Computer Skills Self-Assessment

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Computer Skills Self-Assessment

Computer Knowledge
I can identify the basic parts of a computer system  Yes  No/Not Sure

I can properly start and shut down a computer system  Yes  No/Not Sure

I can start and close a computer program  Yes  No/Not Sure

I can describe some common uses of computers in society  Yes  No/Not Sure

I can use a mouse/pointing device  Yes  No/Not Sure

Word Processing

I can create a new word processing document  Yes  No/Not Sure

I can edit a document  Yes  No//Not Sure

I can save a document to the storage drive  Yes  No/Not Sure

I can print a document  Yes  No/Not Sure

I can retrieve a document  Yes  No/Not Sure

I can use tools such as spell check or thesaurus  Yes  No/Not Sure

Electronic Communication

I search online  Yes  No/Not Sure

I can complete an online form  Yes  No/Not Sure

I can add to favourites/bookmark bar  Yes  No/Not Sure

I can send and receive email, including attachments  Yes  No/Not Sure

If you answered No/Not Sure to one or more of the questions in the Computer Skills Self-Assessment,
you can use the following strategies to help you to complete computer-related assignments throughout
the program.
Basic Computer Skills

 Ask a friend or family member to demonstrate the basic skills of using a computer, including
identifying its main parts, turning it on/off, starting and shutting down a computer program and
using a printer.

Word Processing

 Access the following online tutorials to learn how to create a document on the computer:
 Microsoft Word (2010): Create your first Word document 1 Beginner Course.
 Microsoft Word (2010): Create your first Word document II.
 Microsoft Office Tutorial (2013): Start using Word:

Internet Search

 For assignments using the internet, work with another student who understands how to
complete an internet search.
 Access the following online tutorial: Google, Internet 101:


 If you do not have an email account, you can set one up by accessing one of the following:
 Google:
 Microsoft:
 Yahoo:

*Basic tasks and functions of your email, including attaching files, will depend on your account.


Adult Basic Education in British Columbia’s Public Post-Secondary Institutions: An Articulation

Handbook (2014 Ministry of Advanced Education, Province of British Columbia.

Literacy and Essential Skills, Skills Definitions and Complexity. Human Resources and Skills Development
Canada. Retrieved from

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