Erosion and Sediment Control Manual

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Prepared for:

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

811 SW Sixth Avenue
Portland, OR 97204


Prepared by:

3990 Old Town Avenue, Suite B-101
San Diego, California 92110

GeoSyntec Consultants Project Number SW0106-01

April 2005
Oregon DEQ


This Erosion and Sediment Control Manual was prepared by GeoSyntec

Consultants (GeoSyntec), in conjunction with Salix Applied Earthcare (Salix) and
Michael V, Harding, CPESC, for use and distribution by the Oregon Department of
Environmental Quality (DEQ).

GeoSyntec would like to acknowledge the following members of the Oregon

DEQ development team for their support of the project, technical review and comment.

Kevin Masterson, Oregon DEQ

Janet Gillaspie, Oregon Association of Clean Water Agencies (ACWA)
Craig Harper, Rogue Valley Council of Governments
John Nagy, Clackamas County
Dawn Hottenroth, City of Portland, Bureau of Environmental Services

Consultant Project Team members included the following:

Carol Forrest, PE, CPESC, CPSWQ (GeoSyntec)

Kim Williams, PE (GeoSyntec)
Nathan Jacobsen, PE (GeoSyntec)
John McCullah (Salix)
Kaila Dettman (Salix)
Michael V. Harding, CPESC

Many of the figures provided in the BMP details in the appendices of this
manual have been provided by Salix, developer of Erosion Draw, Bio Draw, and E-
SenSS software for environmentally sensitive erosion control and streambank
stabilization design. These drawings may be reproduced without restriction by Oregon
DEQ and the users of this Manual but should not be reproduced without permission for
use in creating other non-DEQ sponsored manuals, training classes, etc. No part of this
manual should be repackaged and sold as a part of other manuals or for other uses
without permission of DEQ and the authors.

Word processing was provided by Ed Seymour of GeoSyntec. The authors

would also like to acknowledge Caltrans for the use of illustrations from the Caltrans
Storm Water Quality Handbooks. A complete list of the reference documents used in
completion of this Manual is provided in the References section at the end of this
Oregon DEQ

Table of Contents

SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION................................................................................. 1-1
1.1 Purpose of the Manual ...................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 How to Use the Manual .................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Definitions of Erosion and Sediment Control................................................... 1-4
1.4 Regulatory Background .................................................................................... 1-5
1.4.1 Federal Clean Water Act....................................................................... 1-5
1.4.2 NPDES Implementation in Oregon ...................................................... 1-6
1.4.3 Local NPDES Implementation and Implementation by Indian Tribes. 1-8
1.4.4 Oregon Water Quality Standards .......................................................... 1-9
1.4.5 TMDLs.................................................................................................. 1-9
1.4.6 Underground Injection Control............................................................. 1-9
1.4.7 Endangered Species Act ..................................................................... 1-10
1.4.8 Wetland Filing and In-Water Construction........................................... 1-11
1.5 Minimum BMPs for Small Projects................................................................ 1-13
SECTION 2 – WHY IS EROSION A PROBLEM? ................................................... 2-1
2.1 Natural versus Accelerated Erosion.................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Sedimentation Impacts...................................................................................... 2-3
2.3 Erosion Prevention to Reduce Turbidity .......................................................... 2-5
2.4 Advantages of Compliance ............................................................................... 2-6
2.4.1 Economic Advantages of Compliance.................................................. 2-6
2.4.2 Environmental Advantages of Compliance .......................................... 2-7
SECTION 3 – SITE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT ........................................ 3-1
3.1 Principles of Erosion and Sediment Control..................................................... 3-1
3.2 Climate of Oregon and Influences on Erosion.................................................. 3-2
3.3 Considerations in Construction Scheduling...................................................... 3-5
3.3.1 Construction Phases and BMP Implementation ................................... 3-5
3.3.2 The Optimum Grading Period .............................................................. 3-7
3.3.3 The Importance of Timing during Construction................................... 3-7
3.4 Planning and Construction Considerations for Areas of High Rainfall............ 3-8
3.5 Developing and Implementing an ESCP ....................................................... 3-10
3.5.1 Step 1 - Identify Issues and Concerns................................................. 3-11
3.5.2 Step 2 - Develop Goals and Objectives .............................................. 3-11

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3.5.3 Step 3 – Collect and Analyze Data ..................................................... 3-12 Data Collection................................................................... 3-12 Identification of Critical Areas........................................... 3-13 Consideration of Timing of Soil-Disturbing Activities...... 3-13 Identification of Site Factors and Evaluation of Erosion
Potential.............................................................................. 3-13
3.5.4 Step 4 - Develop BMP Selection Criteria........................................... 3-16
3.5.5 Step 5 - Nominate Candidate BMPs ................................................... 3-17
3.5.6 Step 6 - Screen and Select Best BMP Alternatives ............................ 3-17
3.5.7 Step 7 - Develop ESCP ....................................................................... 3-22
3.5.8 Step 8 - Implement the Plan................................................................ 3-25
3.5.9 Step 9 – Operate, Monitor, and Maintain the System......................... 3-26
3.5.10 Step 10 - Update the Plan ................................................................... 3-28
3.6 Stabilizing the Site and Terminating the Permit............................................. 3-29
SECTION 4 – RUNOFF CONTROL........................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Hydrologic Cycle and Drainage Patterns.......................................................... 4-1
4.2 Runoff Considerations ...................................................................................... 4-2
4.3 Surface Runoff Predictions ............................................................................... 4-2
4.4 Factors Affecting Runoff .................................................................................. 4-4
4.5 Runoff Control BMPs ....................................................................................... 4-4
SECTION 5 – EROSION PREVENTION METHODS ............................................. 5-1
5.1 Structural Erosion Prevention During Grading and Earthwork Operations ..... 5-2
5.2 Protecting Graded Surfaces From Erosion ....................................................... 5-6
5.2.1 Vegetative Measures (Temporary and Permanent Vegetation)............ 5-6
5.2.2 Non-Vegetative Measures (Mulches, Soil Binders, BFM, Erosion
Control Blankets and Mats) ................................................................ 5-13
5.3 Wind Erosion Control ..................................................................................... 5-21
5.4 Biotechnical Erosion Control.......................................................................... 5-22
5.4.1 Principles of Biotechnical Erosion Control ........................................ 5-22
5.4.2 Biotechnical Erosion Control Methods............................................... 5-23
5.5 Proper Maintenance ........................................................................................ 5-26

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SECTION 6 – SEDIMENT CONTROL ...................................................................... 6-1

6.1 Definition of Sediment Control ........................................................................ 6-1
6.2 Sediment Control Measures.............................................................................. 6-2
6.2.1 Temporary Linear Barriers / Perimeter Controls.................................. 6-2
6.2.2 Temporary Inlet Protection ................................................................... 6-4
6.2.3 Temporary Sediment Traps/Basins ...................................................... 6-6
6.2.4 Tracking Controls ................................................................................. 6-8
6.2.5 Slope Interrupter Devices ..................................................................... 6-9
6.3 Proper Maintenance .......................................................................................... 6-9
SECTION 7 – NON-STORM WATER POLLUTION CONTROLS ....................... 7-1
7.1 Definition of Non-Storm Water Pollution Controls ......................................... 7-1
7.2 Non-Storm Water Pollutant Control BMPs ...................................................... 7-4
SECTION 8 – INSPECTION AND MAINTANENCE .............................................. 8-1
8.1 Inspection Guidelines ....................................................................................... 8-1
8.1.1 Contractor/Permittee’s Inspection Responsibilities.............................. 8-1
8.1.2 Initial Site Walk-Through and Agency Inspections ............................. 8-2
8.1.3 Vegetation Establishment Criteria ........................................................ 8-3
8.1.4 Inspection and Maintenance Reports.................................................... 8-4
8.2 Common BMP Installation Mistakes and Maintenance Guidelines................. 8-4

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Runoff Control (RC) – Appendix D

RC-1 Slope Drain

RC-2 Energy Dissipator
RC-3 Diversion of Run-on
RC-4 Temporary Diversion Dike
RC-5 Grass-lined Channel (Turf Reinforcement Mats)
RC-6 Trench Drain
RC-7 Drop Inlet
RC-8 Minimizing TSS During Instream Construction
RC-9 Instream Diversion Techniques
RC-10 Instream Isolation Techniques
RC-11 Check Dams

Erosion Prevention (EP) - Appendix E

EP-1 Scheduling
EP-2 Preservation of Existing Vegetation
EP-3 Surface Roughening
EP-4 Topsoiling
EP-5 Temporary Seeding and Planting
EP-6 Permanent Seeding and Planting
EP-7 Mycorrhizae / Biofertilizers
EP-8 Mulches
EP-9 Compost Blankets
EP-10 Erosion Control Blankets and Mats
EP-11 Soil Binders
EP-12 Stabilization Mats
EP-13 Wind Erosion Control
EP-14 Live Staking
EP-15 Pole Planting
EP-16 Live Fascines and Brush Wattles
EP-17 Brush Box
EP-18 Fascines with Subdrains

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EP-19 Live Pole Drains

EP-20 Brush Packing or Live Gully Fill Repair
EP-21 Sodding

Sediment Control (SC) – Appendix F

SC-1 Sediment Fence

SC-2 Sand Bag Barrier
SC-3 Gravel Bag Berm
SC-4 Straw Bale Dike
SC-5 Rock or Brush Filters
SC-6 Compost Berms and Socks
SC-7 Fiber Rolls or Wattles
SC-8 Storm Drain Inlet Protection
SC-9 Temporary Sediment Basin
SC-10 Entrance/Exit Tracking Controls
SC-11 Entrance/Exit Tire Wash
SC-12 Undercut Lots

Non-Storm Water Pollution Control (NS) – Appendix G

NS-1 Dewatering and Ponded Water Management

NS-2 Paving Operations Controls
NS-3 Temporary Equipment Bridge
NS-4 Illicit Connection / Illegal Discharge
NS-5 Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning
NS-6 Vehicle and Equipment Fueling, Maintenance, and Storage
NS-7 Material Delivery and Storage Controls
NS-8 Material Use
NS-9 Stockpile Management
NS-10 Spill Prevention and Control Procedures
NS-11 Solid Waste Management
NS-12 Hazardous Materials and Waste Management
NS-13 Contaminated Soil Management
NS-14 Concrete Management
NS-15 Sanitary Waste Management

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NS-16 Liquid Waste Management

NS-17 Training and Signage


A Climate Information and Rainfall Data

B Soil Survey Information
C Acronyms and Terms
D Runoff Control BMPs
E Erosion Prevention BMPs
F Sediment Control BMPs
G Non-Storm Water Pollution Control BMPs
H References

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Section 1 - Introduction
Oregon DEQ

The objectives of this manual are to provide the user a standardized set of
tools: best management practices (BMPs) for implementation on
construction projects throughout the State of Oregon. The goal is to
facilitate the reduction of water quality impacts by land-disturbing activities
through design and implementation of a comprehensive system of erosion
prevention , sediment control and non-storm water BMPs.

1.1 Purpose of the Manual

The purpose of this manual is to provide standardized and comprehensive
erosion and sediment control best management practices (BMPs) for implementation on
construction projects throughout the State of Oregon. This manual is intended to provide
detailed and comprehensive guidance for the engineers and designers in the construction
industry, contractors, state and local inspectors, and other interested parties to facilitate
effective implementation of erosion and sediment control measures and reduction of
construction-related water quality impacts. This manual also addresses non-storm water
BMPs, as well as specialized biotechnical erosion and sediment control - techniques that
are particularly relevant to many areas and projects in Oregon.
This manual is organized into the sections described below:

• Section 1 - Introduction. This section describes the purpose, content,

regulatory background, and use of this manual and presents definitions of
erosion and sediment control.

• Section 2 – Why is Erosion a Problem? This section discusses the impacts

of erosion and sedimentation and the advantages of compliance.

• Section 3 – Site Planning and Management. This section describes

influences on erosion and considerations in construction planning and
scheduling for effective erosion prevention. It also presents a ten-step
process to guide the preparation of an effective Erosion and Sediment
Control Plan (ESCP) and the selection of BMPs, including information on
BMP costs and effectiveness.

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• Section 4 – Runoff Controls. This section describes runoff control

methods and presents runoff control BMPs.

• Section 5 – Erosion Prevention Methods. This section describes erosion

prevention methods and presents erosion prevention BMPs.

• Section 6 – Sediment Controls. This section describes sediment control

methods and presents sediment control BMPs.

• Section 7 – Non-Storm Water Pollution Controls. This section describes

non-storm water pollution control methods and presents non-storm water
pollution control BMPs.

• Section 8 – Inspection and Maintenance. This section presents inspection

and maintenance guidelines.

1.2 How to Use the Manual

This manual is designed to be user friendly and to assist with the identification of
BMPs appropriate for use on a specific site or project to provide environmental protection.
This manual is appropriate for use by design and construction professionals involved with
the planning, design, construction, and oversight of projects throughout the State of Oregon.
Personnel that do not have extensive expertise in designing and implementing erosion and
sediment control measures will benefit from review of the entire manual. Personnel that

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have previous experience with the planning, design and implementation of construction
storm water BMPs may benefit primarily from the information provided in individual BMP
Symbols and highlighted text are provided to facilitate a better understanding of a
specific point. For example:

The light bulb and the green text box highlights important
principles or practices

The magnifying glass indicates a reference or source where more

detailed information can be found.

The scales and red text emphasize an important regulatory point.

The stop sign and yellow text box indicate caution in applying the
general recommendations provided in the text to site-specific

Key terms, defined within the text, are provided for review at the end
of each section.

A summary checklist is provided at the end of each section to review

the most important points and principles of that section.

The BMP Selection Process (Section 3) is designed to aid users of this manual
through the BMP selection process. Throughout the selection process, users should take into
account the benefits and limitations of each of the BMPs considered. Finally, BMP success
is contingent not only appropriate design and implementation, but on proper maintenance
and the coordination and communication between the designers, engineers, and the field
construction teams.

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1.3 Definitions of Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control

In planning, implementing, and maintaining an erosion and sediment control
system, it is important to understand the difference between erosion prevention and
sediment control.

Erosion prevention is any practice that protects the soil surface

and prevents the soil particles from being detached by rainfall or wind.
Erosion prevention, therefore, is a source control (i.e., a prevention technique) that
treats the soil as a resource that has value and should be kept in place.

Sediment Control is any practice that traps the soil particles after they have
been detached and moved by wind or water. Sediment control measures are usually
passive systems that rely on filtering or settling the particles out of the water or wind that
is transporting them. Sediment
control treats the soil as a waste
product that must be removed
from where it has been
transported and accumulated and
disposed of at another location.
Which are more effective,
erosion or sediment controls?
Generally speaking, erosion
prevention controls are more
effective than sediment controls,
and are preferred because they
keep the soil in place and
enhance the protection of the site resources.

Whenever possible, the primary protection at the site should be erosion prevention
controls, with sediment controls used as a secondary system.

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1.4 Regulatory Background

1.4.1 Federal Clean Water Act

In 1972, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (later referred to as the Clean
Water Act (CWA)) was amended to provide that the discharge of pollutants to waters of
the United States from any point source is effectively prohibited unless the discharge
complies with a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit.
Amendments to the CWA in 1987 added Section 402(p) to the Act that establishes a
framework for regulating municipal and industrial discharges of storm water under the
NPDES program. The regulations require that construction activities disturbing an area of
five acres or more must be regulated as an industrial activity, and covered by a NPDES
permit. Final regulations that established application requirements for regulated storm
water discharges, known as the “Phase I Rule,” were published in the Federal Register on
November 16, 1990.
Under the Phase I Rule, construction activities that are subject to NPDES storm
water permitting include clearing, grading, or excavation that results in the disturbance of
at least five acres of total land area. Construction activity on sites of less than five acres
requires a permit if the construction is part of a larger common plan of development or
sale. Construction activities do not include routine maintenance performed by public
agencies to maintain original line and grade, hydraulic capacity, or original purpose of

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the facility, or emergency construction activities required to protect public health and
safety. Reconstruction of facilities involving the removal and replacement of existing
structures requires a construction permit.
In December 1999, the EPA finalized the “Phase II” regulations, which require
controls on storm water discharges from a broader sector of municipalities, industries,
and construction sites. Specifically for construction, the Phase II Rule requires
construction sites disturbing equal to or greater than one acre and less than five acres to
control pollutants in storm water runoff. Construction activity disturbing less than one
acre requires a permit if it is part of a larger common plan of development or sale
disturbing a total of one acre or greater, or is individually designated for permit coverage
by the NPDES permitting authority. The Phase II regulations went into effect on
March 10, 2003.
According to the Federal regulations, permit coverage for storm water
discharges associated with construction activity can be obtained through individual
permits or general permits. Individual permitting involves the submittal of specific data
on a single construction project to the appropriate permitting agency that will issue a site-
specific NPDES permit to the project. NPDES coverage under a general permit involves
the submittal of a notice by the regulated construction project that they intend to comply
with a general permit to be developed by EPA or a state with general permit authority.

1.4.2 NPDES Implementation in Oregon

The Federal regulations allow states that are authorized to implement the
NPDES program and have general permit authority to issue general permits or individual
permits to regulate storm water discharges associated with industrial (including
construction) activity within their jurisdiction. In Oregon, the NPDES storm water
permitting program is administered by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
DEQ issued two statewide NPDES general permits for storm water discharges
associated with construction activities. Generally, projects that disturb one or more acres
are required to comply with one of the two permits. The NPDES 1200-C General Permit
applies to construction activities including clearing, grubbing, excavation, and
stockpiling activities conducted by project owners or operators, except projects
conducted by public agencies. A separate permit (the NPDES 1200-CA General Permit)
is issued by DEQ that applies to construction land disturbance activities conducted by
public agencies. NPDES 1200-C General Permit requirements are further discussed

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Compliance with Permit 1200-C requires submittal of an application form, Land

Use Compatibility Statement, and application fee. In addition, the NPDES 1200-C
General Permit requires that an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) be submitted
to and approved by DEQ or its agent (some specific cities and counties have chosen to
act as agents to facilitate NPDES 1200-C General Permit implementation in their
jurisdictions) and implemented by the permittee. Refer to Table 1-1 in DEQ’s brochure,
“NPDES Storm Water Regulations for Construction Activities – November 2002”
( for a listing of cities
acting as DEQ’s agent. Plans need to be submitted at least 30 days prior to construction.
If the construction schedule will not allow for the 30-day review period, the plan must be
submitted with the application.
The major provisions of the NPDES 1200-C General Permit require: no
discharge of significant amounts of sediment to surface waters, implementation of the
ESCP, maintenance of BMPs, proper material and waste handling, compliance with
water quality standards in the Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 340-041 and any Total
Maximum Daily Loads for specific basins, and inspection of BMPs. Each of these
components must be completed in conformance with conditions specified in the NPDES
1200-C General Permit and in conformance with any applicable local requirements.
Municipalities may have varying discharge standards or other requirements and
permittees should contact the local municipality to obtain applicable requirements.
ESCPs must meet requirements set forth in the NPDES 1200-C General Permit.
Plans are required to include narrative site description elements, site maps and
construction plans, and a description of erosion and sediment controls to be implemented
at the site. Specific plan requirements are identified in the NPDES 1200-C General
Permit and outlined in the DEQ’s brochure, “NPDES Storm Water Regulations for
Construction Activities – November 2002”
( Note that ESCPs for
activities covering 20 acres or more must be prepared by an Oregon Registered
Professional Engineer, Oregon Registered Landscape Architect, or Certified Professional
in Erosion and Sediment Control. In addition, if the plan requires any engineered
facilities such as diversion structures or sediment basins, the plan must be prepared by an
Oregon Registered Professional Engineer.
A Notice of Termination (NOT) form must be submitted once all soil
disturbance activities and final stabilization of exposed soils have been completed. A
copy of the NPDES 1200-C General Permit is available at Gen1200C.pdf.

Application forms, the NOT form, and guidelines are available at:

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1.4.3 Local NPDES Implementation and Implementation by Indian Tribes

In addition to complying with the NPDES 1200-C General Permit, permittees
must also comply with any local storm water permits and requirements and in some cases
local requirements may be more stringent than state requirements. Permittees must
contact the appropriate local authorities directly to obtain requirements specific to the
jurisdiction. Cities, counties and other jurisdictional entities may hold municipal storm
water permits under NPDES Phase I or Phase II regulations. These permits may involve
specific requirements related to construction storm water management where work is
conducted in or runoff drains to a given jurisdiction. In addition, the local jurisdiction
may have other ordinances and permit requirements that affect soil disturbing activities
such as clearing or grading permits; grading ordinances; and local storm water
Similarly, Indian Reservations are required to comply with NPDES
requirements where they meet eligibility requirements for NPDES Municipal Permits and
may have similar ordinances or permit requirements that affect construction.
Construction projects greater than or equal to one acre of total disturbed soil area
conducted on Indian land must comply with EPA’s NPDES General Permit for
Construction Activities (
Section 9.F identifies specific requirements for construction projects on the Umatilla and
Warm Springs Indian Reservations. More information about construction storm water
requirements for projects conducted on or where runoff drains to Indian lands can be
obtained from EPA Region 10 ( The following tribes are
federally recognized in Oregon:
• Burns Paiute Tribe of the Burns Paiute Indian Colony of Oregon
• Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umoqua and Siuslaw Indians of
• Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon
• Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Reservation, Oregon
• Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Reservation, Oregon
• Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon
• Coquille Tribe of Oregon
• Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Indians of Oregon
• Klamath Indian Tribe of Oregon

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1.4.4 Oregon Water Quality Standards

As stated in the NPDES 1200-C General Permit, the ultimate goal of BMP
implementation is to comply with the water quality standards in OAR 340-41. OAR 340-
41 ( sets forth criteria for various
pollutants including bacteria, dissolved oxygen, pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), toxic
substances, and turbidity as well as basin-specific criteria. In cases where discharges
associated with construction activity adversely impact water quality and are anticipated
to contribute to exceedances of these standards, DEQ may require the permittee to
implement additional BMPs, apply for an individual NPDES permit, or take other
necessary action. Further discussion of OAR 340-41-0036, water quality standards for
turbidity, is provided in Section 2.3.

1.4.5 TMDLs
Permittees must additionally comply with any Total Maximum Daily Loads
(TMDLs) if construction activities will contribute pollutants for which a specific basin or
receiving water is listed for impairment. If a stream is listed as impaired because of
turbidity or sediment, construction sites may be designated as contributors to the
impairment. Section 303(d) of the CWA established the TMDL process to guide the
application of state water quality standards to individual water bodies and watersheds. A
TMDL defines the amount of a particular pollutant that a water body can adsorb daily
without violating applicable water quality standards. Once this load is established, DEQ
allocates a portion to each source of that pollutant within a particular watershed. In the
case of construction activities within an impaired watershed, DEQ may require the
permittee to implement additional BMPs, apply for an individual NPDES permit, or take
other necessary action to ensure compliance with TMDL discharge requirements. To
find out if there are additional TMDL-related requirements for your project, please
contact your DEQ regional office.

1.4.6 Underground Injection Control

Underground injection of fluids, including storm water, is regulated under Part
C of the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act. Implementation is of particular importance in
Oregon, where all groundwater is designated as a suitable source of drinking water under
the Oregon Administrative Rules. Like the NPDES program, responsibility for
implementing the Underground Injection Control (UIC) program in Oregon has been
delegated to DEQ. Underground injection systems fall into five categories, with
underground injection of storm water falling into a sub-category of Category V. All
storm water injection systems must be registered with DEQ and all but systems that
discharge roof runoff exclusively must be either “authorized by rule” or “authorized by
permit” with specific provisions applying to both categories. As of March 2002, there

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were over 23,000 active UIC systems registered with DEQ, with over 95% of these
systems used for storm water injection and the majority operated by federal, state, and
local municipalities.
Municipalities are required to have storm water management plans in place that
set forth system details, required BMPs for storm water discharging to UIC systems,
monitoring requirements, and data management requirements. Some construction
projects may discharge to municipal UICs and must comply with applicable local
requirements as well as DEQ NPDES 1200-C General Permit requirements. Any
construction project discharging to a UIC system must comply with requirements set
forth in the applicable municipality’s UIC storm water management plan, including
source control and treatment BMPs; BMPs for segregation of storm water from areas
where hazardous and toxic materials are used, handled, or stored; implementation of a
spill prevention and response plan; and employee training. Local requirements may also
involve sampling of construction site runoff to ensure compliance. More information on
UIC requirements is available at
Local jurisdictions should be contacted for specific UIC system requirements applicable
to the project site.

1.4.7 Endangered Species Act

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is of concern for construction sites because
of the potential adverse impacts to receiving waters from discharges of sediment and
other pollutants including increased turbidity, toxicity, and abnormal pH. Specific
adverse impacts include:

• suffocation of eggs or fry;

• displacement and elimination of aquatic invertebrates utilized for food;
• reduction in the biodiversity of aquatic invertebrates;
• reduction of foraging abilities in turbid water;
• irritation of gill tissue that can lead to disease or death; and
• filling of resting, feeding areas, or spawning gravels with sediment.
Any of these impacts could be considered a “take” under ESA. The term “take”
applies to any activity that harasses, harms, kills, or injures a species listed under ESA.
Any act that modifies or degrades the habitat of an endangered species in a manner that
significantly impairs essential behavioral patterns such as breeding, spawning, rearing,
migrating, feeding or sheltering and results in death or injury is considered harmful. The
stranding of listed species behind erosion and sediment control features or the
impairment of their access into certain areas due to the presence of erosion and sediment
control features could also be determined to be a take under ESA.

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For additional information on ESA implementation in Oregon and developing

project-specific compliance strategies, refer to the ESA Assessment Manual prepared by
the League of Oregon Cities, Oregon Water Utilities Council, and the Oregon
Association of Clean Water Agencies (ACWA) available at
(ACWA 2000). ACWA has also published a model program for “Fish Friendly” Erosion
Control. Attachment A of the document provides a hypothetical model program for
erosion and sediment control during construction to reduce impacts two ESA-listed fish,
the Chinook salmon and the steelhead trout, and is a good resource in developing an
erosion and sediment control program that minimizes impacts to aquatic endangered
species. This “Fish Friendly” program is available at Further
information on ESA and how it affects your project, is available from the National
Marine Fisheries Service at: or the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at: (Washington
DEQ 2001; Washington County et al. 2000)

1.4.8 Wetland Filing and In-Water Construction

There is both a state and federal removal/fill permit process in Oregon.
Applicants proposing to conduct activities in waterways, including wetlands, may be
required to obtain permits from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and/or the
Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL), depending on the project scope and location.
DSL administers the state Removal/Fill Law (Oregon Revised Statute 141-085-
0005 through 141-089-0615). Currently, applicants may be required to obtain either a
General Authorization, which has defined parameters and conditions and an expedited
permit timeline or an individual Removal/Fill permit from DSL.
The USACE administers Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act
[33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.], commonly known as the Clean Water Act [CWA], Section 10 of
the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 [33 U.S.C. 403], and the Marine Protection, Research
and Sanctuaries Act of 1972. Under these jurisdictions, the USACE may issue a
Nationwide (NW) permit, which has defined parameters and conditions and an expedited
permit timeline or an Individual Permit as well. Though the DSL and USACE permit
premises are somewhat similar, the jurisdictions, review requirements and processes are
vastly different.
DEQ is involved in both the state and federal water-permit processes. DEQ
administers Section 401 of the CWA (33 U.S.C. 1341) through issuance of a 401 Water
Quality Certification (WQC). The WQC is a determination by DEQ that federally
licensed or permitted activities, which may result in a discharge to waters of the state,
comply with the states water quality standards. DEQ’s WQC program is administered
through OAR 340-048-0005 to 340-048-0050 and includes fees for projects that exceed

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certain thresholds. The federal permit cannot be issued without the issuance of the WQC
unless DEQ provides a waiver or does not respond to the request for it within one year.
The review and evaluation of a project requiring a WQC consists of state water quality
standards which are approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These
approved standards cover beneficial uses, policies, and criteria, are listed in Oregon
Administrative Rules (OAR) 340 Division 41, and include: Antidegradation, Narrative
Criteria, Bacteria, Biocriteria, Dissolved Oxygen, Nuisance Phytoplankton Growth, pH,
Temperature, Total Dissolved Gas, Total Dissolved Solids, Toxic Substances, Turbidity,
Water Quality Limited Waters, Mixing Zones, Implementation at Wastewater Treatment
Works, Other Implementation of Water Quality Criteria, and Basin-Specific Criteria.
Additionally, conditions are based Load Allocations in approved Total Maximum Daily
Loads (TMDLS) for water quality limited water bodies, subsequent TMDL
implementation plans, specific management measures in Oregon’s Coastal Nonpoint
Source Program, and sediment contaminate, solid waste, and related clean-up issues.
DEQ provides WQC’s through the USACE’s CWA 404 and Rivers and Harbors
Act Section 10 permit processes. DEQ works closely with a number of agencies through
this process including, the USACE, NOAA Fisheries, US Fish and Wildlife Service
(USFWS) Department of Land Conservation and Development, DSL, Oregon
Department of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon Water Resources Department, and other local
jurisdictions. If a proposed project is located in an area that contains endangered species,
as determined by the Endangered Species Act of 1973, a consultation may be required by
USFWS and/or NOAA Fisheries. Once the final project proposal has been determined,
DEQ evaluates the proposal and determines if the project will be issued a WQC with
conditions or will be denied a WQC.
The DSL permit process is somewhat different than the federal permit process.
This is because DSL works primarily with all of the state natural resource agencies,
which have varying regulations and requirements from the federal agencies involved in
the process. DEQ comments on all DSL proposed projects that are published for public
comment regarding any water quality issues and/or questions. All issues that have been
raised by DEQ must be addressed prior to the issuance of permits by DSL or by
conditioning the permit appropriately. DEQ works closely with the applicant, DSL and
the USACE to ensure that any issues raised regarding water quality are coordinated
efficiently and effectively throughout both permit processes.
Information regarding the DSL and USACE permit processes can be found at:

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1.5 Minimum BMPs for Small Projects

This manual has been prepared primarily to support development of storm water
best management programs for construction sites required to comply with the NPDES
1200-C General Permit. It should be noted that the concepts and BMPs presented in this
manual may also be of use to smaller projects, such as those disturbing less than one acre
of soil and projects involving single lots or small developments.
The most effective way to minimize the discharge of pollutants in runoff from
any construction activity is to implement pollution prevention BMPs such as erosion
prevention controls, sediment controls, non-storm water pollution controls, and runoff
controls. For small projects, minimum BMPs to consider include:

• Scheduling to avoid earth disturbing activities during wet weather.

• Perimeter sediment controls.
• Storm drain inlet protection.

• Site entrance and exit controls.

• Non-storm water pollution controls, such as materials use and waste

management BMPs.

• Covering or otherwise protecting stockpiles

• Projects that include slopes susceptible to erosion should also include

runoff and erosion prevention measures.

BMPs should be inspected regularly to identify areas in need of maintenance or

improvement to minimize pollutant discharges.

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This chapter identifies the causes of accelerated erosion as man-induced,
land-disturbing activities that result in increased sediment delivery to down
slope/downstream water bodies. Sedimentation impacts on in-stream and
off-stream water quality are illuminated along with other resource base,
agricultural and air quality impacts. Economic and environmental
advantages of compliance with NPDES storm water regulations are

2.1 Natural versus Accelerated Erosion

Natural erosion is generally considered to be due to the influence of climatic

forces on the surface of the earth. While we can learn from the processes of
natural erosion, the practice of erosion prevention is usually limited to sites
where human activities accelerate this natural process.

Erosion problems can be accelerated by a variety of human activities, including

unrestricted development, overtaxed resources, removal of surface cover (such as
vegetation), increased imperviousness (such as paving and rooftops) that increases
runoff, and poor stewardship.

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The goal of the EPA regulations on erosion is not to stop natural erosion.
The goal of the regulations is to control accelerated erosion caused by
human activities, so there is no net increase in sediment being discharged
from a construction site over pre-construction conditions.
Erosion and sedimentation can result in impacts to public infrastructure such as
creating both nuisance and larger scale problems when streets, streams and storm drains
are clogged with sediment and are then prone to flooding. These impacts can result in
problems that affect public safety and result in permanent infrastructure damage such as
road failure and pipeline damage, as well as environmental impacts. Uncontrolled
erosion is costly; violates state and Federal pollution laws; and exposes developers,
contractors, and landowners to legal liabilities.

Construction-related erosion and sedimentation can cause problems

for down slope property owners, result in turbidity plumes in
downstream water bodies and can cover sensitive habitat areas
(such as gravel streambeds used for salmon spawning) with sediment.

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2.2 Sedimentation Impacts

Water quality parameters that reflect the level of sediment yield are turbidity
and suspended solids. As turbidity increases within a stream environment,
photosynthetic activity may decrease with a subsequent potential decrease in available
free oxygen necessary to support aquatic life. An increase in the concentration of
suspended solids may destroy water supplies for human, animal, and other wildlife
consumption, as well as feeding and nesting habitats. Implementation of erosion
prevention controls consistent with sound construction operations can minimize the
adverse impacts associated with increased sediment yield.
Some of the in-stream and off-stream impacts of turbidity and sedimentation are
provided below.

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Sedimentation Impacts - In-stream Damages

• Destruction of spawning areas, food sources, habitat (elimination of aquatic

invertebrates, filling of gravels with sediment)

• Reduction of foraging abilities in turbid water

• Direct toxicity to wildlife (suffocation of eggs, irritation of gill tissue leading

to disease or death, reduction in biodiversity of invertebrates)

• Lake degradation

• Siltation of navigation channels

• Impacts to commercial fisheries

• Reduction of water storage capacities

Sedimentation Impacts - Off-stream Damages

• Clogging of streets, streams, and storm drains with sediment

• Increased flood hazards

• Decreased capacity in conveyance facilities and/or pipeline damage

• Resultant road failure and/or traffic problems

• Increased water treatment costs

• Fugitive dust impacts from wind erosion

• Health and safety risk of contaminated sediment transport/exposure

Turbidity from Suspended Solids

• Transports nutrients, pesticides, bacteria, toxic substances

• Harms aquatic wildlife

• Reduces beneficial uses

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These in-stream and off-stream impacts may be translated into specific

environmental impacts, as summarized below.

Resource Base Impacts:

Loss of soil as a resource results in the elimination of potential for future use
and decreased biological diversity.

Agriculture Impacts:
Loss of soil results in reduced crop production and higher management costs
(such as seed and fertilizer).

Water Quality Impacts:

Sediment can cause damage to fish and wildlife resources, water supply quality,
recreational values, and habitat values.

Air Quality Impacts:

Fugitive dust can cause public health and safety problems such as airborne
contaminants and traffic impacts.

2.3 Erosion Prevention to Reduce Turbidity

Turbidity measures the relative clarity of water and is defined by the American
society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) as “an expression of the optical properties of a
liquid that cause light rays to be scattered and absorbed rather than transmitted in straight
lines through a sample.” Turbidity is measured in nephelometric units (NTUs) which
indicate light scattering associated with increased particle concentrations. Sources of
turbidity include sediment and dissolved matter within a water body that are deposited
both naturally and on an accelerated basis by human activity such as construction.
Turbidity measurements are most influenced by smaller clay-sized particles that stay in
suspension longer than larger sand-sized sediment particles. Turbidity has adverse
impacts on aquatic plants and animals associated with reduced visibility and light
transference in the water column. These conditions result in changes including fish
behavior modification (breeding, feeding, etc.), physical impacts such as gill abrasion,
increased algal activity, and reduced light for plant growth.

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Oregon’s current turbidity standard (OAR 340-41-0036) requires that “no more
than a ten percent increase in natural stream turbidities be allowed, as measured relative
to a control point immediately upstream of the turbidity causing agent.” The standard
makes allowances for emergency activities approved by DEQ and the Department of Fish
and Game and dredging, construction or other legitimate activities authorized under
Section 401 or 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act.

A greater emphasis on erosion prevention controls and other source

controls is required for sites with the potential to violate Oregon Water
Quality Standards for turbidity.
Standard sediment controls are typically not effective in eliminating fine
sediment particles (e.g., clay particles) that stay in suspension for prolonged periods and
can result in high turbidity in discharges and receiving waters. A project should not rely
on sediment basins and barriers to meet water quality criteria for turbidity. Sediment
controls are typically more effective for larger particles (e.g., silt and larger) unless
methods such as sediment basins are enhanced by flocculation or filtration to target fine-
grained sediment particles. In order to meet turbidity standards, a project should rely
heavily on erosion prevention controls.

2.4 Advantages of Compliance

2.4.1 Economic Advantages of Compliance
Compliance with applicable federal, state, and local erosion control and storm
water pollution prevention regulations can result in economic advantages, particularly if
one considers the costs of non-compliance in terms of stop work orders, fines, and
Some of the economic benefits accrued from an aggressive soil stabilization
plan for a construction site may include:

1) The potential for fines for non-compliance can be reduced or eliminated

2) Stabilized slopes require less repair and are safer for maintenance crews
3) Reducing short- and long-term erosion will result in less soil loss
4) Negative public opinion, which can result in enforcement actions, can be
5) Liability exposure can be decreased

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Some measurable costs resulting from non-compliance include:

• Removal of silt deposits from storm drains and ultimately, water bodies
• Reduction of water storage capacities of reservoirs
• Increased water treatment costs
• Increase in flooding hazards
• Cost of stop work orders, fines, and lawsuits

2.4.2 Environmental Advantages of Compliance

Some of the environmental benefits of effective erosion and sediment control

1) Protection of fish spawning areas, their food sources and habitat

2) Reduction of toxic materials that are introduced into the environment by

their attachment and transport by sediment particles
3) Lowered impact on commercial fisheries
4) Improved water storage capacities in lakes and reservoirs
5) Protection of soil as a resource, thereby maintaining a future of diverse and
beneficial uses
6) Protection of human and well as wildlife uses of receiving waters


Natural Erosion Accelerated Erosion

Surface Cover Impervious
Turbidity Stewardship
Compliance Fugitive Dust
Economic Advantages Environmental Advantages
Liability Exposure

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While we can learn from the processes of natural erosion, erosion prevention
is usually focused on sites where human activities accelerate this process.

The goal of the EPA regulations on construction sites is for there to be no net
increase in sediment discharge over pre-construction conditions.

Some of the economic benefits accrued from an aggressive soil stabilization

plan for a construction site may include:

• Reduced potential for fines

• Lower maintenance costs
• Reduced soil loss
• Enhanced public opinion
• Decreased liability exposure

Some of the environmental benefits of effective erosion and sediment control

can be:

• Protection of fish spawning areas, their food sources and habitat

• Reduction of toxic materials in the environment
• Lowered impact on commercial fisheries
• Improved water storage capacities
• Protection of soil as a resource
• Protection of human and wildlife uses of receiving waters

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This section presents the principles of Erosion and Sediment Control and a
summary of regional climates in Oregon relevant to site planning and
management, as well as considerations for construction scheduling, and
presents a 10-step process for developing and implementing an ESCP.

3.1 Principles of Erosion and Sediment Control

Erosion and Sediment Control Principles

• Fit the project to the existing topography, soils, and vegetation;

• Minimize disturbance and retain natural vegetation;

• Schedule construction to minimize soil exposure during rainy season;

• Vegetate and mulch denuded areas;

• Minimize concentrated flows and divert runoff away from slopes or

critical areas;

• Minimize slope steepness and slope length by using benches, terraces,

contour furrows, or diversion ditches;

• Utilize channel linings or temporary structures in drainage channels to

slow runoff velocities;

• Keep sediment on site by using sediment basins, traps or sediment

barriers; and
• Monitor and inspect sites frequently and correct problems promptly.

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3.2 Climate of Oregon and Influences on Erosion

General Regional Characteristics
Oregon's weather and climate are highly diversified due to large-scale
atmospheric circulation; and by regional influences involving the Pacific Ocean, the
Coastal range, inland valleys, the Cascade range, high plateaus, and high desert. Some of
the localized characteristics that influence climatic effects and diversity include: distance
from the coast, elevation, and terrain orientation (i.e., direction of the slope; north-facing,
south-facing, etc.).
Generally, the Oregon coastline trends in a north-south orientation while the
predominant atmospheric flows trend perpendicular to the coastline in a west-east
orientation. The topography associated with the Coastal range and Cascades increase
rapidly from the shoreline of the Pacific Ocean to the mountain tops. The result of this
extreme regional topographic relief and atmospheric orientation is complex spatial
variations of climate throughout Oregon.
Due to large regional variations within the United States, the National Climatic
Data Center (NCDC) established “Climate Zones” to represent areas with similar
precipitation and temperature characteristics. Appendix A presents and describes each of
the “Climate Zones” located within Oregon.
Several sources discussing the climate of Oregon are available,
including: and The Climate of Oregon, by Taylor
and Hannan (1999). Information presented below includes summaries from
these references. Further discussion and specific climatic examples are available in
these sources.

Western Oregon receives the bulk of its annual precipitation during winter
(generally November through March). East of the Cascades the annual distribution is
more uniform, with some locations receiving more precipitation in summer than in
winter. The most important factors that influence regional precipitation amounts are
elevation and distance from the coast. However, on a local scale elevation has the most
influence on precipitation distributions.
The Coastal range and Cascades act as barriers to the flow of air. As warmer air
is forced over the ranges, the air cools and releases its moisture on the windward side of
the range. This process is known as orographic lifting and often results in precipitation
and/or thunderstorms. Orographic influences usually occur at large spatial scales in

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response to large scale topographic variations. A major terrain barrier such as the
Cascades results in abundant orographic precipitation, even though small ridges and
valleys embedded in the mountain range may not show demonstrable effects (Taylor and
Hannan, 1999).
Another result of the orographic influences is called the “rain shadow” effect
where precipitation amounts drop significantly on the leeward side of a barrier or
mountain range. This effect is very evident in eastern Oregon where large areas have
annual precipitation less than 12 inches (30.5 cm). The northern Cascades receive an
excess of 80 inches (203.2 cm) per year. Areas west of the Cascades receive 65 to 90
inches (165.1 to 228.6 cm) of precipitation annually at lower elevations along the coast
(Zone 1); 40 to 80 inches (101.6 to 203.2 cm) of precipitation annually in the Willamette
Valley (Zone 2); and southwestern Oregon (Zone 3) receives less than 20 inches (50.8
cm) at lower elevations and over 120 inches (304.8 cm) at high elevations annually.
Snow is relatively rare along the immediate coastline in Oregon. However
many areas at higher elevations and higher latitudes receive much of their precipitation as
snowfall. Specific areas are discussed in the climate zone discussions in Appendix A.
In general the following statements characterize precipitation trends in Oregon:

• Precipitation is highest near the coast and at higher elevations;

• Precipitation decreases as one moves eastward from the Coastal range and

• July is consistently the driest month throughout Oregon;

• More that half of the days during the winter months in western Oregon
have measurable precipitation;

• During summer months in western Oregon, approximately 10-15% of the

days are wet.

• The seasonal precipitation pattern is nearly uniform in portions of Eastern


Christopher Daly of Oregon State University developed a mapping and digital

coverage model called PRISM (Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes
Model). With this model Mr. Daly created a map of average annual precipitation for
Oregon (Figure 3-1). Evident from Figure 3-1 are the two major influences on
precipitation discussed above; west of the Cascade Range precipitation is the highest at

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depths up to 200 inches (508 cm) per year due to intense orographic effects; and east of
the Cascade range the lowest annual precipitation depths are found due to the “rain
shadow” effect.

Figure 3-1 – Oregon Average Annual Precipitation.

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In western Oregon thunderstorms occur only 4-5 times per year, mostly in the
inland valleys and near the Cascades. Generally they are not severe and produce little
damage. Eastern Oregon receives many more thunderstorms (typically 12-18 per year),
and they tend to be much more severe, resulting in greater damage to crops and buildings.
Mountains are especially susceptible to thunderstorm damage; each year a considerable
number of forest fires are started by lightning (Taylor and Hannan, 1999).

Local winds in Oregon are dominated by large-scale pressure patterns over the
North Pacific and onshore. During winter (and, to a lesser extent, autumn and spring),
frequent cyclonic storms reach the area from the west, greatly influencing winds and
other weather elements. Summer months see fewer strong storms, and are more typically
characterized by sea-land breeze regimes.
Several times each year winds exceeding hurricane strength (74 mph; 119
kmph) strike Oregon, especially along the coast. These high wind events are usually
associated with intense storm events and may cause damage to vegetation and structures.
In the coastal region the wind can be characterized as sea or land breezes. However,
throughout Oregon, occasional high intensity wind storms are evident (Taylor and
Hannan, 1999).
Prevailing winds vary with season: Winter wind directions generally flow from
the south or east; summer wind directions generally flow from the west or northwest.
Note that local topography plays a significant role in the wind direction.

3.3 Considerations in Construction Scheduling

3.3.1 Construction Phases and BMP Implementation
The timing of soil-disturbing activities and the timing of implementation of
BMPs are both critical to the prevention of accelerated erosion and transport of sediment
off-site. The scheduling of grading should take into account the rainy season and should
minimize the length of the time that soils are left exposed, and reduce the total area of
exposed soil during the rainy season. Consideration should be made to phasing the
grading and construction so that critical areas (such as highly erodible soils, areas
adjacent to receiving waters, etc.) are not disturbed until the non-rainy season, and so the
entire area that is disturbed at any one time is kept to a size that can be controlled
effectively. Table 3-1 presents a suggested schedule for BMP implementation and

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Table 3-1. BMP Implementation and Sequencing

Description What to Do
Identify, mark, and protect (by fencing off or other means) critical
riparian areas and vegetation including important trees and associated
rooting zones and vegetation areas to be preserved. Identify
vegetative buffer zones between the site and sensitive areas (e.g.,
1. Before Construction wetlands), and other areas to be preserved, especially in perimeter
Hold a pre-construction meeting to discuss the specifics of erosion and
sediment control measures and construction limits.
Site Access Areas Stabilize site entrances and access roads prior to earthwork.
(construction entrances,
roadways equipment
parking areas)
Install perimeter sediment control, including storm drain inlet protection
Install Sediment Control
3. as well as all sediment basins, traps, and barriers. These should be
in place before vegetation is disturbed.
Concurrent with establishing construction access controls and
Non-Stormwater Pollution sediment controls, the contractor must establish material and waste
Control Measures storage areas, concrete washouts and other non-storm water controls
prior to the start of construction activities.
The next phase is to stabilize streambanks and construct the primary
6. Runoff Control
runoff control measures to protect areas from concentrated flows.
Begin land clearing, excavation, trenching, or grading after installing
7. Land Clearing and Grading applicable sediment and runoff control measures. Install additional
control measures as work progresses as needed.
Surface Stabilization Apply temporary or permanent soil stabilization measures immediately
8. (temporary and permanent on all disturbed areas as grading progresses.
seeding, mulching)
Construction and Paving Erosion and sediment control measures should remain in place for the
9. (install utilities, buildings, duration of construction, including protection for active storm drain
paving) inlets and appropriate non-storm water pollution controls.
Final Stabilization and Provide permanent erosion prevention measures on all exposed areas
Landscaping and remove all temporary control measures as areas are stabilized.

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3.3.2 The Optimum Grading Period

The optimum grading period is the non-rainy season. If grading is to continue

into the rainy season, then the length of time that soils are exposed and the total
area of exposed soil must be minimized. Additionally, materials used for
erosion and sediment control should be available at all times during the rainy
season for rapid deployment. In areas with less of a defined rainy season,
materials used for erosion and sediment control should be available at all times.
Local municipalities may have specific requirements related to grading and
timing of grading activities. Contractors and ECSP preparers should check with
local agencies and obtain applicable permits.

3.3.3 The Importance of Timing during Construction

Timing is critical. The timing of when erosion and sediment controls are
installed during the rainy season can make the difference of whether a site will meet its
requirements or not. A specified work schedule that coordinates the timing of land
disturbing activities and the installation of erosion and sediment control practices to
reduce on-site erosion and off-site sedimentation should be an important objective of
project planning.
The following are considered critical considerations to prevent accelerated

• Minimize the length of time that soils are left exposed.

• Reduce the total area of exposed soil.

• Protect critical area such as drainage channels, streams, and natural


• Stabilize exposed areas quickly.

• Monitor and maintain erosion and sediment control measures.

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3.4 Planning and Construction Considerations for Areas of High Rainfall

During BMP selection it is particularly important to consider site factors such as
anticipated rainfall and soil types in selection of BMPs. In Oregon, there are tremendous
variations in rainfall and climate patterns as described in Section 3.2 and Appendix A,
particularly between areas of Oregon west and east of the Cascade Range. Many areas
east of the Cascades receive annual precipitation of less than 12 inches per year where as
annual precipitation west of the Cascades ranges from 40 to 90 inches at lower elevations
and up to 200 inches at high elevations.
Some BMPs and BMP installation methods may be very effective in low to
moderate rain conditions and virtually ineffective with repeated rain events, events of
longer duration, or higher rainfall intensities. In addition, BMP selection should consider
predominant soil types (Appendix B), which can also vary significantly from one site to
another. BMP selection considerations for areas with higher precipitation (typically
western Oregon) are discussed below.
BMP selection considerations relevant to soil type are discussed in
Section 2.3, “Erosion Prevention to Reduce Turbidity.”

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BMP Selection Considerations for Western Oregon

(i.e., areas with greater precipitation)
1. Place a greater emphasis on Construction Scheduling and Timing of Construction
Activities. Where possible, schedule earthwork (particularly significant grading
operations or grading of critical areas) for the dry season or during periods of low
forecasted rainfall. Reduce total exposed soil areas and duration of exposure.
2. Use a tire wash facility in addition to a stabilized entrance to reduce tracking.
3. Do not rely solely on sediment control measures such as perimeter controls (sediment
fence, gravel bag berms, etc.), temporary sediment basins, and inlet protection. These
measures alone will not adequately reduce discharges, particularly in areas of high
4. Place a greater emphasis on diverting run-on around exposed soil areas. Design
conveyances to carry larger design storm events.
5. Install runoff control measures before the rainy season to reduce the potential for
scour from concentrated flows.
6. In areas of clayey soils, do not rely on sediment basins. Use source controls (i.e.,
erosion prevention controls) to keep the soils in place.
7. Increase the use of and reduce spacing of benches, terraces and other methods to
reduce flow length on slopes.
8. Use more robust slope stabilization methods such as bonded fiber matrix, rolled
erosion control products, or hydraulic mulch over the use of soil stabilizers/tackifiers
alone, particularly in areas with steeper slopes and more erodible soils. Consider use
of erosion control blankets for steep areas and areas of high rainfall.
9. Consider biotechnical soil stabilization measures to obtain more rapid erosion control
effectiveness during the rainy season. Emphasize the use of on-site native vegetation.
10. Be sure to evaluate the fertility of finish grade soils, particularly on slopes, and use
compost, or other approved soil amendments to promote rapid plant establishment.
11. Increase BMP inspection and maintenance frequency. Inspect BMPs early and often
to assess BMP performance to get a handle on the effectiveness of the BMP design
given site conditions. Adjust and increase BMPs accordingly.

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3.5 Developing and Implementing an ESCP (10-Step Process)

The ESCP is a comprehensive plan designed to address the short-term
mitigation of erosion and sedimentation hazards on a disturbed site (i.e., during
construction). These short-term mitigation measures are designed to address the erosion
of on-site soils and the transport of sediment off site. This transport of soils off site may
occur through a number of mechanisms, including being blown off site by wind, being
tracked off site by vehicles, or being carried off site in storm water runoff.
In developing the comprehensive erosion and sediment control system, the
designer must answer three key questions:

- Where is erosion and sediment control needed?

- What kind of erosion and sediment control measures are appropriate?
- How much is enough?

To answer these questions, the designer must conduct an erosion control study

• Identifies potential erosion problems

• Develops design objectives
• Nominates and evaluates alternatives
• Selects the most appropriate erosion and sediment control measures
• Presents a comprehensive ESCP
The essential steps to be followed in developing (Steps 1 – 7) and implementing
(Steps 8 – 10) an ESCP are as follows:

Step 1. Identify Issues and Concerns

Step 2. Develop Goals and Objectives
Step 3. Collect and Analyze Data
Step 4. Develop BMP Selection Criteria
Step 5. Nominate Candidate BMPs
Step 6. Screen and Select BMPs
Step 7. Develop ESCP
Step 8. Implement the ESCP
Step 9. Operate, Monitor, and Maintain the System
Step 10. Update the Plan

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These steps are discussed below.

3.5.1 Step 1 - Identify Issues and Concerns
The first step in erosion and sediment control planning is to evaluate the local,
regional, and statewide issues, concerns and requirements. This evaluation will influence
all other aspects of planning, including the selection of the BMPs, the time frame for
implementation, and the establishment of responsibilities for various aspects of the plan.
The identified issues and concerns may include the following:

• The nature of the project

• Public opinion, environmental interest groups
• Contact with public agencies
• Proximity of sensitive receiving waters
• Regulatory environment

3.5.2 Step 2 - Develop Goals and Objectives

Once the issues and concerns are established, the goals and objectives for the
project should be identified. These may include the following:

• Meeting storm water discharge permit conditions (Federal, State, and

• Minimizing disturbed soil area
• Stabilizing slopes
• Reducing short-term erosion
• Reducing long-term erosion
• Reducing sediment leaving the site
• Minimizing negative public opinion
• Reducing long-term maintenance
• Reducing or eliminating irrigation costs
• Maximizing the use of cost-effective solutions
• Improving aesthetics
• Enhancing the environment
• Decreasing liability exposure
• Establishing permanent vegetation
With these goals in mind, the designer can move forward with development of
the plan. When possible, the designer is encouraged to coordinate with the contractor
when designing the ESCP to promote development of a plan that is consistent with the
contractor’s construction approach.

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3.5.3 Step 3 – Collect and Analyze Data

After the issues and concerns and goals and objectives for the project have been
established, the next step is to collect and analyze data to perform the erosion and
sedimentation evaluation. This generally involves the following steps discussed below:

• Data collection
• Identification of critical areas
• Identification of timing of soil-disturbing activities
• Identification of site factors influencing erosion and evaluation of erosion
potential Data Collection

The potential for erosion at a site may be evaluated using a wide range of
published resource material in combination with data collected by field investigation.
Data collected should, at a minimum, include the following:

• Topographic information
• Photo documentation
• Field survey and evaluation
• Climate and rainfall information
• Identification of drainage areas and receiving waters
• Identification of critical habitat or sensitive areas
• Soils information

What are the best sources of information?

City and County - regulations and ordinances, prior land uses, adjacent and downstream
uses, storm drain system information, rainfall data
NRCS/District Conservationist - soil survey, climatological information,
vegetation/habitat, water management, recreation potential, aerial surveys
National Climatic Data Center (NOAA), National Weather Service, and Oregon
Climate Service - climate data.
Department of State Lands
US Army Corps of Engineers
USGS - topographic maps, major waterways, rainfall and stream gauge data
State - regulations, stream surveys, pollution control programs, habitat/endangered
species, wetlands, archaeological sites

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In developing an effective ESCP, the next step is to identify the critical areas of
the site to be developed. This would include points of ingress/egress; graded slopes;
areas where vegetation is to be removed; sensitive habitat areas; and sensitive receiving
water bodies. These must all be explicitly addressed in the plan. Consideration of Timing of Soil-Disturbing Activities

The timing of soil-disturbing activities and the timing of implementation of

BMPs are both critical to the prevention of accelerated erosion and transport of sediment
off site. The scheduling of grading should take into account the rainy season and should
attempt to minimize the length of time that soils are left exposed. Scheduling should also
address reducing the total area of soil that is exposed at any given time during the rainy
season. Identification of Site Factors and Evaluation of Erosion Potential

Once background information is gathered and reviewed, critical areas are

identified and timing of soil disturbing activities is considered, the erosion and
sedimentation potential for critical areas should be evaluated. The most common method
of evaluating erosion potential is to estimate annual erosion rates using the Revised
Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), which is a semi-empirical equation based on
10,000 plot-years of data.


A = R x K x LS x C x P


A = Annual rate of erosion in tons per acre per year

R = Rainfall Factor
K = Soil Erodibility
L = Length of Slope
S = Slope Steepness
C = Cover Factor
P = Conservation Practice Factor

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The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and Natural Resources Conservation

Service (NRCS) are sections of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) that
have developed a computer application (RUSLE2) to estimate erosion using the RUSLE
equation. RUSLE2 uses methods developed over the past century to estimate soil loss,
sediment yield, and sediment characteristics from rill and interrill (sheet and rill) erosion
caused by rainfall and its associated overland flow. RUSLE2 relies on user input of site
specific factors that represent the effects of climatic erosivity, soil erodibility,
topography, cover management, and support practices to estimate erosion.
The RUSLE2 computer program, RUSLE databases, a tutorial that describes
program mechanics, a slide set that provides an overview of RUSLE2, example
calculations, and other supporting information are available for download from any of the
following RUSLE2 internet sites:
University of Tennessee at;



Each site factor that influences erosion (i.e., variable in the RUSLE) is described
Rainfall/Climate (R)

• Climate, and particularly rainfall intensity and duration are directly

related to erosion:

• Droplet size is important from the aspect of splash erosion

• Other considerations include: storm patterns, types of vegetation

native to the area, vegetation morphology and growth
characteristics, and average annual soil temperatures

Soil Erodibility (K)

Soil erodibility is the propensity for soil particles to become detached
by actions of water or wind. The K factor:

• Is a function of soil texture, organic matter content, soil

and permeability
• Is expressed as numerical values in USDA/NRCS

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Flow Path Length and Slope (LS)

• The degree to which length and slope (LS Factor) play in erosion
be calculated using USDA/NRCS charts.

• Slope Length: distance along flow path to a point where

deposition is first likely to occur

• Slope Steepness: ratio of horizontal distance to vertical rise (e.g.,

slope); percentage (e.g., 33% slope); or degrees (18 degree slope)

In general:

• The effect of flow path length is not as great as effect of slope steepness

• Long uninterupted slopes and especially long steep slopes (2:1 horizontal:
vertical or greater) should not be constructed

• Long slopes should be shortened by creating contour diversions or benches

every 25 feet.

• A convex slope shape increases runoff and magnifies slope erosion

• A concave slope shape enhances infiltration and reduces erosion

Aspect or orientation of slope is important with respect to:

• Vegetation establishment
• Moisture content

The rate of erosion is related to the amount of permanent or

temporary cover. The functions of cover are to:

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• Reduce rainfall impact on soil

• Reduce surface water velocities
• Enhance infiltration
• Filter sediment in surface runoff
• Retain soil particles in place and reinforce soil structure
• Promote permanent vegetation establishment

Conservation Practices (P)

Conservation practices are controllable, imaginative, experience-
driven, and interactive factors such as slope roughening perpendicular
to the direction of runoff. For the most part, they can:

• Enhance the factors of cover and soil texture

• Mitigate the influence of rainfall and runoff
• Modify velocity flow path length and steepness

3.5.4 Step 4 - Develop BMP Selection Criteria

The next step in the erosion and sediment control planning process is to develop
the criteria that will be used to select the most appropriate BMPs. Examples of selection
criteria include:

• Effectiveness
• Implementation cost
• Temporary vs. permanent BMP
• Cost of temporary BMP removal
• Long-term cost (maintenance)
• Environmental compatibility
• Regulatory acceptability (state and local)
• Availability
• Durability
• Longevity
• Ability to achieve vegetation establishment within project
• Technical feasibility
• Public acceptability
• Risk/liability
• Suitability for the site

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3.5.5 Step 5 - Nominate Candidate BMPs

The next step is to nominate candidate BMPs for the site. An effective EP&SC
plan must include a system of BMPs that will provide layers of insurance for the site.
Therefore, it is important that BMPs be nominated from each of the primary functional

• Erosion Prevention Measures

• Sediment Control Measures
• Runoff Control Measures
• Non-Storm Water Pollution Control Measures
This will preclude development of a plan that is reliant on only one type of
BMP, which would not meet regulatory requirements nor result in an effective plan.

3.5.6 Step 6 - Screen and Select Best BMP Alternatives

The first step in the selection process is to screen the alternatives, and the
second step is to select the best alternatives. The difference between screening the
alternatives and selecting among the remaining alternatives is that the screening process
is designed to eliminate from further consideration for any given location those
alternatives that are not technically feasible or must be eliminated for some other obvious
and tangible reason. Once the inappropriate alternatives have been screened out, then the
best alternatives may be selected using the selection criteria described above in Step 4.
Screen the Alternatives

The purpose of screening the alternatives is to eliminate those alternatives

that are not feasible for use at a particular construction site, or within a

Part of this screening process may be determined by the evaluation of the data
collected in the first step of the process. For example, a site with predominantly clayey
soils or a shallow water table could make the use of infiltration basins infeasible. Or the
screening process may be partly determined by the results of the quantification efforts.
For example, high velocities in unlined channels may dictate the need for channel lining.

Selection Criteria
After screening the nominated alternatives, the six factors below highlight the
six characteristics that most designers consider in the selection process: cost,

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effectiveness, availability, feasibility, durability, compatibility, and operation. Provided

on Table 3-2 are approximate installed BMP costs and effectiveness information for
erosion and sediment control BMPs from independent testing.

Performance histories, both field and laboratory, should be evaluated for a
number of materials and techniques and related to costs. Factors to be considered
relative to costs include:

• Material costs
• Preparation costs
• Installation costs
• Maintenance costs
• Temporary BMP removal costs
• Local government requirements

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Table 3-2
Estimated Relative Erosion/
BMP Unit Cost Installed
Sediment Control Effectiveness1
Sediment Control
Sediment Fence $1.50 – 2.00 per lineal foot 95%
Compost Berm (12-16 inch height) $1.75 - 2.00 per lineal foot 95 - 99%
Fiber Rolls (9 inch) $1.50 – 2.00 per lineal foot 58%
(12 inch) $2.00 - 2.50 per lineal foot 95 - 99%
(9 inch with trackwalking) $3.00 - 4.00 per lineal foot 84 %
Erosion Prevention Controls
Fertilizer $450 – 550 per acre N/A
Seeding $870 – 2,170 per acre 50%
Stolonizing $2,200 per acre + cost of stolons 90%
Hydraulic Mulching $900 – 1,200 per acre 50 – 60%
Compost Application (2,000 lbs/acre) $900 – 1,200 per acre 40 – 50%
(2 inch blanket application) $7,000 - 10,000 per acre 95 - 99%
(3-4 inch blanket application) $10,000 - 15,000 per acre 95 - 99%
Straw Mulching $1,800 – 2,100 per acre 90 – 95%
Soil Binders
Plant Material-Based (Short-Term) $700 – 900 per acre 85 - 99%
Plant Material-Based (Long-Term) $1,200 – 1,500 per acre 60 – 65%
Polymeric Emulsion Blends (Including PAM) $700 – 1,500 per acre 30 – 95%
Petroleum Resin-Based $1,200 – 1,500 per acre 25 – 40%
Cementitious Binder-Based $800 – 1,200 per acre 80 – 85%
Hydraulic Matrices (Wood mulch + Soil binder) $1,000 - 2,000 per acre 65 - 99%
Bonded Fiber Matrices $5,000 – 6,500 per acre 90 – 99%
Rolled Erosion Control Products
Jute $6,000 – 7,000 per acre 65 – 70%
Curled Wood Fiber $8,000 – 10,500 per acre 90 – 99%
Straw $8,000 – 10,500 per acre 90 – 99%
Wood Fiber $8,000 – 10,500 per acre 90 – 99%
Coconut Fiber $13,000 – 14,000 per acre 90 – 99%
Coconut Fiber Net $30,000 – 33,000 per acre 90 – 99%
Straw Coconut $10,000 – 12,000 per acre 90 – 99%
Plastic Netting $2,000 – 2,200 per acre < 50%
Plastic Mesh $3,000 – 3,500 per acre 75 – 80%
Synthetic Fiber w/Netting $34,000 – 40,000 per acre 90 – 99%
Bonded Synthetic Fibers $45,000 – 55,000 per acre 90 – 99%
Combination Synthetic and Biodegradable Fibers $30,000 – 36,000 per acre 85 – 99%
Source: Erosion Control Pilot Study Report, Caltrans, June 2000, Table 4-1; Updated May 2004
1. Effectiveness is based on the percentage of sediment retained by weight in laboratory tests. A high effectiveness rating may
not equate to meeting water quality standards because some controls such as sediment fence retain larger particles and allow
fines to pass which remain in suspension.

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Factors to be considered relative to BMP effectiveness include:

• Areal density (the amount of cover on the soil surface)

• Balance between runoff/infiltration (runoff should not be increased over

baseline conditions)

• Sediment reduction capabilities (ability to trap and retain sediment and

prevent mobilization of soil particles)

• Reduction in water velocity (lower water velocity means less erosion


• Soil texture sensitivity (some practices work better on different types of

soils; other practices are unaffected by soil texture)

The BMP materials must be readily available from a local supplier or be capable
of immediate shipment to the area within the timeframe designated by the plans.

The BMP materials must be capable of relatively quick and easy application
with minimal training required to orient crews or contractors to proper application
procedures. Each BMP should be considered for its flexibility or applicability to a
variety of field conditions. Factors to be considered relative to feasibility include:

• The number of steps needed to apply the BMP

• Whether or not hand labor or machinery is required
• Whether locally available materials can be utilized
• The time required for the BMP to dry, cure, or otherwise be unaffected by

Given the nature of the site conditions, the BMP materials must maintain their
structural integrity during installation and persist until vegetation has established
effective cover.

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BMP materials should be selected with regard to public acceptability and
environmental sensitivity. In this regard, primarily organic/biodegradable, recycled
and/or photodegradable products are often preferable. Factors to be considered relative
to compatibility include:

• Does the BMP fit the site?

• Environmental compatibility, including water quality impact
• Institutional acceptance
• Visual or aesthetic impact
An erosion prevention practice should be examined as to its effect on vegetation
establishment, which as previously mentioned, is considered to be the best form of
erosion prevention. Characteristics that should be examined include:

• Whether the BMP is compatible with native plants, either introduced by

seeding operations or plant material remaining on site after grading

• The practice’s effect on germination and growth of plants

• Whether or not the practice requires additional fertilization or soil

amendments to work

• How the practice affects soil moisture and temperature

Regardless of the BMPs selected, follow-up is always required.

All erosion and sediment control BMPs have the need for maintenance
(particularly those used for sediment control). While the cost of operation is
seldom considered in erosion control planning, lack of maintenance is usually
the primary cause of failure of an erosion and sediment control system and
adds cost to the overall project.

Factors relative to operation of installed measures include:

• Maintenance and repair, particularly after storm events

• Additional fertility requirements to maintain quality of vegetation

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• Irrigation requirements, if needed, to establish and maintain effective


Select the Best Alternatives

Once the alternatives have been screened so that the remaining alternatives are
those that are feasible and appropriate for the given conditions, then the best alternatives
must be selected. This is a challenge because in some cases there may still be a range of
alternatives available to be applied to a given area of the site. In this situation, the most
important selection criteria can be used to identify the best alternatives, a matrix can be
developed with weighted selection criteria to identify the most appropriate alternatives,
or alternatives could be optimized on a cost-effectiveness basis across an entire site or
watershed to optimize erosion protection and sediment reduction based on available
funding. It is up to the engineer/designer to establish an appropriate process for making
final BMP selection.

3.5.7 Step 7 - Develop ESCP

Requirements for developing and implementing an ESCP in the State of Oregon
are presented in the NPDES 1200-C General Permit which is available at In order to assist permittees in
preparing an ESCP, DEQ has developed specific guidance for developing an ESCP as
well as an ESCP Worksheet. The DEQ guidelines and worksheet are available in Section
2 and Appendix C, respectively, of DEQ’s publication, “NPDES Storm Water Regulation
for Construction Activities, November 2002”
( As stated in
Appendix C of the guidelines, correctly completing and submitting the worksheet forms
along with the required site maps, construction plans, and erosion and sediment control
details to DEQ will meet the NPDES 1200-C General Permit’s ESCP requirement.
Required ESCP information is grouped into three sections: Narrative Site
Description, Site Maps and Construction Plans, and Erosion and Sediment Controls.
Requirements for each section are identified below. Please refer to the NPDES 1200-C
General Permit, guidance materials and worksheet for more detail on each requirement.
An example ESCP is available in Appendix A of the Clean Water Services
Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual

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Narrative Site Description (Guidance Section 2.4.1; Worksheet Questions 4-8)

A Nature of construction activity planned for the site
B Total surface area of the site, broken down by construction phase if applicable
C Total surface area disturbed by clearing, excavation, or grading
D Timetable for sequence of major construction events
E The type(s) of material used for fill
F Soil types found on site and erosion potential

Site Maps and Construction Plans (Guidance Section 2.4.2; Worksheet Question 9)
A Total property boundary including surface area of the development
B All areas of soil disturbance
C All areas of cut and fill
D Drainage patterns before and after finish grading; Locations, size, and type of
discharge outfalls/points
E Receiving water body for site drainage
F Areas used for storage of soils or wastes
G Erosion and sediment control facilities/structures including vegetative practices
H Impervious structures added to the site (roads, buildings, parking lots, etc.)
I Surface waters on or near the sites including springs and wetlands
J Boundaries of the 100-yr flood plain on the site

Erosion and Sediment Controls – (Guidance Section 2.4.3; Worksheet Question 9, 10,
and 11) – Controls to be shown on construction plans and described in appropriate areas
of the Worksheet.

Required for all sites

A Graveled, paved, or constructed entrances, exits, driveways, and parking areas to
reduce off-site tracking of sediment. Unpaved roads shall be graveled or use
other acceptable erosion and sediment controls.
B Water tight trucks to be used when trucking saturated soils from the site

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C Describe / show details of correct installation or use of all erosion and sediment
control measures
D Describe maintenance procedures for BMPs, walls, dams, or other structures
identified in the plan (Refer to Schedule A.4 of the NPDES 1200-C General

Additional Controls –

Include the practices below if applicable

A Clearing and grading practices to minimize the area of exposed soil for the
project duration.
B Vegetative practices to preserve existing vegetation (e.g., identify, mark and
protect critical areas) and establish cover on exposed soils after final grading.
C Erosion control practices to protect exposed areas and prevent erosion by storm
D Sediment control practices that will be used to divert, store, filter, or otherwise
reduce sediment-laden runoff.
E Stockpile protection.
F Non-stormwater pollution control measures to prevent or minimize exposure to
spills, cleaning and maintenance activities, and waste handling.
G BMPs to remain in place until disturbed areas are stabilized with permanent
vegetation and properly disposed when no longer needed.

In preparing the ESCP, the following factors should be considered:

• The plan should be adapted to the resources (i.e., labor, equipment and
materials) available.

• The plan should minimize disturbed soil areas.

• The plan should emphasize erosion prevention measures with sediment

control measures used as a last line of defense.

• To the extent possible, the BMPs should fit the existing terrain.

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• Recommendations should be realistic, practical, easily understood, and

easily implemented.

• Recommendations should be cost-effective and consider all other relevant


• The plan should have some flexibility to reflect possible changes in site
conditions between plan development and plan implementation.

• The plan should include an effective maintenance program emphasizing

preventative practices.

• The plan should include monitoring of BMP performance and off-site


• The plan should include procedures related to terminating construction

including removal of temporary BMPs, complete stabilization of the site,
and completing regulatory paperwork (NOT) and record keeping.

3.5.8 Step 8 - Implement the Plan

In scheduling and implementing an ESCP, the following are important:

• Means for open communication between engineer/designer, contractor,

and municipality

• Clear and simple reports and instruction

• Clear schedule


The project engineer/designer should conduct an initial site orientation with

contractors selected for implementing the ESCP as well as representatives
from the local municipality if available. At this meeting, questions
concerning contract administration, staging areas, access points,
specifications, and so on should be discussed and resolved.

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Clear and Simple Reports and Instructions

Contractors should be provided with exact specifications for the practices they
are to apply. The quality of work conducted should be inspected routinely
and on a “no-notice” basis.

Clear Schedule

The site manager should establish a schedule of activities, including shipment

and disbursement of materials and labor so as to complete the job in a timely
manner. Each contractor should be instructed as to the anticipated completion
date for his portion of the project. The schedule should be provided to the
local municipality if required.

3.5.9 Step 9 – Operate, Monitor, and Maintain the System

The ESCP must include a description of maintenance guidelines for all BMPs
identified in the plan and should also identify minimum monitoring and inspection
requirements as specified in the NPDES 1200-C General Permit. The Maintenance and
Monitoring Guidelines should contain the following information described in subsections

- Operations and maintenance guidelines for all erosion and sediment

control measures
- Site-specific maintenance and monitoring instructions
- Vegetation establishment criteria
- Inspection report requirements

Operations and Maintenance Guidelines

It is important that the selected BMPs be operated and maintained using specific
guidelines that are consistent with maintenance requirements identified in Schedule A.4
of the NPDES 1200-C General Permit, Section 8 of this Manual, within the BMP detail
sheets provided in the Appendices, and comply with local requirements. Always keep in
mind that local requirements may be more stringent that requirements identified in this
Manual. Specific maintenance requirements are provided in Section 8 and the BMP
detail sheets.

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Site-Specific Maintenance and Monitoring Instructions

Following installation of erosion and sediment control measures, a maintenance
designee should meet with the contractor to review the maintenance and monitoring plan.
A walk-through or on-site inspection should be conducted to be certain that all measures
have been completed in the field, erosion is being controlled, and transport of sediment
into critical areas is being prevented. Any improper installation or any repairs necessary
to complete the job should be noted at this time.
An output from this post-construction inspection is the identification of critical
monitoring points where measures will need to be checked for performance during storm
events. These critical points might include:

• Slopes which border sensitive areas, such as water bodies

• Sediment control devices, such as gravel bags or sediment


• Inlet filters for protecting storm drains

• Construction site entrance/exit

These critical areas should be located on a map and prioritized in the

maintenance and monitoring plan. Monitoring requirements are specified Schedule B of
the NPDES 1200-C General Permit.

Inspection Frequency
For active sites, inspections must be conducted daily during storm water
runoff or snowmelt runoff and at least once every seven calendar days and within 24
hours after any storm event greater than 0.5 inches of rain in a 24-hour period.
During inactive periods of greater than seven (7) consecutive calendar days,
inspections are required every two weeks. Local agencies may have requirements
that exceed those of the NPDES 1200-C General Permit.

During storm events, the contractor should be prepared to call out maintenance
crews to inspect the performance of erosion and sediment control measures. Appropriate
materials and equipment should be kept on hand to affect a quick and rapid response.
Following storm events, the contractor should conduct an overall site inspection and
replace or repair damaged control measures.

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Vegetation Establishment Criteria

The maintenance and inspection guidelines should provide information on
monitoring vegetation establishment. Included in this section would be information on
how to evaluate the kinds of vegetation that are growing; information from the
appropriate agricultural agency on growing seasons; how to compare the vegetation types
with those that were seeded; and how to estimate the percent ground cover at the time of
inspection. Also included should be guidelines on the management of vegetation on the
site that has been preserved. Any instances of unnecessary vegetation removal should be
reported, since root disturbance can greatly increase erosion potential.
Based on regular evaluations of vegetation establishment, recommendations
should be made as to whether the vegetation is establishing well, or whether additional
measures should be taken, such as over-seeding, fertilizing, or irrigation.

Reporting Requirements for Inspections and Monitoring

The maintenance and monitoring guidelines included in the ESCP should
provide instructions on the reporting requirements for periodic inspections. Reporting
requirements in Schedule B of the NPDES 1200-C General Permit generally include
preparing a written inspection report that lists the date, inspector’s name, weather
conditions, observations for all BMPs, and observations of a representative discharge
sample. Inspection reports must be kept on-site or be maintained by the permittee and
made available for agency inspections upon request. Inspection requirements are further
identified in Section 8.

3.5.10 Step 10 - Update the Plan

It is the nature of construction sites that they change as they progress. The
difference between the schedule for the ESCP and the actual progress of the
project is one of the single most common sources of problems with erosion
control at construction sites.

An ESCP is always based on a grading plan, which defines the sequence of

grading and the schedule. However, the grading plan often undergoes modification, and
all too often the ESCP is not updated accordingly. Therefore, as the rainy season draws
near, the ESCP may be out of date. The ESCP must be considered a “living document”
and updated regularly as conditions change to reflect current construction operations.

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3.6 Stabilizing the Site and Terminating the Permit

In order to terminate coverage under the NPDES 1200-C General Permit, the
permittee must complete a Notice of Termination (NOT) form and submit it to DEQ. In
order for coverage to be terminated, the following conditions must be met.

• All disturbed areas of the site must be fully stabilized

• All elements of the ESCP must be completed and all temporary erosion
and sediment controls as well as construction related materials or wastes
must be removed from the site and disposed of properly.

• No potential exists for discharge of significant amounts of constructed

related sediment to surface waters.
In general, the permittee should use the following steps to close-out a site and
terminate permit coverage. Permittees should check with local municipalities/agencies to
determine if other close-out or permit transfer requirements apply to their site.
1. Complete site stabilization.
2. Complete all construction activities with the potential to discharge pollutants,
including non-grading activities (e.g., painting, stucco, roofing, pavement
striping, etc.).
3. Remove all construction-related materials, wastes, and debris.
4. Remove all temporary erosion and sediment controls and non-storm water
pollution BMPs and dispose of BMP wastes properly.
5. Complete the final self-inspection.
6. Mitigate and document any problems identified during the final self-
7. Take down any posted NPDES-related documentation (ESC drawings, NOI,
8. File NOT.
9. Retain permit-related documentation (ESCP, NOI, inspection reports etc) for a
period of 1 year after the permit is terminated, in accordance with the
requirements of the NPDES 1200-C General Permit.

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Section 3 - Site Planning and Management
Oregon DEQ

Mitigation Design objectives
Alternatives Comprehensive
Issues and Concerns Receiving waters
Liability exposure Relevant conditions
Erosion potential Soil erodibility
Flow path length Cover
Critical areas Cost-effectiveness
Environmental compatibility Longevity
Soil texture sensitivity Institutional acceptance
Site-specific Living document

ORDEQ MANUAL-SECTION 3.DOC 3-30 Erosion and Sediment Control Manual

April 28, 2005
Section 3 - Site Planning and Management
Oregon DEQ


In planning for erosion and sediment control, three questions need to be


- Where is erosion and sediment control needed?

- What kind of erosion and sediment control measures are
- How much is enough?

The ten (10) key steps of the erosion and sediment control planning process
Step 1. Identify Issues and Concerns
Step 2. Develop Goals and Objectives
Step 3. Collect and Analyze Data
Step 4. Develop BMP Selection Criteria
Step 5. Nominate Candidate BMPs
Step 6. Screen and Select BMPs
Step 7. Develop ESCP
Step 8. Implement the ESCP
Step 9. Operate, Monitor, and Maintain the System
Step 10. Update the Plan

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Section 3 - Site Planning and Management
Oregon DEQ

Sources of information for developing the ESCP include:

• City of County
• NRCS/District Conservationist
• State

The timing of soil-disturbing activities and implementation of BMPs

are critical

The scheduling of grading should minimize the length of time that

soils are left exposed and reduce the total area of soil that is exposed
at any given time during the rainy season.

Examples of selection criteria include:

• Effectiveness
• Implementation cost
• Long-term cost (maintenance)
• Environmental compatibility
• Regulatory acceptability
• Availability
• Durability
• Longevity
• Feasibility
• Public acceptability
• Risk/liability
• Suitability for the site

The factors to be considered in terms of BMP cost include:

• Material costs
• Preparation costs
• Installation costs
• Maintenance costs

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Section 3 - Site Planning and Management
Oregon DEQ

Lack of maintenance is usually the primary cause of failure of an

erosion and sediment control system.

The project engineer/designer should conduct an initial site

orientation with contractors selected for implementing the ESCP.

Contractors should be provided with exact specifications for the

practices they are to apply. The quality of work conducted should
be inspected routinely and on a “no-notice” basis.

The site manager should establish a schedule of activities, including

shipment and disbursement of materials and labor, so as to complete
the job in a timely manner.

The comprehensive ESCP should include Operations and

Maintenance Guidelines, which should contain the following
• Operations and maintenance guidelines for all erosion and
sediment control measures
• Site-specific maintenance and monitoring instructions
• Vegetation establishment criteria
• Periodic inspection reports

Critical monitoring points include:

• Slopes which border sensitive areas, such as water bodies
• Sediment control devices, such as gravel bags or sediment
• Inlet filters for protecting storm drains

The operations and maintenance guidelines should provide

instructions on the preparation of periodic inspection reports.

The difference between the schedule for the ESCP and the actual
progress of the project is one of the single most common sources of
problems with erosion control at construction sites.

ORDEQ MANUAL-SECTION 3.DOC 3-33 Erosion and Sediment Control Manual

April 28, 2005
Section 4 –Runoff Control
Oregon DEQ



This section identifies the hydrologic cycle and the impact of construction
activities on drainage patterns at a site. Runoff control measures must be
designed into the ESCP and implemented at a construction site. This
section identifies methods to predict surface runoff, factors affecting runoff
and describes runoff control BMPs that can be used to divert and control
runoff at a site.

4.1 Hydrologic Cycle and Drainage Patterns

The hydrologic cycle is the continual cycling of water between the surface and
groundwater bodies and the atmosphere. Water falls on the land surface as rain or snow
and runs off into the ocean, lakes, and rivers, from where it then evaporates into the
atmosphere. Some of the water percolates into the soil and underlying rocks and moves
as groundwater, eventually emerging into surface water bodies and evaporating.

ORDEQ MANUAL-SECTION 4.DOC 4-1 Erosion and Sediment Control Manual

April 28, 2005
Section 4 –Runoff Control
Oregon DEQ

Specific site drainage conditions change as a site is developed. Therefore, the

site may have different drainage patterns under pre-developed conditions than
during grading and construction and in post-development conditions.
Changes to drainage patterns need to be anticipated and planned for in
planning, designing, and implementing the ESCP for the site.

4.2 Runoff Considerations

At a construction site, runoff conditions should be evaluated both within the site
itself as well as along the site perimeter. For example, controlling internal site conditions
involves diverting and directing sediment-laden water offsite through the implementation
of temporary and permanent controls.

Along the site perimeter, controls should be selected based on consideration

of run-on from adjacent areas, runoff from the site, and internal active inlets
draining the site.

4.3 Surface Runoff Predictions

The runoff of water over the land has long been studied, and some rather
sophisticated theories and methods have been proposed and developed for estimating
runoff. Most attempts to describe the process have been only partially successful at best.
This is due to the complexity of the process and interactive factors, such as soil type,
antecedent moisture conditions, and soil cover type. As a result, different runoff
predictive methods in common use may provide significantly different results for a
specific site and local conditions.
Although hydrology is not an exact science, it is possible to obtain solutions that
are functionally acceptable to form the basis for design of erosion and sediment control
measures. The well-known and relatively simple "Rational Formula," an empirical
method, is generally adequate for estimating the rate and volume of runoff for the design
of erosion and sediment controls.

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Section 4 –Runoff Control
Oregon DEQ

The Rational Formula is simple and easy to use and provides useful results
when applied within the limits of this empirical formula.

Q =CiA
Q = Design discharge in cubic feet per second
C = Coefficient of runoff
i = Average rainfall intensity in inches per hour for
the selected frequency and for a duration equal
to the time of concentration
A = Drainage area in acres.

The Rational Formula assumes that the maximum flow from a drainage area results
when rainfall of uniform intensity falls over the entire drainage area, and the duration of
that rainfall is equal to the time required for storm runoff to travel from the most remote
point of the drainage basin to the point of interest. This drainage area travel time is
defined as the drainage area's time of concentration, “tc”.

The probability of rainfall of uniform intensity falling over an entire drainage area for a
period of time equal to tc decreases as the size of the drainage area increases. As a result,
the Rational Formula should be used only when estimating runoff from small simple
drainage areas, preferably no large than 20 acres. Where the drainage area is relatively
small but complicated by a mainstream fed by one or more significant tributaries, the
Rational Formula should be applied to each tributary stream and the tributary flows then
routed down the main channel.

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Section 4 –Runoff Control
Oregon DEQ

The NPDES 1200-C General Permit requires that the ESCP for any site that
requires engineered facilities, such as diversion structures or sediment basins, to control
runoff and sedimentation or meet other applicable standards during construction must be
prepared by an Oregon Registered Professional Engineer. In accordance with these
qualifications, the engineer is responsible for selecting the most appropriate method for
estimating runoff and designing engineered facilities, even if they consist of temporary
construction BMPs not permanent facilities. Note that ESCPs for activities covering 20
acres or more must be prepared by an Oregon Registered Professional Engineer, Oregon
Registered Landscape Architect, or Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment

4.4 Factors Affecting Runoff

Numerous factors may affect the amount of runoff generated from a site,
• Precipitation
• Soil permeability
• Watershed area
• Ground cover
• Antecedent moisture
• Storage in the watershed
• Time parameters

These factors must all be considered in selecting and designing runoff control

4.5 Runoff Control BMPs

Even the best erosion control system cannot perform adequately without
control of runoff. It is particularly important to control concentrated flow
with measures to prevent gullying and scour of exposed soils. These
measures must be in place before the start of the rainy season. Runoff control
practices are BMPs that are designed to control the peak volume and flow rate
and to prevent scour due to concentrated flows.

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Section 4 –Runoff Control
Oregon DEQ

The following runoff control BMPs are discussed in this section and BMP details are
provided in Appendix D:
RC-1 Slope Drain
RC-2 Energy Dissipator
RC-3 Diversion of Run-on
RC-4 Temporary Diversion Dike
RC-5 Grass-lined Channel (Turf Reinforcement Mat)
RC-6 Trench Drain
RC-7 Drop Inlet
RC-8 Minimizing TSS During In-Stream Construction
RC-9 In-Stream Diversion Techniques
RC-10 In-Stream Isolation Techniques
RC-11 Check Dams

Slope Drains (RC-1)

Slope drains (and subsurface drains) are
used to intercept and direct surface runoff or
groundwater into a stabilized watercourse, trapping
device, or stabilized area. Slope drains are
constructed with pipes or lined channels that convey
surface runoff down slopes without causing erosion.
Subsurface drains are constructed from tile, pipe, or
tubing and are used to improve drainage and stabilize
slopes in areas with saturated soils. Also refer to
BMP EP-19, Live Pole Drains in Appendix E.

Energy Dissipator (RC-2)

Outlet protection and velocity dissipation devices are physical structures such as
rock riprap, stone, or concrete flow spreaders placed at the outlet of drainage culverts and
channels to reduce the velocity and/or energy of the exiting water.

Diversion of Run-on (RC-3)

Diversion channels, drainage swales, and lined ditches are all structures
designed to intercept, divert, and convey surface runoff to prevent erosion and reduce
pollutant loading. These structures are used to convey runoff down sloping land or divert
runoff away from a sensitive area to avoid erosion. These structures can be used to direct
runoff to a stabilized watercourse, drainage pipe, channel, or sediment-trapping device.

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Section 4 –Runoff Control
Oregon DEQ

Drainage swales and lined ditches are drainage channels lined with grass, riprap, asphalt,
concrete, or other materials. Drainage swales are designed to convey runoff without
causing erosion.

Temporary Diversion Dike (RC-4)

A temporary diversion dike is a low berm or ridge of compacted soil that
channels water away from a steep slope or embankment and toward a desired location.
Earth dikes should be stabilized with vegetation.

Grassed-lined Channel – Turf

Reinforcement Mats (RC-5)
Turf Reinforcement
Mats (TRMs) are designed to
provide protection to resist
channel and streambank erosion
and are useful when channel soils
may subside or shift after
installation. Installation of grass-
lined channels with TRMs is
typically part of the permanent
drainage design for a site or could
be “temporary” controls for a
long-duration construction project.

Trench Drain (RC-6)

A trench drain is a gravel drain, construction with or without perforated pipe and
filter fabric that is installed to intercept and divert shallow seepage away from the face of
a streambank or divert surface runoff in a situation where a drainage swale or temporary
diversion dike is not appropriate.

Drop Inlet (RC-7)

A drop inlet is used to convey concentrated overbank runoff to the toe of slope
by installing a drop inlet at the top of slope that daylights at the toe of slope. This
practice is used for large amounts of surface runoff (typically up to 200 cfs) across a
steep, high slope/embankment. Small amounts of runoff flowing across a relative intact
slope are best handled with a diversion dike and slope drains.

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Section 4 –Runoff Control
Oregon DEQ

Minimizing TSS During In-Stream Construction (RC-8)

This BMP outlines techniques to minimize TSS during in-stream construction,
including: timing; using padding to trap sediment; gravel injection; using large
equipment to minimize stream disturbance; and partial dewatering.

In-Stream Diversion Techniques (RC-9)

A stream diversion is a temporary bypass through a pipe, flume, or excavated
channel that carries water flow around work areas. Stream diversion is commonly used
during culvert installation or replacement. Where possible, a stream diversion should be
the first choice to control erosion and sediment during the construction of culverts or
other in-stream structures.

In-Stream Isolation Techniques (RC-10)

An in-stream isolation technique is a temporary structure built into a waterway
to enclose a construction area and reduce sediment pollution from construction work in
or adjacent to water. The structures may be made of rock, sand bags, wood or water-
filled geotextiles (aqua barriers). During construction in a watercourse, these structures
are designed to reduce turbidity and sediment discharge.

Check Dams (RC-11)

A check dam is a small, temporary dam constructed of rocks, logs, or timbers
placed across a natural or man-made channel or drainage ditch. Check dams reduce
drainage ditch erosion caused by storm water runoff, by restricting the velocity of flow in
the ditch. Check dams area often used as a temporary measure while a channel is being
permanently lined with vegetation or other materials to prevent erosion.

ORDEQ MANUAL-SECTION 4.DOC 4-7 Erosion and Sediment Control Manual

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Section 4 –Runoff Control
Oregon DEQ

Hydrologic cycle Drainage patterns
Percolation Groundwater
Runoff Run-on
Rational formula Design discharge (Q)
Average rainfall intensity (i) Drainage area
Tributary Culvert and storm drain flow
Antecedent moisture Grassed and lined waterways

Diversions Swales

Dikes Check dams

Grade control measures Outlet protection

Slope drains Subsurface drains

ORDEQ MANUAL-SECTION 4.DOC 4-8 Erosion and Sediment Control Manual

April 28, 2005
Section 4 –Runoff Control
Oregon DEQ


Specific site drainage conditions change as a site is developed. Therefore, the

site may have different drainage patters under pre-developed conditions than
during grading and construction and in post-development conditions. Changes
to drainage patterns need to be anticipated and planned for in planning,
designing, and implementing the ESCP for the site.
Controlling internal site conditions involves diverting and directing sediment-
laden water offsite through the implementation of temporary and permanent
runoff and sediment controls.
Along the site perimeter, controls should be selected based on consideration of
run-on from adjacent areas, runoff from the site, and internal active inlets
draining the site.
The NPDES 1200-C General Permit requires that the ESCP for any site that
requires engineered facilities, such as diversion structures or sediment basins,
to control runoff and sedimentation or meet other applicable standards during
construction must be prepared by an Oregon Registered Professional Engineer.
In accordance with these qualifications, the engineer is responsible for
selecting the most appropriate method for estimating runoff and designing
engineered facilities, even if they consist of temporary construction BMPs not
permanent facilities.
Numerous factors may affect the amount of runoff generated from a site,

• Precipitation
• Soil permeability
• Watershed area
• Ground cover
• Antecedent moisture
• Storage in the watershed
• Time parameters

ORDEQ MANUAL-SECTION 4.DOC 4-9 Erosion and Sediment Control Manual

April 28, 2005
Section 4 –Runoff Control
Oregon DEQ

Even the best erosion control system cannot perform adequately without
control of runoff.

It is particularly important to control concentrated flow with measures to

prevent gullying and scour of exposed soils.

Runoff measures must be in place before the start of the rainy season.

Runoff management practices are BMPs that are designed to control the peak
volume and flow rate and to prevent scour due to concentrated flows.

ORDEQ MANUAL-SECTION 4.DOC 4-10 Erosion and Sediment Control Manual

April 28, 2005
Section 5 – Erosion Prevention Methods

Oregon DEQ



This section summarizes a wide range of erosion prevention practices,
materials and methods to be applied during earthwork activities including
structural methods, techniques to prevent erosion on already graded
surfaces, and biotechnical erosion control methods.

The best way to control the discharge of sediment and related pollutants from a
construction site is to prevent erosion from occurring in the first place. Earlier in this
manual the concepts of erosion prevention and sediment control were introduced and it
has been emphasized that erosion prevention methods should be integrated into a project
throughout planning, design, scheduling, and during construction itself. Important
erosion prevention concepts related to planning, design, and scheduling (EP-1) are
discussed in Section 3, such as limiting soil disturbance and establishing vegetative
buffers (EP-2) prior to construction. This section (Section 5) focuses on measures to be
implemented during earthwork activities to control erosion. The following erosion
prevention BMPs are discussed in major subsections of this section:

Structural Erosion Prevention During Grading & Earthwork

EP-3 Surface Roughening

Preventing Erosion on Graded Surfaces

EP-4 Topsoiling
EP-5 Temporary Seeding and Planting
EP-6 Permanent Seeding and Planting
EP-7 Mycorrhizae / Biofertilizers
EP-8 Mulches
EP-9 Compost Blankets
EP-10 Erosion Control Blankets and Mats
EP-11 Soil Binders
EP-21 Sodding

ORDEQ MANUAL-SECTION 5.DOC 5-1 Erosion and Sediment Control Manual

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Section 5 – Erosion Prevention Methods

Oregon DEQ

Wind Erosion / Dust Control Measures

EP-13 Wind Erosion / Dust Control
Biotechnical Erosion Control Measures
EP-14 Live Staking
EP-16 Live Fascines and Brush Wattles

The following additional erosion prevention BMPs are not specifically

addressed in this section but are provided along with details for the above listed BMPs in
Appendix D.
EP-12 Stabilization Mats
EP-15 Pole Planting
EP-17 Brush Box
EP-18 Fascines with Subdrains
EP-19 Live Pole Drains
EP-20 Brush Packing or Live Gully Fill Repair

5.1 Structural Erosion Prevention During Grading and Earthwork Operations

There are several important structural erosion prevention considerations to take
into account during earthwork activities. These considerations involve controlling runoff
throughout the site, constructing cut and fill slopes to minimize erosion, and applying soil
roughening to graded cut and fill slopes.
Runoff Control
Every effort should be made to
maintain runoff water in its natural course
and direction of flow. Access road surfaces
should be compacted to obtain a dense,
smooth, and uniform surface for construction
vehicles. Access roads should be sloped in a
manner that will prevent ponding and
damage from water flow. Roads that will
remain unpaved for more than 21 days
should provided with adequate drainage
features to reduce erosion. These measures
should include rolling dips, waterbars,
crowning, drainage swales with check dams, and slope drains. See Section 4 for a more
detailed discussion of runoff control BMPs and flow diversion techniques.

ORDEQ MANUAL-SECTION 5.DOC 5-2 Erosion and Sediment Control Manual

April 28, 2005
Section 5 – Erosion Prevention Methods

Oregon DEQ

Cut and Fill Slopes

Cut and fill slopes should be no steeper than 2:1 (horizontal to vertical). For
long slopes, benching may be required to reduce the slope length. To prevent the
development of rills and gullies in graded slopes, runoff should be directed to stabilized
conveyance channels and drains. No concentrated flow of water should be allowed to
flow down a graded slope face. Fill slopes should be constructed in accordance with
project specifications.

During construction, storm water runoff should be directed away from

disturbed areas. Properly-installed temporary berms, earth dikes, sediment
fences (with the toe embedded into the soil), sediment traps, and sediment
basins should be used to limit the discharge of sediment and pollutants from
the site.

Soil Roughening (EP-3)

While smoothly graded cut and fill slopes may be attractive to the eye, they are
not beneficial from the standpoints of erosion prevention and the establishment of
vegetative cover. Soil roughening is the creation of a soil surface roughness by
mechanical means. Roughening is performed parallel to the slope contours and
perpendicular to the direction of runoff. The benefits provided by soil roughening are
slowing runoff, enhancing infiltration, moderating soil temperature, trapping moisture,
and enhancing seed germination and root penetration. This is particularly important on
cut slopes. Where the slope is too steep to allow construction traffic to travel parallel to
the slope, cleated dozers traveling up and down the slope can produce a satisfactory
texture on newly compacted soil. Table 5-1 presents comparative effectiveness of
various soil roughening techniques are presented along with erosion rates for smooth
slopes without trackwalking.
Means of soil roughening may

• Sheepsfoot rolling
• Track walking
• Scarifying
• Stair stepping
• Imprinting

ORDEQ MANUAL-SECTION 5.DOC 5-3 Erosion and Sediment Control Manual

April 28, 2005
Section 5 – Erosion Prevention Methods

Oregon DEQ

Fiber Rolls (SC-7)

Fiber rolls are small, cylindrical barriers composed of biodegradable fibers
encased in photodegradable open weave netting. They are primarily identified as a
sediment control measure used for perimeter or inlet protection but also serve an
important erosion prevention function when they are placed along the contours of the
slope and staked into place.
Fiber rolls are porous and allow water to filter through them. They intercept
runoff, reduce flow velocity, release runoff as sheet flow, and provide some sediment
retention. Fiber rolls create a favorable environment for plant establishment by
interrupting the slope length and trapping soil and moisture.
Appropriate applications for fiber rolls include:

• Along the face of exposed and erodible slopes to shorten slope length.

• Along the top of exposed and erodible slopes to spread runoff as sheet

• At grade breaks where the slope transitions to a steeper gradient.

• In drainage swales to slow flows.

• Along streambanks to assist stabilization and revegetation.

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April 28, 2005
Section 5 – Erosion Prevention Methods

Oregon DEQ

Table 5-1
Storm Average
Treatment Measurement Statistic Increase (+)
5-yr (1) 5-yr (2) 10-yr (1) 10-yr (2) 50-yr (1) 50-yr (2)
Decrease (-)
Normalized Erosion Mean 0.06 0.07 0.16 0.09 0.12 0.09
Rate (kg/m2/mm) St. Dev. 0.03 0.07 0.04 0.01 0.02 0.02
% of Smooth 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0%
Runoff (L) Mean 255.7 364.4 419.2 470.3 422.3 611.0
St. Dev. 11.9 35.1 19.6 9.7 10.6 20.3
% of Smooth 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0%
Normalized Erosion Mean 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02
Rate (kg/m2/mm) St. Dev. 0.03 0.19 0.11 0.12 0.04 0.05
% of Smooth 49% 26% 18% 25% 22% 19% 76% (-)
Runoff (L) Mean 222.3 415.6 380.8 446.6 464.4 501.8
St. Dev. 13.3 96.1 49.4 84.0 21.1 37.8
% of Smooth 87% 114% 91% 95% 110% 82% 4% (-)
Normalized Erosion Mean 0.04 0.07 0.12 0.08 0.15 0.06
Rate (kg/m2/mm) St. Dev. 0.18 0.03 0.07 0.04 0.01 0.09
% of Smooth 66% 99% 75% 88% 121% 71% 12% (-)
Runoff (L) Mean 154.2 276.3 387.3 416.3 373.5 443.4
St. Dev. 75.6 17.0 29.8 24.7 7.0 79.2
% of Smooth 60% 76% 92% 89% 88% 73% 19% (-)
Normalized Erosion Mean 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.06 0.04
Rate (kg/m2/mm) St. Dev. 0.03 0.14 0.06 0.03 0.04 0.03
% of Smooth 58% 46% 14% 56% 51% 46% 55% (-)
Runoff (L) Mean 361.3 374.8 525.1 511.8 503.3 584.4
St. Dev. 11.9 71.3 26.7 22.5 26.0 24.3
% of Smooth 141% 103% 125% 109% 119% 96% 12% (+)
Normalized Erosion Mean 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.07
Rate (kg/m2/mm) St. Dev. 0.11 0.05 0.08 0.06 0.09 0.04
% of Smooth 80% 60% 30% 40% 30% 80% 52% (-)
Runoff (L) Mean 218.7 448.3 460.7 468.5 410.6 579.9
St. Dev. 48.0 26.8 35.5 38.4 49.7 36.0
% of Smooth 86% 123% 110% 100% 97% 95% 2% (+)

Source: Erosion Control Pilot Study Report, Note: Testing was conducted at the San Diego State
Caltrans, June 2000, Table 4-1 University tilting test bed (fill slope) on a 1:2 (V:H) slope
using a clayey sand soil.

ORDEQ MANUAL-SECTION 5.DOC 5-5 Erosion and Sediment Control Manual

April 28, 2005
Section 5 – Erosion Prevention Methods

Oregon DEQ

5.2 Protecting Graded Surfaces From Erosion

Erosion prevention methods to protect graded surfaces are presented below in
two categories: 1) methods that involve establishing temporary or permanent vegetation
and 2) non-vegetative methods that involve applying mulches, soil binders, hydraulic
matrices, bonded fiber matrix, or erosion control blankets to stabilize soils.

5.2.1 Vegetative Measures (Temporary and Permanent Vegetation)

An overview of important factors in establishing vegetation is presented in this
section including the erosion prevention benefits of vegetation, soil and climate
conditions, soil amendments, and seeding. These concepts are presented in the BMP
detail sheets for Temporary Seeding and Planting (EP-5) and Permanent Seeding and
Planting (EP-6) as well as other BMP details referenced below.
Vegetation helps prevent erosion in the following ways:

• Roots hold soil together

• Leaves and stems break up rainfall impact

• Ground cover slows down runoff and filters sediment

out of water

• Plants evapotranspire moisture from soil

Regional differences in weather and soil microclimate affect the available times
for planting and are extremely important to seed and plant success. Altitude and aspect
must also be taken into consideration. Different seed mixtures may germinate at different
times of the year. Base seeding recommendations on when the seeding is supposed to
occur. Irrigation can extend the planting season and ensure plant success without having
to depend on natural rainfall and soil moisture.
Plants are site specific in terms of their growth requirements, and success is
influenced by:

• Soil moisture
• Soil chemistry
• Temperature
• Sunlight
• Maintenance
• Soil Structure and Disturbance

ORDEQ MANUAL-SECTION 5.DOC 5-6 Erosion and Sediment Control Manual

April 28, 2005
Section 5 – Erosion Prevention Methods

Oregon DEQ

The ideal soil for most plants is

approximately 50% solid and 50% pore space.
The solid component contains minerals and
organic matter. Ideally, pore space contains
roughly equal parts of air and water.
Microorganisms (such as fungi) or invertebrates
(such as earthworms) are present in a healthy
soil and function to process organic matter,
recycle nutrients, and nurture plants. Any
disturbance to the soil alters and influences this
complex system.
Disturbances include construction,
fertilizer and pesticide application, soil
compaction from foot traffic and equipment use,
and altered hydrological patterns through
irrigation, grade changes, and storm water
retention. In other words, any management
activity on the project site is a potential disturbance to the soil system. In areas where
plant cover is desirable, construction management activities should be selected and timed
to minimize harmful disturbances to the soil, and focused on long-term soil health.

During the project planning process, determine how and to what extent soils
will be affected. Minimize the extent of disturbance activities to minimize
impacts to soil outside the project’s construction limits.

Soil Amendments
The decision to use a soil amendment depends on the existing soil and the
desired outcome. Some soil amendments might encourage unwanted exotic vegetation,
while the combination of other soil amendments with native soils might favor native
vegetation. In addition, any local controls or restrictions on specific types of soil
amendments, fertilizers, or slow release polyurethane-coated formulas, must be
considered when selecting an amendment.
Much of a construction site is reduced to subsoil at the surface during a typical
construction project. Subsoil has little or no organic matter, few pore spaces, and few
microorganisms and therefore does not effectively support vegetation establishment and
It is necessary to have healthy soil to revegetate a site. Revegetation is
necessary to provide slope stabilization, erosion control, biofiltration and infiltration for

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water quality, aesthetics, habitat, and so forth. Revegetation might also be necessary to
meet permit or environmental requirements. As a result, healthy topsoil is an important
component of a construction project.
Following a project that exposes subsoils, soils can be amended to provide
suitable conditions for revegetation. Plant life and water absorption capability require
similar soil conditions: loose, friable soil with the right balance of organic matter,
microorganisms, and minerals. Amendments to consider include topsoil, compost,
fertilizer, mycorrhizal fungi, and biofertilization.

Topsoil (EP-4)
Topsoil is a biologically active system of minerals, organic matter, air, water,
and microorganisms that can take thousands of years to develop. Topsoil nourishes and
provides structural support for plant roots and absorbs water.

The act of stripping off, storing, and redistributing topsoil over disturbed
areas is a beneficial practice for re-establishment of vegetation. The upper
horizons of soil generally contain essential soil bacteria and viable plant
materials such as seeds, roots, or rhizomes. Use of topsoil or “duff”
materials can also augment graded subsoil that may not contain the
necessary nutrients for plant establishment.

Some considerations in the use of existing topsoil include:

• Combining the top 6 inches (15.2 cm) of topsoil with on-site native
vegetation such as native grasses or small shrubs that has been chipped to
facilitate mixing with topsoil. This will contain the seed stock and
nutrients to re-establish the native vegetation without the need for soil
amendments, additional seed, or irrigation. Note this does not refer to
using wood bark chips from large trees or other non-indigenous mulches.
Care should be taken in amending topsoil with native chipped vegetation
so that the resulting organic content of the amended topsoil is appropriate
for the type of vegetation being established. If the percentage of chipped
vegetation is too high, decomposition of chipped vegetation can tie up
nutrients important to plant establishment. Recommended organic content
of amended topsoil is 10 percent and 5 percent for planting beds and turf
areas, respectively.

• Removal and immediate placement on final graded areas is preferred.

• Making sure that stockpiled material is protected from erosion.

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• Analyzing material and supplementing with soil amendments and fertilizer

if needed.

• Roughening the surface of graded subsoil to receive the topsoil

replacement layer.

• Placing topsoil material on slopes no steeper than 2:1 and compacting it.

Topsoil may also be an amendment when it no longer exists on a site.

Commercial topsoil generally consists of mineral soils mechanically combined with
organic matter.
Compost / Green Material
Compost is highly decomposed
organic matter that is used to add
nutrients and improve soil structure for
plant growth. Compost also provides
resistance to weed growth in thicker
applications (i.e., over 4 inches).
Acceptable compost products originate
a minimum of 65 percent by volume
from recycled plant waste. Organic
compost must be certified weed-free.

Commercial fertilizers are labeled to document the content’s ratio of nitrogen
(N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) (usually listed in order: N-P-K). These are the
three main elements associated with plant growth and health. Generally, nitrogen
encourages green top growth, while phosphorus and potassium encourage root growth.
Fertilizer is applied in various combinations (for example, 20-20-20 or 10-15-5), as
determined to be necessary by the results of a soil analysis. A 10-15-5 fertilizer would be
comprised of 10 percent nitrogen, 15 percent phosphorus, and 5 percent potassium.

Use of Slow-Release, Polyurethane-Coated Formulations

Timed-release nitrogen formulations work differently from other slow-release
products, because they release in response to temperature rather than moisture. They can
feed the plants when the plants need the nutrients and are less likely to encourage non-

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native species.1 These timed-release fertilizers are available in many different

formulations (e.g., 12-5-7, 15-5-13, 15-7-7).

Mycorrhizal Fungi (EP-7)

Mycorrhizal fungi are a group of fibrous fungi existing naturally in

topsoils that engulf soil particles and pore spaces to absorb water and
nutrients in solution and transfer this solution to the roots of plants. The
mycorrhizal fungi applied depend on the species of plant or mycorrhizal

Mycorrhiza come in about seven types, which differ by kind of fungus, kind of
host plant, and the morphology of the interface. Mycorrhizal fungi plug into the cortex (a
layer of cells found only on relatively young roots), and at the same time pass into the
soil, forming a bridge to the plant. They all provide soil nutrients to the plant and draw
energy compounds from the host.

Root development with mycorrhiza (left)

and without (right).

1 (Vic Claassen, UC Davis, Personal Communication, 1999)

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Germination without (left) and with mycorrhizal innoculum (right)

Biofertilization (EP-7)
Soils need nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in order to produce healthy
plants. Biofertilizers, which are fertilizers that contain living microorganisms, are
alternatives to chemical fertilizers (N-P-K). Applying biofertilizers, which are readily
available from a variety of soil conditioner manufacturers, increases microbial activity in
soil. With biofertilizers, soil fertility is increased by bacteria that fix nitrogen from the
air into chemicals that aid plant growth, such as nitrate or ammonia. Microbes can also
improve the structure of the soil through secretions that make the soil particles stick
together, forming larger particles and thus increasing soil porosity. Microbes also benefit
plants by providing a natural defense against soil-borne diseases or pathogens.
Biofertilizers offer a more environmentally-friendly alternative to chemical
fertilizers, which are often over-applied, resulting in polluted runoff. Although chemical
fertilizers have their benefits, there are certain characteristics offered by biofertilizers that
the typical N-P-K fertilizers can’t match. Therefore, the chemical approach may be
economical in the short term, but in the long term, biofertilizers may be less expensive.
The best approach may be to combine both chemical fertilizers and biofertility.
This approach can provide vegetation with the jump start needed for immediate growth if
there just isn’t time to adjust to a completely organic application.

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Seed Species
The following criteria should be considered when selecting seed species for
establishing vegetation to stabilize disturbed areas on a construction site:

• Satisfaction of the functional requirements of the design.

• Simplicity of appearance and compatibility with the overall landscape.

• Production of extensive root systems.

• Rapidity of establishment.

• Tolerance of site conditions.

• Resistance to insects and diseases.

• Availability from commercial suppliers.

• Ability to self-perpetuate (except temporary seeding which should be


• Compatibility with maintenance objectives.

• Selection of species native to the area wherever practical.

• Do not use forbs in roadside seed mixes where there are deer, to avoid
animal hazards.

• Do not use lupine adjacent to agricultural or grazing areas, to avoid

causing illness to grazing animals.

• Do not use seed mixes that include noxious weed species.

Guidance for seed selection can be obtained from the following Oregon sources:

• Oregon State University Agricultural Extension Service

• City of Eugene, Oregon Parks and Open Space Seed Program

• Rogue Valley Council of Governments Plant List

• City of Portland Bureau of Planning, Portland Plant List

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Permanent Seeding (EP-6)

Permanent seeding establishes a permanent vegetative cover that will prevent
soil detachment by raindrop impact, reduce sheet and rill erosion, and stabilize slopes and
channels. Permanent seeding can be used in conjunction with erosion control blankets
and mats to provide both temporary and permanent erosion prevention controls.
Perennial grasses, when used with turf reinforcement mats, provide a fibrous root
network that anchors the channel lining. These treatments can greatly increase the
maximum permissible velocities are useful in stabilizing channels and grass-lined
channels. Perennial grasses and legumes improve wildlife habitat and improve

The potential for erosion will exist during the establishment stage.
Failure to carefully follow sound plant establishment recommendations
will often result in an inadequate stand of vegetation that provides little
or no erosion control.

Sodding (EP-21)
Sodding is the placement of permanent grass cover that has been grown
elsewhere and brought to the site. Sodding stabilizes an area by immediately covering
the soil surface with grass, thereby protecting the soil from erosion, enhancing
infiltration, filtering sediment and other pollutants, and slowing runoff velocities.
Sodding is appropriate for areas that contained turf prior to construction, or for
any graded or cleared area that might erode and where a permanent, long-lived plant
cover is needed immediately. Examples of locations where sodding may be used include
buffer zones, streambanks, grassed dikes, swales, slopes, outlets, level spreaders, and
filter strips.

5.2.2 Non-Vegetative Measures (Mulches, Soil Binders, BFM, Erosion Control

Blankets and Mats)
Non-vegetative erosion prevention measures such as mulches, soil binders,
Bonded Fiber Matrix (BFM), and erosion control blankets and mats can be used in
combination with seeding techniques to provide temporary erosion control and enhance
vegetation growth during the plant establishment period. These methods can also be used
alone to provide temporary erosion control.

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Mulches (EP-8, EP-9)

Temporary mulches are temporary covers that protect the soil surface from
erosion until vegetation can become established. Mulches can also be utilized to aid in
the establishment of vegetation.

It is important that the longevity of temporary measures is taken

into account relative to the time it takes for the vegetation to become
established and provide effective erosion control.

Mulches function by:

• Moderating soil temperature

• Reducing soil moisture loss through evaporation
• Protecting the soil surface from compaction and increasing infiltration
• Reducing weed competition for desirable plants
• Armoring the soil against rain drop impact and sheet erosion from runoff

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Some typical uses for mulches are:

• As a non-vegetated cover on disturbed sites to temporarily control erosion
until permanent vegetation can be established

• In conjunction with seed and soil amendments to establish temporary or

permanent vegetative cover

• To add organic matter, fertility, and improve structure of poor soils

• As a long-term, non-vegetative ground cover, usually around existing

plants, such as trees or shrubs.

Some common types of organic mulch are:

• Plant fibers, like straw or hay

• Composted organic materials / green material
• Hydraulic mulches made from wood fiber or recycled paper
• Erosion control blankets and mats
• Hydraulic matrices (combinations of fibers and adhesives)

Their use and relative longevity is variable. Table 5-2 compares relevant
criteria that can be used for mulch selection. Application rates and details for each type
are provided in BMPs EP-8, EP-9, and EP-10.

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Table 5-2
Estimated Relative
Standard Ease of Longevity /
Surface Mulch Category Unit Cost Installed Erosion Control
Application Rate Installation Degradability
Hydraulic Mulching $900–1,200/ac 50 – 60% 2,000 lbs per acre 2 6 months
Types: Wood, paper, cellulose fiber
Compost Application $900–1,200/ac 40 – 50% (1 inch blanket 3 6 months
$7,000-10,000/ac 95 - 99% application) 3 12 months
$10,000-15,000/ac 95 - 99% (2 inch blanket 3 12-18 months
(3 inch blanket
Straw Mulching $1,800–2,100/ac 90 – 95% 2 tons per acre 3 6 months
Types: Rice and wheat
Wood Chip $900–1,200/ac Unk 3 24 months
Types: Blanket
Hydraulic Matrices $1,000-2,000/ac 65 - 99% 2,000 lbs/ac
Types: Wood mulch + Granular or mulch 2 6-12 months
liquid binder + 10% tackifier 2 3-6 months
Paper mulch + Granular or 2 3-6 months
liquid binder
Cellulose mulch + binder
Bonded Fiber Matrices $5,000–6,500/ac 90 – 99% 3,500 – 4,000 3 6-12 months
Erosion Control Blankets and Mats
Types: Biodegradable
Jute $6,000–7,000/ac 65 – 70% N/A 4 12-18 months
Curled Wood Fiber $8,000–10,500/ac 90 – 99% N/A 4 12 months
Straw $8,000–10,500/ac 90 – 99% N/A 4 12 months
Wood Fiber $8,000–10,500/ac 90 – 99% N/A 4 6-12 months
Coconut Fiber $13,000–14,000/ac 90 – 99% N/A 4 24-36 months
Coconut Fiber Net $30,000–33,000/ac 90 – 99% N/A 4 24-36 months
Straw Coconut $10,000–12,000/ac 90 – 99% N/A 4 18-24 months
Plastic Netting $2,000–2,200/ac < 50% N/A 4 24 months
Plastic Mesh $3,000–3,500/ac 75 – 80% N/A 4 24 months
Synthetic Fiber w/Netting $34,000–40,000/ac 90 – 99% N/A 4 permanent
Bonded Synthetic Fibers $45,000–55,000/ac 90 – 99% N/A 5 permanent
Combination Synthetic $30,000–36,000/ac 85 – 99% N/A 5 variable
and Biodegradable Fibers
Criteria Definition
Unit Cost Installed: Cost of materials and labor to effect installation on a per acre basis
Relative Erosion Control: Reduction in soil loss when mulch is compared to bare soil (control) under similar conditions of soil, slope length
and steepness and rainfall simulation
Ease of Installation: Ratings range from 1 (relatively easy or few steps required for application/installation) to 5 (labor intensive or
numerous steps required for application/installation)
Longevity/Degradability: Functional longevity in terms of erosion control effectiveness
Source: Erosion Control Pilot Study Report, Caltrans, June 2000, and Soil Stabilization for Temporary Slopes, Caltrans 1999.
Adapted and Updated January 2005

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Plant Fiber Mulches (EP-8)

Plant fibers such as straw or
hay as a mulch must be anchored in
place either by punching or
“crimping” them into the soil surface,
or by holding them in place with a
hydraulically-applied adhesive (see
photo at right). The standard
application rate for this practice is 2
tons (4,000 lbs)/ac (4,500 kg/ha) of
the straw or hay so that 80-90% of
the ground is covered.

Composted Organic Materials /Green Material

Composted organic materials or green materials act as mulches, but have a
primary function as soil amendments. They are described previously in this section
under Soil Amendments.

Hydraulic Mulches (EP-8)

Hydraulic mulches and hydraulic
matrices are applied using standard
hydraulic seeding equipment. The
equipment usually consists of a large
water tank (see photo on left) with some
form of agitator which enables the
operator to mix seed, soil amendments,
and mulch in the tank, and a pump. The
pump pushes the resulting slurry
through a hose or cannon mounted on
top of the machine for application on the
soil surface.
When using hydraulic techniques there are requirements for successful
vegetation establishment:
1. Select proper seed mixture adapted to climate that meets project
requirements and those of the local municipality;

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2. Use proper soil amendments and/or biostimulants to enhance soil


3. Conduct work when there is adequate moisture in the ground to

support plant germination and growth, preferably before the wet
season, or provide supplemental irrigation (Note: In Oregon,
compost tends to furnish its own moisture sufficient for seed

4. Apply seed, fertilizer, and mulch in a two-step process, with seed and
fertilizer applied in the first step, and the mulch applied over the seed in a
second step;
5. Use mulches with some form of tackifying agent to hold them on the soil;
6. Be aware that mulches applied at higher elevations on the north sides of
slopes may hold soil temperatures down in the spring and slightly retard
germination and growth; and,
7. Re-apply as necessary due to weathering - be prepared to budget for two
seasons of inspection and maintenance.

Soil Binders (Hydraulic Soil Stabilizers) (EP-11)

Soil binders (also known as hydraulic soil stabilizers) are materials that are
applied to the soil surface for dust control and temporary erosion control. When used in
combination with plant materials (hay/straw) and hydraulic mulches, hydraulic soil
stabilizers glue the mulch fibers together and are effective in controlling water-generated
Hydraulic soil stabilizers can be used in basically three types of applications:

• As a stand alone application of liquid that forms a crust on the soil

surface by binding soil particles together;

• As a tackifying agent applied over straw or hay mulch as an

alternative to crimping; and

• In combination with hydraulic mulches to create a hydraulic matrix.

In general, there are four common classes of hydraulic soil stabilizers:

• Plant-Material Based (Short Lived) – Guar, Psyllium, Starch, Chitosan

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• Plant-Material Based (Long Lived) – Pitch and Rosin Emulsion

• Polymeric Emulsion Blends – Acrylic Copolymers and Polymers, Liquid

Polymers of Methacrylates and Acrylates, Copolymers of Sodum
Acrylates and Acrylamides, Poly-Acrylamide and Coplymer of
Acrylamide, and Hydro-Collid Polymers

• Cementitious-Based Binders - Gypsum

Their use and relative longevity is variable. Table 5-3 compares relevant
criteria that can be used for soil binder selection. Application rates and descriptions for
each type are provided in BMP EP-11.

Bonded Fiber Matrices (EP-8)

Bonded Fiber Matrices (BFMs) are
hydraulically-applied, erosion control systems
composed of long strand mulch fibers joined together by
high-strength adhesives, creating a continuous, three-
dimensional blanket that adheres to the soil surface.
The system is applied to the soil as a viscous mixture,
and when it dries (depending on the product, BFMs
require 12 to 24 hours to dry to become effective),
creates a high-strength, porous and erosion-resistant

BFMs are typically applied at rates from 1.5 to 2 tons/acre (3,400 to 4,500 kg/ha)
based on the manufacturer’s recommendation.

Some characteristics of bonded fiber matrices are:

• They can be applied using standard hydraulic seeding equipment;

• All components -fiber and adhesives - are mixed together in one bag;
• The binder systems do not dissolve or disperse upon rewetting;
• The dried matrix is porous, allowing water to penetrate into the soil;
• They can be applied with or without seed and do not inhibit plant growth.

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Table 5-3
Soil Binder Unit Cost Relative Degradability / Water Ease of Mode of Effect on Drying
(with out mulch) Installed Erosion Longevity Quality Cleanup Application Runoff Time
Control Impact (hours)

Plant Material-Based (PBS) $700- 85-95% 3-6 months + + B 0/- 12-18

• Guar, Psyllium, 900/ac
Starch, Chitosan
Plant Material-Based (PBL) $1,200- 60-65% 6-12 months - V B + 19-24
• Pitch or rosin- 1,500/ac
Polymeric Emulsion Blends $700- 30-95% 1-2 years
(PEB) 1,500/ac V V B + and/or – 4-24
• Acrylic dependin Depending
copolymers, g on on
copolymers and chemistry chemistry
• Polyacrylamides
Cementitious Binder-Based $800- 75-85% 1-2 years + V H + 4-8
(CBB) 1,200/ac
• Generally used
with trace mulch
Criteria Definition
Unit Cost Installed: Cost of materials and labor to effect installation on a per acre basis
Relative Erosion Control: Reduction in soil loss when binder compared to bare soil (control) under similar conditions of soil, slope length and
steepness and rainfall simulation
Degradability/Longevity: Based on manufacturers’ standard recommended application rate and information/data sheets
Water Quality Impact: Low, Medium or High based on the results of testing at the SDSU Soil Erosion Research Laboratory for Caltrans (See
SSTS 1999). For detailed information on chemical constituents, ask the manufacturer for MSDS sheets and evidence
of water quality testing.
Ease of Cleanup: Positive (+) indicates that cleanup of overspray onto sidewalks, walls, etc. is generally not an issue. Negative (-)
indicates that cleanup can be problematic. Variable (V) indicates that the chemistry of the particular binder can make a
difference. Check with the manufacturer.
Mode of Application: Indicates whether or not specific application equipment is required. Hydromulcher (H) indicates the need to mix and
keep material in suspension by internal agitation; Water truck (W) means that the material is specifically designed for
use with a standard water tank truck; Both (B) means that the material can be used in either a hydromulcher or a water
truck with a recirculation pump or other means of preliminary mixing of binder with water.
Effect on Runoff: A positive sign (+) indicates runoff is increased; a negative sign (-) means runoff is reduced; the symbol (0) indicates
Source: Erosion Control Pilot Study Report, Caltrans, June 2000, and Soil Stabilization for Temporary Slopes, Caltrans 1999.
Adapted and Updated January 2005.

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Erosion Control Blankets and Mats (EP-10)

Erosion control blankets and
mats are rolled, blanket-like materials
used to stabilize and protect disturbed
soils from raindrop impact and soil
erosion, to increase infiltration and
conserve soil moisture, to keep seed in
place, and to enhance seed germination.
This class of products includes
manufactured mulch materials that are
produced in a roll configuration that is
placed on the ground and held in place
by stakes, metal staples, geotextile pins
or other fastening systems. The mulch
within the blanket can be held in place by netting, sewing, adhesives or a combination of
these methods. The various types of blankets are identified in BMP EP-10.
Biodegradable blankets are typically composed of jute fibers, curled wood fibers, straw,
coconut fiber, or a combination of these materials.

In order for blankets to be considered 100% biodegradable, the netting, sewing or

adhesive system that holds the biodegradable mulch fibers together must also be

Non-biodegradable blankets are typically composed of polypropylene,

polyethylene, nylon or other synthetic fibers. In some cases, a combination of
biodegradable and synthetic fibers is used to construct the blanket. Netting used to hold
these fibers together is typically non-biodegradable as well.

Always follow the manufacturer’s recommendation on staple types, patterns

and the number to use per square yard or meter.

5.3 Wind Erosion Control (EP-13)

Wind erosion control consists of dust control applied to stabilize soil from wind
erosion and to reduce dust generated by construction activities. Wind erosion control
methods can consist of applying water over areas that are susceptible to wind erosion or
applying other dust palliatives as approved by the local agency. Special attention shall be
paid to stockpiled materials. Covering of small stockpiles or areas is an alternative to
applying water or other dust palliatives.

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5.4 Biotechnical Erosion Control

Biotechnical erosion control (also known as soil bioengineering) is the

combined use of vegetative and structural inert materials to arrest and
prevent slope failures and erosion. These systems entail the use of vegetation
– living and/or dead – which is planted, inserted, driven, buried, or placed on
the ground surface.

Live materials, specifically

vegetation, may be used to control
erosion and provide geotechnical
stabilization to slopes and
streambanks. Vegetative materials
(biologic materials) combined with
structural materials (rock, wood,
etc.) for erosion control is referred
to as “biotechnical erosion control.”
Vegetation that is properly
incorporated into construction
projects can enhance wildlife
habitat and be aesthetically pleasing. In many cases, biotechnical techniques are more
cost effective than conventional structural techniques, especially when long-term
maintenance and repair is considered. Frequently, aesthetic and environmental design
concerns can be addressed with the inclusion of biotechnical techniques at a nominal
additional expense.

5.4.1 Principles of Biotechnical Erosion Control

The basic principles that apply to conventional soil erosion control (Section 3.1)
also apply in general to biotechnical erosion control. In addition, there are eight other
principles that are applicable to biotechnical erosion control:

1. Biotechnical systems use vegetation components alone or in

combination with structural and/or mechanical components to
stabilize soils.

2. Biotechnical systems are strong initially and grow stronger with time as
the vegetation becomes established. Biotechnical erosion control systems
may withstand heavy rainfall immediately after installation. Even if
initial vegetation dies, its plant material and surface residue continues to

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play an important mechanical and protective role during permanent

vegetation establishment.

3. In a biotechnical erosion control system, the plant material itself may

provide both the structural and vegetative components of the design.

4. Biotechnical systems are useful to stabilize and protect against shallow

slope failures. While vegetation can alleviate many of the problems
causing larger and deeper slope failures, the vegetative components are
not intended to resist large lateral earth pressures.

5. Biotechnical systems typically use indigenous or locally adapted plant

species whenever possible.

6. Biotechnical construction activities should be scheduled during the

dormant season or during periods when climatic and/or site moisture
conditions will favor vegetation establishment, or provide irrigation.

7. Biotechnical erosion control systems are often more cost effective than the
use of vegetative or structural components alone. Labor costs may be
higher due to the cost of harvesting and handling plant materials, while
material costs are often correspondingly lower.

8. Biotechnical practices are considered especially appropriate for

environmentally sensitive areas such as parks, woodlands, riparian areas,
and scenic corridors where aesthetics, wildlife habitat or native plantings
may be critical. Biotechnical systems can require minimal access for
equipment and workers and therefore can result in minor site disturbance.

Biotechnical erosion control practices are limited by the available soil medium
for plant growth; rocky or gravelly slopes may lack sufficient fines or moisture to support
plant growth and hard pans or compacted soils may prevent the required root growth.

5.4.2 Biotechnical Erosion Control Methods

Biotechnical erosion control methods that may used to provide structural
support to the soil mass either on a slope or in a channel include:

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Live Staking (EP-13)

Live staking involves the insertion of live,
vegetative cuttings, usually willows, into the ground in a
manner that allows the cutting (stake) to take root and grow.
Live stakes can create a root mat that stabilizes the soil by
reinforcing and binding soil particles together. Live stake
establishment can improve aesthetics and provide wildlife
habitat. As a temporary measure, live staking performs an
important function of stabilizing and modifying the soil,
Live stakes are appropriate for repairing small earth
slips and slumps. The stakes can help buttress the soil and
arching. Gullies and bare gully banks can benefit from live
staking. Live stakes can be used to anchor and enhance the
effectiveness of wattles, fascines, fiber rolls, turf
reinforcement mats and other erosion control materials.

Live stakes may not be appropriate for areas where

native willows or cottonwood are not naturally found.

Live stakes do not initially provide erosion control. They work best if used in
conjunction with other erosion prevention techniques during establishment period.

Live Fascines or Brush Wattles (EP-16).

Fascines consist of bundles of straight,
long, and slender branches of shrubs and trees
capable of propagation, usually willows, which are
packed together in rolls that are secured with twine
or rope. Fascines are prepared and installed
differently from wattles in that they are assembled
with the branches and bud ends oriented in the
same direction.
Fascines are appropriate for use on slopes
where the willow (woody branch) bundles should be
placed on a gradient for intercepting and transporting
surface and shallow subsurface drainage. Fascines
are preferable over brush wattles in areas with high
rainfall, deep snow pack or where the collection of
excess water on the slope may not be desirable. Fascines and Brush Wattles are preferable

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over fiber rolls for slope interruption where it is feasible and desirable to establish shrubs on
the slope using biotechnical erosion control techniques. Fascine drains can be used on wet
slopes where there is evidence of subsurface seepage that is exacerbating erosion control
The condition of adjacent sites, including identifying successful plant species,
growth form, and soil types should be assessed and compared to conditions on the
construction site prior choosing fascine plant species.

Brush Wattles (EP-14)

Brush Wattles consist of bundles of
straight, long, and slender branches of shrubs
and trees capable of propagation, usually
willows, which are packed together in rolls that
are secured with twine or rope. Wattles are
prepared and installed differently from fascines
in that they are assembled with the branches
and bud ends oriented in alternating directions.
Wattles are appropriate for use on long
slopes, road cuts, gullies, slumped areas, eroded
slopes, or eroding streambanks. Wattling may
be used to stabilize entire cut or fill slopes or
localized gully areas of slopes. Wattles may be
used to repair small earth slips and slumps or to
protect slopes from shallow slides 1–2 feet (0.3-
0.6 m) deep. Wattles may be installed on
newly built slopes or as remedial action on existing slopes.
Wattling facilitates the natural invasion and establishment of plants from the
surrounding plant community. Wattle stream deflectors are useful to protect disturbed
streambanks resulting from road crossing excavations and watershed restoration
A site reconnaissance is needed to identify species, growth form, soil and site
conditions on adjacent sites and to compare their conditions to the construction site.

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Section 5 – Erosion Prevention Methods

Oregon DEQ

5.5 Proper Maintenance

The most frequent cause of BMP failure is poor maintenance. BMPs

should be operated and maintained using specific guidelines and
procedures identified in the BMP detail sheets. Also refer to common
installation and maintenance mistakes identified in Section 8.

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Section 5 – Erosion Prevention Methods

Oregon DEQ

Erosion Control Source Control
Best Management Practice (BMP) Turbidity
Soil Roughening Sheepsfoot Roller
Trackwalking Imprinting
Biotechnical Erosion Control Soil Bioengineering
Fiber Rolls Wattles
Fascines Brushlayering
Live Staking Soil Amendments
Topsoil Subsoil
Compost N-P-K
Mycorrhizal Fungi Biofertilization
Annual Perennial
Legume pH
Mulch Hydraulic Mulch
Soil Stabilizer Bonded Fiber Matrix (BFM)
Rolled Erosion Control Product (RECP) Biodegradable
Synthetic Maintenance

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Section 5 – Erosion Prevention Methods

Oregon DEQ


Erosion Prevention is any practice that protects the soil surface and prevents the
soil particles from being detached by rainfall or wind. Erosion control,
therefore, is a source control that treats the soil as a resource that has value and
should be kept in place.
Whenever possible, the primary protection at the site should be erosion
controls, with sediment controls used as a secondary system.

A greater emphasis on erosion controls and other source controls is required for
sites that discharge to sensitive areas and for sites with the potential to violate
Oregon Water Quality Standards for turbidity.
During construction, storm water runoff should be directed away from disturbed

Remember the Functions of Vegetation:

• Roots hold soil together

• Leaves and stems break up rainfall impact
• Ground cover slows down runoff and filters sediment out of
• Plants evapotranspire moisture from soil

Stripping off, storing, and redistributing topsoil over disturbed areas is a

beneficial practice for re-establishment of vegetation.

Commercial fertilizers are labeled to document the content’s ratio of

ORDEQ MANUAL-SECTION 5.DOC 5-28 Erosion and Sediment Control Manual

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Section 5 – Erosion Prevention Methods

Oregon DEQ

nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) (usually listed in order:

Mycorrhizal fungi are a group of fibrous fungi existing naturally

in top soils that engulf soil particles and pore spaces to absorb water and
nutrients in solution and transfer this solution to the roots of plants.

Use a seed blend to include annuals, perennials and legumes.

Conduct soil test to determine pH and nutrient content.

Roughen the soil by ripping, trackwalking, sheepsfoot rolling, or imprinting.

Apply mulch or erosion control blanket, or other protective measure as

specified, over the seeded areas.

It is important that the longevity of temporary measures is taken into account

relative to the time it takes for the vegetation to become established and
provide effective erosion control.
Conduct revegetation work when there is adequate moisture in the ground to
support plant germination and growth, preferably before the wet season, or
provide supplemental irrigation.
Soil Binders have Three (3) Primary Uses:
• As a stand alone application of liquid that forms a crust on the soil surface
by binding soil particles together;
• As a tackifying agent applied over straw or hay mulch as an alternative to
crimping; and
• In combination with hydraulic mulches to create an hydraulic matrix.
Characteristics of Bonded Fiber Matrices Include:
• They can be applied using standard hydraulic seeding equipment;
• All components -fiber and adhesives - are mixed together in one bag;
• The binder systems do not dissolve or disperse upon rewetting;
• The dried matrix is porous, allowing water to penetrate into the soil;
• They can be applied with or without seed and do not inhibit plant growth.

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Section 5 – Erosion Prevention Methods

Oregon DEQ

In order for an RECP to be considered 100% biodegradable, the netting,

sewing or adhesive system that holds the biodegradable mulch fibers together
must also be biodegradable.
Biotechnical erosion control is the combined use of vegetative and structural
inert materials to stabilize soils.

Biotechnical systems use vegetation components alone or in combination

with structural and/or mechanical components to stabilize soils.

The most frequent cause of BMP failure is poor maintenance. BMPs should be
operated and maintained using specific guidelines and procedures

ORDEQ MANUAL-SECTION 5.DOC 5-30 Erosion and Sediment Control Manual

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Section 6 - Sediment Control
Oregon DEQ


This section describes sediment control measures as passive systems that
rely on filtering or settling the particles out of the water or wind that is
transporting them. The most critical aspect of sediment control BMPs in a
comprehensive erosion and sediment control plan is the need for their
continuous monitoring, operation and maintenance.

6.1 Definition of Sediment Control

Sediment control is any practice that traps the soil particles after they have been
detached and moved by wind or water. Sediment control measures are usually passive
systems that rely on filtering or settling the particles out of the water or wind that is
transporting them. Sediment control treats the soil as a waste product that must be
removed from where it has been transported and accumulated and disposed of at another
Sediment control should be provided along the site perimeter and at all
operational internal storm drain inlets at all times during construction. Active inlets
should be considered part of the site perimeter because they provide an avenue for
sediment and other pollutants to leave the site.
Emphasis should be placed on source controls and not sediment controls.
Retaining natural vegetation as long as possible is one of the best and least expensive
source control measures available. While important, sediment control measures should
be considered the “last line of defense” before storm water runoff leaves the site and not
a primary pollution control method. Additionally, all sediment control devices require
more maintenance to perform properly than source control measures, so always keep in
mind that the designation of sediment control measures on a site includes an obligation
for future maintenance.

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Section 6 - Sediment Control
Oregon DEQ

6.2 Sediment Control Measures

The following sediment control BMPs are discussed in this section and BMP
details are provided in Appendix F:
SC-1 Sediment Fence
SC-2 Sand Bag Barrier
SC-3 Gravel Bag Berm
SC-4 Straw Bale Dike
SC-5 Rock and Brush Filters
SC-6 Compost Berm/Compost Sock
SC-7 Fiber Rolls / Wattles
SC-8 Storm Drain Inlet Protection
SC-9 Temporary Sediment Basin
SC-10 Entrance / Exit Tracking Controls
SC-11 Entrance / Exit Tire Wash
SC-12 Undercut Lots

6.2.1 Temporary Linear Barriers / Perimeter Controls

Linear barriers and perimeter
controls are temporary measures that
intercept sediment-laden runoff and
filter or trap sediment or non-storm
water flows behind the barrier. Linear
barriers and perimeter controls are the
last line of defense before storm water
leaves the site, and must be carefully
selected, properly installed, and
diligently maintained. Examples

• Sediment fences (SC-1)

• Sand bag barriers (SC-2)
• Gravel bag berms (SC-3)
• Straw/hay bales (SC-4)
• Rock Filters (SC-5)
• Brush filters (SC-5)
• Compost berms and compost socks (SC-6)
• Fiber rolls or wattles (SC-7)
• Undercut lots (SC-12)

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Section 6 - Sediment Control
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Sediment fence and gravel bags used as

Fiber rolls used as perimeter control perimeter control

Compost berm being applied in combination Brush filters being constructed for
with gravel bags as perimeter control. perimeter control.

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Section 6 - Sediment Control
Oregon DEQ

These barriers are designed for sheet flow, not concentrated flow, and must
never be placed across a stream or channel. Therefore, the topography and drainage
patterns are important considerations in the design of the linear barriers. Barriers should
be placed on the same contour, and it is important that barriers be properly installed and
keyed into the soil to prevent undermining (i.e. flow passing under the barrier). For
sediment fence in particular, the contributory drainage area should not exceed 100 square
feet per lineal foot of fence.
It is important to select the correct BMP for
the intended application, particularly for the use of sand
bags versus gravel bags. Sand bags are much less
permeable than gravel bags and are appropriate when
used to block and contain non-storm water flows (e.g.,
discharges from concrete saw cutting) but can result in
flooding when used to control storm water flows.
Similarly, it is important to understand that
straw or hay bales are very dense and typically do not
filter flow. Instead, they cause water to pond and spill
over the top of the barrier. Some local governments may not approve straw or hay bale
barriers as a BMP.
Undercut lots can provide an effective sediment retention area. By undercutting
sidewalks, parkways, or lots early in the construction process there is room to store
runoff and sediment in the area that is below the curb and prevent it from entering the

Gravel bags and other devices that allow filtration should be used for
sediment control applications where the goal is to slow water and promote
ponding behind the barrier but still allow flow through the device to discharge
with a reduced flooding potential.

6.2.2 Temporary Inlet Protection (SC-8)

Temporary inlet protection must be provided
for all active inlets for the duration of construction to
keep sediment, trash, and other construction-related
pollutants out of the storm drain system. A variety of
temporary inlet protection devices are available that are
designed to be installed on soil, on pavement, or inside
the inlet, including: Gravel Bags

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Section 6 - Sediment Control
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• Block and gravel inlet protection

• Sediment fence inlet protection (alone or with gravel bags)
• Gravel bags (alone or combined with mesh screen). Important Note: Sand
bags are not typically recommended for inlet protection unless they are
being used on a short-term basis to block or divert non-storm water flows
(e.g. water used during pavement saw-cutting)
• Weighted fiber rolls (i.e., fiber rolls with a gravel core designed for use on
• Under-grate filters
• Inlet insert devices
• Prefabricated inlet protection devices

Weighted fiber roll used in combination with

Sediment fence with gravel bags heavy duty gravel bags for inlet protection

Prefabricated inlet protection device Filter fabric inlet protection

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Section 6 - Sediment Control
Oregon DEQ

6.2.3 Temporary Sediment

Traps/Basins (SC-9)
Temporary sediment traps and
basins are designed temporary hydraulic
controls that function by modifying the
storm runoff hydrograph by the following:

• Capturing and detaining

sediment-laden storm water
runoff from the site, thus
providing an opportunity for
suspended soil particles to gravitationally settle out

• Providing a temporary storage device for the captured sediment.

Temporary sediment traps and basins may be constructed by excavating below
grade or by constructing an embankment to retain water. All basins should have an outlet
device to release the water in a controlled manner and a stabilized emergency spillway
for overflow. Outlet devices should be sized to empty the basin within 48 hours.
Basins should be sized and maintained in accordance with local requirements. If
there are no local requirements, basins should be sized to retain 3600 cubic feet per acre
of contributing watershed. Additional capacity should be added to store accumulated
sediment between maintenance clean-outs. All engineered structures must be designed
by a professional engineer licensed in the state of Oregon.
All sediment traps require continued maintenance to function properly. Excess
sediment not removed reduces the basin capacity and trap efficiency.

Sediment basins are typically not recommended for sites with fine-grained
soils such as silts and clays, because these soils will stay in suspension for a
long time. It may be infeasible to hold the water long enough for fine-
grained suspended sediment to settle out of suspension. Additionally, water
that is left standing for more than 48 hours may become a potential
mosquito breeding area.

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Section 6 - Sediment Control
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Sediment basins must be cleaned out when sediment storage zone is half full.
Sediment removed from basins must be placed, compacted, and stabilized to avoid
erosion and re-mobilization. The sediment shall not be deposited downstream from the
embankment or in or adjacent to a stream or floodplain. If there is a potential for the
sediment to be contaminated, it must be tested and disposed of properly.
Certain flocculants may be added to the water in a sediment basin to increase the
suspended sediment settling rate. These flocculants include gypsum (a natural mineral
product), chitosan (a shellfish product), and other materials. Manufacturer’s
recommendations should be followed regarding rate of application and care should be
taken to avoid the release of flocculant from the basin. Always check local municipality
requirements when planning to utilize flocculants.
Electrocoagulation may be used to remove suspended solids and other
contaminants from storm water runoff. It is a process whereby a controlled electrical
current is passed through the water, which causes the suspended particulates to become
charged and bond together to form larger masses that settle to the bottom. This process is
effective on any size of suspended solids, including sub-micron particles, and is typically
combined with filtration to enhance effectiveness.
The removal efficiency of sediment basins can also be enhanced by using
baffles, skimmers, or other devices to lengthen the flow path and/or improve the removal
of suspended particles. The placement of baffles in a sediment basin creates a longer
flow path through the basin, which results in a longer holding time, which results in
increased settling of particulates. A skimmer is a device that is attached to the sediment
basin outlet in lieu of a slotted riser, and floats on the water’s surface above the settling
zone. The skimmer has a designed orifice size that drains water out of the pond at a
specific rate.
The basin configuration also has an effect on performance. To improve the
sediment trapping efficiency of the basin, the effective flow length should be twice the
effective width. This basin shape may be attained by properly selecting the site of the
basin or by the use of baffles.

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Section 6 - Sediment Control
Oregon DEQ

6.2.4 Tracking Controls

Tracking controls reduce offsite tracking
of sediment and other pollutants by providing a
stabilized entrance at defined construction site
entrances and exits and/or providing methods to
clean-up sediment or other materials to prevent
them from entering a storm drain by sweeping or
vacuuming. These measures include:

• Stabilized gravel construction entrances (SC-10)

• Entrances with shaker plates (SC-10)
• Wheel wash facilities (SC-11)
• Street sweeping or vacuuming (SC-10)

The points of entrance/exit to the construction site should be limited by

designating combination or single purpose entrances and exits, and entrances and exits
should be clearly marked with appropriate signage. All employees, subcontractors and
others should be required to use the designated entrances, and the speed of vehicles on
unpaved areas of the site should be limited to control dust.
It is important that the proper size of aggregate, underlying geotextile fabric, and
length of pad be installed. In order to be effective, the pad should be long enough for at
least 4 to 5 wheel rotations of the largest vehicle or equipment on site, and not less than
50 feet in length.
Stabilized entrance/exits should be designed to support the heaviest vehicles and
equipment that will use it. The use of constructed or constructed/manufactured steel
plates with ribs (e.g., rumble plates or corrugated steel shaker plates) for entrance/exit
access is allowable, and may increase the effectiveness of a gravel entrance.
All sediment spilled, dropped,
washed or tracked onto public rights-of-way
must be removed as soon as possible.
Visible sediment tracking should be swept
or vacuumed as needed. Manual sweeping is
appropriate for small jobs. For larger
projects, it is preferred to use mechanical
broom or vacuum sweepers that collect and
contain removed sediment and material.

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Section 6 - Sediment Control
Oregon DEQ

Washing of sediment from the public right-of-way shall be prohibited. If not mixed with
debris or trash the removed sediment may be used on the project site or deposed of at an
approved disposal site.
When necessary, wheels shall be
cleaned to remove sediment prior to entrance
onto public rights-of-way (see SC-11). The
wheel wash, which should be incorporated
with a stabilized construction entrance, must
be designed and constructed/manufactured
for anticipated traffic loads. It may be a
drive-through facility or a hose and wash
pad. It is important to provide a drainage
conveyance that will convey the runoff from
the wash area to a sediment trapping device.
All employees, subcontractors, and others that leave the site with mud-caked tires and/or
under-carriages should use the wheel wash facility.

6.2.5 Slope Interrupter Devices

Temporary slope interrupter
devices such as fiber rolls (SC-7) may
be provided to trap sediment and
moisture on slopes until vegetation can
provide long-term stabilization. Slope
interrupter devices typically include a
photodegradable mesh enclosing a
biodegradable fiber, which may be
staked to the slope approximately
along the slope contours.

6.3 Proper Maintenance

The most frequent cause of BMP failure is poor maintenance. The BMPs should
be operated and maintained using specific guidelines and procedures.
Maintenance guidelines are summarized in Section 8. Detailed maintenance
guidelines are provided in the BMP details in Appendix F. In addition to the
maintenance guidelines in the BMP specifications, check local agency

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Section 6 - Sediment Control
Oregon DEQ

Sediment Control Passive system
Filtering Settling
Sediment trap Sediment basin
Retention Detention
Trap efficiency Flocculent
Linear barriers Perimeter controls
Permeability Inlet filters
Stabilized construction entrance Wheel wash
Straw bales Sediment fence
Fiber rolls Gravel bag berms
Sand bag barriers Gravel barriers
Compost berms and socks

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Section 6 - Sediment Control
Oregon DEQ


All sediment traps require continued maintenance to function properly.

Excess sediment not removed reduces the basin capacity and trap efficiency.

Sediment basins are typically not recommended for sites with fine-grained
soils such as silts and clays, because these soils will stay in suspension for a
long time.
Water that is left standing for more than 48 hours may become a potential
mosquito breeding area.

Certain flocculants may be added to the water in a sediment basin to increase

the suspended sediment settling rate.
Gravel bags and other devices that allow filtration should be used for sediment
control applications where the goal is to slow water and promote ponding
behind the barrier but still allow flow through the device to discharge with a
reduced flooding potential.
The most frequent cause of BMP failure is poor maintenance. The BMPs
should be operated and maintained using specific guidelines and procedures.

Sediment fences should be removed and the accumulated sediment dispersed

to a stable area when the surrounding vegetation reaches effective erosion
control coverage.

ORDEQ MANUAL-SECTION 6.DOC 6-11 Erosion and Sediment Control Manual

April 28, 2005
Section 7 – Non-Storm Water Pollution Controls
Oregon DEQ


This section defines and identifies ESCP requirements for non-storm water
pollution controls and summaries individual control measures.

7.1 Definition of Non-Storm Water Pollution Controls

Non-storm water pollution controls consist of general site and materials

management measures that directly or indirectly aid in minimizing the discharge of
sediment and other construction related pollutants from the job site. Construction site
work activities can generate a variety of pollutants, many of which are summarized in
Table 7-1.

The NPDES storm water regulations for construction sites require that BMPs
be included in the ESCP for control of non-storm water discharges. These
BMPs must be in-place throughout the grading and construction phases.

The NPDES 1200-C General Permit requires that the following non-storm water
pollution control measures be included on the ESCP where applicable. Note that local
jurisdictions may have specific requirements regarding non-storm water pollution

NPDES 1200-C General Permit required control measures

- Areas used for storage of soils or wastes.
- Stockpile protection.
- Non-storm water pollution control measures to prevent or minimize
exposure to spills, cleaning and maintenance activities, and waste handling.
Controls should also be included for the following additional activities:
- Proper material use and storage
- Vehicle and equipment cleaning, fueling, and maintenance
- Paving and concrete management
- Contaminated soil management
- Ponded water management
- Any other activity with the potential to contribute to off-site pollutant

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Section 7 – Non-Storm Water Pollution Controls
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Table 7-1. Construction Site Work Activities and Associated Pollutants

General Work
Specific Work Activity/Products
Activity/Products With Associated Visible Associated Non-Visible
With Potential
Potential Pollutant Indicator Potential Pollutants
Storm Water Pollutants
Storm Water Pollutants
Adhesives • Adhesives, glues, resins, epoxy Oily sheen or other Phenolics, formaldehydes,
synthetics, PVC cement discoloration from some asbestos, benzene, phenols
• Caulks, sealers, putty, sealing agents products. and naphthalene
• Coal tars (naphtha, pitch)
Asphalt paving/curbs • Hot and cold mix asphalt Oil sheen Oil, petroleum distillates
Cleaners • Polishes (metal, ceramic, tile) Discoloration / plume from Metals, acidity/alkalinity,
• Etching agents some products chromium

• Cleaners, ammonia, lye, caustic

sodas, bleaching agents and
chromate salts
Concrete / Masonry • Cement and brick dust Discoloration / plume from Sediments, acidity, metals,
• Colored chalks some products asbestos, particulates

• Concrete curing compounds

• Glazing compounds
• Surfaces cleaners
• Saw cut slurries
• Tile cutting
Drywall • Saw-cutting drywall Discoloration/plume from Copper, aluminum,
drywall dust sediments, minerals, and
Framing/Carpentry • Sawdust, particle board dust, and Sawdust, slurry plume BOD, formaldehyde, copper
treated woods and creosote
• Saw cut slurries
Grading / Earthwork • Blasting Sediment Soil amendments (gypsum,
• Dewatering discharge/plume, non- lime), historic soil
storm water discharges, contaminants
• Grading activities vegetation debris
• Vegetation removal
• Disturbance of contaminated soil
Heating, Ventilation, Air • Demolition or construction of air None Asbestos, freon
Conditioning condition and heating systems
Insulation • Demolition or construction involving None Asbestos, aluminum, zinc
insulation, venting systems
Liquid waste • Wash waters Non-storm water See non-visible pollutants
• Irrigation line testing/flushing dishcharges, detergents, listed in other categories.
sediment, oily sheen,
concrete rinse or other

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Section 7 – Non-Storm Water Pollution Controls
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Table 7-1. Construction Site Activities and Associated Pollutants

General Work
Specific Work Activity/Products
Activity/Products With Associated Visible Associated Non-Visible
With Potential
Potential Pollutant Indicator Potential Pollutants
Storm Water Pollutants
Storm Water Pollutants
Painting • Paint thinners, acetone, methyl ethyl Paint plume VOCs, metals, phenolics and
ketone, stripper paints, lacquers, mineral spirits
varnish, enamels, turpentine, gum
spirit, solvents, dyes, stripping
pigments and sanding
Planting / Vegetation • Vegetation control Mulch, sediment, BOD, fertilizers, pesticides,
Management (pesticides/herbicides) vegetation herbicides, nutrients
• Planting (nitrogen, phosphorous, and
potassium) acidity/ alkalinity,
• Plant maintenance metals, aluminum sulfate,
• Vegetation removal sulfur
Plumbing • Solder (lead, tin), flux (zinc chloride), None Lead, copper, zinc and tin
pipe fitting
• Galvanized metal in nails, fences,
and electric wiring
Pools/fountains • Chlorinated water Non-storm water Chlorine or other disinfectant
Removal of existing structures • Demolition of asphalt, concrete, Sediment, other Toxics (paint strippers,
masonry, framing, roofing, metal particulates solvents, adhesives), trace
structures. metals (galvanized metal,
painted surfaces, preserved
Roofing • Flashing Debris, slurry plume Oil, petroleum distillates
• Saw cut slurries (tile cutting)
• Shingle scrap and debris
Sanitary waste • Portable toilets Visible sanitary waste Bacteria, BOD, pathogens
• Disturbance of existing sewer lines.
Soil preparation/amendments • Use of soil additives/amendments Mulch, sediment Soil amendments
Solid waste • Litter, trash and debris Plastic, paper, cigarettes,
• Vegetation wood products, steel,
vegetation waste, etc
Utility line testing and flushing • Hydrostatic test water Non-storm water Chlorine
• Pipe flushing discharge, sediment

Vehicle and equipment use • Equipment operation Oil sheen, sediment Total petroleum
• Equipment maintenance hydrocarbons, coolants,
benzene and derivatives
• Equipment washing
• Equipment fueling

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Section 7 – Non-Storm Water Pollution Controls
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During preparation of the ESCP, it is not always possible to know where a

contractor will be performing certain activities. In order to provide the contractor
with flexibility but to assure that proper control measures are implemented, it is
appropriate to identify in the ESCP that specific BMPs will be implemented for
certain activities regardless of where on the site those activities are performed.

7.2 Non-Storm Water Pollutant Control BMPs

The following non-storm water pollutant control BMPs are discussed in this
section and BMP details are provided in Appendix G:

NS-1 Dewatering and Ponded Water Mangement

NS-2 Paving Operation Controls
NS-3 Temporary Equipment Bridge
NS-4 Illicit Connection / Illegal Discharge
NS-5 Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning
NS-6 Vehicle and Equipment Fueling, Maintenance,
and Storage
NS-7 Material Delivery and Storage Controls
NS-8 Material Use
NS-9 Stockpile Management
NS-10 Spill Prevention and Control Procedures
NS-11 Solid Waste Management
NS-12 Hazardous Materials and Waste Management
NS-13 Contaminated Soil Management
NS-14 Concrete Management
NS-15 Sanitary Waste Management
NS-16 Liquid Waste Management
NS-17 Training and Signage

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Section 7 – Non-Storm Water Pollution Controls
Oregon DEQ

Dewatering and Ponded Water Mangement (NS-1)

Dewatering operations controls prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants to

the storm drain system or to watercourses from dewatering operations by using sediment
controls and by testing the discharges for pollution.

Paving Operations Controls (NS-2)

Paving and grinding operations controls minimize pollution of storm water

runoff during paving operations. The purpose is to prevent and reduce the discharge of
pollutants by properly disposing of wastes and by implementing measures to control run-
on and prevent runoff from picking up pollutants and carrying them into the storm drain
system or to watercourses.

Temporary Equipment Bridge (NS-3)

Temporary equipment bridges are temporary structures placed across a

waterway that allow vehicles to cross the waterway during construction without entering
the water to prevent erosion caused by vehicles. Controls include culverts, fords, and
bridges which must be designed properly to avoid flow restrictions, washouts, and scour.
Note that use of temporary equipment bridges may require permits from the US Army
Corps of Engineers (USACE) and/or the Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL),
depending on the project scope and location.

Illicit Connection / Illegal Discharge Detection and

Reporting (NS-4)

Illicit connections to the storm drain system and

wastes discharged illegally are prohibited and can cause
water quality impacts. This BMP identifies inspection and
reporting procedures for contractors to identify illicit
connections and illegal discharges at their job site.

Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning (NS-5)

Vehicle and equipment cleaning controls are procedures and practices to

minimize or eliminate the discharge of pollutants from vehicle and equipment cleaning to
the storm drain system or to watercourses.

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Section 7 – Non-Storm Water Pollution Controls
Oregon DEQ

Vehicle and Equipment Fueling, Maintenance, and Storage (NS-6)

Vehicle and equipment fueling, maintenance

and storage controls are procedures and practices to
minimize or eliminate the discharge of fuel and
lubricant spills and leaks to the storm drain system or
to watercourses.

Material Delivery and Storage (NS-7)

Material delivery and storage controls are procedures

and practices for the delivery and storage of materials in a
manner that minimizes or eliminates the discharge of these
materials to the storm drain system or to watercourses.

Material Use (NS-8)

Material use controls are procedures and practices for

use of construction materials in a manner that
minimizes or eliminates the discharge of these
materials to the storm drain system or to watercourses.

Stockpile Management (NS-9)

Stockpile management controls are procedures and

practices to reduce or eliminate air and storm water
pollution from stockpiles of soil, sand, and paving
materials such as Portland cement and asphalt concrete
rubble, asphalt concrete, aggregates, asphalt binder (so
called “cold mix” asphalt) and pressure treated wood.

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Section 7 – Non-Storm Water Pollution Controls
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Spill Prevention and Control Procedures (NS-10)

Spill prevention and control measures are procedures and

practices to prevent and control spills in a manner that minimizes
or eliminates the discharge of spilt material to the storm drain
system or to watercourses.

Solid Waste Management (NS-11)

Solid waste management controls are procedures and practices to minimize or

eliminate the discharge of pollutants to the storm drain system or to watercourses as a
result of the creation, stockpiling, and removal of construction site wastes.

Hazardous Materials and Waste Management (NS-12)

Hazardous materials and waste management

controls are procedures and practices to minimize or
eliminate the discharge of pollutants from construction
site hazardous waste to the storm drain system or to

Contaminated Soil Management (NS-13)

Contaminated soil management controls are procedures and practices to

minimize or eliminate the discharge of pollutants to the storm drain system or to
watercourses as a result of construction activity in or near contaminated soils.

Concrete Management (NS-14)

Concrete management controls are

procedures and practices to minimize or
eliminate the discharge of concrete residuals
during material use and wastes to the storm
drains system or to watercourses.

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Section 7 – Non-Storm Water Pollution Controls
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Sanitary Waste Management (NS-15)

Sanitary and septic waste management controls are procedures and practices to
minimize or eliminate the discharge of construction site sanitary/septic waste materials to
the storm drain system or to watercourses.

Liquid Waste Management (NS-16)

Liquid waste management is applicable to construction projects that generate

non-hazardous by products, residuals, or wastes, such as drilling slurries and drilling
fluids, grease-free and oil-free wastewater and rinse water, dredging spoils, or other non-
storm water liquid discharges not permitted by separate permits. This BMP presents
waste management and disposal requirements for liquid wastes.

Training and Signage (NS-17)

Training of contractor and

subcontractor personnel is an essential
component to good storm water management.
When properly trained, site personnel are more
capable of managing materials properly,
preventing spills, and implementing control
practices efficiently and correctly. This BMP
presents general guidelines for personnel
training including recommended signage
requirements to inform personnel of storm
water related information relevant to the site.

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Non-storm water Material storage
Spill prevention Waste management
Equipment cleaning Fueling and maintenance
Paving Concrete
Contaminated Ponded water


The NPDES storm water regulations for construction sites also require that
BMPs be included in the ESCP or control of non-storm water discharges. These
BMPs must be in-place throughout the grading and construction phases.

These BMPs must be in-place throughout the grading and construction phases.

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Section 8 - Inspection and Maintenance
Oregon DEQ


This section presents site inspection requirements for the NPDES 1200-C
General Permit as well as additional guidelines for conducting an initial site
walk-through, vegetation monitoring, and reporting. Common BMP
installation mistakes and maintenance guidelines are also presented.

8.1 Inspection Guidelines

The BMPs identified in an ESCP are designed to minimize the transport of
contaminants to receiving waters. BMP performance is dependent on how the measures
are implemented and maintained and the severity of weather conditions during their

To provide for the continued performance of the measures, BMPs should

be inspected before, during, and after significant storm events. During
grading and construction, the permittee’s responsible for maintaining the
storm water pollution control measures.

8.1.1 Contractor/Permittee’s Inspection Responsibilities

In accordance with the NPDES 1200-C General Permit, active sites must be
inspected by the permittee or the permittee’s representative (typically the contractor)
daily during storm water or snowmelt runoff and within 24 hours after any storm event
greater than 0.5 inches in a 24-hour period. Active sites must be inspected at least every
7 days during periods of no runoff. Any site that is inactive for greater than 7 days must
be inspected every two weeks. Exposed areas must be stabilized and inspected before a
site is left in an inactive state.
The permittee’s inspector should record any damages or deficiencies in the
control measures on an inspection report form. The damage or deficiencies should be
corrected as soon as practicable after the inspection but in no case later than 7 days after
the inspection or sooner in accordance with local requirements. Any changes that may be
required to correct deficiencies in the ESCP should also be made as soon as practicable
after the inspection but in no case later than 7 days after the inspection or sooner in
accordance with local requirements.

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All disturbed areas of the site, areas for material storage, locations where
vehicles enter or exit the site, and all the erosion, sediment, and pollution controls that
are identified as part of the plan must be inspected. Problem areas must be documented,
and control measures identified and implemented immediately. This effort must continue
for the duration of time it takes for the site to be finally stabilized and any permanent
measures required by the ESCP are in place and performing adequately.

During rainfall events, the permittee’s inspector should be empowered to call

out maintenance crews to inspect and immediately repair the erosion and
sediment control measures. Appropriate materials and equipment should be
kept on hand to enable a quick and rapid response. Also, some municipalities
have specific “on-hand” emergency supply requirements that must be

8.1.2 Initial Site Walk-Through and Agency Inspections

Following installation of erosion and sediment control measures, as well as
other control measures, a walkthrough or site inspection should be conducted to ascertain
that all measures have been implemented in the field, that erosion is being controlled, and
that sediment and other pollutants are not being transported off-site or into critical areas
on-site. Any improper installation or any repairs necessary to complete the job should be
noted at this time and completed as soon as possible and in accordance with maintenance
schedules required by the local municipality. It should be noted that some local
municipalities may also have timeliness requirements based on the nature of repairs.

Another purpose of the site walkthrough is to identify critical inspection locations

and monitoring points where control measures will need to be routinely checked
for performance and checked after storm events.

The critical points for inspection must include:

• All disturbed areas of the site

• Material storage areas control of non-storm water pollutants
• Locations where vehicles enter or exit the site
• All erosion and sediment control BMPs
• Discharge outfall visual monitoring points

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Section 8 - Inspection and Maintenance
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BMPs must be in good operating condition until the area they protect has been
completely stabilized and the construction activity is complete. In the absence of
significant storm events, all monitoring points must be inspected by the permittee in
accordance with any schedule required by the local agency and before any predicted,
significant rainfall.
Inspections by local jurisdictions with oversight responsibility as DEQ agents,
or as authorized by local ordinances, should be conducted throughout the project at a
frequency dictated by the agreement between DEQ and the jurisdiction, or by local
policies and procedures.

8.1.3 Vegetation Establishment Criteria

Since vegetation typically is the
primary form of permanent erosion
control, it is important to ascertain how
quickly and how well the vegetation is
becoming established. Monitoring for
vegetation establishment should be
conducted for all applicable projects in
accordance with local requirements.
General guidelines for vegetation
establishment monitoring are as follows.
Vegetation should be monitored monthly
to evaluate the following:

• The type of vegetation that is growing (as compared to the type of

vegetation that was planted);

• The density of vegetation that is growing, including the percent of ground

that is covered; and

• Any areas of erosion, including the type of erosion (such as sheet erosion,
rilling, gullying, localized scour, etc.)

Based on regular evaluations of vegetation establishment, recommendations

should be made as to whether the vegetation is establishing well, or whether additional
measures should be taken, such as over-seeding, fertilizing, erosion repair, or irrigation.
Vegetation monitoring should continue until the vegetation reaches maturity and is
providing the anticipated erosion control effectiveness.

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Section 8 - Inspection and Maintenance
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8.1.4 Inspection and Maintenance Reports

Inspection reports should be prepared during each inspection conducted by the
permittee or contractor. Reports should include information on damages or
deficiencies, maintenance or repair activities, monitoring information, and
vegetation establishment. Inspection reports should be kept for a period of
three years after completion of final site stabilization.

8.2 Common BMP Installation Mistakes and Maintenance Guidelines

The most frequent causes of BMP failure are lack of preventative practices and
poor maintenance of installed BMPs. Erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs
must be inspected regularly and operated and maintained using specific procedures to
perform properly. Installation mistakes can also impair BMP performance. Inspectors
should pay particular attention to BMP maintenance problems and installation mistakes
during inspections. Common installation mistakes and maintenance problems for erosion
prevention, sediment control, and runoff control BMPs are identified by BMP in Table 8-
1. Additional information on BMP installation and maintenance can be found within the
BMPs included in the appendices of this manual, local municipalities’ manuals or and
BMPs included with the site-specific ESCP.

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Section 8 - Inspection and Maintenance
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Table 8-1. Common BMP Installation Mistakes and Maintenance Problems

BMP No. BMP Description Common Installation/Application Mistakes Inspection/Maintenance Guidelines

Erosion Prevention (EP)
• Failure to consider scheduling and timing of • Consider the scheduling and timing of construction
construction activities to limit work during the rain activities relative to potential pollutant impacts
EP-1 Scheduling season or prior to or during anticipated storms. throughout construction.
• Failure to minimize the amount of soil disturbed at
any given time.
• Protective fencing is placed too close to the tree • Check that protective fencing is clearly marked and
Preservation of
EP-2 instead of at the drip line, resulting in over- installed at appropriate areas, particularly to protect
Existing Vegetation
compaction over the root zone. sensitive vegetation areas and buffer zones.
• Roughening the slope in the wrong direction. Slope • Check seeded slopes for signs of erosion such as rills
roughening should be performed parallel to the slope and washes. Fill these areas slightly above original
contours and perpendicular to the direction of flow. If grade, then roughen, reseed, and mulch as soon as
EP-3 a slope is roughened perpendicular to the slope possible.
contours, it can cause runoff to concentrate on the
slope face and result in the development of rills and
• Site topsoils are poor quality and not recognized as • Soil horizons should be removed and stored in
such. segregated piles, preferably less than 1 meter high,
EP-4 Topsoiling • Deficient topsoil not amended with necessary until reapplied as topsoil.
nutrients and microorganisms for sustainable plant • Topsoil stored longer than 6 months should be re-
growth and erosion-resistant topsoil. seeded to maintain microorganisms.
• Improper calculation of seeding rate, based on seed • Inspect frequently to verify that vegetation is growing.
Temporary Seeding purity and germination information.
and Planting • Reseed areas to prevent sheet and rill erosion. Spot
seed in small areas.
• Improper calculation of seeding rate, based on seed • Inspect frequently to verify that vegetation is growing.
Permanent Seeding purity and germination information.
and Planting • Reseed areas to prevent sheet and rill erosion. Spot
seed in small areas.

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Section 8 - Inspection and Maintenance
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Table 8-1. Common BMP Installation Mistakes and Maintenance Problems

BMP No. BMP Description Common Installation/Application Mistakes Inspection/Maintenance Guidelines

• Applying mycorrihizae at incorrect application rates. • If plants are not growing vigorously, analyze
Mycorrhizae / • Applying too much phosphorous or applying mycorrhizal density in soil to determine if more is
EP-7 needed.
Biofertilizers fungicides that limit mycorrhizal effectiveness.

• Improper calculation of amount of mulch needed • Monitor for short-term performance (longevity of
resulting in inadequate coverage. It is important to surface treatment) and long-term performance
calculate the slope area and take into account the (vegetation establishment).
roughness, which can affect how much mulch is • Loss of mulch material and seed through sheet or rill
needed to obtain the specified application rate. erosion should be repaired through reapplication.
• Improperly applying bonded fiber matrix. If the • General surface slippage or lack of vegetation
matrix is not applied from multiple directions, it can establishment should be investigated and treated on a
EP-8 Mulches result in “shadowing,” which results in inadequate site specific basis.
coverage of the soil.
• Reapply sufficient thickness of straw to cover soil and
• Placing straw1 without properly crimping, netting, or seeds.
tackifying the straw to the ground. This can result in
loose straw becoming mobilized by wind or water,
and an inadequately protected slope.
• Insufficient straw depth to prevent erosion of soil and
loss of seeds.
• Application in areas of concentrated flow and at less • Check compost thickness and inspect for signs of rill or
EP-9 Compost Blankets than optimal thicknesses (see BMP for gully erosion.
recommendations). • Re-apply compost blanket to maintain specified

Local straw sources should be used. State agriculture authority may disallow use of straw from elsewhere due to spread of noxious weeds, disease, and other concerns.
To prevent cross-contamination of storm water, compost source materials should be derived from “green” feedstocks that are free of contaminants (e.g., manure, treated
or painted wood), and preferably certified accordingly.

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Section 8 - Inspection and Maintenance
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Table 8-1. Common BMP Installation Mistakes and Maintenance Problems

BMP No. BMP Description Common Installation/Application Mistakes Inspection/Maintenance Guidelines

• Maintain runoff controls and divert upgradient flows.
• Not enough staples holding a rolled erosion control • Check for erosion and undermining. Repairs should be
product (RECP) in-place can result in erosion made immediately.
occurring under the blanket (underrilling). • Repair slope if washout or breakage occurs and re-
• Stretching the RECP too tightly, rather than draping it install material.
across the terrain, can result in vegetation pushing the
blanket up, losing contact with the soil.
Erosion Control • Installing the overlaps in wrong direction can result in
Blankets and Mats the blanket being lifted by the runoff. Providing
inadequate overlaps between adjacent blankets can
result in erosion occurring between the blankets.
• Not trenching the blanket at the top of slope can result
in the blanket being lifted by the runoff, or water
flowing under the blanket.
• Improper soil preparation
• Product not applied at manufacturer’s specification • Soil binders must be maintained by reapplying in high
• Applying stabilizers/tackifiers without sufficient traffic areas, after storm events, or after being in-place
drying time before rainfall (typically 24 hours). for an extended period.
EP-11 Soil Binders • Selecting a product that is not best suited for the area
installed (considering longevity, curing time,
resistance to abrasion, and compatibility with existing
• Possible increased sedimentation or undesirable flow • Check vehicles and equipment using mats for gas, oil
EP-12 Stabilization Mats
disruption if mats are placed incorrectly. and fluid leaks.
Wind Erosion • Inadequate application rate is used or binder selection • Water, tackifiers, or covers must be re-applied or
EP-13 Control is inappropriate for the soil type. maintained to maintain effectiveness.

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Section 8 - Inspection and Maintenance
Oregon DEQ

Table 8-1. Common BMP Installation Mistakes and Maintenance Problems

BMP No. BMP Description Common Installation/Application Mistakes Inspection/Maintenance Guidelines

• Improper handling of living vegetation. It is • Irrigation required if installed in arid areas.
important that the living vegetation be cut during its
dormant period and handled properly. Placing the bud
EP-14 Live Staking end rather than the butt end of a live stake into the
ground, for example, can preclude the stake from
rooting and leafing. It is also important to keep the
cuttings moist prior to placement.
• Failure to soak the poles for 5 to 7 days or install the • Inspect for vegetation growth in accordance with
EP-15 Pole Planting pole through the vadose zone and below the vegetation establishment criteria (Section 3.4)
permanent water table.
• Toe erosion and/or flanking can cause loss of the • Fascines should be keyed into the bank at least 3 ft (1
structure, if not combined with a toe protection in m) on both upstream and downstream ends.
areas where shear stresses and velocities exceed limits • Proper backfilling is essential to the successful rooting
Live Fascines and for the soils underlying the structure. Flanking can be
EP-16 of the fascine.
Brush Wattles caused by insufficient keying-in of the structure.
• Inspections should occur after each of the first few
floods, and/or twice the first year, and at least once
each year thereafter.
• Proper backfilling is essential to the successful rooting • Inspect for vegetation growth in accordance with
of the brush box. The backfill shall be worked into vegetation establishment criteria (Section 3.4) Check
EP-17 Brush Box the cutting interstices during construction and for proper backfill and that non-rooting species are not
compacted behind and below the bundle by walking more than 50% of woody material.
on and working from the brush box terrace.
• The subdrain must be properly designed, correctly • Failure to inspect and flush the drain as necessary
Fascines with
EP-18 sized and wrapped with a suitable geotextile to based on inspections via the clean-out access tube can
exclude fines and allow water through. lead to clogging and poor performance.
• Use of pole drains when a surface runoff control • Stakes must be reinstalled if loosened due to saturation
EP-19 Live Pole Drains measure is necessary of the slope or frost action.
• Rills and gullies around wattles must be repaired.

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Section 8 - Inspection and Maintenance
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Table 8-1. Common BMP Installation Mistakes and Maintenance Problems

BMP No. BMP Description Common Installation/Application Mistakes Inspection/Maintenance Guidelines

• Seepage and runoff must be excluded from the fill • Diversion of runon away from fill areas must be
area as much as possible to reduce risk of saturation maintained during initial stages of vegetation
Brush Packing or and washout. establishment.
EP-20 Live Gully Fill
Repair • Check for wet spots or seeps in fill which indicate
subsurface seepage problems. Examine surface of fill
for evidence of runoff erosion such as rills.
• Failure to use certified materials, properly prepare the • Inspect for vegetation growth in accordance with
subgrade (even surface of healthy soil, free of weeds vegetation establishment criteria (Section 3.4)
EP-21 Sodding and debris), and roll sod after installation to ensure • Maintenance should consist of mowing, weeding, and
good contact with soil. ensuring that the irrigation system is operating properly
and as designed to sustain growth.
Sediment Control (SC)
• Sediment fence stake pockets should be placed on the • Sediment fences should be cleaned of accumulated
uphill side of the sediment fence, so if the stitching of sediment after each major storm, or when deposition is
the pocket pulls out, the fabric will still drape against 1/3 of the barrier height.
the stakes. • Breaks or overtopped areas should be replaced or
• The bottom of the fabric of the fence should be repaired immediately. Fences should be repaired and
trenched into the ground, or else water and sediment the accumulated sediment dispersed to a stable area.
can flow under the sediment fence. • Sediment fence should be removed when the area being
Sediment Fence • The sediment fence should be placed on the contour, protected is fully stabilized and prior to termination of
or else a “flume” will be created where flow and permit coverage.
sediment can concentrate. A failure is likely to occur
at such a concentration point, and the flume will
release concentrated flow and sediment down the face
of the slope.
• Sediment fence is designed for sheet flow only, and
should never be placed over concentrated flows, such
as channels or streams.

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Section 8 - Inspection and Maintenance
Oregon DEQ

Table 8-1. Common BMP Installation Mistakes and Maintenance Problems

BMP No. BMP Description Common Installation/Application Mistakes Inspection/Maintenance Guidelines

• Sediment fence is designed for relatively small
drainage areas, and should not be placed at the bottom
of a large drainage area that will overwhelm the
sediment fence in the first storm event.
• Flooding when sand bags are used where gravel bags • Barriers should be cleaned of accumulated sediment
are appropriate. Sand bags are less permeable than after each major storm.
SC-2 Sand Bag Barrier
gravel bags and should be used to block flow such as
non-storm water discharges.
• Use of gravel bags when sand bags are more • Barriers should be cleaned of accumulated sediment
appropriate. Gravel bags should be used for most after each major storm.
SC-3 Gravel Bag Berm sediment control applications but should not be relied
on solely to block flows such as non-storm water from
entering storm drains.

Straw Bale Dike

3 • Not imbedding straw bales, or anchoring bales in • Sediment should be removed when it reaches a depth
(note: some place where required to reduce erosion under and of 6 inches (15 cm) behind the barrier.
SC-4 jurisdictions don’t around bales. • Bales showing signs of degradation (e.g., broken
allow straw bale binding, fungus and seed growth, etc.) should be
dikes) replaced.
• Flooding when filters are installed without sufficient • Barriers should be cleaned of accumulated sediment
Rock and Brush space to allow for ponding behind filter. after each major storm, or when deposition is 1/3 of
Filters berm height or 12 inches (30 cm), whichever comes
Compost Berms • Flooding when berms/socks are placed in areas • Barriers should be cleaned of accumulated sediment
and Socks without sufficient space for ponding behind the berm. after each major storm, or when deposition has reached

Straw bales are considered to be one of the least preferred BMPs due to rigorous maintenance requirements. In addition, some jurisdictions don’t allow the use of straw
bale dikes.

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Section 8 - Inspection and Maintenance
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Table 8-1. Common BMP Installation Mistakes and Maintenance Problems

BMP No. BMP Description Common Installation/Application Mistakes Inspection/Maintenance Guidelines

• Placement in areas of concentrated flow. 1/3 of the exposed height of the berm.
• When used as a slope interrupter device, fiber rolls • If used as a sediment barrier (e.g. drain inlet
Fiber Rolls or must be properly trenched into the slope, and staked in protection), rolls should be cleaned of accumulated
Wattles place or flow will go underneath the slope interrupter sediment after each major storm.
devices and result in erosion.
• Using inlet protection measures that divert flow, • Inlet filters for storm drains should be inspected and
rather than filter flow, can result in flooding of cleaned after each significant storm event and repaired
adjacent areas, or overwhelming adjacent inlets. promptly. Sediment shall be removed after each
Storm Drain Inlet • Bypassing of inlet protection due to insufficient significant storm event and deposited in a stable area
SC-8 where it will not be subject to erosion.
Protection packing of the ends of Biofilter bags.
• Bypassing of the inlet protection due to overflow slots • If the inlet protection device becomes clogged with
on drain inlet insert devices. sediment it must be carefully removed from the inlet
and either cleaned or replaced.
• Constructing a basin that is too wide and not long • Temporary and permanent sediment basins should be
enough can result in short-circuiting of the basin and cleaned of accumulated sediment after every significant
Temporary discharge of sediment out of the basin. storm event, or when sediment reaches ten percent of
Sediment Basin the basin capacity. Removed sediment shall be
properly disposed of in a stable area that is not
susceptible to erosion.
• While gravel for temporary construction entrances • Stabilized gravel construction entrances shall be
should be coarse enough (3-6 inches with no minus) to inspected for the transport of sediment onto public
shake loose soil that adheres to the vehicles’ wheels rights-of-way, and any tracked sediment shall be
SC-10 and undercarriage, it should not be so coarse and removed immediately by vacuum sweeping and not
Tracking Controls
angular that it causes damage to tires. washed off by water trucks. If tracking is an ongoing
problem, a wheel wash facility should be added to the
Entrance / Exit Tire • Installation of tire wash without other entrance/exit • Failure to remove accumulated sediment from tire
Wash tracking controls, resulting in excessive sediment wash.

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Table 8-1. Common BMP Installation Mistakes and Maintenance Problems

BMP No. BMP Description Common Installation/Application Mistakes Inspection/Maintenance Guidelines

loading on tire wash.
• Not providing sufficient capacity in undercut area • Remove accumulated sediment to maintain capacity in
SC-12 Undercut Lots
serving as a temporary sediment trap. undercut area.
A common error on construction sites occurs when runoff control measures are not installed before the rainy season.
Runoff Control (RC) Even the best erosion and sediment control measures cannot perform properly if runoff is not controlled.
Uncontrolled runoff down the face of a slope can result in severe gullying.
• Improper backfill around and under pipes can result in • Slope drains should be inspected after every significant
unstable contact between pipe and soil and water storm event and repairs should be made promptly.
RC-1 Slope Drain
saturating soil and under pipe, causing undermining Inspectors should check for scour holes and
and erosion. undermining, particularly at inlet and outlet points.
• Energy dissipaters and rip rap that are not sized • Lined drainage channels and energy dissipaters should
appropriately to protect against design velocities. be inspected at regular intervals and after major storms.
Debris should be removed and repairs made where
• Special attention should be given to outlets and points
RC-2 Energy Dissipator
where concentrated flow enters the channel. Eroded
areas should be repaired immediately.
• Inspectors should check for sediment accumulation,
piping, bank instability, and scour holes, and repairs
should be made promptly.
• Diversion channels must be properly sized to convey • Diversion measures must be maintained to remove
Diversion of Run-
RC-3 design flows around disturbed soil areas or other areas debris and sediment, repair linings, and replace lost rip
of concern. rap as-needed.
Temp. Diversion • Dike should be adequately sized to prevent overtopping • Excessive sediment accumulation in the ditch or swale
Dike / breaching. behind the berm.
Grass-lined • See installation problems for Erosion Control Blankets • Lined drainage channels and energy dissipaters should
RC-5 Channel (Turf and Mats. be inspected at regular intervals and after major storms.
reinforcement mats) Debris should be removed and repairs made where

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Table 8-1. Common BMP Installation Mistakes and Maintenance Problems

BMP No. BMP Description Common Installation/Application Mistakes Inspection/Maintenance Guidelines

necessary. Special attention should be given to outlets
and points where concentrated flow enters the channel.
Eroded areas should be repaired immediately.
Inspectors should check for sediment accumulation,
piping, bank instability, and scour holes, and repair
• Failure to excavate the trench deep enough to reach the • Clogged drains can lead to loss of drainage capacity
RC-6 Trench Drain impermeable base of a perched groundwater system. and saturation and buildup of pore pressure in the
• Improper design of drop inlet can result in excessive • Clogging of down-pipe resulting in overtopping of
RC-7 Drop Inlet sediment in runoff due to inadequate residence time in embankment and erosion of downstream dam face.
ponded area.
• Conducting in-stream construction during low flow • Inspect the stability and performance of all erosion and
Minimizing TSS
periods when sediment impacts are the greatest. sediment control measures used during in-stream
RC-8 During In-Stream
construction on a daily basis or more frequently during
critical stages of in-stream construction..
• Conducting diversion activities without confirming • All stream diversions must be closely maintained and
In-Stream local, state and federal permitting and design monitored.
RC-9 Diversion requirements .
Techniques • Pumped diversions require 24-hour monitoring of
• Installing isolation methods such as cofferdams without • Inspect isolation devices daily or more frequently
In-Stream Isolation obtaining applicable permits. during storm events. Inspect for sediment buildup and
Techniques any gaps, holes or scour related to the structure. Repair
areas immediately.

Designed and maintained to drain or de-water an area (French Drain); not an underground injection control (UIC) device. Discharge must be to surface.

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Table 8-1. Common BMP Installation Mistakes and Maintenance Problems

BMP No. BMP Description Common Installation/Application Mistakes Inspection/Maintenance Guidelines

• Placing a check dam or barrier so that the abutments • Check dams should be checked for undermining and/or
are not at a higher elevation than the center of the short-circuiting and repaired or replaced if necessary.
barrier can result in flow around the ends of the barrier. • Check dams should be cleaned after each significant
RC-11 Check Dams • Not trenching the bottom of the check dam or barrier storm event or when accumulated sediment reaches
can result in undermining of the barrier. half the height of the check dam.
• Check dams should be keyed into the channel banks a
minimum of 18 inches to prevent flow around the dam.

ORDEQ MANUAL-SECTION 8.DOC 8-14 Erosion and Sediment Control Manual

April 28, 2005
Section 8 - Inspection and Maintenance
Oregon DEQ

Best Management Practice (BMP) Documentation
Performance Comprehensive
Inspection Monitoring
Operation Maintenance
Rainy Season Significant Rainfall Event
Frequency of Inspection Permanent Measures
Site Walkthrough Deficiency
Maintenance Guidelines

ORDEQ MANUAL-SECTION 8.DOC 8-15 Erosion and Sediment Control Manual

April 28, 2005
Section 8 - Inspection and Maintenance
Oregon DEQ


BMPs should be monitored before, during, and after significant storm events.
During grading and construction, the permittee is responsible for maintaining
the storm water pollution control measures.
In accordance with the NPDES 1200-C General Permit, active sites must be
inspected by the permittee or the permittee’s representative (typically the
contractor) daily during storm water or snowmelt runoff and within 24 hours
after any storm event greater than 0.5 inches in a 24-hour period. Active sites
must be inspected at least every 7 days during periods of no runoff. Any site
that is inactive for greater than 7 days must be inspected every two weeks.
Exposed areas must be stabilized and inspected before a site is left in an
inactive state.
An initial site inspection should be conducted to verify that all BMPs have
been implemented in the field, that erosion is being controlled, and that
sediment and other pollutants are not being transported off-site or into critical
areas on-site. Critical inspection points should be identified on the initial site
During rainfall events, the permittee’s inspector should be empowered to call
out crews to inspect and immediately repair the erosion and sediment control
measures. Appropriate materials and equipment should be kept on hand to
enable a quick and rapid response. Also, some municipalities have specific
“on-hand” emergency supply requirements that must be followed.
Vegetation establishment should be monitored during BMP site inspections
until the vegetation reaches maturity and is providing the anticipated erosion
control effectiveness.
Inspection reports should be prepared during each inspection conducted by the
permittee or contractor. Reports should include information on damages or
deficiencies, maintenance or repair activities, monitoring information, and
vegetation establishment. Inspection reports should be kept for a period of
three years after completion of final site stabilization.

ORDEQ MANUAL-SECTION 8.DOC 8-16 Erosion and Sediment Control Manual

April 28, 2005

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