Navisworks Timeliner Example Workflow Updated 20141114 PDF

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Microsoft Project import to Navoswork

Step 1: Develop a schedule in Microsoft Project

Step 2: Open Naviswork model in naviswork work space

Naviswork Model open Process:

Click on

Append – Open model location- Select all files from the drop down list to view your model- click on
Step 3: Click on Naviswork Timeliner

Step 4: To add microsoft project schedule following steps need to be followed

4.1 Click on Data sources

4.2 After that click on Add button

4.3 select microsoft project 2007-2010

4.4 Select the Microsoft Project source file

4.5 After opening the Microsoft Project file following screen will be shown
4.6 Now We have to select which information we need to import from Microsoft Project sheet. In the
previous screenshot you can see that there are two column. One column represents Naviswork
Timeliner information and the other column named External field names contains Microsoft project
data. We have to now link them through following way.

4.6.1 Now we have to link both data‘s. Through clicking on the right hand drop down menu we can
select the Microsoft project data.

4.6.2 Following information we need to import and after that click on ok.
4.7 Now we have to select the data source and click on Refresh.

4.8 After Refreshing you will find similar screen as shown in below and check mark on rebuild task
hierarchy and click on ok

4.9 As a result now all the Microsoft Project data has linked with Naviswork Timeliner and we will
find similar screen as shown below

5. Now our task is to develop 4D simulation. The steps are same as taking quantity. The steps has
explained below.
5.1 The first task on our Timeliner is to create foundation. Therefore we have to select all the
foundation model elements from the model.

5.2 After selecting the Foundation elements click on the Attached button on the time

Liner ribbon and select Attach Current Selection.

5.3 After attaching model elements on the Foundation task similar symbol will shown on the
attached bar in the ribbon.

5.4 Similar way we have to attcah all the model geometry on the each task. After that we will find a
similar screen.
5.4 After that to simulate the model, we have to click on simulate button.
5.5 There are different options that we can choose for the simulation and for that we have to click on
the Settings.

5.6 After that just click on the Play button and on the left hand corner timeliner will visualise Time
and with the time it shows the progress of work.


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