Assignment #3 EMD1306

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Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Department of Industrial Engineering

Electrical systems and Measurements

Students Name USI #

Tessie Laud 1035283

Peter Fleming 1034956

Course Code: EMD 1306

Date of Submission: 18th August, 2020

Lecturer: Mr. Dorwin Nero

1. A generation station has peak demand of 120MW and its connected load is 200MW. The energy
produced annually is 4 ×105 Whr. Determine: a) Load factor b) Demand factor

2. A distribution transformer has six (6) residential customer connected. The connected load per
consumer is 9.0 kW. The demand factor and diversity factor of the group of 6 residential
consumers are 0.65 and 1.1 respectively. Calculate the (coincident) maximum demand on the

3. The Maximum demand of a generating station is 125 ×103 kw . The load factor is 60%. The plant
capacity factor and the plant factor are 50% and 85% respectively.

Determine: a) the daily energy produced.

b) The installed capacity of the plant.
c) The reserve capacity of the plant.
d) The maximum energy that could be produced daily if the plant is running all the time.
e) The maximum energy that could be produced daily at full load (according to operating
f) The Utilization factors.
4. A residential consumer has a connected load of 7 lamps each of 80W and 4 fans of 75W at his
premises. His demand is as follows:
From midnight to 7 am – 120W
From 7 am to 5 pm – no load
From 5 pm to 7 pm – 380W
From 7 pm to 9 pm – 680W
From 9 pm to midnight – 420W
a) Using a suitable scale plot the load curve of the information above.
b) Determine the energy consumption in 24hrs
c) Calculate: I. Maximum load ii. Demand factor iii. Average load iv. Load factor
1. Data: peak demand ¿ 120 Mw
Load ¿ 200 Mw
Annual energy produced¿ 4 ×105 whr

total annual energy

a). Annual load factor =
Annual peak load × 8760

4 ×105 whr
Annual load factor = =0.38∨38 %
120 Mw × 8760

maximum demand
b). Diversity factor
total connected load

120 Mw
diversity factor = =0.6
200 Mw

2. Data: load per consumer¿ 9.0 kw

Demand factor ¿ 0.65
Diversity factor ¿ 1.1

maximum demand of each

demand factor of each consumer ( DF )=
total connected load

9.0 × 0.65=5.85 kw , ∴ maximumdemand of each=5.86 kw

coincideent maximum demand=

∑ of individual maximum demand
diveristy factor

5.86 ×6
∴ coincideent maximum demand= =31.9 kw

3. Data: maximum demand is 125 ×103 kw

Load factor is 60%
Plant capacity factor is 50%
Plant factor is 85%
a) The daily energy = average demand × 24
Average demand =load factor ×maximum demand
Average demand=0.6 ×125000 kw=75000 kw
The daily energy=75000 ×24=1800,000 kwh∨1800 Mwh
average demand
b) The installed capacity of plant=
plant capacity factor

75 Mw
The installed capacity of plant= =150 Mw
c) The reserve capacity of the plant¿ Plant capacity −maximum demand
¿ 150 Mw−120 Mw=30 Mw
d) Maximum energy that could be produce daily if plant running all the time
¿ installed capacity × 24
∴=150 Mw × 24=3600 Mw
e) The maximum energy that could be produced daily at full load according to operating schedule

actual energy produced daily 1800 Mwh

¿ = =2117.65 Mwh
plant use factor 0.85
maximum load 125 Mw
f) The utilization factor = =0.83
rated capacity 150 Mw
4. a)

Load Curve

0000-0700 0700-1700 1700-1900 1900-2100 2100-0000

B) The energy consumption

7 ×120+2 ×380+ 2× 680+3 ×420=4220 Wh
The energy consumption is 4220Wh
(C) i- Maximum load
Based on the information provide the maximum load for this customer was 680W.
ii- Demand factor (DF)
Maximum demand
DF =
Total consumed load
DF =
7 × 80+4 × 75
DF =0.791
The demand factor is 0.791

iii- Average load (AL)

Energy Consumed
Number of hours
The average load was found to be 175.8W

iv- Load factor (LF)

Average load
The load factor is 0.259

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