Greenpeace Green Electronics Survey

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Towards green

Getting greener, but not there yet

Introduction 4

Survey criteria 7

Main findings 11

Summary of results 13

Observations 17

The way forward 21

Annex 1 25

Detailed scores 31

For further information, contact:

[email protected]

Published in January 2011 by

Greenpeace International
Ottho Heldringstraat 5
1066 AZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 7182000
Fax: +31 20 7182002


Greenpeace International 3
Greenpeace congratulates the electronics Green Electronics Campaign and
industry on making progress the many the Guide to Greener Electronics
technical hurdles it has been facing - but we Greenpeace launched the Green Electronics campaign in 2005 to
also show that the industry hasn’t finished empower electronic consumers to demand greener products and the
electronics industry to take responsibly for the impacts of its own
finding green solutions just yet. products’ lifecycles. Through our ’Guide to Greener Electronics‘1, we
In June 2010, we invited 21 leading electronics companies rank 18 leading electronics manufacturers on three criteria; removing
to participate in our third Green Electronics Survey. The toxic substances, responsible take-back of their end-of-life products
companies were asked to submit their greenest products and energy efficiency. Initially this quarterly publication focused on
from across six categories. Eighteen companies rose to the leading computer and mobile phone producers and their policies and
challenge, sharing their most prized environmentally- practices on just two of these criteria; toxic chemicals and take-back.
Since then the Guide has expanded to include producers of
friendly products with us as we assessed the greenest
televisions and games consoles. The fruits of this campaign are an
electronics products that will be available on the market in
increase in e-waste recycling policies and programmes and stricter
early 2011. chemical management by both governments and companies, as well
as greener products in the hands of consumers.
As companies have made increasingly stronger commitments to
these three criteria, Greenpeace has sought to assess the tangible
outcomes; the actual products coming into the global marketplace.
Using information submitted by companies in late 2007, we published
the first edition of our Green Products Survey2 in March 2008, during
the international electronics fair CEBIT, held in Hanover, Germany. The
report was met with enthusiasm from the industry and consumers
alike, and so we released a second edition in January 20093 during
the annual CES electronics fair in Las Vegas, USA. Unlike the ranking
of manufacturers in the ’Guide to Greener Electronics‘ described
above, which focuses on overall corporate policies and practices,
these surveys consisted of an in-depth evaluation of the products that
the manufacturers themselves considered to be their greenest.
The first edition revealed that none of the surveyed products could
claim the title of being truly green, with only a few products barely
scoring 5 out of 10 points. The second product survey reflected the
progress of the companies who chose to participate. Progress was
particularly noticeable in the designing-out of toxic chemicals from
products; more scores were above the highest score of 5/10 from the
previous edition, and the gaps between company’s scores shrank.
These changes revealed the more competitive environment between
the brands that had emerged. Yet, despite a notably improved
performance in the monitors category, it was evident that progress
was still needed within the industry. As a result Greenpeace
advocated for further efforts in all products categories before a ’truly
green‘ consumer product could emerge on the market. Since this last
1 survey, the industry has shown considerable progress in delivering
2 greener products, and therefore we decided that a third edition of the
product survey was necessary.

4 Greenpeace International
Further room for improvement: Participating Companies in this survey
While Greenpeace applauds the progress that has been made,
there are many hurdles the industry has yet to overcome.
Throughout a product’s lifecycle - from material extraction to
production, and from consumer use to disposal - electronic
products have the potential to impact human health and the
environment - including through the release of dangerous
substances - and energy consumption.
Over the course of our Green Electronics campaign, we have
shown how workers at the disposal end of an electronic products’
life are being exposed to a toxic cocktail of hazardous chemicals.
Without the complete elimination of these substances from
electronic products, and strong regulation that bans the export of
hazardous waste from developed to developing nations, these
workers will suffer at the hands of the industry. Likewise, at the
manufacturing stage, the cheapest labour available is often used.
This includes the extraction of precious metals for use in the
products, in areas where little-to-no protection is given for the
health and well-being of the workers involved. Given the
environmental and social risks associated with irresponsible
sourcing and disposal of electronics, Greenpeace asks each
company to adhere to a progressive precautionary principle and
support policies that create incentives for the safest possible
recycling of obsolete products in every country that its products are All but three companies Philips. We have, however,
sold. As we face the greatest environmental crisis of our time - participated in the previous assessed the newly-released
climate change - the electronics industry must be at the forefront of survey. The newcomers include Philips’ Econova TV and
finding the solutions necessary to lower our individual taxation on the global brand Asus, which Apple’s Macbook Pro MC374
the planet as well as its own. It is in these areas that the electronics had declined our past in order to see how they would
industry has shown the least amount of progress. invitations and is not one of the have performed.
What this third edition of the Green Electronics Survey proves, 18 global companies ranked in
This year, netbook computers
however, is that this is an incredibly competitive, innovative, and the Greenpeace Guide, and the
were included as a new
solutions-based industry, capable of creating the changes two Indian computer
product category in addition to
necessary to guarantee a sustainable lifecycle for each product manufacturers, HCL and
desktop and notebook
manufactured. From our first Guide to Greener Electronics in 2006 Wipro, which are assessed, in
computers, mobile phones and
to this third Survey in 2011, Greenpeace has seen the industry’s addition to those 18 brands, in
smartphones, LCD and plasma
ability to consistently put greener products on the market. We the version of the Greenpeace
screen televisions and LCD
believe the industry has the ability to overcome these existing Guide published by
computer monitors (the latter
challenges. Greenpeace India.
two having been added in the
Unfortunately, as in the earlier 2nd survey). In total, we
surveys, a number of invited received 53 products from 18
companies declined the companies (not including
opportunity to showcase the Philips and Apple). Eventually,
environmental performance of 44 products are featured in this
their products. The companies report (including Econova TV
that were unwilling to take part and MacBook Pro).
in the survey were Apple and

Greenpeace International 5
Survey criteria
In June 2010, Greenpeace asked 21
companies to submit the greenest products
that would be on the market by November 1,
2010. Eighteen companies submitted
The leading manufacturers of desktop computers,
notebooks, netbooks, computer monitors, mobile phones,
smartphones as well as televisions were directly invited to
submit their greenest products via an assessment form that
was provided. In addition, the form was published on the
Greenpeace website and other forums to offer smaller
manufacturers the opportunity to participate. For the first
time two major Indian computer manufacturers have also
taken part in the survey. In another first for this survey,
companies were provided with a document detailing most
of the methodologies used for the scoring. This was done
not only to ensure that the companies could select their
highest performing products, but also to increase the
transparency of the process.
The principles behind this year’s survey are very similar to
those in previous years, but slight adjustments have been
made to our criteria. Each company was allowed to submit
three products per product category, which we then
assessed and scored against the criteria. If a company
submitted more than one product in a category we chose
the highest-scoring device for inclusion in the report. Once
the assessments were complete, companies were invited
to review them to ensure accurate product information.

Greenpeace International 7
The products submitted were assessed against
four broad groups of criteria:

• Use of hazardous chemical substances, including polyvinyl

chloride (PVC), brominated flame retardants (BFRs), antimony and its
compounds, phthalates, beryllium and its compounds and a number
of other chemicals. The use of exemptions to the EU RoHS
(Restriction of Hazardous Substances) directive4 was also taken into
account (see Annex 1).

• Power consumption of the products. Products were assessed by

comparing them with the Energy Star standards of the US
Environmental Protection Agency. The more a product exceeded the
standards, the more points were awarded. It has to be noted that,
because of new Energy Star standards, the results cannot be
compared to previous Greenpeace surveys.

• Product lifecycle including criteria such as the percentage of

recycled plastic used in the product, the length of warranty and the
availability of replacement parts after production ceases. Products
that were more upgradeable or have good product/battery price
ratios were also awarded, as were take-back programmes for
products when then are disposed of by the user.

• Innovation and marketing resulted in points awarded for

comprehensive data for the energy taken to produce a product (from
mining to shipping to retailers), the visibility of the product on
company websites as well as other special innovations and features
a product might possess.

It is very important to recognise that a number of the criteria are specific

to the product categories and that it is not possible to compare
products across different categories. The exception to this is the
chemical section, which does allows for comparison between the
product categories as the scoring methodology is the same for them
all, and also allows for comparison across the three surveys as the
scoring has remained unchanged throughout.

4 In the EU, from July 2006, six substances are banned or restricted in products under the RoHS (Restriction of
Hazardous Substances) Directive. Eleven exemptions are allowed for some specifically listed applications.

8 Greenpeace International
Products submitted by each company:

Notebooks Desktops Netbooks Smartphones Mobile Monitors TVs Total


Acer    3

Asus     4

Dell      5

Fujitsu   2

HCL  1

HP (incl. Palm)      5

Lenovo  1

LG Electronics  1

Motorola  1

Nokia   2

Panasonic   2

RIM  1

Samsung       6

Sharp  1

Sony   2

Sony Ericsson   2

Toshiba  1

Wipro   2

Total 10 5 5 6 5 7 4 42

Greenpeace International 9
Main findings
In our assessment of the products
submitted we found a general improvement
in green features compared to the previous
two surveys in 2008 and 2009.
There are three main findings:
Significant reductions in the use of hazardous
chemicals. More products than ever before are PVC-free
and BFR-free. The use of phthalates, as well as beryllium
and antimony and their associated compounds, are being
eliminated in every product category. Although the
previous survey showed that the use of RoHS exemptions
could be drastically reduced, we have yet to see this
progress in the industry.
Exceeding energy efficiency standards. Almost all
products meet or exceed the current Energy Star
standards established by the US EPA. Electronics
companies seem to put much more effort in improving the
energy efficiency of their products rather than assessing
thoroughly (and reducing) the ‘embedded energy’ – that
is, the energy spent during the production of each
Product lifecycle responsibility must improve.
Lifecycle management is still the weakest point of
electronic products, with very little use of recycled plastic,
a variety of take-back practices (generally improving) and
little marketing efforts to prevent fast obsolescence of
We did find that companies are becoming more
transparent in the amount and type of product information
they provide to customers, often listing product’s
chemical make-up and performance details.

Greenpeace International 11
Summary of results
Desktop computers Rank Model Points
The clear winner in this category is the PVC and BFR-free Hewlett
Packard 6005 Pro. HP regains the top spot after dropping to fourth 1 HP Compaq 6005 Pro Ultra-slim 6.06
place in the second survey. Fujitsu’s Esprimo 9900 follows in second
place, less than half a point behind the winner. Very close behind are 2 Fujitsu Esprimo E9900 5.65
the Dell Optiplex 980 and the CS6110 by Asus, a new entrant to the
survey. In fifth place is another first-time participant, the Indian 3 Dell Optiplex 980 5.41
company Wipro, which has also produced a PVC and BFR-free model.
4 Asus CS6110 5.37
This is the first time that PVC and BFR-free models have been
submitted to the survey, clearly showing the progress that has been
5 Wipro WSG59755W7 5.02
made in the management of hazardous chemicals by participating
companies. Possible product 8.23
Note that the ‘possible product’ is a fictional product that combined
the best features of all submitted products within each category. Its
overall score has been calculated using the best score in each criterion.

Notebook computers Rank Model Points

This time around, a large number of notebooks have been submitted to
the survey. The UL30A, which was submitted by first-time participant 1 Asus UL30A 5.59
Asus, takes the first place. The Panasonic CF-9K and the Samsung
NP-SF410 follow in second and third place. Toshiba, whose product 2 Panasonic CF-F9KWHZZPM 4.72
won the category in the previous survey, provides the fourth best
notebook. 3 Samsung NP-SF410 4.67

While no completely PVC or BFR-free products were submitted by the 4 Toshiba Portege R700 4.65
participating companies, the newly-released Apple MacBook Pro is
entirely free of these chemicals. Unfortunately, Apple did not wish to 5 Dell Latitude Z 4.47
participate in this survey. Therefore, due to the lack of information
provided by the company, the product could not be ranked against all 6 HP EliteBook 2540p 4.41
criteria, and has therefore not been included in the table below (its
7 Sony VPCS12V9E/B 4.28
score details are available in Annex 2 Table 2). Had Apple provided all
the data that was required, its notebook would have probably been a
8 HCL Series 54 4.04
real challenge to the Asus model.
9 Acer TravelMate 8572 4.03

10 Wipro WNB7PAC3700K 3.51

Possible product 8.39

Greenpeace International 13
Netbook computers Rank Model Points
The scores in the newly-added netbook category have generally been
disappointingly low, with only one product scoring more than 5 points. 1 Acer TM8172 5.08
A ’possible product‘ combining the best features of all the netbooks
assessed could claim a much better score, showing that a significant 2 Asus 1015PED 4.83
improvement is technically within reach.
3 Samsung NP-N230 4.58
The category winner is the Acer TM8172, followed by the Asus
1015PED and the Samsung NP-230. 4 HP Mini 5103 3.84

5 Dell Latitude 2110 3.70

Possible product 6.63

Monitors Rank Model Points

The monitor category has a clear winner with the Asus VW 247H-HF,
making Asus the only company to win in two categories. In second 1 Asus VW-247H-HF 7.50
place is Dell’s PVC and BFR-free G2410H, which is a strong
improvement over Dell’s fifth-placed model in 2009. Lenovo, the 2 Dell G2410H 7.06
company whose product won this category in the previous survey,
achieved a good third place with the ThinkVision L2251x. While last 3 Lenovo ThinkVision L2251x 7.04
time around only one of the assessed monitors was free of PVC and
4 HP Compaq LE19f 6.54
BFRs, this time five of the seven products that made it into the final
ranking were free of these chemicals. All but one product scored more
5 Fujitsu P23T-6 IPS 6.00
than 5 points and the scores of the top three products are also
relatively close to the ’possible product’. 6 Acer C233HL 5.38

7 Samsung PX2370 4.38

Possible product 8.60

Mobile phones Rank Model Points

This year’s mobile phone line-up was dominated by Samsung’s Blue
Earth, which scored particularly well in the energy efficiency category. 1 Samsung GT-S7550(Blue Earth) 7.03
The Sony Ericsson Elm J10i made it to second place due to its strong
performance in the chemicals section, and the LG Electronics GD510 2 Sony Ericsson Elm J10i 6.59
was not far behind in third place. In the chemicals category all the
products submitted are PVC and BFR-free, while in 2009 only the 3 LG Electronics GD510 6.16
winning Samsung product achieved this.
4 Nokia X3-02 5.42

5 Motorola A45 Eco 4.68

Possible product 8.18

14 Greenpeace International
Televisions Rank Model Points
Sharp once again provided the strongest television model in the survey.
Its LC-52SE1 model was far superior when it came to the chemicals 1 Sharp LC-52SE1 6.46
criteria, and also won the energy section by a large margin. The
Panasonic and Sony models were very close together but well behind 2 Panasonic TC-42LD24 5.18
the winner. Samsung did not repeat its good placing from the mobile
and smartphone categories in this category due to its continued use of 3 Sony KDL-32EX710 5.07
PVC and BFRs in the UE46C6000 television, although it performed well
4 Samsung UE46C6000 4.43
in the lifecycle section.

Philips did not wish to participate in the survey. However, the Philips Possible product 7.68
Econova 42 is the only PVC and BFR-free product in this category, and
the first-ever available on the market. Due to lack of information
provided by the company, the product could not be ranked against all
criteria, and has therefore not been included in the table below ( its
score details are available in Annex 2 Table 7). Had Philips provided all
the data that was required, the Econova would have stood a good
chance to achieve a top placing.

Smartphones Rank Model Points

Sony Ericsson improved on its second place in the mobile phone
category by taking the top spot for its Aspen smartphone, which led 1 Sony Ericsson Aspen (M1i) 6.21
both the chemicals and lifecycle sections. Nokia, which had the
winning product for this category in 2009, was the only other 2 Nokia N8-00 5.70
manufacturer that achieved well over five points with its N8-00. This
was also the product with the most energy-efficient charger. The 3 Samsung GT-S8500(Wave) 4.83
Samsung Wave and the HP Palm Pixi Plus both scored significantly
4 HP Palm Pixi Plus 4.71
fewer points but still notably more than the Blackberry Pearl and the
Dell Aero.
5 Blackberry Pearl 3G - 9100/9105 3.40

6 Dell Aero 3.19

Possible product 7.92

Greenpeace International 15
Although it is not possible to make direct Depending of the product category, the best scoring
comparison between the scores awarded in product represents between 67% (notebooks) and 87%
the two previous surveys with this one, as the (monitors) of the points achievable by a ’possible product‘
of the same category. This means that the best scoring
scoring methodology changed significantly, it notebook includes fewer of all the available green features
is obvious that enormous progress has been for notebooks, while the best scoring monitor has less to
achieved by the industry as a whole since our learn from its competitors. The latter situation is similar for
last report at CES 2009. the best TV (84%) and mobile phone (86%). The best
scoring netbook, smartphone and desktop computer are
For monitors already performing well last year, it is worth
around 75% of their respective ’possible products‘ scores.
noting that five out of seven scored at least 6 points
When looking at the lowest scoring products from the
including three above 7 points. Three out of five mobile
current survey, for most categories they embody around 50
phones scored over 6 points, with one above 7 points. The
to 60% of their respective ’possible products‘ scores, with
three remaining categories show room for improvement.
the noticeable exceptions of the lowest scoring notebook
Only one notebook out of ten, and one netbook out of five,
and smartphone both around 40% only – a clear appeal for
score above 5 points, Smartphones/PDAs are not
the producers of those products to keep up with the green
improving as quickly as their mobile phone cousins, with
race or run the risk of getting left behind.
only three out of six scoring more than 5 points.
For all product categories except notebooks, a greater
dispersion of scores within categories is noticeable
compared to the previous survey. This means that, within
any one product category, manufacturers have a wider
range of achievements; competition leads to a collective
improvement but at various paces. For each category, we
scored a ’possible product‘, - a fictional product combining
all the best features of the assessed products. In all cases,
with the exception of netbooks, the ’possible product‘ had
high scores above 7 or even 8 points.

Greenpeace International 17
Eliminating hazardous substances or decrease in the number of exemptions used can be found. Although
our two previous surveys identified that the use of exemptions could
Although Greenpeace has previously served several penalty points in
potentially be reduced to only two or three for all product categories,
the Guide for Greener Electronics for companies backtracking on their
there seems to have been no significant effort made by any one brand
commitments to eliminate PVC and BFRs, there is a clear shift on this
or by the industry as a whole in working towards overcoming the need
issue within the industry. The use of PVC and BFRs is on its way out, as
to make use of RoHS exemptions. While RoHS exemptions should be
is shown by the performances in this area of the survey.
viewed as temporary loopholes giving the industry sufficient time to find
All mobile phones in the survey are PVC-free - only 80% were in 2008. solutions to comply with the regulation, it appears that they are instead
So, too, are four smartphones out of six (50% in 2008), five monitors regarded as acceptable elements of product design.
out of seven (one out of seven in 2008), two TVs out of five (none in
Other positive steps taken in the field of chemicals include the
2008) and two desktops out of five (none in 2008). Although none of
elimination of arsenic in screen glass and a reduction in mercury due to
the submitted notebooks and netbooks was totally PVC-free, seven
the increasing use of LED displays. These steps were already identified
notebooks and two netbooks have only one part left to clean up; the
in the last survey but - disappointingly - haven’t yet become common
power supply components. As Apple’s MacBook managed to eliminate
practice in all the relevant product categories.
these last uses of PVC and become the first 100% PVC-free notebook
computer, there is no longer a technical hurdle for the rest of the
industry to overcome. Energy Star standards
With the strengthening of new Energy Star standards and significant
For BFRs, overall performance is a little behind that for PVC. Products
change in the scoring methodology in this latest survey, a direct
that are 100% BFR-free include all of the submitted mobile phones, five
comparison of scores between all three product surveys to date is not
monitors out of seven (one out of seven in 2008), two desktops out of
five (none in 2008 - and, interestingly, these are the same products
which are 100% PVC-free as well), three smartphones out of six (none In this survey, the vast majority of products match or exceed the
in 2008), one TV out of five (none in 2008), thanks to the addition of respective Energy Star standards. For desktops, monitors, mobile
Philips’ Econova (also PVC-free) and two notebooks out of eleven phones and TVs, the ’possible product‘ could get the maximum score
(none in 2008). For notebooks, it is worth noticing that this was of 30 points in the energy section. The best-scoring product in each
achieved by Apple’s MacBook again but also by Wipro, an Indian category is also very close to the score of its respective ’possible
brand. The rest of the notebooks are lagging behind in this respect, product‘, in particular for desktops, mobile phones, TVs and netbooks.
with only Acer having just one part left to clean up (oddly, the housing, On the contrary, the laggards in each category scored far worse,
so not a difficult task). No netbook was 100% BFR-free, but two out of despite being technically capable of much better, particularly in the
five also have only one remaining part containing BFRs. notebooks (29% of the points obtainable by a ’possible‘ notebook),
mobile phones (17%) and smartphones (13%)
Despite the progress made on eliminating PVC and BFRs, other toxic
chemicals are still present in many electronic products. Beryllium and There seems to be a shared recognition in the industry of the need to
its compounds and phthalates have mostly been eliminated in mobile provide consumers with information on energy features, power-saving
phones, smartphones and monitors, although for other product and the links to climate change from the product’s use. Although not
categories, their elimination is still the exception. The elimination of strictly similar in its items, our methodology to score this across the
antimony and its compounds is not as pronounced, and its use can be seven product categories allows comparison between their respective
found across all product categories. performances. The average level of information is clearly highest for the
mobile phone category (average of 5.5 points out of 6 allocated to this
The RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) Directive is a key
issue); it is followed by TVs (4.3) and smartphones (4.25) while other
European directive that is helping to eliminate toxic chemicals from
categories stand between 3.4 and 3.8 points. Yet for all categories
consumer electronic products, including certain toxic metals and
except mobile phones and netbooks there was a great dispersion of
certain BFRs..Some temporary exemptions allow the use of RoHS
scores, showing again a wide range of achievement between 3 and 6
regulated substances for specific uses where substitution is not
points. Mobiles phones were all between 5 and 6 points while
currently possible. There is no firm trend observable regarding the use
netbooks were packed between 2 and 4 points.
of RoHS exemptions by the producers of the products assessed in this
survey. Generally, brands seem to repeat their performance in the last
survey for the same product line although sometimes a slight increase

18 Greenpeace International
Lifecycle management Energy during production
The use of post-consumer recycled plastic is not yet standard practice Companies must track and disclose the amount of energy used during
for notebook and netbook computers and smartphones. This holds production of electronic devices. Although more companies are
true for even post-industrial recycled plastic. No firm trend can be set investing in this area, it is still largely insufficient. Improvements needed
for TVs, which looked promising last year. Three product categories are include expanding the data collected to include all steps of production
clearly leading the way on this matter: monitors, desktop computers from supply chain to post-assembly shipping of products. Figures must
and mobile phones. Efforts were already acknowledged for monitors in also be product-specific and the disclosure of information must be
the previous survey; they are new for the two other categories and more complete. Only three companies have a more advanced
seem to focus on post-consumer recycled plastic, which we applaud. collection of data; Apple, and to a lesser extent, Motorola and Nokia.
In the mobile phone category, Sony Ericsson even reaches the top
score of 7 points, which rewards a product containing at least 50% of Visibility
post-industrial recycled plastic per weight of plastic; its Elm phone
The prominence of these greener products on the respective websites
beats this bar by 10%.
of their manufacturers has improved for all categories except for TVs,
The minimum warranties offered across the industry never go beyond which scored the best in the last edition. There is room for
three years, a standard shared by all desktops submitted this year and improvement in showcasing these greener products and to ensure that
a majority of computer monitors. It is of huge concern that the majority greener products are not just useful talking points for green marketing
of notebooks, netbooks and TVs do not offer more than a one-year campaigns, but part of the company’s standard operating practice.
contract, lining up with both phone categories in this respect. Among
the latter, it is also disappointing to see Nokia step back from the two-
year warranty offers acknowledged in the previous survey.

The availability of replacement parts allows all product categories, with

the exception of phones, to improve their scores in this lifecycle set of
criteria. For phones, the reduced availability over time is certainly linked
to the short lifespan of these mobile devices and to their scheme of
technical evolution.

Greenpeace International 19
The way forward
The present survey showcases some of the Beryllium and antimony compounds: go ask Asus! Phthalates,
beryllium compounds and antimony compounds as groups are being
greenest products available on the market in the
addressed in all product categories. Asus is the only manufacturer
second half of 2010. offering elimination of both beryllium and antimony compounds over
Greenpeace’s product survey highlights important four different product categories (all types of computers and monitors).
information for consumers and electronic manufacturers Other manufacturers have something to learn from Asus. More
widespread initiatives on mercury-free displays and arsenic-free glass
alike. By reviewing all three product surveys, consumers are
should also be adopted by all relevant players.
able to witness the progress made by the IT industry over
the past three years and therefore the type of progress they Go beyond RoHS exemptions. In order to level the playing field,
should expect and demand in the future. This is a highly lawmakers should close down the exemption path wherever the
competitive industry and Greenpeace’s Green Electronics industry has already overcome the technical barriers to eliminate
campaign has been able to harness this competition hazardous substances. The industry would benefit from sharing best
practices to make this necessary shift. Greenpeace has compiled a
towards achieving greater sustainability. In addition, the
long list of products offering alternatives for each of the RoHS
survey allows manufacturers themselves to better
understand what is possible by seeing how their greenest
product compares to others on the market. Lawmakers (see
must view this information as a call to level the playing field binaries/ngo-rohs-submission.pdf)
by enacting strong regulation that holds manufacturers There must also be clear deadlines for finding solutions for any
accountable for the impacts of the products they produce. remaining technical challenges. Best practice sharing forums such as
Here we set out a number of considerations for these INEMI5 should be proactive in addressing exemptions where technical
solutions do not exist.
stakeholders as a way forward.
Strengthen the RoHS list. RoHS currently regulates only a limited list
Design out toxic chemicals of six hazardous chemicals, while the list of products or components
Halogen-free products now! PVC and BFR-free could already that avoid the use of additional hazardous chemicals (PVC, BFRs,
become a standard for some product categories, especially phones antimony, phthalates and beryllium), as seen in this survey, continues to
and monitors. RIM, Dell and HP should seriously consider this when grow. More and more often producers and their component and
designing their next smartphones, as should Fujitsu and Samsung for material suppliers are designing new models in anticipation of these
their future monitors. For desktop computers, halogen-free is also chemicals being included in a revised RoHS Directive. It is imperative to
within reach for all willing manufacturers, as demonstrated by the strengthen the list of hazardous chemicals regulated by RoHS, so that
global giant HP and the small local Wipro. Philips and Apple have it reflects the market’s readiness to comply and levels the playing field
overcome the last technical difficulties for televisions and notebooks. for the industry leaders. It must avoid forcing innovative companies to
It is of great concern that current netbook design has not similarly roll back on their less-toxic products due to unfair competition from
progressed and manufacturers are not learning the lessons from less-innovative producer with ’cheap and dirty‘ products in the future.
notebooks to produce more environmentally-friendly products.

Greenpeace International 21
Energy efficient products, produced Sustainable product lifecycle
efficiently! Less recyclability claims, more actual recycling! As found in
Beyond Energy Star. Preventing climate change is a global priority previous surveys, there appears to be no common industry practice
and Energy Star (see Annex 1 for more details) provides a well- when calculating recyclability rates. This year, we decided not to score
recognised benchmark for energy efficiency. Our survey shows that the on recyclability as we did in the previous surveys; we noticed that the
technology exists to surpass the current standards for the devices high recyclability claims made by companies were not matching
submitted by participating companies. These standards should common recycling practices. Focussing instead on the use of post-
therefore be considered as the minimum baseline below which a consumer recycled plastic, we found a less glorious picture of what the
company should not market a product. Yet, not all companies have put industry is doing on this issue. However, a few companies have
the same efforts to provide their consumers with outstanding energy pioneered this level of action on recycling, a must in regards to saving
efficiency by exceeding Energy Star. Given the growing world energy resources and reducing embedded energy. The whole industry must
consumption related to the use of electronics, Greenpeace calls for see the use of recycled materials as a priority. Besides, in the context of
more ambitious and verified standards that are revised regularly once European WEEE revision, making recyclability fit with recycling
the industry is able to exceed them. In addition, Energy Star has been practices, manufacturers need to more clearly internalise their own
the subject of controversy in the past for lax certification as found in a waste treatment costs, ensure better communication with recyclers to
US Government Accountability Office investigation in March 20106. both improve feedback to product designers and also improve
We again urge legislators to set minimum efficiency standards, similar separation and recycling technologies and build capacity among the
to the California TV standards7 that come into effect on 11 January organisations and companies in charge of collection and recycling.
2010 and efficiency standards for appliances in the EU and US, in order Solutions to recycling these products also lie in the elimination of
to get the worst, least energy-efficient products off the market as soon hazardous substances such as BFRs that impair the ability to recycle
as possible. materials.

Energy embedded in products. There is an urgent need to work Extend the lifecycle of products. To design truly ecologically-sound
towards an industry-wide standard of lifecycle analysis that products, companies need to shift away from products designed with a
encompasses the use of energy (and natural resources) across the limited lifespan (planned obsolescence) and towards longer operating
entire chain of production – from mining, manufacture and distribution upgradeable goods, with warranty periods significantly above
to consumption and end-of-life treatment. In the meantime, companies minimum legal standards and with long-term availability of
must develop their own analysis that covers the entire product lifecycle. components. Many other initiatives could contribute towards this
Without knowing and tracking what resources and how much energy it objective, from the standardisation of peripherals and chargers to
takes to make a product, it is hard to determine how significant, allowing or offering repair services, easing and organising safe re-use of
systematic changes can be made. With respect to tackling climate second-hand products. For instance, in February 2009, 17
change, it is also essential to have a fair disclosure of total energy used manufacturers8 announced they would work collectively to produce a
during the manufacture of products – by fair, meaning that every global universal charger and in June 2009, the European Commission9
company can be judged on the same stages of production and not obtained a commitment from ten mobile phone major manufacturers to
according to where it sets its own boundaries for responsibility; once work collectively at designing an EU specific universal charger to be
the carbon footprint of the manufacturing process has been released in 2010. Refurbishment initiatives should also be promoted in
established, it is also important to consider the carbon footprint developed countries, where recycling is too focused on metal recovery
incurred by the mining of raw resources, for example. after shredding the whole device and condemning most of it to
combustion. This need for the industry to move away from ‘design for
the dump’ to ‘design to last’ is cleverly explained in The Story of Stuff
7 Project’s latest short film, The Story of Electronics10.

22 Greenpeace International
Reconsider business models. Move from products to services. The Innovations
products evaluated in this survey are physically sold to customers in a
It should be noted that the desktops included in this survey are
traditional manner. However, as already seen long ago in the
standard desktop computers and that there are new technologies
photocopier business, the leasing of products (big-size peripherals or
available that in some cases allow the use of products with significantly
others) instead of selling them is another valid way to amend business
fewer environmental impacts. For example, offices with powerful
models in the direction of dematerialisation. Moving to new, service-
servers and even homes with one standard desktop can run thin clients
based business models might enable manufacturers to design ultra-
on their networks. Thin clients draw processing power from the server
slim devices backed up by shared and efficiently used central
or another desktop and thereby reduce the need for many standalone
infrastructure, reducing today’s huge redundancies in computing and
desktops. Often, thin clients do not need to have their own
storage capacity in private ICT devices.
motherboard or memory and use less power and materials than
ordinary desktops. Lessening the environmental impact of electronic
products isn’t just about substitution; it’s about rethinking the product

In 2009, Greenpeace launched the Cool It Challenge, which calls on

leading IT companies to be champions of the fight to stop climate
change. The Climate Group's SMART 2020 report illustrates the
potential of the IT sector to direct its notoriously rapid technological
innovation toward solutions that cut emissions and improve efficiency
across the economy. IT technologies empower consumers to measure
energy use and emissions in real time, which will ultimately help
consumers reduce their energy usage. In addition, consumer
electronics products have the ability to lessen our impact on the
environment through dematerialisation, where our gadgets replace
natural resource rich products like books and newspapers by using
digital media. Without the release of practical case studies and energy
calculations that clearly show our energy savings by companies, the
increase of these products will likely only increase our environmental


Greenpeace International 23
Annex 1
Scoring methodology

Products were assessed against four sets of

criteria that include some of the most
important issues when it comes to
manufacturing green consumer electronics
products. A maximum of 100 points was
available, which was then adjusted to a score
on a 10-point scale for comparison purposes.
In addition to a number of criteria which are
applicable across all product categories,
each product category included criteria
specific to consumer use and environmental
issues of that product category,
A ’possible product‘ score, per product category, was also
created using the top-scoring answers from each criteria
question. These best practice scores demonstrate that it is
technically possible to make products that are significantly
greener than those currently on the market. While very
similar, the scoring for this survey cannot be compared
exactly to the previous scoring that took place in the
surveys published in March 2008 and January 2009. This is
due to using updated international standards in areas such
as energy efficiency, and also due to other changes in the
scoring to allow for innovations and product development.

Greenpeace International 25
Use of hazardous chemical substances PVC and BFRs
(30 out of a total of 100 that each product can achieve) Points were awarded for products free of all PVC plastics and/or free of
all BFRs. Significant progress has been made by companies to phase
out the use of PVC. In the case of some external cables, approval is still
RoHS exemptions
needed for the use of non-PVC alternatives. Five points were given for
The EU Directive on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous a PVC-free product. If the product still uses PVC, the total available
Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS) regulates points dropped from 5 to 3. Points were then deducted according to
the use in electronic products of certain critical chemicals namely lead, the number of major components still containing PVC. A similar rule
mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium and the brominated flame was applied for BFRs: 5 points for a BFR-free product, 3 points for a
retardants PBBs and PBDEs (though not other BFRs). Since all partially BFR-free product plus additional deductions per component
products are expected to follow current legislation, they were not still containing BFRs. The components included:
awarded points for merely being RoHS compliant. However, RoHS
allows products to still be in compliance if they use the restricted For PVC:
chemicals in specific listed applications, though only where substitution
• External cabling and wires
is deemed not currently possible, or the substitute would be more
• Internal cabling and wires (including ribbon cables)
harmful. Companies were asked to provide the exemptions being used
in each product. The fewer exemptions reported for a product, the • Housing
more points were awarded. • Packaging
• Plastic coated/encased electrical connectors

For BFRs:
• Laminates of printed wiring boards, including flexible circuit boards.
• Battery, including casing and components
• Housing (including for periphery equipment, e.g. transformer)
• Fan and fan housing (if applicable)
• Ribbon cables
• Electrical insulation sheets
• Plastic coated/encased electrical connectors

Phthalates, beryllium and antimony and their

These hazardous chemicals are not currently restricted under the
RoHS Directive but should still be avoided in products due to their
toxicity. Three points were awarded for each of these chemical groups
not used in the product.

For details of the environmental and human health impacts of the

chemicals mentioned here, see the Greenpeace report Toxic Tech –
The dangerous chemicals in electronic products, available at:
Some product categories such as mobile phones score generally
higher than others. This is partly explained by the higher complexity
and greater number of parts in products such as notebooks or

26 Greenpeace International
Energy use and power-saving Energy Star assessment
(30 out of a total of 100 a product can achieve) Energy Star is the energy efficiency rating of the US Environmental
Protection Agency and the US Department of Energy. This certification
Consumer electronics play a significant and growing part in an has become a globally-accepted standard and sets benchmarks for a
individual’s carbon footprint. Using energy efficient products reduces number of products. If these benchmarks are met or exceeded,
CO2 emissions and thereby the impact on the climate. Lower energy products can be labelled as Energy Star compliant. For the
products also lead to lower household energy bills. Greenpeace survey, points were awarded according to the percentage
by which devices exceeded Energy Star minimum requirements. It is
important to note that Energy Star regularly adjusts its criteria as the
overall performance of products improves. Most of the Energy Star
standards for this survey have changed compared to the previous one,
and because of this, the performance of products in this category
cannot be compared with that of the previous survey. The detailed
requirement for Energy Star qualifying products can be found on the
Energy Star website at

In desktops, notebooks and netbooks Energy Star now uses a typical

energy consumption (TEC), which is calculated through a formula for
sleep, idle and off-mode consumption. The Greenpeace survey gives
maximum points for products that exceed the Energy Star TEC
requirements by 50%. In addition, the efficiency of the external or
internal power supplies of computers is also scored. In cases where
desktops use external power supplies, the scoring methods for
external supplies for laptops has been used.

For mobile phones and smartphones points were awarded according

to the extent to which the external power supplies exceed Energy Star
in both active mode (charging) and off-mode.

New Energy Star criteria also exist for TVs and computer displays. TVs
are compared to the maximum on-mode and also the off-mode power
consumption. For monitors, on the other hand, the off-mode, average
on-mode and sleep-mode energy consumption are taken into account.

In addition to the 24 points available through the various Energy Star

standards, each product could score up to six further points via the so
called ’energy matrix‘. This consists of a number of criteria (some are
specific to the product category) that help reduce energy consumption
or help consumers make informed choices about how much energy a
product uses. The matrix includes criteria such as the existence of
online environmental datasheets that show power consumption, the
presence of calculators that compare different models by the same
company, additional power saving hardware or software and clear
communication by the companies that products with lower
consumption help reduce the impact on the climate.

Greenpeace International 27
Product lifecycle For netbooks, the battery life using Mobile Mark 07 was also taken into
account. While this test is not necessarily regarded as an indication of
(30 out of the total of 100 points a product can achieve)
the battery life under normal working conditions, it does allow for
Consumer electronics are known for their short and continuously relative comparisons between the products.
diminishing lifecycles that are increasing the burden on the
environment. A longer warranty period, designing products that can be Warranty
upgraded rather than replaced and making spare parts available long Points were awarded according to the number of years for which
after the production of the device has been discontinued all help to products are under manufacturer warranty on the global market. The
encourage consumers to keep using the products longer. Most of the longer the warranty time given by the manufacturer, the less likely it is
criteria included in this part of the survey have remained unchanged that the consumer will have to replace a device before it is outdated. In
from the previous survey. general, with the possible exception of desktop computers and
monitors, companies have again missed out on a number of points by
Upgradeability restricting the warranty to one year only.
Products were given points for the extent to which they are
upgradeable by the user, with clear directions on how to upgrade parts Availability of spare parts
being given in the user manual. For computers and notebooks, Similarly to the scoring for warranty, products were awarded points for
upgradeable parts included the system memory, the hard drive, the every year that a consumer is able to obtain spare parts for a product
graphics card (GPU), the processor (CPU) and the optical drive after production has ceased. The longer these spare parts are available
(CD/DVD). Parts that are usually replaced rather than upgraded (such the less likely it is that the consumer will dispose of a product rather
as fans in computers, for example) were not included. For netbooks, than repair it.
which are generally not using that many parts and are thus less
upgradeable, the price ratio of a replacement battery compared with Recycled plastic content
the price of product itself, as well as the battery life, have also been
Using parts from recycled plastics in consumer products is on the
taken into account.
increase and can significantly reduce the amount of new plastic
For mobile phones and PDAs, upgradeable parts included the battery produced. In this survey, points were awarded by comparing the
and memory cards. In addition, points have been allocated according weight of the recycled plastic with the overall weight of plastics used in
to the price of the battery compared with the price of the device itself. the product. In addition, preference was given to products that use a
This was done because the battery usually needs earlier replacement large amount of post-consumer recycled plastic compared to post
and expensive batteries are an incentive for the consumer to discard industrial recycled plastic. The latter is usually derived from scraps in
the product rather than to simply replace the battery. The smaller the the production of a product. The increased demand for post-consumer
percentage the battery price is of the total price of the device, the more plastic on the other hand drives the waste collection of these plastics
points awarded. via take-back practices and encourages toxic elimination in design, in
turn making plastics more easily recyclable. Additionally, recycling
Monitors are not usually upgradeable. Instead, the manufacturer’s
saves the energy embodied in materials, reducing the impacts on
replacement policy for monitors showing pixel defects have been
greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.
analysed and points have been awarded by comparing the company
policy with the ISO standard. Note that, under this standard, the Take-back
amount of acceptable defect pixels per class are also dependent on
For this survey, the take-back policies of the companies were taken
the overall number of pixels of the screen. Thus a screen with more
into account by using the points they score under this criterion in the
pixels would be allowed more defects.
16th edition of the Greenpeace Guide to Greener Electronics (referred
TVs are not upgradeable, so no points could be awarded. Instead, the to as the Green Guide in the following tables), released on 26 October
overall score for a TV’s product lifecycle criterion was adjusted by a 2010)12. The better the take-back programme, which must be cost-free
factor of 1.25 to remain consistent with a total of 30 points for this set to the consumer or last owner, the more points awarded.
of criteria.


28 Greenpeace International
Innovation and marketing Other innovation and features
Green innovations going beyond common practices were awarded
(10 out of the total of 100 points a product can achieve)
with additional points. These included, for example, arsenic-free glass,
waterborne paint, solar panels, avoiding volatile organic compounds or
Energy during production
producing products that are extremely durable.
The energy used to manufacture a product is as important to
investigate as the energy it takes to power a device during consumer In addition, a small number of companies provided us with confidential
use. Reducing energy during production plays an important role in information to back up their claims, which could also earn them
reducing the impact on natural resources and the climate. additional points point as we encourage companies to provide as
Unfortunately, there is no existing global standard that allows for much proof as possible of the claims they are making.
comparing products under this category. Therefore, points were Moreover, companies that have an independent third party verify the
awarded to products for which companies have an energy lifecycle absence of hazardous substances were also awarded.
analysis that takes into account a significant part of the production
chain of that particular product model. Activities that should be Visibility and promotion
included when calculating the energy taken to make a product include
Electronics companies spend huge amounts of money advertising and
the extraction and refining of natural resources, production of materials
promoting their products. The more visible green products are, the
(e.g. plastics), the manufacturing of parts provided by suppliers, the
more likely they are going to be purchased by consumers. To
manufacturing of parts by the brand owner, the shipping of parts to the
determine this visibility, the number of website manipulations (such as
assembly facility, the assembly itself and the distribution of the
the number of clicks or dropdown menus) required to reach the
products to importers and wholesalers. Points were awarded for each
specifications of a product was assessed. The less website navigation
of the major stages included in the assessment. However, companies
needed, the more points were awarded. The average from a number of
that only calculate the energy of the final assembly stage of production
major websites visited was used and it is possible that the sites
were not awarded any points.
accessed for this assessment have since changed.
An additional point could be earned for companies that publish the
Due to the number of factors taken into account in this section the
greenhouse gas emissions of their entire supply chain either in their
detailed results have not been displayed in the detailed scoring sheets
own publication or through the Carbon Disclosure Project.

Greenpeace International 29

Greenpeace International
Detailed scores

Greenpeace International 31
HP Compaq Fujitsu Esprimo Dell Asus Wipro
6005 Pro E9900 Optiplex 980 CS6110 WSG59755W7

Criteria MaxPoints Results Points Results Points Results Points Results Points Results Points


Market Global Europe Global Asia India

Totally PVC-free 5 YES 5.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 YES 5.0

PVC-containing parts 3 n/a n/a 3 1.8 2 2.4 3 1.8 n/a n/a

Totally BFR-free 5 YES 5.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 YES 5.0

BFR-containing parts 3 n/a n/a 3 1.8 3 1.8 4 1.2 n/a n/a

Antimony-free 3 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 YES 3.0 NO 0.0

Phthalate-free 3 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0

Beryllium-free 3 NO 0.0 YES 3.0 NO 0.0 YES 3.0 NO 0.0

RoHS exemptions used 11 3 8.0 7 4.0 6 5.0 3 8.0 6 5.0

Subtotal 30 18.0 10.6 9.2 17.0 15.0

Energy use

n/a Energy Star category n/a B n/a B n/a D n/a C n/a B n/a

Off-mode energy use (Watts) n/a 1.0 n/a 1.2 n/a 1.9 n/a 0.6 n/a 0.8 n/a

Sleep-mode energy use (Watts) n/a 3.1 n/a 2.0 n/a 3.0 n/a 1.9 n/a 1.7 n/a

Idle-mode energy use (Watts) n/a 23.0 n/a 31.0 n/a 57.7 n/a 28.4 n/a 37.4 n/a

ETEC better than Energy Star (%) 16 61.48% 16.0 49.42% 15.8 33.24% 10.6 62.39% 16.0 40.58% 13.0

Efficiency at 50% better than

Energy Star (%pts) 4 0.0 %* 0.0 4.0 % 3.0 5.0 % 4.0 1.5 %* 2.0 0.0 % 0.0

Efficiency at 20% better than Energy

Star (%pts) 4 0.18W* 2.0 4.0 % 3.0 5.0 % 4.0 0.31W* 3.0 0.0 % 0.0

Greenpeace energy matrix 6 n/a 4.0 n/a 6.0 n/a 4.0 n/a 3.0 n/a 2.0

Subtotal 30 22.0 27.8 22.6 24.0 15.0


Manufacturer warranty (yrs) 7 3 5.0 3 5.0 3 5.0 3 5.0 3 5.0

Replacement parts available (yrs) 7 5 5.0 5 5.0 5 5.0 3 3.0 5 5.0

Take-back programme 3 Green 1.0 Green 1.0 Green 2.0 Green 0.0 Green 3.0
Guide Guide Guide Guide Guide

Recycled plastic weight (% ) 7 5.80% n/a 0% n/a 25% n/a 10% n/a 25% n/a

Post-consumer/Post-industrial (%) 100/0 1.0 0/0 0.0 100/0 2.5** 0/100 2.0 93/7 5.0

Upgradeable parts 6 4 4.8 4 4.8 5 6 0*** 0 0*** 0

Subtotal 30 16.8 15.8 20.5 10.0 18.0


Energy during production 4 n/a 1.0 n/a 0.5 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.5 n/a 0.0

Other innovations and features 3 n/a 0.5 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 1.0 n/a 0.0

Visibility 3 n/a 2.3 n/a 1.8 n/a 1.8 n/a 1.2 n/a 2.3

Subtotal 10 3.8 2.3 1.8 2.7 2.3

Total adjusted 10 6.06 5.65 5.41 5.37 5.02

32 Greenpeace International
Possible Desktop
Desktops Notebooks (overleaf p30)
The submissions in the desktop category were all The notebook category was very crowded this year, with
relatively close together. submissions from ten different companies. The clear winner
Results Points in this category is the UL30A by Asus, a company that in
The desktop category was led by HP, with its 6005
previous years has chosen not to take part in this survey.
Ultraslim desktop, which scored highest particularly in the
This product scored particularly well in the energy section
Global chemicals section. The HP product was the only one that
and was only beaten by a very small margin in the
YES 5.0
achieved more than 6 points. It is followed by the Fujitsu
chemicals section by Indian company HCL. However, with
Esprimo, which scored particularly well in the energy
n/a n/a 5.59 points the product is well behind the 8.39 points that
category but lost crucial points to HP in the management
should now be technically possible when combining the top
YES 5.0 of chemicals.
scores for all areas into one product.
n/a n/a In third place is the Dell Optiplex 980. It does very well in
The field behind Asus is very tight, with the next six
YES 3.0 the lifecycle category but lags behind in the elimination of
notebooks within a range of less than 0.5 points. They
hazardous chemicals and to a lesser extent in the energy
NO 0.0 included the notebooks by Panasonic, Samsung, Toshiba,
category. Dell’s product could have scored even higher if
Dell, HP and Sony.
YES 3.0 the company did not provide recycled plastic only in those
3 8.0
models that are purchased in what the company is calling HCL, Acer and Wipro make up the bottom of the list.
an ’EcoKit‘, excluding this important feature from all
24.0 Panasonic with its CF-F9 model, which is in second place,
desktops and all Dell costumers.
has scored extra points for making an extremely rugged
Asus submitted a desktop that only just missed out on product, while third-placed Samsung NP-SF410 scored
n/a n/a third place but was held down by providing replacement very well in the area of energy efficiency.
n/a n/a parts for only three years after the production of the
Apple is a company that has continually declined to take
product ceases.
n/a n/a part in this survey. This is a pity, since its MacBook Pro
While the desktop submitted by Indian company Wipro MC374 would actually score quite well (especially being the
n/a n/a
lagged a little behind, it still received over 5 points, and only product that is PVC and BFR-free), even when only the
62.39% 16.0 together with the HP product is the only desktop that is data that could be found from public sources is included.
PVC and BFR-free. None of the desktops in previous Had Apple provided all the data that was required, its
5.0 % 4.0 surveys were PVC or BFR-free. The Wipro product also notebook would have probably been a real challenge to the
scored highest in regards to the use of recycled plastic. Asus model.

5.0 % 4.0 When combining the features of all the products that have Attention should also be drawn to the fact that Asus,
been assessed in this survey it would now be possible to Toshiba and Apple have all implemented lifecycle analysis
n/a 6.0
produce a desktop that achieves 8.23 points. tools that allow them to calculate the energy spent for each
30.0 model, from the mining of resources all the way to the
*These desktops use external power supplies. The
assembly and shipping of the product. A number of models
calculations for the notebook external power supplies
such as the Toshiba, Dell and Apple products also received
3 5.0 have been applied.
points for using arsenic-free display glass.
5 5.0 **Only half the points were given since recycled plastic is
* Apple did not take part in this survey and entries in red
Green 3.0 only used in the models with the optional ’Ecokit’
mark those where there is some uncertainty as to the
Guide ***Wipro and Asus do not provide consumers with accuracy of the information found or where no information
25% n/a instruction on upgrading for this product. Therefore no could be found at all.
points were given even though the product could be
100/0 5.0 **Wipro does not provide consumers with instruction on
5 6 upgrading but encourages them to use Wipro service
centres. Therefore no points were given even though the
product could be upgraded.

n/a 1.0

n/a 1.0

n/a 2.3



Greenpeace International 33
Asus VW Panasonic CF- Samsung NP- Toshiba Portege
Asus UL30A Dell Latitude Z
247-HF F9KWHZZPM SF410 R700

Criteria Points Results Points Results Points Results Points Results Points Results Points


Market Europe/NA/ North Global Global Global

Asia/Pac America

Totally PVC-free 5 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0

PVC-containing parts 3 3 1.8 1 3.0 2 2.4 1 3.0 2 2.4

Totally BFR-free 5 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0

BFR-containing parts 3 4 1.2 5 0.6 4 1.2 5 0.6 2 2.4

Antimony-free 3 YES 3.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0

Phthalate-free 3 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0

Beryllium-free 3 YES 3.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 YES 3.0 NO 0.0

RoHS exemptions used 11 3 8.0 3 8.0 4 7.0 3 8.0 6 5.0

Subtotal 30 17.0 11.6 10.6 14.6 9.8

Energy use

Energy Star category n/a A n/a A n/a B n/a A n/a A n/a

Off-mode energy use (Watts) n/a 0.42 n/a 0.58 n/a 0.49 n/a 0.23 n/a 0.98 n/a

Sleep-mode energy use (Watts) n/a 1.26 n/a 1.01 n/a 0.95 n/a 0.88 n/a 1.91 n/a

Idle-mode energy use (Watts) n/a 4.96 n/a 9.75 n/a 8.47 n/a 9.2 n/a 8.6 n/a

ETEC better than Energy Star (%) 16 59.12% 16.0 26.11% 8.4 54.17% 16.0 37.12% 11.9 31.57% 10.1

EPS active-mode better than Energy

Star (% pts) 4 2.6 % 2.0 1.8 % 2.0 1.05% 1.0 0.7 % 1.0 1.0 % 1.0

EPS no-load better than Energy Star

(Watts) 4 0.07 1.0 0.25 3.0 0.29 3.0 0.31 3.0 0.07 1.0

Greenpeace energy matrix 6 n/a 5.0 i n/a 3.0 n/a 2.0 n/a 4.0 n/a 4.0

Subtotal 30 24.0 16.4 22.0 19.9 16.1


Manufacturer warranty (yrs) 7 2 3.0 3 5.0 1 1.0 1 1.0 3 5.0

Replacement parts available (yrs) 7 5 5.0 7 7.0 4 4.0 5 5.0 5 5.0

Take-back programme 3 Green 0.0 Green 2.0 Green 1.0 Green 1.0 Green 2.0
Guide Guide Guide Guide Guide

Recycled plastic weight (% of total) 7 0.0% n/a 0.0% n/a 15.0% n/a 0.1% n/a 0.0% n/a

Post-consumer/Post-industrial 0/0 0.0 0/0 0.0 0/100 2.0 100/0 0.0 0/0 0.0

Upgradeable parts 6 2 2.4 1 1.2 3 3.6 1 1.2 3 3.6

Subtotal 23 10.4 15.2 11.6 8.2 15.6


Energy during production 4 n/a 1.5 n/a 1.5 n/a 0.0 n/a 2 n/a 1.0

Other innovations and features 3 n/a 1.5 n/a 1.0 n/a 1.0 n/a 0.5 n/a 0.5

Visibility 3 n/a 1.5 n/a 1.5 n/a 1.5 n/a 1.4 n/a 1.7

Subtotal 10 4.5 4.0 2.5 3.9 3.2

Total adjusted 10 5.59 4.72 4.67 4.65 4.47

34 Greenpeace International
HP EliteBook Sony Acer TravelMate Wipro Apple MacBook Possible
HCL Series 54
2540p VPCS12V9E/B 8572 WNB7PAC3700K Pro MC374* Notebook

Results Points Results Points Results Points Results Points Results Points Results Points Results Points

Global Europe India Global Global Global Global

NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 YES 5.0 YES 5.0

1 3.0 1 3.0 1 3.0 1 3.0 1 3.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a

NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 YES 5.0 YES 5.0 YES 5.0

2 2.4 3 1.8 3 1.8 1 3.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a

NO 0.0 NO 0.0 YES 3.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 n/a n/a YES 3.0

NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 n/a n/a NO 0.0

NO 0.0 NO 0.0 YES 3.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 n/a n/a YES 3.0

4 7.0 4 7.0 4 7.0 7 4.0 6 5.0 n/a n/a 3 8.0

12.4 11.8 17.8 10.0 13.0 10.0 24.0

3 n/a B n/a A n/a A n/a A n/a A n/a n/a n/a

0.84 n/a 0.90 n/a 0.41 n/a 0.62 n/a 0.37 n/a 0.37 n/a n/a n/a

1.143 n/a 1.44 n/a 1.13 n/a 1.19 n/a 0.64 n/a 1.30 n/a n/a n/a

11.49 n/a 12.75 n/a 12.26 n/a 8.87 n/a 11.50 n/a 6.80 n/a n/a n/a

10.98% 3.5 26.58% 8.5 11.59% 3.7 30.97 9.9 18.18% 5.8 47.62% 15.2 59.12% 16.0

0% 0.0 2.9 % 2.0 0.0 % 0.0 3.7 % 3.0 0.1 % 1.0 0.7 % 1.0 3.7 % 3.0

0.26 3.0 0.19 2.0 0.36 4.0 0.38 4.0 0 0.0 0.26 3.0 0.38 4.0

n/a 5.5 internal 3.5 n/a 2.5 n/a 3.0 n/a 1.5 n/a 3.5 n/a 5.5

12.0 16.0 10.2 19.9 8.3 22.7 28.5

3 5.0 2 3.0 1 1.0 1 1.0 1 1.0 1 1.0 3 5.0

5 5.0 6 6.0 4 4.0 3 3.0 3 3.0 n/a n/a 7 7.0

Green 1.0 Green 0.0 Green 3.0 Green 0.0 Green 3.0 Green 2.0 Green 3.0
Guide Guide Guide Guide Guide Guide Guide

10.8% n/a 1.1% n/a 0.0% n/a 0.0% n/a 25.0% n/a 0.0% n/a 25.0% n/a

100/0 3.0 0/100 0.0 0/0 0.0 0/0 0.0 93/7 5.0 0/0 0.0 93/7 5.0

2 2.4 1 1.2 2 2.4 3 3.6 0** 0 2 2.4 3 3.6

16.4 10.2 10.4 7.6 12.0 5.4 23.6

n/a 1 n/a 2.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0 n/a 0.0 n/a 4.0 n/a 4.0

n/a 0.0 n/a 1.0 n/a 0.5 n/a 1.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.5 n/a 1.5

n/a 2.3 n/a 1.8 n/a 1.5 n/a 1.8 n/a 1.8 n/a 1.8 n/a 2.3

3.3 4.8 2.0 2.8 1.8 6.3 7.8

4.41 4.28 4.04 4.03 3.51 4.44 8.39

Greenpeace International 35
Asus VW Samsung
Acer TM8172 Asus1015PED HP Mini 5103 ES Dell Latitude 2110
247-HF NP-N230

Criteria Points Results Points Results Points Results Points Results Points Results Points


Market Global Global Global Global Global

Totally PVC-free 5 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0

PVC-containing parts 3 1 3.0 3 1.8 2 2.4 1 3.0 2 2.4

Totally BFR-free 5 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0

BFR-containing parts 3 1 3.0 4 1.2 4 1.2 1 3.0 3 1.8

Antimony-free 3 NO 0.0 YES 3.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0

Phthalate-free 3 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0

Beryllium-free 3 NO 0.0 YES 3.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0

RoHS exemptions used 11 3 8.0 3 8.0 4 7.0 4 7.0 6 5.0

Subtotal 30 14.0 17.0 10.6 13.0 9.2

Energy use

Energy Star category n/a A n/a A n/a A n/a A n/a A n/a

Off-mode energy use (Watts) n/a 0.54 n/a 0.51 n/a 0.47 n/a 0.86 n/a 0.9 n/a

Sleep-mode energy use (Watts) n/a 0.63 n/a 0.838 n/a 0.7 n/a 1.00 n/a 1.07 n/a

Idle-mode energy use (Watts) n/a 6.18 n/a 9.27 n/a 7.07 n/a 9.34 n/a 9.8 n/a

ETEC better than Energy Star (%) 16 50.92% 16.0 30.56% 9.8 45.84% 14.7 25.15% 8.1 24.47% 7.8

EPS active mode better than

Energy Star (% pts) 4 3.0 % 3.0 2.4 % 2.0 2.0% 2.0 0.0 % 0.0 0.0 % 0.0

EPS better than Energy Star (Watts) 4 0.21 3.0 0.07 1.0 0.1 2.0 10.00% 2.0 0.21 3.0

Greenpeace energy matrix 6 n/a 3.0 n/a 4.0 n/a 2.0 n/a 4.0 n/a 4.0

Subtotal 30 25.0 16.8 20.7 14.1 14.8


Manufacturer warranty (yrs) 7 1 1.0 1 1.0 1 1.0 1 1.0 1 1.0

Replacement parts available (yrs) 7 3 3.0 5 5.0 4 4.0 5 5.0 5 5.0

Take-back programme 3 Green 0.0 Green 0.0 Green 1.0 Green 1.0 Green 2.0
Guide Guide Guide Guide Guide

Recycled plastic weight % n/a 0% n/a 0% n/a 15% n/a 0% n/a 0% n/a

Post-consumer/Post-industrial 7 0/0 0.0 0/0 0.0 0/100 2.0 0/0 0.0 0/0 0.0

Upgradeable parts 1 Batt Mem 1.0 Batt Mem 1.0 Batt Mem 1.0 Batt Mem 1.0 Batt Mem 1.0

Battery/product price ratio 2.5 10% 2.0 23% 0.5 23% 0.5 28% 0.0 25% 0.5

Battery life 2.5 8 hrs 1.5 10hr 45min 2.5 11 hrs 2.5 10.15 hrs 2.5 4hrs 54min 0.0

Subtotal 30 8.5 10.0 12.0 8.0 9.5


Energy during production 4 n/a 0.0 n/a 1.5 n/a 0.0 n/a 1.0 n/a 1.0

Other innovations and features 3 n/a 1.5 n/a 1.5 n/a 1.0 n/a 0.5 n/a 1.0

Visibility 3 n/a 1.8 n/a 1.5 n/a 1.5 n/a 1.8 n/a 1.5

Subtotal 10 3.3 4.5 2.5 3.3 3.5

Total adjusted 10.00 5.08 4.83 4.58 3.84 3.70

36 Greenpeace International
Possible Netbook
This is the first time that netbooks were included in the Greenpeace electronics
survey. Overall, the results in the netbook category were somewhat
Results Points disappointing, partly since no company submitted a product that was either PVC
or BFR free. The Acer TM8172 achieved the highest score of all products in this
category with a total of 5.08 points. This is mainly due to the high scores in the
energy efficiency section, where it is far ahead of the other contenders.
NO 0.0
In regards to chemicals, the Asus 1015PED which, according to the company is
1 3.0 free of antimony and beryllium, scored the highest and as a result gained second
NO 0.0 place. Asus once again scored points for its Lifecycle Analysis tool specific to this
product. Not far behind is the Samsung model which is the only product
1 3.0
submitted that uses recycled plastics. The HP Mini and the Dell Latitude 2110
YES 3.0 are the bottom of the field, reaching just over half of the points that are technically
NO 0.0 possible in this survey when combining the best scores of all the product
YES 3.0

3 8.0
Some additional points were awarded, for example for the user replaceable hard
drive of the HP Mini and the free-fall hard drive protection of the Dell model.

n/a n/a

n/a n/a

n/a n/a

n/a n/a

50.92% 16.0

3.0 % 3.0

n/a 3.0

n/a 4.0


1 1.0

5 5.0

Green 2.0
Batt Mem
11 hrs

n/a 1.5

n/a 1.5

n/a 1.8



Greenpeace International 37
Asus VW Lenovo
Asus HP Compaq Fujitsu
Dell G2410H ThinkVision
247-HF LE19f P23T-6 IPS
Criteria Points Results Points Results Points Results Points Results Points Results Points


Market Global Global Global NA/SA/ Europe


Totally PVC-free 5 YES 5.0 YES 5.0 YES 5.0 YES 5.0 NO 0.0

PVC-containing parts 3 0 n/a 0 n/a 0 n/a 0 n/a 3 1.8

Totally BFR-free 5 YES 5.0 YES 5.0 YES 5.0 YES 5.0 NO 0.0

BFR-containing parts 3 0 n/a 0 n/a 0 n/a 0 n/a 3 1.8

Antimony-free 3 YES 3.0 NO 0.0 YES 3.0 NO 0.0 YES 3.0

Phthalate-free 3 YES 3.0 YES 3.0 YES 3.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0

Beryllium-free 3 YES 3.0 YES 3.0 YES 3.0 NO 0.0 YES 3.0

RoHS exemptions used 11 2 9.0 4 7.0 3 8.0 3 8.0 2 9.0

Subtotal 30 28.0 23.0 27.0 18.0 18.6

Energy use

Screen diagonal (inch) n/a 23.6 n/a 24 n/a 21.995 n/a 19 n/a 23 n/a

Maximum on-power or average ABC

power (Watts) n/a 16.2 n/a 18.9 n/a 21.7 n/a 15.0 n/a 30.0 n/a

Maximum on-mode/average on-mode

(ABC) better than Energy Star (%) 12 51.65% 12.0 44.35% 10.6 30.20% 7.3 33.18% 8.0 8.85% 2.1

Sleep-mode better than Energy Star (%) 6 93.3% 6.0 94.5% 6.0 73.0% 6.0 78.0% 6.0 0 Watt 6.0

Off-mode better than Energy Star (%) 6 88.50% 6.0 89.00% 6.0 52.00% 6.0 64.00% 6.0 0 Watt 6.0

Greenpeace energy matrix 6 n/a 2.5 n/a 4.0 n/a 4.0 n/a 3.5 n/a 6.0

Subtotal 30 26.5 26.6 23.3 23.5 20.1


Manufacturer warranty (yrs) 7 3 5.0 3 5.0 3 5.0 3 5.0 3 5.0

Replacement parts available (yrs) 7 5 5.0 5 5.0 3 3.0 5 5.0 5 5.0

Take-back Green 0.0 Green 2.0 Green 2.0 Green 1.0 Green 1.0
programme 3 Guide Guide Guide Guide Guide

Recycled plastic weight % n/a 18.55% n/a 13% n/a 42% n/a 12.70% n/a 20% n/a

Post-consumer/Post-industrial 7 100/0 3.0 25/75 2.0 76/24 5.0 100/0 3.0 undefine 2.0
Pixel policy period (months) n/a 12 - 36 n/a 36 n/a 36 n/a 36 n/a n/a
Pixel policy (bright/dark/
combined sub-pixel) 6 3/6/6 3.0 1/1/7 5.5 2/5/5 2.0 1/1/6 5.5 5.5
Subtotal 30 16.0 19.5 17.0 19.5 18.5


Energy during production 4 n/a 0.5 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 1 0.0
Other special features 3 n/a 1.5 n/a 0.0 n/a 1.0 n/a 1.0 1.0
Visibility 3 n/a 2.5 n/a 1.5 n/a 2.1 n/a 2.4 1.8
Subtotal 10 4.5 1.5 3.1 4.4 2.8

Total adjusted 10 7.50 7.06 7.04 6.54 6.00

38 Greenpeace International
Acer C233HL Samsung Possible mobile Monitors
PX2370 phone
The computer displays were a very high-scoring category this year, with the
winning product coming very close to the points that would be achievable by
Results Points Results Points Results Points combining the best scores for each criterion. As was the case in the notebooks
category, the winning product came from Asus, which submitted the VW-247H-
HF model. In the chemicals section this product reached the highest-ever score
Global Global Global
of any product submitted to the Greenpeace electronics survey. With 28 out of
30 points it only just missed out from a full score due to the use of two RoHS
YES 5.0 NO 0.0 YES 5.0 exemptions. Asus was also awarded with special points for having a very useful
and extensive online energy calculator for its monitor products.
0 n/a 2 2.4 0 n/a
Not far behind, in second place is the Dell G2410H which scored highest in
YES 5.0 NO 0.0 YES 5.0
energy efficiency and also in the lifecycle section (together with the HP model in
0 n/a 3 1.8 0 n/a fourth place). Third place went to the Lenovo L2251x which was beaten by the
NO 0.0 NO 0.0 YES 3.0 Dell by the smallest of margins and did extremely well in the use of recycled
plastics. Of the weight of all plastics in this product, 42% comes from recycled
YES 3.0 NO 0.0 YES 3.0
sources and three quarters of that is post-consumer recycled plastic.
YES 3.0 NO 0.0 YES 3.0
The Fujitsu P23T-6 IPS reached fourth place and together with the Samsung PX
4 7.0 6 5.0 2 9.0 2370 in sixth and last place they are the only products that are not PVC and BFR-
23.0 9.2 28.0 free. The Fujitsu model, however, scored special points for a new innovation
which results in zero Watt energy use in standby and off-mode without the need
for a hard off switch. While Samsung is to be commended for submitting
23 n/a 23 n/a n/a n/a products in most categories in this survey, this model unfortunately lags far
behind the winner. In fifth place is the Acer C233HL, which is notably the only
22.8 n/a 25.0 n/a n/a n/a monitor submitted that does not use any recycled plastic, and thus scores quite
low in the lifecycle section.
31.25% 7.5 24.40% 5.9 51.65% 12.0 With four out of six products free of PVC and BFRs, it is clear that a lot of
75.5% 6.0 83.0% 6.0 95.0% 6.0
progress has been made in recent years on the elimination of these chemicals. In
the previous survey only one product was free of these harmful chemical
72.00% 6.0 76.00% 6.0 0 Watt 6.0 substances in this category.
n/a 2.0 n/a 3.0 n/a 6.0
* A point was deducted for companies that have a replacement policy that
21.5 20.9 30.0 applies to less than 36 months.

2 3.0 1 1.0 3 5.0

3 3.0 5 5.0 5 5.0

Green 0.0 Green 1.0 Green

Guide Guide Guide 2.0

0.00% n/a 25% n/a 42% n/a

0/0 0.0 0/100 4.0 76/24 5.0

12 n/a 6 n/a 36 n/a

3/6/6 2* 3/5/6 2* 1/1/6 5.5

6.0 11.0 22.5

n/a 0 n/a 0.0 n/a 1.0

n/a 1.5 n/a 1.0 n/a 2.0

n/a 1.8 n/a 1.7 n/a 2.5

3.3 2.7 5.5

5.38 4.38 8.60

Greenpeace International 39
Samsung GT- Sony Ericsson
S7550 (Blue LG GD510 Nokia X3-02 Motorola A45 Eco
Elm J10i
Criteria Points Results Points Results Points Results Points Results Points Results Points


Market Global Global Global Eur./SA/Asia Americas


Totally PVC-free 5 YES 5.0 YES 5.0 YES 5.0 YES 5.0 YES 5.0

PVC-containing parts 3 0 n/a 0 n/a 0 n/a 0 n/a 0 n/a

Totally BFR-free 5 YES 5.0 YES 5.0 YES 5.0 YES 5.0 YES 5.0

BFR-containing parts 3 0 n/a 0 n/a 0 n/a YES n/a 0 n/a

Antimony-free 3 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0

Phthalate-free 3 YES 3.0 YES 3.0 NO 0.0 YES 3.0 YES 3.0

Beryllium-free 3 NO 0.0 YES 3.0 NO 0.0 YES 3.0 NO 0.0

RoHS exemptions used 11 2 9.0 3 8.0 2 9.0 6 5.0 3 8.0

Subtotal 30 22.0 24.0 19.0 21.0 21.0

Energy use

Active mode better than Energy Star (%

points) 16 10.5 % 16.0 3.31 % 6.6 8.36 % 16.0 2.70 % 5.4 0.00 % 0.0

No-load EPS better than Energy Star

(Watts) 8 0.28 8.0 0.27 7.0 0.27 7.0 0.27 7.0 0 0.0

Greenpeace energy matrix 6 n/a 5.5 n/a 5.0 n/a 6.0 n/a 6.0 n/a 5.0

Subtotal 30 29.5 18.6 29.0 18.4 5.0


Manufacturer warranty (yrs) 7 1 1.0 1 1.0 1 1.0 1 1.0 1 1.0

Replacement parts available (yrs) 7 3 3.0 3 3.0 3 3.0 2 2.0 1 1.0

Take-back programme 3 Green 1.0 Green 1.0 Green 1.0 Green 3.0 Green 2.0
Guide Guide Guide Guide Guide

Recycled plastic weight (% of total) n/a 37.20% n/a 60.00% n/a 0.00% n/a 0.00% n/a 25.00% n/a

Post-consumer/Post-industrial 7 100/0 5.0 100/0 7.0 0/0 0.0 0/0 0.0 100/0 5.0

Upgradeable parts 2 Batt Mem 2.0 Batt Mem 2.0 Batt Mem 2.0 Batt Mem 2.0 Batt Mem 2.0

Battery/handset price ratio 4 13% 2.0 15% 2.0 12% 2.0 19% 1.0 7% 3.0

Subtotal 30 14.0 16.0 9.0 9.0 14.0


Energy during production 4 n/a 0 n/a 2.5 n/a 2 n/a 3 n/a 3

Other innovations and features 3 n/a 3 n/a 3 n/a 0.5 n/a 1 n/a 2

Visibility 3 n/a 1.8 n/a 1.8 n/a 2.1 n/a 1.8 n/a 1.8

Subtotal 10 4.8 7.30 4.60 5.80 6.80

Total adjusted 10.00 7.03 6.59 6.16 5.42 4.68

40 Greenpeace International
Possible Mobile phones
mobile phone
The mobile phone category has a clear winner; the Samsung Blue Earth model,
which scores extremely highly in the energy efficiency section with only half a
Results Points point below the maximum points. It should be noted that there was some
discussion about whether this phone should have been qualified as a
smartphone but Samsung argues that, because there is no applications market
for this phone and operating system, it should be regarded as a mobile phone
despite having some smartphone features such as Wifi and GPS. The product
YES 5.0 also received innovation points for having a solar panel as the back cover for
charging the phone. Overall, the Blue Earth received 7.03 points compared to
0 n/a
the 8.18 points of the fictional phone that combines all the best scores.
YES 5.0
The second-placed Elm J10i by Sony Ericsson is not too far behind, and the top
0 n/a features that stand out are that 60% of the plastic is from recycled sources (by
NO 0.0 weight) and Sony Ericsson provided extremely detailed internal company
information to back its claims up. Special points were awarded for supplying this
YES 3.0
confidential information. The Elm also scored highest in the lifecycle category.
YES 3.0
The LG GD510 is the first PVC and BFR-free phone product submitted by LG,
2 9.0 and lands in third place. It is noteworthy that all mobile phones submitted to this
25.0 survey are free of these chemicals.

Surprisingly, the bottom two places were filled by the Nokia X3-02 and the
MotorolaA54 eco. While both scored well in the chemicals category, the Nokia
10.5 % 16.0 phone struggled in the lifecycle category. The Motorola phone, on the other
hand, suffered from using a charger that does not have the same energy
efficiency as the other products submitted. It has, however, the best ratio
0.28 8.0
between the handset price and the replacement battery.
n/a 6.0


1 1.0

3 3.0

Green 3.0

60.00% n/a

100/0 7.0

Batt Mem 2.0

7% 3.0


n/a 3

n/a 3

n/a 1.8



Greenpeace International 41
Sony VW
Ericsson Nokia N8-00 Samsung GT- HP Palm Pixi Blackberry Pearl
Aspen (M1i)
247-HF S8500(Wave) Plus 3G - 9100/9105

Criteria Points Results Points Results Points Results Points Results Points Results Points


Market Global Global Global Europe, NA Global

Totally PVC-free 5 YES 5.0 YES 5.0 YES 5.0 YES 5.0 NO 0.0

PVC-containing parts 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1 3.0

Totally BFR-free 5 YES 5.0 YES 5.0 YES 5.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0

BFR-containing parts 3 0 n/a 0 n/a 0 n/a 2 2.4 3 1.8

Antimony-free 3 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0

Phthalate-free 3 YES 3.0 YES 3.0 YES 3.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0

Beryllium-free 3 YES 3.0 YES 3.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0

RoHS exemptions used 11 3 8.0 6 5.0 3 8.0 4 7.0 3 8.0

Subtotal 30 24.0 21.0 21.0 14.4 12.8

Energy use

EPS active mode better than

Energy Star (% pts) 16 2.65 % 5.3 3.50 % 7.0 2.50 % 5.0 4.93 % 9.9 2.29 % 4.6

No-load EPS better than Energy Star 8

(Watts) 0.27 7.0 0.27 7.0 0.15 3.0 0.12 3.0 0.15 3.0
Greenpeace energy matrix n/a 5.5 n/a 6.0 n/a 5.5 n/a 3.0 n/a 2.5
Subtotal 17.8 20.0 13.5 15.9 10.1


Manufacturer warranty (yrs) 7 1 1.0 1 1.0 1 1.0 1 1.0 1 1.0

Replacement parts available (yrs) 7 3 3.0 2 2.0 3 3.0 7 7.0 3 3.0

Take-back programme 3 Green 1.0 Green 3.0 Green 1.0 Green 1.0 Green 0.0
Guide Guide Guide Guide Guide

Recycled plastic weight (% of total) n/a 30.00% n/a 0.00% n/a 0.00% n/a 0.00% n/a 0.00% n/a

Post-consumer/Post-industrial 7 100/0 5.0 0/0 0.0 0/0 0.0 0/0 0.0 0/0 0.0

Upgradeable parts 2 Batt Mem 2.0 Memory 1.0 Batt Mem 2.0 Batt Mem 1.0 Batt Mem 2.0

Battery/handset price ratio 4 18.00% 1.0 8.00% 3.0 9.50% 3.0 14.60% 2.0 9.20% 3.0

Subtotal 30 13.0 10.0 10.0 12.0 9.0


Energy during production 4.0 n/a 2.5 n/a 3.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 1.0 n/a 0.0

Other innovations and features 3 n/a 3.0 n/a 1.0 n/a 2.0 n/a 1.5 n/a 0.0

Visibility 3 n/a 1.8 n/a 2.0 n/a 1.8 n/a 2.3 n/a 2.1

Subtotal 10 7.3 6.0 3.8 4.8 2.1

Total adjusted 10.00 6.21 5.70 4.83 4.71 3.40

42 Greenpeace International
Dell Aero Possible Smartphones
While Sony Ericsson just missed out on winning the mobile phone category, its
smartphone is at the top of the list. The Aspen (M1i) scored highest not only in
Results Points Results Points the chemicals and lifecycle sections, like the mobile phone it also received
special points for the amount of additional confidential information that was
supplied. The Aspen also has the highest amount of recycled plastic of any of the
NA/Asia Global
submitted smartphones.
NO 0.0 YES 5.0
The second place went to Nokia, whose N8-00 model dominated the energy
1 3.0 n/a n/a efficiency section and also had the lowest handset/battery price ratio. Third and
NO 0.0 YES 5.0 fourth place went to Samsung’s Wave and the HP Palm Pixi Plus, with the Pixi
nearly making up in lifecycle and energy points what it had lost to the Wave in the
1 3.0 0 n/a
chemicals section. The Palm model was submitted by Hewlett Packard since the
YES 3.0 YES 3.0 company took over the handheld manufacturer in April 2010. Samsung also
NO 0.0 YES 3.0 submitted information that went beyond what has been asked for but not to the
same extent as Sony Ericsson.
YES 3.0 YES 3.0

6 5.0 3 8.0
The last two places are occupied by the Blackberry Pearl and the Dell Aero. Both
received low scores for not eliminating PVC or BFR free. The Aero scored very
17.0 27.0 low in energy efficiency. This is the first time that Dell submitted or produced a
smartphone and there is a lot of room for improvement.

Additional innovation points were awarded for using waterborne paint which
0.03 % 0.1 4.93 % 9.9 reduced volatile organic compounds (Sony Ericsson) and for Samsung’s Super
AMOLED display.
0.0 0.0 0.27 7.0

n/a 3.0 n/a 6.0

3.1 22.9

1 1.0 1 1.0

2 2.0 7 7.0

Green 2.0 Green 3.0

Guide Guide

23.80% n/a 30.00% n/a

0/100 2.0 100/0 5.0

Batt Mem 2.0 Batt Mem 2.0

16.60% 1.0 8.00% 3.0

10.0 21.0

n/a 0.0 n/a 3.0

n/a 0.0 n/a 3.0

n/a 1.8 n/a 2.3

1.8 8.3

3.19 7.92

Greenpeace International 43
Asus VW
Sharp LC- Panasonic TC- Sony KDL- Samsung Philips Econova
247-HF 42LD24 32EX710 UE46C6000 42PFL6805**

Criteria Points Results Points Results Points Results Points Results Points Results Points


Market Japan North America North America Europe Europe

Totally PVC-free 5 YES 5.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 YES 5.0

PVC-containing parts 3 n/a n/a 1 3.0 3 1.8 2 2.4 n/a n/a

Totally BFR-free 5 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 YES 5.0

BFR-containing parts 3 1 3.0 3 1.8 3 1.8 1 3.0 n/a n/a

Antimony-free 3 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 n/a n/a

Phthalate-free 3 YES 3.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 n/a n/a

Beryllium-free 3 YES 3.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 NO 0.0 n/a n/a

RoHS exemptions used 11 5 6.0 3 8.0 4 7.0 6 5.0 n/a n/a

Subtotal 30 20.0 12.8 10.6 10.4 10.0

Energy use

Area (square inch) n/a 1157 n/a 754 n/a 425 n/a 904 n/a 754.0 n/a

Maximum on-mode (Watts) n/a 81 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 58.1 n/a

Pa1_broadcast (ABC) (Watts) n/a n/a n/a 74 n/a 48 n/a 119.44 n/a n/a n/a

Maximum on-mode or Pa1 better than

Energy Star (%) 16 50.56% 16.0 35.92% 11.5 36.84% 11.8 10.52% 3.4 49.69% 15.9

Sleep-mode better than Energy Star (%) 8 90% 8.0 70% 8.0 88% 8.0 93% 8.0 93% 8.0

Greenpeace energy matrix 6 n/a 4.0 n/a 3.0 n/a 5.0 n/a 3.5 n/a 6.0

Subtotal 30 28.0 22.5 24.8 14.9 29.9


Manufacturer warranty (yrs) 7 1 1.0 1 1.0 1 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 1.0

Replacement parts available (yrs) 7 8 7.0 8 7.0 8 7.0 7 7.0 n/a n/a

Take-back programme 3 Green 1.0 Green 2.0 Green 0.0 Green 1.0 Green 0.0
Guide Guide Guide Guide Guide

Recycled plastic weight (% of total) n/a 0.55% n/a 0-1.3% n/a 13.00% n/a 25.00% n/a 0.00% n/a

Post-consumer/Post-industrial 7 100/0 0.0 100/0 0.0 0/100 1.0 0/100 4.0 0/0 0.0

Adjusted subtotal 30 11.3 12.5 11.3 16.3 1.3


Energy during production 4 n/a 2 n/a 1.5 n/a 2 n/a 0 n/a 0

Other innovations and features 3 n/a 1.5 n/a 1.0 n/a 0.5 n/a 1.5 n/a 1.5

Visibility 3 n/a 1.8 n/a 1.5 n/a 1.5 n/a 1.2 n/a 1.2

Subtotal 10 5.3 4.0 4.0 2.7 2.7

Total adjusted 10 6.46 5.18 5.07 4.43 4.39

44 Greenpeace International
Possible TV TVs
The TVs section was won by Sharp’s LC-52SE1 with the largest margin in any of
the product categories. The product’s success came mostly from not using any
Results Points PVC and from its energy efficiency. Note that the figures provided for this product
in regards to energy use are not applicable to the Japanese market, where a
different energy efficiency certification is being used. The second place went to
the model from Panasonic (TC-42LD24), closely followed by the Sony KDL-
YES 5.0 32EX710. Both of these products had very similar scores throughout the scoring
n/a n/a sections. The Samsung model in fourth place was clearly let down by the lowest
scores in the energy efficiency section but despite having the highest score in the
YES 5.0
lifecycle segment (of note is the highest share of recycled plastic) it could not
n/a n/a catch up to the Panasonic and Sony products.
NO 0.0 Panasonic and Sharp have provided Greenpeace with information with
YES 3.0 transparency that went beyond the requirements of the survey and have been
awarded points for this.
YES 3.0

3 8.0

24.0 Philips, like Apple, has unfortunately once again decided not take part in this
survey. Its Econova 42 is believed to be the first TV that is free of PVC and BFRs.
As can be seen from the table below, when the known data has been entered for
n/a n/a this product, it is already very close to its competitors. While the accuracy of this
n/a n/a data cannot be guaranteed - since it has not been signed off by the company -
the Econova would have stood a good chance to achieve a top placing.
n/a n/a

50.56% 16.0 * Note that Japan uses its own rating for energy efficiency. The rating used for the
90% 8.0
Sharp LC 52SE1 has been supplied by Sharp following the Energy Star
methodology. The figures provided are not applicable to the Japanese market.
n/a 6.0
** Philips did not take part in this survey and entries in red mark those where
there is some uncertainty as to the accuracy of the information found or where no
information could be found at all.
1 1.0

8 7.0

Green 2.0

25.00% n/a

0/100 4.0


n/a 2

n/a 1.5

n/a 1.8



Greenpeace International 45
Greenpeace is an independent global
campaigning organisation that acts to
change attitudes and behaviour, to
protect and conserve the environment
and to promote peace.

Greenpeace International
Ottho Heldringstraat 5
1066 AZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 7182000
Fax: +31 20 7182002 46
Fishy Business: Stolen Pacific Tuna in the European Market

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