bodied
nation of food availability, growth rates, ambient tem- jellyfish and medusae (Bjorndal 1997, Davenport 1998,
perature and surface currents (Bolten & Balazs 1995). James & Herman 2001), which are known to respond
Changes to the pelagic community concurrent with sensitively to changes in climate (Beaugrand et al.
patterns of climate change have been demonstrated 2002, Edwards & Richardson 2004), peaking in abun-
(Greve et al. 2001, Beaugrand et al. 2002, Hays et al. dance earlier in the year and possibly in larger num-
2005), and they may alter the available prey for juve- bers (Mills 2001, Hays et al. 2005). In addition, McMa-
nile turtles, leading to potential trophic mismatch hon & Hays (2006) showed that the potential range of
(Edwards & Richardson 2004). Ultimately, if resources occupation by leatherback turtles, based on satellite
are more or less abundant than at present, the current telemetry and remotely sensed data, has moved
mean period between hatching and recruitment to 300 km north in the last 17 yr (see also James et al.
larger juvenile/adult foraging areas could change 2006). Thus, it is possible that climate change could
(Verity et al. 2002). The direction and magnitude of this benefit this species in the Atlantic. Foraging conditions
change is hard to quantify with currently available in the oceanic zone may affect how often females can
data; the response of marine turtle growth rates and return to breed (Saba et al. 2007, Reina et al. 2009)
the productivity of oceanic areas with warmer temper- and, therefore, govern lifetime reproductive success.
atures could be markedly different and likely react at The Pacific Ocean currently exhibits a higher degree
different time scales. of climatic variability than the Atlantic or Indian
Oceans (Saba et al. 2008, Chavez et al. 2003). Tropical
Pacific circulation patterns have already been docu-
Adult turtles mented as being affected by climatic changes (Vecchi
et al. 2006), with disruption of upwellings and likely
Adult leatherback sea turtles (Eckert 2006, McMa- reduced productivity in the region, which are vital for
hon & Hays 2006, Witt et al. 2007a) and some popula- jellyfish occurrence. For the declining Pacific leather-
tions of adult Cheloniid turtles (loggerhead turtles: back populations (Sarti-Martinez et al. 2007), this
Hatase et al. 2002a, 2007, Hawkes et al. 2006, McClel- effect of climate change could be significant.
lan & Read 2007; green turtles: Hatase et al. 2006,
Seminoff et al. 2007; and olive ridley turtles Lepi-
dochelys olivacea: Polovina et al. 2004, Whiting et al. Cheloniid turtles
2007) forage in the open ocean off the continental shelf
(Fig. 2). Generally, such turtles have broad ranges, The diet of pelagic loggerhead turtles and green tur-
from hundreds to thousands of km2 (Hays et al. 2004, tles nesting in the Japanese archipelago has been
Hawkes et al. 2006). It is conceivable that such large examined using stable isotope analysis and is hypoth-
ranges could mitigate negative climate effects on for- esised to consist of epipelagic prey items (Hatase et al.
aging area, but this remains untested. 2002b, 2006). Likewise, the diet of oceanic olive ridley
Sea surface temperature (SST) is possibly the most turtles is known to consist largely of pyrosomes and
important determinant of Cheloniid turtle distribution salps (Polovina et al. 2004) and other surface-associ-
(Milton & Lutz 2003). The influence of sea surface cur- ated organisms. Consequently, due to the nature of
rents on migratory movements of marine turtles (and their foraging strategy, these turtles are probably fairly
hence their distribution) is not yet well understood, but opportunistic with a wider dietary range than is known
may also be important (Luschi et al. 2003a,b, Gaspar et for many neritic Cheloniid species (see next section),
al. 2006, Hawkes et al. 2006, Bailey et al. 2008, Lam- which could confer greater adaptive ability than that of
bardi et al. 2008, Shillinger et al. 2008). Likewise, populations with narrower dietary ranges.
Hawkes et al.: Climate change and marine turtles 145
Marine turtles in coastal in-water habitats al. 2008). However, it should be noted that seagrasses
themselves could ultimately be negatively affected by
Most adult populations of Cheloniid marine turtles increased temperatures, salinities and other stress fac-
occupy coastal habitats along the continental shelf tors; this could alter growth rates, physiology and dis-
(Bjorndal 1997; Fig. 2) where temperatures, surface tribution (Short & Neckles 1999, Bjork et al. 2008,
currents and foraging depths are suitable for energeti- Ehlers et al. 2008). In addition, increased runoff due to
cally efficient foraging. Of these factors, temperature increased precipitation and ‘blow out’ events, where
probably best explains marine turtle occurrence, since seagrass pastures are effectively cleared by storm
all Cheloniid species are ectothermic and tempera- surges, may become more widespread with increasing
tures below 10°C can induce ‘cold stunning’ (Milton & severity of extreme weather events. Such events have
Lutz 2003), a condition that can be lethal. Some popu- been shown to alter habitat heterogeneity and grazing
lations of loggerhead turtles make seasonal latitudinal dynamics for parrot fish species (Macia & Robinson
migrations to forage in waters inhabitable only on a 2005) and could also influence grazing green turtles.
seasonal basis (Shoop & Kenney 1992, Plotkin & The potential for ecosystem-wide effects of alteration
Spotila 2002, Dodd & Byles 2003, Schroeder et al. 2003, of either this fundamental and valuable habitat type
Ferraroli et al. 2004, Houghton & Hays 2006, Hawkes (seagrass pastures, Ehlers et al. 2008) or keystone
et al. 2007a), returning to warmer areas in winter to predator pressure (green turtles) through climate
enter ‘hibernation’ (Godley et al. 2002b, Hochscheid et change is evident (Hamann et al. 2007), but the direc-
al. 2005, 2007, Broderick et al. 2007, Hawkes et al. tion and magnitude of change is, as yet, difficult to pre-
2007a). In Australia, green turtles have been observed dict. Some populations of green turtles appear to spe-
to forage in water temperatures as low as 15°C (Read cialize in the consumption of algae (Bjorndal 1997) and
et al. 1996). As the climate changes, however, these mangroves (Limpus & Limpus 2000). It is unknown
seasonal habitats may become less predictable in time how quickly green turtles may be able to adapt their
and space (Robinson et al. 2009), and migrations foraging behaviour to changing availability of sea-
between the two may become mismatched with likely grasses or algae; previous research has suggested that
environmental cues (e.g. photoperiod). However, ris- microbial flora of intestinal tracts of green turtles are
ing temperatures may actually increase the availability specialized for either seagrasses or algae (Bjorndal
of suitable foraging habitat for many Cheloniid species 1980, Fuentes et al. 2006).
and, therefore, their total range, although species dif-
ferences in fidelity to ‘home ranges’ (Renaud & Car-
penter 1994, Broderick et al. 2007) may make this pat- Spongivorous turtles
tern harder to recognise.
The majority of the diet of hawksbill turtles at some
sites is thought to consist of just a few species of
Herbivorous turtles sponges (Meylan 1988, Leon & Bjorndal 2002). Like
herbivorous green turtles, hawksbill turtles may play a
Green turtles are thought to be largely herbivorous key role in maintaining habitat health by grazing on
(but see Seminoff et al. 2002) and are known to be coral competitors (Hill 1998, Leon & Bjorndal 2002),
important regulators of sea grass pasture productivity thereby maintaining reef biodiversity. While this nar-
and biomass in coastal marine habitats (Thayer et al. row dietary range in itself may confer some disadvan-
1984, Williams 1988, Moran & Bjorndal 2005, 2007, tage in coping with a future changing climate, it is not
Kuiper-Linley et al. 2007). Changes in SST, along with known how sponges may react to climate change
sediment disturbance, altered penetration of ultra vio- effects. Some larger hawksbill turtles may forage deep
let light, eutrophication and acidification of coastal in the ‘sponge belt’ (at 80 to 120 m depth, Ghiold et al.
waters (Sabine et al. 2004, Hall Spencer et al. 2008), 1994, Blumenthal et al. 2008), which may be buffered
which are all possible under climate change scenarios, from climate fluctuations. Equally important may be
have been shown to cause changes in the distribution the effect of coral bleaching (Hoegh-Guldberg 1999,
and types of macroalgal species present in coastal Vincent 2004, Barton & Casey 2005, Gardner et al.
habitats (Lapointe 1999, Bjork et al. 2008), leading to a 2005, Mora 2007), which can alter reef competition
regime shift towards seagrass-dominated communities dynamics to a stable state dominated by macroalgae
(Harley et al. 2006, Hall Spencer et al. 2008). Such an (Hughes 1994, Mumby et al. 2007). The relative abun-
effect could be beneficial for green turtles, populations dance of sponges under these alternate stable states,
of which have been documented to increase for several however, is not well understood, but the possibility
index sites (Chaloupka & Limpus 2001, Balazs & remains that an increase in sponge abundance could
Chaloupka 2004, Broderick et al. 2006, Chaloupka et result, which may be beneficial for hawksbill turtles.
146 Endang Species Res 7: 137–154, 2009
Increases in hawksbill nesting numbers in some areas (1) How will climate change affect the ecology of key
(Garduno-Andrade et al. 1999, Richardson et al. 2006, habitats on which turtles are thought to depend (e.g.
Beggs et al. 2007, Marcovaldi et al. 2007) despite con- sea grass pastures for green turtles, coral reef systems
cerns related to reef health (Gardner et al. 2005) could, for hawksbill turtles)? How will these changes affect
in part, be reflective of increased forage availability population dynamics of marine turtles?
and warrants further investigation. In addition, alter- (2) What is the potential for marine turtles to mitigate
ations in the phenology of plankton abundance (Beau- the effects of increasing air and sea temperatures and
grand et al. 2002) could potentially disrupt trophic cope with loss of current nesting beaches by nesting at
relationships for filter feeding species, such as alternative, but suitable sites? What other behaviours
sponges. Further, ocean acidification (Hall Spencer et could be adapted within the time scale of individual
al. 2008) could reduce the ability of reefs to calcify and life spans?
grow (Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2007), which may further (3) What is the current primary sex ratio of females to
compromise the competitive ability of corals and have males from which to measure future, climate-induced
effects on reef dynamics. The dietary breadth of changes, what are secondary sex ratios and how many
hawksbill turtles is as yet understudied. males are necessary to maintain a fertile and produc-
tive population (and to what extent can manipulation
of sex ratios produce successful results — Girondot et
Omnivorous turtles al. 1998)? What degree of plasticity for adaptation
exists within the physiological mechanism of tempera-
For the majority of loggerhead, Kemp’s ridley, olive ture-sensitive sex determination?
ridley and flatback Natator depressus turtle popula- (4) How will climate change affect turtles at sea in
tions that have been studied in coastal waters, known terms of their distribution (range shifts), behaviour
prey species consist of a variety of benthic dwelling (phenology) and dietary breadth? How will this differ
invertebrates (Bjorndal 1997). These omnivorous tur- for turtle species and what levels of potential resilience
tles likely consume a wider variety of prey types than might this confer?
either green or hawksbill turtles (Bjorndal 1997). An increased understanding of these ecological
Although profound changes to benthic communities, effects of climate change on marine turtles would
including trophic uncoupling, are likely under warmer inform conservation and management practices and
climate conditions (Sims et al. 2001, Schiel et al. 2004, may be key in supporting mitigation work (e.g. protec-
Perry et al. 2005), omnivorous species are probably tion and preservation of key nesting or feeding sites;
less likely to suffer prey shortage than species with Brooke 2008, Robinson et al. 2009). Meanwhile, con-
narrow or specific diets. This may already be evident servation strategies at turtle rookeries should focus on
in the seasonality and numbers of turtles nesting annu- the managed retreat and preservation of coastlines
ally at key sites; Broderick et al. (2001b) showed that used by marine turtles, as well as the particular protec-
inter-annual variability in nesting numbers was tion of nesting beaches thought to produce male hatch-
greater for herbivorous green turtles than omnivorous lings. Increased impacts on marine turtles from climate
loggerheads. However, Chaloupka et al. (2008) change in the future may require more active manage-
showed that, for the northwestern Pacific, there were ment measures, such as creating cooler egg incubation
lower numbers of nesting loggerhead turtles when the temperatures (e.g. by sprinkling water on incubating
mean annual sea surface temperatures in the core for- nests, Naro-Maciel et al. 1999), actively relocating
aging ground in the preceding year were higher. clutches to cooler beaches (Shaver 2005), and com-
pletely reducing all other anthropogenic threats (Lut-
cavage et al. 1997).
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rates and the resilience with which marine turtles may ing thermal ecology of a southern loggerhead turtle nest-
ing beach in Brazil: implications for conservation. Anim
be able to cope with the predicted change is uncertain.
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determination and sex ratios of pacific leatherback turtles
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tles. In: Lutz PL, Musick JA (eds) The biology of sea tur-
tles, Vol 1. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, p 199–231
Acknowledgements. L.A.H. was supported by a University of
Exeter postgraduate scholarship and the Anning Morgan Bur-
➤ Blumenthal JM, Austin TJ, Bothwell J, Broderick AC and oth-
ers (2008) Diving behavior and movements of juvenile
sary. Work with the World Wildlife Fund (including C. Drews) hawksbill turtles Eretmochelys imbricata on a Caribbean
was generously supported by the MacArthur Foundation, the coral reef. Coral Reefs, doi:10.1007/s00338-008-0416-1
Kaplan Foundation and Hewlett Packard. The members of the Bolten AB (2003) Active swimmers—passive drifters. In:
ACT initiative were also very helpful in providing construc- Bolten AB, Witherington BE (eds) Loggerhead sea turtles.
tive discussion on the topic. B.J.G. and A.C.B. are supported Smithsonian Books, Washington, DC, p 63–78
by the European Social Fund, the Darwin Initiative and the Bolten AB, Balazs G (1995) Biology of the early pelagic
Natural Environment Research Council. M.H.G. thanks N. stage—the ‘lost year.’ In: Bjorndal KA (ed) Biology and
Mrosovsky for extended discussions on this topic. The manu- conservation of sea turtles. Smithsonian Institution Press,
script benefitted from the comments of 3 anonymous review- Washington, DC, p 579–581
ers and J. Seminoff.
➤ Bonnet X, Bradshaw D, Shine R (1998) Capital versus income
breeding: an ectothermic perspective. Oikos 83:333–342
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Editorial responsibility: Jeffrey Seminoff, Submitted: November 6, 2008; Accepted: March 9, 2009
La Jolla, California, USA Proofs received from author(s): May 7, 2009